Friday, 2021-09-17

*** pojadhav|out is now known as pojadhav03:54
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bhagyashrisfolks plz add into your review list
mariosanbanerj|ruck: o/ morning06:19
mariosanbanerj|ruck: fyi we merged that but far as i can see the gate is not on fire ;) but FYI in case you see any issues with repos etc ping me06:20
mariosanbanerj|ruck: it would be used by all the jobs ^^ 06:20
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anbanerj|ruckmarios, O/07:19
anbanerj|ruckack , will keep an eye on it07:19
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erbotRequired files not ready after 302.1221113204956s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35583,1,e638c0750d9e466c9a1f14096d239ece07:34
erbotRequired files not ready after 591.9622747898102s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35585,1,a6fce0d5817e4b3cb0483fe0cfe931a907:39
*** arxcruz|pto is now known as arxcruz07:40
erbotRequired files not ready after 301.06105756759644s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35590,1,efc5dbe079d24cc48a1998fe59e24e5708:04
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arxcruzanbanerj|ruck: hey yo7u 08:16
arxcruzthis patch is making collect logs molecule fails 08:16
arxcruzanbanerj|ruck: basically, you change it to Nova failure: 08:17
arxcruznow molecule expecting No_valid_host but getting _nova_failure_no_valid_host 08:17
arxcruzi think we should also add collect-logs jot on these patches 08:18
arxcruzdont worry, i'll work on that :)08:18
erbotRequired files not ready after 300.9625506401062s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35567,1,3df66e0caa2c4d388221d1d58cd7e05c08:29
erbotRequired files not ready after 444.97984290122986s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35585,1,f6a1b71f1125444da32813659432f9c308:34
* anbanerj|ruck checks08:38
erbotRequired files not ready after 488.78030490875244s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35565,1,1af75635435848dc80c35bdf07aa493b08:39
anbanerj|ruckarxcruz, I did not get that, where is it failing?08:40
arxcruz anbanerj|ruck
anbanerj|ruckooohh, got it. Lemme change it back08:41
arxcruzanbanerj|ruck: not sure if that's the proper approach 08:56
arxcruzanbanerj|ruck: don't worry, i'm working on it :) 08:56
arxcruzjust fyi :) 08:56
anbanerj|ruckarxcruz, ok, thanks :)08:58
ysandeeppojadhav: When you get free, Lets sync for sometime for downstream.09:05
pojadhavysandeep, I am free now.09:06
*** ykarel_ is now known as ykarel09:14
Tenguhello there! fyi, we SHOULD be off the hook for the pluggy issue with molecule tests: once merged and we get a newer molecule, things should be fine again.09:27
jbadiapahi, Could get reviewed? It's to fix a ci promotion-blocker 09:39
bhagyashrisfolks plz add into your review list thanks :)09:47
erbotRequired files not ready after 301.1065526008606s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35595,1,77b4163ddb594a7f91ca3c4e11c7820709:51
*** ykarel is now known as ykarel|lunch10:05
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*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|rover11:13
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: hey - how are things ruck/rover -wise today?11:14
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover, heat-functional failed in gate twice but in only a single patch, but I think it is related to the submitted patch. promotions are good, testP for ussuri jobs passed - it should promote now11:16
anbanerj|rucknot sure what to do for train c711:17
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: sounds good11:19
rlandy|roverI have an interview in a bit11:19
rlandy|roverwill check out c7 train afterwards11:20
rlandy|rovermarios: dviroel: ysandeep: hey- did any of you receive an invite to a tech screen from TA?11:21
Tengurlandy|rover: heya! I think we're about to close the molecule/pluggy issue. Finger crossed, but it seems to be on the right track. Though I don't know what mitigation can be put in place while we're waiting for a new molecule release :/11:21
Tengu(ref: )11:21
rlandy|roverI didn't - just checking of you did11:21
rlandy|roverTengu: reading  comments11:22
