Wednesday, 2021-08-18

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bhagyashrisykarel|away, hey is the down ?04:32
bhagyashrisnow it's working 04:38
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chandankumarpojadhav: hello, added the comment here Hope it will help to fix the issue.06:14
pojadhavchandankumar, ack 06:14
chandankumarzbr: hello06:36
chandankumarzbr:  please have a look at this bug when free, thanks :-)06:37
ykarelchandankumar, zbr  also check
ykarelquickstart deploys broken with that06:50
* ykarel afk06:56
chandankumarykarel: sorry, we missed that case, proposed a fix to add it back07:05
zbri think it is wrong to alter collection path, no real reason for doing it07:07
zbrcollections can be installed at user or system level using known official paths07:07
zbrnot using them open doors for other kind of bugs like shadowing07:08
chandankumarzbr: yes, you made a valid point07:16
zbrhow about installing it to one of standard locations?07:16
chandankumarzbr: may be we can add a option in script to install any collection using ansible-galaxy07:17
chandankumarthat will land it to standard location07:17
zbrsame applies for roles but there it can be bit more complex to fix (more roles floating around)07:17
zbris not so easy because we wanted to be able to use depends on, and this is why the install block looks bit more complex07:18
zbrbut we could make it a function with params and reuse it07:19
chandankumarzbr: yes, that sounds good07:20
chandankumarzbr: I will update my patch07:20
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zbrchandankumar: was the pip install issue on py36 fixed or we still look for solutions?07:41
chandankumarzbr: not yet fixed07:42
* zbr thinking about patching pip itself07:46
chandankumarzbr: Actually depends-on is not working here
ykarelchandankumar, ack07:49
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chandankumarzbr: what about this ?08:19
chandankumarfor current situation if we land the workaround and if it works, we are good to unblock the broken ci08:20
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chandankumarzbr: one query does upstream tox jobs run in a container?09:08
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zbrnot usually09:13
zbri know that rdo does run some jobs inside containers but upstream i am not aware of any job doing so, even if is it possible.09:14
zbrchandankumar:  be sure you scrubcribe to and read my last comment, i added some details.09:19
chandankumarzbr: sure09:21
zbrchandankumar: py36 workaround passed:
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soniya29chandankumar, kopecmartin, arxcruz, ysandeep, rlandy, please add/edit today's agenda for the tempest meeting :-
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chandankumarakahat: bhagyashris please have a look at this when free, thanks!11:33
akahatchandankumar, ack11:33
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bhagyashrischandankumar, ack11:35
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chandankumarpojadhav: please have a look at this when free, thanks :-)11:37
arxcruzsoniya29: i might be late 10 minutes, need to take my daughter at school 11:41
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: hey - how are things?11:42
dviroel|ruckrlandy|rover: o/11:42
dviroel|ruckussuri promoted11:42
dviroel|ruckwallaby failing in two scenario010 jobs11:43
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: same problem as master?11:43
rlandy|roverfailing consistently?11:44
soniya29arxcruz, sure11:44
dviroel|ruckrlandy|rover: not sure, will check if the errors are the same11:44
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: yeah we have consistent failure11:46
rlandy|rovermay not be the same cause11:46
dviroel|ruckand for ovn too11:46
dviroel|ruckdidn't dig into ovn errors yet11:47
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: do you want to talk at CIX call?11:47
rlandy|rovercards should be commented11:48
dviroel|ruckrlandy|rover: sure, let me try this time11:50
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: k - great - will be on the call if you want me to step in - but you'll be fine11:51
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: let's bug the wallaby one separately11:51
rlandy|roverykarel: hi - what's the status with train?11:52
rlandy|roverwe still have the promotions blocked11:53
rlandy|roverare you still working on that?11:53
ykarelrlandy|rover, glance store is not yet in promoted-components11:53
rlandy|roverykarel: k - holding promotion11:56
rlandy|roverneed to check f it's stuck in component lines11:56
