Wednesday, 2021-06-02

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ysandeepweshay|ruck, hey aroung o/01:28
ysandeeprlandy_, weshay|ruck: what was decided for new ovn thing in downsteam?01:29
ysandeepi see a comment fro jason on
ysandeepthat repo which provide new ovn is also present in rhos-release, we just need to enable it.01:30
* ysandeep need to increase buffer for his bouncer.. seems i may have missed some msgs and just see we are promoting 16.2 and components01:35
weshay|ruckysandeep, oh boy01:35
weshay|ruckhow was your sleep01:35
weshay|ruckysandeep, ya.. we can't patch around that.. Jason is fixing it afaik01:36
ysandeepweshay|ruck: thanks, i just had 6 hour of okish sleep :)01:36
weshay|ruckysandeep, well.. restate... afaik.. Jason fixed it01:36
weshay|ruckand we promoted w/o full successful results.. based on baremetal and waived a few others01:36
weshay|ruckya.. I cant force myself to sleep much more01:37
weshay|ruckysandeep, it's weird though to catch you on both sides..01:37
weshay|ruckysandeep, /me watching01:37
ysandeepweshay|ruck:;a=blob;f=repos/rhos-release-rhel-8.4.repo;h=2b02247e915dfb554e616ec9cad4946dafed1d6b;hb=HEAD#l64 i see its still disabled.01:37
weshay|ruckwe're merging a lot of patches upstream.. so that's good01:37
weshay|ruckthat's unfortunate01:38
ysandeepwe are currently using rhosp-rhel-8.4-fdp that gives a old ovn01:39
weshay|ruckysandeep, wf'd scenario003
weshay|ruckplease watch it through01:43
ysandeepweshay++ thanks01:43
ysandeepweshay|ruck: you will cover pgrm call? i see you have added your name there.. i can if its early for you.01:43
weshay|ruckya.. it's fine01:44
weshay|ruckysandeep, OH01:44
weshay|ruckI know what I needed to ask.. who was asking you re: overcloud-full w/ hardcoded pass?01:45
ysandeepweshay|ruck, actually it was sshnaidm idea that we can set password and check what's going on
ysandeepalex suggested to set the password on overcloud-full image itself01:48
weshay|ruckysandeep, ok... so here's the update01:48
weshay|ruckwe tried a bunch of things.. but we were never able to successfully set the root passwd on the overcloud-full.qcow2 image..  We were able to set the root passwd on the centos-stream-8 image overcloud-full is based on01:49
weshay|ruckand boot it and login01:49
weshay|ruckysandeep, arxcruz|rover I suppose late in our day.. but as we're trying to debug this thing01:49
weshay|ruckfailed again01:53
ysandeepweshay|ruck: limestone issues are ack :)01:54
weshay|ruck2021-06-02 01:35:40 | [FAILED] os-apply-config-13.0.1-0.20210226003419.891e996.el8.noarch.rpm: No more mirrors to try - All mirrors were already tried without success01:54
weshay|ruckysandeep, yup 2021-06-02 01:23:31.556571 | localhost | Provider: limestone-regionone01:55
weshay|ruckysandeep, updated
weshay|ruckysandeep, abandon / restart01:56
ysandeepweshay|ruck, ^^ only commiter/core can abandon / restore02:07
weshay|ruckysandeep, ah.. we'll need to get you core...02:08
* weshay|ruck fixes02:08
weshay|ruckysandeep, ok.. reset02:09
ysandeepweshay|ruck: thanks!02:09
ysandeepweshay|ruck: good night zzz..., i am afk for sometime.02:11
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ysandeep|ruckfrenzy_friday, hey good morning, do you know where I can check which files we are including in logstash.txt?06:07
ysandeep|ruckI want a add a new tripleo-ci-health rule that capture the current failure from  n
ysandeep|rucklooks like we are not including tempest_run.log in
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ysandeep|rucksshnaidm, failed in check for molecule job, may be abandon/restore to save time.07:38
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arxcruz|roverysandeep|lunch: namaste07:55
ysandeep|luncharxcruz|rover, o/ hey namaste and bom Dia07:56
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* ysandeep|lunch stepping out for lunch08:00
arxcruz|roverysandeep|lunch: i don't know about our health, but tempest have a subunit file that upstream health uses to parse the tests08:04
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sshnaidmysandeep|lunch, ack.. even molecule jobs fail :/08:07
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frenzy_fridayHey ysandeep|lunch , lemme check08:27
frenzy_fridayIs it ? But I think this is where sova looks08:34
frenzy_fridayHey zbr, is the place where we define fines to be included in logstash?08:35
zbryep, there is also an exclude list there08:36
zbrlook for artcl_logstash_files08:36
