Monday, 2022-05-09

*** ysandeep|out is now known as ysandeep|rover04:58
ysandeep|roverchandankumar: good morning o/ When you have a free slot could you please take a look on why dlrn is not building rpm in testproject with depends-on diskimage-builder patch on
ysandeep|roverI was trying to test Tengu 's patch
mariosysandeep|rover: from quick look i think it may be because of branches/release (train vs master) we have a conditional in there that tries to match it unless that changes05:22
chandankumarysandeep|rover: marios is correct05:23
ysandeep|roverchandankumar, marios so I should choose train branch in testproject.05:23
mariossomething like that ^^^ 05:24
mariosis blocking it i think05:24
mariosysandeep|rover: i think the problem is that 'release' is defined for the train job05:24
mariosbut item.branch is master05:24
mariosysandeep|rover: so not sure what you propose would work has to be the other way around? not sure but dig at that conditional maybe can come up with somehtin ghtere05:25
marioso/ chandankumar 05:25
marios:D morning05:25
chandankumarmarios: Good morning \o05:25
ykarelmarios, ysandeep|rover dib is branchless so need to add it to artg_branchless_projects so it get's build in non master runs05:25
ykarelor other option is to run job in testproject stable/train branch05:26
ykareliirc correctly dib is also pinned in train05:27
* ykarel checks05:27
ykarelyes source-branch: 3.9.005:27
ysandeep|roverykarel: add dib in default artg_branchless_projects list - here?05:28
ykarelbut for train c8 depends-on should be ok, issue is with c705:28
ykarelysandeep|rover, yes05:28
ysandeep|roverykarel++ thanks! let me try both ways - testproject for testing and also add dib in artg_branchless_projects default list so that we don't hit this issue again.05:29
ysandeep|rovertestproject(train* branch)05:29
ykareltestproject master should work if added to artg_branchless_project05:29
mariosykarel: nice thanks 05:30
ysandeep|roverykarel: ack, understood thanks!05:30
chandankumarysandeep|rover: ykarel thanks!05:30
ysandeep|rovermarios++ chandankumar++ ykarel++ thanks guys!05:30
ykarelysandeep|rover, that dib change just merged, so depends-on will no longer work now05:31
ysandeep|roveryeah, i will propose a dnm patch in dib for testing05:31
chandankumarykarel: when we add it to artg_branchless_project and then Does rdoinfo pin does affect the dib depends-on while runing in test project?05:31
ykarelk that should work05:31
ykarelchandankumar, no rdoinfo pin do not impacte building in CI05:32
chandankumarykarel: ok 05:32
ykarelbut as it's pinned in rdoinfo dlrn will not build master commits for train05:32
chandankumaryup, thanks for clarifing it05:33
soniya29ysandeep|rover, hello06:09
ysandeep|roverhello o/06:10
soniya29ysandeep|rover, rdo promotions are lagging behind 06:11
ysandeep|roverwe are doing okay, except train 06:11
soniya29ysandeep|rover, gate seems okay :)06:11
soniya29yeah cs8 and cs9 train are of concern06:12
ysandeep|rovercs9 train? we don't have cs9 for train - do you mean wallaby06:12
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soniya29|ruckcs7 train i mean06:13
ysandeep|roverokay, don't worry about c7 - I think we already did our last promotion for c7 train06:14
soniya29|ruckysandeep|rover, anything you want me to look before i go looking for downstream?06:15
ysandeep|roversoniya29|ruck, vexx host did some changes on friday- we should be in better condition now but if you see same tempest issues please let me know.06:15
ysandeep|roversoniya29|ruck, please start with component pipelines in rdo first - and see if any component is behind.06:16
soniya29|ruckysandeep|rover, okay06:16
Tengumarios, chandankumar, ysandeep|rover heya! isn't DIB branchless?06:20
