Monday, 2022-05-02

*** marios is now known as marios|ruck05:08
marios|ruckwell fantastic then 05:08
ysandeepgood morning @all o/05:34
bhagyashrisGood morning ! :)05:37
ysandeeprlandy|out: I am merging to unblock attila qe jobs, I see you already +2 the patch.05:40
chandankumarmarios|ruck: \o just an update in Downstream rhos-17 trigger job got fixed (was broken due to ovs package), not sure how05:49
marios|ruckchandankumar: well fantastic then ;)05:49
marios|ruckchandankumar: thanks for update05:49
pojadhavysandeep, hello good morning!05:56
pojadhavysandeep, need your eyes on this when free :
ysandeeppojadhav: good morning, ack05:56
ysandeepchandankumar, hey around? 07:40
ysandeepI am discussing downstream rhos-release jobs with bhagyashris , need to borrow your mind for 2 mins: 07:41
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|lunch08:13
* marios|ruck biab food 08:47
*** pojadhav is now known as pojadhav|afk08:49
*** ysandeep|lunch is now known as ysandeep08:53
ysandeepfolks o/ I have a headache today, I am taking second half as sick leave.08:55
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|sick08:55
*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy10:23
rlandyysandeep|sick: that's fine - thanks10:26
*** pojadhav|afk is now known as pojadhav10:27
rlandymarios|ruck: hi - how are things?10:28
rlandyneed help with anything?10:29
marios|ruckrlandy: o/ hi no - we can sync on the reviews if you like but nothing major atm/usual things, trying to chase promotions atm esp. train 8 lets see10:30
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.10:30
marios|ruckrlandy: see the ruck rover pad for info/status10:30
rlandymarios|ruck: k - let's sync at review time10:30
rlandymarios|ruck: rekicking periodic-tripleo-ci-rhel-8-ovb-1ctlr_2comp-featureset020-internal-rhos-16.210:54
rlandyonly job out on 16.210:54
marios|ruckrlandy: nice thank you 10:55
rlandymarios|ruck: rhos-17 9 promoted yesterday so good there - 17 on 8 running now10:56
rlandywill rerun what needs to be - if anything10:56
rlandyhopefully that will give you a clear runway for wednesday's call10:57
rlandywill ask dasm|ruck|off to check components there10:57
rlandyvalidation, network on 16.2 10:58
rlandy9 days agovalidationpromoted-components3 days ago on 17 on rhel 910:58
frenzy_fridaybot pls add to review list (removes c8 master.yml release file - check job in progress)10:58
reviewbotI have added your review to the Review list10:58
dviroelmarios|ruck: - search for instance a5a12cf812:07
dviroeland then12:07
dviroelmarios|ruck: - look at 14:48:51.94212:08
rlandymarios|ruck: rekicked victoria and train c7 failures12:10
rlandylooking at train c7 failures may be consistent12:10
marios|ruckthanks rlandy 12:11
chandankumarstepping out, will back in an hour12:11
rlandymarios|ruck: c7 train may be real issue ...13:15
rlandy2022-04-30 12:51:19.192204 | fa163e97-92c2-4f20-5d90-000000000ce8 |       TASK | Run tripleo-container-image-prepare logged to: /var/log/tripleo-container-image-prepare.log13:16
rlandy[WARNING]: Failure using method (v2_runner_on_failed) in callback plugin13:16
rlandy(<ansible.plugins.callback.tripleo_dense.CallbackModule object at13:16
rlandy0x7fe9e849be10>): 'module' object has no attribute 'dumps'13:16
rlandyseeing if rerun reproduces and will bug13:16
rlandyif anyone cares :)13:16
rlandyotherwise we tear it down13:16
marios|ruckrlandy: well we are in the middle of the gate teardown so 13:16
marios|ruckrlandy: +1 for ignore for a few days13:16
