Thursday, 2021-09-02

*** rlandy|rover|bbl is now known as rlandy|rover01:46
rlandy|roverdviroel|out: looks good - in tempest tests01:47
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chandankumarmarios: o/07:38
marioso/ chandankumar 07:38
chandankumarmarios: can we get the downstream testproject link for this review ?07:38
chandankumarmarios: nice work on get hash integration, I like it :-)07:39
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marioschandankumar: 07:41
marioschandankumar: i set -2 until we work out the d/stream issue07:42
marioschandankumar: i am digging at something else this morning but will revisit after lunch 07:42
chandankumarmarios: may be something related to ssl or http vs https07:44
chandankumarmarios: sure :-)07:45
marioschandankumar: not http/https i tried it maybe ssl but as i said it used to work like this so... not sure07:45
marioschandankumar: also re mirror i replied at i want to focus on merging that first with the existing behaviour. mirrors are broken i think we may need to fix something there before trying to use them. but that must be a followup07:47
chandankumarmarios: sure, sounds good. :-)07:48
marioschandankumar: also fyi links to testproject etc on the task at 07:48
marioschandankumar: in case i forget in the call later maybe you can help me remember :)  - lets add a task for this sprint to cleanup the conditionals07:49
marioschandankumar: i mean the things like "{% if branch in ['ocata',pike ... all the way up to stein/queens07:49
marioschandankumar: in all our repos :)07:50
chandankumarmarios: yes, yes07:50
mariosbhagyashris: ysandeep: ^^ 07:50
chandankumarmarios: we discussed that during tc ua sprint planning meeting07:50
mariosah ok cool 07:50
* ysandeep reading back07:50
mariosysandeep: just that bit 10:49 < marios> chandankumar: in case i forget in the call later maybe you can help me remember :)  - lets add a task for this sprint to cleanup the conditionals07:50
ysandeepmarios: hi I have already raised this in tc/ua sync , we will have a story this sprint about cleaning featureset files07:52
ysandeepline #3307:52
mariosysandeep: thanks07:53
mariosysandeep: not just featureset07:53
mariosysandeep: also things like branches match in job definitions07:53
marios./zuul.d/content-provider.yaml:13:    branches: ^(?!stable/(newton|ocata|pike|queens|stein)).*$07:53
mariosysandeep: chandankumar: and probably old job definitions should be removed like -stein jobs 07:54
marios./zuul.d/multinode-jobs.yaml:296:    name: tripleo-ci-centos-7-containers-multinode-stein07:54
ysandeepagreed, we should remove these definition/pipelines07:55
* ysandeep noted in ua/tc/pm doc 07:56
ysandeepharald already have a patch to clean featureset files, We can take over that. 07:57
mariosack thanks ysandeep 07:57
ysandeepremoving old code and jobs will avoid confusion for developers, I just noticed harald trying to fix stein/queen jobs for epheremal work here: 07:59
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frenzy_fridayHey chandankumar, do you know what this task is move all tripleo zuul repos  tox jobs from openstack-python3-$release-jobs to openstack-python3-xena-jobs. ? 08:45
chandankumarfrenzy_friday: weshay|ruck started this work to remove tox py36 jobs but py36  got fixed so we dropped that work I will ping alex when to revisit about moving the jobs to py3 xena08:49
frenzy_fridaychandankumar, thanks08:54
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pojadhavysandeep, 0/09:17
pojadhavysandeep, "periodic-tripleo-ci-rhel-8-scenario001-standalone-rhos-17" is failing from yesterday, also failed in test run. we need to open a bug for it.
