Wednesday, 2022-01-19

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chkumar|roversshnaidm: marios ysandeep please have a look when free, thanks!09:35
marioschkumar|rover: k09:38
ysandeepchkumar|rover, looking09:39
marioschkumar|rover: please check -1 for branches on both but maybe am wrong09:41
chkumar|rovermarios: yes, good point09:46
soniya29chkumar|rover, arxcruz, kopecmartin, rlandy|out, ysandeep, please add/edit today's agenda for the tempest meeting:-
*** chem is now known as Guest102610:14
sshnaidmchkumar|rover, ysandeep marios take a look please:
mariossshnaidm: k adding to list10:45
ysandeepsshnaidm, ack10:46
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soniya29arxcruz, chkumar|rover please review these patches -,
dviroelhi all11:01
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chkumar|roverdviroel: \o11:02
chkumar|roverdviroel: thank you for working on fs064 and fs039 both patches merged now \o/11:02
chkumar|roverdviroel: need your blessings here
chkumar|roversshnaidm: ysandeep|brb please have a look when free, thanks!11:03
dviroellets merge then11:03
sshnaidmand limiting c8 for wallaby only:
sshnaidmchkumar|rover, ^11:09
sshnaidmchkumar|rover, oops, forgot train :)11:09
chkumar|roversshnaidm: wallaby and train would be fine11:13
sshnaidmchkumar|rover, yeah, and victoria11:13
sshnaidmstill running11:14
chkumar|roverussuri is going to be EM and we are going to drop victoria very soon also11:14
chkumar|roversshnaidm: so I think train and wallaby would be fine11:14
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*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy|ruck11:15
sshnaidmchkumar|rover, ok11:16
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: hello11:16
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: when we are dropping victoria line?11:16
sshnaidmneed to clean up all c7 jobs there as well..11:17
rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: not until it's End of life11:18
rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: on review time11:18
ysandeeprlandy|ruck, chkumar|rover fyi.. 11:20
dviroelrcastillo: hey, isn't to early for you now?11:24
rcastilloyeah, you caught me waking up early11:27
soniya29akahat, any updates over this bug:-
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: marios
chkumar|roverplease have a look, thanks!11:37
rlandy|ruckmarios: ^^ you ok with chkumar|rover's reposnse11:38
mariosrlandy|ruck: replied chkumar|rover please check i think you just need ; after fi? 11:46
rlandy|ruckmarios: hey ... can you review the last comment on
rlandy|ruckthere is a workaround suggested11:48
rlandy|ruckcan you see if it springs us free?11:48
mariosrlandy|ruck: we are skipping those for now so it isn't a blocker ('springs us free' ) but you mean to restore the tests? 11:48
rlandy|ruckmarios: ack11:49
mariosrlandy|ruck: will dig there though 11:49
rlandy|ruckwe're skipping some fundamental stuff- as you know11:49
dviroeledit mode is not working for me in rdo gerrit. Someone else facing that issue?11:49
marioshey those were my words! ;)11:49
mariosack rlandy|ruck will do 11:49
dviroelfrenzyfriday|ruck: hey o/ - c9 criteria was recently updated, some new ovb jobs are now part of the fun 11:52
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: marios giving a resping to my patch11:52
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: qucik merge11:54
rlandy|ruckfrenzyfriday|ruck: hey - let's sync ...