ykarellast run i see all train jobs passed11:56
* rlandy|rover checks11:57
ykarelokk next run of periodic-tripleo-centos-8-train-component-glance-promote-to-promoted-components should promote it11:58
rlandy|roverboth have failures11:59
ykarelrlandy|rover, no not that, first we need glance component promotion11:59
rlandy|roveryeah - that is clear12:00
rlandy|roverok - got it12:00
ykarelyeap so just need to run periodic-tripleo-centos-8-train-component-glance-promote-to-promoted-components12:00
soniya29kopecmartin, ysandeep, chandankumar, rlandy|rover, tempest meeting12:00
rlandy|roverwe can run that manually or it will kick every two hours12:00
rlandy|roversoniya29: need to be on program call12:01
ykarelso if integration run is about to start before next glance promotion, then ok to run manual12:01
rlandy|roverysandeep: pojadhav: let's meet later re: downstream components12:02
rlandy|roverwe need to clean those up12:02
rlandy|roverafter program call12:02
ysandeeprlandy|rover, sure12:02
soniya29weshay|ruck, tempest meeting?12:03
ykarelokk integration run is in 6 hours, so can wait for auto component promotion, rlandy|rover i hope by tomorrow can unblock promotion12:03
ykarelunless and until manual triggers are done for pipelines12:03
rlandy|roverykarel: perfect - thank you12:03
weshay|rucksoniya29, yep12:04
rlandy|roveropenstack-promote-component just kicked12:04
rlandy|roverwe need to watch glance train componnet promotes these12:04
dviroel|ruckrlandy|rover: re
dviroel|ruckonly the last run has that octavia error, seems that other ones are failing in the standalone deploy12:06
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: real issue12:07
rlandy|roverlet's raise it at CIX12:07
dviroel|ruckstanalone deploy: FATAL | print ceph-ansible output in case of failure | undercloud | error={12:08
rlandy|rover^^ error for master12:08
rlandy|roverdifferent on wallaby12:09
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: it may be a similar problem but the error is different12:11
rlandy|roverso I would add a different bug12:11
rlandy|roverthe team may link them12:12
dviroel|ruckbut looking at
dviroel|ruckonly the last run fails in octavia, the other ones are failing in standalone deploy, something related with ceph deploy12:12
chandankumarrlandy|rover: weshay|ruck please have a look at this series when free, thanks :-)12:12
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: yeah - we can add debug info to th LP12:14
rlandy|roverrest of train is working12:18
rlandy|roverthat is good12:18
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rlandy|roverbhagyashris: hi 12:38
rlandy|rovermerging the last of dviroel|ruck's patches
rlandy|rovernot sure why that didn't merge yesterday12:39
rlandy|rovermaybe zuul restart12:39
rlandy|roverbut you should be good to go there12:39
bhagyashrisrlandy|rover, ack12:39
rlandy|roverbhagyashris: the patch is rerunning check12:39
bhagyashrisrlandy|rover, ok12:39
rlandy|roverchandankumar: ysandeep: pojadhav: ok to meet now? re: components downstream 12:41
ysandeeprlandy|rover, Yes i am available to join12:41
bhagyashrisdviroel|ruck, rlandy|rover fyi i have check dviroel|ruck patch did some changes. dviroel|ruck I think we should make that ready for review and merge as soon as possible so that we can test that job through testproject patch. 12:41
rlandy|roverbhagyashris: k - will look after meeting12:41
chandankumarrlandy|rover: yes12:42
rlandy|roverysandeep: chandankumar:
ysandeeppojadhav, ^^12:42
rlandy|roverpojadhav: around? pls join us12:42
bhagyashrisas the job definition is in the config repo ^ so we will need this patch merged first and then only we can test through testproject patch12:43
dviroel|ruckbhagyashris: ok, will take a look, thanks12:44
bhagyashrisdviroel|ruck, can remove the Work in progress from 12:44
bhagyashrisdviroel|ruck, thanks once it get merge i will hit the testproject patch to test our change12:45
pojadhavrlandy|rover, sorry12:47
dviroel|ruckrlandy|rover: i'm openning the bug pointing to the ceph deploy error,  almost all failures of scenarion010 and scenarion010-ovn-provider had the same error ceph error, only one passed standalone and failed at octavia12:49
weshay|ruckdviroel|ruck, updated your bug.. let's review the settings for ceph13:23
weshay|ruckdviroel|ruck, failed on /usr/sbin/blkid -c /dev/null -s PARTUUID -o value ceph_vg/ceph_lv_wal13:24
dviroel|ruckoh, ok13:26
weshay|ruckdviroel|ruck, so.. I see that volume path removed here:
weshay|ruckperhaps something similar is needed 13:29
weshay|ruckI don't see that same exact thing for scenario010 yet13:30
weshay|ruckdviroel|ruck, hrm..
