Monday, 2021-09-20

*** ysandeep|away is now known as ysandeep05:45
pojadhavysandeep, 0/ good morning !06:20
ysandeeppojadhav: good morning o/06:20
pojadhavysandeep, when you will free, can we sync up for downstream..?06:21
ysandeeppojadhav: I am currently debugging vgscan issue (lvm-2 rpm missing), We can sync afterwards.. Could you please check if we have any other new issues in the meantime for 16.2/1706:22
pojadhavysandeep, sure06:23
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erbotRequired files not ready after 301.44387698173523s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35626,1,64d0d40826024232ac7bc599621d154907:29
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bhagyashrisfo;ks, plz add into your review list thanks :)08:41
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rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: hey - pls vote
rlandy|roverto spring master free10:58
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover, done10:59
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck:  periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-1ctlr_2comp-featureset020-master                │ 0               │ 4               │ 1   11:00
anbanerj|ruck and are the same right?11:00
rlandy|roverchandankumar: review time ?11:02
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: I abandoned the  first patch11:03
rlandy|rovernobody voted on it11:03
anbanerj|ruckok, got it11:03
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rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: pls testproject fs020 with last hash and this skiplist review11:04
rlandy|rovermaster is 4 days old - we can promlte11:04
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: is this still an issue?
rlandy|roverpls comment on card11:06
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover, no I iploaded daemon:v4.0.19-stable-4.0-nautilus-centos-7-x86_64, It should work now11:06
anbanerj|ruckI'll add ceph to the registry sync script11:06
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: thanks - pls add your patch to the card11:09
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: I'm checking on train - c7 -  ... anything from daniel re: health?11:10
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover, the patch is not up yet, I uploaded the docker image directly to the registry. but I think we can close the card11:10
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: yep - but you added a mitigating factor11:11
rlandy|roverwe want to capture that11:11
rlandy|roveryou are doing something to prevent future error11:11
anbanerj|ruckoh, got it11:12
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rlandy|roverbhagyashris: thanks for organizing TC/UA/PM sync today11:12
rlandy|rovermarios: hello ... you have the retro this wednesday  - you all set to run that?11:13
rlandy|roverI will be out that day11:13
rlandy|roverykarel: thanks for the update on
rlandy|rovergood to know we can use psi there11:17
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ysandeeprlandy|rover: when you get settled I have replied on that lvm2 issue, I have posted a patch to add lvm2 in downstream nodepool image.11:21
rlandy|roverysandeep: ok - I responded to your question on the difference in nodepool image builds11:22
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rlandy|roverysandeep: looks goods to me11:25
ysandeeprlandy|rover: thanks!11:25
mariosrlandy|rover: ack thanks for reminder11:26
rlandy|roverysandeep: w+'ed11:29
rlandy|roverwill have to wait until that image is in use11:29
ysandeeprlandy|rover, ++ thanks!, lets see.. I will keep an eye11:29
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rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: need help with anything ruck/rover-wise?11:39
rlandy|roverysandeep|afk: pojadhav|brb: re: the compute component in 17 ...11:40
rlandy|roverbug on this?11:40
rlandy|roverknown issue/workaround?11:40
rlandy|roverysandeep|afk++ pojadhav|brb++ on keeping all the other components clean11:41
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: ^^ any issues in the upstream components?11:41
rlandy|roveranything lagging there?11:41
anbanerj|ruckthat is wallaby, right?11:42
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: all of them :)11:45
rlandy|roverlet's take today to check all the line11:46
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: and see if any component is old11:46
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover, I am not sure what this error is -
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anbanerj|ruck"No module named yaml",11:47
