Tuesday, 2021-07-13

*** ykarel|away is now known as ykarel04:27
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ysandeepchkumar|rover, i noticed your comment on https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/+/800330 that deployment pulled previous-current-tripleo, fyi.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1934097 we faced something similar here some time back.07:18
chkumar|roverysandeep: yes, it is perfectly the same issue.07:26
chkumar|roverit failed at two patches on inap cloud07:26
chkumar|roverysandeep: thanks for passing the link07:27
mariospojadhav: please check https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-ci/+/797865/12#message-818175afaf37ff381828cd546cb501ff24d61e4507:31
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chkumar|roverykarel: Hello07:41
chkumar|roverykarel: Do you remember the bug where triple-repos failed due to missing python3-cliff?07:41
ykarelchkumar|rover, /me not sure if bug was reported07:46
chkumar|roverykarel: is there a way to get python3-cliff in centos base repos?07:47
ykarelbut i doubt it was in CI07:47
ykarelchkumar|rover, can only come to centos via rhel07:47
chkumar|roveryes correct07:48
ykareland to already released OS's it's very rare new packages are added07:48
pojadhavmarios, ack08:10
pojadhavmarios, https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-ci/+/797865/14#message-bd3f4bba63d1b7ea749d1fc102f6fff0eefe73b708:22
pojadhavmarios, zuul error "Job tripleo-ci-centos-8-undercloud-upgrade-master not defined"08:24
mariospojadhav: yes check the job name08:27
pojadhavmarios, sorry..i have added '-master' for that undercloud-upgrade job name, now referring job name you have keep in https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-ci/+/793393/5/zuul.d/upgrades-jobs-templates.yaml#41708:27
mariospojadhav: ack 08:28
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pojadhavysandeep|lunch, marios, weshay|ruck, chkumar|rover : please approve https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-jobs/+/3449108:53
* pojadhav will be out rest of the day.08:54
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mariospojadhav: k will check but what is the context there are we no longer using it08:56
ysandeeppojadhav, lgtm, but I only have +1 there 08:56
ysandeepmarios: commented08:57
ysandeephttps://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-jobs/+/34437 - job with new name was added here08:58
mariosthanks ysandeep 08:58
bhagyashris|ruckysandeep, chkumar|rover ^08:58
ysandeepbhagyashris|ruck: checking08:59
ysandeepbhagyashris|ruck, oops, i see the issue - changed_when: true got indented under shell... i never want to change anything for < ussuri09:04
ysandeepbhagyashris|ruck, posting fix.. i think queens/stein will be impact as well09:05
bhagyashris|ruckysandeep, ack09:06
bhagyashris|ruckthanks 09:07
bhagyashris|ruckchkumar|rover, ^09:07
ysandeepbhagyashris|ruck, patch is already up to use.. operators for train as well https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras/+/800592 , once testproject reports, I will update if to fix legacy script as well09:08
bhagyashris|ruckysandeep, ack09:09
ysandeepfyi.. testing here.. https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/testproject/+/28537 - already in deploy steps..09:10
ysandeepI am assigning bug to myself.. 09:10
bhagyashris|ruckysandeep, ok but sandeep anyways the the testproject will encounter with same issue09:12
bhagyashris|ruckso IMO we can change instead of waiting the the result09:12
ysandeepbhagyashris|ruck, no, because it will not use legacy script 09:12
ysandeepbut agree.. we can update in parallel and rerun the testproject to save time.09:13
bhagyashris|ruckyes it will not use but in the task we have syntax issue 09:13
bhagyashris|ruckso it will fail there 09:14
bhagyashris|ruckysandeep, ack just instead of waiting lets correct the syntax first and then test this was my opinion 09:14
chkumar|roverysandeep: bhagyashris|ruck thanks!09:19
ysandeepbhagyashris|ruck, chkumar|rover updated https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras/+/800592 09:23
bhagyashris|ruckysandeep, thanks09:23
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* ysandeep wondering if we can somehow capture these kind of issue with linters.. 09:34
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* frenzy_friday lunch10:39
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rlandymarios: hey ... when you have a moment, I was looking at pojadhav's upgrade jobs11:40
