Wednesday, 2021-12-15

*** rlandy|ruck is now known as rlandy|out00:57
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chandankumarrlandy|out: thanks for fixing wallaby container build ++05:59
mariostripleo-ci o/ please add to your reviews list
anbanerj|ruckopenstack-tox-py36 is hitting conflicting dependencies -
ykarelanbanerj|ruck, you seeing ^ today also?07:26
ykarelthis was fixed yesterday07:26
anbanerj|ruckykarel, I saw one from today early morning. I have rechecked, lets see07:33
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ykarelif you still see it can reach out to #opendev with details of what module and what provider is affected08:06
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bhagyashrisfolks kindly add into your review list
ysandeep|brbbhagyashris, ack08:22
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dpawlikarxcruz, marios: hey, could you check when you have few minutes?09:14
mariosdpawlik: adding into my review queue 09:15
anbanerj|ruckhey chandankumar, patch 819250,2 already failed in gate, but it is still showing up in the gate queue. Do you know why?09:27
mariostripleo-ci o/ please add to your reviews list
mariosi'm just gonna keep spamming this channel until you do so... 09:30
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soniya29chandankumar, kopecmartin, ysandeep|afk, please add/edit today's agenda for tempest meeting -
ysandeep|afkmarios, adding in review list, will check in sometime09:58
mariosysandeep|afk: ack thanks ;) in your own time not an urgency 09:59
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*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|ruck11:13
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chandankumarrlandy|ruck: thank you for fixing wallaby container build breakage11:15
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: sure11:17
rlandy|ruckanbanerj|ruck: 819250,211:19
rlandy|ruckwhat's with all the failures?11:20
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: joining review time11:20
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|ruck, Hey. Commented on
*** sshnaidm|afk is now known as sshnaidm11:26
anbanerj|rucka few of the patches are failing because the fix for pcs didnt go through the gate yet. I am putting a comment on those patches so that we dont do a recheck11:26
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|ruck, why are the jobs on the gate patches restarting? It should fail and report failure right?11:27
rlandy|ruckanbanerj|ruck; gates reset on failure11:28
rlandy|ruckwhere is the patch you need to get though11:28
anbanerj|ruck816991,16 and 821778 needs to go first11:28
rlandy|ruckyou can ask infra to get that to the top of the queue11:28
rlandy|ruckhow far down?11:29
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|ruck, 10/11 from top11:29
rlandy|ruckanbanerj|ruck: marios: when clark and fungi come on line11:29
rlandy|ruckon opendev11:29
rlandy|ruckask them to put that patch on the top of the gate11:30
rlandy|ruckanbanerj|ruck: also email out to openstack-discuss 11:30
rlandy|rucksaying we have a gate blocker with the patch to fix it in queues11:30
rlandy|ruckyou will see similar mails I have sent out 11:30
rlandy|ruckon that list11:31
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|ruck, ack11:31
rlandy|ruckysandeep: rhos-17 line is hanging11:34
rlandy|ruckcan you deuque11:34
rlandy|ruckvalidation is hanging for 12 hours11:34
ysandeeprlandy|ruck, I pinged this morning on infra but didn't hear back11:35
* ysandeep pinging again, lets see if they can get the cause before we dequeue11:35
ysandeepyou beat me :D11:36
ysandeeprlandy|ruck, chandankumar On quick search looks like we will need multiple changes to move to new registry, need a story :)11:39
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|ruck, I replied back on openstack discuss, not sure if I used the right subject etc11:41
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mariosrlandy|ruck: k 11:47
mariosanbanerj|ruck: let me know if you need help with that? 11:48
mariosanbanerj|ruck: try fungi in opendev11:48
anbanerj|ruckmarios, I pinged on opendev11:48
