Thursday, 2022-04-07

ysandeep|outrlandy|out: registry cleaned up for 16.2 namespace wohoo, I will do cleanup for 17 namespace now.00:20
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ysandeepbhagyashris_, good morning o/ around?05:50
bhagyashris_ysandeep, gm! yes05:52
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ysandeepbhagyashris, please check messages from last night about moving scrum: 05:52
ysandeep>> rlandy, bhagyashris hey looks like jm1 have ptg topic tomorrow for Ansible collection: , Timing conflicts with our scrum mtg time, Since many of our team members are contributing there including rcastillo frenzy_friday arxcruz - I think its worth for them to join the session as well, Do you want to cancel tomorrow's scrum?05:53
ysandeep>> rlandy| bhagyashris: can we move scrum to friday?05:53
bhagyashrisyeah saw the discussion 05:54
ysandeepbhagyashris: thanks!05:56
ysandeepmarios, minor nit here:
mariosysandeep: thanks done06:34
ysandeepthanks, left a comment on when you have time.06:37
ysandeepbhagyashris, you want to chat now about downstream baremetal jobs reparenting?06:46
bhagyashrisysandeep, i think pooja assign this task 06:48
bhagyashrisif she is not doing then i will take care 06:48
bhagyashrisi can also join 06:48
bhagyashrisysandeep, you mean "Rework Downstream Baremetal environment"06:49
bhagyashrisor downstream baremetal jobs reparenting06:49
ysandeepbhagyashris: you pinged me yesterday that you wanted to discuss some reparenting thing, was that for some different task?06:49
bhagyashrisi was asked about "Rework Downstream Baremetal environment"06:50
bhagyashrisok let's meet :D06:50
bhagyashristhen will decide 06:50
jpodivinakahat|rover: I'm seeing an error during overcloud deployment, "os-net-config: command not found" . I have a feeling we were doing something about it already but I'm not sure. 06:59
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pojadhavysandeep, baremetal reparenting I picked up.07:05
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jpodivinakahat|rover: bug filed
*** pojadhav is now known as pojadhav|lunch07:35
ysandeeppojadhav|lunch: ack, thanks!07:49
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* akahat|rover reading back08:18
akahat|roverjpodivin, o/ looking in to bug.08:34
ysandeepchandankumar: content-provider failed on , not sure if related to reparenting08:37
chandankumarysandeep: will take a look, thanks!08:41
ysandeepmay be because of neutron-base container -> as per logs -> base/os/neutron-base" returned: 108:41
chandankumarysandeep: as per neutron base log , it is fine08:46
ysandeepyes, it retries later, passed in second run08:46
ysandeepbase:538be64188487bbe7fbdabcca7d10e8d /home/zuul/container-builds/bdbc6568-406f-4d09-b1af-52f524b859fa/base/os/neutron-base" returned: 0 in 295.661s08:46
ysandeepSystemError: The following jobs were incomplete:08:47
ysandeepI think i have seen that somewhere in upstream earlier, checking bugs08:47
chandankumarin current logs , it failed at base/keepalived" returned: 1 08:48
ysandeepchandankumar, search base/keepalived" returned: 0 in same file08:49
ysandeepchandankumar, same happened in my logs - where neutron failed.. I was looking at different log where neutron is failing..08:49
chandankumarysandeep: yes08:50
ysandeepchandankumar, fyi.. another example I am looking at: 08:50
chandankumarthen something else is causing it08:50
akahat|roverjpodivin, o/ looks like os-net-config is not getting installed on overcloud. I couldn't see that package installed in overcloud node: 08:51
akahat|roverthis is old success job where os-net-config is getting installed:
jpodivinakahat|rover: I see. I'm running a recheck, as it only happened once so far. 08:57
jpodivinBut I'm bit at loss at what could be causing this.08:57
akahat|roveryeah.. i'm also looking for it.08:58
jpodivinI suppose a repo might have been to blame. 08:58
jpodivinIf it didn't provide it for some reason.08:58
jpodivinI'll have to drop now, laptop is giving me trouble, but I'll be back soon. 08:59
chandankumarysandeep: can we revert the patch and try with old parent and see how it looks?08:59