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ysandeep|ruckfrenzy_friday, zbr thanks! iiuc.. I need to first add /var/log/tempest/tempest_run.log under artcl_logstash_files so that logstash pick them up, before adding new tripleo-ci-health rule.09:14
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ysandeep|ruckmay be better to include var/log/extra/errors.txt instead09:16
* ysandeep|ruck will post a patch09:24
zbryamamoto: 2nd option better, tempest log can be huge.09:41
ysandeep|ruckyamamoto: ignore i think that was for me :)09:42
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zbrwarning to others, I am ISO 8601 addict, ;)10:21
zbrprobably ptsd after working in i18n for several years10:22
ysandeep|ruckwe have iso for date format.. interesting :)10:23
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arxcruz|roverykarel: around?10:45
arxcruz|roverykarel: how can we downgrade the cloud-init on overcloud image to 20.3-10.el8 instead of 20.3-10.el8_4.2 ?10:45
ykarelarxcruz|rover, you mean downgrade just for testing?10:55
ykarelis there come issue with el8_4.210:55
ykarelin stream repo i see both versions are there
ykarelso downgrade should work until a new release is published, as c-stream keeps only last two versions10:56
ykarelif there is an issue, is bz open for it, so it's getting tracked and closed10:57
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arxcruz|roverykarel: another quest, i've been in contact with the cloud-init guy and he said there's no 8_4.2 release on their side11:01
arxcruz|roverthere is 8_4.1 and 8_4.311:02
arxcruz|roverykarel: and there are two big patches related to open vswitch11:02
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ykarel^ returns 40411:05
ykarelanyway it's c8-stream so
ykarelso changelog have both 20.3-10.el8_4.2 and 20.3-10.el8_4.311:07
ykarelbut builds have _4.2, need to check with centos-devel why _4.2 got build but not _4.311:08
ykarelarxcruz|rover, ^, _4.3 don't have issue and _4.2 have the issue?11:10
arxcruz|roverykarel: you need to link your redhat account to gitlab11:10
arxcruz|roverykarel: the latest run passing we have , had the 20.3-10.el811:10
arxcruz|rovernow we have 20.3-10.el8_4.211:11
arxcruz|roverbut according the guy from cloud-init they did not release 20.3-10.el8_4.2 only 20.3-10.el8_4.1 and 20.3-10.el8_4.311:11
arxcruz|roverykarel: right now i can't tell you if the issue is cloud-init or not11:11
arxcruz|roverbut  having changes on cloud-init related to openvswitch might worth investigate11:12
ykarelokk after i can open that gitlab link11:12
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ykarelfor reasons on why _4.3 is not built, can ask on #centos-devel11:13
arxcruz|rover ykarel coincidentally the date the 4.2 was released was when we started to see failures11:14
arxcruz|rovercloud-init-20.3-10.el8_4.2 hughesjr 2021-05-27 15:46:1011:14
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ykarelok so u can try with downgrade and see if this helps and in parallel reasons for why _4.3 is not built can be find out11:16
arxcruz|roverykarel: is there a easy way to do it ?11:17
ykarelarxcruz|rover, u checked logs for build image to see if it's getting installed/updated there11:18
ykareli think can modify image elements to do downgrade11:18
ykareland there ovb should trigger and test the modified image11:19
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arxcruz|roverykarel: it is
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soniya29arxcruz|rover, ysandeep|ruck, you both are ruck/rovering and chandan is also on leave so shall we skip the meeting for today or do you want to discuss anything?11:24
soniya29s/meeting/tempest meeting11:25
arxcruz|roversoniya29: yeah, please11:25
soniya29kopecmartin, akahat ^^11:25
akahatsoniya29: okay with me11:26
kopecmartinsoniya29: sure, fine by me11:27
ykarelarxcruz|rover, yes cloud-init                               noarch  20.3-10.el8_4.2              appstream                1.0 M11:27
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ykarelso it's getting upgraded, so with exclude you could skip the upgrade and test11:27
ykarelexclude in repo11:28
soniya29arxcruz|rover, kopecmartin, ysandeep|ruck, akahat, weshay|ruck, Okay11:29
ykarelcan try in rdo-jobs playbooks after configure-mirrors11:29
arxcruz|roverykarel: like we did with the e2dk right ?11:29
ykarelarxcruz|rover, yes right11:30
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arxcruz|roverweshay|ruck: 1-1 ?11:32
arxcruz|roveri mean ruck rover sync11:32
