Monday, 2021-04-26

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pojadhavrlandy|rover, 0/12:07
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pojadhavrlandy|rover, as I have added 3 jobs in this : do we need to add first two jobs in the dependency template.. as per existing code( for those first two jobs, the jobs are not there in the template file..12:11
rlandy|roverpojadhav: hi - looking12:13
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rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: hey - morning12:19
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: hey - you around to join CIX?12:21
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: can you update the cards you are working on? thanks12:22
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: look slike we hada bunch of node failures over the weekend12:22
rlandy|roverbetter now12:22
rlandy|roversome issue with train-7 image builds - rerunning that12:23
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, upstream? or downstream12:23
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: all around the house12:23
rlandy|roverrdo and downstream12:23
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover, yes I'll join, but there is no update from me12:23
rlandy|roverhaven't looked at downstream yet today12:24
rlandy|roverpojadhav: merged - left a comment about stream12:26
rlandy|rovernot needed12:26
rlandy|roverbut ok since we we ill use those jobs for $next12:26
pojadhavrlandy|rover, ack12:27
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: still failing?
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rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: rebase issue12:29
rlandy|rovercan you rebase and we will recheck that12:30
bhagyashrisrlandy|rover, anbanerj|ruck weshay|ruck i have hold the master promotion to test manifest_push fix
anbanerj|ruckok, lemme check12:30
rlandy|roverbhagyashris: no problem12:31
rlandy|roverwe are fine with promotions12:31
rlandy|roverbhagyashris: go ahead and do what you need to12:31
bhagyashrisrlandy|rover, ack thanks12:31
zbrweshay|ruck: having kevin on that meeting would be essential. i am not saying that we should not discuss about the subject, but we should not make decisions.12:32
zbri hope that the doc i wrote will clarify few bits and ease our progress on the subject.12:33
weshay|ruckzbr, find a backup12:33
weshay|ruckhe's sick12:33
zbri know, twitter keeps me updated12:34
zbrweshay|ruck: do we still have some molecule scenarios broken right now or we are ok?12:35
weshay|ruckzbr, don't know12:37
zbrthat is good, i am sure if one would be broken you would know.12:38
weshay|ruckarxcruz, you in touch w/ rlandy today?12:39
weshay|ruckre: tempest skip in osp12:40
arxcruzweshay|ruck: i did not talk with her yet today12:40
ysandeephmmm, Looks like content-provider job don't honor exclude_containers list..12:41
ysandeepFor example, we are building neutron-mlnx-agent even tough its in exclude_containers12:41
ysandeep127.0.0.1:5001/tripleomaster/openstack-neutron-mlnx-agent           be8c7a994f39093b5ae930bbf85f8466            0006b0aedf9a   2 hours ago     1.05 G12:41
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: arxcruz and I have a meeting later today12:43
rlandy|roverarxcruz: going to run through the issue at our 4:30 UTC meeting12:46
rlandy|roverbasically we don't have downstream support for the skipist- unless I entered the release incorrectly12:46
weshay|ruckykarel, centos folks are asking us to report issues in bz now.12:47
weshay|ruckre:  --->
ykarelweshay|ruck, yes for centos stream it's to be in BZ now12:47
weshay|ruckbhagyashris, akahat if you want to play w/ master promotions.. you have the time and space for a couple days again12:48
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, I'm going to go to the validations scrum .. conflict w/ ours12:49
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: k12:49
rlandy|roverbhagyashris: anbanerj|ruck: ruck/rover schedule ... for the weeks 10th June - 30th June ... sagi is on the schedule ...12:50
ykarelweshay|ruck, the cbs issue was created for cento8 and for that cbs.issues was the place, and since now centos stream is available it bugs needs to be in BZ12:50
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: I think you wanted that shift12:50
ykarelare u creating that BZ for centos stream or want me to create?12:50
rlandy|roverbhagyashris: I only have view rights there12:50
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover, yep12:50
rlandy|roverbhagyashris: ^^ can you update that?12:50
akahatweshay|ruck, ack12:52
bhagyashrisrlandy|rover, ack12:54
bhagyashrisysandeep, zbr sshnaidm|afk scrum...13:01