frenzyfriday|ruckrlandy|ruck, joining11:57
soniya29chkumar|rover, rlandy|ruck, ysandeep, kopecmartin, just a min, i am facing some network issues12:02
kopecmartinsoniya29: np12:05
chkumar|roversoniya29: in middle of something, will skip the meeting12:07
soniyachkumar|rover, okay12:09
rlandy|ruckrcastillo: happy early morning to you12:15
dviroelrcastillo: hi, lets make open for reviews?12:15
rcastillogood morning, thanks12:15
rcastillorlandy|ruck: done12:16
rcastillomeant to tag dviroel :p12:16
rlandy|ruckI think that was in response to dviroel12:16
dviroelchkumar|rover, rlandy|ruck: can you take a look on pls? we want to test pinning backwards12:18
rlandy|ruckrcastillo: how often are you building and pushing wallaby c9 images?12:18
rlandy|rucklooks like an update from 01/18?12:18
frenzyfriday|rucktripleo-ci-centos-9-scenario010-standalone - tempest tests are failing. Me checking and skiplisting with bug12:18
rlandy|ruckstill from testproject12:19
rcastillorlandy|ruck: still testproject, yeah12:19
rlandy|ruckfrenzyfriday|ruck: great - thanks  12:19
rlandy|ruckrcastillo: ok - still waiting on dib patches12:19
rlandy|ruckdasm was starting on multinode12:19
rlandy|ruckbut he can skip to scenarios12:19
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: frenzyfriday|ruck fyi 38270: Update to python-pyroute2-0.6.5-2 |
chkumar|roverwe just merged that12:25
rlandy|ruckfrenzyfriday|ruck: for scenario010 0on c912:30
rlandy|ruckcan you check the nodeset there?12:30
rlandy|ruckfrenzyfriday|ruck: ^^12:31
rlandy|ruckcompare to 8 nodeset12:32
frenzyfriday|ruckrlandy|ruck, chkumar|rover | - c9 sc10 skiplist12:38
frenzyfriday|ruckrlandy|ruck, ack, checking nodeset12:38
frenzyfriday|ruckrlandy|ruck, c8 nodeset - single-centos-8-node-nested-virt, c9 - single-centos-9-node12:41
rlandy|ruckfrenzyfriday|ruck: ^^ we need an equivalent single-centos-9-node-nested-virt12:48
rlandy|ruckgthiemonge: ^^ hello ... you got us the nested-virt-centos-8-stream label
rlandy|ruckgthiemonge: we need a c9 equivalent12:51
chkumar|roversshnaidm: ysandeep dviroel marios please take your time to review it12:51
marioschkumar|rover: adding to list12:52
rlandy|ruck ?12:52
gthiemongerlandy|ruck: looking12:53
rlandy|ruckgthiemonge: ^^ is there more to it than just adding centos-9-stream versions of what is in ^^?12:53
rlandy|ruckfrenzyfriday|ruck: I'm going to merge the skiplist to clear the gate12:54
rlandy|ruckwe should revert when we have ^^12:54
frenzyfriday|ruckrlandy|ruck, ack12:54
gthiemongerlandy|ruck: I will check what we can do there, we have the same issue with the Octavia project12:55
rlandy|ruckgthiemonge; thanks  - we are skipping the test in the mean time12:55
rlandy|ruckysandeep: downstream dead for you still?12:56
ysandeeprlandy|ruck, back 12:56
rlandy|ruckok  back now12:57
rlandy|ruckfrenzyfriday|ruck: openstack-selinux-0.8.29-0.20211110070709.7211283.el9.noarch.rpm2021-11-10 07:09 221K 12:59
rlandy|ruckis still in current12:59
rlandy|ruckwe don't have updated selinux yet12:59
dviroelrcastillo: restoring some code that you made before -
dviroelrcastillo: thuink that will be needed for image building with compose pinning13:04
chkumar|rovermarios: done
rlandy|ruckfrenzyfriday|ruck: actually ... selinux-policy.noarch                         34.1.22-1.el9                         @quickstart-centos-base 13:04
rlandy|ruckon the host13:04
rlandy|ruckchecking container13:04
rcastillodviroel: ack, for the collections stuff13:05
chkumar|rovermarios thank you thank you :-) ++++++++++++++++++++13:05
chkumar|roverfor && replace ;13:05
marioschkumar|rover: ack thanks for updating it ... np it just looked odd and in the end unnecessary i think13:06
rcastillochkumar|rover: for the image build I've opened a request to get sysbench in epel9
rlandy|ruckselinux-policy                            noarch  34.1.22-1.el9                       quickstart-centos-base         62 k13:06
rcastillodo you know if there is any workaround we can do in the meanwhile?13:06
rlandy|ruckwe have updated policy13:06
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: epel?13:06
chkumar|roverrcastillo: epel?13:06
rcastillothat's where sysbench is afaik13:07
chkumar|roverlet me check on #centos-devel13:08
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chkumar|roverrcastillo: checked on #rdo13:09
rcastillochkumar|rover: ack13:18
chkumar|roveramoralej|lunch: is there a way to inject deps repo in the dib image13:18
chkumar|roversorry we can enfore DIB_YUM_REPO_CONF 13:23
* dasm|off dasm13:23
rlandy|ruckdasm|off: hey13:23
rlandy|ruckdasm|off: can you check if you are still having issues with container build?13:24
rlandy|ruckdasm|off: also  bhagyashri is out - so you can start on the scenarios 1-4 and see is those succeed13:25
rlandy|ruckthey won't require images13:25
*** dasm|off is now known as dasm13:25
dasmdviroel | edit mode is not working for me in rdo gerrit13:25
rcastillochkumar|rover: can set DIB_YUM_REPO_CONF I think13:25
dasmdviroel: i had the same yesterday13:25
dasmrlandy|ruck: ack. will check it again. any idea why it was failing yesterday?13:26
* chkumar|rover is dealing with a long config patch13:26
