Monday, 2021-10-18

*** bhagyashris__ is now known as bhagyashris04:11
*** pojadhav is now known as pojadhav|ruck04:17
chandankumarmarios: Good morning, I hope you had a great weekend :-)05:25
marioso/ chandankumar 05:26
chandankumarmarios: will fix the iptables nft issues in pre playbook :-)05:27
marioschandankumar: nice thank you i will add to depends-on and try it 05:28
chandankumarmarios: :-)05:28
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frenzy_fridayMorning chandankumar, do we still need this ?06:16
chandankumarfrenzy_friday: Good morning, I need to go back and check the tristin email and then suggest the changes.06:31
chandankumartill then can we keep this review if ok?06:31
frenzy_fridayyep sure06:31
Tenguhello there06:33
Tengufrenzy_friday: I see the CI is back up - great job with that molecule thing! Shall we get merged then? :)06:34
Tengumarios: heya! when you have a spare minute or two -^^  :)06:34
mariosTengu: it is already in a tab waiting its turn ;)06:36
Tengu:) cheers06:37
Tenguthank folks!06:49
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Tengufrenzy_friday: is that one still needed then?
frenzy_fridayTengu, we have removed that test altogether for now, till we fix the bug07:02
frenzy_fridaySo that the patches are unblocked for now07:02
Tengufrenzy_friday: an - ok then. do you need amy help?07:03
frenzy_friday - somehow sudo is not working. It is asking forpassword07:05
Tengufrenzy_friday: what's the actual user running this? zuul?07:09
Tenguah. hmm. molecule..07:09
Tengulemme check a bit07:10
frenzy_fridaygood question, lemme find07:10
Tenguhmmm... it's a user within the container, or is it on the host? /me lost.07:12
Tengufrenzy_friday: it's probably running as "zuul", and I'd say it's lacking some sudo rights?07:24
Tenguwould that be possible?07:24
Tengufrenzy_friday: "fun": the default/prepare.yml in that same role also has a "become".07:25
Tengubut at the play level. shouldn't be that bad.... but.07:26
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* frenzy_friday back in ~1 hr - doc appointment08:06
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pojadhav|ruckchandankumar, 0/ I was looking at this issue but unable to troubleshoot it. do you have any idea what causing this..??10:10
* frenzy_friday messed up flatpak and hexchat10:24
* frenzy_friday is back10:24
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rlandy|ruckchandankumar: review time?11:06
rlandy|ruckarxcruz: hey - any update on for CIX11:09
arxcruzrlandy|ruck: hi, yes, it's ready for review, i'll update the commit message in a sec, i'm with frenzy_friday reviewing the presentation 11:09
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pojadhav|ruckrlandy|ruck, dviroel|rover : fyi I reported a bug
pojadhav|ruckthought I specified milestone, CIX card is not created for the above bug.11:33
rlandy|ruckpojadhav|ruck: Importance critical11:34
dviroel|roverpojadhav|ruck: ack, tks11:34
pojadhav|ruckrlandy|ruck, done11:36
dviroel|roverrlandy|ruck: hi, i'm thinking on update based on marios sugestion here:
rlandy|ruckon meeting - will ping11:53
chandankumarmarios: can you push the overcloud image job definition in rdo-jobs repos? when free, so that I can also include in the cs9 presentation11:55
chandankumarsince dependent patches are already getting votes.11:56
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: pojadhav|ruck: let's ruck rover sync in 5 mins11:56
rlandy|rucktop of the hour11:56
marioschandankumar: you mean this ? but the problem is that depends-on which needs the nodeset11:57
marioschandankumar: we could maybe re-arrange the parenting for now... but needs some discussion anyway 11:57
rlandy|ruckmarios: chandankumar: just confirming - re: nodepool image - an other reviews we need w+'ed?11:58
chandankumarmarios: can we add those job definitions here:
chandankumarmarios: yes, sounds good for rearranging the parenting, will comment on config review11:59
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: pojadhav|ruck:
marioschandankumar: k i will revisit it anyway chasing somethign else right now (for fs1 job) ... but anyway we can't merge any of that until the chain at merges (it is in the depends-on for the image build tripleo-ci patch)12:01
