Thursday, 2022-05-05

*** rlandy|bbl is now known as rlandy|out00:55
rlandy|outrekicked fs001 and fs03500:55
*** dasm|ruck is now known as dasm|ruck|ff04:19
*** dasm|ruck|ff is now known as dasm|ruck|off04:19
*** ysandeep|out is now known as ysandeep05:01
*** pojadhav- is now known as pojadhav05:07
*** marios is now known as marios|ruck05:15
ysandeeprlandy|out, this job need to be moved to c9 also or removed.05:34
ysandeepreviewbot: please add in review list: 05:43
reviewbotI have added your review to the Review list05:43
ysandeepreviewbot: thanks!05:45
reviewbotYou are welcome :)05:45
dpawlikfrenzy_friday: hey, from #openstack-tc: "<gmann> yes, merging should not leads to delete the master and copy rdo one, it should be both merged"06:23
dpawlikcc arxcruz, rlandy|out06:23
ysandeepmarios|ruck, fyi..;a=tree;f=nodepool/virt_images/roles/discover-latest-image;h=de7e663cc82e870de0a04d070fa1eae52ed459cc;hb=HEAD we already have discover-latest-image role in downstream written by rlandy|out few months back, I made minimum changes to keep the role consistent in upstream and downstream, thanks for review I will brainstorm about your suggestions.06:54
marios|ruckysandeep: ack - i mean we may as well do a review and improve if there is agreement 06:54
ysandeepyeah, make sense 06:56
marios|ruckchem: o/ fwiw ;) 07:01
chemmarios|ruck: hey, thanks.07:12
marios|ruckchem: o/ np07:15
chemmarios|ruck: mumble back something ... don't know if it's even worth the time of back and forth :)07:16
marios|ruckchem: do you prefer not do use the change you proposed you mean? 07:17
marios|ruckchem: mumble mumble snort mumble07:17
chemmarios|ruck: yeah, I've just got a idea !07:17
marios|ruckchem: ack replied ... worth a shot but you may find those vars inaccessible because we have 'nested' ansible in our executions07:24
*** jgilaber is now known as jgilaber|away07:28
jm1chem: do you have an example where job.vars become "prefixed" with "job."?07:38
jm1chem: *example job07:38
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*** ykarel_ is now known as ykarel07:48
ykarelmarios|ruck, chem if wanted to run just with job vars to pass to quickstart, can set those vars in run_test_role_vars:07:50
ykarelor other option can be to expose the required vars in featureset override and set those vars in featureset_override07:50
ykarelcan update reproducer docs too with this07:51
marios|ruckykarel: ack featureset_override is another option 07:51
* marios|ruck fetch coffee brb07:51
chemykarel: yeah, I've seen the featureset_override part as well, currently those options are not taken into account, but that could be another way to solve this07:52
ykarelrun_test_role_vars is more flexible as would not need reviews for each and every quicstart var07:52
ykarelchem, can you try run_test_role_vars:, this should work for the case u mentioned07:52
chemykarel: the run_test_role_vars I didn't see that one ... I'll look into it before eod07:52
ykarelchem, ack whatever we set it in ^ var are passed to quickstart run07:53
chemykarel: but it's taken from job.run_test_roles_vars ?07:53
ykarelactually yes07:54
ykarellet me share the link, 07:54
chemykarel: ah ... it's either that (taken from from ....) or else in featureset override07:54
ykarelthe var file is generated from job var run_test_role_vars ^ and is passed to quickstart07:55
ykarelso whatever vars set in run_test_role_vars exist in the generated var file07:55
chemoki, so that won't work unless we can pass it from featureset override, unless I'm missing something 07:55
chemI think I need job.run_test_role_vars to become run_test_role_vars somehow07:56
ykarelchem, no not needed07:57
ykarelso what happens is whatever we set in job: vars: is available in tripleo ci playbooks/roles directly07:58