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pojadhavysandeep, could you please verify, then i will create a bug for the same.09:20
ysandeeppojadhav: is wallaby also failing with similiar error?09:21
pojadhavysandeep, its green
ysandeepack o/09:25
ysandeepOutput is not verbose enough: FATAL | search triple_run_cephadm_output of cephadm run(s) non-zero return codes | undercloud | error={"censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result"} 09:28
* ysandeep preparing a patch to get debug output09:34
ysandeeppojadhav: please shoot a testpatch with depends-on: , hopefully now we will have better output.09:42
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ykarelysandeep, pojadhav for detailed log you can check
ysandeepahh, I was looking for ceph logs under var/log/ceph10:02
ysandeepykarel++ thanks!10:06
ysandeeppojadhav, ^^ you can open a bz with that error: ["Error EINVAL: ServiceSpec: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'port'"]10:10
ysandeepchandankumar, ykarel : When you have time I would appreciate your thoughts on enabling kvm nested virtualization in ci job, - loadbalancer creation is taking time, Octavia engineering want us to move away from qemu.. 10:35
ysandeepbut looks like we are using qemu from a while in standalone jobs: 10:35
pojadhavysandeep, ack..10:36
chandankumarysandeep: I am not sure it might be useful for nested virt discussion10:38
ykarelysandeep, can you try enabling it in downstream10:38
ykarelas the issue upstream is vexxhost specific10:38
ykarelwith amd hosts10:38
ykareldownstream may be fine10:38
chandankumarykarel: yes I think, let's try that10:38
ysandeepchandankumar, ykarel thanks! 10:39
ykarelysandeep, need to include ci/environments/octavia-kvm.yaml in standalone_environment_files10:39
ykarelalong with nested_virt tag10:40
ysandeepstandalone_libvirt_type: kvm ?10:41
ykarelfeatureset override has standalone_virt_type, so can try that out too10:44
chandankumarysandeep: can we use this job as a parent;a=blob;f=zuul.d/standalone-jobs.yaml#l350 for downstream directly in the downstream 10:45
ykarelbut there are some tasks that needs nested_virt tag, so better would be to use current one10:45
ysandeepchandankumar, ykarel thanks!10:48
ysandeep have wrong paremeter set: NovaComputeLibvirtType: qemu , but i think because we are passing ci/environments/octavia-kvm.yaml kvm prevails10:50
ykarelyes correct10:50
ysandeeptesting here: , Can change the job name to include kvm if this works.11:01
pojadhavysandeep, please have a look
ysandeeppojadhav: thanks Looks good, personally I generally keep atleast one comment public and keep the logs in private comment, If you can post the description and just the error snippet in public comment that will be great!11:06
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skramajaussuri upgrade job is failing for this patch - - any idea whether the job has any issues? tempest ping are failing.11:21
skramajathanks dviroel|ruck11:27
pojadhavysandeep|afk, ack11:30
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rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: chandankumar: hey ...
rlandy|roverthat still under discussion?11:43
rlandy|roversee Cedric commented there11:43
dviroel|ruckrlandy|rover: yeah, was reading comments atm11:43
rlandy|rovermarios: hello ... does standalone update run repo-setup?11:44
pojadhavykarel, thanks :)11:44
mariosrlandy|rover: yeah but what do you mean ? standalone upgrade 11:44
mariosrlandy|rover: like it starts n-1 and upgrades to n 11:45
rlandy|rovermarios: regarding
mariosrlandy|rover: so runs repos setup 2x11:45
rlandy|roverbasically we need to upgrade and restart openvswitch11:45
rlandy|roverfor it to be compatible with ussuri11:45
rlandy|roverfrom train11:45
rlandy|roverI made an edit to the release file11:45
rlandy|roverbecause there is a dnf update11:46
rlandy|roverand I added a systemctl restart there11:46
mariosrlandy|rover: no11:46
rlandy|roverbut idk if that will take effect in the upgrades case11:46
mariosrlandy|rover: i mean, ovs has always been an upgrades snowflake11:46
mariosrlandy|rover: so the upgrades team has tasks that handle that during the upgrade11:47
mariosrlandy|rover: i would reach out to them about it rather than adding arestart somewhere outside the upgrade process11:47
rlandy|rovermarios: who on that team handles this work?11:48
mariosrlandy|rover: :) been 3 years since i was on the team so not sure any more but chem would know 11:49
rlandy|roverk - pinging him11:49
mariosrlandy|rover: there is a dedicated ansible module for it these days :/11:54
chandankumarrlandy|rover: hello, have not revisited the patch from morning11:55
rlandy|roverchandankumar: which patch?11:55
rlandy|roverthe one for train promotions?11:55
chandankumarrlandy|rover: yes11:55
rlandy|roverno worries11:55
rlandy|roverwill actually ask now about that11:56
mariosrlandy|rover: added chem there
rlandy|rovermarios: thanks  - reached out to jesse11:59
rlandy|roverchem was not on irc from what I could see11:59
mariosrlandy|rover: ack 12:00