Tenguah, my patch merged anyways.06:20
ysandeep|roverTengu: it is , will fix the issue with build-test-package role.06:20
Tenguah, good.06:21
Tenguysandeep|rover: my patch merged though, so it should be in for next promotion I guess?06:21
Tenguoh, ok. +2 for that correction as well06:21
Tengualways good ensuring we're able to test things properly :)06:22
ysandeep|roverTengu: yes, promotion via component line first and then integration line 06:22
Tenguat least, I'm happy we found out the RCA for that issue.06:22
Tenguwasn't an easy one. Thank you for pointing the cloud-init update in cs8!06:22
ysandeep|roverTengu, :) , C9 jobs already ran against your patch: 06:24
ysandeep|roverI was checking image build logs: overcloud-hardened-uefi-full.log 06:25
Tenguc9 didn't have that issue though - but at least, it didn't break things more :)06:25
Tenguwhich is already a really good thing06:25
ysandeep|roverbut I don't see 22-cloud-init-ssh_genkeytypes anywhere in logs - is that expected?06:26
Tenguerr... don't tell me we have to point to the file in some other location....06:26
Tengushould be fine.06:27
Tenguwe don't see the 20-enable-cloud-init either06:27
Tengunor the 21-cloud-init-allow-password-auth06:27
Tenguit's kind of wrapped in some higher level thing.06:27
Tenguthough.....  this one looks as if the script didn't kick in06:28
Tenguthe ssh_genkeytypes should be at the very end of the file.06:28
ysandeep|roveryeah, i don't see post-install.d running 06:31
ysandeep|roverTengu, may be you can test image build in your builder to confirm that.06:32
Tenguhmm. lemme check if we do activate the cloud-init element....06:32
Tengubut yeah. I can deploy a quick UC and see how it goes in.06:33
ysandeep|roverykarel: fyi.. hit an issue during rpm build: 06:37
ysandeep|roverbut yes its trying to build dib rpm now after adding in artg_branchless_projects06:37
Tenguysandeep|rover: is there a generated script for the build-image?06:38
Tenguoh. no. it's embedded in oooq, isn't it?06:38
Tenguiirc I have something here.06:38
ysandeep|roverTengu: 06:38
TenguI missed it.06:39
Tenguwe don't call the cloud-init element!06:40
mariosTengu: o/ yeah ykarel pointed that out earlier but the conditional there was still blocking it 06:41
Tenguwe should add the cloud-init in here06:41
ysandeep|roverahh, that's explain the behavior06:41
Tenguysandeep|rover: I'll propose a patch to enable this, and see what will happen for CS9. A testjob would be good to ensure it doesn't break things.06:43
Tengu(I'll add a depends-on to show the link between both patches, even if the DIB one is already in)06:44
ysandeep|roverTengu: thanks! ack for testjob , I will prepare it06:45
ykarelysandeep|rover, looking06:45
Tenguhmmmmmm iirc... lemme check something, I'd rather avoid duplicating things.06:45
Tenguyeah, ok. I can push in overcloud-hardened-images-uefi-python3.yaml06:45
ykarelysandeep|rover, there is conflict in master requirements and patch applied in train06:46
ysandeep|roverykarel: ack, and maybe we didn't hit this issue in train because of dib pinning06:48
ykarelyes exactly, in train it's pinned so no new builds06:48
ysandeep|roverykarel++ thanks! Atleast we know build-test-package role works now for stable branches of dib with testproject.06:54
ysandeep|roverTengu, thanks for , I will testproject it06:57
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Tenguysandeep|rover: I'll also do it on my UC once it's deployed.07:01
Tengu'k, launched with tripleo-common + diskimage-builder patches. let's see how the UC deploys, and how the image is built.07:06
ysandeep|roversoniya: I am dropping from the call but it looks like tempest component failure.. 07:11