ykarelif want to use in nested quickstart, job.<var> can be used07:58
ykarelrun_test_role_vars job var is used in tripleo ci playbooks, so directly accessible and whatever content it has, based on it role-vars.yaml is generated and passed to quickstart07:59
chemykarel: my use case is to have the left pane working somehow
chemykarel: so this will be a job.... variable08:00
chemykarel: or I hardcode them in the psi file (which kinda make sense as well)08:00
chemykarel: that's the right pane in that review :)08:01
ykarelchem, way should work08:01
chemykarel: oki... I'll give it a try, overall that would be a powerful way to overcome the featureset override.08:02
ykarelyeap exactly08:02
chemykarel++ marios++ thanks for the help so far, I'll keep you posted of what I find out08:03
marios|ruckack np chem thanks ykarel 08:05
chemykarel: I've added your comment to the lp so that my old fish like brain doesn't forget .... testing today at some point ...08:06
chemneed to go on an errand, be back in ~1h08:06
ykarelchem, ack08:06
*** chem is now known as chem|afk08:06
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|lunch08:07
*** jgilaber|away is now known as jgilaber08:27
jpodivinmarios|ruck: hi. About the failing gate due to missing oslotest from yesterday. 08:59
jpodivinmarios|ruck: it passed after recheck? 08:59
marios|ruckjpodivin: i didn't check can you remind me the link ? are you saying or asking :)09:00
jpodivinmarios|ruck: sorry, saying
jpodivinmarios|ruck: the whole sitch is weird09:01
*** pojadhav is now known as pojadhav|lunch09:01
jpodivinbut good news is that it passed, and that I have a fix for what appears to be an intermittent error. 09:01
marios|ruckjpodivin: k can you add the info on the card/bug 09:01
marios|ruckjpodivin: thanks for udpate09:01
jpodivinmarios|ruck: already done 09:02
jpodivinVF knows about it and the fix should get merged today09:02
marios|ruckthank you jpodivin 09:04
jpodivinmarios|ruck: np. 09:06
*** pojadhav|lunch is now known as pojadhav|afk09:27
*** ysandeep|lunch is now known as ysandeep09:36
marios|ruckarxcruz: did we remove the ara file from the job logs cant find it any more09:49
arxcruzmarios|ruck it seems so long time ago, i always wonder the same... 09:49
marios|ruckarxcruz: k thanks... maybe we should reconsider (did it take a lot of time to make it? or space? do you remember why we removed?)09:51
arxcruzmarios|ruck i don't remember the reason, but would be nice to have it, sometimes is better to debug errors on ara than checking logs 09:52
*** chem|afk is now known as chem10:25
*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy10:25
*** chem is now known as Guest16910:25
rlandymarios|ruck: hello ... 10:26
rlandymarios|ruck: want to open a ticket to vexx today10:26
marios|ruckrlandy: \o10:26
rlandybased on train now also failing deploy10:26
marios|ruckrlandy: yeah i know, i've been trying to gather info but don't have something major 10:26
rlandymarios|ruck: let me know when you have a few to meet10:27
marios|ruckrlandy: sure 10:27
marios|ruckrlandy: lets meet 10:27
rlandymarios|ruck: give me 5 ... looking for our ticket account10:27
rlandywill ping10:27
marios|ruckk brb 10:28
rlandychandankumar: hey - do you have an account on vexx support?10:30
chandankumarrlandy:  not logged in there from long time10:33
chandankumarchecking now10:33
chandankumarrlandy: yuo10:33
chandankumaryup I have an account10:33
chandankumarrlandy: Only dasm|ruck|off and me are there in vex contact10:35
rlandychandankumar: ack - I don;t have it10:35
rlandychandankumar: waiting for marios|ruck to come back10:35
rlandythen pls join
rlandymarios|ruck: ^^ pls ping when you are back10:35
