Wednesday, 2021-11-17

*** rcastillo is now known as rcastillo|out00:18
ysandeep|outrlandy|testbox, around?02:53
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ysandeepykarel, do you have few mins to discuss
ykarelysandeep, after half hour?06:06
ysandeepykarel, ack 06:06
ykarel_ysandeep, available now06:41
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jbadiapahi, can some one take a look at and tell me what I need to do to get it merged?08:08
jbadiapaIt already has the +workflow08:09
mariosjbadiapa: depends-on08:09
jbadiapathe depends-on is merge on master08:10
mariosjbadiapa: stable/wallaby one Change-Id: I958439e017efa45f316750a61fd7dfdee5afdc8e 08:10
mariosjbadiapa: Depends-On: I958439e017efa45f316750a61fd7dfdee5afdc8e 08:10
jbadiapaso it does not care/understand about the branches08:12
jbadiapait only sees that there is a patch with that ID that it's not merged.08:12
jbadiapathanks for the clarification08:12
mariosjbadiapa: if you instead used the gerrit url directly it would be ok like if you only wanted master08:13
jbadiapamarios, I thought that the "depends on" needs the ID but if the URL can be used.08:15
mariosjbadiapa: yeah long time ago it only worked with change id but at some point it was fixed/changed so you can use url 08:16
jbadiapaI need to think about using it. (pros and cons) as the cherry picks need to be modified to get the "new" url08:17
mariosjbadiapa: right :) so depends how long it will take for that wallaby pick to merge 08:17
mariosjbadiapa: anyway you know for future08:17
mariosjbadiapa: i'll workflow that sec let me check 08:18
soniya29|ruckarxcruz, akahat|rover, will it okay with you if we cancel today's tempest meeting since most of people are either on PTO/holiday?08:18
jbadiapamarios: thanks a lot08:18
jbadiapafor everything08:18
mariosjbadiapa: :) np mate just clicked a button and RH pays me for it ;) :D08:20
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sshnaidmmarios, hi, are you ok with ? I'd like to merge these patches today to see how it's going09:13
mariossshnaidm: o/ hey yeah i was just waiting for you to finish tests etc if you think it is ready lets go 09:14
sshnaidmmarios, great09:15
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arxcruzsoniya29|ruck: sure 10:01
arxcruzkopecmartin: ping 10:01
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sshnaidmmarios, I think we need to merge this: - it will allow 3party to run10:57
mariossshnaidm: ah did it hit? 10:57
mariossshnaidm: have a link? 10:57
sshnaidmmarios, I mean here:
sshnaidmmarios, all nodesets used in upstream ci should have equivalents in 3party (since it's imported)10:58
sshnaidmwe did this before for "stream" nodes as well11:00
mariossshnaidm: well that's the question /why we are holding on to find out. - these jobs should never run in 3rd party and for rdo we override the nodeset11:00
mariossshnaidm: i posted the fake nodeset so it is ready 11:00
dviroelmorning o/11:00
mariossshnaidm: like i was wondering if it is the same situation as we had with and the secret11:01
sshnaidmmarios, all jobs from tripleo-ci are imported to 3party as configured in zuul, together with configs and nodesets. When 3party CI sees nodeset it doesn't know about - the 3party zull throws an error. It doesn't matter if we actually run these jobs in 3party or not11:02
mariossshnaidm: or you really mean, all the jobs have equivalents11:02
mariossshnaidm: vote and lets merge the fake 11:02
sshnaidmI voted11:03
mariossshnaidm: k w+11:04
marios(I just)11:05
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|ruck11:13
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: soniya29|ruck|afk: hello11:14
rlandy|rucklet's ruck/rover sync11:15
akahat|roverrlandy|ruck, hello11:15
dviroelmarios: lets sync after rlandy|ruck rr sync?11:18
mariosyes dviroel sounds good 11:18
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rlandy|ruckslaweq: hello ... regarding patches for bug/1950815: what is the merge order here?11:34
rlandy|ruck has no depends on11:34
rlandy|ruckcan that merge?11:34
rlandy|ruckslaweq: ^^ added in the wrong place if you want it passed to the deploy11:38
rlandy|ruckif we want this passed to standalone ...11:39
slaweqrlandy|ruck: I think that is good to go without any dependencies11:39
slaweqit will just add new template file which can but don't need to be used11:40
slaweqbut it is required by which uses that new template file11:40
slaweqbut please keep in mind that maybe I did it in wrong way/place as I'm not tripleo-ci expert for sure11:40
rlandy|ruckwe could just pass that parameter ^^11:40
rlandy|ruckunless it needs to be in places other than standalone11:41