dviroeldasm: yeah, after gerrit update - still not working for you?13:26
dasmdviroel: i didn't try it today yet. i noticed it yesterday13:27
dasmbut i see the same: edit mode with blank page.13:27
dviroelyeah, same here13:27
rlandy|ruckfrenzyfriday|ruck: rerunning kvm job and holding node to see what policy version we have now13:27
frenzyfriday|ruckrlandy|ruck, ack, thanks13:28
dviroeldasm: on Firefox, it is working13:30
dasmhmm.. ckecking Fx13:30
dviroeldasm: maybe restarting Chrome fixes too13:31
* dviroel too many tabs open13:31
rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: akahat: ok to merge
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: yes13:31
rlandy|ruckvoting: false13:32
rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: ^^?13:32
dasmdviroel: you're right! Firefox has no issues. I recently started having problems with Chrome (after some update?) even with moving tabs aroud. They're popping out.13:32
dasmfriend suggested to check if the same thing happens on X11 (I'm on Wayland)13:32
chkumar|roverdviroel: sshnaidm when you get some time, please go over these RHEL-9 patches thanks!13:32
dasmbut I forgot to do that yesterday :P13:32
dviroeldasm: it is a known bug, but i didn't updated mine yet13:33
dasmoh! nice finding dviroel 13:34
dasm> changed Chrome Settings>Appearance -> “Use system title bar and borders” to Off and it worked13:35
rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: dviroel: wrt criteria changes for c9 master 13:36
rlandy|ruckfs001 is still unmerged13:36
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: yes13:36
rlandy|ruckbut fs039 and fs064 are merged13:36
rlandy|ruckshows fs001 passing13:36
rlandy|ruckand fs09 and 64 failing13:37
dviroelrlandy|ruck: same duration, might be one of the fixes missing13:37
rlandy|ruckwill hold fs001 for one day13:37
rlandy|ruckdviroel: ok - let's see next run13:37
dviroelrlandy|ruck: "fatal: [supplemental]: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.\r\ncentos@ Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic).", "unreachable": true}"13:38
dviroelyeah, supp user fix missing13:38
rlandy|ruckok - same issue13:38
rlandy|ruckprobably not merged yet at the time13:38
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: merge it
dviroeldasm: oh, nice, thanks for sharing13:42
chkumar|roverlet me do a final check on criteria13:45
chkumar|roverif anything is missing there13:46
rlandy|ruckfrenzyfriday|ruck: hmmm ... ok - right policy13:46
rlandy|ruck[zuul@standalone ~]$ rpm -qa | grep selinux-policy13:46
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* ysandeep|away out14:07
chkumar|roverrcastillo: testing out this here and
chkumar|roverif it works out, we can sort it14:08
dviroeldasm: updating/restarting chrome, make edit work again14:09
dviroelbut, linking to code is broken for me14:10
chkumar|roverdasm: need any help on cs9 wallaby line?14:10
dasmchkumar|rover: testing multinode line right now.14:10
chkumar|roverok, cool!14:11
dasmany idea why containers were missing yesterday?14:11
chkumar|roverI have not looked at the logs14:11
chkumar|roverlet me check the pipeline14:11
dasmthey were just saying something like: "failed to pull container"14:11
dasmand gave me an address<path>14:12
dasmbut when i accessess the path through trunk.registry -- i had no issues to do so14:12
dasmby changing ":" to "%3A"14:13
chkumar|roveras per this container build jobs is doing fine14:13
chkumar|rovercontainers needs to be available there on trunk.registy14:13
dasmk, let's find out if i'm still seeing the issue14:13
dasmchkumar|rover: actually, i have logs handy:
dasmsearch for "Pre-fetch all the containers"14:14
dasmand you'll see what I mean14:14
chkumar|roverso container once built will be available on undercloud14:16
chkumar|roveras per this file namespace: "" -
chkumar|roverI think it should be pointing to undercloud ip14:17
dasmchkumar|rover: it failed again, with the same message. 14:45
dasmbut you might be onto something. i'm building containers in my job definition14:45
dasmand this might be the issue which i'm hitting14:45
dasmlemme try again, without "build_container_images: true"14:45
dasmif that's the case, we're gonna need to look into why those are not built locally14:46
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chkumar|roverdasm: I have not tried this usecase with multinode will take a look tomorrow15:14
chkumar|roverhope without build container works fine15:14
chkumar|roverrcastillo: hello15:14
dasmchkumar|rover: i hope that too. it's currently on undercloud_install, which was not the issue.15:15
chkumar|rovermarios: ysandeep|away rlandy|ruck we got the green light
chkumar|roverrcastillo: can you take care of this patch
chkumar|roverand testing here:
chkumar|roverwill pick up in the morning15:16
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: and dviroel|lunch ^^ can help on that15:17
chkumar|roversee ya!15:17
rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: thanks - have a good night15:19
marioschkumar|rover: ack nice 15:22
dasmarxcruz: hey, would you care adding some context to that?
