Wednesday, 2021-07-07

rlandychkumar|rover: bhagyashris|ruck: hey - I updated the program call doc - promoted rhos-17
rlandysee you tomorrow02:38
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mariossshnaidm: o/08:30
sshnaidmmarios, joining08:30
zbrlow hanging fix:
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* zbr had a big laugh seeing flask-wtf package name.08:33
bhagyashris_chkumar|rover, ykarel|lunch
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soniya29akahat, arxcruz, kopecmartin, ysandeep|lunch, rlandy, chkumar|rover please add/edit the today's agenda for tempest meeting :-
mariosneeds reviews please 09:18
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chkumar|rovermarios: hello, please have a look at this bug
chkumar|roverwhen free,09:59
marioschkumar|rover: k will do 10:00
slaweqchkumar|rover: hi, I think that is now good to go. Fix in neutron-tempest-plugin is now merged10:07
slaweqthx for testing that10:07
chkumar|roverslaweq: sure, may be we can wait for the neutron-tempest-plugin review to reach network component line10:08
chkumar|roverslaweq: thanks for working on that :-)10:09
slaweqchkumar|rover: sure10:09
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sshnaidmchkumar|rover, marios bhagyashris|ruck lease review periodic jobs for collections: 10:58
bhagyashris|rucksshnaidm, ack10:59
mariossshnaidm: ack added to list11:18
ysandeepReview request:
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weshay|ruckbhagyashris|ruck, chkumar|rover we're promoting too often12:05
weshay|ruckwhen this happens it leads to and issues like it12:05
bhagyashris|ruckweshay|ruck, ok.12:07
weshay|ruckbhagyashris|ruck, chkumar|rover let's chat in 5 min12:08
weshay|rucksorry program call.. 12:08
bhagyashris|ruckweshay|ruck, in program call 12:08
weshay|ruckbhagyashris|ruck, chkumar|rover hang on after the cix call for a few min12:09
bhagyashris|ruckweshay|ruck, ack12:09
weshay|ruckbhagyashris|ruck, chkumar|rover it also wouldn't be a terrible idea to shut the promoter down.. or only enable ussuri for today12:14
bhagyashris|ruckweshay|ruck, ok will do that after program call is that ok ?12:17
bhagyashris|ruckor i will do that after status12:20
weshay|ruckah.. wait.. different issue .. nvrmind12:21
bhagyashris|ruckweshay|ruck, should i off the promoter?12:26
weshay|ruckbhagyashris|ruck, ya.. or just enable ussuri12:27
weshay|ruckpromoting multiple times in a day.. can cause problems12:28
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dviroelthe promoter gets stressed12:31
weshay|ruckdviroel, it's the upstream mirrors/proxies12:31
marioszbr: thank you the linters thing looks good mock_modules is now working 12:32
mariosneeds reviews please
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sshnaidmseems like problem with ?12:44
sshnaidmor general problem with mirrors12:45
weshay|ruckya.. I think it was ovh the last time12:46
bhagyashris|ruckweshay|ruck, i checked your comment on patch ^ basically periodic sc004 job (only victoria, ussuri and c8 train is failing) is started failing from few hours. i checked the upstream status of sc004 on stable/victoria , ussuri and train so looking at the result - sc004 job last ran on 30th june 2021 12:51
bhagyashris|ruckso not sure 12:51
weshay|ruckysandeep|afk, fyi.. few updates.. and we're using in upstream and downstream12:51
weshay|ruckbhagyashris|ruck, check the tests upstream runs..12:51
bhagyashris|ruckmay be i can push test patch upstream to test the job result12:51
weshay|ruckif it's the same.. upstream should be skipped12:52
weshay|ruckbhagyashris|ruck, you don't need to run a job12:52
weshay|ruckalso the component pipeline...12:52
weshay|ruckscenario004 is in a lot of places12:52
bhagyashris|ruckweshay|ruck, yes i checked that but the issue is not with the master12:54
weshay|ruckhey arxcruz why is keystone api not running here?
