Monday, 2022-03-14

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pdeorearxcruz, chkumar|rover, even after adding the support of glance tempest plugin in tripleo-quickstart & openstack-ansible-os_tempest, seems he plugin tests are not getting consumed
pdeore &, 08:51
pdeore^ these 2 patches I've submitted08:51
pdeores/he/the plugin tests08:53
arxcruzpdeore i'll take a look later, i'm finishing some documentation I need today 08:54
pdeorearxcruz, yeah np, take your time08:55
ysandeepjm1: ++ thanks for idrac update!09:02
ysandeepconsole working for me, now.09:02
jm1ysandeep: np :)09:07
ysandeepjm1, you had to reseat the idrac from chassis side to get its access back?09:11
jm1ysandeep: yes, reset did not work. took a while till it came back09:16
ysandeepjm1: oh okay, after getting back console - firmware update from 2.15 to 2.70, and 2.70 -> 2.82 ?09:18
jm1ysandeep: yes. atm i am evaluating a different path using cmc. this would allow us to update 8 idracs at once. not working yet because they changed update hashes from sha1 to sha256 but working on it09:30
ysandeepjm1: ack, yeah updating all the servers using cmc would be cool and way faster(if it works), I am not blocked atleast for now, ++ thanks!09:33
ysandeepI might need to access console of other machines in that env to change boot option from bios to uefi - but i haven't tried connecting to console of other machines yet.09:34
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arxcruzpdeore I comment on your patch, i think that was the problem :) 09:52
pdeorearxcruz, yeah I've updated the commit msg as per you comment :) Thanks again !09:53
jbadiapadoes anybody have a problem deploying centos9 master on the "openstack overcloud node provision"? 10:01
jbadiapathe error I got "grub2-install: error: this utility cannot be used for EFI platforms because it does not support UEFI Secure Boot."10:01
jbadiapaI think I read something last week about this10:02
jbadiapaBTW, it's using the overcloud-full.qcow2 image 10:06
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ysandeepjbadiapa, we do have one known issue: but traceback is different from what you are facing but in ci we use overcloud-hardened-uefi-full.qcow2 image now.10:23
rlandydviroel: hello ...10:29
rlandywe can sync at review time10:30
rlandyakahat: hello  - pls attend review time today with any parenting reviews10:44
akahatrlandy, ack10:45
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dviroelrlandy: okay - will joing 11:12
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* chkumar|rover is back11:16
chkumar|roverdviroel|ruck: rlandy \o11:16
mariosrlandy: joining us ?11:18
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jbadiapaysandeep let me add the whole_disk_images=true  11:37
marioschkumar|rover: :) 11:40
dviroel|ruckchkumar|rover: will rerun c8-wallaby - previous hash - only 2 jobs missing11:59
dviroel|ruckprevious ussuri hash also missing 1 job - rerunning12:01
chkumar|roverdviroel|ruck: sounds good, if passes, we can promote12:02
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chkumar|roverrlandy: openssl-3.0.1-17 has not landed yet in cs9 stream production compose12:08
rlandychkumar|rover: k12:12
dviroel|ruckchkumar|rover: master will not promote with fs035 failing -
rlandyysandeep: hey - available to chat? re: mixed rhel versions12:33
rlandyspec you sent12:33
dviroel|ruckchkumar|rover: and we have many jobs failing
ysandeeprlandy: I think better to discuss in our group once DFGs select a alternative mentioned in
chkumar|roverdviroel|ruck: in each run, tempest tests failure are different12:47
chkumar|roverfor fs03512:47
chkumar|roverI have taken a look at last 3 runs with timing > 3 hrs12:47
rlandydviroel|ruck: chkumar|rover: - to close out CIX
rlandypls review ... w+12:48
rlandydviroel|ruck: chkumar|rover: tempest component for rhos-17 should promote now12:49
chkumar|roverrlandy: we can add the closes-bug in the above review
rlandychkumar|rover: ack - will do12:51
rlandychkumar|rover: good catch - thank you - done12:52
chkumar|roverdviroel|ruck: can you pass me the fs035 second tempest fix link?12:53
chkumar|roverwanted to see how we can test if periodic job if unit tests are passing12:53
dviroel|ruckone sec12:56
dviroel|ruckchkumar|rover: - same topic 12:57
chkumar|roverdviroel|ruck: thanks, :-)12:59
dviroel|ruckchkumar|rover: last fs035-master now has Security Group failures in logs - same happening in this tempest change13:01
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rlandypojadhav: hello ... pls will you check the audit of the wallaby c9 component lines and the criteria13:11
rlandythere were some jobs missing in criteria when I last checked13:11
pojadhavrlandy, sure and let you know13:12
rlandydasm: hello - any progress on uefi boot? with wallaby c8 or train c8?13:12
rlandypojadhav: pls just put in a review for any missing jobs - thanks13:12
pojadhavrlandy, yep13:12
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dasmrlandy: o/ no progress. i ran cross check with legacy boot to see if the issue is isolated.13:23
dasmsecond uefi boot test was still running when i left. i'm checking that right how13:24
rlandydasm: ok - let's touch base this afternoon and see where we are 13:24
rlandyand write up the progress13:24
rlandyso we can get some bugs sorted13:24
rlandydasm: also looks like you reran some of the tempest skiplist stuff13:24
rlandyany updates there before CIX?13:24
dasmrlandy: i didn't run them recently. last time i did, i left comments. 13:25
rlandyok - saw some trello updates - maybe that was someone else13:25
chkumar|roverdviroel|ruck: testing tempest patch here:
dviroel|ruckchkumar|rover: rlandy cix meeting now13:32
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rlandydasm: chkumar|rover: dviroel|ruck: soniya: scrum time14:01