weshay|ruckdviroel|ruck, ping fmount in #tripleo13:34
weshay|rucksee if he can help trace this down13:34
dviroel|ruckack, will do13:38
ysandeepweshay|ruck, dviroel|ruck fyi.. to me looks like we are hitting similiar issue in downstream for 17: 13:43
weshay|ruckysandeep, ya.. same error
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, HA.. PROOF of the why :)13:44
weshay|ruckysandeep, dviroel|ruck what I haven't found is where ceph_vg/ceph_lv_wal is currently defined for that job13:44
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: weshay|ruck: sorry - long meeting13:48
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: ^^13:49
ysandeeprlandy|rover, - Temporary remove infrared jobs from 16.2 criteria 13:59
ysandeeprlandy|rover: for 17 bm: 14:08
* pojadhav brb14:09
rlandy|roverysandeep: looking14:11
zbrchandankumar: are you working to change tripleo-operator-ansible collection install logic to make it use standard ansible paths? 14:11
ysandeeprlandy|rover, also chatting with attila on why their jobs are failing.14:12
chandankumarzbr: yes, will get the patch tomorrow, not yet started14:12
zbrok, let me know if you need help. the code we recently added on should give be reusable.14:13
rlandy|roverchecking if ovb passes on those components14:14
zbrdviroel|ruck: i think you can rebase now, if you find the time.14:22
ysandeepweshay|ruck, dviroel|ruck hmmm 16.2 sc01/04/10 also failing on same error - 14:23
dviroel|ruckysandeep: weshay|ruck fmount is already working on a fix for wallaby14:25
ysandeepdviroel|ruck, wondering if we are also hitting this on train.. because 16.2 == train14:25
dviroel|ruckwe can check with him14:26
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dviroel|ruckrlandy|rover: tks for the help14:43
rlandy|roveryou didn't need any14:43
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, ysandeep need any help w/ 16.2 or 17?14:43
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: long story14:43
rlandy|roversee #openstack-pcci14:43
rlandy|roverqe jobs14:43
pojadhavweshay|ruck, rlandy|rover : for a sec can we chat ?14:46
rlandy|roverpojadhav: yes14:46
dviroel|ruckysandeep: weshay|ruck the fix for train was already merged here v
dviroel|ruckbut still missing from 16.214:51
dviroel|ruckaccording to the logs14:51
ysandeepdviroel|ruck, thanks! let me check where is that fix in downstream14:55
weshay|ruckysandeep, doubt it.. 14:59
rlandy|roverarxcruz: hey health meeting15:03
bhagyashrisfolks review this patch when you have free time ..15:10
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rlandy|roverfrenzy_friday: k - joining15:41
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dviroel|ruckhi bhagyashris, about #3470915:59
dviroel|rucki think that we should inherit the playbook from ci-config
dviroel|ruckit will bring less changes to conf15:59
dviroel|ruckconfig repo15:59
dviroel|ruckis it possible?15:59
dviroel|ruckalso, see that is now slight different from the one that I added in #3470916:00
dviroel|ruckthere is an ssh_agent role included to work with the secret16:00
dviroel|ruckit seems that is the correct way of dealing with secrets16:00
dviroel|rucki'm writing these notes in the patch :)16:14
rlandy|roverk - will have to see what beaks there16:42
rlandy|rover2021-08-18 15:01:40.936605 | bc764e04-5fe9-024c-467e-000000000de1 |     TIMING | tripleo_container_image_prepare : Container image prepare | undercloud | 0:03:18.590114 | 2.05s16:43
rlandy|rovertag unknown16:44
rlandy|roverhmmm is it only this job?16:44
rlandy|roverpromotion issue? access issue?16:45
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, re: gate?16:49
weshay|ruckya.. master just promoted16:49
weshay|ruckleft notes in gerrit16:49
dviroel|rucki only saw this error in this job16:49
jbadiaparlandy|rover, I've just updated the launchpad with that issue...
