Monday, 2021-09-27

*** ysandeep|out is now known as ysandeep04:43
bhagyashris|rovermarios, Hi, Good morning !05:34
bhagyashris|rovermarios, currently we are facing one issue 05:35
bhagyashris|roverpossible impact ://
chandankumarbhagyashris|rover: \o05:36
bhagyashris|roverchandankumar, hi05:36
chandankumarbhagyashris|rover: need any help on promotion05:36
bhagyashris|roverchandankumar, hi, thanks for asking, currently we have know issue and most of them have fix up 05:37
bhagyashris|roverchandankumar, in case if i need i will ping you :)05:37
chandankumarbhagyashris|rover: sure05:39
chandankumarmarios: please have a look at this series needed for promotion, when free, thanks :-)06:00
mariosack chandankumar will do 06:00
akahatchandankumar, ping review request:
chandankumarakahat: ack06:20
chandankumarbhagyashris|rover: I am updating this patch to address marios comment06:47
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bhagyashris|roverchandankumar, ack07:09
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bhagyashrismarios, hi09:32
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marioso/ bhagyashris|rover 09:32
bhagyashris|roverhave you received my previous messages ?09:32
mariosbhagyashris|rover: where/when 09:32
mariosno i don't think so?09:32
bhagyashris|roverbhagyashris|rover> marios, Hi, Good morning !09:32
bhagyashris|rover<bhagyashris|rover> marios, currently we are facing one issue 09:32
bhagyashris|rover<bhagyashris|rover> possible impact ://
marios12:21 -!- bhagyashris [~bhagyashr@] has joined #oooq09:32
bhagyashris|rovermarios, no worries 09:33
mariosbhagyashris|rover: i see ... yeah it looks related09:33
mariosbhagyashris|rover: will check thanks09:33
bhagyashris|rovermarios, ok thanks :)09:33
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bhagyashris|roverfolks kindly review this patch when you have free time thanks :)10:15
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ysandeepbhagyashris|rover, left comments on
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|ruck11:00
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: bhagyashris|rover: pls join chandankumar and me on
bhagyashris|roverrlandy|ruck, ok11:02
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|ruck: one sec 11:05
chandankumarysandeep: can you join this call 11:27
chandankumarneed some help on promotion job11:27
ysandeepchandankumar, ack 1 min11:29
pojadhavchandankumar, ysandeep, marios : kindly review when free thanks !11:29
mariosack pojadhav 11:30
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chandankumarysandeep: 11:33
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*** jpodivin is now known as jpodivin|ruck11:40
bhagyashris|roverysandeep, chandankumar Done kindly review this patch
bhagyashris|roverchandankumar, ysandeep rlandy|ruck arxcruz|ruck fixed the review comments and both are ready for review thanks :)11:45
arxcruz|ruckbhagyashris|rover: rlandy|ruck i'll be back in aprox. 2 hours 12:05
bhagyashris|roverarxcruz|ruck, ack12:05
ysandeepbhagyashris|rover, commented on 12:06
bhagyashris|roverysandeep, done12:10
chandankumarrlandy|ruck: can you take a look at my last comment
chandankumarrlandy|ruck: one of the recent passing job result
chandankumarrlandy|ruck: I am thinking, we donot need to update fs037 file12:14
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: ha - we do12:15
rlandy|ruckwell checking extra_args12:15
chandankumarrlandy|ruck: in the passing job, extra_args is used in file12:16
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: I agree with your comment12:18
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: don't fix the update code12:18
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: add extra_args back to fs03712:18
chandankumarrlandy|ruck: I think we can remove fs037 changes from the abive patch12:18
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: we need both changes12:18
rlandy|ruckone for deploy and one for update12:19
chandankumarrlandy|ruck: ok adding it back12:19
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: ^^ make sense12:19
rlandy|ruckok - cool12:19
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: after your update, let both +2 and merge and clear the gates12:20
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* ysandeep bit confused now.. Was extra_args not working for fs010 as well?12:32
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pojadhavmarios, 0/12:41
marioshello pojadhav 12:43
pojadhavmarios, I am bit confused, when I look at current code of component lines in rdo-jobs. only minor updates and standalone upgrades jobs are there for tripleo component. for (master, wallaby, victoria and ussuri). 12:44
mariospojadhav: so want to make sure we have minor update and undercloud upgrade for all12:44
mariospojadhav: then we can consider what to do with standalone upgrade and overcloud major upgrade 12:45
mariospojadhav: not sure what the question is but does it help ^^^ we can discuss in scrum in few mins too 12:45
pojadhavthere are no undercloud upgrades job added for any component till now.12:45
mariospojadhav: yeah we should add that ^^^ 12:45
mariospojadhav: so there were no upgrade jobs at all in component ... last year some time i added standlone-upgrade i think only in tripleo component12:46
mariospojadhav: otherwise we don't have good coverage... so focus on undercloud-upgrade and minorupdate i think first 12:46
chandankumarysandeep: &
chandankumarin this case, it should work12:46
chandankumarbut it is not working as per fs030 patch12:46
pojadhavmarios, so the undercloud definitions should be same like upstream right..?