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arxcruzysandeep: regarding that bug on osp with tempestconf not download the image, do you have a bug or just the workaround ?13:12
ysandeeparxcruz, just the workaround13:13
arxcruzysandeep: ok, no problem13:13
mariosrlandy|rover: ysandeep:
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rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: hey ... container builds passes on train 7 now - can you rekick openstack-periodic-integration-stable4-centos7 line?13:30
ysandeeprlandy|rover, weshay|ruck
ysandeepreviews plz whenever you have tome.13:32
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, triggered13:33
rlandy|roverysandeep: thanks - on review list13:34
rlandy|roverarxcruz: since i have a few minutes now ...13:41
arxcruzrlandy|rover: sure13:41
rlandy|roverneed to skip ^^ test ...13:41
rlandy|roverhere is the BZ13:41
rlandy|rover bug 1953098 in openstack-nova "[RHOS 16.2]Tempest test failure: tempest.api.compute.servers.test_server_actions.ServerActionsTestJSON.test_shelve_unshelve_server" [High,On_dev] - Assigned to lyarwood13:42
rlandy|roverarxcruz: there are two tests to skip this in ..13:42
rlandy|roverhere's the thing ...13:42
rlandy|roverlooking at the skiplist ...13:43
arxcruzthe skiplist have this for master and victoria13:44
rlandy|roverarxcruz: how do I add a downstream release to this?13:44
rlandy|roverwith a diff bug?13:44
rlandy|roverI guess the josb could []13:45
rlandy|roverarxcruz: this is how release is defined in the job:13:45
rlandy|roverosp_release: rhos-16.213:46
rlandy|rover release: train13:46
rlandy|roverbut I don't want it skipped in upstream train13:47
arxcruzthe release is caught by the {{ release }} in zuul13:47
rlandy|roversec - checking what zuul thinks release is13:48
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, I think release train w/ job-name osp-16.2-foo is fine13:48
rlandy|rover    osp_release: rhos-16.213:48
rlandy|rover    playbooks:13:48
rlandy|rover    - ovb.yml13:48
rlandy|rover    promote_source: tripleo-ci-testing13:48
rlandy|rover    release: train13:48
arxcruzso release is train13:49
rlandy|roverarxcruz: what happens if I want to skip all jobs ...13:49
arxcruzyou might want to add the job as well13:49
rlandy|roversee if you look at the entry currently there13:49
rlandy|roverit skips all jobs13:49
rlandy|roverthen it will skip upstream train13:49
rlandy|roverwhich is not true13:49
rlandy|roverarxcruz: let me try the skip with jobs defined - sec13:50
arxcruzrlandy|rover: you're right I might need to add a new key in the skiplist13:50
arxcruzlike, upstream/downstream13:50
rlandy|roverarxcruz: take a look at how we handle osp_release in container builds13:50
* rlandy|rover will try with jobs defined13:50
rlandy|roverarxcruz: problem is:13:51
rlandy|roverjobs go over all releases13:51
rlandy|roverso if I add jobs relative to downstream,13:51
rlandy|rovermaster and victoria are impacted13:51
rlandy|roverarxcruz: ^^ see the issue?13:51
arxcruzrlandy|rover: yes13:52
rlandy|rovertruth is - I assm=ume train is also imapcted13:52
arxcruzrlandy|rover: I think we need to add a new variable13:52
rlandy|roverbut we have no evidence of that13:52
arxcruzlike, job_type13:52
rlandy|roverarxcruz: ack - thanks13:52
rlandy|roverarxcruz: getting example13:52
arxcruzjob_type=downstream, upsream13:52
rlandy|roverwe check if ops_relesae is defined13:52
rlandy|roverif not, default to release13:53
arxcruzrlandy|rover: that work as well13:53
arxcruzit's a ternary13:53
arxcruzand then we can have release rhos-16.213:53
rlandy|roverarxcruz: example:
weshay|ruckzbr, need your expertise for a moment, think this is easy but it's unclear to me where to fix this..
openstackLaunchpad bug 1926158 in tripleo "tripleo-image-elements conflicting basepython version in tox jobs " [Critical,Triaged]13:56
weshay|ruckI don't see where the python version is set in tox13:56
weshay|ruckzbr, and in we have  envlist = pep8,py3713:57
weshay|ruckshould I just remove 3.7 and add 3.6 and 3.813:57
weshay|ruckI suppose?13:58
* weshay|ruck tries13:58
toskyweshay|ruck: you can also leave py37, and just add the others13:59
weshay|rucktosky, ah.. thanks14:00
toskyarxcruz: yubikey!!!14:03
arxcruzsorry for spam14:03
rlandy|roverarxcruz: cool - thanks - trying that14:03
weshay|ruckanbanerj|ruck, can you check and fix this if needed
openstackLaunchpad bug 1925253 in tripleo "tripleo train in ci.centos failing: package openstack-tripleo-common-11.6.1-0.20210413072434.dbdaa05.el8.noarch requires skopeo, but none of the providers can be installed conflicting requests" [Critical,Triaged]14:07
* bhagyashris Dinner break 14:08
ysandeeprlandy|rover, weshay|ruck, jfyi..