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rlandy|roverpojadhav: want to meet?12:46
pojadhavrlandy|rover, dont have agenda now.. will talk some other day..12:47
rlandy|roverpojadhav: k - sure12:47
chandankumaranbanerj|ruck: if need any help in the morning in ruck/rover, I can help there.12:48
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anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover, dviroel|ruck I am rebasing on master and recheck the testP12:48
anbanerj|ruckchandankumar, thanks :)12:48
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: ack - thanks12:48
bhagyashrisakahat, arxcruz|training anbanerj|ruck chandankumar dviroel marios pojadhav sshnaidm soniya29 rlandy|rover zbr ysandeep 12:49
bhagyashrisTripleo CI Planning meeting in 10 mins12:50
bhagyashris **@line-224**12:50
mariosthank you bhagyashris 12:54
bhagyashrisakahat, arxcruz|training chandankumar sshnaidm rlandy|rover ysandeep meeting time13:01
mariosrlandy|rover: o/ 13:02
mariosrlandy|rover: we need the boss so we can start :)13:02
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mariosysandeep: *** tripleo reviews: * * * 13:55
marios * *  *  * 13:55
mariosysandeep: sorry wrong paste 13:56
mariosysandeep: &
mariosysandeep: ^^ 13:56
ysandeepmarios: thanks!13:56
mariosysandeep: rlandy|rover: 14:14
mariosysandeep: rlandy|rover: should not run for wallaby 14:14
ysandeepmarios, we are running them in some place like downstream for 17 line, we need to clean them up14:15
mariosysandeep: ah downstream yes i didn't touch that but they are gone upstream and periodic for wallaby/master14:15
ysandeepmarios: thanks! 14:16
chandankumarysandeep: as a cleanup task can we also put downstream triplo-envronment for cleanup in that queue?14:16
ysandeepchandankumar, agreed and tripleo-ci-internal-job/config also have some stale code for osp13/14/1514:16
ysandeepMay be pojadhav will be interested in cleaning up downstream repos, she will get better exposure of downstream code.14:18
pojadhavysandeep, chandankumar : ack..14:19
ysandeepdviroel: your sound is little low14:19
mariossshnaidm: ^^^ 14:28
bhagyashrisdviroel, fyi14:34
dviroelanbanerj|ruck: rlandy|rover everything green this run, I think that we are good to revert the skiplist. 15:07
dviroel2 jobs still need to post results in testproject15:07
ysandeeprlandy|rover: 16.2 morning run was all green, 15:16
rlandy|roverok - once they do - we can merge that skiplist15:16
ysandeepits rerunning now with same hash, lets promote 16.2 after mtg15:16
rlandy|roverysandeep: ack - let's promote that15:16
* dviroel manila-meeting15:17
dviroelrlandy|rover: you can go :)15:25
ysandeeprlandy|rover: FYI.. I am going to promote 16.2 now o/ 15:34
rlandy|roverysandeep: pls go ahead15:34
rlandy|roverdviroel: merging15:34
ysandeeprlandy|rover, done, cross checked - current-tripleo hash, images/ docker files everythings looks good15:37
rlandy|roverawesome - thanks ysandeep 15:39
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: need any help?15:40
ysandeeppojadhav: is fixed , We just need to wait for tripleo component to pick up the fix and promote to integration line(to fix integration line failing job) - already tested via testproject.15:48
ysandeeprlandy|rover: HUrrah \o/ First green run on BM 17 job after a while: periodic-tripleo-ci-rhel-8-bm_envA-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-baremetal-rhos-17 : SUCCESS in 5h 35m 34s 15:52
rlandy|roverysandeep: wow - that's great15:52
* rlandy|rover looks15:52
rlandy|roverysandeep: need anything merged there?15:52
ysandeeprlandy|rover: Not yet, will send tomorrow for review, I need to fine tune the tripleo-env patch, so that we can still deploy 16.2 on same env15:53
rlandy|roverk - sure15:54
ysandeepBut if you have any objection with the approach please comment on the patches - ,
ysandeepI can run you through these patches in tomorrow's call if time permits15:55
rlandy|roverysandeep: looking at patches - but yeah - let's run through the general approach tomorrow15:57
anbanerj|ruckdviroel, thanks15:58
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover, all good thanks, finishing up with the ER thanks to zbr 15:59
rlandy|roverysandeep: I sent a review on and it marked your patch as active16:02
rlandy|roverchanged it back to WIP16:02
ysandeepthanks, nw 16:02
ysandeepthanks your review make sense, i will add in next patchset16:03
rlandy|roverysandeep: I am fine with the approach - +2'ed the env change16:04
rlandy|roverwe can go a head with that when you are ready or after the meeting tomorrow16:04
ysandeepack, thanks!16:05
* dviroel lunch16:05
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: can you follow up on the wallaby promotion16:06
rlandy|roverthe ruck-rover tool is helpful here16:06
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover, checking16:06
rlandy|roverare you familiar with it?16:06
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: anything else you want to run through as ruck/rover refresher?16:07
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover, I'll ping if I am stuck16:08