bhagyashris|ruckweshay|ruck, if you see the date it ran last on 18th june12:56
weshay|ruckI don't understand why that is relevant12:56
bhagyashris|ruckweshay|ruck, i see the test started failing from today 12:56
weshay|ruckbhagyashris|ruck, k.. however if we skip the test in periodic.. promote.. it will hit upstream12:57
bhagyashris|ruckweshay|ruck, yes let me check with upstream 12:58
soniya29arxcruz, akahat, chkumar|rover, rlandy, kopecmartin, ysandeep|afk, tempest meeting13:00
soniya29rlandy, ysandeep|afk, ^^13:03
chkumar|rovertbarron: Hello, please have a look at this bug when free, thanks!13:03
rlandyarxcruz: quick vote on pls13:04
tbarronchkumar|rover: ack13:06
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weshay|ruckchkumar|rover, thanks for digging into that a bit13:19
chkumar|roveryou are welcome sir :-)13:19
dviroeltbarron: o/ i was looking at the logs, it seems that is the volume that was stuck at creation was '8f3d4c33-fa11-40db-a341-4d449e18216a'13:23
dviroeltbarron: one thing that doesn't look right is that the driver 'CephFSDriver@hostgroup@cephfs' is initialized 4 times for the failing job13:24
tbarrondviroel: just starting to drop something else and look now.  Which of those are you looking at, standalone-victoria?13:24
chkumar|roveroh , we have another manila person in the house, will bug him next time:-)13:25
tbarronchkumar|rover: hah!13:25
dviroeltbarron:  yes, victoria one13:25
tbarroni like looking at issues with dviroel 13:25
tbarrondviroel: k, going there13:25
chkumar|roverdviroel: tbarron thank you :-)13:26
dviroelchkumar|rover: i don't have the knowledge in ceph backends like tbarron has :/13:26
chkumar|roverakahat: left a comment
tbarrondviroel: chkumar|rover: This is
tbarrondviroel: chkumar|rover: ideally we would have discovered this here, upstream, before we saw it in a downsterm rhosp compose13:28
dviroeltbarron: ack, the errors in the logs are the same13:32
tbarrondviroel: chkumar|rover: we need this fix for ceph and we need it in both the ceph daemon containers and in the manila-share container13:32
mariosneeds reviews please when you have time for such things tripleo thank you 13:33
frenzy_fridayzbr, there is a playbook task which runs elastic-recheck-query <query.yml> for all the queries. It works fine when I run the playbook, but it is failing when I run through tox. Do you know why this might be?13:34
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dviroelthanks tbarron13:36
mariosweshay|ruck: if you're gonna propose a patch for project-config add weshay|ruck as op not admin it is easier to work with 13:39
mariosweshay|ruck: maybe also switch yourself and rlandy to op from admin for same reason, or ask alex how he did the admin claim13:40
chkumar|rovertbarron: thanks :-)13:42
tbarronchkumar|rover: dviroel we're going to need new cbs images, etc. for ceph and then rebase openstack on these too13:43
tbarrondviroel: just noting that the convo is continuing in #tripleo13:52
dviroeltbarron: ;)13:53
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dviroeltbarron: i was abou to ask if the failure wouldn't happen in another test, since the issue is at ceph. But now i saw that there is only one manila test running :)14:04
mariosrlandy: weshay|ruck: please add to your reviews list? i think it has enough votes ready for workflow 14:04
mariosweshay|ruck: rlandy: that one :)
dviroels/one test/one test class14:05
mariosrlandy: thank you no emergency just whenever you get to it (maybe tomorrow)14:05
tbarrondviroel: these tests have a limited "budget" for tests.  I would run full tempest if we could but we were asked to supplya a simple "ping" test14:08
tbarrondviroel: i've considered replacing it with a scenario test to go a little deeper14:08
dviroeltbarron: yeah, i'm aware of the scenario test14:08
tbarrondviroel: in any case the test needs to be very reliable, not yield false negative14:09
tbarrondviroel: since the main thing is to test the deployment tools, more than testing manila itself14:09
zbrfrenzy_friday: likely it needs and env var that is not passed by tox (see passenv)14:09
dviroeltbarron: yeah, make sense14:10
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ysandeepweshay|ruck, rlandy fyi.. 15:04
ysandeeprlandy, weshay|ruck chkumar|rover review request: 15:07
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* dviroel lunch15:32
rlandyarxcruz: hey - have a moment to chat about keystone api tests?15:46
rlandyadding new scenario15:46
weshay|ruckneed help w/ reviews
mariosweshay|ruck: please add to your reviews list? i think it has enough votes ready for workflow
mariosneeds reviews please
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* dviroel back16:10
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ysandeeprlandy: thanks for second +2 on , Could you please +w if this looks okay16:23
ysandeeprlandy++ thanks!16:26
ysandeeppojadhav, this one need rebase: 16:27
dviroeli'll appreciate more thoughts on this review too:
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ysandeepweshay|ruck, regarding job renaming patches - I am wondering what the correct step - we should merge in criteria file first and then the job def.. or vice versa..16:33
ysandeepI guess it won't be much a problem if we make sure those patches merge together(irrespective of the order)16:35
weshay|ruckya.. we may want to merge on a weekend16:51
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dviroel"OpenStack next release name is final- 'OpenStack Yoga'"19:05
rlandylove that19:49
weshay|ruckheh.. 20:11
weshay|ruckdviroel, 0/20:48
weshay|ruckdviroel, please read through  you could play a key role in this one
weshay|ruckrlandy, fyi..  going to try and clean up some logging.. something to watch, add input21:18
rlandyweshay|ruck: almost container building21:19
rlandytrying to keep head down there atm21:19
rlandyweshay|ruck: does this look right for containers in scenario000 standalone?
rlandyweshay|ruck: btw ... taking notes here:
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weshay|ruckrlandy this is wrong  22:43
weshay|ruckoh wait.. this is what I was looking for
weshay|ruckthat looks right22:45
weshay|ruckalthough.. it doesn't seem to be just deploying keystone22:46
weshay|ruckmaybe need to take another look at
weshay|ruckya.. it pulled in a bunch of containers
weshay|ruckso.. tldr.. the stack deployment is fine.. is keystone only22:52
weshay|ruckhowever we have to limit what the deployment pulls down for containers22:53

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