chandankumarrlandy: let me tell apevc to add you there10:35
marios|ruckrlandy: joining10:36
rlandychandankumar: pls10:36
*** pojadhav|afk is now known as pojadhav10:36
rlandychandankumar: marios|ruck: thanks ... on now10:36
ysandeeprlandy: I am next ruck/rover, do you mind if I join as well to understand what we are reporting to vexx.10:36
rlandyysandeep: yeah - join the fun10:38
ysandeepmarios|ruck, is this the deployment error we are talking about in train? 10:45
ysandeepafter heat stack create, we just get deployment failure 10:46
marios|ruckysandeep: yeah 2022-05-05 09:18:14 | Timed out waiting for port 22 from
marios|ruckysandeep: we've seen that a couple times, like yesterday as well 10:47
marios|ruckysandeep: so they may all be the same root cause10:47
ysandeepack, thanks! 10:47
ysandeepsounds like network/floating ip /security group related10:48
*** dviroel|out is now known as dviroel11:21
rlandyforwarded initial ticket response11:31
marios|ruckrlandy: where email?11:31
marios|ruckrlandy: yea see it now thanks11:31
rlandyadding to the ticket alan's request to check the L311:33
ysandeepI have two testprojects running for master and train (added on hold as well): and, Hopefully we will get something from reproducer.11:40
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|afk11:46
rlandymarios|ruck: anything else need attention? 16.2 and rhos-17 on rhel-9 promoted yesterday - looking at the rhel-8 one12:10
rlandyysandeep|afk: ^^ nice to see downstream being the stable platform now12:11
rlandysoniya29: ^^ fyi ... we had the whole vexxhost discussion12:11
soniya29rlandy, okay12:12
rlandyall; anyone who logged conquer expenses  - pls check you were paid12:14
rlandyjm1; ysandeep|afk; ^^ others12:14
rlandyI approved but can't tell if you got reimbursed12:15
marios|ruckrlandy: not aware of some issue atm. did a round on components earlier gate is green12:20
jm1rlandy: thank you very much. last time it took two weeks after approval for payment to arrive, so plenty of time left :)12:21
marios|ruckrlandy: looks like there may be some new gate issue starting (tht) digging12:24
*** soniya29 is now known as soniya29|afk12:27
* soniya29|afk will be back in a hr12:27
*** ysandeep|afk is now known as ysandeep12:29
ysandeeprlandy: yeah downstream is in good shape, I have retrigger the tripleo component failing ovb job in 17/8 today.12:32
ysandeeprlandy, thanks! I haven't submitted any expense report yet.12:33
rlandyysandeep: 17/8 is the promotion I am chasing as well12:34
bhagyashrischandankumar, soniya  rlandy 13:01
bhagyashrisscrum time13:01
bhagyashrisdasm|ruck|off, 13:01
bhagyashrisrlandy, ^13:02
rlandysorry - joining13:02
rlandyjust chatting with vexx13:02
bhagyashrisok np13:02
*** dasm|ruck|off is now known as dasm13:07
chandankumar and
*** dasm is now known as dasm|ruck13:08
rlandyrcastillo: not a holiday for you today??13:30
rcastillorlandy: apparently not, but the list says I had sunday (may 1st) off :)13:31
rlandysoniya: hello13:35
rlandyyou around?13:35
rlandysoniya: you're missing scrum and rr hand off13:36
rlandy9 days agotempestpromoted-components2 days ago13:46
rlandyysandeep: dasm|ruck: ^^ rhel-9 component13:46
dasm|ruckcs9 master promotion skip:
dasm|ruckrlandy: marios|ruck ^13:50
marios|ruckdasm|ruck: ack 14:00
ysandeepmarios|ruck, dasm|ruck rlandy thanks! I will check the tht blocker in my morning, I got a reproducer for ovb train issue - trying to debug that before my eod.14:02
marios|ruckysandeep: ack thanks i'll keep digging at the gate thing 14:03
rlandymarios|ruck; thank you14:08
rlandyysandeep++ on reproducer14:08
*** soniya is now known as soniya|afk14:15
ysandeepmarios|ruck, dasm|ruck rlandy hah - ssh service on overcloud node is down (c8 train)14:21