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover, does this hash look good? Then I'll testP the 2 failing jobs16:27
* rlandy|rover looks16:30
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: don't worry about fs03516:30
rlandy|rovernot in criteria16:30
rlandy|roveropen bug on that16:30
anbanerj|ruckyeah sorry, only periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-wallaby16:30
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: ^^ only failure I see is periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-full-tempest-api-wallaby16:34
anbanerj|ruck - for wallaby. Lets see if it passes16:39
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: tripleo-ci-testing on wallaby is
rlandy|roverif you want to test hash 131bbbaeee677d46f737d9804d8e9a3216:41
ysandeeprlandy|rover: when you have time you might want to follow this discussion on , tl;dr  loadbalancer creation is taking time, Octavia engineering want us to move away from qemu and enable nested kvm.. I have done some testing today.. based on 2 runs looks good16:41
ysandeepsome comments are private so please login16:41
rlandy|roveryou will need to add:16:41
rlandy|roverdlrn_hash_tag: 131bbbaeee677d46f737d9804d8e9a3216:42
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: ^^16:42
rlandy|roverto the jobs vars16:42
rlandy|roverysandeep: thanks  - will take a look in a few16:43
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: because wallaby just kicked again16:44
rlandy|rovermake sense?16:44
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover, yes, missed the hash tag. Updating16:44
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: thanks16:44
rlandy|roverysandeep: for 16.2 - do you need to promote the hash currently running?16:45
rlandy|roverif so, I can rekick fs03516:45
rlandy|roversame hash as you promoted earlier?16:45
ysandeeprlandy|rover, not needed, its same hash which was already tested this morning 16:45
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rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: made one more edit :)16:48
rlandy|rovershould be good now16:48
anbanerj|ruckoh! sorry missed that16:48
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rlandy|roverno worries16:51
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erbotRequired files not ready after 1210.955845117569s for neutron-tempest-plugin-scenario-openvswitch-iptables_hybrid 806404,4,84b77af9055d440981a7b62ac01f4b4017:38
erbotRequired files not ready after 1213.9809474945068s for neutron-functional-with-uwsgi 804613,2,2d41976ee93f48608937c7dd4eec290517:39
erbotRequired files not ready after 1230.8215792179108s for tripleo-ansible-centos-8-molecule-tripleo_ha_wrapper 806610,10,cdf69c890a7043829109b3fc02a799d117:43
erbotRequired files not ready after 1223.8384778499603s for tripleo-ci-centos-8-containers-multinode-ussuri 799958,5,3357d2931aee4977acaa78f4fa38ffae17:57
erbotRequired files not ready after 1222.8563101291656s for devstack-tobiko-minimal 799416,9,bc6e05eaf5514425b3ed012ec85c1eb817:58
erbotRequired files not ready after 1217.9317243099213s for kolla-ansible-centos8-source-upgrade 807177,3,2ffdc365eed844bdb7cbaabf6c439abf18:00
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: hey - pls ping when you are EoD18:55
rlandy|rovermust be late for you now18:55
rlandy|roverI'll chase the master promotion18:56
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover, is still running19:11
* anbanerj|ruck leaving for the day now19:12
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: k - I'll keep watch19:18
rlandy|roverhave a good night19:19
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover, thanks :)19:19
rlandy|roverdviroel: will ping on #tripleo again about that review in a few hours19:36
rlandy|roverwould be great to get it in today19:36
dviroelk, tks19:38
rlandy|roveryay - wallaby promoting19:42
erbotRequired files not ready after 1205.823711156845s for tripleo-ci-centos-8-undercloud-upgrade-wallaby 805893,1,71b3c63efe6a45b7b6039f1e5b9624af20:22
erbotRequired files not ready after 1219.081137418747s for tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-upgrade-ussuri 807057,1,e47d27a0113c4b998202203e72f4a57620:24
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover, ++20:36
anbanerj|ruckPls ignore the erbot ^, I want to run it overnight and see what it posts20:37
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: no wowrries - it's cool20:37
rlandy|roverysandeep|out: read - makes sense to switch as needed20:39
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erbotRequired files not ready after 1204.8247957229614s for openstack-tox-pep8 803915,11,c5626792ff754634bfab3eb42bbfcade21:05
erbotRequired files not ready after 1205.4854016304016s for tripleo-ci-centos-8-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-updates-wallaby 806074,1,0ea6ee3f3f494133888e88312b6606ac22:27
erbotRequired files not ready after 1204.8259074687958s for tripleo-ci-centos-8-containers-multinode 807181,2,e3683320dc904f65acee0d1bf1d4f34322:56

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