slaweqfeel free to set it in some other, better place and abandon my patches11:41
slaweqI'm fine with that11:41
rlandy|ruckif it needs to go elsewhere, we keep the env file11:41
rlandy|ruckok - we'll test this out11:41
slaweqrlandy|ruck: basically it should be set in all ci jobs which runs (or will run) that test11:41
slaweqfor now it is failing in standalone11:42
rlandy|ruckmay be some ovb11:42
slaweqbut maybe it will fail in others too11:42
rlandy|ruckwe're looking at where to put it - thank you for the fix11:42
rlandy|rucksoniya29|ruck|afk: akahat|rover:
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slaweqrlandy|ruck: thx a lot for help with that :)11:53
* dviroel get a coffee11:59
mariosdviroel: rlandy|ruck: lets sync in 10 mins? 12:06
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: marios: opinion pls ... promotions are 5 days out12:11
rlandy|ruckdo we want to keep the ansible changes in gate12:12
rlandy|ruckor hold for tomorrow12:12
rlandy|ruckwe were missing container builds fix before12:12
rlandy|ruckjust merged12:12
mariosrlandy|ruck: i haven't been following that too closely i don't even know exactly what tests were done (testproject etc) ... sshnaidm have we run standalone etc with ansible 2.11?12:12
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover did testing12:13
rlandy|ruckand standalone etc. runs in the check/gate12:13
sshnaidmmarios, yeah, we checked things12:13
mariosrlandy|ruck: it isn't really a firedrill to merge that i think  ... even though it *should* be ok perhaps you might want to hold but... don't know perhaps sshnaidm has been waiting for long already 12:14
mariosso sshnaidm decides i think ;)12:14
mariosrlandy|ruck: are you waiting on promotion line right now kind of thing like tests are reporting and looking good? 12:14
rlandy|ruckno - line is still hosed 12:14
mariosrlandy|ruck: or just general problems/various jobs so ... 12:15
mariosrlandy|ruck: well then merge it :)12:15
mariosif you need to you can just revert wdyt sshnaidm 12:15
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, marios well, currently I don't know about any failures we can have, although I can't guarantee everything will work 100% of course.12:15
sshnaidmmarios, yeah, I'm fine to revert if any issue will come12:15
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: the only failure I see is OVB12:15
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, where?12:15
rlandy|ruckbut two diff failures12:16
rlandy|rucklet's let it go12:17
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, it's not related, passed here:
rlandy|ruckmarios: meeting?12:19
mariosrlandy|ruck: yes i was waiting for you to say ;) dviroel o/ joining now 12:19
akahat|roverrlandy|ruck, fyi
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: all good except change release not in ['train', 'ussuri']12:26
akahat|roverrlandy|ruck, okay. updating review.12:27
rlandy|ruckrelease is defined and release not in ['train', 'ussuri']12:29
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: ^^12:29
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dviroelrlandy|ruck: marios
mariosdviroel: ^^^ 12:45
rlandy|ruckmarios: dviroel:
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rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: requeued the master line13:10
rlandy|ruckjbadiapa: hello re: - looks like a duplicate of
rlandy|ruckok if I close that as a dup?13:14
rlandy|ruckfix just merged13:15
jbadiapaIt seems the same yes.13:15
rlandy|ruckthanks - closing out13:15
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, patch merged, keeping eye..13:17
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: thank you13:17
jbadiaparlandy|ruck, I'm doing another try with the patch and see what's the outcome13:18
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rlandy|ruckjbadiapa: yep - pls let us know13:18
jbadiapacos, I was not able to provision the nodes.13:18
jbadiaparlandy|ruck, sure13:18
dviroelrlandy|ruck: when you have some time: XS fix in tripleo-repos, fixes component name in logging
arxcruzmarios: I give up, the patch is running on the content-provider, but not in the upgrade because in upgrade job you don't run the build-test-packages 13:28
arxcruzbut the patch is required in the upgrade, not in the content-provider13:28
mariosarxcruz: ack maybe write some summary about the problems testing it and post onto the upstream patch and remove the WIP? 13:29
mariosarxcruz: i'll review it again ... we may want a couple iterations after reviewer comments and we can just try it13:29
arxcruzok, i don't think as it is, it's impossible to test on testproject 13:29
arxcruzi tried to remove the remove_tags: build 13:29