rlandyI'm missing which branch should be upgrading to which11:40
rlandywould like to clarify that so I can finish  those reviews11:41
marioso/ rlandy i replied on the review with some pointers, lets discuss in community call (and after if needed)?11:45
dviroelrlandy: i'm following rhos-ops :)12:08
rlandydviroel: http://images.rdoproject.org/centos_compose/centos8/ - you're ready to go12:09
weshay|ruckmarios, I think swfit may have been removed from wallaby, xena undercloud https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1935961  re: ephemeral heat12:09
mariosweshay|ruck: yes or at least it should be seems something is missing 12:09
weshay|ruckah.. ya.. rabi just commented12:09
zbrdviroel: can you please checkout https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-repos/+/800462 locally and run `tox -e sanity`?12:15
dviroelzbr: yes, will do12:15
zbrin current form it should pass, but that is breaking all the other jobs12:16
zbrthat get_hash functionality was implemented as some kind of makeshift thing that combines a python module, cli and and ansible module. we will have some fun refactoring it to fix with module writing guidelines.12:19
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dviroelzbr: "sanity: commands succeeded"12:20
zbras expected, check the output to get an idea about what kind of validations it performs, the list is quite long.12:21
zbri had to do lots of small changes to make it pass, minor but multiple.12:22
zbri wonder if we should have a meet with you and someone else, maybe marios where I explain how ansible modules work and what challenges we have.12:23
zbri really need to explain module file, limitations around imports, how/where to put shared code (module_utils), import paths.12:23
dviroelzbr: yes, i think we should :)12:24
dviroelzbr: i saw this warning here: ".ansible/collections/ansible_collections/tripleo/tripleo_repos' does not have a galaxy.yml or a MANIFEST.json file" in the output12:24
marioszbr: sure do you want to schedule something/send invite/  12:25
zbri will wait for somone else to raise a hand, i want an audience of two.12:25
zbri can do at any time, even in 5min from now. is only about explaining changes from that review, so we can think what we need to do later.12:26
marioszbr: i prefer a scheduled call please but i am just responding to your ping so... not completely following this discussion or context right now12:26
zbrlets see what subjects we have on community, maybe we can squeeze that topic, i think it does interest entire tripleo in the end anyway.12:27
marioso/ tripleo-ci needs reviews please add to your list https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras/+/793331 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-repos/+/795333 (both needed for https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/+/791486)12:28
weshay|ruckysandeep, chkumar|rover one of you were looking into http://dashboard-ci.tripleo.org/d/M1DYSidGz/component-pipeline?viewPanel=478&orgId=112:28
weshay|ruckI think12:28
weshay|ruckany insights, bugs etc?12:28
chkumar|roverweshay|ruck: nope, looking now12:29
bhagyashris|rucki think ysandeep was triggered network component few days back not sure about exact reason searching testproject patch12:34
* zbr wondering why he is alone in community meeting?12:35
marios zbr: in one hour12:38
marioszbr: well, like 52 mins12:38
zbrhmm, some kind of summer time glitch, im my callendar started 8min ago, and previous weeks it was ok...12:39
zbrthere is also one "TripleO Meeting" starting in 20mins, 1h long, so they would overlap.12:40
marioszbr: no... are you looking at the right day? 12:41
marioszbr: tripleo meeting is next week 12:41
zbrhttps://sbarnea.com/ss/Screen-Shot-2021-07-13-13-41-57.01.png 12:42
zbr\o/ 12:42
marioszbr: i don't have that in mine... i deleted that event a while ago was created by wes and replaced it with one that is every two weeks i.e. next week 12:43
marioszbr: don't know whats up with your calendar :D12:43
chkumar|roverweshay|ruck: I am not sure it is linked with HttpException: 503: Server Error for url:, 503 Service Unavailable: No server is available to handle this request.12:44
chkumar|roverweshay|ruck: https://logserver.rdoproject.org/openstack-component-network/opendev.org/openstack/tripleo-ci/master/periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-scenario007-standalone-network-master/85b1d2f/logs/undercloud/var/log/containers/neutron/server.log.txt.gz12:44
chkumar|roverweshay|ruck:  ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'os_resource_classes'12:44