dasmi'm not sure what you meant -- do you want me to add this file to master too? only master? 15:41
dasmi still need to go through OSA thingy15:41
arxcruzdasm sure, you're adding the review on the wallaby branch, but we use in all our releases the master 15:43
dasmarxcruz: the change is cherry-picked from  master
arxcruzdasm then we are fine :D 15:44
dasmoh man. you're confusing me xD15:44
arxcruzdasm os_tempest, although have branches, in all our jobs we use the latest release 15:45
arxcruzso, for our jobs, it's not required to cherry pick 15:45
dasmin that case maybe i don't even need that one in stable/wallaby?15:45
dasmi don't remember who suggested that ;)15:46
arxcruzdasm yup, you don't need it 15:46
dasmhmm.. afair it didn't work witout this cherry-pick. lemme double check that15:47
dasmnice! looks like without building containers worked15:55
dasm> "overcloud_deploy_result": "passed"15:55
dasmstill waitin for the full test results15:55
rlandy|ruckfrenzyfriday|ruck: need 5 mins16:01
frenzyfriday|ruckrlandy|ruck, sure, np16:01
dasm> echo 'Playbook run of multinode.yml passed successfully'16:08
arxcruzdasm fingers crossed16:08
rlandy|ruckfrenzyfriday|ruck: joining16:11
*** dviroel|lunch is now known as dviroel16:15
dasmarxcruz: > echo 'Playbook run of multinode.yml passed successfully'16:17
dasm> Patch set 5:Verified +116:17
dasmi meant this ^ \o/16:17
dasmstill running w/o cherry-pick to cross check if we even need that16:17
frenzyfriday|ruckhey rlandy|ruck, /me leaving for the day17:00
frenzyfriday|rucktestprojects updated in tripleo-ci17:00
rlandy|ruckfrenzyfriday|ruck: have a good night17:00
* frenzyfriday|ruck afk17:00
dasmrlandy|ruck: multinode line passed: in
dasmi think we're good to go17:19
rlandy|ruckdasm++ great17:33
dasminteresting thing -- i didn't need to use cherry-pick for osa-tempest 17:34
rlandy|ruckdasm: merging
dasm2 in! many more to go :P17:34
rlandy|ruckdasm: you'll need images to add it to the line17:34
rlandy|ruckdasm:  you can add scenarios 1-4 next17:35
dasmrlandy|ruck: you +2'd wrong patch17:35
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rlandy|ruckdasm: arxcruz says we use the master branch17:39
dasmyes. that's what i learned today. however i remember someone mentioning i had to do the cherry-pick for osa-tempest (at the beginning tests were failing)17:40
dasmrlandy|ruck: i'm searching for scenarios 1-4. where can i find them?17:41
rlandy|ruckdasm: might have been my bad suggestion17:43
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rlandy|ruckthe standalone scenarios are there17:44
dasmack, thx. i had it open, but i missed that.17:44
rlandy|ruckyou can try 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 1217:44
rlandy|ruckdasm: ^^ any or all in parallel17:44
rlandy|ruckno overcloud images needed17:44
dasmi'll start all of them at once. what can go wrong? ;)17:45
rlandy|ruckdasm: sure - live dangerously17:45
rlandy|ruckwe support that17:45
dasmjust in case. if i won't say a word for next 24h, please send help :)17:46
rlandy|ruckdasm: I'll alert the armed forces17:47
rlandy|rucklunch - brb17:50
arxcruzdasm \o/17:59
rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: ysandeep|away: pls take a look at and
rlandy|ruckto deal with c9 and kvm failures18:55
rlandy|ruckwill duplicate that upstream if infra approved18:55
* rlandy|ruck tries ci.centos job now18:56
dasmhmm.. seems to be not reachable18:56
rlandy|ruck resolves for me18:56
dasmoh, it's back.18:56
dviroelrlandy|ruck: centos-9 will promote with hash d6d110b9e8832b9a5481eede09863900 - fs039 and fs064 just passed in tp19:24
dasmheh. i just noticed typo in my job config. just simple s/8/9/ which took me about 40 minutes test run :(19:32
dasmnow it seems like i'm on a right path :)19:37
rlandy|ruckdviroel: nice20:02
rlandy|ruckdviroel: the components were lagging20:02
rlandy|ruckdasm put in a patch yesterday20:02
rlandy|ruckso those should clear20:02