jbadiapaI was about to ask on the channel16:52
rlandy|roverjbadiapa: dviroel|ruck: if it's only on one job, then yeah  - needs investigation16:58
rlandy|rovercheck if that tag exists16:58
jbadiapayes, it's on the containers-prepare-parameter.yaml 16:59
rlandy|rover3 hours ago17:00
rlandy|rover^^ master promotion17:00
rlandy|roverlet's rerun and check if it's still an issue17:00
rlandy|roverreal question is why only this job17:01
jbadiapaack, should we wait more or just recheck now?17:01
rlandy|rovernow shouldd be fine17:01
rlandy|roverjbadiapa: bug is legit if it's only this job but a rerun may get your patch through17:01
rlandy|roverping here if now17:01
jbadiapaack, thx17:02
dviroel|ruckrlandy|rover: weshay|ruck fyi, will be out in ~2h for a medical appoint (19h UTC)17:03
rlandy|roverwe'll cover17:03
dviroel|ruckweshay|ruck: it seams that with fmount fix we are hitting another issue:
dviroel|ruckthat already has a LP17:10
dviroel|ruckhum, do we have a LP for that?17:14
dviroel|ruckcan't find17:15
dviroel|ruckweshay|ruck: not sure if is expected to have this container bump in wallaby too
dviroel|ruckor if just missing wallaby in the elif releases17:41
dviroel|ruckasked fmount17:42
dviroel|ruckprobably no17:53
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: sorry - was in meeting - you all set? need help with ^^?18:20
dviroel|ruckrlandy|rover: yes, for wallaby,
dviroel|ruckcan't find v6.0.4-stable-6.0-pacific-centos-8-x86_6418:22
rlandy|roverError: Error initializing source docker:// Error reading manifest v6.0.4-stable-6.0-pacific-centos-8-x86_64 in manifest unknown: manifest unknown18:22
rlandy|roverthat was just updated for master18:22
* rlandy|rover gets18:23
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: we need to check with jfulton where wallaby lands18:23
rlandy|roverlet's go to # tripleo18:23
dviroel|ruckrlandy|rover: according with fmount18:24
dviroel|ruckrlandy|rover: both wallaby and xena (master) use latest pacific18:24
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: ok - if that is correct - we need to check tripleo-common18:25
dviroel|ruck^ ignore that18:25
rlandy|roverceph_tag: v6.0.0-stable-6.0-pacific-centos-8-x86_6418:26
rlandy|roverok I see18:29
rlandy|roverjob passed :)18:30
dviroel|ruckbut not the standalone-010 ones18:32
rlandy|rovermaybe redefined somewhere18:33
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck++ you found it18:35
rlandy|roverupdate that18:35
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: and also
rlandy|rovershould match ^^18:36
dviroel|ruckwill do18:38
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck: you're a natural at this ruck/rover gig18:39
rlandy|roverwe may call you back :)18:39
dviroel|ruck:) fmount also helped me18:40
dviroel|ruckmaybe backport this
weshay|ruckI think sagi had a backport18:41
weshay|ruckdviroel|ruck, as you have time
dviroel|ruckweshay|ruck: ack18:45
weshay|ruckusing the ruck_rover tool w/ release + component to check that makes it easy18:45
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rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: W+ing ^^19:08
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, thanks19:11
rlandy|roverdviroel|ruck|out: weshay|ruck: train is running now19:12
rlandy|roverif this passes19:12
rlandy|roverwe should edit the train criteria on promoter19:13
rlandy|roverand restart promoter19:13
rlandy|roverchecking drln to be sure19:13
weshay|ruckakahat, let's get git pulls back on :)))))))19:13
rlandy|roversome weirdness with periodic-tripleo-centos-8-buildimage-overcloud-full-train22:27

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