Friday, 2021-06-04

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ysandeep|ruckrlandy|bbl, weshay|ruck how is it going?01:19
ysandeep|ruckrlandy|bbl, anything to pick up in downstream? looks like we have new tripleo-ansible02:29
ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck: i am looking at , looks like old image also didn't help02:36
ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck: Even after pinning to old image, overcloud node got the latest Networkmanager,
ysandeep|ruckMay be we are triggering "yum update" somewhere ?02:45
weshay|ruckysandeep|ruck, 0/02:49
weshay|ruckysandeep|ruck, correct... the old image did not work... 1/3 passed02:49
ysandeep|rucktrying to find how old image got latest NM02:50
weshay|ruckysandeep|ruck, so what is logged isn't neccessarily what is running when the nodes boot02:51
weshay|ruckysandeep|ruck, we have to get passwd in on root.. and we need to hold an environment02:51
weshay|ruckysandeep|ruck, I'd also like to keep working your patch to pin NetworkManager02:52
weshay|ruckysandeep|ruck, perhaps we need to edit... yum.conf02:52
ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, just hold will work.. after reboot node becomes accessible.. so we can login and check02:52
ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, i just updated my test patch.. with depends-on
* weshay|ruck looks02:53
weshay|ruckysandeep|ruck, I'm going to kill all the centos-7 train ovb jobs btw and promote train02:53
ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, pm02:53
weshay|ruckysandeep|ruck++ versionlock ++02:53
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ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, fyi.. failed at later step because dib tries to update the package.. . I will try version lock in dib instead..03:35
weshay|ruckysandeep|ruck, didn't work03:42
weshay|ruckrequests.exceptions.SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /zuul/api/info (Caused by SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1131)')))03:42
ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, thanks for trying, i will post testpatch03:43
ysandeep|rucki hope we are in promotable state for 16.2 by the time you wake up..03:44
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ysandeep|afkack for ^^ o/04:00
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zbrfyi, i am working on fixing tox jobs on collect logs, broken due to nodeset change.09:47
ysandeep|ruckzbr++ thanks!09:55
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zbrysandeep|ruck: arxcruz|rover: already passed, that is blocking other patches.10:22
* ysandeep|ruck looking10:26
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amoralejysandeep|ruck, we are re-adding ovn-2021 to the nfvsig repos10:29
amoralejnow, it shouldn't affect anything10:29
amoralejbut as last time we broke some jobs10:30
amoralejlet me know if you fins something abnormal10:30
amoralejit will take some time to be synced across all mirrors10:30
ysandeep|ruckamoralej: thanks for headsup, but i hope i don't have to reach you this time :)10:31
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ysandeep|ruckarxcruz|rover, commented on
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frenzy_fridayHey zbr, weshay|ruck When you get some time pls lemme know if this makes sense:
marioszbr: when you next have some time can you have a quick look at see if something jumps at you (possibly related to which you fixed) thank you11:31
opendevmeetLaunchpad bug 1930416 in tripleo "master undercloud upgrade fails "not an openstack command"" [Undecided,Triaged] - Assigned to Marios Andreou (marios-b)11:31
opendevmeetLaunchpad bug 1921679 in tripleo "openstack: 'undercloud install' is not an openstack command. See 'openstack --help'." [Critical,Triaged]11:31
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zbrmarios: to me it looks like that mentioned fix was not backported to stable/wallaby11:36
zbrmarios: in fact i am wrong, it was fixed on wallaby. not sure what is causing the failure.11:40
zbrfrenzy_friday: have you run tox locally, apparent it does alter one tracked file which you probably failed to include in review.  am i wrong?11:42
frenzy_fridayzbr, yes sorry, forgot to add queries-schema . Updated11:44
zbron that repo, if you just run "tox" and passed it should also pass on zuul.11:44
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marioszbr: yeah it is on wallaby it merged on master before we branched i checked/commented on that bit11:52
marioszbr: k thanks for checking11:54
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* dviroel taking my son to see the pediatrician, be back soon12:15
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ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, rlandy we need this patch in container build to pick new ovn - please review when you have time.. had to mark jobs non-voting because check jobs are failing currently.12:19
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rlandyysandeep|ruck: we need the new ovn for 17 as well, right?12:21
ysandeep|ruckrlandy, correct12:22
rlandyysandeep|ruck: then merging that12:22
rlandyysandeep|ruck: also I am cutting down the 16.2 line run frequency12:23
ysandeep|ruckrlandy, once in a day?12:23
rlandyif the jobs are red and nobody cares12:23
rlandywe can use the resources better for rhel 912:23
ysandeep|ruckrlandy, would be better if we change timing.. otherwise by the time you guys login.. hash changes12:24
rlandyysandeep|ruck: Ill think about timing12:25
ysandeep|ruckmay be keep in my morning hours.. so that i can rekick in case something fails.. and we can promote in your morning hours.12:25
rlandyI very much doubt the 16.2 hash will change often12:25
rlandyif it was, we would need the line12:26
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ysandeep|ruckrlandy: i have a plan to not trigger 16.2 component if nothing changes.. will work on it next sprint12:26
* rlandy moves on to 1712:28
mariosplease needs reviews when you have time: &
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opendevmeetLaunchpad bug 1930849 in tripleo "OVB CI - Virtual baremetals boot fail to bring up network - Ordering cycle found, skipping Network Manager" [High,Triaged]13:05
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bhagyashrisweshay|ruck, hey you still in meeting?13:32
bhagyashrisweshay|ruck, me and amol joined here kindly join when you will free13:32
weshay|ruckya.. coming13:33
weshay|ruckbhagyashris, sec13:33
akahatweshay|ruck, bhagyashris
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zbrjoys of having too many jobs...