pojadhavrlandy|rover, I also noticed compute component in 17. will report a bug.11:47
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: marios is working on that11:49
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover, ack11:49
rlandy|roverthere is an open bug11:49
anbanerj|ruckthe rest of the promotions look ok11:50
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: ^^ 11:51
rlandy|roverand associated review
mariosrlandy|rover: anbanerj|ruck: waiting on test to report but i think it is good 11:51
rlandy|rovermarios: yeah - all good ... that bug was never marked promotion-blocker11:52
rlandy|roverbut if the fix is imminent, ok11:52
rlandy|rovermarios: if we're a no go on the test - will raise it11:52
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: thanks for checking - we just should keep an eye on manilla in ususri11:57
pojadhavrlandy|rover, ysandeep|afk :
rlandy|rover9 days agotempestpromoted-components2 days ago11:58
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: can you checkout tempest component in master?11:59
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: ^^ scenario test failing there11:59
rlandy|roveradd to skiplist if need be pls11:59
dviroelbhagyashris: hi, hope you don't mind that I updated your patch last friday :)11:59
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover, manilla on ussuri doesnt show a failure till now - there is a new build 6 hrs ago. maybe it is still running?12:00
bhagyashrisdviroel, np thanks :)12:00
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: no worries we can watch that12:00
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: only concern is tempest in master12:00
rlandy|roverrest are all good12:00
rlandy|roverpojadhav: thanks12:00
rlandy|roverlet's check that out12:00
anbanerj|ruckme checks12:01
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover, are periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-full-tempest-scenario-tempest-master and periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-full-tempest-scenario-master different jobs?12:07
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: yep :)12:17
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover, oh, periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-full-tempest-scenario-tempest-master is failing neutron_tempest_plugin.scenario.test_trunk.TrunkTest as well. Creating a new bug and add to skiplist.12:19
rlandy|rovercomponent pipeline job12:19
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: do you need a new bug?12:20
rlandy|roversame error just add to list12:20
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover, ok12:20
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rlandy|roverpojadhav: pls send email to rhos-dev to get that raised to CIX12:39
pojadhavrlandy|rover, yup12:40
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover, I cant find a testproject for
* rlandy|rover looks12:45
rlandy|roverpretty sure we had something there for 16.212:45
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, ysandeep|afk is this the tp job? for
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rlandy|roverysandeep: ^^ yep12:47
rlandy|roverFix seems to be working. All tempest tests on the reproducer env prepared by @sandeepyadav36 passed with that patch.12:48
ysandeepweshay|ruck: yes, but I think slaweq monkey patch his fix on that env.. Its still awaiting merge in master12:48
* rlandy|rover looking for that env12:48
ysandeepthis is the fix: which we tested locally in the node i have provided to slaweq12:49
weshay|ruckI'll be a few min late to scrum bhagyashris 12:59
bhagyashrisweshay|ruck, ok np12:59
ysandeepykarel++ thanks for your comment on that lvm2 review, fyi.., I will propose a fix to modify-image role soon12:59
bhagyashrisrlandy|rover, scrum time13:01
ysandeepykarel: 13:19
ykarelysandeep, ack13:30
ysandeepchandankumar, rlandy|rover reviews please: 14:12
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mariosbhagyashris: rlandy|rover: weshay|ruck: let's move the retro up by half hour i.e. 1200 UTC instead of 1230. it would give us an hour before the open forum 14:50
mariosbhagyashris: can you do that on the invite please if there are no objections14:50
rlandy|rovermarios: bhagyashris: fine by me14:50
bhagyashrismarios, yeah but we have tempest meeting that time 14:50
mariosbhagyashris: hm i see ok then no good14:50
bhagyashrislet m check with soniya14:50
bhagyashrissoniya29, hey is it possible to shift tempest meeting hr earlier than the regular time14:51
* dviroel lunch14:56
ysandeeprlandy|rover: Reran 17 jobs with a fix, We promote 17 today if testprojects passes15:18
