Wednesday, 2021-11-10

*** rcastillo is now known as rcastillo|away02:44
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chandankumarykarel: hello06:13
chandankumarykarel: is the cs9 ftbfs failures got cleared?06:14
ykarelchandankumar, ongoing
chandankumarin the morning, it was empty06:14
chandankumarykarel: ok, will watch, thanks :-)06:15
ykarelyes i started failed one some time back06:15
ykarelall new commits ran fine, had to clear failed ones06:15
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ysandeepakahat|rover, soniya29|ruck jobs in tripleo queue seems stuck.. for example: top job in gate queue08:36
ysandeepIts in for 11 hr 30 min08:36
ysandeepif you click the running job tripleo-ci-centos-8-containers-multinode and tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-upgrade-victoria 08:36
ysandeepBuild ID e3488a9056d2422983bbdc140b6f487e not found08:37
soniya29|ruckysandeep, looking08:37
ysandeepakahat|rover, soniya29|ruck could you please check with infra (ping on #opendev)08:37
mariosysandeep: akahat|rover: soniya29|ruck: worth pinging in #opendev before doing anyting like abandon/reset08:37
akahat|roverykarel, marios ck08:38
akahat|roverack *08:38
mariosbut those folks may not be around till later (e.g. "fungi" helped us last time he was able to get the job going again without gate reset)08:38
soniya29|ruckysandeep, marios ack08:38
ysandeepmarios: yeah.. if we abandon/restore its get difficult for them to check logs also. 08:38
mariosysandeep: right ... but mainly it means all the jobs in all the reviews of that queue will have to re-run ... if we can avoid it great. worst case we will just do that and reset it08:39
mariosbut worth checking first if there is a better option08:39
soniya29|ruckmarios, in the evening i will check with infra and discuss with them08:40
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mariossoniya29|ruck: i think if we can't get someone to check in the next couple of hours then it may be worth considering doing the reset otherwise when the americans wake up they will complain ;)08:41
mariossoniya29|ruck: 'doing the reset' means going to the review that is stuck and doing 'abandon' then 'restore' it will clear the gate and start again... 08:42
mariosbut try ping first soniya29|ruck 08:42
mariosand give it some time to see if anyone around08:42
soniya29|ruckmarios, yes, we will wait for few hours if no response then we can go with second choice08:43
akahat|roveri've put msg on #opendev, wating for reply.08:43
mariosakahat|rover: soniya29|ruck: thanks08:43
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*** ykarel is now known as ykarel|lunch08:51
soniya29|ruckkopecmartin, arxcruz, ysandeep|lunch, please add/edit today's agenda for the tempest meeting -
* akahat|lunch akahat|rover09:13
*** akahat|lunch is now known as akahat|rover09:13
mariosysandeep|lunch: chandankumar: folks do you (or anyone else reading this ;)) know anything about the instance promoter_server_all_releases on the dev-stage project from upshift? looks like it hasn't been used in a while ( => most recent logs from 2021-08-12 ). i want to delete but it belongs to bshewale (I need to recover some storage space )09:21
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marioschandankumar: same question for instance called "downstream-promoter" ... last logs from  2021-10-08  and it has a 100GB volume attached do we still need this? 09:26
marioschandankumar: that one has your key ^^ 09:27
ysandeepmarios: Not sure about , but was our manual promoter server,It have some manual scripts which we used for promotion earlier. I think we should back up them first before deleting the server.. we can cross check with rlandy first if we have backup of those scripts already.09:32
ysandeepI have deleted 2 of my instances from dev-stage, hopefully we have some additional space now09:34
mariosysandeep: thank you for checking ack i won't delete stuff yet (I've been waiting since last week when folks were away) ... i will try and wait until we have a scrum tomorrow for example so we can discuss some more09:36
ysandeepack let's discuss in scrum first, also we should update our tripleo-ci-infra doc with only latest promoter server details, its too confusing.09:39
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*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|ruck11:10