ysandeep|roveryou can find the diff using rr script: 07:12
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Tenguysandeep|rover|lunch: hmmm, build failed here, but not sure about the actual cause.08:09
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ysandeep|roverfrenzy_friday, hey o/ what was the resolution of this bug: ? Did it resolved on itself?08:26
ysandeep|roverI am again seeing this today: 08:26
frenzy_fridayysandeep|rover, checking08:26
frenzy_fridayysandeep|rover, this was the activity on the bug08:29
ysandeep|roverfrenzy_friday: thanks! checking08:30
soniya29|ruckysandeep|rover, baremetal, compute and network components are behind w.r.t promotions..i am starting with compute 08:42
ysandeep|roversoniya29|ruck, for master branch?08:42
ysandeep|roverack, fyi.. I have reopened: 08:43
soniya29|ruckysandeep|rover, on compute component..not all jobs have run but the one who have failed are transient08:47
soniya29|ruckysandeep|rover, i am rekicking those jobs again08:48
ysandeep|roversoniya29|ruck, ack, fyi.. new bug for downstream container build:
soniya29|ruckysandeep|rover, ack08:52
Tenguysandeep|rover: do you happen to have the testproject link for the tripleo-common patch?09:09
soniya29|ruckysandeep|rover, cs9 full-tempest-api-compute- master is failing on tempest for different test cases and different failures 09:10
ysandeep|roverTengu, ovb job for c9 ran against your patch itself: 09:11
Tenguoh. good.09:12
Tenguandd... faile.09:12
ysandeep|roverfailed to boot: 09:12
Tenguagain that disk thingy ?!09:12
Tenguno way.09:12
Tenguthat cloud-init element only supports gentoo in addition09:13
ysandeep|rovernot seeing 22-cloud-init09:14
Tenguthat's.... weird.09:14
ysandeep|roverbut this time i see 21 running09:14
Tenguyup - and 20 as well.09:15
Tenguoh. maybe... errr. no, I've even added the depends-on09:16
Tenguwhat the heck09:16
ysandeep|roverTengu, hah.. may be that's because diskimage patch is now merged09:17
ysandeep|roverdiskimage-builder.noarch                      3.20.4-0.20220421140835.adc40db.el9   @delorean-component-common   09:18
ysandeep|roverzuul doesn't take depends-on into account if patch is merged09:18
Tenguhmmmm so we're in a state where the patch is merged, but package not yet available in the right repo for CI?09:19
Tenguthough CI was using the lowest level, such as ci-testing or something like that09:19
ysandeep|roverTengu: correct09:19
Tengubrb, need some water.09:19
ysandeep|roverTengu, let me see if patch is build by dlrn - if yes I can run that job in common component line.09:20
ysandeep|roverhah openstack-tacker which is also in common component is failing , diskimage-builder rpm can't promote further till that resolves09:23
Tengumeh. anything I can help with?09:23
ysandeep|roverTengu, I will reach out to rdo folks: deps issue09:24
Tengulemme know if I can do anything.09:24
ysandeep|roverTengu, thanks, i will let you know when we are in situation to test your patch.09:25
ysandeep|roversoniya29|ruck, ack o/ please also set importance and milestone flag on the bug- i think these flags are needed if we decides to mark the bug promotion blocker - needed by cix script.09:30
soniya29|ruckysandeep|rover, yupp09:30
soniya29|ruckysandeep|rover, added09:31
soniya29|ruckysandeep|rover, shall we remove full-tempest-api-compute-master from criteria?09:31
soniya29|ruckits a promotion-blocker and is failing 5th of May09:32
ysandeep|roverno, this is only blocking a particular component 09:32
ysandeep|roverfor compute related bugs - I think we need to give proper reproducer steps to nova team - how to reproduce a particular bug09:33
ysandeep|roveriirc.. agreement was we also report nova bug with correct service logs - not tempest log09:34