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arxcruz|roverysandeep|ruck: so, i think i should add here
arxcruz|roverright ?11:45
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ysandeep|ruckarxcruz|rover, checking cloud-int comes from which repo11:46
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arxcruz|roverysandeep|ruck: it might not be this one, let me check11:47
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arxcruz|roverysandeep|ruck: 2021-06-02 01:57:50.151 |  cloud-init                               noarch  20.3-10.el8_4.2              appstream                1.0 M11:50
ysandeep|ruckarxcruz|rover, its comes from appstream
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ysandeep|ruckchecking image build use quickstart-centos-appstreams or appstreams which comes from configure-mirror11:51
ysandeep|ruckimage build use appstreams which comes from configure-mirror :
rlandyysandeep|ruck: hey - we promoted 16.2 yesterday at Jason's request11:55
ysandeep|ruckrlandy, yeah i saw that thanks!.. i am not sure what should we do about below:-11:56
ysandeep|ruck<jjoyce> weshay|ruck ysandeep shreshthaway: We don't want fdp-pending enabled by default in rhos-release. It would have to be enabled after setup so that it's clear we are testing pre-release content. Typically we only want cdn content tested.11:56
rlandyysandeep|ruck: merge your change then11:56
rlandyysandeep|ruck: also add it to 1711:57
rlandywe have no other choice11:57
ysandeep|ruckrlandy, yeah but weshay|ruck was against that.. lets chat with him when he comes online11:57
rlandyysandeep|ruck: the question is what will QE do.11:57
rlandyysandeep|ruck: I was against it as well11:57
rlandybut that is exactly what jason is requesting11:57
rlandyysandeep|ruck: we could raise it at the platform call11:58
akahatReviews requested:,
ysandeep|ruckrlandy, weshay|ruck was suppose to cover pgrm call.. i think he is not online yet.. i will join11:59
rlandyysandeep|ruck: yep - I'll join as well12:00
weshay|ruckysandeep|ruck, rlandy I got it12:00
rlandyweshay|ruck: hey - morning12:00
weshay|ruckysandeep|ruck, arxcruz|rover ha... sorry I forgot I called a sync a 1/2 hour ago12:00
ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, morning no worries, we can chat later in the day12:01
arxcruz|roverysandeep|ruck: weshay|ruck want to sync now ?12:01
ysandeep|ruckarxcruz|rover, weshay|ruck in prgm call, we can do later12:01
arxcruz|roverysandeep|ruck: outch12:02
arxcruz|roverysandeep|ruck: want me to report?12:02
weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, as soon as I give our status we can sync12:02
arxcruz|roverweshay|ruck: ok12:02
weshay|ruckprobably 28 min12:02
weshay|ruckysandeep|ruck, what is the review # for the limestone fix.. is not valid12:06
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weshay|ruckysandeep|ruck, arxcruz|rover any test projects on scen003 master?12:10
weshay|ruck merged12:10
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ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, already tested via testproject yesterday.. that fixes the issue.. will recheck for promotion.12:11
arxcruz|rovermarios: let's discuss here :)12:11
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mariosarxcruz|rover: ;D12:11
mariosthe freenode chans are first12:11
mariossory about that i didn't even notice12:11
weshay|ruckysandeep|ruck, that's good :) we may need to promote tripleo component in master12:11
marios15:09 < marios> ysandeep: arxcruz|rover: any point recheck for the ovb-controller container build issue or are we waitng for something first12:11
marios15:10 < marios> ysandeep: arxcruz|rover: eg there12:11
mariosi mean ovn-controller not ovb12:12
jlarribahi guys, is there an issue with tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001 in RDO gate?12:12
arxcruz|roverjlarriba: yes, there is :)12:12
mariosarxcruz|rover: ysandeep|ruck: do you have a hackmd/somewhere that lists your bugs?12:12
ysandeep|ruckmarios, that was fixed yesterday12:12
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rlandyweshay|ruck: ysandeep|ruck: periodic-tripleo-ci-rhel-8-standalone-on-multinode-ipa-security-rhos-17 (non-voting)openstack/tripleo-cimasteropenstack-component-security1 hr 30 mins 34 secs2021-05-31 16:24:32SUCCESS12:12
mariosysandeep|ruck: thanks so i can recheck12:12
jlarribaarxcruz|rover: ok, that is all the conversation i have been looking at this morning, right?12:12
rlandyipa jobs should be working now in 1712:12
ysandeep|ruckmarios, fyi..