marios|ruckthen delete13:16
rlandybhagyashris: we will have guests at scrum13:16
rlandydpawlik and spotz are coming13:16
rlandymarios|ruck: ok to delete line before check/gate?13:17
rlandyha - may pass on rerun13:18
rlandyfs002 did13:18
rlandywaiting on 0413:18
marios|ruckrlandy: well, i think best if we get rid of them together13:20
marios|ruckrlandy: my stuff can probably merge next week13:20
rlandymarios|ruck: ok - let me prep the rdo patches to remove those lines13:21
pojadhavfolks, kindly review when free we can merge if looks good. thanks!13:21
rlandywill -1 them in the mean time13:21
rlandy'but we can have what to refer to 13:21
pojadhavrlandy, I wont be able to attend scrum due to an emergency. Sorry for short notice.13:41
*** pojadhav is now known as pojadhav|afk13:41
rlandy"tripleotrain" is promoting13:49
rlandymarios|ruck: ^^ just FYI13:49
rlandybhagyashris: chandankumar: scrum14:01
rlandyfrenzy_friday: ^^14:01
rlandybhagyashris: guests are here14:02
marios|ruckrlandy: thanks14:03
rlandyakahat: any news on scenario010 on vexx??14:27
rlandyalan asked about that14:28
akahatrlandy, job is running,
akahatwaiting for tempest results.14:28
rlandydasm|ruck|off: 2022-05-02 08:25:18.161179 | primary |   baremetal_image: ipxe-boot - in master check14:37
rlandythat should be uefi boot, right?14:37
rlandyare we missing the same change on check jobs?14:37
marios|ruckfrenzy_friday: here ananya periodic-tripleo-ci-build-containers-centos-9-quay-master RETRY_LIMIT14:38
frenzy_fridaymarios|ruck, thanks again :D I'll take a look14:39
rlandy2022-05-02 05:19:18.699454 | primary |   baremetal_image: ipxe-uefi14:39
rlandydasm|ruck|off: ^^ periodic has it but not check14:39
frenzy_fridayhm, that is weird - master quay periodic suddenly started passing again. marios|ruck I have testprojected it
jm1rlandy, marios|ruck: regarding credentials, you were talking about this card?
jm1rlandy, marios|ruck: who voluntered to pick it up? akahat?14:54
rlandyjm1: yes - that card14:55
rlandyjm1: chandankumar I think14:55
chandankumarjm1: yup14:55
jm1rlandy, chandankumar: ack, thx! i created that card so if you have questions we can have a chat. but i guess you already know everything what is in there ^^14:56
chandankumarjm1: sure let me go through bitwarden, then I will schedule a call. 14:59
rlandychandankumar: sending you links15:00
jm1chandankumar: top 👍15:00
rlandymarios|ruck: ok - final c7 promo in15:05
marios|ruckrlandy: thanks 15:05
rlandyhmmm ... looks real15:07
marios|ruckrlandy: well no consistent thing there but if you can get fs1 and fs 35 we could promote train with 15:09
marios|ruckrlandy: it just reported so checking the fs1 there (the passing fs20 was red in periodic but passed here )15:09
* dviroel lunch15:23
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|lunch15:23
marios|ruckdasm|ruck|off: rlandy: o/ i just replied to dariusz email from this morning with handoff info15:48
* marios|ruck going in a few after this call 15:49
rlandymarios|ruck: thanks - adding downstream chasing info15:49
rlandymarios|ruck: we're one job out on victoria15:49
rlandymay skip and promote that15:49
rlandyfs035 still running15:49
marios|ruckrlandy: thanks15:49
rlandywatching train c8 reruns15:50
marios|ruckrlandy: thank you 15:50
marios|ruckrlandy: yeah i just updated so it will rerun fs1/35 now15:50
rlandywa;;aby c8 fs001 and fs035 still running - so there as well15:51
marios|ruckrlandy: there thanks rlandy 15:51
rlandymarios|ruck: looks good15:52
rlandymissing internal kvm15:53