zbrdviroel: if you can join jsc-ukef-iiy it would be great (others welcome too): subject layout of ansible modules12:46
dviroelzbr, yes, one sec12:47
weshay|ruckchkumar|rover, so.. new package?12:50
ysandeepbhagyashris|ruck, that was infra issue passed in second run12:50
weshay|ruckchkumar|rover, https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos8-master/component/clients/3d/d3/3dd3506d092d0360b16e131592974f7214b2e650_2df9ce4c/rpmbuild.log12:50
chkumar|roverok so http://mirror.regionone.vexxhost-nodepool-tripleo.rdoproject.org:8080/rdo/centos8/component/network/bf/7a/bf7a6061a061bfa08eb1ca96c0ac1bc2d5e580b9_534c9b30/ is used in deployment,12:50
weshay|ruckchkumar|rover, so we need to promote clients12:51
chkumar|roverpackage is already there12:51
weshay|ruckand promote master12:51
ysandeepweshay|ruck, chkumar|rover need reviews please when you have time: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-infra/ci-config/+/34453 , adding back ovb jobs in component criteria.. Wes earlier removed them when hostname package was causing issues..12:51
chkumar|roverhttps://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/799676 is not yet in the component promotion line12:51
chkumar|roverlet me open a bug12:52
weshay|ruckchkumar|rover, https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos8-master/component/clients/97/c5/97c578bcadf24eec970f4b711aaf58d5c9e099c8_184f2581/12:52
weshay|ruckI only see src and doc12:52
weshay|rucknvrmind https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos8-master/component/clients/97/c5/97c578bcadf24eec970f4b711aaf58d5c9e099c8_184f2581/python3-os-resource-classes-1.0.0-0.20201118094531.3dd3506.el8.noarch.rpm12:53
weshay|ruckit's old 2020-11-18 09:4617K 12:53
weshay|ruckmaybe it's pinned12:53
chkumar|roverlet me propose a patch12:53
chkumar|rovernew deps is added to neutron https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/799676/4/requirements.txt12:54
chkumar|roverwe need to update spec file12:54
weshay|ruckk.. thanks12:54
weshay|ruck++ component pipeline.. this would have killed integration12:54
weshay|ruckchkumar|rover, may be the same thing here: http://dashboard-ci.tripleo.org/d/mOvYIiOMk/component-pipeline-train?viewPanel=478&orgId=112:56
akahatReview request: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras/+/80034012:57
akahatReview request: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-infra/ci-config/+/3381512:57
akahatReview request: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-infra/ci-config/+/3449312:57
rlandyopenstack subnet set is failing with Invalid input for dns_nameservers. Reason: Duplicate nameserver  on baremetal ... https://sf.hosted.upshift.rdu2.redhat.com/logs/openstack-component-tripleo/opendev.org/openstack/tripleo-ci/master/periodic-tripleo-ci-rhel-8-bm_envC-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-tripleo-rhos-16.2/0da9374/logs/undercloud/home/zuul/overcloud_prep_network.log13:00
rlandyysandeep: sshnaidm: ^^ you guys know anything off hand about that?13:01
chkumar|roverweshay|ruck: ykarel https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/openstack/neutron-distgit/+/3451513:01
rlandy16.2 and 1713:01
ysandeeprlandy, looking13:02
rlandyysandeep: thanks - just checking before I debug more13:03
ykarelchkumar|rover, looking13:05
ykarelahh no unit test bypassed it to component13:05
ysandeeprlandy, last good logs were using neutron commands instead - https://sf.hosted.upshift.rdu2.redhat.com/logs/openstack-component-tripleo/opendev.org/openstack/tripleo-ci/master/periodic-tripleo-ci-rhel-8-bm_envC-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-tripleo-rhos-16.2/242ccc9/logs/undercloud/home/zuul/overcloud_prep_network.log 13:06
ysandeepneutron subnet-update a0e03026-3ed4-4707-b5aa-fa5659b70c65 --dns-nameserver 13:06
ysandeepvs current openstack subnet set 07a0fe5d-c8ee-41ff-87f6-e56b2ccda232 --dns-nameserver
chkumar|roverykarel: weshay|ruck https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/193597413:07
chkumar|roverslawq is on pto13:07
ysandeeprlandy, overcloud-prep-network.sh changed.. let me trace patch - where we changed this13:07
rlandyysandeep: got it https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras/commit/96dc904147bbf357d59b957e09d70b4b33ee4d2113:08
marioszbr: shall we merge that? https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/+/799475/ 13:09
mariosplease needs reviews there https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/+/799475/ 13:09
mariostripleo ci o/ ^^^^ 13:09