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mariosdviroel: o/ hello can you please checkout - 2 things... first is it fails on --down-url but also, the logging seems broken (it says 'tripleo-get-hash' but that is 'tripleo-yum-config') - logging issue also seen there : 11:17
marios (e.g 2021-11-10 01:35:31.459783 | primary | 2021-11-10 01:35:31,459 - tripleo-get-hash - INFO - Section 'appstream' was successfully added.)11:17
mariosdviroel: sorry to start your day like that ;) 11:18
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: soniya29|ruck: hello - do either of you want to present at the program call?11:18
rlandy|ruckthe doc is updated11:18
dviroelmarios: hi there, np, did we merge --down-url ?11:18
akahat|roverrlandy|ruck, yes. i'll attend.11:18
rlandy|ruckmarios: we had to revert again11:19
mariosdviroel: for the logging issue it must be related to the combination of the common functions that merged recently 11:19
rlandy|ruckwas still failing11:19
mariosrlandy|ruck: thanks11:19
dviroelmarios: wrt log, might be, need to check11:19
rlandy|ruckI went to the hardware provisioning bug scrub to talk about this11:19
dviroel"Revert "Revert "Revert " lolz11:20
ysandeeprlandy|ruck: fyi.. I have discussed our 17 bug with nova team - basically TripleO now defaults to "libvirt's modular daemons" which libvirt version on rhel8.4 don't support.  Please check when you have time for details.11:20
mariosdviroel: right... that is strange cos we didn't merge that so whats going on .... AH must be from a testproject result ( )11:20
mariosdviroel: k so the logging issue mainly then but also fyi re the down-url needs fixing before merge 11:20
rlandy|ruckysandeep: thanks for following this up - will check it11:20
dviroelmarios: it is
dviroelchandankumar is testing everything together11:21
dviroelmarios: let em check in details what is happening11:21
mariosdviroel: thanks not urgent mostly fyi for the logging but should probably fix it cos will be confusing 11:23
dviroelmarios: yeah, should be easy to fix11:24
rlandy|ruckysandeep: ok - so reading the bug details it looks like we need to use the workaround11:25
rlandy|ruckwe can't switch to rhel 8.511:26
rlandy|ruckwe will need to include that extra parameter in our deploy command11:27
akahat|roverysandeep, for c9 is it known bug: cannot install the best update candidate for package gcc-11.2.1-2.2.el9.x86_64 ?11:28
soniya29|ruckrlandy|ruck, ysandeep where do we include that parameter in tripleo?11:29
rlandy|rucksoniya29|ruck: akahat|rover: ysandeep: let's sync ... 11:31
dviroelmarios: will check the down-url issue next11:46
arxcruzrlandy|ruck: soniya29|ruck i won't be able to join meeting today, still solving some issues here at home11:57
soniya29|ruckarxcruz: okay, no problem11:57
* chandankumar is back12:08
chandankumardviroel: did I break something?12:08
dviroelchandankumar: not at all, checking the issue on your patch12:08
dviroelthe wire up12:08
chandankumardviroel: ah, ok cool, thanks :-)12:08
dviroelissue on my patch actually12:08
chandankumarextra decode part12:09
dviroelmight be12:09
chandankumarysandeep: marios queue is empty now12:10
chandankumarI think now we have fresh contents12:10
chandankumartime to recheck12:11
dviroelarxcruz: oi12:13
dviroelarxcruz: were you working with ade_lee to fix an issue on logs not being collected for some specific fips jobs? scenario002 I think12:14
marioschandankumar: thanks12:16
chandankumarykarel++ for processing all cs9 packages via dlrn12:17
mariosthank you ysandeep 12:19
mariossorry that was meant for ykarel thanks for help with dlrn builder ^^ 12:20
soniya29|ruckrlandy|ruck, akahat|rover, i will be back in an hour, need to step out12:23
*** soniya29|ruck is now known as soniya29|ruck|afk12:23
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: soniya29|ruck|afk: hi - your skiplist patches are in merge conflict12:25
rlandy|ruckwe can merge those once the bugs are added12:25
rlandy|ruckcloses-bug type thing12:25
chandankumardviroel: akahat|rover regarding skiplist what we talked on your review, may be we can document on tripleo-docs under ci section12:27
chandankumar*skiplist closes bug12:27
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: repasted notes from kforde re: aggregates12:30
rlandy|ruckwill send more info after follow up with greg12:30
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akahat|roverrlandy|ruck, ack12:32
rlandy|ruckmarios: - do we want to merge this?12:36
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: ah ..
