Tuesday, 2022-04-26

*** dviroel|rover|afk is now known as dviroel|out00:16
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* ysandeep afk for few hours..04:18
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ysandeepreviewbot: please add in review list: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/+/83899007:08
reviewbotI have added your review to the Review list07:08
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chandankumarysandeep: marios quick merge https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-jobs/+/42129 thanks!09:19
marioschandankumar: no09:20
*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy10:24
rlandymarios: hello10:26
rlandywelcome back10:26
rlandychandankumar: marios: ysandeep: dviroel|out: can we move the pre all hands a half hour earlier?10:27
rlandyI have a managers' meeting then10:27
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: hello - how are things?10:27
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, c9 master still failing ...10:27
bhagyashris|ruck16.2 and 17 on rhel9 promoted yesterday 10:28
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: ok - we need to promote the most viable hash there10:28
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: ack - that is good10:28
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: wallaby c8 is also out10:28
ysandeeprlandy, works for me, if dviroel|out comes early we can start half an hour early.10:28
bhagyashris|ruckin the last run fs035 fs039 and fs064 failed10:28
bhagyashris|ruckthen i re ran the the jobs and fs064 passed10:28
bhagyashris|rucknow running the fs035 and fs-3610:29
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1970262 logged this10:29
bhagyashris|ruckbut currently fs064 passed 10:29
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: ok - if no consistent failure, promote that hash10:29
bhagyashris|ruckyeah trying 10:30
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: what's up with wallaby c8?10:30
rlandywhat are your failures there?10:30
rlandycan you rerun those?10:30
rlandyis there a consistent failure?10:30
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, looking 10:30
bhagyashris|ruckwas looking at c8 train..10:30
chandankumarrlandy: I will be back in 45 mins, after that I can meet10:36
rlandychandankumar: ok10:37
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|coffee10:37
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: ok - you have 35 and 39 out on master10:40
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, yes10:40
mariosrlandy: o/ sure works for me10:40
rlandymarios: 1-1 is a clash with all hands10:42
rlandywant to sync now?10:42
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: rekicking the two jobs out on wallaby c810:43
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: https://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/builds?job_name=periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-wallaby10:44
rlandyhas not passed in ages10:44
rlandyneither has 110:45
mariosrlandy: yes sure 10:45
rlandyand nobody looked into it??10:45
mariosrlandy: joining that number 10:46
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, i see on c8 wallaby image and container build were failed and then yesterday c8 wallaby kicked with image , container build and fs001 , standalone and fs03510:46
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: those jobs are failing forever10:46
* rlandy needs to join meeting10:46
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, filling a bug for master give me min 10:47
*** dviroel|out is now known as dviroel|rover11:09
dviroel|roverysandeep|coffee: rlandy: sure, works for me too11:09
bhagyashris|ruckdviroel|rover, should we meet for quick sync11:11
chandankumar /me is back11:16
dviroel|roverbhagyashris|ruck: ack, lets sync11:17
bhagyashris|ruckdviroel|rover, https://meet.google.com/hje-fuhi-zgw?authuser=011:17
rlandydviroel|rover: marios: chandankumar: ysandeep|coffee: so meeting in 9 mins?11:21
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ysandeepchandankumar, same link: https://meet.google.com/kvo-bxuk-aph?authuser=0&hs=122 ?11:29
chandankumarmarios: dviroel|rover ^^ waiting for you people11:30