chandankumarthere is no logs available from previous parent09:00
ysandeepchandankumar, let me hold a node and see if I can debug it, otherwise we can go that route.09:00
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rlandybhagyashris: hello ... reading back on scrum10:25
rlandybhagyashris: is it on friday now?10:25
rlandyjm1: hello 10:27
rlandypls post a link and the time to your PTG session10:27
rlandyso everyone one the team can join10:27
rlandyysandeep|lunch: hello - are we all set with container deletes?10:29
rlandyakahat|rover: let's sync10:29
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mariosrlandy: you can find everything there
ysandeeprlandy, yes we have deleted all the old containers in all the 3 downstream namespaces.10:32
mariosrlandy: click on the topic and it gives you link to zoom 10:32
rlandymarios: ack - would like everyone to see the session10:32
mariosrlandy: 1300 UTC in now+2.5 hours 10:33
rlandyysandeep: 16.2 promoted yesterday10:33
rlandyysandeep: going to try clear all components again today10:33
chandankumarysandeep: i donot know something magic happened, content provider passed10:33
rlandyand then promote again on friday10:33
rlandyysandeep: will try promote 17 on rhel 9 today10:34
ysandeepchandankumar, nice, One less issue to worry about10:34
rlandyysandeep: left you the BZ link for failing network10:34
ysandeeprlandy, yes saw that.. fix is merged, I am waiting for new tripleo-ansible to promote10:34
ysandeeprlandy, container build in integration line is passing now10:35
rlandyysandeep: yep = that is a good thing10:35
rlandywill update cix10:35
rlandythought we cleared this10:35
rlandyysandeep: can you add the container prune to toolbox before you are on vacation?10:36
ysandeeprlandy, Is it okay if I left my c7 test box running, add script in cron for the timebeing.. 10:37
ysandeepthat role was written for c7.. Need some changes for c8.. I will try to do that tomorrow.. if it takes time - I will let it run from c7 test box - will add details in infra-doc.10:38
ysandeepand migrate to our internal toolbox - once I am back10:38
rlandyysandeep: ack - ok10:39
ysandeeprlandy, have a quick question regarding containers, if you have a minute: 10:40
rlandyone sec10:40
rlandychandankumar: jm1: akahat|rover: when do you want to ruck rover sync?10:40
rlandyafter jm1's session?10:40
rlandyakahat|rover: let's look into the two failing victoria jobs so we can promote10:41
marioschandankumar: ysandeep: rlandy: in your own time please check 10:41
rlandyakahat|rover, : pls ping when you are around10:41
rlandyysandeep: joining10:41
bhagyashrisrlandy, yes10:58
rlandybhagyashris: I see the invite - thank you11:00
ysandeepmarios, ack11:01
rlandychandankumar: what was up with the content-provider?11:02
chandankumarrlandy: downstream content provider was failing with random error returning exit status 1 11:03
chandankumarnow it is working fine11:04
chandankumarrlandy: ysandeep may be we can add a periodic job for downstream content provider, just to keep an eye11:04
chandankumaras rhos-release does not receive much patches, so we might not have much idea when it will stop working11:05
ysandeepchandankumar: that's a nice suggestion,  just content-provider or do you want us to add other check jobs as well?11:06
chandankumarysandeep: any other dependent check job running against rhos-release11:06
ysandeepchandankumar: frequency - weekly?11:07
chandankumarysandeep: weekly would be fine11:07
chandankumaror do we have a pipeline where we run twice or thrice a week11:07
chandankumarwe can put it there11:08
ysandeepchandankumar, I am out after tomorrow for a week, I will do that once I am back/or I will add in new sprint planning.11:08
chandankumarysandeep: please add it in sprint planning, someone can take care11:08
ysandeepchandankumar, current sprint?11:09
chandankumarysandeep: yes11:09
chandankumarmay be as a other issues11:10
chandankumarif someone is free, they will pick it11:10
ysandeepchandankumar, we have one story: Update coverage against rhos-release -> let me add there11:11
chandankumarthanks :-)11:11
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ysandeepchandankumar: fyi..