arxcruzbut it didn't work13:29
marios15:28 < arxcruz> marios: I give up, the patch is running on the content-provider,13:30
mariosarxcruz: can you include some pointers to logs in the summary ^^^ so we can see what parts of the review were tested 13:30
arxcruzmarios: it's not tested because the content-provider don't have the zuul.dlrn_bla bla bla variable 13:30
arxcruzi always forgot the name of that variable 13:30
arxcruzin content-provider, the zuul.dlrn hash variable isn't defined yet 13:31
rlandy|ruckdviroel: looking13:33
beaglesmarios, rlandy|ruck: are "Depends-On" in patches like expected to do what is expected?13:34
arxcruzmarios: dviroel check and my comments 13:37
rlandy|ruckbeagles: not sure what you are asking exactly ...13:37
rlandy|ruckthe patches should be included in the test run on that testproject13:38
beaglesrlandy|ruck: :) will the depends-on pull in the referenced patch and apply it before running the CI jobs13:38
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rlandy|ruckbeagles: ack13:38
rlandy|ruckbeagles: just make sure you are working with the right branch for the patch to take effect13:39
beaglesrlandy|ruck: ahhhhhh13:40
rlandy|ruckbeagles: something like
beaglesrlandy|ruck: ^13:43
mariosrlandy|ruck: beagles: something weird going on there 2021-11-17 08:24:33.928508 | primary | TASK [build-test-packages : Print out the change list] *************************13:43
marios2021-11-17 08:24:33.955450 | primary |             "project": "openstack/tripleo-heat-templates",13:44
marios2021-11-17 08:24:33.955462 | primary |             "refspec": "refs/changes/20/818120/1"13:44
mariosbut the depends-on is for octavia 13:44
mariosrlandy|ruck: ah... its an ussuri job beagles .... so it won't include that change for the ussuri job 13:45
beaglesmarios: gthiemonge updated the commit message to remove unnecessary depends-on's, that was in the previous commit (patchset 7)13:46
mariosbeagles: rlandy|ruck: i don't think he can test that because the job will have ussuri branch 13:46
mariosbeagles: rlandy|ruck: and the depends-on has master 13:46
beaglesmarios: yup13:46
gthiemongehmm octavia-tempest-plugin is branch-less13:46
mariosbeagles: rlandy|ruck: 13:46
mariosrlandy|ruck: beagles: so build-test-packages won't include it for your test  13:46
rlandy|ruckunless you set the branch to ussuri13:47
mariosrlandy|ruck: but the dependson is master13:47
mariosrlandy|ruck: testproject was master but the job itself is ussuri ... can also make testproject ussuri but still have mismatch from depends-on 13:47
rlandy|ruck openstack/octavia-tempest-plugin master only13:48
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rlandy|ruckmarios: hmmm ... so most of our branchless repos don't need to be built13:52
rlandy|rucklike testing tripleo-quickstart changes with ussuri jobs13:52
rlandy|ruckwe could do something like13:54
rlandy|ruckrun test13:54
rlandy|ruckhold node13:54
rlandy|ruckimport change13:54
rlandy|ruckand run test again13:54
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ykarelrlandy|ruck, marios can use or similar approach to test branchless projects builds14:03
gthiemongerlandy|ruck: could I log in to the node while the job is running? (I would not need a depends-on in that case)14:06
akahat|rovergthiemonge, yes. you can.14:12
mariosthanks ykarel 14:15
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: pls join #rhos-ops internal14:17
rlandy|ruckgthiemonge: ack 14:17
rlandy|ruckwe can add your keys to the node on rdo zuul once it is running14:17
rlandy|ruckdviroel: hey ... 14:25
rlandy|ruckade_lee asked us to hold a node yesterday14:25
rlandy|ruckdidn't get to do it14:25
rlandy|ruck<ade_lee> dviroel|out, rlandy|ruck so I wonder if we can run and keep the node for tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-on-multinode-ipa for
rlandy|ruckdid you yet?14:25
rlandy|ruckif not - will do that now14:25
akahat|rovergthiemonge, this is the node which you want to hold: ?14:28
dviroelrlandy|ruck: i was out by that time. no, i didn't hold the node. You can use this testproject
jbadiaparlandy|ruck: regarding the and the patch it worked. But I can not provision the nodes
rlandy|ruckok - will look in a bit14:29
dviroelrlandy|ruck: just wait for a moment, i added a dependency that failed to merge14:30
dviroelrlandy|ruck: let fix that i'll trigger the testproject14:30
rlandy|ruckdviroel: ok - great - ping when ready - and i'll hold that node14:31
dviroelrlandy|ruck: ok14:31
gthiemongeakahat|rover: yeah it is14:32
akahat|rovergthiemonge, okay.. please share your public key.14:33
rlandy|ruckholding node14:34