opendevmeetLaunchpad bug 1930327 in tripleo "Container build is failing with error: /usr/share/ovn/scripts/ovndb-servers.ocf from install of ovn-2021-21.03.0-21.el8s.x86_64 conflicts with file from package ovn2.13-20.12.0-85.el8s.x86_64" [Critical,Triaged]12:13
mariosthanks ysandeep|ruck12:13
arxcruz|roverjlarriba: sorry, i didn't get it... we are having issues on that job, we are investigating12:13
arxcruz|roverjlarriba: did meant to be rude, sorry if you understand that way12:13
arxcruz|roverjlarriba: we don't know yet exactly the root cause that's why i can't tell you for sure, but be sure we are working on that12:14
jlarribaarxcruz|rover: ack, you definitively wasn't rude. I have been reading this chan all monring and I thought the conversation was around trying to identify exaclty this error12:14
jlarribaarxcruz|rover: thanks for confirming12:14
arxcruz|roverjlarriba: yeah, we are trying to identify the root cause :)12:14
arxcruz|roverysandeep|ruck: weshay|ruck
arxcruz|roverysandeep|ruck: ?12:22
weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, comment on ur patch12:23
arxcruz|roveri mean weshay|ruck ^12:23
weshay|ruckping me w/ questions12:23
arxcruz|roverit does use tripleo-repos12:24
weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, ysandeep|ruck ready12:25
weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, look at the repos12:26
ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, arxcruz|rover
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arxcruz|roverysandeep|ruck: let me know when you have the patch up13:08
ysandeep|ruckarxcruz|rover, on it13:08
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weshay|ruckakahat, will need a master promotion today w/ a few jobs removed from criteria13:20
weshay|ruckakahat, details coming13:21
weshay|ruckakahat, master... skip periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-scenario003-standalone-master periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-scenario010-kvm-standalone-master  periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-full-tempest-api-master periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-upgrade-master13:22
weshay|ruckakahat, please promote, after promotion please set it back to how it was originally13:23
weshay|ruckfrenzy_friday, any idea why hasn't been deleted?13:25
frenzy_fridayweshay|ruck, yeah.. right now to delete a query we have to manually detele it from queries.yml+ delete the <id>.yml I am checking what I can fix so that only a change in queries.yml is enough13:26
bhagyashrisweshay|ruck, hi, you want me to do the promotion stuff if it's urgent13:28
bhagyashrisi saw your messages13:28
weshay|ruckbhagyashris, yes please13:29
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ysandeep|ruckarxcruz|rover, rpm changelog.. does it contain the ovn change you were talking about..13:31
arxcruz|roverysandeep|ruck: yeah...13:32
arxcruz|rover ysandeep|ruck well, where we are right now doesn't hurt to check anyway13:32
arxcruz|roverysandeep|ruck: we started to see the failure when we got this new release13:32
ysandeep|rucktrue.. patching incoming13:32
arxcruz|roverat least is too much coincidence to let it pass13:32
bhagyashrisakahat, weshay|ruck done13:34
sshnaidmysandeep|ruck, weshay|ruck
weshay|ruckbhagyashris, thanks see it13:41
rlandyweshay|ruck: periodic-tripleo-ci-rhel-8-bm_envC-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-tripleo-rhos-16.2openstack/tripleo-cimasteropenstack-component-tripleo4 hrs 4 mins 28 secs2021-05-31 20:53:52SUCCESS\13:42
rlandypassed yesterday13:42
rlandyso fs010 is the consistent failure13:42
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weshay|ruckfrenzy_friday, ah.. that makes sense13:50
weshay|ruckfrenzy_friday, /me wonders if tox could do that for us...13:50
frenzy_fridayweshay|ruck, yes, dont change your patch. I am putting up a fix13:51
weshay|ruckrock on13:52
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ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, arxcruz|rover testing ovb after cloud-int pinning here with Depends-On:
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arxcruz|roverysandeep|ruck: ack13:57
rlandyweshay|ruck: want to hang on after the call - touch base re: tripleo component?14:00
marioszbr: when you next have some time can you please checkout (possibly related to but see my latest comment at 1930416) thank you14:14
opendevmeetLaunchpad bug 1930416 in tripleo "master undercloud upgrade fails "not an openstack command"" [Undecided,Triaged] - Assigned to Marios Andreou (marios-b)14:14