ysandeepanyone knows what happened with ?11:20
chandankumarysandeep: it is working on my end11:21
chandankumarysandeep: any specific issue you are seeing?11:21
ysandeepseeing this:_11:21
ysandeepIf you're seeing this Grafana has failed to load its application files11:21
ysandeep1. This could be caused by your reverse proxy settings.11:21
chandankumarysandeep: found this on internet
chandankumaryou are running devel cockpit instance locally also?11:24
chandankumari am not sure local setup has anything to do with above url11:25
ysandeepnot running locally11:26
ysandeepchandankumar: if its working for you, may be some local issue on my side.. I will check that.11:26
rlandyworks for me11:26
ysandeepfyi.. I am hitting something like this - I will debug that.. thanks for checking chandankumar rlandy 11:28
akahat|roverrlandy, o/11:45
akahat|roverrlandy, you want me to promote victoria?11:45
rlandyakahat|rover: let's chat11:45
rlandyI was looking into the errors - but got distracted11:45
jpodivinakahat|rover: I'm closing the Job is now passing and the bug is no longer present. Whatever it may have originally been. 12:10
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akahat|roverjpodivin, ack.12:15
rlandyakahat|rover: master has another case of the sporadic container update12:16
* rlandy updates CIX12:16
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dviroelmarios: i was about to ask you about freeze graph in scenario004 - but I found your patch already12:18
dviroelmarios: hitting experimental on manila too -
mariosdviroel: ack yeah i noticed it on code search ... should fix if you add depends on can you try? 12:21
mariosdviroel: oh its experimental so no block there thanks12:22
mariosalso networking-bgpn12:23
dviroelack, will try on a DNM change12:23
mariosdviroel: thanks12:25
rlandyarxcruz: hey  pls join internal IRC12:25
arxcruzrlandy sec12:27
rlandymarios: - are we good here now?12:28
mariosrlandy: yes should be done12:29
rlandygreat - thanks12:29
rlandy - still open12:29
mariosrlandy: done12:29
dviroel@team, when you have some time, pls check these notes about ceph promotion pipeline - we can discuss about that in a meeting afterwards.12:36
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rlandydviroel: ++ nice - pls present at tomorrow's scrum12:43
dviroelrlandy: ok, good idea12:44
rlandybhagyashris: hey - need to coordinate with you and pooja re: teardown12:47
rlandyI have some patches that are w-112:47
bhagyashrisrlandy, sure12:53
bhagyashrisrlandy, should we meet now?12:55
rlandybhagyashris: maybe after scrum on friday 12:55
rlandywe might cover it then12:55
bhagyashrisrlandy, sure 12:55
rlandynow is jm1's session12:55
rlandyarxcruz: rcastillo: frenzy_friday: ^^ pls join session12:56
mariosclick on the session 13:02
mariosit opens zoom13:02
arxcruznot working :/13:03
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marios        * 13:05
mariosarxcruz: fyi ^^ 13:06
mariosarxcruz: also, mute13:06
mariosi hear the ping13:06
mariosk now i don't13:06
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* dviroel another ptg session13:46
rlandyysandeep: I don;t see FTBFS on CIX anymore14:04
ysandeeprlandy, its solved now14:04
ysandeeprlandy: I was about to recheck jobs but I noticed some jobs failing in downstream zuul14:05
ysandeeprlandy, checkout this
ysandeepError: Failed to update project ansible-collections/ansible.utils14:05
ysandeepfor different projects:-14:05
ysandeepError: Failed to update project openstack/tripleo-ci14:05
ysandeepeach job is failing on different project.14:05
chandankumarysandeep: we have seen this error in the upstream few times, it comes and goes14:10
ysandeepchandankumar: thanks, I have pinged on internal channel if infra can find something.14:13
dviroelrlandy: akahat|rover - dasm will be out for the next hours, I will cover him during this period14:14
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rlandydviroel|ruck: thanks - pls see tristan is EoD today for infra14:15
akahat|roverdviroel|ruck, thanks. i'll be around if you need anything.14:15
ysandeepjm1++ sshnaidm++ 14:18
chandankumarjm1++ sshnaidm++ nice done , thank you :-)14:18
mariosgood session thanks folks 14:18
jm1team, thank you all for joining, was a nice ptg :)14:19
chandankumarakahat|rover: rlandy do we want to do a handover? or I will take the stuff from hackmd as we spoke earlier14:20
rlandychandankumar: ack  if you want to14:20
rlandydasm|off is out14:20
rlandyso I think you pretty much have the info14:21
chandankumarrlandy: yes, I do14:21
rlandychandankumar: I will update the hakcmd at my EoD14:21
chandankumarok let's skip it14:21
rlandychandankumar: you can start a new hackmd tomorrow14:21
chandankumarif anything needed I will ping akahat|rover tomorrow, get it rolling14:21
akahat|roverchandankumar, dviroel|ruck validation rpm is not getting build:
chandankumarakahat|rover: let me check14:24
dviroel|ruckakahat|rover: chandankumar
dviroel|ruck"No matching package to install: 'python3-setuptools >= 50.3.0'"14:24
chandankumarpython3-setuptools-39.2.0-6.el8.noarch.rpm is available in c814:25
chandankumarfrom where this version is coming14:25
chandankumarakahat|rover: branch?14:26
akahat|roverchandankumar, stable/victoria14:26
