Wednesday, 2022-01-26

mariosanyone know if there is an issue with rdo gerrit? 07:42
marioscant vote on rdo-jobs 'internal server error'07:42
marioso/ morning07:42
Tenguhello there! can we get some +W on ? there are 3 +2 already... 07:53
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amoralejhow may i only create the dockerfiles from tripleo-common tcib?09:42
amoralejis there any cli that i can use?09:42
Tenguamoralej: hmmm I don't think it's possible. but you want to ask DF - especially Kevin or Alex10:02
Tenguthey are at the core of tcib10:02
Tenguthey should be available a bit later today (they are both NA, Denver and Houston [more or less])10:03
amoralejthanks Tengu, no problem, i can wait for ci results :)10:11
marioso/ folks i think most of india is out today right? 10:35
mariosarxcruz: dviroel|afk: jm1: dasm|off: rlandy|out: sshnaidm: please vote there when you have a minute 10:35
Tenguhmm. fun. the rollback in DIB when building the hardened-uefi isn't cleaning everything....10:41
Tengui.e. the vg/pv are still present, leading to a second issue when we re-run on the same node, because "vg" volumegroup already exists :).10:41
Tenguguess it's a good candidate for a bug.10:42
dpawlikhello folks. I'm doing a cleanup on because we are each hour out of space10:46
dpawlikI moved directories like: fedora28  fedora-stable  ocata  queens  rocky  stein to "old" directory10:46
dpawlikif all will be working on your side, I will remove the old directory after few days10:46
dpawlikalso I got another question: some symlink images like CentOS-8-Stream-x86_64-GenericCloud.qcow2 or CentOS-8-x86_64-GenericCloud.qcow2 or CentOS-9-Stream-x86_64-GenericCloud.qcow2 are connected to images that are old10:47
dpawlikshould I download new images and change symlink?10:48
mariosdpawlik: o/ fine for 'old' directory don't change the symlinks... let me look 10:52
mariosurgh looks like we have multiple references eg vs 10:53
mariosdpawlik: i think remove that one too 10:54
marioslooks old. newton :D timestamp 201710:54
dpawlikI will move to old10:54
dpawlikCentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud.qcow2 can be also updated to new version :P10:55
dpawliktimestamp from 201710:55
mariossure but i thought main goal was delete stuff :)10:56
mariosdpawlik: fix all the things :)10:58
dpawlikI can do an image update + cleanup :D10:58
dpawlikmarios: centos7 updated11:05
mariosthanks dpawlik 11:10
*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy|ruck11:12
rlandy|ruckslaweq: hello ... could you review
rlandy|ruckblocking all c9 ovb11:20
slaweqrlandy|ruck: sure11:21
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slaweqrlandy|ruck: I think I know what the issue is, give me 15 minutes and I will propose patch, should be easy hopefully :)11:26
dviroel\o/ 11:29
mariossshnaidm: can we please keep the ussuri jobs11:33
mariosand then we'll merge the rest of the series at 11:33
mariossshnaidm: talking with rlandy now if you want to join 11:33
marios 11:33
dviroeloh, i will join11:33
rlandy|ruckslaweq++ thank you11:44
rlandy|ruckarxcruz: you around?11:44
rlandy|ruckarxcruz: can you join
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: hi - where are our keys added t internal nodes11:49
rlandy|rucka bunch of keys are missing 11:49
rlandy|ruckthe rdo ones are updated11:49
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, which nodes?11:49
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: internal11:49
rlandy|ruckmy keys are there11:49
arxcruzmarios rlandy|ruck dviroel 11:50
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, internal zuul you mean?11:50
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: ack11:50
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, idk, I don't think configured it there..11:50
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: oh - maybe infra did11:53
