Wednesday, 2022-03-16

*** dviroel|ruck is now known as dviroel|ruck|Afk00:05
*** rlandy|bbl is now known as rlandy|out00:59
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ysandeepgood morning all o/05:06
Tenguhello there!05:48
ysandeepTengu: o/06:04
ysandeepTengu: Good to hear we found the issues in your lab which you were hitting yesterday.06:06
Tenguysandeep: the one preventing pacemaker to work? well, we found it, it's "environmental" with the lab, but I still don't know WHY06:07
Tenguapparently requests are dropped, but I don't understand why.06:07
ysandeepyes pacemaker one, may be n/w / firewall filtering - i think you mentioned iptables/firewall were running together.06:09
Tenguysandeep: on the hypervisor, yeah... it's really, really weird.06:09
TenguI'll do some more testing today.06:09
ysandeepreviewbot: please add in review list: 06:09
ysandeepchkumar|rover: when you have sometime: - 17 scheduled run will start soon - If we can merge this one before that - will save a testproject - we are not doing great interms of resources in downstream.06:11
chkumar|roverysandeep: done06:20
ysandeepchkumar|rover: ++ thanks!06:20
ysandeepchkumar|rover, hey o/ left a comment for you on internal channel.06:45
* frenzy_friday checking what happened to reviewbot06:46
frenzy_fridaybot : pls add to review list 06:47
reviewbotI have added your review the to Review list06:47
frenzy_fridayreviewbot: please add in review list:
frenzy_fridaythere was a problem with the regex reviewbot is checking. Updated07:12
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ysandeepreviewbot: please add in review list
reviewbotI have added your review the to Review list08:42
reviewbotI have added your review the to Review list08:42
*** pojadhav- is now known as pojadhav08:54
mariosakahat: can you please check when you get a chance 09:27
soniya29arxcruz, kopecmartin, chkumar|rover, rlandy|out, ysandeep, please add/edit today's agenda for tempest meeting -
*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy10:26
rlandychkumar|rover: hey  - you still around?10:27
rlandysoniya29: tempest meeting is a clash with program call atm10:28
* pojadhav brb for 1/2 hr..10:34
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mariostripleo-ci please check when you have time thank you10:39
*** marios is now known as marios|ruck10:40
marios|ruckrlandy: i don't have any context... is anything on fire ? i see the hackmd doesn't look like it? 10:40
marios|ruckrlandy: will just start checking all the things... 10:41
marios|ruckrlandy: looks like program call status is updated10:43
marios|ruckrlandy: gates appear to be reasonable 10:44
rlandymarios|ruck: thanks - dviroel|ruck|Afk should be back shortly10:46
rlandylines are ok - expect for stable 110:46
rlandywatching that now10:46
rlandydownstream both promoted yesterday - so we are ok there10:47
marios|ruckrlandy: ack we'll talk in a few mins on phone too so we can catch up... am looking at the cix wrt train being yellow in program call trying to catch up a bit there10:47
rlandymarios|ruck: wrt train ... 10:48
rlandypromotions are ok10:48
rlandydlrn was stuck yesterday10:48
rlandywell for 5 days10:48
marios|ruckrlandy: ah i see how unfortunate... so we don't have cix then ? 10:49
rlandyadding two CIXs we are following to program doc10:49
marios|ruckrlandy: k thanks10:49
marios|ruckrlandy: where is downstream grafana gone down? 10:51
rlandyjm1: ^^ pls update the tripleo-infra doc10:52
marios|ruckah thanks rlandy 10:52
rlandyysandeep|afk: - can you comment/update there pls10:57
marios|ruckoof train rlandy 10:58
marios|ruckmore/new retry_limit issues maybe digging a bit there 10:58
rlandymarios|ruck: cloud outage  yesterday10:59
rlandy<nhicher> rlandy|mtg: I've restarted nodepool-launcher service and it starts new instances10:59
marios|ruckrlandy: nice 10:59
