Monday, 2021-07-26

*** pojadhav- is now known as pojadhav05:29
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zbrmorning o/06:14
zbrsimple review to get you started
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sshnaidmzbr, commented08:08
zbrsshnaidm: thanks. I do agree with your comment but is out of scope. i am not adding a new dependency08:15
zbrthat can be done later by us. usually lineinfile is risky with ini files, but for repo ones, it will work fine.08:15
zbri do not remember seeing multi-line key/value assignations inside repo config files.08:16
zbr"collections:" block is only adding extra entries for name resolution lookup, is not a import/require.08:18
sshnaidmshouldn't they be detected automatically by ansible?08:19
sshnaidmI think they have redirections for "old style" modules08:20
zbris not about detection, is about how ansible resolve a short module name08:20
sshnaidmzbr, yes, doesn't it resolve it automatically to community.general?08:21
zbrwhen ansible finds "foo", it needs to resolve it to a "{namespace}.{collection}.foo". It keeps and internal default list and when it encounters "collections:" blocks inside playbooks or roles, it does append to it.08:21
zbransible-core does not install "community.general", so it will never find it.08:22
sshnaidmzbr, right, but ansible core knows that ini_file is coming from community.general, I think they have these matches08:23
sshnaidmat least for all modules that were there in 2.908:23
zbrin fact that is why i did not mention version on
zbrthis means that on 2.9 it will not install anything new as is already included, same on 3.0. Once when ansible will be "thin" will install it.08:26
zbrthat is a way to declare that you need the bigger ansible ;)08:27
sshnaidmanyway, I +2'ed it, but we need to move to 2.11 asap to prevent all these unknowns..08:29
sshnaidmmarios|ruck, can you re-review please
marios|rucksshnaidm: make me08:30
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chandankumarmarios|ruck: hello, on this review and
chandankumarNot found image:
chandankumarthere are still some reference of docker.io09:41
chandankumarand looking and proposing a fix09:41
marios|ruckchandankumar: that is not ours09:41
marios|ruckchandankumar: 12:41 < chandankumar> marios|ruck: hello, on this review and 09:41
chandankumarthat job is maintained by us and python_venv_build is used by os_tempest09:42
marios|ruckchandankumar: i see09:42
marios|ruckchandankumar: so it needs to become content provider/consumer job 09:43
marios|ruckchandankumar: you'll add the content provider? 09:43
marios|ruckchandankumar: yeah... also ^^ ? well, maybe doesn't make sense for one job i suppose09:43
marios|ruckchandankumar: if we can try quay... but is it reliable enough? 09:43
chandankumarmarios|ruck: I think quay is reliable now09:43
marios|ruckchandankumar: cool thanks for looking at it then chandankumar 09:44
marios|ruckchandankumar: let me know if need something from us09:44
marios|ruckcc soniya29|rover fyi ^^ 09:44
chandankumarmarios|ruck: sure,thanks :-)09:44
marios|rucksoniya29|rover: going to go get some food in a couple mins will be back in a bit10:16
soniya29|rovermarios|ruck, sure10:56
marios|ruckthanks soniya29|rover ;)11:07
marios|rucksshnaidm: ykarel: did you do something about that i am looking there 11:26
ykarelme nothing11:26
sshnaidmmarios|ruck, ykarel I'll submit patches11:27
marios|ruckthank you sshnaidm 11:28
chandankumarrlandy: Hello11:46
rlandychandankumar: hey11:46
chandankumarrlandy: bhagyashri is not around today due to some issues at home, she asked to take care of scrum today, she will try her best to join .11:47
rlandychandankumar: thanks for the heads up - np - will run the scrum meeting11:47
chandankumarrlandy: yw :-)11:47
rlandymarios|ruck: soniya29|rover: hey - how are things today?11:49
rlandymarios|ruck: wrt train not changing hashes - I think the problem is that some components in the component line are failing and there is no tracking11:50
soniya29|roverrlandy, standalone-on-multinode-ipa job is passing now because of which we had prodchain blocked issue11:52
soniya29|roverbut it is green now11:52
rlandysoniya29|rover: nice :)11:52
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marios|ruckrlandy: ok nothing major updating the cix for call we can sync after scrum if you need11:54
marios|ruckrlandy: train is on my list i wanted to look at the integration line for the call on wednedsay cos its a few days old now11:55
marios|ruckrlandy: will chek after current thing (digging into a train fix but unrelated one)11:55
rlandymarios|ruck: ack - thanks11:56