ysandeep|roverlot of keystone/ nova related error in logs ttps://
soniya29|ruckysandeep|rover, ack09:37
soniya29|ruckysandeep|rover, i will update the bug accordingly09:38
soniya29|ruckysandeep|rover, updated!10:08
pojadhavmarios, could you please help me in this
pojadhavon 4th may at least ran with failure. after that getting syntax error with some secret.10:18
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rlandyysandeep|rover: soniya29|ruck: hello ...10:25
soniya29|ruckrlandy, hello10:26
rlandyysandeep|rover: soniya29|ruck: let's touch base ...10:26
mariospojadhav: o/ will check10:35
mariospojadhav: yes i have the same :)
mariospojadhav: don't know why it is happening as i didn't touch that code but i also think we might just remove that play that is referenced in the error10:36
mariospojadhav: we can discuss in review time in half hour if you're around10:36
rlandyysandeep|rover: soniya29|ruck:
pojadhavmarios, sure10:47
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rlandydasm|off: ... this needs to start on c9 check ASAP pls11:16
rlandynot all jobs11:16
rlandybug still open on this11:16
mariosreview time? i dropped please someone ping me if the call is still on and you're on it ;)11:17
rlandymarios: sorry - we were on rr sync11:28
rlandymarios: can join now11:28
mariosrlandy: k joining - 2 mins just got my food from microwave :)11:29
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chandankumarrlandy: meeting time12:01
rlandychandankumar: on review time - few minutes12:01
chandankumarrlandy: ok12:01
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* pojadhav|break stepping out...12:22
rlandybhagyashris: the TC/UA/PM sync is a clash for me  - can we move it one hour later?12:37
rlandyysandeep|rover|break: ok - so we did get a legit promo - wallaby c8 on friday with patch change12:42
rlandywill run one last testproject there and we can merge12:43
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ysandeep|roverrlandy, ack12:57
dviroelmarios: rlandy: do we still care about that one too:
dviroelnow failing on my refactoring change13:03
rlandy - let's see how that goes13:07
rlandyw c813:07
rlandydviroel: not resolving13:07
rlandybut my guess is no13:08
rlandyif it c713:08
mariosdviroel: yeah but probably we want to move it to c813:08
mariosdviroel: i mean, it is not a bad test to have ansible invocation of get-hash 13:09
rlandymarios: ysandeep|rover: chandankumar: frenzy_friday: anyone else .... topics to raise at prod chain council?13:10
rlandyadded the vexx isssue13:10
rlandyinternal reg13:10
ysandeep|roverrlandy, marios please review , tht tox for wallaby is still affected.13:10
rlandyelastic search13:11
dviroelrlandy: marios - removing project from search13:13
dviroelmarios: we already have mol-get_hash-centos-813:14
dviroelwe don't have the c9 version13:14
ysandeep|roverrlandy: prod chain topic - vexx issue - that's all I can think of currently.13:14
ysandeep|roverTengu: hey o/ could you please +w , needed to unblock tht wallaby gate13:15
ysandeep|roverI only have core on ci repos13:15
mariosdviroel: ack then kill the 7 one :)13:16
mariosdviroel: fine by me13:16
dviroelwill propose a patch13:17
rlandysoniya29|ruck: pls add the testproject for the victoria jobs we discussed13:17
mariosysandeep|rover: ack 13:17
mariosrlandy: just the c7 stuffs happening this week maybe 13:18
ysandeep|rovermarios, thanks and apologies I missed to discuss this in review time.13:18
mariosysandeep|rover: np 13:18
Tenguysandeep|rover: marios: did it :)13:19
ysandeep|rovermarios++ Tengu++13:19
marioswasnt me13:19
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ysandeep|roverrlandy, cix time 13:31
soniya29|ruckrlandy, ack13:31
ysandeep|roveryou are here, ignore13:32