marioschandankumar: ack i didn't know if we did that reschedule cos dviroel|rover might not be around11:31
rlandydviroel|rover: bhagyashris|ruck: have another meeting now11:54
rlandywill sync with you afterwards11:55
rlandyre: master and wallaby c8 promotions11:55
rlandydviroel|rover: are you promoting any master hash?11:55
rlandydviroel|rover: ^^ also bad shape for a long time11:55
rlandywill catch up with you guys later11:56
dviroel|roverrlandy: no, i was trying some yesterday, filed a bug for a hash, but ovb keeps failing for with different issues11:56
rlandyk - get the best and go with it :)11:57
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|mtg11:58
dviroel|roverbhagyashris|ruck: rlandy|mtg - osp17-rhel8 will promote12:01
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bhagyashris|ruckdviroel|rover, ack12:14
bhagyashris|ruckpromoted \0/12:15
* dviroel|rover coffee12:26
dviroel|roverrlandy|mtg: bhagyashris|ruck: my hope for master now is 4e6773f57d1594b550fde23014953a7d - missing fs001 and fs020 12:49
rlandy|mtgdviroel|rover: ok  - dviroel|rover: let's make a choice this afternoon12:50
rlandy|mtgdviroel|rover: w c8 as well12:50
bhagyashris|ruckdviroel|rover, ack12:57
bhagyashris|ruckchandankumar, marios rlandy|mtg reparenting sync13:00
bhagyashris|ruckdviroel|rover, ^13:01
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bhagyashris|ruckarxcruz, rlandy, marios, ysandeep, bhagyashris, svyas, soniya29, pojadhav, akahat, chandankumar, frenzy_friday, anbanerj,  dviroel, rcastillo, dasm, jm1 dviroel|rover 13:25
bhagyashris|ruckTripleo Ci community meeting in 5 mins13:25
bhagyashris|ruckhttps://hackmd.io/MMg4WDbYSqOQUhU2Kj8zNg?both#2022-04-26-Community-Call @ line 2813:26
bhagyashris|ruckchandankumar, soniya ^13:30
chandankumarfrenzy_friday: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2022-March/027690.html13:44
frenzy_fridaychandankumar, yep. thanks13:45
* bhagyashris|ruck cooking and dinner brb13:53
rlandy|mtgsoniya: will join 1-1 in 5 mins13:59
rlandy|mtgrolling meetings :)13:59
soniyarlandy|mtg, okay14:00
rlandy|mtgsoniya: joined14:06
chandankumardviroel|rover: bhagyashris|ruck https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/status#839333 ipa job passed14:21
dviroel|roverchandankumar: with latest jss?14:24
chandankumardviroel|rover: yes jss-5.2.0-0.2.beta1.el9.x86_64 https://storage.gra.cloud.ovh.net/v1/AUTH_dcaab5e32b234d56b626f72581e3644c/zuul_opendev_logs_f8b/839333/1/check/tripleo-ci-centos-9-standalone-on-multinode-ipa/f8b5ead/logs/
dviroel|roverjss.x86_64                                  5.2.0-0.2.beta1.el9              @quickstart-centos-appstreams14:25
chandankumari think new java update fixed it14:25
dviroel|roverchandankumar: we can merge I think, should also works for fs03914:26
chandankumardviroel|rover: yup14:26
chandankumarmarios: ysandeep https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras/+/839333 +w it to unblock prod chain line14:28
ysandeepchandankumar, +wed14:29
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bhagyashris|ruckdviroel|rover, hey fs035 passed cs9 master14:52
bhagyashris|rucknow only fs039 is blocked due to ^14:52
dviroel|roverack, thanks14:52
dviroel|roverwill check that after all hands14:52
bhagyashris|ruckwe can keep depends on chandankumar patch 14:52
rlandy|mtgbhagyashris|ruck: dviroel|rover: who wants to present at program call tomorrow?14:56
dviroel|rovermarios: chandankumar ysandeep|afk pls join to test audio before the meering14:56
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy|mtg, i can14:58
rlandy|mtgbhagyashris|ruck: ok - will update doc by my eod - you can edit when you come on line14:58
rlandy|mtgmarios: chandankumar: dviroel|rover: ysandeep|afk: fyi ... https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mEz5gojGGYPNrqhh783oekZYhC7ieHvGhycsOPYhh5w/edit#heading=h.k9wh8tt6vbas - question doc14:58
*** ysandeep|afk is now known as ysandeep14:59
rlandy|mtgwill monitor that during your session14:59
rlandy|mtgI will14:59
rlandy|mtggood luck!!14:59
rlandy|mtgyou will be great14:59
*** pojadhav|pto is now known as pojadhav15:03
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rlandy|mtgmarios: ha - we should get a doc writer to rewrite ci doc15:30
mariosthere goes our 15 minutes chandankumar ysandeep dviroel|rover rlandy|mtg 15:46