ysandeepthat explains why can't we ssh14:21
marios|ruckysandeep: wtf ... but then that one may just be different bug? 14:21
marios|rucki mean not related to the vexx/issues with tempest etc14:21
marios|ruckysandeep: or, is it down and should be up by now? (maybe some delay?)14:21
ysandeepmarios|ruck, let me pm you the console url - so that you can see as well14:21
ysandeepmarios|ruck, failed to restart14:22
rlandyysandeep: pls bring up at DF call14:23
ysandeeprlandy, marios|ruck dasm|ruck fyi.. 14:26
marios|ruckysandeep: ack wtf...14:27
ysandeep no hostkey available14:27
dasm|ruckysandeep: huh. good find14:36
rlandypls add to bug14:41
ysandeepreading - looks like keys get created on ssh install - "When OpenSSH server is first installed on Linux system, SSH host keys should automatically be generated for subsequent use. "14:51
ysandeepssh issue solves If I create keys manually, "sudo ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key" "sudo ssh-keygen -t dsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key"14:52
* ysandeep checking rpm diff between current and last good known14:53
dpawlikrlandy: wanna join ?15:02
rlandydpawlik: on DF call15:03
dpawlikor frenzy_friday15:03
dpawlikack. 15:03
rlandydasm|ruck: ysandeep: soniya|afk:
*** soniya|afk is now known as soniya15:11
ysandeeprlandy, fyi.. trying dib patch revert , here:
rlandythanks, sandeep15:24
frenzy_fridaydpawlik, hey sorry, was afk, are you still on the call?15:24
dpawlikfrenzy_friday: yup. It is recorded, just FYI15:25
rlandyysandeep: marios|ruck: dasm|ruck: response from pidone ...15:31
rlandy<lmiccini> to suggest storage is slow and so the podman monitors take too long to return. you could increase the pacemaker timeouts and also the haproxy checks timeouts but that would be just a workaround and you would still have to trial&error to find the right values15:32
rlandyTengu: ^^15:32
marios|ruckrlandy: thanks15:32
rlandywill need to look for those timeouts when out of meetingfs15:32
rlandyif you guy have time to do it before then, pls do15:33
rlandynext hour and a half are meeting booked15:33
ysandeeprlandy, I have a reproducer for master tempest issue as well - let me try changing the timeout15:33
ysandeepits late for me, but let me check this quickly15:34
marios|ruckdasm|ruck: going in a few - need something before i go? 15:41
dasm|ruckmarios|ruck: no, thanks mate15:47
marios|ruckdasm|ruck: few hours left ;) ... 15:47
dasm|ruck\( ゚ヮ゚)/15:48
* marios|ruck doesnt want to look at zuul logs for a few days please15:48
marios|ruckhow did we ever used to do this for 3 weeks i have no idea 15:48
marios|ruckmaybe it was easier "when i were a lad" ... 15:48
dasm|ruckmarios|ruck: we're gonna see after ysandeep will finish his 3-weeks15:48
dasm|ruckmarios|ruck: earlier there was no "stream". maybe that's why?15:49
marios|ruckdasm|ruck: yea i was wondering if ysandeep did that on purpose and why 15:49
dasm|ruckhe did. i asked him. he just want to have it "old way"15:49
dasm|ruckmarios|ruck: just noticed your email. have a great long weekend!15:50
marios|ruckthanks dasm|ruck 15:50
rlandymarios|ruck: bye - have a good weekend15:52
rlandyysandeep: pls pass to dasm|ruck or me15:52
marios|ruckrlandy: thanks you too 15:53
* dviroel lunch15:53
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|lunch15:53
ysandeeprlandy, in a debug session with Tengu atm.. will ping back15:53
rlandyysandeep: going into manager meeting15:53
marios|ruckdasm|ruck: can you please reply to & update later once is workflowed?15:56
rlandydasm|ruck: also - pls follow ysandeep on this - to see where he is changing the options16:00
rlandywill check in after meeting16:00
rlandypls join call16:00
dasm|ruckwhich call?16:01