rlandywill rerun15:53
rlandypython3 roles/rrcockpit/files/telegraf_py3/ --release wallaby --distro centos-9 --aggregate_hash tripleo-ci-testing/10/4e/104ec456bb22b743f9bc748fc856855e15:54
marios|ruckrlandy: nice i was hoping we'd get at least one of them 15:54
marios|ruckrlandy: so wallaby can promote hopefully15:54
rlandytrying that15:55
dasm|ruck|offmarios|ruck: rlandy i'm back (waiting time was longer than expected). But I need to run for another app which I forgot about :/ Sorry for all the problems.16:01
dasm|ruck|offI'm not sure what time i'll be back. I hope to be in 2h.16:02
dasm|ruck|offmarios|ruck: thanks for handover email16:02
marios|ruckdasm|ruck|off: o/ ack catch up tomorrow thne 16:10
*** marios|ruck is now known as marios|out16:10
*** dviroel|lunch is now known as dviroel16:23
rlandymarios|out: dasm|ruck|off: no worries - covering until then16:25
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|ruck16:25
rlandy|ruckugh - one failure on victotia fs03516:33
rlandy|ruckmay just skip that16:33
rlandy|rucklunch brb16:33
dviroelchandankumar: fyi, working here, i see foobar directory16:49
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: got confirmed for group17:01
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: I see foobar17:05
*** dasm|ruck|off is now known as dasm|ruck17:16
dasm|ruckrlandy|ruck: o/ i'm back. i messed up dates. appointment is tomorrow.17:16
dasm|rucki'm looking into lines now17:17
rlandy|ruckdasm|ruck: following marios train rerun17:17
rlandy|ruckwe're 6 days out there17:17
rlandy|ruckdasm|ruck: have a victoria rerun17:17
rlandy|ruckonly fs035 failed17:17
rlandy|ruckdasm|ruck: ^^17:18
rlandy|ruckdasm|ruck: if that test fails again, we can skip and promote17:18
rlandy|ruckif no reproducible failure17:18
rlandy|ruckdasm|ruck: train c7 promoted17:19
rlandy|ruckcould be final promo17:19
rlandy|ruckadding job to remove those lines17:19
dasm|ruckfinal before EOL?17:19
rlandy|ruckdasm|ruck: waiting on kvm job for wallby c917:20
rlandy|rucklast one needed to promo17:20
dasm|ruckgood to know17:20
rlandy|ruckfs001 and fs035 need rerun/investigation there17:21
rlandy|ruckdasm|ruck: lastly ...
rlandy|ruckpls see if real issue17:21
rlandy|rucksame with fs001 on train17:21
rlandy|ruckwe may have real problem here17:21
rlandy|ruck3 hrs 52 mins 52 secs2022-04-26 11:22:44SUCCESS17:22
rlandy|rucklast success17:22
dasm|ruck5 days ago17:22
dasm|ruckyeah, i'll check that one17:22
rlandy|ruckTestNetworkBasicOps:test_update_router_admin_state - failing victoria test17:31
rlandy|rucklooking at previous failure17:31
rlandy|ruckdasm|ruck: wallaby c9 should promote - let's watch that now 17:33
rlandy|ruckpython3 roles/rrcockpit/files/telegraf_py3/ --release wallaby --distro centos-9 --aggregate_hash tripleo-ci-testing/10/4e/104ec456bb22b743f9bc748fc856855e17:33
rlandy|ruck^^ that hash17:33
rlandy|rucktest_rescue_unrescue_instance failed on first victoria run17:39
rlandy|ruckTestNetworkBasicOps:_run_cleanups failed on the next run17:40
rlandy|ruckdasm|ruck: another thing ... pls see comment earlier17:42
rlandy|ruckre: uefi boot for master checj17:42
rlandy|rucklooks like check is still bios boot17:42
dasm|ruckmhm... where?17:43
rlandy|rucktempest.api.compute.servers.test_server_rescue.ServerRescueTestJSON.test_rescue_unrescue_instance [78.204613s] ... ok17:43
rlandy|rucksearch for boot17:44
rlandy|ruck2022-05-02 10:18:36.615410 | primary |   baremetal_image: ipxe-boot17:44
dasm|ruckyeah, i see17:44