mariosthank you 13:09
opendevmeetmarios: Error: "!" is not a valid command.13:09
sshnaidmrlandy, nope13:09
rlandysshnaidm: np - got the change13:09
ysandeeprlandy: yeah, it started with that 13:10
sshnaidmand why there is no "--no-dns-nameserver" part of command13:11
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sshnaidmseems like overcloud_dns_servers is empty..13:14
rlandysshnaidm: you working on this? otherwise will ping rabi with update13:20
sshnaidmrlandy, nope, just looked briefly13:21
bhagyashris|ruckarxcruz, zbr, sshnaidm, rlandy, marios, ysandeep, bhagyashris, svyas, soniya29, pojadhav, akahat, weshay|ruck , chkumar|rover , frenzy_friday, dviroel13:21
bhagyashris|ruckTripleo CI community call in 9 mins13:21
bhagyashris|ruckfeel free to add agenda at line number 31 https://hackmd.io/MMg4WDbYSqOQUhU2Kj8zNg?both#2021-07-13-Community-call13:22
ysandeepweshay|ruck, please add these in your review list: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-infra/ci-config/+/34453 and https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/c/tripleo-environments/+/25222813:27
zbrmarios: chkumar|rover: do you know any reason why we would not want to bundle the newer get-hash and yum-config code inside the tripleo_repos python package? Do we have reasons to keep them as separated packages?13:29
zbrpython packages can have any number of submodules inside.13:29
ysandeeprlandy, looks like envd is in bad shape too: https://sf.hosted.upshift.rdu2.redhat.com/zuul/t/tripleo-ci-internal/builds?job_name=periodic-tripleo-ci-rhel-8-bm_envD-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-rhos-16.2 13:29
marioszbr: community call now13:29
zbroops, right wrong timing.13:29
marioszbr: but yeah we have discussed that as one work item i.e. unify the setup.py from get-hash into the tripleo-repos one13:29
zbrokey, subject sorted.13:30
ysandeeprlandy, i can't ssh it from local system13:30
bhagyashris|ruckchkumar|rover, akahat rlandy pojadhav soniya29 13:30
rlandyysandeep: yep - I know13:30
rlandynext on my list to fix13:30
bhagyashris|ruckysandeep, ^13:30
bhagyashris|ruckmeeting time13:30
soniya29bhagyashris|ruck, I have doctor's appointment, so I wont be available 13:32
chkumar|roverzbr: marios python setup.py sdist generates a single tarball, on packaging side, we can create two package or a single package13:35
chkumar|roverit depends upon us how we want to maintain it13:35
chkumar|roverone meta package tripleo-repos and sub package for tripleo hash and yum repos13:36
chkumar|roverzbr: regarding python packaging side, I am ok with it13:37
chkumar|roverwhat makes end user life easier13:37
mariosweshay|ruck: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-ci/+/79339313:58
mariosrlandy: ^^^ 14:00
weshay|ruckysandeep, to sshnaidm do we want to update https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras/+/800215/2/roles/overcloud-prep-images/tasks/overcloud-prep-images.yml14:10
weshay|ruckto include train?14:10
ysandeepweshay|ruck, done in https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras/+/800592 14:11
weshay|ruckysandeep, ah thanks14:11
ysandeepweshay|ruck, sshnaidm fyi.. image upload is also ready for reviews https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras/+/800623 14:12
ysandeepwill ping once upstream zuul reports, rdo results are positive14:12
ysandeephttps://logserver.rdoproject.org/23/800623/1/openstack-check/tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001/4f4c011/logs/undercloud/home/zuul/tripleo_overcloud_image_upload.sh.txt.gz - created using operator 14:14
sshnaidmysandeep, ack14:16
sshnaidmysandeep, can you please add ovb jobs to run on these operators changes in operators repo?14:17
ysandeepsshnaidm: yes we have it in plan: https://projects.engineering.redhat.com/browse/TRIPLEOCI-566 , I can post that tomorrow14:17
sshnaidmysandeep, great, thanks14:18
ysandeepsshnaidm, fs001/master is enough?14:18
sshnaidmysandeep, yeah14:18
ysandeepthanks! 14:18
weshay|ruckchkumar|rover, bhagyashris|ruck several promotions :) good stuff... train is now 7 days old.. let's focus there14:20
ysandeepReview requests: please add these in your review list: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-infra/ci-config/+/34453 and https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/c/tripleo-environments/+/25222814:20
weshay|ruckchkumar|rover, bhagyashris|ruck I take it back.. train should promote http://pastebin.test.redhat.com/97906114:21
chkumar|rovergood good14:22