mariosrlandy|mtg: i thought same about the doc writer ;)15:46
ysandeepgood luck to person who goes after us :D15:46
rlandy|mtgthey will probably skip the last topic15:46
bhagyashris|rucktrain c8 will promote 2d458df630b46d0c8d686b0f7162bded15:46
rlandy|mtgmarios: I'll investigate that15:46
rlandy|mtgbhagyashris|ruck++ nice15:46
rlandy|mtgoh man - this is really cutting your time15:48
mariosyah 15:48
bhagyashris|ruckdviroel|rover, hey should i depends on chandan's patch for fs039 we are just blocked fs039 for master promotion for hash: c9dc3faf773b2761b7cb1368df0ef98c15:49
mariosi mean lets see what kieran says but we can give it our best shot and overshoot by 5 mins15:49
rlandy|mtgbhagyashris|ruck: dviroel|rover: do you know if that will work?15:50
rlandy|mtgyou can run it w/o reporting15:50
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy|mtg, yeah that should work15:51
bhagyashris|ruckreported already 15:51
bhagyashris|ruckit's just revert and in gate right now15:51
bhagyashris|ruckhttps://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/testproject/+/39932 fyi15:53
mariosrlandy|mtg: was it too fast to understand? :D15:57
rlandy|mtgmarios: it was great15:58
mariosk thanks15:58
mariosthanks pojadhav :)16:00
ysandeepthanks marios++ for covering all that content in 5 mins16:02
ysandeepthanks pojadhav 16:02
rlandy|mtgchandankumar++ ysandeep++ nicely done16:04
mariosgood job all chandankumar ysandeep dviroel|rover and dasm rlandy|mtg thanks for feedback and comments on the slides 16:08
rlandy|mtgdviroel|rover++ well done16:08
bhagyashris|ruckmarios, ysandeep chandankumar dviroel|rover ++16:08
chandankumardviroel|rover++ well done16:08
rlandy|mtgyay tripleo-ci team16:08
dviroel|roverwe did in 18 mins16:08
rcastillomarios++ chandankumar++ ysandeep++ dviroel|rover++ great presentation16:08
ysandeepnicely done everyone marios++ chandankumar++ dviroel++16:09
pojadhavnice presentation folks ;)16:09
bhagyashris|ruckGood job all :)16:09
jm1marios++ ysandeep++ chandankumar++ dviroel|rover++ great presentation, actually it was helpful for me too :)16:09
chandankumarthank you team, we did it :-)16:09
rlandy|mtgbhagyashris|ruck: I guess you are EoD16:10
rlandy|mtgdviroel|rover: lunch for you>16:10
dasmnicely done16:10
rlandy|mtgwe can touch base afterwards if you want me to pick up something16:10
dviroel|roverrlandy|mtg: yes, :) - /me lunch16:11
*** dviroel|rover is now known as dviroel|rover|lunch16:11
bhagyashris|ruckdviroel|rover, just key eye on this https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/testproject/+/39932 we have hash on that fs039 is failing and we have fix for that so keep a depends on it16:11
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy|mtg, yup 16:11
* dviroel|rover|lunch will check Q&A docs after lunch too16:11
bhagyashris|ruckGood night 16:11
ysandeepdviroel|rover|lunch, just checked nothing soo far16:12
dviroel|rover|lunchtks ysandeep 16:12
*** marios is now known as marios|out16:12
chandankumarsee ya tomorrow people16:13
marios|outthanks jm1 16:13
marios|outthanks rcastillo :) ysandeep o/ 16:13
*** rlandy|mtg is now known as rlandy16:14
rlandylunch - brb16:16
ysandeepthank you everyone, /me out see you tomorrow 16:16
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chemhey, sshnaidm, a long time ago you gave some qcow2 images  for reproducer testing ... I'd love to have the upstream-cloudinit-centos-9.qcow2, but I'm (still) unable to find where it is 16:32
rlandychem: hi - sshnaidm no longer works on our team ...https://rdo.vexxhost.ca/ngdetails/OS::Glance::Image/3754737b-cc8e-4882-8328-e17440b4f81c16:52
rlandy^^ looking for that?16:52
chemrlandy: yeah, ... (I had a feeling that I've seen a goodbye mail) ... re: maybe, but not sure I can log there (can I ?)16:53
chemrlandy: but the image label centos-9-stream in the build so that I can push it to internal psi16:54
chemrlandy: currently trying with the official centos9 cloud stream, but my guess is that it will fail miserably :)16:55
rlandychem: will send you creds to download16:56
rlandypls don't share :)16:56
rlandyand yes, you can upload that to psi16:56
rlandywe probably have it in our tenant somewhere16:56
chemrlandy: oh, that would be awesome and thanks for the permission :)16:58
*** dviroel|rover|lunch is now known as dviroel|rover17:02
rlandydasm: hey - can you do me a favor?17:07