marioschandankumar: what is the presentation for btw ptg? or something else?12:01
marioschandankumar: so for now anyway perhaps just point to the reviews 12:01
marioschandankumar: i don't see it merging today 12:01
chandankumarmarios: the presentation for ptg12:02
marioschandankumar: when is it today? i didn't see in schedule12:02
marioschandankumar: ah wednesday 12:02
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chandankumarpojadhav|ruck: sorry I missed the multipath bug that time, seen that error in the past12:27
chandankumartrying out to find out the bug12:29
pojadhav|ruckchandankumar, no worries.. thanks!12:29
chandankumarpojadhav|ruck: didnot filed the bug12:32
pojadhav|ruckchandankumar, urls are not found for above mentioned comment.12:37
chandankumarpojadhav|ruck: those are old logs, it got deleted12:38
pojadhav|ruckchandankumar, yeah12:38
chandankumarno logs here also12:40
chandankumarysandeep|trng: rlandy|ruck: sshnaidm marios frenzy_friday pipeline is up12:52
sshnaidmchandankumar++ \o/12:53
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, chandankumar marios the DIB patch is in gate:
chandankumarsshnaidm: awesome \o/12:55
chandankumarsshnaidm++ marios++12:55
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mariossshnaidm: great :)12:57
mariosthey merged all the things? there was a whole chain ontop of it12:57
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: yeah - stevebaker needs a RH reward for that one :)12:57
rlandy|ruckone missing ...12:58
mariosptg time12:58
rlandy|ruckthe bullseye12:58
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rlandy|ruckakahat: arxcruz: bhagyashris: ptg on
arxcruzrlandy|ruck: need 10 min and i'll join 13:14
bhagyashrisrlandy|ruck, i am there 13:14
rlandy|ruckarxcruz: just fyi13:14
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rlandy|rucksshnaidm: arxcruz: dviroel|rover: can you guys hang on for a few minites after PTG - re: tech screen scheduling?14:58
dviroel|roverrlandy|ruck: sure14:59
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, yep15:00
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mariosfrenzy_friday: nice one :)15:11
pojadhav|ruckfrenzy_friday++ nice presentation :)15:11
chandankumarfrenzy_friday: nice work ++ :-)15:11
bhagyashrisfrenzy_friday, arxcruz ++ :)15:12
arxcruzfrenzy_friday++ \o/15:21
akahatarxcruz, frenzy_friday ++ nice job :)15:21
arxcruzi did nothing, frenzy_friday is the rockstar :)15:22
rlandy|ruckfrenzy_friday: arxcruz: nice work!!15:22
frenzy_fridaythank you :) All hard work done by zbr and arxcruz 15:23
arxcruzfrenzy_friday: zbr left, it's OUR only work :P 15:23
frenzy_friday^ I'll not comment on that :P15:26
ysandeepfrenzy_friday++ arxcruz++ 15:31
rlandy|ruckarxcruz: sshnaidm: dviroel|rover:
frenzy_fridayI am leaving for the day, see you all on Monday :)15:48
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rlandy|rucksshnaidm: spoke with dviroel|rover and arxcruz; pls ping when you are around15:55
rlandy|ruckfrenzy_friday: have a good trip15:55
*** frenzy_friday is now known as frenzyfriday|pto15:55
frenzyfriday|ptothanks :)15:56
rlandy|ruckfrenzyfriday|pto: any work to pass on?15:57
frenzyfriday|ptorlandy|ruck, the review on zuul-worker to zuul user is open. And is asking for sudo password15:58
rlandy|ruckfrenzyfriday|pto: I'll take zuul-worker stuff 15:58
rlandy|ruckarxcruz: ^^ can you cover the collect-logs review above?15:59
chandankumarrlandy|ruck: patches to keep an eye and thanks!16:00
chandankumarsee ya tomorrow16:00
chandankumarfrenzyfriday|pto: enjoy your well deserved ptos :-)16:00
arxcruzrlandy|ruck: ack 16:00
arxcruzfrenzyfriday|pto: Ich wünsche dir eine gute Reise nach Indien 16:01
frenzyfriday|ptodankeschön arxcruz !16:02
ysandeepfrenzyfriday|pto, have a safe trip :)16:04
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* dviroel|rover lunch16:14
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sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, hey16:33
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rlandy|rucksshnaidm: hi ...