rlandydasm: hello ... pls see comments on your patch to change all OVB to use uefi13:32
rlandynot desired atm13:32
dasmrlandy: ack13:32
rlandywe do need check c9 change ASAP13:32
rlandyfailing all check13:32
rlandycan you get that change in?13:33
rlandydasm: ^^13:33
dasmrlandy: yes13:33
rlandyysandeep|rover, has bugs out against that13:33
rlandyysandeep|rover: hmmm ... not encouraging
ysandeep|roverrlandy, i was waiting for this rerun - i think its legit bug.. please see my notes on rr hackmd ->> Wallaby - rerunning failed jobs - fs001 failure may be real neutron bug. 13:41
ysandeep|roverTypeError: _handle_lb_on_ls() got an unexpected keyword argument 'context'13:41
ysandeep|roverrlandy, I will report wallaby failure now13:42
rlandyysandeep|rover: setup failures in tempest on 17 on rhel-813:42
rlandysoniya29|ruck was looking into those13:42
rlandysoniya29|ruck: ^^13:42
rlandypls check if we have the same error13:42
rlandydo you have an analysis on that yet?13:42
dasmysandeep|rover: rlandy please take a look -- CS9 checks with uefi boot
rlandydasm: looks right to me ... - pls add testproject to run on those13:45
rlandyand see if we get by the node provision13:46
dasmysandeep|rover: do you have the bug # handy?13:47
ysandeep|roverdasm, 13:50
soniya29|ruckrlandy, setup failures on which cinder, neutron tests?13:56
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dasmwill join ooo scrum after rbac meeting13:59
bhagyashrisakahat, arxcruz frenzy_friday marios dasm rcastillo pojadhav rlandy chandankumar ysandeep|rover soniya29|ruck 14:00
bhagyashrisscrum time14:00
bhagyashrisdviroel, ^14:00
bhagyashrisjm1, 14:01
ysandeep|roverbhagyashris, will join in few.. In prod chain14:01
bhagyashrisrlandy, ^14:02
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ysandeep|roverslaweq, ykarel we are seeing some tempest failures in wallaby fs001 job, and observed a neutron traceback: ERROR neutron_lib.callbacks.manager TypeError: _handle_lb_on_ls() got an unexpected keyword argument 'context'14:17
ysandeep|roverwe have reported: 14:18
slaweqysandeep|rover: if ykarel will not have time to check it, I can try to look at this tomorrow probably14:18
slaweqnow I'm in the meeting14:19
ysandeep|roverslaweq: thanks, nw14:19
ysandeep|roverI will need investigate it more to see if tempest failure and neutron traceback is related.14:20
ykarelysandeep|rover, slaweq /me will check, traceback atleast seems related to my patch14:20
ykarelbut need to dig as that was specifically for port bindings14:20
ysandeep|roverykarel: ack, thanks14:20
ykarelysandeep|rover, not seeing those consistently, right?14:23
ykarelif yes, that's a known issue14:23
ykarelme shares link14:23
soniya29|ruckykarel, slaweq, we are seeing neutron tempest tests skipping in rhel8 rhos-17 full-tempest-api/full-tempest-sceanario with traceback 'l3_agent_scheduler extensions not enabled', 'network-segment-range extension not enabled.'14:24
soniya29|ruckwe have reported the bug here:-
ysandeep|roversoniya29|ruck, i think that's expected if a particular plugin is not enabled.14:26
jm1chandankumar++ vault looks great!14:28
soniya29|ruckysandeep|rover, so many extensions being disabled is something suspicious, isn't it14:30
ysandeep|roverykarel: yeah it seems be related:  - nova.exception.VirtualInterfaceCreateException: Virtual Interface creation failed 14:31
ysandeep|roverykarel, I got distracted by the neutron failure "ERROR neutron_lib.callbacks.manager TypeError: _handle_lb_on_ls() got an unexpected keyword argument 'context'"14:31
ysandeep|roverykarel, I will mark new one as duplicate 14:32
ykarelysandeep|rover, yes i will check the traceback issue, but as said it's duplicate of others14:32