weshay|ruckchkumar|rover, bhagyashris|ruck ha.. train is promoting http://promoter.rdoproject.org/promoter_logs/centos8_train.log14:22
weshay|ruckand look at DEM LOGS :) 14:22
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weshay|ruckchkumar|rover, bhagyashris|ruck we'll need some extra eyes on this as ysandeep|away starts to exit for pto http://pastebin.test.redhat.com/97906614:25
bhagyashris|ruckweshay|ruck, yup14:25
chkumar|roverweshay|ruck: sure14:26
marioso/ tripleo-ci needs reviews please add to your list https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras/+/793331 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-repos/+/795333 (both needed for https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/+/791486)14:27
* bhagyashris|ruck stepping out 14:29
rlandychkumar|rover: bhagyashris|ruck: weshay|ruck: I am working on getting both downstream lines promoted today - will update the program doc when they are done14:43
rlandycomponents should all be with in time range for promotion except tripleo on 16.214:43
rlandyrerunning baremetal with fix from rabi for that14:44
* dviroel lunch14:59
rlandy awk: fatal: cannot open file `changed_when:' for reading (No such file or directory)15:18
rlandyysandeep|away: ^^ failure on introspection15:18
* rlandy looks into it15:19
ysandeep|awayrlandy, could you please add depends-on: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras/+/80059215:35
ysandeep|away^^ will fix 16.2 and train15:35
rlandyysandeep|away: ack15:35
ysandeep|awayrlandy: my bad i overindented a block and broke 16.2/train in my operator work : https://launchpad.net/bugs/193594815:36
rlandyno worrie s- will retest15:36
ysandeep|awayrlandy: when you have time very small review https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/c/tripleo-environments/+/252228 , i don't want to self merge15:38
rlandyysandeep|away: merging - although that could be in criteria15:40
rlandywill fix that later15:40
ysandeep|awayrlandy++ thanks!15:40
ysandeep|awayweshay|ruck, I would like to borrow your eyes for https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-infra/ci-config/+/34453 , this is long pending when we removed ovb from criteria due to hostname pkg15:41
* ysandeep|away leaving for the day, see you tomorrow o/15:45
weshay|ruckakahat, the promoter is still nuking logs15:47
weshay|ruckc8-train I saw was promoting..15:47
weshay|ruckand those logs are gone15:48
weshay|rucktrain promoted though c8 http://dashboard-ci.tripleo.org/d/HkOLImOMk/upstream-and-rdo-promotions?orgId=115:48
chkumar|roverrlandy: sure, thanks :-)15:49
weshay|ruckarxcruz, https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-infra/ci-config/+/3444215:52
akahatweshay|ruck, no it's not. http://promoter.rdoproject.org/promoter_logs/centos8_train_2021-07-13T14:59.log16:00
* dviroel back16:01
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weshay|ruckakahat, ah.. cool16:03
weshay|ruckrlandy, fyi new logs http://promoter.rdoproject.org/promoter_logs/centos8_train_2021-07-13T14:59.log16:03
akahatweshay|ruck, not sure we disabled logrotate on that server.16:03
akahatokay deleted logrotate file. Now we will see good logging.16:05
weshay|ruckakahat, thanks16:13
arxcruzweshay|ruck: odd, it worked on my local machine :/ 16:15
arxcruzweshay|ruck: i'm checking 16:15
arxcruzweshay|ruck: can you check again? i update the patch, it's working here16:18
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weshay|ruckarxcruz, you still around.. latest patch is not good but I have it working17:16
* weshay|ruck can run it by you17:16
arxcruzweshay|ruck: yes, still around, what's wrong with the patch 17:26
weshay|ruckdoesnt build 17:26
weshay|ruckarxcruz, https://meet.google.com/ovj-zwex-ygh17:27
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Depends-On using https://review.opendev.org URLs are currently not working. This was due to a config change in Zuul that we are reverting and will be restarting Zuul to pick up.17:40
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weshay|ruckrlandy, fyi https://review.rdoproject.org/r/q/topic:%22TripleO-EOL-Branches%22+(status:open%20OR%20status:merged)17:52
rlandyweshay|ruck: +217:53
rlandythere may be one more change17:54
* rlandy looks after meeting17:54
dviroelweshay|ruck: hey, i'm looking at this task here https://projects.engineering.redhat.com/browse/TRIPLEOCI-56817:58
dviroelseems that we can easily manage this files/links only with ansible, isntead of python or scripts17:59
dviroeldo we agree on using the python module for that too?18:00