opendevmeetLaunchpad bug 1921679 in tripleo "openstack: 'undercloud install' is not an openstack command. See 'openstack --help'." [Critical,Triaged]14:14
rlandy bets last run 05/2014:15
ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, rlandy: please revisit to fix downstream ovn situation14:15
ysandeep|ruckrlandy, for 16.2 i recall tripleo-component was blocked on infrared job14:18
bhagyashrisweshay|ruck, ysandeep|ruck arxcruz|rover master promoted
rlandyysandeep|ruck: yes - but we have not promoted tripleo component since 05/0714:18
arxcruz|roverbhagyashris: \o/14:18
akahatweshay|ruck: hey.. sorry i missed your msg..14:18
bhagyashrisreverting back changes14:18
akahatbhagyashris: thanks14:19
rlandyand we have failing multinode job14:19
rlandyysandeep|ruck: last pass on that was 05/2014:19
rlandylooking into that14:19
ysandeep|ruckrlandy, where?14:19
ysandeep|ruckrlandy, multinode passes:
rlandyysandeep|ruck: you pointed to the last pass I referenced on 05/2014:20
rlandywhich was the last time multinode passed14:20
rlandyon that occasion bm failed14:21
rlandyso we could ignore QE14:21
rlandy(pinged attila)14:21
rlandybut we have our own problems14:21
rlandyworking on it14:21
ysandeep|ruckack o/14:22
ysandeep|ruckWith upstream on fires.. i hardly got time to look at 16.214:22
rlandy2021-05-30 18:01:26 | Timed out waiting for port 22 from
rlandyysandeep|ruck: np - on it14:22
rlandy021-05-30 18:01:26 | Overcloud Deployed with error14:23
rlandy2021-06-01 18:31:28 | Enabling ssh admin (tripleo-admin) for hosts:Host not found in /home/zuul/.ssh/known_hosts14:24
rlandy2021-06-01 18:31:28 | Timed out waiting for port 22 from
ysandeep|rucktrain multinode working? checking14:26
rlandydefinitely dying there14:28
rlandyysandeep|ruck: rerun in progress with latest promoted14:34
ysandeep|ruckrlandy, ack thanks!14:34
rlandyysandeep|ruck: weshay|ruck: the only two components in 16.2 that are behind are network and tripleo14:35
rlandynetwork is running now14:35
rlandyso not so bad14:35
ysandeep|ruckack o/ rlandy++14:35
rlandyysandeep|ruck: weshay|ruck: so the network component will continue to fail tempest ... waiting on ovn14:43
rlandyif we don;t see jason's new build soon, we can reconsider running with ysandeep|ruck patch to promote that14:44
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ysandeep|ruckrlandy: i think we can merge and revert later.. once pcd fixes it14:44
rlandyysandeep|ruck: I'm ok with it - weshay|ruck still has a -114:45
rlandyit's an easy enough revert14:45
rlandyperiodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-multinode-1ctlr-featureset010-tripleo-trainopenstack/tripleo-cimasteropenstack-component-tripleo1 hr 41 mins 14 secs2021-06-01 21:53:01SUCCESS14:48
rlandyfine in train14:48
ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck: you want to revisit , we revert when pcd fixes14:51
weshay|ruckbhagyashris, akahat master promoted.. please set the criteria jobs back to how it was15:08
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weshay|ruckakahat, did I loose u?15:19
weshay|ruckakahat, catch up w/ you later15:20
weshay|ruckALL.. quick errand bbiab15:20
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rlandyysandeep|ruck: ^^ we have the same failure in the integration line now15:24
rlandymultinode is hosed15:25
rlandylast siccess 05/2715:25
ysandeep|ruckmay be some network issue..15:26
rlandywonder if we have multinode passing anywhere downstream15:27
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ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, please revisit to fix downstream ovn situation , we revert when pcd fixes it.15:34
ysandeep|ruckunless we discuss anything else in prod chain mtg15:34
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ysandeep|ruckrlandy: if integration line is also affected, we can neglect that tripleo component is a cause.. we haven't promoted that in ~ a month.15:36
rlandyysandeep|ruck: I gather it's from when the cloud was down and came back15:37
rlandylooking at the dates15:37
rlandy1 hr 40 mins 20 secs2021-05-27 22:17:04SUCCESS15:37
rlandysuspicious though15:38
ysandeep|ruckssh from undercloud to subnode 1 is working15:38
ysandeep|ruckbut i tried public IP15:38
ysandeep|ruckdeployment is trying.. ip which set on br-ex Timed out waiting for port 22 from
weshay|ruckysandeep|ruck, arxcruz|rover master promoted15:39
ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, woot!, sc03 and api master also passed in my testproject so i think we are good15:40
