Wednesday, 2021-06-30

rlandyweshay|ruck: marking 17 as yello01:47
rlandydue to ephemeral heat01:47
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*** marios is now known as marios|ruck05:08
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ysandeepNeed reviews:
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ysandeepmarios++ thanks!06:18
marios|rucknp ysandeep just clicked a button ;)06:19
* marios|ruck biab06:20
zbranbanerj|rover: i doubt any change was made to upstream logstash06:27
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marios|ruckanbanerj|rover: o/ T-8 hours ;)07:23
anbanerj|rovermarios|ruck, happy final day :D07:28
ysandeepanbanerj|rover, marios|ruck is failing07:30
ysandeeplooks like previous-current-tripleo container images are not fetched 07:30
ysandeep2021-06-30 06:10:08.797327 | fa163ef0-211c-95c9-759f-000000000d90 |      FATAL | Container image prepare | undercloud | error={"changed": false, "error": "Not found image:", "msg": "Error running container image prepare: Not found image:", "params": {}07:31
anbanerj|roverysandeep, thanks. Lemme check if we have a bug07:35
marios|ruckthanks ysandeep i will dig into that 07:36
marios|ruckanbanerj|rover: dont think we do 07:36
marios|ruckysandeep: anbanerj|rover: looks like a new issue started failing today 07:36
ysandeepyeah, i think may be after last night promotion07:36
anbanerj|rovermarios|ruck, ok. Creating a bug then. Lemme check the logs07:36
marios|ruckysandeep: yes i was thinking the same07:37
marios|ruckanbanerj|rover: ok thanks07:37
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anbanerj|roverysandeep, which directory did you find the log ^ ?07:56
anbanerj|roverok, got it now08:02
anbanerj|roverysandeep, marios
*** marios is now known as marios|ruck08:09
marios|ruckthank you anbanerj|rover 08:09
matbuo/ hey folks, I have a CI question: how to force a promotion for the current-tripleo tag08:16
matbulike here:
matbuwe have 10 days of delay08:16
marios|ruckmatbu: i can check in a bit for you why it isn't promoting after i finish current $thing08:18
marios|ruckmatbu: we can't "force" unless the tests are failing on something transient so we can try re-running them but will check in more detail in a bit08:18
matbumarios|ruck: ack thx, so we have something that is blocking it i guess08:20
marios|ruckysandeep: anbanerj|rover: o/ not sure if that issue is transient... we now have a green build at the top 08:36
marios|ruckanbanerj|rover: added some pointers there lets see ... maybe some kind of mirror issue getting the value of the new hash? 08:36
ysandeepyes looks like its transient from build history, in last 4 run 2 passed 2 failed08:39
anbanerj|rovermarios|ruck, ysandeep ack08:40
marios|ruckysandeep: but its weird some kind of proxy/mirror issue... the content provider is building the corrent 'new' current-tripleo but the consumer jobs were trying to pull the previous one :/08:41
ysandeepagree, your comment on bug make sense to me now... earlier I was assuming may be in update job we do update from previous-current-tripleo -> current-tripleo with gating repo.08:46
* ysandeep made wrong assumption08:46
akahatzbr, o/08:46
akahatzbr, need some help with the molecule job.08:46
zbrsure, which kind of problem?08:46
akahatzbr, there is one task which is running from molecule and by default molecule run in to the docker container.08:47
akahatso it is not able to connect to the host08:47
akahatthis is the task: TASK [Run promoter server] 08:47
akahatit is failing on the local machine also. I've tried to update ip address, but is nto working08:48
akahatnot *08:48
zbri would not bother to look at results from build 31 considering all jobs failed08:53
zbrit will be more interesting to see the results from the new run08:53
akahatokay. I'll put recheck on it let's see if all jobs get passed or not.09:02
ysandeepsshnaidm|afk: hey o/ i noticed periodic osp13-osa job is failing on "error: Could not find suitable distribution for Requirement.parse('pip')", Is this job still required, If yes I will try to fix this?09:23
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soniyakopecmartin, How do we assign idempotent ID for specific test case?09:30