ykarelsoniya29|ruck, ysandeep|rover will also check osp 17 issue14:32
ykarelwill comment, would need testtools update after updating tempest14:33
soniya29|ruckykarel, ack14:33
dasmarxcruz: seems like bitwarden has an option to add more accounts:
arxcruzdasm cool14:44
dasmarxcruz: but i don't see it working in a browser. maybe that's only mobile/desktop?14:45
arxcruzdasm seems to be the case, i'm not seeing option in the browser 14:45
jm1chandankumar, rlandy: auditing and exporting organization vaults is possible with bitwarden. added links to jira card. maybe we need additional permissions on our vault?14:48
dasmjm1: nice.14:49
jm1chandankumar: or maybe organizational vaults are something different than our shared vault?14:49
dasmjm1: by "organization" it might mean "red hat" which might be too much14:49
dasmbut worth checking14:49
chandankumarjm1: yes, may be, I will raise a ticket to helpdesk regarding the same tomorrow.14:49
jm1dasm: as far as i can see, bitwarden docs only speak of personal vaults and organization vaults. So i guess our shared collection is a organization vault?14:51
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jm1chandankumar++ thanks and thanks for moving aaaaall credentials over! much better (and safer) now :)14:55
mariosrlandy: prod chain council cancelled? 15:01
* dviroel lunch15:10
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ysandeep|roverrlandy, fyi.. I think the node provisioning issue which we are seeing is still because of vexx infra - general slowness in environment15:22
rlandyysandeep|rover: k ..15:23
ysandeep|roverfrom reproducer: , ssh failed during node provision but worked when I login - looks like ssh took long to be ready15:23
rlandy may promote15:23
rlandyso I will add wallaby.yaml file to the review as well15:23
rlandywhen test job completes15:24
ysandeep|roverrlandy, I am going to ping mnaser on #vexxhost to see if they are still seeing high load on compute nodes today.15:30
rlandyysandeep|rover: yep -pls do15:31
rlandyI owe him feedback15:31
rlandyysandeep|rover: tell him we're somewhat better15:31
rlandybut still seeing errors15:31
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rlandyarxcruz: hey - want to meet now?15:37
rlandymove 1-1 forward?15:37
arxcruzrlandy sure 15:37
arxcruzrlandy joining 15:38
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ysandeep|roverrlandy, fyi... the wallaby fs001 issue I have reported today was duplicate of 15:58
ysandeep|rover^^ is intermittent, against resurfaced today15:58
rlandyyatin's bug?15:59
ysandeep|roverrlandy, yes16:00
rlandyysandeep|rover: dviroel|lunch: chandankumar: - I think this can go ... ser current testproject with image build work16:00
ysandeep|roverrlandy, voted +216:00
rlandywill submit a separate patch for check release file16:01
rlandydviroel|lunch: ^^ will send your way16:01
rlandyysandeep|rover: need anything taken care of in my afternoon?16:01
rlandyysandeep|rover: what did we do re: jon's comment on fixed dep?16:02
rlandyneed to promote 17 on rhel-8?16:02
rlandyrebuild containers?16:02
rlandystill failing atm16:02
ysandeep|roverrlandy: let me rekick the 17 on rhel-8 line, I think last run was before jon fixed it16:04
rlandyysandeep|rover: hmm ... what time?16:04
rlandymay kick again shortly16:04
ysandeep|rovertrue.. next run in few hours: 16:05
rlandyysandeep|rover; leave it - will kick in two hours16:05
rlandywill watch it16:05
rlandyand leave you notes16:05
ysandeep|roverrlandy: thanks!16:06
ysandeep|roverrlandy, I am out soon, need something?16:07
rlandyysandeep|rover: no - should be fine16:07
rlandywill try promo w c816:07
rlandywill leave master and w c916:07
rlandypls see if you can promo those tomorrow16:07