rlandyakahat: ^^14:02
soniyarlandy, in secure-rbac meeting14:02
soniyawill join later14:02
dasmrlandy: will join after rbac meeting. Thanks14:02
dasmrlandy, fyi ovb with uefi boot:
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dviroel|ruckchkumar|rover: we forgot to update criteria :P 14:17
chkumar|roverdviroel|ruck: ++ thanks :-)14:18
frenzy_fridaybot pls add to review list
soniyatosky, we are testing this patch: here:-
soniyatosky, also abhishekh is fine with it ^^14:28
toskysoniya: as the reviews are public, can you please answer the question in the review if you haven't done yet (I haven't checked yet)14:33
soniyatosky, comments are on gerrit14:33
chkumar|roverdviroel|ruck: regarding mirror issue on stable1 pipeline, it happened due to vexxhost network issue14:38
dviroel|ruckchkumar|rover: oh ok, good to know14:39
chkumar|roverysandeep: please +w14:41
ysandeepchkumar|rover, looking14:42
chkumar|roverysandeep: thanks!14:52
dasmdviroel|ruck: chkumar|rover Ronelle mentioned to test ovb on c8-wallaby. I don't see the job for that. Do you know which one she meant?14:53
chkumar|roverdasm: periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-wallaby 14:56
chkumar|roverdasm: job definition
dasmthank you chkumar|rover++14:56
dasmi searched for "periodic-tripleo-centos-8-wallaby"14:57
dasmno strange i couldn't find it 14:57
chkumar|roverdasm: all the jobs are defined here
chkumar|roverwhich runs in rdo14:58
dasmevery day learning more things.14:59
dasmeven though probably someone showed that to me already14:59
chkumar|roverrlandy: dviroel|ruck tomorrow morning, I am going to test, try and merge container build zuul parenting15:02
chkumar|roversince traffic is low that time15:02
dviroel|ruckchkumar|rover: ok15:03
chkumar|roverrlandy: dviroel|ruck if this passes please merge
dviroel|ruckchkumar|rover: ack15:07
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chkumar|roverdviroel|ruck: loggout out now, please leave the notes regarding this fs035 test and see ya tomorrow!15:09
dviroel|ruckchkumar|rover: see ya o/15:10
dasmchkumar|rover: good night o/15:11
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rlandychkumar|rover: thanks - have a good night15:31
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ysandeeprlandy: review request when time allows (we got a green run)- and , If no objections I will merge tomorrow in my morning16:07
ysandeepI have added in review hackmd as well 16:07
ysandeepWe might need to add similiar fix for 17 on rhel-9 content-provider job - but lets deal it with later.16:10
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* dasm is afk. Dropping family at an airport. Will be back later16:15
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dviroel|ruck - not working here16:33
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* rcastillo running an errand, back in 1hr16:56
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dviroel|ruckreally hard to find a pattern - every run is a different issue17:39
rlandydviroel|ruck: need help with anything?17:42
dviroel|ruckrlandy: yeah, hard to promoted any line today - every rerun shows a different issue17:51
rlandydviroel|ruck: k - let's meet17:51
rlandydviroel|ruck: ^^17:52
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* dviroel|ruck coffee18:24
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rlandy Remove ussuri component /integration lines18:42
rlandydviroel|ruck: ^^ starting here18:42
rlandydviroel|ruck; dasm|afk: pls review
rlandydasm|afk: pls ping when you are back18:55
rlandyso we can look at uefi boot18:55
rlandynote testproject comment18:58
rlandyha - 17 just died19:00
rlandyysandeep|out: reviewed19:40
rlandydviroel|ruck: suggestion - takd fs035 out if master and promote it19:53
rlandythen revert that 19:53
rlandylet's clean up where we can19:53
dviroel|ruckyep - thats the last thing to try 19:56
rlandyrcastillo: hey - any progress on wallaby c8 on virt?19:56
rlandy<chkumar|rover> rlandy: dviroel|ruck if this passes please merge
rlandythat didn't pass19:57
rcastillorlandy: still running19:58
rlandyakahat: can we review the triple-ci patch now?19:58
rlandydviroel|ruck: ok -  putting fs012 and 001 master into rerun in case that fs035 passes20:02
dviroel|ruckrlandy: ack - they failed due to mirror issues too20:03
dviroel|rucklets see how fs* goes20:03
rlandydviroel|ruck: sorry it's such a pain for you this week20:08
rlandystill trying to get 17 to kick w/o node failures20:08
dviroel|ruckrlandy: don't worry - just a rainy day in RR week - we will have some promtions soon20:12
rlandyI'm not worried :)20:14
* dviroel|ruck gate failure - victoria-upgrade failed on a tempest test, adding to RR notes20:14
rlandydasm|afk: k - guess missed you- pls prep wallaby c8 uefi for tomorrow - we can look at it then20:20
* rlandy fixing 16.2 and 17 triggers now20:20
dviroel|ruckrlandy: going out - planning to come back after dinner just to trigger some testproject for failed jobs20:37
dviroel|ruckrlandy: openstack-periodic-integration-main is not bad so far20:37
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rlandydviroel|ruck|afk: sure20:51
rcastillorlandy: wallaby c8 libvirt undercloud install failing - ntp sync issue21:37
rlandyrcastillo: on psi?22:09
rlandywe need to set the right nto serever there22:09
rcastillorlandy: yeah22:09
rlandyrcastillo: see downstream settings22:09
rlandythere are ntp servers and dns servers for downstream22:10
rcastilloI was looking for that, thanks22:13
rlandy   2 undercloud_undercloud_nameservers:22:13
rlandy   3   -
rlandy   4   -
rlandydviroel|ruck|afk: need to go out for now - 17 finally kicked w/o node failure22:14
rlandywill bbl22:14
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