soniyachandankumar, ^^09:30
chandankumarsoniya: can you pass me the code review link where you are generating the UI09:45
chandankumarsoniya: check-uuid --package patrole_tempest_plugin09:46
chandankumarsoniya: we can also run tox -e uuidgen09:47
chandankumarsoniya: there is some issue with code
chandankumarcan you check09:55
soniyachandankumar, on it09:55
soniyachandankumar, both the above ways don't behave in same manner,
soniyachandankumar, check-uuid --package patrole_tempest_plugin throws 'No module found error' while tox -e uuidgen fixes it, but both should produce same result right?10:01
chandankumarsoniya: yes tox -e uuidgen actually fix the id
chandankumarby adding it10:01
chandankumarcan you check the git diff part10:01
soniyachandankumar, yeah, git diff shows the addition of the IDs and decorators module10:04
ysandeepsshnaidm|afk, fyi.. i noticed "No package python-pip available." in the logs, as RHEL7.8+ have python3 testing with
soniyaakahat, arxcruz, kopecmartin, chandankumar, ysandeep, rlandy, please edit/add today's agenda for tempest meeting:-
ysandeepsoniya: already added a point in the agenda about queen's bug10:19
soniyaysandeep, ack10:19
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akahatzbr, hey.. i've setup one machine: ssbarnea@ . and promote_images molecule job is currently running there. I've setup tmux session there, let's debug it.10:37
akahatplease switch to promoter user and join tmxu10:37
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sshnaidmysandeep, ack, so need python3-pip10:54
ysandeepsshnaidm, yes, python3-pip-9.0.3-8.el7.noarch is already installed on the node-set which we are using 10:55
marios|ruckmatbu: gonna check that component now - you are interested in train specifically? 10:56
marios|ruckmatbu: train validation component right? 10:56
marios|ruckmatbu: looks like train validation component promoted 2 days ago
marios|ruckmatbu: hash 92f51eadc73438fe3cb91c608aa47714a02d20e2_92cf31fb11:04
marios|ruckmatbu: it is currently in tripleo-ci-testing ( so we need to promote train to get that into check/gate11:04
matbumarios|ruck: yes train11:05
matbumarios|ruck: ack ok, so it's a manual process ?11:06
marios|ruckmatbu: no .. but which bit you mean the promotion? 11:07
marios|ruckmatbu: as i said earlie sometimes we can help by re-running jobs that failed on transient issues. Otherwise if there are no blockers then it will promote when the relevant jobs pass11:07
marios|ruckmatbu: i am not aware of a blocking train issue right now11:08
matbumarios|ruck: well we have an issue, what is in
matbumarios|ruck: is correct11:09
matbumarios|ruck: but i think , the check/gate use current-tripleo ?11:09
marios|ruckmatbu: so the one in promoted-components is not? 11:09
marios|ruckmatbu: right the check/gate use the current-tripleo 11:09
marios|ruckmatbu: is that OK? ^^^ 11:09
matbumarios|ruck: marios|ruck: this one yes11:10
matbumarios|ruck: this is the validations-common hash which is important11:10
marios|ruckmatbu: ok then you just need a current-tripleo integration promotion11:10
marios|ruckmatbu: some bedtime reading if you like about the promotions/process etc there 11:10
matbumarios|ruck: ah yep thx /me bookmarks that11:11
matbuso probaly the criteria jobs is not passing11:11
marios|ruckmatbu: we are hit by an infra issue last 2 days as well and train promoted 2 days ago 11:20
matbumarios|ruck: oh ok, you think it's due to that ?11:21
marios|ruckmatbu: well this is the latest run on the train line
marios|ruckmatbu: everything skipped because NODE_FAILURE for periodic-tripleo-centos-8-train-promote-promoted-components-to-tripleo-ci-testing11:22
marios|ruckmatbu: so yes today at least 11:23
matbumarios|ruck: ok , so lets wait bit i guess, than you for your inputs man11:26
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marios|rucknp matbu we have a ticket open with the infra provider regarding that and have cix for it if you want join cix call today to hear more/bring your concerns11:28
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rlandymarios|ruck: hey ... re: program call11:46
rlandythe vexx kernel upgrade still has not happened, right?11:46