*** marios|ruck is now known as marios|out16:01
ysandeeprlandy, we are debugginf different issue - c8 train  one16:01
rlandysoniya: pls also keep in the loop16:01
rlandysoniya: you around?16:01
frenzy_fridaybot pls add to review list,
reviewbotI have added your review to the Review list16:14
reviewbotI have added your review to the Review list16:14
Tengurlandy: cloud-init update was the culprite! ysandeep++16:17
Tenguand now I'm off :).16:17
ysandeep< cloud-init-21.1-15.el8.noarch16:18
ysandeep> cloud-init-22.1-1.el8.noarch16:18
rlandyTengu++ thanks for that debug16:18
Tengunp - my pleasure :). the machine-id and FirstBootCondition are out of the picture!16:18
rlandyysandeep: train only?16:18
ysandeeprlandy, dasm|ruck finally we now what's affecting c8 train issue 16:18
rlandyysandeep: looking at the timeouts16:18
rlandyysandeep: dasm|ruck: pls bug the train issue separately16:18
rlandyput the info in16:19
rlandyif we plan to lock or reverse?16:19
* rlandy looking at timeouts16:19
ysandeeprlandy, yes, that's the issue we debug today... I can check other one tomorrow16:19
dasm|ruck rlandy afair  we have a bug for this already16:19
rlandyfor the train specific? dasm|ruck: which one is train specific?16:19
rlandyysandeep: I will confirm with cloudnull that I have the right settings16:20
rlandywill pass to you tomorrow16:20
dasm|ruckhmm.. no, we had cs9 master:
rlandyno train specific16:20
ysandeepdasm|ruck, its late for me here.. Can you push a patch to pin/downgrade cloud-init.16:20
dasm|ruckso cs8 train is a new thing then?16:21
dasm|ruckysandeep, i'll try.16:21
dasm|rucknot sure yet where it sits16:21
rlandydasm|ruck: go to the job16:21
rlandylook where that is installed from16:21
* rlandy will get16:21
* ysandeep re-enabling the cleanup script for ovb, and out for the day.16:23
rlandydasm|ruck: ^^16:24
ysandeeprlandy, I will check with lmiccini tomorrow, if he is available to debug I will pull him as well.16:24
rlandy[   73.380330] cloud-init[1494]: Cloud-init v. 22.1-1.el8 running 'init' at Thu, 05 May 2022 09:06:57 +0000. Up 72.97 seconds16:24
rlandyysandeep: will chat with cloudnull about it16:24
rlandyI found some vars16:24
rlandyjust checking if they are right16:24
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|out16:28
rlandyysandeep: I only see cloud-init-22.1-1.el8.noarch16:28
ysandeep|outrlandy, where?16:28
rlandyysandeep|out: ^^16:29
rlandywhere are you diff'ing16:29
ysandeep|outrlandy, older good job16:29
ysandeep|outcheck last green run on train16:29
dasm|ruckthis is passing job:
dasm|ruckit has 21.1-15.el816:30
rlandyyou looked on the console logs as well16:30
rlandygot it16:30
rlandyysandeep|out: have a good night16:30
rlandy[   10.722640] cloud-init[1027]: Cloud-init v. 21.1-15.el8 running 'init-local' at Wed, 27 Apr 2022 21:43:54 +0000. Up 9.85 seconds.16:30
rlandycloud-init.noarch                             21.1-15.el8                                @appstream16:32
rlandydasm|ruck: see
rlandycomes from centos 0816:32
dasm|ruckrlandy: what i meant was -- where to dowgrade/pin dependency to get it working.16:33
dasm|ruckcurrently i'm writing the bug to catch all of it16:33
rlandydasm|ruck: you'd have to look at two things16:33
dasm|ruckactually, grepping through logs to pin point it16:33
rlandythe image we boot16:33
rlandyand the repos we lay down16:33
ysandeep|outdasm|ruck, fyi.. can try something like for appstream..16:34
ysandeep|outbut need to check first if cloud-init don't come in baseos itself - in that case - we have to downgrade cloud-init first16:35
rlandyysandeep|out: may be on the image already16:35
rlandydasm|ruck: you may need to downgrade16:35
rlandydasm|ruck: seee
* ysandeep|out out for real16:36
dasm|ruckworking build -- last execution: 2022-05-03 22:40:42 (failed due to other issues)16:37