rlandychem is looking for the upstream-cloudinit-centos-9.qcow2 in psi17:07
rlandydasm: can you download from vexxhost (https://rdo.vexxhost.ca/ngdetails/OS::Glance::Image/3754737b-cc8e-4882-8328-e17440b4f81c) and upload and share publicly in psi internal?17:08
rlandydasm: thanks  - let me know if you have questions17:08
dasmrlandy: ack17:08
dasmchem: gimme few. i'll let you know when it's ready17:09
chemrlandy++ dasm++ thanks a lot 17:09
rlandydasm: awesome - thanks17:10
dviroel|roverrlandy: so, master has two possible hashes to be promoted, one is missing fs035, another one is missing fs001 - both are on rerun atm17:13
dviroel|roverthis is the best that we have in the past 5 days i think17:14
rlandydviroel|rover: ok - so pick either17:15
rlandyprobably the one missing fs035 is safer17:15
rlandyadd the skip 17:15
rlandyand I'll merge17:15
rlandyand we can revert17:15
dviroel|roverand newer - i think17:16
rlandydviroel|rover: k - we're meeting in 1517:16
rlandylet's talk about wallaby c8 and victoria then17:16
* rlandy on call17:17
dasmhmm.. this image is beefy. it's 10G and it downloads reeeallyyy slow.17:20
dviroel|roverrlandy: let me fix previous info, it is fs039 that is missing, not fs035 for hash "c9dc3faf773b2761b7cb1368df0ef98c"17:51
rlandydviroel|rover: ok18:14
rlandywill that work with chandankumar's patch?18:14
dviroel|roverrlandy: it is possible, but we have been hitting other failures after ipa install 18:15
rlandydviroel|rover: checked the stack on vexx tenant - they look ok18:35
rlandyfs035 wallaby c8 - node provision failures18:36
rlandychecking into that18:36
dviroel|roverrlandy: fs039 failed on overcloud deploy - https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/testproject/+/3993218:51
dviroel|roverthis https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/testproject/+/39932/20#message-2b10e0bf7312009a128b8f91201660364dc11dcd18:51
rlandydviroel|rover: worth a rerun?18:52
dviroel|roverdont known18:52
rlandydviroel|rover: how consistent?18:53
rlandycan we promote w/o it?18:53
dviroel|roverhttps://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/builds?job_name=periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039-master 18:55
dviroel|roverfound another run that fails with "same" error18:56
dviroel|rover2 hrs 5 mins 18 secs2022-04-26 01:24:1618:56
dasmchem: i finished uploading18:56
dasm[dasm@fedora git]$ openstack image show 095db6bd-b040-4a23-a546-5995c0bbd535 -fvalue -cname 18:56
dasmchem: https://rhos-d.infra.prod.upshift.rdu2.redhat.com/dashboard/ngdetails/OS::Glance::Image/095db6bd-b040-4a23-a546-5995c0bbd53518:57
rlandydasm: thanks18:57
dasmlet me know if you see it18:57
dasmit's "shared" so i hope you're gonna see it18:57
dviroel|roverrlandy: worth wait for fs001 at least, another hash that we can promote - https://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/stream/5eafc591c1d645069382202c787244d5?logfile=console.log18:58
dviroel|roverrunning tempest atm18:58
rlandydviroel|rover: ok - if that is just a tempest failure, go with that one18:58
rlandydigging through node provision failures18:59
rlandynone that duplicate though18:59
rlandyrerunning fs03518:59
dviroel|roveryep, did you saw tempest failures returning 500?18:59
dviroel|roversaw different jobs with that issue, on victoria, was mariadb failing19:00
dviroel|rovermaster 4e6773f57d1594b550fde23014953a7d will promote 19:16
dviroel|rover /o/19:16
* dviroel|rover gets coffee19:16
dasmrcastillo: I'm overwhelmed with ansible modules :D I won't be useful with reviews, but thanks for providing links. It's definitely something interesting for me to learn new tricks.19:20
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.19:20
rlandydviroel|rover: nice19:21
rlandydasm: missed review time19:22
rlandywant to meet re; ovb?19:22
rcastillodasm: no worries, thanks for taking a look19:22
rlandyrcastillo: w+ing https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras/+/83909419:24
rcastillorlandy: ok19:24
rlandyrcastillo: dviroel|rover: pls review dasm's patch https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-infra/ci-config/+/42253 - I +2'ed it - so did marios19:26
dviroel|roverhum, rlandy, do you know what is happening in gates with openstack/tripleo-ansible?19:42