mariospojadhav: well ideally we will be parenting off the upstream jobs12:47
mariospojadhav: if that is possible you may have to dig there at the zuul parenting12:47
mariospojadhav: check what we have for the standalone-upgrade i cant remember :)12:47
pojadhavmarios, yeah.. okay.. will go in deeper.. this helps.. thanks :)12:48
mariospojadhav: ack np thanks for working there12:49
ysandeepchandankumar: I noticed fs010 is also failing in periodic line.. 12:50
chandankumarysandeep: it seems when we mix -e and other args then it is not working?12:51
ysandeepchandankumar: yeah... something like that.. need to dig deeper.. what's going on12:52
ysandeeprlandy|ruck, fyi.. same fs010 is working in check but not in periodic12:54
ysandeepwe have --disable-protected-resource-types in fs010 check jobs 12:55
* rlandy|ruck looks12:56
chandankumarysandeep: are we missing any backports?12:58
rlandy|ruckysandeep: possibly check is taking extra_vars?12:58
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: ^^ ?12:59
ysandeepchandankumar, i don't think so.. its a backport issue.. otherwise tripleoclient will error saying --disable-protected-resource-types is not openstack command or similiar error..13:00
chandankumarrlandy|ruck: it is the same code, it works the same as in check and periodic13:00
bhagyashris|roverrlandy|ruck, chandankumar akahat scrum time ...13:00
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bhagyashris|roverreview list:13:09
ysandeepchandankumar, I would like to join the c9 sync as well.13:13
ysandeepwhenever you guys plan13:13
chandankumarysandeep: awesome, sending an invite for tomorrow13:14
ysandeepdviroel: Monitoring both rbac and fips might be too much work for you, i can add my face against rbac one.. I am monitoring that one.. 13:17
chandankumarmarios|call: ysandeep akahat frenzy_friday sent an invite for EL9, let me know if that time works for you.13:18
ysandeepchandankumar: works for me13:18
dviroelysandeep: ok, thanks. 13:23
marios|callack thanks chandankumar 13:32
weshayrlandy|ruck, pojadhav I think we *should* see status for rdo now..  perhaps a trigger of a jenkins job would help. either pojadhav perhaps you can look into it13:55
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pojadhavweshay, do you mean like that jenkins jobs (the script which we fixed) should reflect in above panel..?14:00
weshaypojadhav, aye.. I think I pulled it into the upstream dashboard on friday14:01
ysandeeprlandy|ruck, chandankumar
chandankumarysandeep: hmm, so it gets overridden14:09
ysandeepyes extra_args is getting overridden ^^ here 14:09
* ysandeep prepares a patch to change that to workers_args14:10
rlandy|ruckysandeep: ok - so then we don't need to take this to DF14:14
rlandy|ruckperiodic should just match check14:15
ysandeepyeah, not or now... 14:15
rlandy|rucknot or now...?14:15
rlandy|ruckysandeep: ^^?14:15
ysandeeprlandy|ruck: i mean not now, But in general we need to review all featureset to reaccess what we are doing where14:16
rlandy|ruckysandeep: ack14:16
chandankumarysandeep: before patching related to worker_args14:17
rlandy|ruckysandeep: chandankumar: can't we just append extra_args? rather than removing/overriding?14:18
rlandy|ruckextra_args: {{ extra_args }} -e ....14:19
ysandeepchandankumar: thanks , I don't agree with ^^ patch approach... worker_args is correct var imho.. 14:19
rlandy|ruckextra_args: {{ extra_args| default('') }} -e ....?14:19
ysandeeprlandy|ruck, chandankumar fyi.. sagi have done something similiar in past14:19
chandankumarysandeep: ok, swithc to workers_args14:22
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: ysandeep: ok to above - we just need to check that workers_args is not defined anywhere else14:23
rlandy|ruckso we don't override another setting14:23
rlandy|ruckie: not in any featureset14:23
ysandeepchandankumar: added comment on 14:24
chandankumarysandeep: thanks!14:26
