Friday, 2021-11-19

*** rlandy|ruck is now known as rlandy|out01:52
*** rcastillo is now known as rcastillo|out04:10
*** pojadhav|afk is now known as pojadhav04:20
*** ysandeep|out is now known as ysandeep05:14
jpodivinGood morning everyone. 07:24
jpodivinIf you are interested and have a bit of time, the CI oriented patch of the ovb and validations playbook in the oooq-extras is looking for reviews.
ysandeepjpodivin, checking07:56
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*** akahat|rover is now known as akahat|lunch08:36
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jpodivinysandeep: thank you very much08:41
ysandeepjpodivin, :D 08:55
*** akahat|lunch is now known as akahat|rover09:59
*** ysandeep is now known as ysandeep|afk11:04
*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy|ruck11:11
rlandy|ruckysandeep|afk: hi - when you are back - let's sync about downstream11:16
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: let's ruck rover sync11:19
rlandy|ruck17 components are hosed11:23
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: something up with the promoter?
rlandy|ruckussuri should promote11:26
akahat|roverrlandy|ruck, checking11:26
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: lets' sync anyways
rlandy|ruck2021-11-18 16:31:58 | [0;31m [ERROR]: Container(s) which finished with wrong return code:[0m11:36
rlandy|ruck2021-11-18 16:31:58 | [0;31m['nova_wait_for_compute_service'][0m11:36
akahat|roverrlandy|ruck, ^^11:38
dviroelmarios: o/11:38
mariosdviroel: o/ hey 11:38
dviroelmarios: see that your are testing moving include_vars to tqe11:38
mariosdviroel: yeah but it is the same man11:38
mariosdviroel: yeah ... lets talk in a half hour ish once you have coffee etc? 11:39
dviroelmarios: okay11:40
mariosdviroel: well.. at some point 'later' anyway - need to deal with sthing else real quick then gonna get some food and think what else we can try 11:40
dviroelmarios: np, I'll check the logs in meantime11:42
mariosdviroel: can see there 11:43
kopecmartinhi, i've heard you were planning to run openstack-health like service, are you gonna use source code of for that?11:50
akahat|roverrlandy|ruck, we need to backport it to run on W and V.
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: pls try
rlandy|ruckif that works, we can go the featureset route12:01
rlandy|ruckless impact12:02
rlandy|ruck merged12:02
akahat|roveryeah.. sorry.. forgot about our discussion about featureset.12:03
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: adding other fs patches and one sec12:04
rlandy|rucklet me get rid of the WIP there12:04
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover; k - good to go on
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: putting in fs052 now12:05
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rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: for standalone ...
rlandy|ruckenv files are redefined everywhere there12:27
rlandy|ruckso just sticking with your change for standalone12:27
ysandeeprlandy|ruck, I am back, I am available to sync when you have time12:28
rlandy|ruckysandeep: let's sync12:28
* akahat|rover out12:35
ysandeepslaweq: when you have time, could you please look into
ysandeeptempest tests failing and we see this in neutron logs: ERROR neutron_lib.callbacks.manager TypeError: _clean_logs_by_target_id() got an unexpected keyword argument 'context' 13:18
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|lunch13:24
dviroelmarios: seems that you got include_vars to work13:34
mariosdviroel: yeah now fighting with the get-hash module but some progress at least ;)13:35
mariosdviroel: fyi restricted execution13:35
dviroelmarios: ack, will read13:37
rlandy|ruckysandeep: merging
dviroelmarios: I think that i found another way of include release vars in t-q, with sym links instead of copy files. Worked in my local env. I might try that as a new t-q role, so can be reused somewhere else. 13:38
dviroelmarios: already considering that might be useful when creating dep job for composes, which will need to be set in pre13:40
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: thanks for
rlandy|rucktesting with dns patch13:40
rlandy|ruckjenkins tests are killing us13:42
mariosdviroel: k, lets sync before i leave today - maybe you can work out the module path issue in your zuul env (cant find tripleo-get-hash after installing collection manually) 13:52
rlandy|ruckdviroel: marios: rafael requested to start working with the team ... he will join monday's scrum call13:56
rlandy|ruckif you have a c9 task he can take13:56
rlandy|ruckpls pass it on13:56
ysandeeprlandy|ruck, what is rafael irc nick?13:59
dviroelmarios: yeah, i can try that14:00
dviroelysandeep: rcastillo14:01
ysandeepdviroel++ thanks mate14:02
rlandy|ruckysandeep: dviroel: marios: akahat|rover: sshnaidm: pojadhav: rcastillo|out: arxcruz: sent a new meeting invite for scrum on monday - 1 hr later14:04
rlandy|ruckcan't remove bhagyashri's invite14:04
ysandeepthanks! we will ignore the  bhagyashri's invite14:04
mariosack rlandy|ruck 14:09
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mariosdviroel: hey - so i added some comments there 14:28
mariosdviroel: do you still want to meet today? i am still working there but will ping you when i'm leaving14:28
mariosdviroel: if you want though we can get on the phone for a bit14:28
mariosdviroel: let me know after you check the comments there ^^ 14:29
dviroelmarios: sorry, missed your pings14:36
mariosdviroel: np 14:37
dviroelmarios: no need to sync, can see your patches and errors in the logs14:37
mariosdviroel: ack - yeah so now we more on to getting the module/collection to work - include_vars looks OK now14:38
*** rcastillo|out is now known as rcastillo14:42
mariosgood morning Mexico14:42
marioso/ rcastillo welcome to friday 14:43
mariosrcastillo: rlandy|ruck: mentioned you were interested in catching up with what we're doing - myself and dviroel are trying to re-work the way we are building container & deployment (qcow) images for our centos9 work. latest progress at if you want something to dig into 14:44
rlandy|ruckthanks for the intro there :)14:47
mariosrcastillo: of course there is a lot of missing context there but if you want we can talk about it e.g. on monday or whenever you want14:47
mariosrcastillo: or perhaps you can catch up with rlandy|ruck or dviroel who will be in your workday for longer than i will ;)14:48
rcastilloI'm down to talk on monday14:50
rcastilloI'l take a look at that patch14:50
rlandy|ruckrcastillo: k - great - pls check out the link marios posted14:50
rlandy|ruckyou can ping dviroel or me with questions14:50
mariosrcastillo: ack 14:51
* rlandy|ruck guesses dviroel probably more up to speed on this atm14:51
* rlandy|ruck knee deep in CI failures14:51
dviroelrcastillo: fell free to ping me anytime14:56
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*** dviroel|lunch is now known as dviroel16:54
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*** jpena is now known as jpena|off17:41
ade_leedviroel, hey19:37
ade_leedviroel, any progress on the jobs?  fyi -- I'll be out all of next week like many us folks19:38
dviroelade_lee: hi o/20:15
dviroelade_lee: i found the issue with scn-010-ovn20:16
dviroelade_lee: forgot to publish the edit, will do now20:16
dviroelade_lee: was a type20:16
dviroeloh, typo of typo ^20:17
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|out20:37
ade_leedviroel|out, ah , yeah - that would do it 21:18
ade_leegood catch21:18
ade_leegot a patch from eck for the rabbit issue too - trying now21:18

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