marios|ruckrlandy: don't think so jpena|lunch is the one with access on that ticket, last i heard was there wasn't any response yet 11:47
marios|ruckrlandy: so they could have done it but not told us? (we gave them green light for last friday) ... last i heard was there was no update on it 11:48
marios|ruckrlandy: i will mention it on the prog call it is already on the document11:48
rlandymarios|ruck: yeah - I left it on there11:50
rlandyweshay|ruck asked us to mention the node_failures11:50
marios|ruckrlandy: ack you want to give the update? 11:50
marios|ruckrlandy: i am fine to listen :D11:50
rlandymarios|ruck: either way11:50
marios|ruckrlandy: all yours ;)11:50
rlandyfine with you doing it11:50
marios|ruckrlandy: node_failures is ongoing today btw it is still hitting all the integration lines 11:51
rlandymarios|ruck: :( story of our CI lives11:52
marios|ruckrlandy: we will discuss on the cix call later i think we need to escalate cos jpena|lunch was saying there was no response to that yesterday, either 11:52
marios|ruckrlandy: no response from the cloud provider i mean 11:52
akahatanbanerj|rover, arxcruz bhagyashris chandankumar dvd marios|ruck pojadhav- rlandy soniya sshnaidm ysandeep zbr Tripleo Retrospective in 8 mins. Board:
rlandyakahat: going to be a bit late11:53
marios|ruckakahat: thanks i will join after the program call in ~ half hour11:53
rlandyjoining program call11:53
bhagyashrisdvd,  ignore above ping 11:53
bhagyashrisdviroel, ^11:53
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jpenamarios|ruck|call, rlandy we are actively working with vexxhost in the #vexxhost channel about node_failures, no response about the kernel upgrade yet (I guess it was sidetracked by the more urgent issue)12:34
rlandyjpena: thanks for the update12:34
marios|ruck|callthanks jpena 12:57
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ysandeepmarios++ thanks for swapping the ruck/rover duties this sprint 12:57
marios|rucknp ysandeep 12:59
anbanerj|roverzbr, weshay|ruck updated
* anbanerj|rover lunch13:12
jpodivinIs the still active? 13:15
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rlandyweshay|ruck: can you remove your w-1 from
rlandyarxcruz approved it13:19
chandankumarweshay|ruck: hello, please have a look at regarding tripleo-operator-ansible 13:20
chandankumarand also sarah reply on the email regarding rhos-16.2 exception request13:21
dviroelchandankumar: wrt  i've added comments about the behavior of dnf modules, let me know if we should add a new PS with the small fixes or if we should add in a follow up change (can be the ansible one too)13:22
chandankumardviroel: sure, will take a look, thanks!13:25
rlandyarxcruz: had to rebase - requesting review again pls ...
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rlandychandankumar: want to take another shot at promoting 17? waiting for one test to complete13:53
chandankumarrlandy: ok13:53
rlandychandankumar: will ping when 10 reports13:53
chandankumarrlandy: if I will be not around, just do tmux a and run "python3 --config-root rdo --release-config RedHat-8/rhos-17.yaml promote-all"13:54
marios|ruckweshay|ruck: fyi the "override the dlrn_hash_tag" fix worked 14:06
dpawlikanbanerj|rover: hey14:08
dpawlikanbanerj|rover: I have done small tests for the API query14:08
anbanerj|roverdpawlik, hey14:08
dpawlikanbanerj|rover: the issue with the permissions is not clear enough IMHO14:09
anbanerj|roverdpawlik, are you getting some responses with the tests that you tried14:09
dpawlikso the query that you are doing: curl -XGET "" --insecure -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{  "query": {    "match_all": {}  }}' is not working because14:09
dpawlikthere is index-pattern missing in the query and the user can not search in all index pattern14:10
dpawliktry with:  curl -XGET "*/_search" --insecure -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{  "query": {    "match_all": {}  }}'14:10
dpawlikafter :9200, you have an index pattern14:10
rlandychandankumar: k - ready to go on 17
rlandychandankumar: want to join me on promoter?14:10
rlandywill run the command14:11
chandankumarrlandy: yes14:11