ysandeeprlandy|ruck, looks okay: 14:27
chandankumarrlandy|ruck: and please +w it14:29
rlandy|ruckysandeep: ok - let's go forward with that14:30
ysandeepchandankumar, rlandy|ruck
ysandeeprlandy|ruck: I am reviewing now that we know what's the story with extra_args 14:45
ysandeepwe definetely not need any changes on fs01014:45
ysandeepearlier you mentioned  --disable-protected-resource-types was not working in extra_args, where did you checked? In check or periodic jobs?14:46
ysandeepchandankumar, ^^ 14:46
chandankumarhere is the detailed bug14:48
ysandeepack, i will go through after df call14:49
chandankumarysandeep: --disable-protected-resource-types in extra_args is working in upstream check and gate and not in periodic14:51
ysandeepchandankumar++ thansk!14:54
erbotRequired files not ready after 301.0864312648773s for mol-container_push 35774,3,6cd40b69d43c4c7ea4aca14a3aba711e14:56
rlandy|ruckysandeep: "we definetely not need any changes on fs010" - failing periodic15:02
rlandy|rucksee testproject15:02
ysandeeprlandy|ruck: ack will fix that 15:03
chandankumardviroel: hello, is it possible to use a certain centos-9 compose via yum-config-module?15:06
chandankumarreason: things are breaking a lot15:06
dviroelchandankumar: hi, it is possible to use the module to generate repos file. But in order to use in tq, there are still a minor work to do.15:08
dviroelchandankumar: e.g - using yum-config to config generic repos15:09
dviroelbut now, we have a operation that is called generate compose repos, that given an compose-url, generate and enable these repos for you15:09
chandankumardviroel: I want to use it here:
chandankumarI have hack there, put the task and pull a working compose15:10
dviroelchandankumar: you shoud be able to use the tripleo-repos cli then15:10
chandankumar*can hack15:10
chandankumardviroel: ok, then I will add some task there15:11
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: bhagyashris|rover: pls see content provider failures in gate15:14
rlandy|rucktwo of them 15:14
rlandy|ruckErrors during downloading metadata for repository 'centos-opstools':15:17
rlandy|ruck  - Curl error (28): Timeout was reached for [Connection timed out after 30000 milliseconds]15:17
dviroelchandankumar: `tripleo-yum-config enable-compose-repos --release centos-stream-9 --compose-url` will generate all variants repo config files at '/etc/repos.d/'15:19
dviroelchandankumar: tripleo-repos setup also installs `tripleo-yum-config`15:20
dviroeljust tested here with cestos-stream-9 and all repos where created successfully15:20
dviroelyou can restrict the variants too with `--variants AppStream, BaseOS`15:21
* dviroel lunch15:22
dviroelping if you need help15:23
rlandy|ruckysandeep: chandankumar: failed update15:24
rlandy|ruckmay not be related15:25
* ysandeep checking15:25
rlandy|ruck2021-09-27 13:20:14 | 2021-09-27 13:20:14.175 140181 ERROR openstack [-] ERROR: Protected resource registry overrides detected! These entries are used in internal environments and should not be overridden in the user environment. Please remove these overrides from the environment files.15:26
rlandy|ruckdidn't take15:26
ysandeeprlandy|ruck: it tool at deployment time, we also need at update time 15:27
rlandy|ruckdifferent vars15:28
rlandy|ruckwill work on that15:28
rlandy|ruckprobably those extra_args are different15:29
rlandy|ruckysandeep: or they also got overriden15:29
* rlandy|ruck checks how check went15:29
rlandy|ruckysandeep: chandankumar: it took in check
ysandeeprlandy|ruck, wanna chat to sort this out quickly 15:33
rlandy|ruckysandeep: ack joining15:34
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: when you are back - pls see content-provider failure  - see rabi's note15:35
bhagyashris|roverrlandy|ruck, chandankumar most of the content provider jobs are canceled not it's hard to check because we can't see any logs15:36