rlandy|ruckdasm: we can add whatever scenarios pass to the integration line20:35
dasmrlandy|ruck: atm we have 02, 03, 04 and 12 passing.20:46
dasm01 is still running and 07 failed20:46
rlandy|ruckdasm: great stuff20:46
rlandy|ruckpls create a patch to add the passing job definitions and to the lines20:47
dasmand actually looks like 01 is gonna pass too20:47
rlandy|ruckthen we can loom at the failures20:47
rlandy|ruckdasm: basically we should sort what works from what doesn't20:47
dasmfor 07 > echo 'Playbook run of multinode-standalone.yml failed'20:48
dasm> ["PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.", "From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable20:48
rlandy|ruckdasm; ok- let's merge the passing and then look at failing20:49
rlandy|ruckdasm: also - pls put in a patch to edit the criteria afterwards20:49
dasmi'm gonna update my review after it's gonna report back on me20:49
rlandy|ruckso that your work counts to the promotions20:49
rlandy|ruckdasm: sounds good20:49
rlandy|ruckjust need to get the ci.centos job in20:50
rlandy|ruckthen can take a look at failures20:50
dasm> periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-scenario007-standalone-wallaby FAILURE 49m 09s20:50
rlandy|ruckdasm: going to merge that - pls add a patch to add those jobs to the line20:54
rlandy|ruckafterwards, we should probably organize the file a bit like;
rlandy|ruckundercloud, standalone etc.20:55
dasmi was keeping those sorted20:56
dasmrlandy|ruck: qq this has "*build_con_cs_9_push_master"20:58
dasmwhat does it mean? is it a reference to this?
dasmprobably it's somewhere inside zuul docs20:59
dasms/somewhere/described somewhere/20:59
* rlandy|ruck looks20:59
rlandy|ruckdasm: look at line 821:00
rlandy|ruckyaml anchor21:00
dasmso if line 8 failes, other won't start? does it make sense?21:00
rlandy|ruckno - it references line 9, 1021:02
rlandy|ruckakahat loves those :)21:03
rlandy|ruckask him21:03
dasmrlandy|ruck: updated review with pipeline for scenarios and missing multinode line21:06
rlandy|ruckgreat - looking21:07
* dasm => break21:08
* dasm is back21:31
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|out21:38
rlandy|ruckarxcruz: hello ... I've put a hold on the node running tempest for kvm job on c9 for internal22:00
rlandy|ruckpm'ing you details22:01
rlandy|rucktempest is running now22:01
rlandy|ruckand looks like it's hanging 22:01
rlandy|ruckcan you take a look22:01
rlandy|ruckdasm: hey22:16
rlandy|ruckdasm: merged
dasmi'm checking scenario 007 in a separate patch22:18
rlandy|ruckdasm: can you add your passing tests to criteria: s://
rlandy|rucksee example:
dasmyeah. gimme a few22:19
rlandy|ruckdasm; no rush22:21
rlandy|ruckdasm: thanks - voted - waiting until we have one run of those tests to merge22:24
rlandy|ruckdasm: do you have the scenario07 failure - can look at it tomorrow morning22:51
dasmhere is a failure from first test run:
dasmand here will be from second:
dasmit's still working "on undercloud"22:52
rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: rekcking the c7 train pipeline22:53
rlandy|rucklooks like we have tempest falling over there22:53
rlandy|ruckdasm: k - thanks22:57
dasmno worries. have a good night rlandy|ruck 22:58
rlandy|ruckdasm: thanks - see you tomorrow22:58
rlandy|ruckdasm: thanks for the great progress today22:58
dasm\o/ it's moving forward really fast!22:58
rlandy|ruckOVB will be the next fun22:58
dasmsounds like fun! :)22:59
rlandy|ruckwhich is good - so you can learn OVB in general22:59
dasmok, it failed again, with exactly the same error23:03
dasm> "From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable", "From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable"23:03
dasm> TASK [os_tempest : Ping router ip address]23:03
*** rlandy|ruck is now known as rlandy|out23:15
*** dasm is now known as dasm|off23:33

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