rlandy|ruck5 mins16:42
* dviroel|rover back16:47
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: let's meet at half past the hour. work for you?17:03
rlandy|rucktackle ipa and introspection17:03
dviroel|roverrlandy|ruck: yes17:04
ysandeep|dinnerrlandy|ruck, fyi.. 16.2 all jobs passed.. I expect promotion for 16.2 soon
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rlandy|ruckysandeep: yep ... reporetd internal zuul issue17:14
rlandy|ruckkforde restarted17:14
rlandy|ruckrekicked the line17:14
rlandy|ruckshould be better now17:14
ysandeeprlandy|ruck, 16.2 promoted :)17:24
ysandeeprlandy|ruck, I don't see human readable current-tripleo hash for images.. 17:26
ysandeepwe have that for dockerfiles 17:27
rlandy|ruckysandeep: yep - was just checking17:27
rlandy|ruckwe have dockerfiles17:28
rlandy|ruckbut not images17:28
rlandy|ruckchecking the hash17:28
rlandy|ruck  ff8bbc6d97657de8151b..> 2021-10-18 16:49    17:28
rlandy|ruckhash is there but not the link17:28
ysandeepyeah, just the symlink missing17:28
rlandy|ruckysandeep: we had this one before17:28
rlandy|ruckfrom the promoter that was deployed previously17:29
rlandy|ruckakahat: ^^ fyi17:29
rlandy|ruckysandeep: need to get on ruck/rover sync17:29
ysandeepyes, I recall the same.. we used to have human readable current-tripleo symlink for images 17:29
ysandeeprlandy|ruck, nw.. I can ping akahat chandankumar tomorrow17:30
rlandy|ruckit was from the incorrect path on the hash17:30
rlandy|ruckysandeep: if I get time today I'll look but yeah - akahat would remember17:30
ysandeepakahat: i have dropped an email with details17:38
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rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: wallaby issue for jenkins jobs:
rlandy|ruckclean except wallaby18:41
* dviroel|rover looking18:43
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: we have a new error: 18:45
rlandy|ruckit used to be that the file was not found18:45
rlandy|rucknew error now18:45
dviroel|rover Additional properties are not allowed ('vlan' was unexpected)"18:46
rlandy|ruckwell, some progress18:46
rlandy|ruckclosing the old bug18:46
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: joining meeting - feel free to ping if any fires18:55
dviroel|rover^ on master only18:55
dviroel|roverrlandy|ruck: sure, np18:55
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: nice catch - try cherry-pick back to stable/wallaby18:57
dviroel|roverneeded to manually solve cherry-pick conflits19:19
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: thanks - added rabi as a reviewer there19:35
dviroel|roverrlandy|ruck: found another one:
dviroel|rovershould I cherry-pick or edit the first one/19:47
* rlandy|ruck check file in wallaby19:54
rlandy|ruckjust update the patch19:56
rlandy|ruckeasier merge19:56
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: hmmm19:58
rlandy|ruckrunning now19:58
rlandy|ruckcheck job failed19:58
rlandy|ruckidk if related19:58
rlandy|ruckright forwardee was added19:58
rlandy|ruckall periodics pass19:58
rlandy|rucktempest issue19:58
* dviroel|rover check19:58
dviroel|roverthere are no logs available to compare with,
dviroel|roverand the outputs are different from upstream20:06
dviroel|roverso yeah, forwarder is correct, first tempest test to fail has:20:09
dviroel|rovertempest.exceptions.BuildErrorException: Server 78bbeb2d-c209-47d6-a154-ae259daed3ca failed to build and is in ERROR status20:09
dviroel|roverDetails: {'code': 400, 'created': '2021-10-18T19:25:58Z', 'message': "Host '' is not mapped to any cell"}20:09
dviroel|rover192.168.24.1 standalone-020:10
rlandy|ruckdviroel|rover: did you check your version of the patch on the upstream check job?20:11
rlandy|ruckmaybe we rerun?20:12
rlandy|rucksee if it reproduces20:12
rlandy|ruckhmm  - victoria failed and never logged20:16
* rlandy|ruck reruns20:16
dviroel|roveryep, lets wait for a second run20:18
* rlandy|ruck setting up for interview20:43
rlandy|ruckthen will look at introspection again20:43
dviroel|roveryeah, me too, i was looking that all instances are powered off, and never powered on again:
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