dviroelrlandy|rover: no, didn't receive anything11:22
ysandeeprlandy|rover: not yet11:23
rlandy|roverTengu: looks like your commit just merged:
rlandy|roverTengu: wrt  mitigation: depends on how far out the new release is11:26
Tengurlandy|rover: oh, cool - ust got the notification11:26
rlandy|roverif it's a few days, yo can disable it11:27
rlandy|roverif it's more than that, we'd need to come up with something more solid11:27
Tenguhmm. I have no idea.11:27
rlandy|roverzbr: ^^ hey ...11:27
Tenguoh. right. Sorin's nick is zbr :). dang.11:28
rlandy|roverany idea how long until we can get the molecule release with Tengu's fix that just merged?11:28
rlandy|roverTengu: and zbr's suggestion ... can we add '< 2.0' at a repo local level in the mean time?11:29
rlandy|roverand try override the constraints from molecule directly?11:30
Tengurlandy|rover: you mean running molecule from sources? or.. ?11:30
rlandy|roverbhagyashris: anbanerj|ruck: ^^ fyi - molecule discussion11:30
*** pojadhav- is now known as pojadhav|brb11:31
rlandy|roverTengu: anywhere we we can ovveride that constraint to add an upper11:31
Tenguhm... I don't really think this is possible. the issue being apparently the UC wanting pluggy===1.0.011:32
TenguI don't think we do anything to override it :/11:32
*** jpena is now known as jpena|lunch11:32
Tengusince molecule, as shipped, has a pluggy>1.0 constraint11:33
rlandy|roverTengu: I would hate to disable these tests11:36
rlandy|roveror make them non-voting 11:36
zbri can release a patch on molecule to relax pluggy depenendecy11:37
rlandy|roverzbr: hey  - thank you!11:37
rlandy|roverwhen would we get that?11:37
ysandeepykarel, rlandy|rover: I am tracking an issue in downstream, This task is failing because vgscan command is not found(which comes from lvm2 rpm): ,11:37
ysandeep Till yesterday we used to have lvm2 in undercloud.. I am trying to track from where lvm2 comes. In master I don't see its getting installed as dependency of python-tripleoclient, Do you know if if comes from base image, Otherwise I can download the nodepool image and inspect?11:37
ysandeeplvm2.x86_64                                 8:2.03.12-6.el8                           @baseos                        11:37
ysandeeplvm2-libs.x86_64                            8:2.03.12-6.el8                           @baseos       11:37
rlandy|roverysandeep: yep - the nodepool image downstream is build by infra11:38
rlandy|roveryou need to dig a few level11:38
rlandy|roverbecause they use dhall11:38
rlandy|roverif it's just downstream - is it a rhel change?11:39
rlandy|roverwe should be locked to 8.4 downstream11:39
ysandeepI don't see anything changed in internal sf-config.git/tree/nodepool/elements/virt-customize/cloud-rhel-8-4.yaml 11:39
Tengurlandy|rover: apparently there's already an open discussion for a release.11:42
Tenguguess we'll get it fast. thanks zbr !11:42
zbraparently i just released molecule 3.5.1 by some kind of mistake as it was supposed to be 3.5.0a1, feel free to check it.11:42
rlandy|roverTengu: ^^ you're in luck :)11:42
*** bhagyashris_ is now known as bhagyashris11:43
rlandy|rovermistake or not11:43
rlandy|roverysandeep: change in rhos-release and what we are disabling/enabling11:43
rlandy|roverysandeep: I have an interview now - I'll ping you afterwards to continue11:44
rlandy|roverand we can track it down11:44
zbrlets switch to #ansible-devtools for discussions about the new molecule release, important for sharing with other users.11:44
zbrtest it and report back11:44
Tengusooo... a recheck on the failed jobs should be fine now :)11:45
ykarelysandeep, not sure if nodepool image ships it11:45
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: what about c7 - it promoted two days ago?11:46
rlandy|roveryou mean the gate failure?11:46
anbanerj|ruckyes, c7 train has not promoted recently11:47
rlandy|rover2 days agotraincurrent-tripleocentos-711:47
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: ^^ what cockpit says11:47
anbanerj|ruckis 2 days okay?11:47
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: it only runs twice a week11:48
rlandy|roveryou're totally fine there11:48
rlandy|rovermarios: hey ...