rlandy|ruckdasm|ruck: you need to make the change on check 17:44
dasm|rucklemme check why17:44
dasm|ruckis it different from jobs then?17:45
rlandy|rucksee where that job is defined17:45
dasm|ruckah, it's not periodic17:45
dasm|rucki did only periodic change17:45
rlandy|ruckdasm|ruck: prepping patch to skip fs035 on victoria17:45
rlandy|ruckin case this run fails17:45
rlandy|ruck"tripleowallabycentos9" - there starts wallaby c9 promo17:46
dasm|rucknice rlandy|ruck++17:46
rlandy|ruckso did c7 today17:47
rlandy|ruck Temp remove fs035 for promotion17:52
rlandy|ruckdasm|ruck: ^^ if needed17:53
dasm|ruckdviroel: can you +W ^?18:07
dasm|ruckIt failed again18:07
dviroeldasm|ruck: no18:09
rlandy|ruck still running18:09
dviroeldasm|ruck: sorry, lol, we I can if needed18:09
dasm|ruckno worries18:09
dasm|rucki checked history and it didn't show me it's still running18:10
dasm|rucklast one timed out (i thought so)18:10
dviroelack - last wait this one18:10
rlandy|ruckdasm|ruck: wrt downstream, I am rechecking the integration lines  - validation component needs help18:11
rlandy|ruckdasm|ruck: going to work on the new base image of 16.2 - pls ping is you need help with anything18:30
*** rlandy|ruck is now known as rlandy|rover18:30
dasm|ruckk, thanks18:30
* dasm|ruck is checking network component cs9 master. It looks like we're having issues with booting up ipxe. It's failing since 04/1219:12
dasm|ruckit might mean either ironic or network19:13
dviroelmarios filed a bug against network component19:14
* dviroel you know, you commented there19:14
dasm|ruckmhm. lemme dig it up, maybe that's the same thikg19:14
dasm|ruckdid i?19:14
rcastillolunch brb19:19
rlandy|roverakahat: re-kicked off kvm job with periodic19:34
rlandy|roverdasm|ruck: train ovb failing again ... we need a bug on that if we don't have one already19:36
rlandy|roverand investigation19:36
rlandy|rover6 days out19:36
dasm|ruckcs9 wallaby got promoted19:40
rlandy|roverdasm|ruck: rhos-17 on rhel8  - python3 roles/rrcockpit/files/telegraf_py3/ --release osp17 --distro rhel-8 --aggregate_hash tripleo-ci-testing/2b/e4/2be4906e1c1ea726d158398e8169432e19:46
rlandy|rover 19:46
rlandy|rovershould also promote19:46
rlandy|roverand 16.219:46
rlandy|roverwe need to check that in an hour19:47
rlandy|rover9 promoted yesterday19:49
dasm|ruckyeah, i misread that19:49
dasm|ruckthe same for cs7 train19:49
* dasm|ruck still feels overwhelmed with all the things happening :)19:50
rlandy|roverdasm|ruck: concentrate on train19:54
rlandy|roverI'm watching victoria19:54
rlandy|roverwill merge that patch if necessary to promote19:54
rlandy|roverI am watching downstream19:55
rlandy|roveryou can leave that19:55
rlandy|roverc7 promotde19:55
rlandy|roverdon;t worry about that19:55
rlandy|roverw c9 promoted19:55
rlandy|roverdon;t worry about that19:55
rlandy|roverjust look at train and master19:55
rlandy|roverdasm|ruck: ^^ ok?19:55
dasm|ruckmaster has issues with network. it seems to be missing packages for neutron19:56
rlandy|roverdasm|ruck: marios commented on network component19:56
rlandy|roverneed baremetal component promotion19:56
dasm|ruckfor train -- i'm checking cs8. is it the one you mean rlandy|rover?19:56
rlandy|roverwhich is now in integration line19:56
rlandy|roverso needs integration promotion19:57
dasm|ruckbaremetal got promoted on friday19:57
rlandy|roverdasm|ruck: ack - let's talk19:57
dasm|ruckrlandy|rover: periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-baremetal-train 19:58
rlandy|roverboth downstream promotions happened20:42