rlandywe should we able to tune that value15:41
rlandymaybe we just give it some wiggle room15:41
ysandeep|ruckrlandy, the testproject you triggered is progressing good15:43
rlandyweshay|ruck: - why add in both places?15:43
weshay|ruckbhagyashris, you still around? we can promote victoria w/
ysandeep|ruckrlandy: testpatch already passed the failing step15:44
weshay|ruckovb issues are known.. arxcruz|rover and ysandeep|ruck are working it out15:44
rlandylet's see15:45
rlandyno celebration yet15:45
rlandyysandeep|ruck: may be sporadic15:45
rlandyif we up the two timeouts15:45
rlandywe may get better performance15:45
rlandytrying that15:45
ysandeep|ruckrlandy, wes merged my ovn patch in release..15:45
rlandyhappiness is15:46
rlandywill need to rerun network line15:46
rlandyweshay|ruck: ^^ you have that power??15:46
weshay|ruckyup.. doing so now15:46
rlandyrekick the network component line for 16.215:46
rlandythank you, sir15:46
rlandysave me a testproject15:46
ysandeep|ruckrlandy: but lets not wave QE job for tripleo component.. that's a legit issue15:47
ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, ^^ fyi..15:47
weshay|ruckrlandy, internal right?15:47
rlandyweshay|ruck: ack15:47
rlandyysandeep|ruck: if we can get tripleo component clean on our side, I think we will need to15:47
rlandyalex needs the update15:47
rlandymaybe we can offer QE the same solution15:47
weshay|ruckrlandy, it's running now.. should I kill and restart?15:48
ysandeep|rucki don't get it that's not a solution... integration line will break if tripleo promotes15:48
weshay|ruckoh.. wrong zuul15:48
weshay|ruckah.. both are running15:48
weshay|ruckrlandy, kill && restart?15:49
rlandywe need the env file updates15:49
rlandyto get component network through tempest failures15:49
rlandyso ofcourse the test project is passing15:50
rlandythe one we kicked to debug failure :)15:50
ysandeep|ruckrlandy, is in gate .. once it merges..15:50
ysandeep|rucksshnaidm ^^ will revert his distgit patches15:51
ysandeep|ruckand we can promote tripleo component15:51
* sshnaidm is praying15:51
rlandyysandeep|ruck: to check ... promote tripleo component in 16.215:52
rlandyto fix QE's issue?15:52
rlandyor am I mixed up here15:52
* rlandy losing it today15:52
ysandeep|ruckrlandy, yes15:52
rlandyysandeep|ruck: lol - this multinode test has not passed in a month15:54
rlandynow it does15:54
rlandywhen we are watching it15:54
ysandeep|ruck tripleo-ansible related changes which need revert.15:54
sshnaidmrlandy, weshay|ruck please vote
ysandeep|ruckrlandy, i have tried ssh from undercloud to subnode1 before overcloud deployment started.. hoping that don't changed anything...15:55
rlandystill going to test the two timeout vars15:56
ysandeep|ruckbecause in failing job.. it complain Host not found in /home/zuul/.ssh/known_hosts ... before imed out waiting for port 22 from
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rlandywe will have to run again15:58
weshay|ruckugh... not working16:00
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rlandy192.168.101.41 secondary16:03
rlandy192.168.101.41 node-000028481716:03
rlandy no where16:03
bhagyashrisweshay|ruck, hey i set back the changes16:04
rlandyhosts files16:05
bhagyashrisfor master16:06
bhagyashrisweshay|ruck, for victoria should i comment failing jobs from [1] in the criteria [1]:
weshay|ruckbhagyashris, k.. can you please promote victoria w/
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weshay|ruckbhagyashris, thanks16:14
rlandyysandeep|dinner: weshay|ruck: going to rekick multinode to check again16:18
weshay|ruckbhagyashris, thanks16:18
weshay|ruckrlandy, mhunn is going to work on the internal kicking and get back to me tomorrow.. sorry16:19
rlandyweshay|ruck: np - I'll tsetproject16:20
* rlandy wants to test that16:20
rlandyneed to see where that optoion goes16:20
weshay|ruckfrenzy_friday, ++
frenzy_fridayweshay|ruck, thanks. It should delete the graph in around 30-40 mins16:26
weshay|ruckfrenzy_friday, nice16:26
weshay|ruckfrenzy_friday, any luck w/ rdo elk?16:26
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frenzy_fridaythis is what we found out We asked on thr rdo chanel if someone knows the correct api for downstream16:28
frenzy_fridaymaybe people will get back by tomorrow16:28
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weshay|ruckfrenzy_friday, are you asking for ?16:34
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weshay|ruckfrenzy_friday, you need to authenticate16:37
weshay|ruckfrenzy_friday, updated16:38
weshay|ruckzbr, ^16:38