rlandy|ruck0000001062 | | | periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-scenario010-standalone-ussuri | refs/changes/80/36380/.* |     1     | debug gthiemonge 14:36
rlandy|rucknode held14:36
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover can add your keys to that to access14:37
rlandy|ruckssh as zuul user14:37
akahat|roverraukadah, already done.14:37
akahat|roverrlandy|ruck, ^^14:37
gthiemongerlandy|ruck: akahat|rover: thanks14:38
ade_leerlandy|ruck, dviroel thanks - let me know when the node is ready and I'll point john eckersberg at it.  hopefully, the rabbitmq error will recur.14:42
rlandy|ruckade_lee: yeah - sorry - missed reaching you last night when I returned14:43
rlandy|ruckon the upside, I don't have covid14:43
ade_leerlandy|ruck, +++14:43
dviroelade_lee: o/14:49
dviroelade_lee: there is a merge conflict error
dviroelade_lee: I thought that was happening after i added another depends-on, but i removed, still happening14:50
ade_leedviroel, looking -- lets try refreshing all the dependencies ..14:51
dviroelade_lee: ps50 was running, there is no dependencies change by now14:52
akahat|roverrlandy|ruck, hey.. can we have quick meeting ?14:53
dviroelmerge conflict there14:54
ade_leedviroel, yup - I just got there :)14:55
ade_leeall the rest have been rebased14:55
dviroelade_lee: i was trying to add this one too:
ade_leedviroel, sure - good idea14:55
ade_leedviroel, let me fix the merge conflict14:56
dviroelade_lee: lets add it to see if collect logs can finish with a higher timeout, can't see any other issue;14:56
dviroelade_lee: sure14:56
ade_leedviroel, ok - conflicts resolved -- go ahead and add the collect logs dep15:00
* akahat|rover will back in hour.15:02
dviroelade_lee: - ok, seems to be fine now15:05
dviroelade_lee: using this testproject here
dviroelade_lee: need to wait for multinode-ipa to start, and hold15:06
* dviroel lunch15:08
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gthiemongerlandy|ruck: akahat|rover: I think the sc010 stable/ussuri CIX is related to the vexxhost+kvm+centos issue15:26
gthiemongecould it be related to ?15:26
rlandy|ruckgthiemonge: as in centos updated?15:26
rlandy|rucklet's check the nodeset on that15:27
rlandy|ruck2021-11-17 13:19:55.017760 | localhost | Provider: vexxhost-nodepool-tripleo15:27
rlandy|ruck2021-11-17 13:19:55.017788 | localhost | Label: upstream-centos-8-stream15:27
rlandy|ruckgthiemonge: ^^ looks like it's on the right node15:28
rlandy|ruckunless that should also be on nested virt15:28
rlandy|ruckam I missing something?15:28
gthiemongethe job is configured to use kvm/nested virt15:30
gthiemongeso, should we update the nodeset for those jobs?15:31
gthiemongerlandy|ruck: ^15:31
rlandy|ruckgthiemonge; yep - then we'd need to for all scenario01015:31
rlandy|ruckso  scenario010 == scenario010-kvm?15:32
gthiemongeyeah, I think so, non-kvm jobs for sc010 are mostly useless15:33
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: if the kvm job passes on ussuri, victoria, let's remove vanilla scenario010 from criteria15:47
rlandy|ruckwe can remove those jobs once check is voting 15:48
gthiemongerlandy|ruck: akahat|rover: BTW you can unlock the node15:48
rlandy|ruckgthiemonge: ok - will remove the hold15:48
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rlandy|ruckarxcruz: akahat|rover: let's talk about merging
akahat|roveroh.. great.15:55
akahat|rovergthiemonge, thank you :)15:55
akahat|roverrlandy|ruck, okay. I'll remove vanilla sc10 jobs15:56
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: from criteria15:56
rlandy|ruckarxcruz: 16:05
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arxcruzrlandy|ruck: akahat|rover
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover:  upstream-centos-8-stream16:14
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover:  nodeset: single-centos-8-node-psi16:20
rlandy|ruckneed got off this16:20
rlandy|ruckno using ci agg16:21
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: same issue?16:40
akahat|roverrlandy|ruck, no. it is not able to find images16:40
akahat|rovertripleou is namespace. but in rdo we have tripleoussuri16:40
akahat|rovercontainer images *16:40
rlandy|ruckwhy only on that job?16:41
rlandy|ruckohhh .. component line16:42
rlandy|ruckhow was it passing before?16:45
rlandy|ruckchecking release file16:46
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: ^^ should be correct for16:48
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: ah ok16:48
rlandy|ruckso here's the thing16:48
rlandy|ruckyou need to change ^^ to add psi16:48
rlandy|ruck {% if cloudenv is defined and cloudenv in ['rdo', 'vexxhost'] -%}16:48
rlandy|ruckcloudenv is psi16:48
rlandy|ruckon kvm16:48
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: add that and it should work16:48