rlandymarios|ruck: soniya29|rover: re: program call, downstream is a mess now due to more psi issues. I will update that doc tomorrow evening with the latest status on 16.2 and 1711:57
soniya29|roverrlandy, okay11:57
marios|ruckrlandy: thanks12:00
frenzy_fridayzbr, Hey, when you get some time pls review and w+
zbrfrenzy_friday: done.12:22
frenzy_fridayzbr, thanks.12:23
zbrsshnaidm: marios|ruck: re work on passing ansible sanity for tripleo-repos, i think i will first enable pylint as linter because the chain of fixes is quite long:
zbrmakes sense? we already run pylint on other repos (pre-commit) so it should not be a surprise.12:24
sshnaidmzbr, ansible-test use pylint, seems dup?12:25
zbralong 20 other things, last thing it calls is pylint.12:25
zbror we can make the job non voting, merge it with known failures and fix them after.12:25
marios|ruckzbr: middle something right now and have cix call in few mins we can talk at or after scrum? 12:26
zbrsure. we don't need a lot of time, but it would be great to sync on that, it would make progress much faster.12:26
sshnaidmzbr, you can put these errors in ignore file and then fix them one by one, that's what I do usually with new collection12:27
sshnaidmduplicate pylint seems like overhead12:27
zbrsshnaidm: ok, I will go this path.12:27
dviroelrlandy: hi o/  - i've question12:32
rlandydviroel: hi - what's up?12:32
dviroelrlandy: re compose-id promotion, where is the best repo to put the 'ansible role + python module code'? 12:32
dviroeli'm between those 2:12:33
dviroel1. rdo-infra/
dviroel2. rdo-infra/ci-config12:33
dviroeli saw zuul jobs in (1), but also saw some roles and code in (2)12:33
rlandydviroel: it depends on whether you need to reference passwords12:34
rlandy rdo-infra/ is used when we have to reference secrets12:34
rlandyif you don't go with rdo-infra/ci-config - or rdo-jobs12:35
rlandy^^ will allow you to do speculative testing12:35
rlandydviroel: we can discuss more at the scrum meeting if that doesn't makes sense12:35
rlandyyou could put roles in ci-config and the job in rdo-jobs12:36
rlandyon the part that you need secrets, just that part should go into rdo-infra/
dviroelgot it, so the code can live in ci-config then, and just the part that provide the secret goes into rdo-infra/
pojadhavrlandy, marios|ruck :  is today bhagyashri is out..?12:47
rlandypojadhav: ack12:48
rlandywill be running the scrum meeting12:48
rlandydviroel: yep - as little as possible in rdo-infra/
pojadhavrlandy, I am not aware about whether she is available or not..12:49
rlandyjob definitions can go into rdo-jobs12:49
rlandypojadhav: <chandankumar> rlandy: bhagyashri is not around today due to some issues at home12:49
rlandyso I guess not12:49
dviroelrlandy: ok, tks12:49
pojadhavrlandy, ack thanks !12:50
pojadhavactually, the reason i am asking about her, I was trying to update some cards in JIRA, i was unable to modify it.12:52
rlandypojadhav: let's look at it at the scrum meeting12:54
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frenzy_fridayzbr, passed finally :D Can we merge it?12:55
pojadhavrlandy, aure12:55
rlandychandankumar: marios|ruck: soniya29|rover: zbr: frenzy_friday: dviroel: pojadhav: arxcruz: scrum meeting in 2 mins. 12:58
rlandychandankumar: zbr: starting scrum w/o you :)13:02
marios|ruckrlandy: looks like sshnaidm beat me to it for workflow at         * 16:27 < rlandy>
rlandysshnaidm: thank you13:43
chandankumarakahat: rlandy please have a look at this patch for downstream config when free, thanks!13:43
rlandychandankumar: - marked -1 for extra.yaml13:47
rlandyrest looks good13:47
chandankumarrlandy: ah yes, got your point13:48
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marios|rucksoniya29|rover: o/ hey did you see the task in google chat about the cockpit and wrong title 'victoria upstream promotions' instead of ussuri? 14:13
marios|rucksoniya29|rover: is that something you can dig into if you have time? 14:13
marios|ruckrlandy: i cc'd you on that fyi ^^ 14:13
marios|rucksoniya29|rover: can be tomorrow not urgent for right now14:13
marios|rucksoniya29|rover: well its not a task its in the chat for now but i ccd you and rlandy on it14:14
marios|ruck"upstream cockpit promotions missing ussuri information?14:14
soniya29|rovermarios|ruck, sure, I will take over it14:14
marios|rucksoniya29|rover: thanks. basically wrong title for the ussuri section it says 'victoria' but shows correctly ussuri 14:14
rlandymarios|ruck: soniya29|rover: ack - will look14:15
rlandychandankumar:  akahat: if you have time - could both be merged14:17