rlandyyou'd need to exclude cloud-init-22.*16:37
dasm|rucknon-working: 2022-05-04 07:29:1616:37
rlandydasm|ruck: so you would have to check image builds16:37
dasm|ruckwe tried to promote it yesterday16:37
* rlandy gets16:37
rlandydasm|ruck: ^^16:38
rlandyimage builds should also use repo setup16:39
dasm|ruck> 2022-05-05 06:29:10.045 |  cloud-init                               noarch  22.1-1.el8 16:39
rlandyso you can try lock it there16:39
rlandystart with image builds16:39
dasm|rucki'm gonna finish writing bug report16:39
rlandylock those16:40
dasm|ruckhmm... we have a promotion of cs8 train 3 days ago. why are we having new overcloud-hardened-full image if it didn't pass criteria of entire promotion?16:44
dasm|ruck(rhetorical question)16:44
rlandydasm|ruck: irrelevant  - issue is in integration line16:51
rlandybefore promotion16:51
rlandydasm|ruck: you want to run an OVB job with current train - fs001 .. but you want to build overcloud images in that job16:52
rlandyand you want to depends on  a change to the release file to do two things16:52
rlandyexclude the versions you don't want16:52
rlandyand possibly downgrade16:53
* rlandy gets vars16:53
rlandy to_build: true16:54
rlandyyou need that var16:56
rlandydasm|ruck: start by creating a patch to exclude and test with ^^16:59
*** dviroel|lunch is now known as dviroel17:01
dasm|ruckrlandy: fyi, all cs8 ovb jobs are affected. all overcloud-hardened-full images contain cloud-init 22.117:10
* dasm|ruck is updating the bug descr17:10
dviroeldasm|ruck: rlandy: let me know if you folks need help with something17:18
* dviroel see lot of messages17:18
rlandydasm|ruck: let's meet so you know what to test17:20
rlandydviroel: you can join as well if you like17:20
rlandydasm|ruck: dviroel:
*** jpena is now known as jpena|off17:24
Tengurlandy, ysandeep|out i think cloudinit 21.4 introduced the issue. maybe a config thing leading to a regression. ill check that tomorrow during my morning17:39
dasm|ruckTengu: 21.5 seems to be still correct.17:39
rlandyTengu: we are testing with rebuilding the overcloud images for c8 releases17:40
Tenguoh? ok17:40
rlandyidk if c9 is impacted at all17:40
dasm|ruck*21.1-15 not 21.517:40
Tenguyeah, 21.1 family seems fine17:40
rlandyso only 21.1 is ok17:40
Tenguthey introduced changes in ssh and ssh-keygen in later releases17:41
rlandyTengu: we see the same 22 version on c917:41
rlandyidk if that is imapcting tempest but it does ot fail deploy17:41
Tenguthough i didnt hit the issue today when deploying17:41
Tenguill check again tomorrow17:41
rlandywhat release?17:41
rlandyTengu> though i didnt hit the issue today when deploying17:42
rlandy^^ train?17:42
Tengumaster on 917:42
rlandyyeah - that only has tempest errors17:42
rlandyad sometimes node provision17:42
Tengumaybe the issue is on sshd-keygen service, it checks for a cloudinit related service17:44
Tenguas said - ill dig a bit more tomkrrow. for now: Moon Knight on disney!17:44
Tengusee you folks17:44
dasm|ruckTengu: thanks! have fun!17:44
rlandydasm|ruck: dviroel: lunch ... brb18:09
rlandydasm|ruck: if by some chance,image do not build - ad override does not work on perioidc, we'll have to run image build jobs as well18:11
rlandylet's see18:11
dviroel"msg": "Depsolve Error occured: \n Problem 1: package libguestfs-1:1.44.0-6.module_el8.7.0+1140+ff0772f9.x86_64 requires libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 8.0.0, but none of the providers can be installed\18:39
dviroelwhich we are excluding for a while in the release file for C8\18:40
dviroeldasm|ruck: rlandy ^18:40
dasm|ruckdviroel: where is that?18:40
dviroelwrt to periodic-tripleo-centos-8-buildimage-overcloud-full-wallaby18:40