rlandymarios|ruck: this is the major bug we are following:
rlandyfs001 and fs03511:00
rlandyare impacted11:00
rlandytrain should run again shortly11:00
rlandywe can watch that one11:00
marios|ruckrlandy: ok11:01
rlandyslaweq left notes on the bug11:01
rlandyreading through those11:01
marios|ruckrlandy: ah it runs 2x a day train i mean ... ok 11:02
rlandymarios|ruck: we can rekick11:02
rlandychecking container build failure11:02
rlandystable 1 is the line we are really behind on11:03
marios|ruckrlandy: looking at the job runs history train should kick again about 1700 UTC 11:03
marios|ruckrlandy: 8 wallaby? k looking there 11:04
rlandymarios|ruck: that's a long time - rekicking11:05
jm1rlandy: which tripleo-infra doc? tripleo-ci-doc on Google has the new link11:07
rlandyjm1: yeah - I just updated it11:07
jm1rlandy: hehe okay, thanks :)11:08
soniya29rlandy, earlier tempest used to clash with retro so we pushed it little bit early11:10
soniya29rlandy, but we don't have that problem11:10
rlandysoniya29: yeah  - scheduling is hard :(11:10
rlandymaybe it will switch again when europe catches up with daylight savings11:11
soniya29so let's move 1 hr further like 1 PM UTC11:12
soniya29chkumar|rover, arxcruz, kopecmartin, ysandeep|afk, ^^11:12
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rlandyakahat: pls join review time11:16
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rlandywe're looking at the standalone patcj11:17
ysandeeprlandy: - moved to done 11:22
marios|ruckdviroel|ruck: fyi (just helping a bit since chkumar|rover is out) Run fs1 fs20 for wallaby c8 a1984ba0d6c190b2ee36418c6c6168c1 11:23
marios|ruckdviroel|ruck: i just found a good hash from the promoter logs to chase it ^^^ not sure 11:23
dviroel|ruckmarios|ruck: thanks marios - i was chasing this hash yesterda too - is the closest one that we have for promotion11:26
marios|ruckdviroel|ruck: ack 11:27
rlandydasm|off: are in merge conflict11:32
rlandypls rebase for review11:32
marios|ruckdviroel|ruck: fyi the mirror bug there 12:08
* marios|ruck food brb12:08
rlandy^^ pls clear those12:15
rlandykopecmartin; ^^ need to be triaged12:17
rlandyshowed up on program call12:17
rlandysoniya29: ^^12:17
soniya29rlandy, can you recheck this link? it is throwing internal error 12:17
rlandysoniya29: pls open the program doc12:22
rlandyyou will see two bugs referenced there under PCCI12:22
rlandythey both belong to tempest12:22
kopecmartinrlandy: soniya29 i've just marked them as triaged12:24
rlandythank you12:24
soniya29kopecmartin, thanks12:28
marios|ruckrlandy: dviroel|ruck: if fs1 wallaby is broken since ~13th with then how did we promote 9/wallaby yesterday? 12:32
marios|ruckinconsistent issue? or did we waive jobs? 12:32
dviroel|ruckremoved from criteria to promote - the ugly way12:35
dviroel|ruckwe didn't get fs001 only to pass - all others we had sucessful runs12:36
marios|ruckah k dviroel|ruck thanks12:43
* pojadhav tea break12:56
marios|ruckdamn i missed that the program call was an hour earlier :) eveyrhint ok dviroel|ruck ? 13:00
soniya29kopecmartin, rlandy, arxcruz, chkumar|rover, ysandeep, tempest meeting13:01
dviroel|ruckmarios|ruck: yes, was ok, np13:01
ysandeepsoniya29, I am in another meeting today, will not be able to join13:01
soniya29ysandeep, okay13:01
dviroel|ruckperiodic-tripleo-centos-9-buildimage-overcloud-hardened-uefi-full-wallaby just failed due to mirrors too13:03
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rlandydviroel|ruck: so we have 9 mirror issues as well??13:14
dviroel|ruckrlandy: looks like - yes13:15
marios|ruckdviroel|ruck: can you add links into the bug please? 13:15
rlandypls add to bug13:16
dviroel|ruckwill do13:16
marios|ruckrlandy: dviroel|ruck: nhicher said he is updating the ticket we have with vh so let's see 13:16
dviroel|ruckmarios|ruck: rlandy updates from guilherme on vexxhost channel13:39