slaweqrlandy|ruck: patch proposed
slaweqand test for it in
slaweqlets see what Zuul will tell about it :)11:59
rlandy|ruckslaweq: that was quick :) ... will watch that12:01
rlandy|ruck great - marios  we'll have a check there12:02
slaweqrlandy|ruck: because it was easy fix :) but lets see if that was the only issue in those jobs12:03
slaweqas I didn't deploy tripleo to test it locally12:03
rlandy|ruckok - we'll see12:14
frenzyfridayhey folks, I have an appointment today, will leave for the day in ~1hr12:16
rlandy|ruckfrenzyfriday: sshnaidm: here ...;a=blob;f=playbooks/tripleo-rdo-base/pre-keys.yaml;h=58c71eea9dafd5e13a318cbe1954f0bf8e7294fb;hb=HEAD12:50
rlandy|ruckfrenzyfriday: can you add everyone's keys here12:50
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, I see12:52
frenzyfridayrlandy|ruck, ack, adding12:52
mariosTengu: i think your background needs something a bit more 'red hat' not sure.. 13:03
Tengumarios: I can probably try to paint my cat in red and black to match the color :D13:04
marioshaha also a little cat size red hat for her13:04
frenzyfridayrlandy|ruck, pl review when you get time:
frenzyfriday^ ssh keys13:05
rlandy|ruckfrenzyfriday: thank you13:07
rlandy|ruckwill merge this when done with work on https13:07
sshnaidmfrenzyfriday, can you please add people mails in comments so we know exactly whose these keys of?13:09
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rlandy|ruckrcastillo|rover: can you look into c9 network component13:14
rlandy|ruckall red13:14
frenzyfridaydviroel, sshnaidm, ack, updated13:15
dviroelfrenzyfriday: tks13:16
* frenzyfriday appointment | afk13:18
rcastillo|roverrlandy|ruck: looking13:24
rlandy|ruckrcastillo|rover: hey - pls also see
rlandy|rucknot strictly our job13:26
rlandy|ruckbut good to know how13:26
rcastillo|roverjust saw the discussion in #tripleo13:26
* dviroel coffee13:38
sshnaidmdo we have a problem with c9 on ovb like undercloud failing?13:42
sshnaidm"Not found image:"13:42
rcastillo|roverrlandy|ruck: network component jobs are also failing to find images in the rdoproject registry13:47
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rlandy|rucksshnaidm: c9 ovb has node provision issue13:48
rlandy|ruckrcastillo|rover: one sec  - working on downstream13:48
rcastillo|roverno worries13:49
rlandy|ruckis current-tripleo hash still there?13:49
rlandy|ruckwe may need to promote13:49
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, it's containers problem, not provisioning, seems like rcastillo|rover case..13:49
rlandy|ruckwe have multiple issues going down13:49
sshnaidmrcastillo|rover, what is current-tripleo in c9 now?13:49
rlandy|ruckbut yet - it's old13:50
rcastillo|rovercurrent-tripleo is from the twentieth13:57
rcastillo|roverdon't know how to interact with the repository to check if it's there13:57
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dviroelslaweq: rcastillo|rover: neutron fix seems to fix that lot of errors that we saw yesterday - but ovb is still failing in node provision14:47
dviroelrlandy|ruck: ^14:47
dviroelslaweq: rlandy|ruck:
rlandy|ruckyep - one pass one fail14:47
dviroelslaweq: rlandy|ruck: nodes that are failing are still having hard times to get an IP - iiuc14:48
slaweqdviroel: rlandy|ruck that error with Failed to bind port are because of the cloud config I guess, see:14:49
slaweqthat's neutron server log about it14:49
slaweqit has enabled 2 mech_drivers: "openvswitch" and "baremetal"14:50
slaweqopenvswitch can't bound port as there is no neutron-ovs-agent on the node14:50
slaweqand "baremetal" can't bound port with vnic_type=normal14:50
rlandy|ruckadding to bug info14:55
slaweqrlandy|ruck: I will check it more deeply14:59
dviroelslaweq: ack, i see these errors in centos-8 jobs too, but they are not failing as in centos-9 jobs (not sure why)15:00
slaweqdviroel: ok, let me check that15:00