zbrtripleo-ci-centos-8-scenario001-standalone failed13:47
ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, code.eng is down.. i can't post baremetal job now.. will work on it on monday.13:48
ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, arxcruz|rover, issue reproduced with old NM too :(14:00
weshay|ruckysandeep|ruck, ok... baremetal14:08
ysandeep|ruckno code eng.. no baremetal for today :)14:09
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weshay|ruckthat's that 16.2 baremetal integration job..14:19
rlandy"the last known survivor"14:20
weshay|ruckif we put a couple tempest skips in for scenario01/02.. 16.2 should be ok14:20
rlandyweshay|ruck: baremetal could survive a nuclear war14:20
weshay|ruckrlandy, it's pretty good
ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck: i haven't promoted 16.2 yet.. not sure if we should in between westford power outage..14:21
weshay|ruckQueue: testproject14:21
weshay|ruckya.. we'll check the infra.. but I think we'll promote 16.2 again today14:22
rlandyno OSP Trunk14:22
rlandyall new jobs are in error now14:23
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rlandyweshay|ruck: guess no time like the present to get back to tripleo os next14:48
bhagyashrisweshay|ruck, akahat ussuri promoted successfully on new promoter server :)15:04
bhagyashrisweshay|ruck, akahat so this change unblock us from promotion, we can safely merge this change15:06
* bhagyashris Dinner brb15:10
ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, arxcruz|rover so what we know - cloud-init and NM not directly related15:13
ysandeep|ruckwe know it's systemd ordering, but don't know yet why it started happening now15:14
ysandeep|ruckwe can focus on kernel update.. but may be before that we can run our ovb job in different cloud15:14
ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, when internal gerrit comes back.. can you run master ovb job in internal?15:15
ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, or psi-public cloud to rule out its not infra issue.15:16
ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, psi-public live for us?15:16
ysandeep|rucki will get on baremetal on Monday, but if we can shoot ovb master job in different cloud.. that will help.15:18
weshay|ruckk.. sec15:18
ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, ykarel have posted recheck here to see if psi is working.15:19
weshay|ruckok.. back15:25
weshay|ruckysandeep|ruck, yes.. but I think the ovb jobs in psi have been down15:26
weshay|ruckbut we can double check that before going the full bm route15:26
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ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, lets see jobs running here
weshay|ruckprobably going to fail15:30
ysandeep|ruckif it fail i am going to try adding "enable_config_drive: true" in cloud setting.. and see if that helps15:31
ysandeep|ruckthings will be better when we will have 2 clouds to compare..15:32
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bhagyashrisweshay|ruck, hey ^15:55
weshay|ruckbhagyashris, I'm reviewing it now15:56
bhagyashrisweshay|ruck, ok , it's working thanks15:56
weshay|ruckmarios, seems like we could use some of these functions... to check the sanity of the hash.. in the tripleo-repos module15:57
weshay|ruckpromoter creates a hash object.. though..15:58
mariosweshay|ruck: sure can check/discuss more next week16:01
mariosweshay|ruck: could be added into the code sure16:02
mariosweshay|ruck: to verify16:02
ykarel|awayweshay|ruck, marios when u get chance
mariosykarel|away: sure adding to reviews list but monday16:04
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ykarel|awayrlandy, may be u can check^16:04
weshay|ruckI'm going to add these failures to tempest-skip16:06
weshay|ruckykarel|away, rlandy once these skips are merged..afaict.. we can promote 16.2 based on
weshay|ruckand things should return to normal16:07
* rlandy looks16:07
rlandyidk we were promoting 16.2 anymore16:10
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weshay|ruckrlandy, they may not import it.. who cares... for our own sake... to restore sanity16:11
ysandeep|awayweshay|ruck, you don't need to add them in skip, i think just merge of my ovn patch will solve the issue16:15
ysandeep|awayweshay|ruck, they are failing because of old ovn issues16:16
ysandeep|awayweshay|ruck, psi public is not working..16:16
* ysandeep|away out 16:16
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weshay|ruckrlandy, one patch on top of this one
rlandylooks fine16:53
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weshay|ruckrlandy, ok. unblocked in collect logs
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