rlandyno wonder it's unsable13:40
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marios|ruckdviroel|ruck: am not on the channel what did i miss13:41
marios|ruckrlandy: dviroel|ruck: btw looks like tox pep8 issues persist 13:41
marios|ruckrlandy: dviroel|ruck: (you said something about that from yesterday?)13:42
marios|ruckbut we still have it there for example
marios|ruckstable/wallaby tripleo heat templates13:42
dviroel|ruckseems that they need to migrate the HV that host those mirrors13:42
marios|ruckdviroel|ruck: i see thanks13:43
*** dasm|off is now known as dasm13:43
marios|ruckdviroel|ruck: was there a fix for the pep8 issue yesterday? 13:43
marios|ruckmaybe we need it on wallaby too 13:43
marios|ruck\o dasm 13:43
rlandymarios|ruck: ack - slagle added the pep8 fix13:43
rlandyon master13:43
marios|ruckrlandy: do you know which repo/where was the rix13:44
dasmrlandy: fyi, rr_refactor rebased and resubmitted13:44
marios|ruckrlandy: k thanks let me comment on that bug and ask him if we need that cherrypick probably 13:45
rlandydasm: great - can we touch base on uefi boot this afternoon?13:46
dasmrlandy: of course13:46
dasmmarios|ruck: hey! i though dviroel|ruck is rucking with chkumar|rover today. Is everything OK? Any help needed?13:51
rlandydasm: chkumar|rover is out sick today13:51
rlandydviroel|ruck ould probably use some help this afternoon13:51
dasmchkumar|rover: take care mate! good luck!13:51
marios|ruckdasm: thanks i am just helping out a bit 13:54
dasmmarios|ruck: you're right person to ask for a help :)13:56
* dviroel|ruck back in 10m13:57
marios|ruckdasm: ;) thanks13:58
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|mtg14:00
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rlandy|mtgdviroel|ruck; marios|ruck: do you want me to dequeue/enqueue those lines or you would like to handle that?14:23
rlandy|mtgsince vexx migrated14:23
dviroel|ruckrlandy|mtg: i can do that14:24
dasmmarios|ruck: qq. we merged workaround for which was "downgrade openssl". Do we want to keep this bug open, or is it better to close it now, since it's fixed?14:29
rlandy|mtgdasm: really up to security team14:30
rlandy|mtgade_lee__: ^^ what's the right direction here?14:31
dasmhmm.. it's in "tripleo" category14:31
rlandy|mtgshould we close those bugs and leave the rollback?14:31
rlandy|mtgor make a different fix?14:31
dviroel|ruckmarios|ruck: rlandy|mtg periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-1ctlr_2comp-featureset020-wallaby is the only one missing to promote wallaby-c8 (fs001 just passed on marios' testproject)14:31
rlandy|mtgdviroel|ruck: tempest failure?14:32
rlandy|mtgif yes, just skip and promote14:32
dviroel|ruckrlandy|mtg: yes, tempest failure14:32
rlandy|mtgcan you link?14:33
dviroel|ruckrlandy|mtg: - uploading logs 14:33
dviroel|rucklast failure on fs02014:33
dviroel|ruckrlandy|mtg: dasm: ade's comment on that
rlandy|mtgdviroel|ruck: yeah - just promote it14:35
rlandy|mtgwe can skip and bug later14:35
rlandy|mtgie: skip and promote14:35
dasmdviroel|ruck: in that case, if there is no eta, i would be ok to close that bug in launchpad. 14:36
rlandy|mtgdasm: looking - sorry paralle processing here14:40
dasmno pressure, rlandy|mtg 14:41
dviroel|ruckrlandy|mtg: seems that this issue is different from fs001:
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rlandy|mtghard to tell what we have here14:43
rlandy|mtgif consistent or not14:43
rlandy|mtgdviroel|ruck: +2'ed14:44
rlandy|mtgdviroel|ruck: ^^ last run that actually got to tempest14:45
rlandy|mtgdviroel|ruck: so some network stuff14:46
dviroel|ruckyeah, lot of other infra related issues14:46
rlandy|mtgbut at this point - bug it14:48
rlandy|mtgpromote it14:48
rlandy|mtgand if it shows up in downstream, we'll skip it14:48
rlandy|mtgysandeep|out: pojadhav: ^^ fyi if you see this in downstream14:48