dasm|rucki see18:41
dviroelwe should try the revert of those other excludes too - I think that we don't try that for a while now18:42
dviroeldasm|ruck: libvirt* exclude bug is
rlandyyou can try w/o18:43
rlandyor just test this with train for now18:43
rlandyjust get one run to prove it18:44
dasm|rucktrain is still running18:44
dasm|ruckbut if it failed to build for overcloud-image, won't it fail for train as well?18:44
rlandynot excluded in train18:45
dasm|ruckright. it's wallaby-only excluded18:45
dasm|rucki'm gonna wait few more on train to get it report.18:46
rlandybesides ... overcloud-hardened-uefi-full18:47
rlandywe're probably using that18:47
rlandydasm|ruck: hmmm .... so far no success19:58
rlandylet's see the ones in rerun now19:58
dasm|ruckthis one is currently introspecting overcloud:
dasm|rucki should see the result in next few minutes20:02
rlandydasm|ruck: looks like you still have cloud-init 2220:10
dasm|rucklemme see why it installed excluded version. maybe i made some mistake with it20:11
rlandydasm|ruck: trying another version with image build20:15
* rlandy thinks maybe the - is a problem20:15
dasm|ruckrlandy: link>?20:16
rlandydasm|ruck: I am on the node20:16
rlandycat the image logs and grep20:16
dviroeldasm|ruck: rlandy: looks like quickstart roles does not load release file vars before calling oooci-build-images20:22
rlandydviroel: not in this case20:23
rlandytrying with image builds directly20:23
dviroelare we looking at periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-train ?20:23
dviroelwith to_build: true?20:24
rlandyif not, we will have to downgrade20:24
dviroelthere is no release files load - marios change was in a different flow20:25
dviroelmarios change was here:
dviroelwhich load release files before building images20:26
dviroelthats my guess :)20:27
dviroelso, in image-build jobs it is working to exclude:
dviroelbut in OVB jobs with "to_build: true", the flow is different and release files may not be loaded - lets wait this fs001 finishes to check appstream.repo20:34
dasm|ruckyes, fs001 is still running20:34
dviroelmnaser> it looks like n-ovs-agent is just hanging, i was stracing trying to find the root cause when it decided to wake up20:40
* dviroel needs to go out - dad on duty today20:43
* dviroel o/ 20:43
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|out20:43
dasm|ruckdviroel|out: thanks. o/20:44
rlandyugh - keep missing review time20:51
rlandydasm|ruck: dviroel|out; do you get pinged?20:51
rcastilloI don't20:53
dasm|ruckrlandy: i'm getting calendar pings. that's all20:53
rcastillokeep missing it as well20:53
rcastillolunch brb20:57
dasm|ruck>  "overcloud_deploy_result": "failed"21:12
rlandydasm|ruck: I don;t think it worked on image build either21:21
rlandywe may have to downgrade21:21
dasm|ruckmhm. so basically like with "cmd", probably?21:21
dasm|ruckchecking for similar thing21:21
rlandyadded the downgrade21:34
rlandywill see if that helps21:34
dasm|ruckrlandy: isn't that downgrading on undercloud?21:36
dasm|ruckovercloud is fetched here:
rlandyfor the image build role21:38
rlandyit runs repo-setup before the image build21:38
rlandywe may need to downgrade it21:39
rlandyin image builds21:39
rlandydasm|ruck: or better yet21:39
rlandyto virt-customize the overcloud images21:39
rlandyto downgrade it21:40
dasm|rucki thought we're running jobs to downgrade overcloud-image 21:40
rlandyit will - but only after repo setup runs21:40
rlandyso looking at train logs21:40
rlandydasm|ruck: you are right - this won't help21:42
rlandyrepo-setup id not run on overcloud yet21:42
rlandywe will need to change DIB21:42
rlandyor virt-customize21:42
* rlandy check virt-customize21:43
rcastillocan add virt-customize calls here