dpawlikanbanerj|rover: and I also would like to suggest you, that if we merge the elasticsearch host into one, you will need a special header:  -H "securitytenant: mytenant" 14:11
chandankumarrlandy: gmeet?14:11
rlandylol - on prod chain call atm14:12
weshay|ruckthanks for fixing that!14:12
dpawlikanbanerj|rover: right now there is only global tenant, in the future it will be changed, so adding the header into the request would avoid some troubles in the future14:12
chandankumarrlandy: let me run the command then14:12
rlandychandankumar: we need to update the tripleo infra doc with server14:13
anbanerj|roverdpawlik, thanks! I am getting some hits now14:14
dpawlikanbanerj|rover: no problem :)14:14
dpawlikanbanerj|rover: sorry for delay, I did not realize how important it is14:15
anbanerj|roverdpawlik, could you allow us access from other machines as well. Looks like the upstream elasticsearch might have gone down since yesterday or so14:15
dpawlikanbanerj|rover: sorry also for such security :) After bot damage I would like to avoid some situations in the future :)14:15
dpawlikanbanerj|rover: do you have network pool that I can allow or all ips?14:16
anbanerj|roverdpawlik, weshay|ruck, zbr ^ Will it be better/enough if we get access to all IPs in RH vpn? 14:17
rlandyweshay|ruck: ^^ downstream promoter is a go!!14:22
rlandychandankumar: going to try 16.2 at some point - want to promote a few components first14:23
zbrthere is not much use for “redhat vpn” as none of us access the machine using vpn14:25
zbrrememvwe our vpn is split-vpn14:25
anbanerj|roverdpawlik, would it be possible to allow access to all IPs (not only an ip pool)?14:32
dpawlikanbanerj|rover: I can ask team about such idea14:33
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marios|ruckweshay|ruck: that one must be an issue in our tooling don't think that should have been closed ;)14:52
marios|ruckweshay|ruck: i mean at least not 'due to inactivity' 14:52
marios|ruckweshay|ruck: sorry i meantt o point to comment #7 the 'closed automated action' one14:53
marios|ruckanyway 14:53
weshay|ruckmarios|ruck, ya.. I'd like to take some time and start fresh w/ a clean bug tbh.. you know how it goes... when there is misinformation in it..14:53
weshay|ruckI'll reference this bug in a new clean fresh clear bug14:53
marios|ruckweshay|ruck: ack yeah not commenting on the bug itself just that the tool that closed it must need some tweak or something not sure how that was chosen as 'close for inactivity' maybe I ran the script wrong14:53
weshay|ruckya.. perhaps because it didn't have a milestone..14:55
weshay|ruckthat's the only thing that stands out to me14:57
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rlandyweshay|ruck: ysandeep|away: dviroel: marios|ruck: arxcruz: I need to take a friend to a medical appointment tomorrow morning and may be late for the centos stream locking meeting15:13
rlandypls start w/o me15:13
rlandyif I am not there yet15:14
marios|ruckrlandy: ack15:14
weshay|ruckrlandy, your input is valuable here:
weshay|ruckdviroel, if you need me to join holla.. It's not on my cal15:16
weshay|ruckarxcruz, ^15:17
rlandyweshay|ruck: sure - will look in a few  just battling libvirt on the same baremetal machine15:18
weshay|ruckno rush15:18
dviroelrlandy: ok15:23
weshay|ruckssamal, good morning :)15:27
ssamalweshay|ruck: good morning15:28
rlandyssamal: hey - how are things?15:30
rlandyweshay|ruck: k - may have fixed libvirt issue (hoping) ... commenting on promoter hackmd15:31
anbanerj|roverhey dpawlik, sorry bugging you once again, curl -XGET "https://kibana:<passwd>*/_search" witout --insecure flag is complaining about missing ssl certificate. Do you know how I can get the proper certificate to access it without insecure flag?15:33
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dpawlikanbanerj|rover: try doing query to the frontend instead of directly to backend: eg. curl -XGET "*/_search" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{  "query": {    "match_all": {}  }}'15:36
dpawlikanbanerj|rover: but if you will do a lot of requests, direct query to the elasticsearch would be better 15:37
ssamalrlandy: I am doing good. Still can't access the NHO portal, I am following up with the peoples team. 15:38