rlandymarios|ruck: soniya29|rover: looking at ussuri promotion line ... do you have a fix for failing ussuri ovb or should I look into that?14:21
rlandytripleo.operator.tripleo_overcloud_image_upload : Overcloud image upload14:21
marios|ruckrlandy: not something i'm looking at .. which job? 14:21
rlandyimage uplad still failing here14:22
rlandyit was failing fs002 and now passing14:22
rlandyI think may have to revert patc14:23
marios|ruckrlandy: keystoneauth1.exceptions.catalog.EndpointNotFound: public endpoint for image service in regionOne region not found14:23
marios|ruckrlandy: keystoneauth1.exceptions.catalog.EndpointNotFound: public endpoint for image service in regionOne region not found14:23
marios|ruckrlandy: sorry 14:23
marios|ruckrlandy: not sure if that is a cix already checking 14:23
marios|rucki think it is a new one rlandy cant spot something 14:25
rlandymarios|ruck: ^^ may be related to the above14:25
rlandyremoval of line 3514:26
rlandyI can try revert it and testproject14:26
marios|ruckrlandy: yeah maybe, the dates certainly line up 14:28
rlandymarios|ruck: k - trying the revert14:28
marios|ruckrlandy: well... not sure you know14:29
marios|ruckrlandy: i mean you're not touching keystone14:29
marios|ruck... 14:29
rlandyidk - worth a shot at one testproject14:29
marios|ruckrlandy: k 14:29
rlandyw-1'ed it for testing14:30
frenzy_fridayrlandy, zbr graphs with RDO leasticsearch
rlandyfrenzy_friday++ very nice14:38
rlandypls review ^^ 14:40
rlandyso we can merged for frenzy_friday14:40
rlandymarios|ruck: submitted - let's see if that helps14:41
marios|ruck rlandy: thanks14:41
* frenzy_friday will be back in ~1hr14:42
rlandyyou know things are bad when there is an outage on the outage page14:47
marios|ruckrlandy: you mean psi? 14:48
rlandy doesn't resolve14:49
rlandyyep - trying to check the update on the outage14:49
rlandyyay - page came back14:49
rlandyno - page still has a problem14:50
dviroel@all my son isn't feeling good since yesterday, i'll take him to a medical appointment at 5pm utc, so i'll be out for 1~2hrs, I'll be back after that14:51
marios|ruckdviroel: ack thanks hope kiddo is better soon 14:52
rlandydviroel: no problem - hope your son feels better14:53
dviroelmarios|ruck: tks14:53
rlandyping if you need anything14:53
zbrif anyone is seeing an infrared error, let me know if it is 14:55
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rlandyfrenzy_friday: hey - can you try and let me know if that resolves for you15:05
* dviroel lunch15:09
rlandychandankumar: akahat: re: ... responded that I would upload a ne wpatch but now idk ... I think it's better as is as 010 and ovn may diverge15:36
rlandymarios|ruck: ^^ looks better for ussuri15:58
rlandyif that passes fs002, we should merge the revert15:58
marios|ruckrlandy: thanks15:58
rlandyremoved w-1 from ^^15:59
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rlandyif that works will rerun fs039 and fs020 with depends on revrt so we can promote ussuri16:00
soniya29|rovermarios|ruck, rlandy, leaving for the day16:09
rlandysoniya29|rover" k - anything you want me to watch?16:10
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soniya29|roverrlandy, nope16:10
frenzy_fridayrlandy|ruck, I can access
rlandy|ruckyeah - it's back now16:18
pojadhavrlandy|ruck, marios|ruck : fyi I will be on PTO tomorrow for some personal work.16:24
rlandy|ruckpojadhav: sure  16:24
marios|ruckthanks pojadhav 16:27
marios|ruckrlandy|ruck: me off in 2 16:27
rlandy|ruckmarios|ruck: k - anything other than ussuri promotion to do?16:27
marios|ruckrlandy|ruck: no, poked a bit at train again ... really still no new content? I know we checked it friday but i think i'll have to do that again tomorrow for a sanity check so we can report on wednesday about no promotion for train 16:31
marios|ruckrlandy|ruck: looked at the components for train and cloudops cos '10 days since' but looks ok at 16:32
marios|ruck*        * current-tripleo/2021-06-30 16:52 -          * [DIR]consistent/2021-06-30 16:52         * tripleo-ci-testing/2021-06-30 16:52 16:32
marios|ruckurgh anyway 16:32
marios|ruckrlandy|ruck: nothing major really i'll dig more into train tomorrow ^^^ gate was OK today 16:32
rlandy|ruckmarios|ruck: k - have a good night16:33
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rlandy|ruckmarios|ruck: before you go, can you vote on the revert and I'll merge it
marios|ruckrlandy|ruck: ack 16:51
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rlandy|ruckchandankumar: thanks for w+ on
rlandy|ruckzbr: around?18:54
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: ^^?19:03
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