rlandy|mtgdviroel|ruck: that is our process14:48
rlandy|mtgtempest test14:48
rlandy|mtgand if it repeats, skip14:49
rlandy|mtgnetwork c8 component is very broken14:50
rlandy|mtgmight do better after promotion14:50
mariossorry dviroel|ruck rlandy|mtg connection dropped & then had to deal with contractor who came to fix something 14:50
rlandy|mtgso only way to clear this14:50
*** marios is now known as marios|ruck14:50
rlandy|mtgmarios: np- just making decision to promote with failed fs02014:50
rlandy|mtgnetwork component is broken14:50
rlandy|mtgso I would promote and skip if we need to 14:50
rlandy|mtgcreate a bug14:51
rlandy|mtgthat is our process14:51
marios|ruckrlandy|mtg: network ... might be related to the ? we are currently suspecting neutron issue there14:51
marios|ruckbut that is fs1 14:51
rlandy|mtgon fs00114:52
dviroel|ruckyep, marios|ruck see
marios|ruckso featureset 1 passed on my testproject? oh i see that is why you are discussing the failed fs20 14:53
marios|ruckdviroel|ruck: maybe... these are connection refused so could be related14:54
dviroel|ruckyeah, may be related14:55
rlandy|mtgmarios|ruck: I +2'ed
marios|ruckack lets go 15:00
rlandy|mtgdasm: thanks for pointing to ade_lee__'s comment - reading back15:01
*** rlandy|mtg is now known as rlandy15:01
ade_lee__rlandy, up to you guys as to whether to keep the bug open or not.  I don't have a timeline yet on when the bz will be fixed.15:07
rlandyade_lee__: my apologies - I didn;t read your comment when I asked15:09
rlandydasm told me you responded15:09
ade_lee__rlandy, ack - let me know if you need to know more15:10
ade_lee__rlandy, if you do decide to close it, maybe we need a TODO on the code that downgrades openssl on the ipa node that points to the BZ15:11
dasmade_lee__: I added extra info to this workaround, based on your comment. Let me know if that makes sense  cc rlandy 15:26
rlandydasm: maybe we wait to see what the FIPs solution is and the follow that15:28
rlandyit's ok for now15:28
dviroel|ruckade_lee__: another thing - openssl-3.0.1-17.el9.x86_64.rpm is available on mirrors now, worth trying?15:29
rlandy "source_registry.namespace": "tripleowallaby"15:32
rlandy^^ in promotion15:32
rlandydviroel|ruck: marios|ruck: - revert proposed15:34
dviroel|ruckdasm: you were working on this:
dviroel|ruckhas a new comment, we may want to try15:46
dviroel|ruckor maybe just check that we already test that fix.15:47
dviroel|ruck* if we15:47
* dviroel|ruck going to lunch 16:01
dviroel|ruckmarios|ruck: tks for the help - have a good end of day o/16:01
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rlandymarios|ruck: thanks for jumping in16:02
marios|rucknp dviroel|ruck|lunch rlandy let me know if you want me to pick something up16:04
*** marios|ruck is now known as marios16:04
ade_lee__dviroel|ruck|lunch, dasm ack -- I think the change that will be needed will be in kinit or some other ipa client package16:10
ade_lee__so I doubt the latest openssl will help16:10
ade_lee__but I'll look more after lunch16:10
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rlandydviroel|ruck|lunch: current-tripleo/2022-03-16 16:19 promoted16:29
rlandymerging revert patch16:29
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mariosrlandy: fyi
mariosrlandy: (
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*** jpena is now known as jpena|off17:01
rlandyyes - end them17:05
rlandydviroel|ruck|lunch: rerunning one timed out c7 job17:10
rlandydasm: hey - pls ping when you want to chat about uefi17:14
*** dviroel|ruck|lunch is now known as dviroel|ruck17:15
*** arxcruz is now known as arxcruz|off17:18
rcastillorlandy: I got the libvirt deploy working locally on c9 finally, with these patches
rlandyrcastillo++++++ OMG17:27
rlandyyou get 75 gold stars17:27
rlandybest news today17:27