rlandy|rover2021-09-17 10:08:37.906111 | primary | FAILED - RETRYING: tripleo-get-hash current-tripleo for train on centos7 from (1 retries left).11:49
rlandy|rover2021-09-17 10:08:43.540077 | primary | fatal: [subnode-1]: FAILED! => {11:49
rlandy|rover2021-09-17 10:08:43.540238 | primary |     "attempts": 5,11:49
rlandy|rover2021-09-17 10:08:43.540322 | primary |     "changed": false,11:49
rlandy|rover2021-09-17 10:08:43.540425 | primary |     "error": "No module named yaml",11:49
rlandy|rovertripleo-get-hash current-tripleo for train on centos7 from
anbanerj|ruckooh, got it11:50
rlandy|rovernot sure what merged yesterday11:50
*** rlandy|rover is now known as rlandy|rover|mtg11:50
ysandeepykarel, ack thanks! I will keep looking 11:53
TenguI think it's unblocked now with the molecule thing: 2021-09-17 11:58:51.978747 | centos-8-stream | molecule==3.5.111:59
*** ykarel is now known as ykarel|afk12:00
TenguERROR    Computed fully qualified role name of OpenStack.tripleo_sshd does not follow current galaxy requirements.12:00
Tenguwe'll face some *other* issues now with that new release... zbr does it ring any bells? -^^12:01
zbrcamel case as a problem?12:09
zbrthe second part looks legit for me, underline is what it requires.12:09
mariosysandeep: looking12:14
mariosrlandy|rover|mtg: oh ffs :/12:14
mariosrlandy|rover|mtg: but we tested it ... 12:15
mariosrlandy|rover|mtg: k will dig12:15
Tenguzbr: yep: - namespace can't be OpenStack - so we'd either edit the "author" or add "namespace: openstack"12:17
Tengurlandy|rover|mtg, marios -^^  fyi12:17
Tengunew CI alert, but an "easy" one. just mass edition of files across ansible roles. Just have to decide WHAT we actually do (change the author, or add a namespace)12:18
mariosthanks Tengu 12:20
Tengumarios: I'll have Kevin on a call in 10 minutes, I'll check with him directly for DF repos (tripleo-ansible, among things). hope we'll get a correction today.12:21
Tenguand some guidance for other repos.12:21
Tenguzbr: :D pushing a release on Friday, you're bold :))12:22
zbrTengu: it was not intended at all. I still have 2-3 hours to yank it if really needed.12:26
Tenguzbr: either way we're blocked anyway12:26
Tenguzbr: better keeping it out (unless some other issues are shown, of course) and fix the actual galaxy_info format.12:26
zbrwhat caused the conflict with pluggy? as molecule is a testing tool, it shoudl be possible to prevent use of newer package that was bold to require pluggy >=1.0 until the issue is sorted.12:28
Tenguzbr: upper-constraint wanted pluggy===1.0 while molecule wants >1.012:28
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*** pojadhav|brb is now known as pojadhav12:35
weshay|ruckmarios, you around?12:48
Tenguzbr: so for now, no rollback, we should be just fine, and at least better than before this new molecule release :)12:48
mariosweshay|ruck: yeah am digging there12:48
mariosweshay|ruck: looks like a difference between rdo testenv and upstream ... we tested in rdo testproject12:48
mariosweshay|ruck: :/12:48
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|lunch12:48
mariosweshay|ruck: only for c7 train 12:48
weshay|ruckah.. ya.. a DNM patch upstream may have been better.. meh12:49
weshay|rucknot a big deal12:49
*** rlandy|rover|mtg is now known as rlandy|rover12:50
mariosthank you weshay|ruck 12:52
weshay|ruckanbanerj|ruck, this is a weird error.. can you please add a query for it? 12:58
weshay|ruckFileExistsError: [Errno 17] File exists:
bhagyashrisfolks plz add this patch into your review list thanks :)12:59
dviroeloh boy, just thinking how many things i can break with yum-config too :P12:59
anbanerj|ruckweshay|ruck, ack, adding12:59
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: will be a little late for planning13:00
* dviroel ☕13:18
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anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover, weshay|ruck
*** amoralej|lunch is now known as amoralej13:34
rlandy|roverTengu: thanks for addressing that13:38
erbotRequired files not ready after 301.29314279556274s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35607,1,93d23c97c9d2473291888e75b23d002213:59