rlandy|ruck^^ not merged yet12:37
mariosrlandy|ruck: yeah i will update with comments... basically we need that one but also a new one i posted yesterday there
mariosrlandy|ruck: then it works for override ^^ 12:37
rlandy|ruckbut extra default may have messed with that setting12:37
rlandy|ruckmarios: hmmm ... not sure about
rlandy|ruckwe may need that12:38
rlandy|ruck# Required for refactor inject_images for whole disk images12:38
rlandy|ruckwhole_disk_images: false12:38
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover is testing out the defaults change in extras-common12:39
mariosrlandy|ruck: sbaker added that part but if you see he added the extras-common as requirement in 12:39
mariosrlandy|ruck: see the commit message12:39
mariosrlandy|ruck: add any comments on the review and i'll check them 12:39
rlandy|ruckmarios: this patch removes the default false from that role12:40
rlandy|ruckmarios: let's see what we get from akahat|rover's testing12:40
rlandy|ruckwill but a temp -1 on it12:40
mariosrlandy|ruck: yes but we have it set in extras-common now and he made the libvirt role depend on it?12:40
rlandy|ruckhe's testing a revert of that12:41
rlandy|ruckpossibly broke the ci.centos jobs12:41
rlandy|rucklibvirt based12:41
mariosrlandy|ruck: oh i missed there was a revert of it12:41
rlandy|ruckmarios: he's trying it out12:41
rlandy|ruckI'll comment - let's see what shakes out12:42
mariosrlandy|ruck: k12:42
rlandy|ruckwill update later today12:42
akahat|roverRevert is created:
*** ysandeep|afk is now known as ysandeep13:08
chandankumarnothing provides libgomp = 11.2.1-6.el9 needed by gcc-11.2.1-6.el9.x86_64 is this one got reported?13:08
chandankumarakahat|rover: ^^13:09
akahat|roverchandankumar, no. i found this today.. i didn't reported it.13:09
akahat|roverwill do it.13:09
chandankumarakahat|rover: in cs8?13:09
akahat|roverchandankumar, no in cs913:09
chandankumarakahat|rover: please open a bug13:09
chandankumarakahat|rover: add the content from this
chandankumarit is locally reproducable13:15
chandankumarmarios: I think we are again blocked13:15
chandankumarbecome of this
chandankumarrlandy|ruck: good to go
dviroelchandankumar: hey, if you don't mind, i can update this fixing it13:17
chandankumardviroel: take it over13:17
marioschandankumar: where are you seeing it? i am watching containers/images built waiting for fs1/fs213:17
chandankumarmarios: it will come in fs01 or fs02 very soon, I saw it in
marioschandankumar: k thanks :/13:17
chandankumarit will come at install_package_deps_via_bindep13:18
chandankumarakahat|rover: thanks, interesting day each day13:18
chandankumardviroel: is it possible to pass multiple urls in --down-url13:19
chandankumarit will save us from writting multiple tripleo-yum-config command13:20
chandankumarif there is no modification needed in the repo13:20
dviroelchandankumar: need code change, and also, it would save everything within the same repo file13:20
dviroelchandankumar: yeah, the idea was to use together with ansible-module, in a loop13:21
chandankumardviroel: may be adding a flag to put it in different repo?13:21
chandankumardviroel: ah, ok got that13:21
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dviroelchandankumar: is it always possible yes :)13:21
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dviroelchandankumar: but i think that may turn the code and the cli more complicated then already is :P13:22
chandankumardviroel: today I was thinking to use ansible there but thought it requires some much change, so delayed it for later13:23
chandankumarit would be a good exercise for anyone wants to get into tripleo-repos integration13:24