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frenzy_fridayweshay|ruck, no, all this ^ happened after authentication16:49
bhagyashris_weshay|ruck, plz add in your review list
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frenzy_fridaythe urls starting with are browser endpoints, not api endpoints. With/without auth they return html - we need the api endpoints. The only one I found is . But it times out16:52
weshay|ruckfrenzy_friday, k.. note that you were using auth..16:52
weshay|ruckk.. add detail to that doc16:52
weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, re: console log path
rlandyweshay|ruck: ysandeep|ruck: compare these two ...16:56
rlandy^^ train version16:56
bhagyashrisweshay|ruck, victoria promoted
rlandy16.2 version16:56
rlandyNOTE ...16:56
weshay|ruckbhagyashris, thanks :)16:57
bhagyashrisweshay|ruck, i am reverting back the criteria file16:57
rlandy# START_HOST_ENTRIES_FOR_STACK: overcloud16:57
ysandeep|ruckbhagyashris++ thanks!16:57
rlandy# END_HOST_ENTRIES_FOR_STACK: overcloud16:57
rlandy# START_HOST_ENTRIES_FOR_STACK: undercloud16:57
weshay|ruckbhagyashris, lgtm :)16:58
bhagyashrisysandeep|ruck, :)16:59
ysandeep|ruckrlandy, checking if something changed recently there in tripleo-hosts-entries/tasks/main.yml ?16:59
rlandytripleo-ansible.noarch                        0.7.1-2.20210504014759.76a537a.el8ost         @delorean-component-tripleo16:59
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arxcruz|roverysandeep|ruck: weshay|ruck didn't work
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arxcruz|roverbut it's with the new cloudinit17:04
arxcruz|roverthe appstream.repo doesn't have the exclude17:04
arxcruz|roverwell, it is on
arxcruz|roverbut not in the AppStream17:05
ysandeep|ruckarxcruz|rover, ^^ expected17:05
rlandyshould have that patch17:06
bhagyashrisweshay|ruck, ysandeep|ruck leaving for the day. If you guys want promotion for any other branches, let me know over an email - i will do tomorrow early morning my time :)17:06
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ysandeep|ruckbhagyashris, thanks!17:07
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bhagyashrisGood night zzzzz.....17:07
ysandeep|ruckarxcruz|rover, failure is with different error17:08
arxcruz|roverysandeep|ruck: i'll check tomorrow17:08
ysandeep|ruckme too leaving for the day.. too tired now17:08
rlandykicking 16.2 multinode job again17:09
weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, ysandeep|ruck you guys have a patch to follow?17:09
ysandeep|ruck cloud 20.3-10.el8_4.2.. still.. something didn't work..17:09
rlandyweshay|ruck: ah - network kicked again17:09
weshay|ruckrlandy, rock17:10
rlandyweshay|ruck, I did nothing17:10
arxcruz|roverweshay|ruck: we couldn't test the cloud-init, the package installed still the 4.217:10
ysandeep|ruckwe need to disable ... cloud-init coming from here. and not from quickstart-centos-appstreams17:12
ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, arxcruz|rover ^^ fyi..17:13
weshay|ruck2021-06-02 15:18:32.521 | > Excludes in repo quickstart-centos-appstreams: cloud-init-20.3-10.el8_4.2*17:13
weshay|ruck2021-06-02 15:18:40.767 |  cloud-init                               noarch  20.3-10.el8_4.2              appstream                1.0 M17:14
ysandeep|ruckwait.. i have an idea.. we run ovb only on rdo.. we can fix this in configure-mirror role17:15
ysandeep|rucksomething like in pre after this task
ysandeep|ruckwe exclude cloud-init-20.3-10.el8_4.217:20
weshay|ruckysandeep|ruck, export DIB_YUM_REPO_CONF='/etc/yum.repos.d/delorean* /etc/yum.repos.d/quickstart-*'17:20
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ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, ^^ this looks okay, where its picking CentOS-Stream-AppStream.repo.txt17:22
rlandy'update_repo': ''17:22
ysandeep|ruckor may be the centos qcow itself contain that already17:22
rlandynot good17:22
weshay|ruck2021-06-02 15:33:07.223 | dib-run-parts Running /tmp/in_target.d/install.d/00-up-to-date17:22
weshay|ruckshouldn't be17:22
rlandy 'update_repo': 'delorean-current,tripleo '17:23
weshay|ruck2021-06-02 15:36:14.397 |   Verifying        : cloud-init-20.3-10.el8_4.2.noarch                   48/41117:26
weshay|ruck2021-06-02 15:36:14.397 |   Verifying        : cloud-init-20.3-5.el8.noarch                        49/41117:26
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weshay|ruckysandeep|ruck, may I take a crack at it?17:32
ysandeep|ruckweshay|ruck, go ahead, feel free to make any changes to patch17:33