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mariosrlandy|rover: dviroel: o/ call? 14:15
marioschandankumar: ^^ but you are on pto ;)14:15
erbotRequired files not ready after 368.29563903808594s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35610,1,245495040c604c71ac491a4f2c19db2914:17
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anbanerj|ruckdpawlik, thanks for the call! rlandy|rover dpawlik arxcruz weshay|ruck lemme know if this might work14:23
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erbotRequired files not ready after 300.83834505081177s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35611,1,a4c6d8f896bd4323ba071da12976cdda14:41
ysandeepfolks fyi.. You may want to keep your eyes on: (Enabling fips on fs010)14:45
erbotRequired files not ready after 399.6445736885071s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35595,1,3ebec1bb1a794a8a9e16b4fb593a89f914:46
dviroelysandeep: this is the RBAC one, I'll be watching this one too14:48
dviroelysandeep: fips one:
dviroelsome jobs are failing14:49
dpawliknp anbanerj|ruck. 14:49
dpawlikwhat example project can be used for sending data to our elaticsearch from opendev?14:50
dviroelysandeep: in fips change, scenario002 is failing to collect logs =/ - but it is actually failing in some test test14:50
dviroels/test test/tempest test14:50
ysandeepdviroel: ack thanks for sharing, I have added myself as an observer14:51
dviroelysandeep: awesome, thanks14:51
weshay|ruckdpawlik, hey unrelated question.. I'd like to setup hound on a server.. just wondering if you had any additional doc or tooling to deploy hound that may be helpful14:52
weshay|ruckah meh.. looks like there is a container.. I should be fine14:53
ysandeepWondering if it is possible to add stable branches in hound search atleast in our local deployment?14:53
dpawlikweshay|ruck: only our sf-config role...
ysandeepdpawlik, Is it possible to add stable branches in hound search atleast in our local deployment?14:55
dpawlikysandeep: yes, it is 14:55
erbotRequired files not ready after 300.79185700416565s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35612,1,f36a57a55d934187880bdea0a050687714:56
dpawlikwe generate the hound configuration by using managesf tool14:56
* dpawlik searching14:56
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: pls join rhos-ops on internal14:57
ysandeepdpawlik: thanks, that will be awesome14:57
rlandy|roverysandeep:  is rbac14:58
rlandy|roverwe have a meeting about that now14:59
rlandy|roverysandeep: just invited you to the meeting14:59
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover, ack sorry, got logged off there14:59
ysandeeprlandy|rover: we have that mtg now?15:00
dviroelsoniya29: will be 2 min late15:00
erbotRequired files not ready after 514.8082828521729s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35613,1,093be50a9a584dd48791ada156ac166d15:01
dpawlikmay I reply ysandeep, weshay|ruck in two hours? I need to go temporary15:01
ysandeeprlandy|rover, dviroel rbac call time15:01
ysandeeplance and me are on call 15:01
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ysandeepsoniya29, ^^15:02
rlandy|roverdviroel: ^^15:02
ysandeepsoniya29: are you around?15:03
erbotRequired files not ready after 557.1339492797852s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35614,1,20573eeddffa4852bf224ad0d9f3b59d15:06
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover, I am leaving in a few mins, will check on the patch on monday15:13
* dviroel lunch15:32
rlandy|roverysandeep: touching base about the lvm2.x86_64  15:34
rlandy|roverwhere are you with that?15:34
rlandy|roverwant me to pick up on something there?15:34
ysandeeprlandy|rover, In 17 line till 15th Sept we had that package on undercloud, I am still figuring out from where that package was coming earlier, In 16.2 it came as dependency while installing python-tripleoclient15:37
ysandeepI can pick this up on Monday, I probably need to inspect the nodepool images, I am hoping we maintain the copy somewhere..15:38
rlandy|roverysandeep: we do - juts helping ade - will look at it in my afternoon15:38
ysandeeprlandy|rover: sure, thanks!15:39
rlandy|roverysandeep: for 16.2 do we still have a blocker on promoting?15:41