rlandy|roverdasm|ruck: periodic-tripleo-centos-9-master-component-network-promote-to-promoted-componentstestprojectmastercheck41128,1220:44
rlandy|rover2 mins 41 secs2022-05-02 20:24:59SUCCESS - cool20:44
rlandy|rovernext master line should be better20:45
dasm|rucki just promoted network component. running job to verify if it solved the issue with fs00120:45
rlandy|roverdasm|ruck: you'll need a new container build20:45
rlandy|roverso you'll have to kick the whole line20:45
rlandy|roveryou know how to do that?20:46
rlandy|roveror you can wait for the next kick20:46
dasm|rucklemme see. i should have some notes20:46
rlandy|rovergoing to merge the victoria criteria chnage20:46
dasm|rucki'd prefer to kick off it now. for marios20:46
dasm|ruckdid it fail again?20:46
rlandy|rovervictoria yes20:48
dasm|ruckrlandy|rover: is it with podman? similar to other promotions?20:48
rlandy|roverbut two previous runs not same failure20:48
dasm|rucki mean -- new build of containers20:48
dasm|ruckhmm. so intermittent error. that's the worst :/20:48
rlandy|roverjust kick the whole master line20:48
dasm|ruckseems like it started20:50
dasm|ruckwat?! it showed error on promotion line... why?20:52
dasm|ruckand it just silently failed20:53
dasm|ruckwhy did you do this to me?!20:53
dasm|ruck> periodic-tripleo-centos-8-wallaby-component-network-promote-consistent-to-component-ci-testingerror20:54
dasm|ruckok, kicked off testproject just with this job. interesting, i don't see why it failed before.20:58
dasm|ruckhmm... seems like change from ref/heads/master to latest commit helped.21:02
dasm|rucki kicked off cs8 victoria to get it promoted.21:14
dasm|rucktemporary skip on fs035 cs8 victoria is merged21:14
rlandy|roveryep victoria is promoting now21:24
rlandy|roverwill revert afterwards21:29
rlandy|roverdasm|ruck: you rekicked victoria rather than master?21:30
dasm|ruckrlandy|rover: cs9 master, cs9 wallaby and cs8 victoria21:30
dasm|ruckrlandy|rover: scratch that. os-network and os-manila with cs8 victoria21:31
rlandy|rovermaster is the one we are waiting for21:31
dasm|ruckmaster one was waiting for network and manila. both were laggind21:31
rlandy|roverit's fine21:31
rlandy|rovernetwork promoted21:31
dasm|rucki'm rebuilding images right in hope to unblock fs00121:32
dasm|ruckcs8 train has inconsistent tempest failures. last 3 days have different test results21:41
dasm|rucki'm preparing skiplist for periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-train21:41
dasm|ruckchecking periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-train21:42
dasm|ruckthe same for ^21:46
dasm|ruckrlandy|rover: can I get +2 +W to promote CS8 train?21:49
dasm|ruckthere is no single failure happening here. The results are inconclusivee21:50
rlandy|roverdasm|ruck: ok - there is one more run going on now  - if that fails- will merge21:54
rlandy|roverdasm|ruck: ok?21:54
* dasm|ruck is departing now. Will check gates later22:23
*** dasm|ruck is now known as dasm|ruck|bbl22:23
rlandy|roverdasm|ruck|bbl: ok - fs001 failed22:24
rlandy|roverfs035 still running22:24
*** rlandy|rover is now known as rlandy|rover|bbl22:29
dasm|ruck|bblyean, that's some tricky thing. I'm gonna look into that, if we can do anything to make tests more reliable22:32
dasm|ruck|bblit's bad we're having so many random issues :/22:32
rcastillostepping out for today. See you tomorrow22:34
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|out23:59

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