chandankumaras per spec file
chandankumarthat version is not defined14:30
chandankumarif you seen the chain14:31
chandankumaron this patch why is getting included14:31
chandankumaron sorry there was a depend son14:32
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chandankumar2022-04-07 13:19:47 | 2022-04-07 13:19:47,831 INFO:dlrn-repositories:Falling back to rpm-master14:38
chandankumarBuildRequires:  python3-setuptools >= 50.3.014:38
chandankumar2022-04-07 13:19:47 | 2022-04-07 13:19:47,167 INFO:dlrn-repositories:Getting to ./data/validations-common_distro (1.6-rdo)14:40
chandankumarIt looks for (1.6-rdo)14:40
chandankumarwhich does not exists14:40
chandankumarin rdo distgit14:40
chandankumarthere are two solutions14:40
akahat|rover1.6 is exists in validations-libs repo:
chandankumar1. propose a change to python3-setuptools >= 50.3.0 to >= 39.2.014:41
chandankumaror we need to fix it in our side 14:41
rlandyakahat|rover: pls raise a LP for this14:41
rlandyso we can log the fix14:41
akahat|roverrlandy, okay14:42
chandankumarakahat|rover: i know the issue
chandankumarproposing a fix14:47
akahat|roverdviroel|ruck, chandankumar
rlandyakahat|rover: pls add release milestone, importance14:49
rlandycritical 14:49
rlandyotherwise it won't raise a CIX14:49
chandankumarakahat|rover: rlandy dviroel|ruck
chandankumarplease put it as a depends on python-tripleoclient patch15:10
rlandychandankumar: thanks looking15:11
rlandydviroel|ruck: ^^ you ok with that? if so we can +2 and merge to clear gates15:14
chandankumarjpodivin: if ok, can I update this patch with depends-on ?15:15
chandankumargate job has failed anyway15:15
dviroel|ruckrlandy: i we can go with chandankumar approach and add as depends-on15:16
rlandylet see if we get rebase15:16
jpodivinchandankumar: sure, if you want to that would be great.15:17
chandankumarjpodivin: thanks!15:18
chandankumarrlandy: dviroel|ruck done!15:18
jpodivinchandankumar: nope, it's I who should be grateful :) 15:19
chandankumarjpodivin: :-)15:19
chandankumarsee ya people!15:27
* dviroel|ruck lunch brbr15:28
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rlandydviroel|ruck: hey 16:37
rlandydviroel|ruck: concentrating on some downstream stuff now16:37
rlandyupstream promotions are fine16:37
rlandyjust wanted to get master promoted16:37
rlandylooking at what16:37
rlandys missing there16:38
dviroel|ruckrlandy: rerunning previous failed jobs16:38
rlandydviroel|ruck: lots of sporadic container updates failures16:39
rlandycommented on the open CIX16:39
rlandyjust kicked again16:40
rlandyso we'll see16:40
dviroel|ruckwill try fs029 again16:40
rlandytripleo component on wallaby c8 is lagging - should also rekick shortly16:41
dviroel|ruckwill go through upstream component lines then16:43
dviroel|rucknot bad17:06
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* dviroel|ruck coffee18:30
*** dasm|off is now known as dasm18:42
dasmdviroel|ruck: o/ i'm here!18:42
dviroel|ruckdasm: o/18:51
dasmdviroel|ruck: do you need any immediate help? 18:51
dasmif not, i'll devote my time to rr script for some improvements18:52
dviroel|ruckdasm: don't think so, we have a new bug (stable/victoria) with a proposed fix
dviroel|ruckdasm: downstream failing to build containers18:54
dasmi thought we're past that18:54
dasmor is it still the same thing?18:54
dviroel|rucknot aware of previous issues, but the current fix is to replace container base image, but just saw that failed to login into registry18:55
dviroel|ruckrlandy: containers build failed to login into that registry18:56
dviroel|ruckrlandy: not sure if we have a token/secret for that one18:57
rlandydviroel|ruck: no19:03
rlandywe need to switch it19:03
rlandyit is not needed for the 16.2 promotion right away19:04
rlandywill work on it more tomorrow19:04
rlandychandankumar: fyi ... if you are ok with, pls merge in your morning19:13
rlandyand we can follow the fallout19:13
rlandymarios and I both +2'ed this19:13
rlandytestprojects look good19:13
rlandyjpodivin: ^^ pls also review19:14
rlandydviroel|ruck: dequeueing and re starting stable 419:28
dviroel|ruckrlandy: ack - will try again previous hash, missing two jobs19:32
rlandydviroel|ruck: train promoted earlier this morning19:33
rlandyso not too bad19:33
rlandyas long as components are clean we're good19:33
rlandyfocused on downstream components right now19:33
dviroel|ruckack - train components are clear19:34
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|mtg19:53
dviroel|ruck"did not get container create message from subprocess: read |0: i/o timeout"20:05
dviroel|ruckrlandy|mtg: take a look afterwards
rlandy|mtgdviroel|ruck: just joining next meeting - will look afterwards20:27
dviroel|ruckrlandy|mtg: fix on buildah merged
dviroel|ruckrlandy|mtg: sure20:28
dviroel|ruckwill add this to LP Bug20:28
rlandy|mtgcool - will read back20:28
dviroel|ruckadded a comment on CIX card20:37
* dviroel|ruck need to go afk, my turn on dinner today20:38
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*** rlandy|mtg is now known as rlandy21:17
* dasm signs off for today! Have a good one!22:44
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rcastilloheading out for the day o/23:50

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