* ysandeep|ruck leaving for the day.. will pick up tomorrow17:34
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rlandyhmm - we still have an issue with update repo17:36
rlandystandalone works fine17:37
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weshay|ruckrlandy, I see a test project job on 16.2 tripleo component.. that's whats blocking I assume?17:39
rlandythat to run what failed before17:40
rlandyweshay|ruck: but I need to change the release file17:40
rlandyfor conatiner update17:40
rlandystandalone is fine17:40
rlandybut multinode is not17:40
rlandyit's overriding the set_fact17:40
* rlandy will update17:40
weshay|ruckrlandy, that hash passed here:
weshay|ruckrlandy, 583c625c52d3a386d4cae90db02a1ddfe62b3a7017:41
weshay|ruck&& periodic-tripleo-ci-rhel-8-multinode-1ctlr-featureset010-tripleo-rhos-16.2 passed in your test project17:42
weshay|ruckrlandy, let's promote the component17:42
weshay|ruckrlandy, let's promote tripleo from component-ci-testing --> current-tripleo17:43
weshay|ruckI'll let jjoyce know we're updating tripleo all the way17:43
weshay|ruckrlandy, ?17:47
* weshay|ruck doing it17:49
weshay|ruckdone.. asked jjoyce to import17:57
rlandyweshay|ruck: sorry meeting18:00
weshay|ruckI promoted tripleo 16.2 component all the way through18:01
rlandyweshay|ruck: review coming up for env files18:21
rlandywas getting overwritten18:22
rlandythe default needs to change there18:23
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rlandy2021-06-02 15:34:19.141535 | primary | TASK [undercloud-setup : Run the package installation script] ******************19:48
rlandyreal failure here19:48
rlandyweshay|ruck: ugh ...19:49
rlandy python3-tripleoclient-12.5.1-2.20210601024819.b0fa425.el8osttrunk.noarch requires python3-tripleoclient-heat-installer19:49
rlandyis that sagi19:49
rlandys review we need to revert?19:49
sshnaidmnot me!19:50
sshnaidmephemeral heat probably..?19:50
rlandysshnaidm: you had a review sandeep wanted to revert19:51
rlandy<ysandeep|ruck> rlandy, is in gate .. once it merges..19:51
rlandy<ysandeep|ruck> sshnaidm ^^ will revert his distgit patches19:51
sshnaidmrlandy, yeah, it's about ansible collections19:51
sshnaidmrlandy, correct19:52
rlandynot merged yet19:52
sshnaidmrlandy, python3-tripleoclient-heat-installer is a different story, not related to this19:52
rlandyk - remove blame19:52
sshnaidmI "suspect" it's related to latest ephemeral heat work, but not sure19:52
rlandy16.2 components are blod red20:01
rlandy2021-06-02 15:51:17 |   - nothing provides ansible-collection-ansible-netcommon >= 1.5.0 needed by tripleo-ansible-0.7.1-2.20210601021641.2979a00.el8osttrunk.noarch20:02
rlandy2021-06-02 15:51:17 |   - nothing provides ansible-collection-ansible-posix >= 1.2.0 needed by tripleo-ansible-0.7.1-2.20210601021641.2979a00.el8osttrunk.noarch20:02
rlandy2021-06-02 15:51:17 |   - nothing provides ansible-collection-community-general >= 2.5.1 needed by tripleo-ansible-0.7.1-2.20210601021641.2979a00.el8osttrunk.noarch20:02
rlandy2021-06-02 15:51:17 |   - nothing provides ansible-collection-containers-podman >= 1.4.1 needed by tripleo-ansible-0.7.1-2.20210601021641.2979a00.el8osttrunk.noarch20:02
rlandyneed to promote tripleo component  to  current-tripleo20:04
rlandyweshay|ruck: tripleo-ci-testing is behind current-tripleo20:06
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rlandyonly one I see20:14
rlandysshnaidm: help me out here ... where would the collections be installed from?20:15
rlandy ansible-collection-ansible-posix20:15
sshnaidmrlandy, for which osp - 16 ?20:15
rlandycomponent jobs are dead20:16
sshnaidmrlandy, we don't need to install them, I'll revert distgit change, it's what Sandeep was talking about20:16
sshnaidmjust waiting for that patch to get in..20:16
sshnaidmwhen it's merged, I revert distgit for stable branches, and jobs will come back20:17
rlandysshnaidm: cool - thanks20:17
rlandywill wait20:17
sshnaidmit passed gate jobs, just waiting for zuul to merge20:17
sshnaidmafter a week...20:17
rlandyunderstand the issue20:18
weshay|ruckrlandy, on 16.2?20:31
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rlandyweshay|ruck: yep20:53
rlandywaiting for revert20:53
frenzy_fridayweshay|ruck, Graph 1926764 is removed now20:53
rlandydid rdo zuul die?20:55
weshay|ruckfrenzy_friday, ya.. saw that :)20:57
weshay|ruckrlandy, I think rdo did20:58
weshay|ruckI'll be back later.. 7pm my time20:59
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rlandy merged21:09
rlandy need  revert but rdo is down21:10
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