rlandyssamal: k - was that the ticker you added me to?15:39
rlandyI didn't get any notification on an update15:39
ssamalrlandy: No I haven't added you there. 15:39
rlandyssamal: also - can you confirm that you were delivered the laptop with the specs we ordered?15:40
rlandyie: not a temp loaner laptop15:40
anbanerj|roverdpawlik, thanks. curl to the frontend passed without insecure. Is there a way to hit the elasticsearch directly without the insecure flag as well?15:40
rlandyssamal: ok - pls add me to the ticket and I can follow that up for you15:40
ssamalrlandy: sure, let me confirm the specs. will get back to you in few minutes.15:40
rlandythis is the self-paced training?15:40
dpawlikanbanerj|rover: so far not ;/15:40
anbanerj|roverdpawlik, oh ok, thanks :)15:41
dpawlikanbanerj|rover: we can think to provide such feature in the future, when we have one host15:41
dpawlikanbanerj|rover; np ;)15:41
dpawlikanbanerj|rover: so it should be available for all ip addresses. Should I still add new rule to the security group to allow all ips to make query directly to elasticsearch or it can be like it is now?15:42
ssamalrlandy: yes15:42
rlandyssamal: ok - pls PM me the ticket number15:43
anbanerj|roverdpawlik, please allow querying from all IPs to elasticsearch directly. I'll add the insecure flag to our script probably15:44
rlandyalso weshay|ruck added you to the correct product group now15:44
rlandyso that should help with access to team stuff15:44
ssamalrlandy: ack15:45
weshay|ruckpojadhav-, you still online?15:55
*** marios|ruck is now known as marios|out16:12
rlandywoohoo env D is back with us16:13
weshay|ruckrlandy, same issue or diff?16:14
rlandyweshay|ruck: this time we had two versions of
rlandysystemd-tmpfiles: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or director16:17
rlandydeleted the old one16:17
rlandywe will know for sure when it runs the second time16:17
rlandyweshay|ruck: we'd like to merge this ... can you remove your w-1?16:22
rlandyanbanerj|rover: when are you EOD?16:22
anbanerj|roverrlandy, around 30 mins16:22
rlandyanbanerj|rover: can you chat for a few re: health queries?16:22
rlandywant to get a start on that16:23
anbanerj|roverrlandy, yep sure16:23
rlandylunch - back in a few16:30
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dvdit looks like Zuul is ignoring my change:
weshay|ruckdvd, it's just stuck
weshay|ruckdvd, abandon and restore16:59
dvdweshay|ruck, ack thx17:02
dvdyup it worked apparently17:03
anbanerj|roverweshay|ruck, rlandy /me leaving for the day17:07
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rlandyanbanerj|rover: k - have a good night17:07
weshay|ruckfrenzy_friday, thanks17:31
rlandyweshay|ruck: when you have a moment ... - want to discuss the chosen default here18:09
rlandyarxcruz: chandankumar and I agreed on it18:09
rlandybut may cause some initial failures when we merge18:09
weshay|ruckrlandy, I'm avail18:24
rlandyarxcruz: still around?18:41
weshay|ruckrlandy, what's the internal promoter ip?19:40
rlandyweshay|ruck: the one chandan is using?19:41
weshay|ruckhrm.. we're missing component criteria on it19:42
weshay|ruckI'll email him19:42
rlandyweshay|ruck: going to try use it to promote 16.2 shortly19:43
rlandywaiting for BM to finish19:43
rlandyweshay|ruck: hey - ok to promote 16.2 hash if QE job returns yellow?20:22
rlandyfailure in collect20:22
weshay|ruckrlandy, our promotions are meaningless atm.. so I think so20:29
rlandynow I feel useful :)20:30
rlandyhere we go ... promoter test20:30
weshay|ruckrlandy, welll.. while we're in blocker.. yada yada20:30
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rlandyweshay|ruck: very nice20:45
rlandygetting tox errors20:46
weshay|ruckhrm.. log url is busted20:46
rlandyand we've started20:48
rlandyweshay|ruck: ^^ do you know the usage of tags: code vs console20:49
rlandy  - console20:49
rlandy  - console.html20:49
rlandysova has tag code20:49
* weshay|ruck looks21:12
weshay|ruckrlandy, code is an "ism" for sova... only21:13
weshay|ruckto classify the error as infra, or software or $other21:14
weshay|ruckdoesn't apply to kibana21:14
rlandycorrecting 21:15

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