marioshow did our queue get in that state did we have a breakage causing things to rerun and grow the queue? 11:49
mariosthanks anbanerj|ruck just saw it11:49
rlandy|rucksoniya29: pls rebase
dviroel|roveranbanerj|ruck: marios isn't ceph fix another that should go to the top, to fix sc001, scn004 and scn010?11:51
rlandy|rucksoniya29: we are ready to merge11:51
soniya29rlandy|ruck, okay, just a min11:51
mariosdviroel|rover: i assumed that is what we are referring to 11:51
marioschecks again11:51
anbanerj|ruckdviroel|rover, which patch is that?11:51
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: anbanerj|ruck: let's sync11:51
mariosabregman: dviroel|rover: that? ^ 11:51
rlandy|ruckanbanerj|ruck: dviroel|rover: marios:
anbanerj|ruck816991 821538 and 82177811:54
anbanerj|ruck ,,
rlandy|ruck821778 - wallaby11:58
rlandy|ruck821538 - ceph11:58
ysandeepchandankumar, do you have few mins to chat about rdo registry? 11:58
chandankumarysandeep: yes sir sure11:59
ysandeepchandankumar, thank you!11:59
rlandy|ruck821699 - ussuri/victoria11:59
rlandy|ruck821538 - ceph first12:00
rlandy|ruck821778 - wallaby - second12:00
soniya29rlandy|ruck, chandankumar, ysandeep, kopecmartin, tempest meeting12:00
rlandy|ruck821699 - ussuri/victoria - third12:00
anbanerj|ruck is affected by pcs in gate12:00
ysandeepsoniya29, will join few mins late12:01
ysandeepsoniya29, might not join it get stuck in existing meeting, chandankumar have already declined the meeting12:03
soniya29ysandeep, no problem :)12:17
rlandy|ruckysandeep: akahat: let's sync re: scenario010 at half past the hour - 8 minutes12:22
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: sshnaidm: - think we can merge this12:26
rlandy|ruckstandalone is failing but also failing in periodic12:27
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: ^^ let me know if this can be fixed soon12:27
ysandeeprlandy|ruck, ack I am available to chat12:29
rlandy|ruckysandeep: akahat:
chandankumarrlandy|ruck: I would suggest let's get this merged12:32
chandankumarI will open a bug for the same12:32
chandankumarlet me add the bug12:33
chandankumaranbanerj|ruck: seen this issue Can't run container rabbitmq_wait_bundle12:33
chandankumarstderr: Error: OCI runtime error: set propagation for `bin/epmd`: Invalid argument in c12:33
chandankumarin c8 standalone jobs?12:33
pojadhav|afkfolks, need reviews :
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bhagyashrisfolks kindly add into your review list thanks you :)12:49
chandankumarbhagyashris: please add it to review hackmd thanks :-)12:50
chandankumarmarios: might be hit this issue in fs01 also
chandankumarand fix by sagi fyi!12:56
marioschandankumar: thanks, didn't see that one yet... i saw a different weird provision issue there but hoping it is cos i wasn't using built images and rerunning now12:56
marioschandankumar: i.e. ... so probably i'll see that on container build12:58
anbanerj|ruckchandankumar, didnt see that, lemme check12:58
chandankumarmarios: ok :-)12:59
bhagyashrischandankumar, ack13:00
chandankumarmarios: ysandeep sshnaidm please have a look when free, thanks!13:04
rlandy|ruckysandeep: akahat: dviroel|rover: anbanerj|ruck: fyi ... merging that 13:08
rlandy|ruckto trigger scenario01013:08
bhagyashrisakahat, anbanerj|ruck chandankumar dviroel|rover dasm marios pojadhav rcastillo rlandy|ruck ysandeep soniya29 sshnaidm 13:22
bhagyashrisTripleO CI Retro in 8 mins13:22
bhagyashrisboard link:
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bhagyashrischandankumar, marios 13:30
bhagyashrisdviroel|rover, 13:30
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: you can drop on program call13:31
ysandeepdasm, ^^ retro13:31
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ysandeepanbanerj|ruck, glad you liked it :D13:45
anbanerj|ruckysandeep, thanks for the script :D13:45
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chandankumarthank you soniya29 14:32
chandankumarsshnaidm: marios rlandy|ruck is live now 14:32
* dviroel|rover coffee14:32
rlandy|ruckanbanerj|ruck: thanks for getting the gate sorted14:32