rcastillonow to figure out how to get this stuff on zuul17:27
rlandyrcastillo: so ... uefi boot with whole_disk_images???17:28
rlandymaster c9?17:28
rlandyso cool!!17:28
rcastillobut using overcloud_full as undercloud base17:28
rlandythat's fine17:28
rlandynobody cares what the undercloud is17:28
rlandyso ... the issue is getting the patches to pass zuul?17:29
rlandyatm you have linter failures17:29
rlandy| WARNING  Listing 3 violation(s) that are fatal17:29
* dasm is back17:30
dasmrlandy: here if you want to chat about uefi17:30
rcastillorlandy: oh right, missed a rebase17:30
rcastilloweird that two of the linting errors are on files I didn't even touch17:30
rlandyit happens17:30
rlandyrcastillo: ok - let's see after rebase what errors you have left17:31
rlandydasm: in 30 mins?17:31
rlandyk - will ping you then17:31
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rlandyrcastillo: left some votes/comments17:39
rlandylet me know if you still see linter issues17:39
rlandyyou can try switch the patch relationship chain17:39
rlandydviroel|ruck: think the c8 mirror look better atm?17:40
rlandytold #vexxhost I would respond there17:40
dviroel|ruckrlandy: looks like yes17:44
rlandywill respond17:44
dviroel|ruckok, ty17:44
rlandydasm: k - free now17:48
rlandy when ready17:49
dasmrlandy: joining17:52
dasmrcastillo: can you join us? ^18:07
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* dviroel|ruck needs coffee19:20
rlandydviroel|ruck: need help with anything?19:21
dviroel|ruckrlandy: no, not really19:38
dviroel|ruckrlandy: need to go afk a bit - will be back later to check testproject results - have a good day offline20:02
rlandydviroel|ruck: sure - see you on friday20:03
*** dviroel|ruck is now known as dviroel|ruck|afk20:03
dasmdviroel|ruck|afk: o/20:07
rlandydasm: get any help with vexx logs?20:28
dasmnot yet. working on that20:34
dasmrlandy: ^20:34
dasmrlandy: we might have to use separate aggregate for ipxe-uefi boot. Do you know where to submit a ticket for vexxhost?20:39
rlandydasm: I thought we didn't - that all the machines were upgraded to support uefi boot20:57
rlandydasm: we don;t have access to their ticket system20:57
rlandypls ask nhicher to open the ticket20:58
rlandyyou can ask him on #rhos-ops20:58
dasmrlandy: i thought that all aggregates have uefi enabled, but that might be not the case here20:58
dasmrlandy: guilhermesp_ mentioned that we might be using wrong aggregate. That would explain problems with spinning up working setup20:59
rlandydasm: great if we have a cause21:01
rlandyI'm looking for the email21:01
rlandydasm - going to forward to you21:01
dasmwe're gonna have an account tomorrow. it's gonna be easier.21:02
dasmi <3 this place ^21:02
rlandydasm: "All hosts support UEFI at the moment, we've still got a few more upgrade related things that we're wrapping up before we close the ticket."21:02
rlandysee email21:02
dasmmhm... so, the aggregate shouldn't be a problem....21:03
rlandydasm: idk - see the email chain21:03
dasmat least i'll have an account21:03
rlandymaybe that was not correct21:03
dasmi didn't get anything yet21:03
dasmok, it's here21:04
dasmrlandy, fyi: 21:06
dasmi can't see it right now, but i should have an access tomorrow21:06
rlandydasm++ nice21:06
* dasm is leaving for tonight.21:33
dasmhave a nice evening rlandy rcastillo o/21:33
rcastillodasm \o have a good one21:33
rlandydasm; good night22:07
rlandyugh - c7 timedout again22:11
rlandychkumar|rover: dviroel|ruck|afk: two things ...22:28
rlandycontainer build failure on 16.222:28
rlandyand train c7 timing out on tempest22:28
rlandy^^ giving that one another try22:29
rlandytrain line looks stuck22:29
rlandysee you all on friday22:31
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|PTO22:31
*** ysandeep|out is now known as ysandeep23:46

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