weshay|ruckssamal_, you have your public key in github?18:04
weshay|ruckssamal_, e.g. https://github.com/weshayutin.keys18:04
weshay|ruckrlandy, ^18:05
weshay|ruckrlandy, I think we should rerun 16.2 line after https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras/+/800592 merges18:10
rlandyweshay|ruck: ack - I am rerunning OVB and baremetal with depends on that patch18:39
rlandyweshay|ruck: I am going to promote 17 ... http://osp-trunk.hosted.upshift.rdu2.redhat.com/api-rhel8-osp17/api/civotes_agg_detail.html?ref_hash=c118d19aabc19cd8bb760b811234c98818:48
rlandyOVB 35 is still failing with tests we took out of skiplist18:48
rlandywill put those back for internal18:48
rlandybaremetal is rerunning now18:48
rlandyon tempest18:48
rlandywith sandeep's patch18:48
rlandycurrent-tripleo/2021-07-06 22:33 18:49
rlandyso it's due for promotion18:49
rlandygoing to try wait for BM to report 18:50
rlandybut it may get killed by next run18:50
rlandy^^ 16.2 with depends-on rabi's patch and sandeep's patch18:51
rlandyweshay|ruck: ^^ could use another vote here pls18:52
rlandyand w+18:52
rlandyweshay|ruck: ysandeep|away: pls vote here ... https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/c/openstack/tripleo-ci-internal-jobs/+/24648918:58
rlandylon requested for 1718:58
rlandychange in container names18:58
weshay|ruckrlandy, is there a bug on https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras/+/800662 ? don't need to change the review19:46
weshay|ruckjust wondering19:46
* rlandy looks19:51
rlandyweshay|ruck: there was never a bug logged19:51
rlandythe df knew about this19:51
rlandycomments were in the original change19:52
weshay|ruckdviroel, sorry didn't see your ping20:09
dviroelweshay|ruck: np, doing some local tests here20:10
weshay|ruckdviroel, k20:10
* weshay|ruck adding comments to the story20:10
dviroelweshay|ruck: we probably cant run anything on images.rdoproject right? we can only sent files?20:11
dviroelweshay|ruck: i mean, we can't run ansible there20:11
weshay|ruckdviroel, we can do both.. but let me check what we're doing now in production20:13
rlandyweshay|ruck: wrt 16.2 bm and two OVB tests are in tempest now - will promote if they pass. fs020 already passed20:14
weshay|ruckdviroel, https://github.com/rdo-infra/review.rdoproject.org-config/blob/master/playbooks/tripleo-ci-periodic-base-upload/post.yaml20:16
weshay|ruckis how the images are uploaded20:16
weshay|ruckrlandy, k thanks20:16
dviroelweshay|ruck: right, there is a script that do rsync to send the images to the server20:16
weshay|ruckdviroel, the images are promoted via the promoter20:17
weshay|ruckdviroel, links.. https://github.com/rdo-infra/ci-config/blob/master/ci-scripts/dlrnapi_promoter/qcow_client.py#L16520:18
weshay|ruckdviroel, now.. 1 note.. we can use the promoter server for this... or we can use a zuul job.. 20:19
weshay|ruckdviroel, I don't think we've discussed that too much.. I've been assuming a zuul job.. but perhaps that's not ideal20:20
weshay|ruckdviroel, if you have more questions.. or need more context.. just holler.. 20:20
weshay|ruckmaybe a little louder20:21
dviroelweshay|ruck: ok, first time that I'm looking at this promoter code20:21
dviroeli was considering the zuul job only20:21
weshay|ruckdviroel, ya.. I have to spin on that thought for a bit20:29
weshay|ruckand probably discuss w/ rlandy .. 20:30
* rlandy reads back20:32
* rlandy thought zuul job - but open to ideas20:32
weshay|ruckrlandy, fyi.. the baremetal jobs aren't critieria for 16.2 is that something we're close to changing back20:54
rlandyweshay|ruck: they are criteria for tripleo component20:55
rlandyand should be for integration20:55
rlandyweshay|ruck: I have a bunch of criteria changes to make20:55
rlandywas on my plate for tomorrow to run through those after20:55
rlandywe promoted ahead of wednesday's meeting20:56
rlandymultinode can come back for 17 etc.20:56
weshay|ruckrlandy, ya.. components bm/tripleo have baremetal :)20:56
weshay|ruckrlandy, k that all sounds fine.. thanks20:57
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel|out21:41
rlandyweshay|ruck: going to promote http://osp-trunk.hosted.upshift.rdu2.redhat.com/api-rhel8-osp16-2/api/civotes_agg_detail.html?ref_hash=df1d32143b0a3ce76e993cd1209522ea21:58
rlandybm has one tempest failure21:58
rlandywill skip if it reproduces on next run21:58
rlandypossibly the same object_storage slow node issue21:59
rlandy16.2 promoted22:17
rlandyk - will take another shot at the container job later22:54

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