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soniya29chandankumar, :)14:32
bhagyashrissoniya29, thanks :)14:32
rlandy|rucksoniya29++ thanks14:32
sshnaidmchandankumar, nice, so we can try run standalone on W14:32
* anbanerj|ruck crosses finger and hopes those 3 patches unblock gate14:32
chandankumarsshnaidm: there is no current-tripleo14:33
chandankumarno containers 14:33
sshnaidmoh, ok :)14:33
dasmysandeep: i know, i know. it's just 5:30 my TZ :/14:33
soniya29bhagyashris, rlandy|ruck :)14:34
ysandeepdasm, currently 05:30 in your TZ? 14:35
dasmysandeep: no. 6:35AM PT now, but when you pinged me it was 5:3014:35
dasmsorry, i was just responding to your poing from earlier14:36
ysandeepdasm, :) ahh, gottcha .. I thought the friday meeting i have planned for downstream KT is 05:30 our time :) 14:37
dasmysandeep: it's actually not that bad. it's 7:30 am14:38
ysandeepdasm, we have 13:30 hour time difference, currently 08:00 pm here :D14:38
dasmwould you care explaining (maybe in meeting description) what it is about?14:38
dasmysandeep: i know! that's crazy :D14:38
dasmysandeep: in that case, maybe you wanna move it to Monday? wouldn't it be better? Friday afternoon for a meeting doesn't sound exciting.14:40
dasmespecially because afair The Witcher is gonna be released this Friday :D14:40
ysandeepdasm, rcastillo wanted to learn more about downstream.. So we are meeting on Friday for some KT :D 14:41
rcastilloI'm fine with monday if it works better14:41
dasmno worries! i'm gonna join you! just wanted to check if Friday afternoon is a really good time for you :)14:41
ysandeepdasm, i know man friday doesn't sound exciting but I am out next two weeks14:41
rcastillofriday it is then lol14:41
dasmcool, cool!14:42
ysandeepdasm, I am also Witcher fan btw :D 14:42
dasmit's been 2 years waiting. let's hope for a great show! (early reviews say it's awesome)14:43
anbanerj|ruckdid I hear witcher? :D14:43
dasmi just started replaying The Wild Hunt14:44
dasm(still haven't finished Blood and Wine DLC :/)14:44
ysandeepI am avoiding all reviews for now, i don't want any spoilers :D14:45
anbanerj|ruckdasm, same, I started replaying without even playing the dlc :D14:45
anbanerj|ruckdid you guys read the books as well?14:45
dasmanbanerj|ruck: yes. ages ago14:46
dasmanbanerj|ruck: how about you?14:46
anbanerj|ruckdasm, yep, just finished a few months back14:47
dasmnice! i would need to re-read them. Just after Dune, and Foundation, and few others :P14:47
dviroel|roveri need to start over the wild hunt, i abandoned in the middle, i forgot everything that happen so far14:49
dasmdviroel|rover: when i first time played, i disliked one of story branches and decided to change my decision. it took me close to 40h of lost time, because i didn't have previous "save" :/14:51
dasmbut i <3 story14:51
dasmbefore starting replay, i have close to 200h in that game14:51
dasm(i know it's not a lot, but it's *a lot* for me :) )14:52
dviroel|roverit is a lot for me14:53
dviroel|roverit not easy to find time and calm days to play those games, after having a kid14:54
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sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, hmm.. I see recent c9 standalone jobs pass in periodics, maybe it was a glitch..15:04
sshnaidmchandankumar, ^15:04
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: yea  chandankumar saidit was failing when we checked earlier this morning15:05
rlandy|ruckhopefully it cleared15:05
chandankumarcurrent run 15:06
rlandy|ruckeither way - let's start to see this in check15:06
chandankumarit is failing there15:06
chandankumarjust finished few mins back15:06
sshnaidmchandankumar, ack15:06
mariosthanks chandankumar 15:07
chandankumarsame failure here
chandankumaranbanerj|ruck: Do we have bug for sc4 failure?15:09
rlandy|ruckanbanerj|ruck: dviroel|rover: rdo zuul out again15:10
chandankumarin cs9 tempest testtempest.scenario.test_network_basic_ops.TestNetworkBasicOps.test_network_basic_ops  standalone.localdomain' is not mapped to any cell15:10
dviroel|roverrlandy|ruck: :(15:10
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: just keeping you entertained :)15:12