rlandy|roverlast promotion 09/0915:41
ysandeepyes blocked on full-tempest api15:41
ysandeepnetworking team have proposed a patch15:42
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* ysandeep|mtg in a df mtg15:42
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: is still needed?16:05
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* dviroel back16:27
erbotRequired files not ready after 302.2117340564728s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35620,1,dea66bd87c5049e3aa70c823688516e016:34
erbotRequired files not ready after 534.9553308486938s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35618,1,f3ffbc58f7814593a73fe2259533bd7016:39
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*** ysandeep|mtg is now known as ysandeep16:54
erbotRequired files not ready after 549.1450073719025s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35625,1,cb3af9d8bb70472f9a5c43cfb4cb1e6016:54
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erbotRequired files not ready after 372.5118079185486s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35626,1,c202093b74994d348bd67f2096a1522516:59
erbotRequired files not ready after 367.152357339859s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35627,1,41ec9897d2e04f45845d2338f303884716:59
erbotRequired files not ready after 503.12181329727173s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35628,1,555245eb532746eb81f94ed4b062e35a17:04
erbotRequired files not ready after 427.7149109840393s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35629,1,0a055435469f4d52874b75568bc3d53717:04
dpawlikysandeep|dinner, weshay|ruck: in sf, we have a repo information here:  or in rdo  - key source-repositories that later it is parsed by17:05
dpawlikmanagesf and an exampe output of that looks like:
dpawlikofc it is json file for 12k lines17:05
*** ysandeep|dinner is now known as ysandeep17:08
erbotRequired files not ready after 385.4773690700531s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35633,1,d581c399b24644efba30c665b9aa39b917:09
ysandeepdpawlik: thank you for information!17:10
dpawlikweshay|ruck: you can try and share feedback about that :D 17:10
weshay|ruckdpawlik, thank you for chekcing back in.. I got it going.. super easy :)17:11
weshay|ruckthank you!17:11
weshay|rucksuper fast too17:11
dpawlikcan't find source engine responsible for
dpawlikweshay|ruck, ysandeep: np. let me know if you need some help. Sometimes hound service can surprise :)17:13
ysandeepdpawlik++  thank you so much, I have plans to set up my own hound from long for tripleo related repos for stable branch.. I will surely contact you incase I hit a blocker.17:14
erbotRequired files not ready after 361.2745144367218s for distgit-cbs-validate-centos8-stream 35635,1,022f3f7934b24a45a5753227d60a142c17:14
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rlandy|roverneed to run out for a few minutes17:34
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ysandeep|awayfolks leaving for the day, see you on Monday o/ 18:04
dviroelysandeep|away: have a good weekend o/18:04
*** rlandy|rover|biab is now known as rlandy|rover18:13
Tengurlandy|rover: heya! is everything OK with the new molecule (and Kevin patch on tripleo-ansible) ?19:41
rlandy|roverTengu: will look in a few19:54
Tengurlandy|rover: apparently Kevin's patch failed for unrelated reason :/20:01
Tengu  20:03
Tenguapparently there are some repo issues..20:03
Tenguso guess a recheck should do20:03
dviroelhave a good weekend team o/20:30
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|out20:31
rlandy|roverTengu: yeah - recheck will help if it's random failure20:46
Tengurlandy|rover: I'll check it back on Monday... late here, and I'm not on my rh laptop ^^'.20:50
Tengusooo if you have the possibility to run the recheck, that would already be something :)20:50
rlandy|roverTengu: sure - will do20:50
rlandy|roverTengu: have a good weekend20:50
* Tengu playing with a Mayan EDMS instance20:50
Tengurlandy|rover: same :)20:51
weshay|ruckmerge it up21:41
weshay|ruckand pull/reload21:41
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: got to log off - will do on monday21:54

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