dviroelslaweq: thanks15:00
* dviroel lunch15:00
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slaweqdviroel: I think that those errors may be just a red herring15:05
slaweqI noticed that this jobs passed yesterday on other testpatch
slaweqI will update my patch with those depends on to see if that will maybe help15:05
rlandy|ruckrcastillo|rover: hey - let's meet to go through cix cards15:16
rcastillo|roverrlandy|ruck: ok15:16
rlandy|ruckrcastillo|rover: hey
rlandy|ruckmarios: all revert of skiplist are merged, right?15:25
mariosrlandy|ruck: checking15:25
rlandy|ruckk - np15:25
mariosrlandy|ruck: the one tht was ready merged looks like let me check the testproject see what hapened for the other outstanding patch 15:26
mariosrlandy|ruck: fs35 node provisioning in testproject 15:27
mariosrlandy|ruck: so we still have outstanding - gonna update that one and rerun the components 15:37
rlandy|ruckmarios: k - np15:38
rlandy|ruckrcastillo|rover: hey - want to meet again noww?16:01
rcastillo|rovergive me 2 min16:01
rlandy|ruckwhen you are ready 16:01
mariosrlandy|ruck: add to your list needed for 16:05
rlandy|ruckmarios: hey - we need to build/push an older version of c9 containers16:12
rlandy|ruckas I think they got pruned16:12
rlandy|ruckdo you remember the job config for that?16:12
rlandy|ruckis it juts a testproject run with dlrn_hash_tag?16:13
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rlandy|ruckdasm; hello16:31
rlandy|ruckaren't you on PTO?16:31
rlandy|ruckslaweq: dviroel: just reading back on node provision issue ...16:36
rlandy|ruckwatching currently running testproject16:37
rlandy|ruckwe can decide tomorrow if it's worth promoting c9 with this failure or not16:37
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, jm1 started hackmd:
rlandy|rucksshnaidm++ great - will add that to card for planning16:54
rlandy|ruckand sprint board16:54
dasmrlandy|ruck: i was on a pto yesterday17:02
rlandy|rucknp 17:02
dviroel@team - what about give some help to jungleboyj's choice for Z cycle naming:
dviroelplease - vote for Zorilla =)17:13
rlandy|ruckdviroel: I guess zulu was a no show17:14
dviroelyeah 17:15
rlandy|ruckthe south african in me cies17:15
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rlandy|ruckrcastillo|rover: hmmm ...
rlandy|ruckdidn't work18:18
rlandy|ruckneed to define hash elsewhere18:18
rlandy|rucktry current-tripleo18:20
rcastillo|roverrlandy|ruck: so set promote_source to current-tripleo?18:25
rlandy|ruckbut the c9 version18:29
rlandy|ruckI think those vars work18:30
rlandy|ruckrcastillo|rover: or ask arxcruz to copy the containers back to rdo registry18:31
rlandy|ruckrcastillo|rover: sorry - almost done with downstream18:46
rlandy|ruckwill look back here in a bit18:46
dviroeldid the container-push worked for current-tripleo?20:23
rlandy|ruckk - back with upstream now20:32
rlandy|ruckrcastillo|rover: hey - you around?20:33
rlandy|ruckdviroel: will look at all that now20:33
rlandy|rucksorry - was fixing downstream20:33
rcastillo|roverhi, yeah, looking into molecule issues20:33
rlandy|ruckrcastillo|rover: no problem - carry on20:33
sshnaidm|afkseems like zombie is more accurate..20:57
dviroelrlandy|ruck: build-containers for C9 is differente since we started using release files instead of tripleo-repos21:03
rlandy|ruckrunning now21:03
rlandy|rucknow working?21:03
dviroeloh, lets see21:04
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rlandy|ruckdviroel|afk: no show21:15
rcastillo|roverlet's see how this goes...
rcastillo|roverok so changing the distro to cs might have been a bit misguided22:48
rcastillo|roverthe repo in the var file doesn't ever get used afaik22:49
rcastillo|roverthe role grabs the current centos repo:
rcastillo|roverSo I don't see why ubi would be an issue, or why tripleo-repos is failing for that matter22:51
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