ysandeeprlandy|rover: fyi.. added fix in tqe modify-image role as well.15:19
rlandy|roverysandeep: thanks15:20
rlandy|rover+2'ed modify image15:20
Tengurlandy|rover: ... the patch still has issues to get through zuul, hitting random things at random time now -.-. hopefully the last recheck will make it green and ready for the +w15:21
rlandy|roverTengu: k - here's hoping - if not we need to cut down the test checks there15:21
rlandy|roverysandeep: ok  if we get a clean pass on both those testprojects?15:22
rlandy|roverto promote 1715:23
ysandeeprlandy|rover, yes, Only these 4 jobs are awaiting pass on current hash in testing 15:23
Tengurlandy|rover: is that patch needed to cut that "non-xena" tag?15:24
rlandy|roverTengu: "that patch"? your tripleo-ansible patch?15:25
rlandy|roverprobably not15:26
rlandy|roverbut would be good15:26
Tengurlandy|rover: yep, and ok :).15:26
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: ussuri is red15:48
rlandy|roverand wallaby15:48
rlandy|rovercan you check in to what's breaking there?15:48
anbanerj|ruckyes, test projecting those15:48
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: systemib failure15:51
rlandy|rovertestproject may not help15:51
rlandy|roverwill chat with you in a few15:51
anbanerj|rucka lot of jobs failed in ussuri15:51
jbadiapaNot sure whether it has anything to do with the issues on the jobs, but I started getting issues when downloading repos16:01
rlandy|roverlet's look at all those failures16:02
rlandy|roverjbadiapa: looking into all of those now16:03
jbadiaparlandy|rover, thx16:03
ysandeeprlandy|rover, I am putting 2 testprojects:- 1) with your change to enable_keystone to true, 2) One for fs020/sc007 with depends-on my patch to convert to ephermalheat16:04
rlandy|roverysandeep++ you rock16:06
rlandy|roverthank you16:06
rlandy|roverlet's see what works16:06
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rlandy|roverysandeep: going to put in a patch to ci-config to promote previous master hahs so we have time16:15
ysandeep and
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ysandeepack o/16:20
rlandy|roverarxcruz: hey can you also follow  I paste conversation to the task
rlandy|roverarxcruz: see conversation on rhos-ops16:20
rlandy|roverdpawlik has a new approach there16:20
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck i son ruck -rover craziness16:20
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anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover, we can merge this now16:52
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: ^^ think we are ok on c7  can you vote on
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rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: merged17:11
rlandy|roverproposing revert17:11
rlandy|roverfor afterwards17:11
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover,  ++ thanks17:11
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: ^^17:12
rlandy|roveralso merging
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: ^^ based on testproject17:12
soniya29bhagyashris, okay, no problem17:15
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ysandeeprlandy|rover, ack thanks, testing ramishra patch here: , I will work with him tomorrow incase this fails.. i think it might.18:02
* ysandeep out18:04
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rlandy|roverysandeep|away: thank you - have a good night18:09
ysandeep|awayrlandy|rover, fixed rabi's patch: 18:17
* ysandeep|away out now18:17
rlandy|roverysandeep|away: thanks - will watch that18:17
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: promotion failed container push18:19
rlandy|roverrunning again18:20
rlandy|roverwill see if itworks18:20
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, right.. SELECT "branch", "change", "log_link", "duration", "cloud", "region", "result", "voting", "sova_reason" as "Failure Cause"  FROM "autogen"."build" WHERE ("passed" = 'False' AND "pipeline" = 'gate' AND "result" != 'NODE_FAILURE' AND  "result" != 'RETRY'  AND  "result" != 'CANCELED') AND $timeFilter18:48
weshay|ruckcounter on left18:48
weshay|ruckSELECT count("result_num") FROM "build" WHERE ("pipeline" = 'gate' AND "passed" = 'False' AND "voting" = 'True' AND "result" != 'NODE_FAILURE' AND "result" != 'SKIPPED' AND "result" != 'CANCELED') AND $timeFilter18:48
rlandy|rover Gate failures should not include RETRY status19:15
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: ^^19:15
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: thanks - going to try pull into cocpit19:38
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