rlandy|ruckdasm: ^^ if you ever feel like dealing with cloud stability problems15:13
rlandy|ruckwe have them here for you15:13
dasmi'm looking for that :)15:14
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, we don't have cix calls on Wed anymore?15:15
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: we do in 14 minutes15:16
sshnaidmhmm.. disappeared from calendar15:16
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: will resend you the invite15:19
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, it's fine, copied from rhos calendar15:19
sshnaidma "single source of truth"15:20
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anbanerj|ruckchandankumar, which failure on sc004? ceph?15:29
rlandy|ruckanbanerj|ruck: real issue with train fs035?15:31
dviroel|roverrlandy|ruck: running testproject atm for fs035 train15:32
rlandy|ruckchecking previous15:32
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: ok - let us know15:32
dviroel|roverit is on tempest tests now15:32
dviroel|roverlets see15:32
dviroel|roverrlandy|ruck: previous failures are different, iirc15:33
dviroel|roverrerunnnig periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-victoria - two different previous failures 15:33
dviroel|rovergoing lunch, will check jobs status after15:47
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rlandy|ruckysandeep: merged the master triggering job15:48
rlandy|ruckfor scenario01015:48
ysandeepthanks! ++15:48
rlandy|ruckwill have to test triggering for other releases and component lines15:48
rlandy|ruckysandeep: right now test name is hard coded15:49
rlandy|ruckysandeep: akahat: ^^ will send you those reviews to look at in your morning15:49
ysandeepsure o/15:49
* ysandeep debugging sc010-kvm15:49
akahatrlandy|ruck, sure. 15:49
* rlandy|ruck needs to run quick errand - brb15:50
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mariosfolks - fyi you should add a star to the miro board from todays retro otherwise its hard to find later on if you login to miro15:57
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ysandeeprlandy|ruck, gthiemonge found the issue, so the cirros image inside that node (/opt/cache/files/cirros-0.5.2-x86_64-disk.img) was corrupted, downloading cirros image from outside worked.16:22
ysandeeprlandy|ruck, we need to update the cirros image on the nodepool image 16:22
rlandy|ruckgthiemonge++ thanks for tracking that16:23
rlandy|ruckysandeep: ok - we didn't build that nodepool image16:23
* rlandy|ruck thinks infra did that one16:23
rlandy|rucklet me check - one sec16:23
rlandy|ruck Diskimages.upstream-centos-8-stream16:24
rlandy|ruckname = "upstream-centos-8-stream"16:24
ysandeeprlandy|ruck, we can change to 16:26
ysandeepb874c39491a2377b8490f5f1e89761a4  cirros-0.5.2-x86_64-disk.img 16:27
ysandeepchecksum ^^ 16:27
rlandy|ruckysandeep:    97       featureset_override:16:27
rlandy|ruck  98         tempest_tempest_conf_overrides:16:27
rlandy|ruck  99           image.image_path: ''16:27
rlandy|ruckso on the internal jobs we define that16:28
rlandy|ruckysandeep: ^^ can we do the same on the kvm jobs?16:28
rlandy|ruckmake sense?16:29
ysandeeprlandy|ruck, yeah that will work as well 16:29
rlandy|ruckysandeep: ^^ easiest if it will work16:30
ysandeeprlandy|ruck, let me add that to testproject and rerun that 16:31
rlandy|ruckysandeep: thanks - ping when you are EoD and I'll watch from there16:31
* rlandy|ruck builds are trigger jobs16:32
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ysandeeprlandy|ruck, that will work: 16:33
ysandeepimage: "{{ featureset_override['cirros_image'] | default(default_cirros_image) }}" 16:35
rlandy|ruckgreat - whatever works at this point :)16:36
* rlandy|ruck looking at Dec 22 deadline16:36
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|ruck, dviroel|rover I am leaving for the day. testproject links are updated in gchat room16:36
rlandy|ruckanbanerj|ruck: thanks - have a good night16:36
dviroel|roveranbanerj|ruck: thanks o/ - have a godd eod16:40
dviroel|roverperiodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-train passed, train will promote16:41