dviroel|rovercant see any previous failing change19:43
dviroel|rovercurrent-tripleo/2022-04-26 20:0320:05
dasmrcastillo: thanks for the review!20:30
dviroel|roverrlandy: fs035 c8 w failed again, node_provision: Aborted the current operation on node 9994117d-2de6-4bd3-8817-c24f2148f775 due to conductor take over20:32
rlandydviroel|rover: so we have a real bug then20:33
rlandywe need to pen a bug to and ping steve/hatold20:33
dviroel|roverrlandy: 3+ with this error20:33
rlandydviroel|rover: ack20:33
dviroel|roverrlandy: will report now20:33
rlandydviroel|rover: thanks20:33
rlandydviroel|rover: checked if we missed an import - but report and queue are up to date20:36
rlandy20 days agobaremetalpromoted-components5 days ago20:36
rlandydviroel|rover: baremetal component needs to promote there20:37
dviroel|roverwioll check20:38
rlandydviroel|rover: https://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/builds?job_name=periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-baremetal-wallaby20:38
rlandydviroel|rover: keeps failing undercloud install20:38
rlandyError message: Following validations were not found in '/usr/share/ansible/validation-playbooks': undercloud-disk-space.yaml, undercloud-disabled-services.yaml20:39
dviroel|roverah, validations20:39
rlandydviroel|rover: ^^ 20:39
rlandythat is the error20:39
rlandyI would guess if baremetal promoted the line would clear20:39
rlandydviroel|rover: error starts on 04/2220:40
rlandywallabyopenstack/tripleo-cimasteropenstack-component-baremetal49 mins 55 secs2022-04-22 00:18:48FAILURE20:40
rlandydviroel|rover: ^^ that is the bug 20:40
* dviroel|rover searching previous RR notes20:41
rlandydviroel|rover: ok - leaving w c8 there20:41
rlandyneed to get some docs complete20:41
dviroel|roverack - np20:41
rlandyping if you need anything else20:41
rlandydviroel|rover: wrt openstack/tripleo-ansible in gates20:42
rlandyabandon and restore those patches20:42
dviroel|roverwill do20:42
rlandysee if they pass then20:42
dviroel|roverrlandy: baremetal components needs new validation containers - which will include this https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-validations/+/831424 (already in promoted components)20:49
dviroel|roverso we need a integration line promotion to get baremetal working20:50
dviroel|roverand many others possibly20:50
dviroel|roverbecause of that: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-tripleoclient/+/83142520:51
rlandydviroel|rover: promote up both components21:05
rlandydviroel|rover: put in a dnm patch that skips and failed tests21:05
rlandyand kick the integration line again21:05
rlandydnm patch - depends on a testproject to promote components21:06
rlandydviroel|rover: ^^ make sense?21:06
dviroel|roverrlandy: yeah, make sense, will do that21:08
dviroel|roverrlandy: validations is ok, baremetal, tripleo and network are affected21:11
dviroel|rovernetwork is also 13do21:11
rlandydviroel|rover: promote them a;;21:15
rlandywe have no option21:15
rlandywe will catch it in integration line21:15
rlandyalso tripleo should not have much that is not already in current21:16
dviroel|roverwallaby c8 int line running now21:38
* dasm is o/21:40
*** dasm is now known as dasm|off21:40
dasm|offtake care team!21:40
rlandydviroel|rover: thanks22:33
dviroel|roverpromoted missing victoria components22:36
dviroel|rovercurrent stable1 is lost22:37
rlandydviroel|rover: thanks - updating program call doc22:37
dviroel|roverack - thanks22:38
rlandydoc updated22:47
dviroel|roveroh, train c8, so beautiful22:47
rlandydviroel|rover: image builds are erroring out on stable-1 ... pls leave not for bhagyashri to investigate tomorrow22:48
rlandylate for you22:48
rlandywe can pick this up then22:48
rlandyfailed earlier as well22:48
rlandymaster too maybe22:49
dviroel|roveroh, master too, :(22:51
dviroel|roverok, will leave a note22:51
rlandydviroel|rover: great  have a good night22:53
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|out22:53
dviroel|roveryou too o/22:54
rlandy|outwill chec in on wallaby c8 in my morning22:54
dviroel|roverack, tks22:54
* dviroel|rover out too 22:56
*** dviroel|rover is now known as dviroel|rover|out22:56
* rcastillo leaves, locks the doors23:28

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