dviroelchandankumar: one improvent that yum-config brings already is that you can change some parameter within the same command. You can pass the down-url and set the 'pririoty' of all section for instance13:24
chandankumardviroel: need to try that one13:24
chandankumarwill look for places to consume that13:24
dviroelchandankumar: yeah, the molecule test does that13:24
chandankumarmarios: rlandy|ruck fyi
dviroelchandankumar:  fyi
rlandy|ruckoh man13:25
rlandy|ruckthese issues keep coming13:25
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: so been looking at scenario010 failures13:25
rlandy|rucktests are passing in tripleo-ci jobs13:26
chandankumarrlandy|ruck: we are testing cs9 for them13:26
rlandy|ruckbut failing in  openinfra/python-tempestconf13:26
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: which revert is that?13:27
akahat|roverchandankumar, rlandy|ruck taking about:
akahat|roverrevert of this patch:
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: any results on the other revert?13:28
akahat|roverrlandy|ruck, not yet13:29
*** soniya29|ruck|afk is now known as soniya29|ruck13:33
ysandeepakahat|rover, looks like minimal job failed already: 13:35
ysandeepvirt-customize  --run /home/stack/ -a /home/stack/overcloud-hardened-uefi-full.qcow2 > /home/stack/ 2>&1\n",[0m13:35
akahat|roverysandeep, yes. check here:
ysandeep^^ still pulling uefi :(13:36
ysandeepI did face that error in my local environment today, I get around that by passing --extra-vars  whole_disk_images=False to the quickstart.sh13:38
mariosthanks chandankumar 13:40
akahat|roverysandeep, so we can proceed with this: ?13:41
rlandy|ruckysandeep: akahat|rover: reading back ...
rlandy|ruckyou want to test with ^^?13:44
ysandeeprlandy|ruck, yeah lets do that ^^ post check-ci-minimal for ^^ one instead 13:44
akahat|roverrlandy|ruck, yes. i think we can check one job with it.13:44
akahat|roverokay.. adding comment.13:44
rlandy|ruckysandeep: is overidden13:44
mariosrlandy|ruck: wait i will update the depends on cos we need too13:44
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: ^^13:45
mariosrlandy|ruck: actually not yet ... i am waiting for the testproject to finish reporting first 13:45
rlandy|ruckremoving my -113:46
rlandy|ruckakahat|rover: ok - go head13:46
mariosrlandy|ruck: commented regarding my test with whole_disk_images there: 13:47
rlandy|ruckadded to review list13:47
* ysandeep happy to see those minimal check jobs helping us :)13:49
rlandy|ruckmarios: k - merging
rlandy|ruckysandeep++ for those checks13:50
mariosrlandy|ruck: cool thanks13:50
ysandeep lgtm as well, voted13:51
rlandy|ruckanyone else with reviews needing merge??13:53
* ysandeep wonders if we can add downstream check jobs in similiar fashion so that we can check tq/tqe patches don't break downstream jobs, but sharing logs on upstream patches will be headache..13:55
rlandy|ruckysandeep: there is a rdo-check13:56
rlandy|ruckto kick rdo-related jobs13:56
rlandy|ruckso downstream should be possible13:56
ysandeepyeah, just thinking from security perspective.. because logs will be internal links13:56
rlandy|ruckysandeep: maybe w/o logs13:57
rlandy|ruckidk if they will let us put non-vsible stuff on upstream patches13:57
rlandy|ruckbut we could collect the results internally13:57
rlandy|ruckand review there13:57
marioschandankumar: rlandy|ruck: ysandeep: please vote there when you have time 13:57
ysandeephmm.. yeah even just success is good feedback , and if needed we go on downstream zuul to check failures13:58
rlandy|ruckysandeep: we looked into sanitizing logs at one point13:58
rlandy|ruckfo baremetal voting13:58
rlandy|ruckyou'd have to check with ptl is that is acceptable13:58
rlandy|ruckmarios: ^^ thoughts? as former ptl13:58