erbotRequired files not ready after 301.2781398296356s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35785,1,bbbfb06c4d9a4a34b081e3b63f8b12bf15:39
marios rlandy|ruck: going in a bit... for fs39@
rlandy|ruckmarios: thanks - will keep an eye15:40
mariosrlandy|ruck: thank you 15:40
erbotRequired files not ready after 572.2874391078949s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35784,1,6c7af3d24f1449f090f8d662b18dc78715:44
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erbotRequired files not ready after 484.1263813972473s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35786,1,f73501336ad44a368a2f0da1001b5f4116:00
bhagyashris|roverrlandy|ruck, arxcruz|ruck leaving for the day 16:08
ysandeeprlandy++ thanks! 16:09
* ysandeep out for the day16:09
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rlandy|ruckbhagyashris|rover: have a good night16:20
rlandy|rucklevel=debug msg="error locating image \"\": error locating image with ID \"\": image not known"16:22
rlandy|ruckerror pushing image "" to "docker://": error locating image with name "" ([]): image not known16:22
rlandy|rucklevel=debug msg="shutting down the store"16:22
rlandy|rucklevel=info msg="failed to shutdown storage: \"A layer is mounted: layer is in use by a container\""16:22
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: ^^?16:22
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|ruck: i'll take a look, just come back16:29
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: no worries16:29
rlandy|ruckI think it's a temp hitch16:30
rlandy|ruckcontent provider looking better now16:30
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|ruck: oh, not 16:30
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: is that the right location?16:30
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|ruck: yes, it is, but should also try 16:30
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: k - need correction?16:31
arxcruz|ruckrlandy|ruck: let me check, we have a 1-1 now btw 16:31
rlandy|ruckarxcruz|ruck: ack - joining in 5 mins16:31
rlandy|ruckjust need to respond to new candidate email16:31
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-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit and Zuul services are being restarted briefly for configuration and code updates but should return to service momentarily20:08
dviroelrlandy|ruck: around?21:03
rlandy|ruckdviroel: ack21:03
rlandy|ruckwhat's up?21:03
dviroelrlandy|ruck: was checking openvswitch dep pipeline21:04
dviroelfailing since june21:04
rlandy|ruckyeah - hasn't been something we are watching lately21:05
rlandy|ruckwe watch these things from time to time21:05
dviroeli see21:05
rlandy|ruckwe should be taking note of it21:05
dviroelit seems that package python3-neutron-lib-2.15.0-0.20210902070341.5ff14c6.el8.noarch requires a new openvswitch version21:05
dviroelthat doesn't exists in the repo21:05
dviroelbut do exists in centos-stream-821:05
dviroel (2.13 is the maximum version)21:06
dviroel (2.15 available)21:06
dviroelpython3-openvswitch2.15-2.15.0-39.el8s.x86_64.rpm ^21:07
rlandy|ruckdviroel: were you investigating this issue or you just came across it?21:08
dviroeli was just investigating, since it is on my list to keep an eye 21:08
rlandy|ruckwe dealt with a similar issue a while back21:09
rlandy|ruckovn and openvswitch are a pair21:10
rlandy|ruckthey need to match21:10
rlandy|ruckdviroel: so that may be the wrong repo to be following21:10
dviroeli think that it wont get more updates on that21:11
rlandy|ruckdviroel: amoralej|off would know where we should be taking openvswitch from21:11
rlandy|ruckgoing forward21:11
rlandy|ruckyou can check with him and update that repo21:11
dviroelwill do tomorrow21:11
rlandy|ruckdviroel: thanks for following up on that21:12
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|out21:29

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