ysandeeprlandy|ruck, i have updated the test patch: , if it work great - we will add same in job def, if not we need to reach out to infra to update cirros image in the nodepool image.16:44
ysandeepand i am out for the day, please leave me notes - if I need to pick anything in my morning regarding sc01016:45
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rlandy|ruckysandeep|out: thanks16:55
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dviroel|roverzuul is back17:30
dviroel|rovermaster and victoria on rerun17:39
dviroel|roverwallaby: we need the fix that is about to merge17:40
dviroel|rovergate going well, will merge the patches that we need for now17:41
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rlandy|ruckyep - just waiting for content providers to upload logs17:45
dviroel|roverperiodic-tripleo-ci-centos-7-containers-multinode-train - rechecked17:45
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: hey - can you respond to the openstack-discuss email - thank jeremy and say that the gate blockers are cleared now18:26
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: thank you18:28
* rlandy|ruck trying to be less visible and let ruck/rovers be more 18:29
dviroel|roveryeah, i forgot these details sometimes18:37
rlandy|ruckno worries19:06
dviroel|roverpcs issue19:20
dviroel|roverrelease in ['ussuri', 'victoria']19:21
dviroel|roverwe will need to update the workaround19:21
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: hey ... can you join us on
rlandy|ruckysandeep|out: hmmm ... still failing19:51
dviroel|roverrlandy|ruck: so, yeah, all releases are affect by pcs issue. from train to master, will remove the condition then (- release in ['ussuri', 'victoria'])19:57
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: ok19:58
dviroel|roverrcastillo: you can add the changes that are ready for review here
dviroel|roverrcastillo: also add the link to the testproject that is validating everything20:27
rcastillodviroel|rover: will do20:28
dviroel|roverrlandy|ruck: going out soon, there isn't too much to follow, there a couple of test project running. Master and victoria are missing one job each to have a promotion20:51
dviroel|roverrlandy|ruck: wallaby pipeline should start soon, at 21h10 utc, according with my notes20:52
dviroel|roverrlandy|ruck: running 2 tp for component lines, network-component on master, and standalone-upgrade for master and wallaby (there is no train, my mistake)20:53
dviroel|roversome other components have new hashes that weren't tested yet20:54
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: sounds good20:54
rlandy|ruckthanks for all your work here20:54
dviroel|rover2021-12-15 20:07:24.031174 | primary |   File "/home/zuul/src/", line 550, in <module>20:55
dviroel|rover2021-12-15 20:07:24.031401 | primary | AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'20:55
rlandy|rucklooks legit20:56
rlandy|rucksome red there20:57
dviroel|rovermaybe marios/arx change?20:58
rlandy|ruck - undercloud install20:58
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: ack20:59
rlandy|rucklooks like it20:59
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: let's put in a revert20:59
rlandy|ruckand let marios fix in his morning20:59
rlandy|ruckif he fixes before, he can abandon the revert21:00
dviroel|roverno, didn't merge yet21:00
rlandy|ruckha - yeah - still in gate21:00
rlandy|rucklet's get that out of gate21:01
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: abandoning with note21:01
rlandy|ruckdone ...
rlandy|ruckmarios can fix and restore21:02
rlandy|ruckwill leave him email21:02
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: nice catch21:02
dviroel|rovermaster will promote again :)21:09
dviroel|roverwill not wait for victoria, have a good night you all21:10
*** dviroel|rover is now known as dviroel|out21:11
rlandy|ruckdviroel|out: good night21:13
rlandy|ruckugh - victoria fs00 fail21:30
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: pojadhav|afk: fyi ...
*** rlandy|ruck is now known as rlandy|ruck|bbl23:23

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