mariosrlandy|ruck: what is the question?/me reads back 13:58
rlandy|ruckmarios: ack - putting a simple pass/fail for downstream checks13:59
rlandy|ruckto public13:59
rlandy|ruckall - joining prod chain meetings13:59
mariosrlandy|ruck: where? 13:59
rlandy|ruckpls ping if you need anything13:59
mariosrlandy|ruck: ysandeep: publishing that somwhere? 13:59
rlandy|ruckupstream patches13:59
rlandy|ruckjust an idea13:59
mariosrlandy|ruck: ah ... i don't think so13:59
mariosrlandy|ruck: because we cant have something there that is not publicly accessible14:00
mariosrlandy|ruck: if we are just reporting 'pass'/'fail' then OK but not linking to internal URL 14:00
ysandeepmarios, ack for review, yeah just past/fail 14:00
ysandeepno links to be posted on upstream patches14:00
*** rlandy|ruck is now known as rlandy|ruck|mtg14:01
mariosysandeep: ack 14:01
ysandeeprlandy|ruck|mtg, I will note that idea and bring it later in future sprints.14:04
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rlandy|ruck|mtgysandeep: ack  thanks14:09
rlandy|ruck|mtgakahat|rover: any luck with on jenkins?14:41
soniya29|ruckrlandy|ruck|mtg, akahat|rover ysandeep
ysandeepsoniya29|ruck, commented ^^14:51
akahat|roverrlandy|ruck|mtg, build started now. 14:54
rlandy|ruck|mtgakahat|rover: would like to merge - can paste the testproject results14:56
akahat|roverzuul is down.. 14:57
jbadiapaI was going to ask the same :/14:57
rlandy|ruck|mtgakahat|rover: it's in restart14:58
rlandy|ruck|mtgjbadiapa: they need to unstick the gate queues14:58
dviroelcarloss: ^14:58
jbadiapathx rlandly|ruck|mtg14:59
carlossthanks dviroel :)14:59
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chandankumarrlandy|ruck|mtg: marios good to go
chandankumarysandeep: ^^15:57
* ysandeep added in my list for tomorrow, brain too tired for a honest review now 15:59
marioschandankumar: k adding to reviews 15:59
rlandy|ruck|mtgadding to review list16:01
*** akahat|rover is now known as akahat|lunch16:03
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rlandy|ruck|mtgsoniya29|ruck|dinner: can you look into
rlandy|ruck|mtgif those are not related to modify-image16:10
rlandy|ruck|mtgthat fix is in gates16:10
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* dviroel lunch16:27
soniya29|ruckrlandy|ruck|mtg, okay16:29
rlandy|ruck|mtgsoniya29|ruck: harold is also testing a fix16:30
rlandy|ruck|mtgso we should know if there is more than one issue going on16:30
rlandy|ruck|mtgsoniya29|ruck: also - pls see ysandeep's comments on
soniya29|ruckrlandy|ruck|mtg, on it16:30
rlandy|ruck|mtgsoniya29|ruck++ thank you16:31
chandankumarmarios: amoralej I overcomed that issue via compose
chandankumarmarios: you can put that review as a depends on16:35
chandankumarfor current situation16:35
chandankumarsorry this one
marioschandankumar: thanks noting16:37
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soniya29|ruckrlandy|ruck|mtg, i have addressed ysandeep's comments on above
soniya29|ruckrlandy|ruck|mtg, leaving for the day17:00
rlandy|ruck|mtgsoniya29|ruck: thanks - will rekick testproject17:00
soniya29|ruckfeeling sleepy :)17:00
*** soniya29|ruck is now known as soniya29|ruck|out17:01
rlandy|ruck|mtghave a good night17:01
ysandeep|outrlandy|ruck|mtg, posted recheck already17:01
ysandeep|out:) and now it have 2 rechecks.. lol!17:02
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* ysandeep|out out 17:05
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rlandy|rucklunch - brb17:12
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*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|out21:15
*** rcastillo is now known as rcastillo|away23:47

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