akahat|roveroh. okay.16:49
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: ^^ as in16:49
rlandy|ruckand we will need to add kvm jobs to criteria16:50
*** marios is now known as marios|out16:53
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: thanks16:55
rlandy|rucklunch brb16:57
dviroelJun 7-917:13
* arxcruz hides in shame...17:28
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: looking good on
*** jpena is now known as jpena|off17:34
akahat|roverrlandy|ruck, yup.. it's testproject run is also looks good:
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: did you out in the criteria change yet? just checking if I missed it?17:44
rlandy|ruckwould like to merge that today17:44
akahat|roverit's there but we got promotion failures now.17:44
akahat|roverlooking in it now17:44
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: let's chat17:45
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|off17:55
striderarxcruz++ :D18:00
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, so far so good, I don't see much failures in CI, zuul queue is small18:02
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, probably went well18:02
sshnaidmat least we didn't explode CI :D18:02
rlandy|ruckyeah - downstream has been hosed due to 18:03
rlandy|ruckgoing to start working there now18:03
rlandy|ruckhoping to clear promotion pipelines soon18:03
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: thanks for taking care of that18:03
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover++ for all great work today - thank you, sir18:04
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, I think will try tomorrow to push ansible-core to tripleo itself too18:05
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: sure - let's keep the same schedule18:06
rlandy|ruckmorning and we can see fallout in the afternoon18:06
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: have a good night18:06
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, thanks!18:08
dviroelrlandy|ruck: o/, need to hold node for tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-on-multinode-ipa18:32
akahat|rovervictoria, master testproject:,
rlandy|ruckarxcruz: :) ... your debut on tv18:47
rlandy|ruckhmmm ....18:52
rlandy|ruckfailing all promoter jobs18:52
rlandy|ruck| /home/zuul/src/ CoverageWarning: Data file '/home/zuul/src/' doesn't seem to be a coverage data file: Couldn't use data file '/home/zuul/src/': no such table: 18:52
akahat|roverrlandy|ruck, please review:
dviroelrlandy|ruck: i was trying to reproduce in my env, but it passes18:54
rlandy|ruckdviroel anible update from sshnaidm?18:54
dviroelakahat|rover: oh, you have a fix already18:55
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: merging that18:55
akahat|roverrlandy|ruck, ack18:55
dviroelakahat|rover: ++18:55
rlandy|ruckah to fix ^^18:55
rlandy|ruckthank you18:55
rlandy|ruckwow - how is it only wednesday??19:12
akahat|roverready to merge:
* akahat|rover out19:38
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|afk20:00
ade_leedviroel|afk, interesting - it seems that the logs did show up now in scenario 220:11
ade_leeso maybe it was the timeout ..20:11
ade_leedviroel|afk, and the failure there was due to a known test case that I thought we were skipping -- checking20:14
ade_leedviroel|afk, rlandy|ruck were you guys able to hold that node?20:15
rlandy|ruckade_lee: 0000001065 | | | tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-on-multinode-ipa | refs/changes/21/35121/.* |     1     | debug ade_lee 20:15
rlandy|ruckautohold says so20:15
rlandy|ruckade_lee: did dviroel|afk put your keys on that box?20:16
ade_leerlandy|ruck, I don't know20:23
rlandy|ruckade_lee: pls see pvt message20:23
ade_leerlandy|ruck, looks like I'm in -- I think this is the ipa node though -- is there access to the controller?20:38
rlandy|ruckyeah - there is a second ip20:41
rlandy|ruckade_lee: getting20:41
rlandy|ruckade_lee: sent on rhos-ops20:43
ade_leerlandy|ruck, ack - thanks20:44
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: ok - we need the dns fix on OVB as well20:47
rlandy|ruckovercloud deploy20:47
* rlandy|ruck gets20:47
rlandy|ruckwoohoo master should promote20:49
rlandy|ruckand ussuri20:49
rlandy|ruckgetting there20:49
ade_leedviroel|afk, rlandy|ruck fyi eck managed to find the root cause of the rabbit issue with fips. so we can release that node22:19
ade_leedviroel|afk, will sync with you tomorrow but good progress 22:20
rlandy|ruckade_lee: great - 22:39
rlandy|ruckwill remove the hold22:40
*** rlandy|ruck is now known as rlandy|ruck|bbl23:09

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