rlandyand will try 17 on rhel-816:08
rlandythe rest should be fine16:08
rlandysoniya29|ruck: any luck on the tempest component investigation?16:08
ysandeep|roverrlandy, yeah i just hope vexx will be in better situation tomorrow :D16:09
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rlandyysandeep|out: there's always hope16:09
rlandydviroel|lunch: ^^ check patch16:09
rlandyrebased on integration one16:10
rlandyysandeep|out: have a good night16:10
* rlandy lunch - brb16:10
ysandeep|outthanks o/ see you tomorrow16:10
soniya29|ruckrlandy, i have asked yatin and slaweq to have look on neutron tests skipping 16:11
*** soniya29|ruck is now known as soniya29|out16:12
rlandysoniya: thanks16:12
dasmrlandy: fyi, we're going further with cs9 checks. I see them booting up: but there are other provision failures. cc ysandeep|out soniya16:23
*** dviroel|lunch is now known as dviroel16:24
dviroelrlandy: ack - checking results and we can merge that16:26
rlandydviroel: thanks fs001 in rerun16:29
rlandybut w/o it does not even build images16:29
dviroelack - that dependency issue, right16:30
rlandydviroel: pls also review from dasm16:31
rlandydasm: if your testproject jobs past nodeprovision we are better off16:31
rlandydasm: ^^ let us know when we are ok to merge16:31
dasmdviroel: checking the bug: wrt ovb issues. Failing logs: ; logs after introducing uefi16:58
dasmdviroel: it's working through initial provisioning.16:58
dasmI'm +1 on merging it.16:58
dviroeldasm: ack - will check the patch17:15
*** jpena is now known as jpena|off17:17
dasmthanks. ysandeep|out uefi is enabled for checks ^17:25
rlandylet's see if that helps17:58
rlandyk - 17 on rhel 8 started18:06
rlandylet's hope18:06
rlandydasm: pls keep a check on the check jobs for ovb c918:07
rlandylet's see the data by tomorrow18:07
rlandycan you leave comments on the rr hackmd by your EoD?18:07
rlandydasm: ^^18:07
rlandythank you18:10
rlandydviroel: dasm: can you access 500 for me18:21
rlandyjm1: mike burns said not to worry about hardware IDs yet - he'll let us know when 18:22
rlandythe hardware used in zuul cab fall under zuul codes18:22
dasmthe same rlandy 18:22
dasm503 on etherpad18:23
rlandydasm: thanks for confirming18:23
dviroel same here18:31
rlandyanyone need anything from me?18:31
rlandyotherwise going to work on 16.2 base image again18:31
rlandydasm: dviroel: rcastillo: ^^? need anything?18:32
dviroeli'm fine - will add chances to review etherpad18:32
rcastillonothing from me either, thanks18:33
jm1rlandy: ack, thank you!19:02
rlandychandankumar: hey - pls see pvt for response to email19:37
rlandydviroel: can you spot check if this makes basic sense:
rlandyfor two registry logins20:13
* rlandy will have to merge to check20:13
* dviroel looking20:14
* rlandy needs to fix linter failure20:19
dviroelwhy didn't work in the previous patch?20:20
rlandydviroel: I added another var20:21
rlandyif it looks basically ok 20:22
rlandyI'll merge20:22
rlandyand pray20:22
rlandyand try20:22
dviroelrlandy: can't spot anything wrong, lgtm20:27
rlandy3 time lucky with spacing20:30
* dviroel afk20:43
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|afk20:43
rcastillolunch brb20:45
rlandyk - trying merge20:47
rlandy import httpcore", "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'httpcore'",20:52
rlandy17 on rhel 820:52
rcastilloapparently I'm off tomorrow, holiday in Mexico21:00
dasmrcastillo: have a great time then!21:04
rlandyrcastillo: enjoy21:51
rlandyarxcruz: ysandeep|out: fyi ...
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|bbl22:13
* dasm is leaving22:16
dasmhave a great afternoon/evening!22:16
*** dasm is now known as dasm|off22:16

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