rlandydasm|ruck: rcastillo: we need to virt-customize here:
rlandywe did this one before21:46
rcastillowe should test if we can get rid of that workaround later too21:46
rlandyat leats it was only one test fail this time21:48
dasm|ruckwe had one successful test run > 2022-05-05 01:02:4721:50
dasm|rucktwo after that failed 1. overcloud; 2. undercloud.21:51
rlandydasm|ruck: are working on the virt-customize? if not, I will21:54
dasm|ruckrlandy: i'm working on that atm21:55
rlandydasm|ruck: k - I updated  to remove the downgrade21:57
rlandyyou can reuse the testproject if you want21:57
rlandydasm|ruck: pls leave notes for sandeep before your EoD21:57
rlandyI am copying vexxhost comments into rr page21:57
dasm|ruckrcastillo: did you think about this? cc rlandy 22:03
rcastillodasm|ruck: that's the idea, yeah22:04
dasm|ruckk, starting project job to see if that's gonna help22:04
rlandydasm|ruck; commenting22:05
rlandyshould be for c8 only22:05
rcastillorlandy: beat you to it ;)22:05
dasm|rucki'm respinning your test to see if that's addressing the issue22:06
rlandyand probably needed on all images22:06
rlandyipa as well22:06
rcastillooh yeah that's true22:06
dasm|ruckrcastillo: if we don't have cloud-init installed, it complains about attempts to downgrade it.22:06
dasm|rucknot sure when we're getting cloud-init22:06
rcastillohmm, the image dib builds should have it right?22:07
dasm|ruckgood question22:07
rlandydasm|ruck: also dnf downgrade -y cloud-init-21.1522:08
dasm|ruckrlandy: i just answered it to rcastillo 22:09
rlandylike dnf downgrade pcs-0.10.11-1.el8 -y;22:09
rcastillocould do `dnf upgrade || dnf install` to be sure?22:09
rlandywe know it's installed22:09
rlandyfom DIB22:09
rcastillodowngrade it is22:09
rlandybut the || is ok22:10
rlandybut DIB shows it installed22:10
dasm|ruckok, updated:
dasm|ruckrcastillo: rlandy  ^22:11
rlandy tripleo_image_source | urlsplit('path') | basename22:13
rlandydasm|ruck: ^^ what does that resolve to?22:13
rcastilloalso we need the virt-customizes before we tar the image22:14
rcastillootherwise they have no effect22:14
dasm|ruckgood call22:15
dasm|ruckrlandy: wrong copy. it should be "overcloud_image_customize"22:16
rlandydasm|ruck: left comments22:17
rlandyalso may need it on ipa as well22:17
rlandyrcastillo: ^^ thoughts?22:17
rlandyI think we do22:17
dasm|ruckhow many different images do we build? 4?22:17
rlandyfor c8 322:18
rlandydasm|ruck: and that testproject won't work22:18
rcastillothis is for booting right? Seems like ipa needs it too22:18
rlandyyou;ll need to build all images I think22:18
dasm|ruckis it similar to 'config' one?22:18
rlandytry build all the train images first22:19
rlandyand see if it works22:19
rlandyand upload22:19
rlandythen try ovb22:20
dasm|ruckrcastillo: i don't see qcow2 for ironic-python-client. there is only initramfs and kernel/22:23
rcastillodasm|ruck: you're right. We could try doing something else for that one, but I'd say we try and skate by with just the oc images22:28
dasm|ruckrcastillo: can you give it another check?
dasm|ruckdoes it look good?22:28
rcastilloyou have my +1 :)22:30
rcastilloexactly hahaha22:33
rcastillohopefully this most of these c8 issues22:34
rlandyfs001 master passed22:35
rlandyfirst time in ages22:35
rlandydasm|ruck: rcastillo: stepping out for a bit - long day - bbl22:36
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|bbl22:36
dasm|ruckrlandy|bbl: have a good night!22:55
* dasm|ruck is leaving as well22:55
dasm|ruckrcastillo: take care mate! have a good one!22:55
*** dasm|ruck is now known as dasm|off22:55
rcastilloI'll leave as well o/22:58
dasm|offsee you tomorrow!22:58
rcastillohave a good one22:58

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