openstackLaunchpad bug 1926160 in tripleo "Content-provider jobs not honoring build-containers exclude_containers list." [High,Triaged]14:08
openstackLaunchpad bug 1925253 in tripleo "tripleo train in ci.centos failing: package openstack-tripleo-common-11.6.1-0.20210413072434.dbdaa05.el8.noarch requires skopeo, but none of the providers can be installed conflicting requests" [Critical,Triaged]14:11
anbanerj|ruckweshay|ruck, ack, checking in some time14:12
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weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, we missed a set of release files for stream14:16
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: ack - I kind of think we discussed them at the time14:18
rlandy|roverand delayed and forgot to go back14:19
rlandy|roverremember asling about ci.centos etc.14:19
zbrweshay|ruck: do not get confused by envlist listed in tox.ini, that is not what it runs on ci.14:20
zbrthe envlist there is what runs when you call tox w/o args, something never happening on ci.14:20
zbrideally we should only list "py" inside envlist, w/o any numbers after.14:21
zbrweshay|ruck: what is weird is that I know that the wallaby template includes py39 but I do not see it as running.14:25
zbrdocs are clear py39 is included in check.14:26
zbrbut when I look at what did run, i do not see any py3914:26
rlandy|roverarxcruz: when you pass --job, it's a list?14:30
rlandy|rovernot in doc14:30
weshay|ruckzbr, hrm k.. /me tries locally14:30
rlandy|rover--job JOB             Specify in which job this test will be skipped14:31
arxcruzrlandy|rover: no, it's just the name of the job, you can pass more --job14:31
arxcruzlike tempest-skip bla bla bla --job standalone-scenario10 --job standalone-scenario2014:32
zbrweshay|ruck: take a look at
zbrweshay|ruck: sorted, the CR you send me is not on master.14:34
rlandy|roverarxcruz: didn't work for me - only added the last job14:41
rlandy|roverarxcruz: but Skip test_shelve_unshelve_server in rhos-16.214:41
rlandy|roveradded all jobs14:41
rlandy|roveras that is probably right in this case14:41
arxcruzlet me check14:42
arxcruzrlandy|rover: hmmm found a bug on skiplist :) i'll work to fix it14:46
arxcruzrlandy|rover: it should add the jobs, even though the release was already there14:46
rlandy|roverarxcruz: I can always manually add14:47
rlandy|roverjust letting you know14:47
arxcruzrlandy|rover: yes, but the logic is wrong, i'll debug and fix it14:47
arxcruzrlandy|rover: but  and it should pass now14:47
rlandy|roverI assume jobs are still a global thing - over releases14:47
rlandy|roverso really14:47
rlandy|roverI had to go with all jobs anyways14:48
rlandy|roverin this case, the bug is in a downstream backport14:48
rlandy|roverwhich explain why train is not impacted14:48
weshay|ruckzbr, ya.. the issue is just on stable branches15:01
* weshay|ruck looking at project-templates15:01
zbrweshay|ruck: i don't care about stable branches, they are not supposed to prepare for py3915:01
zbrstable means already released, so the supported platforms are already locked15:02
weshay|ruckaye.. agree w/ regards to 3.915:02
zbrweshay|ruck: i am told by jpodivin that is supposed to run only on py36 and it does not support py39.15:03
zbrshould I remove it from the list of repos targeted for testing py39 compatibility?15:04
weshay|ruckjpodivin, if you don't run on 3.9 you're not getting into xena or 1715:05
jpodivinweshay|ruck: I'll clarify this after dfg checkpoint.15:05
jpodivinit's a bit more complicated.15:05
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rlandy|roverhmmm ... number of failed delete stacks15:10
rlandy|roverin downstream15:10
rlandy|rovercleaning up there15:10
rlandy|rover| stack_status_reason   | Resource DELETE failed: Conflict: resources.baremetal_env.resources.baremetal_networks.resources.storage_subnet: Unable to complete operation on subnet ec4965c4-78fc-49db-b94d-4fdde27fb50e: One or more ports have an IP allocation from this subnet. |15:13
rlandy|rover|                       | Neutron server returns request_ids: ['req-491f71ab-b017-4a2d-b0f4-b384510ffab6']15:13
rlandy|roverissue in delete15:13
rlandy|rovermaybve the network we created15:13
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ysandeeprlandy|rover, I am aware of that.. my script failed to delete those stack.. I am checking15:14
rlandy|roverysandeep: k ..15:14
rlandy|roverotherwise going to reset the stack15:15
rlandy|roverysandeep: yep .. issue here ...15:17
rlandy|rover[rlandy@localhost workspace]$ heat resource-list 9337e42d-350c-4138-9dfa-10965ba6f7bf | grep -i delete | awk -F'|' '{print $3}' | xargs -n1 heat resource-list | grep -i dele | awk -F'|' '{print $3}' | xargs -n1 nova reset-state --active15:17
rlandy|roverWARNING (shell) "heat resource-list" is deprecated, please use "openstack stack resource list" instead15:17
rlandy|roverWARNING (shell) "heat resource-list" is deprecated, please use "openstack stack resource list" instead15:17
rlandy|roverReset state for server 377e70df-b528-4cff-94ce-ee97b8e0dcc9 failed: No server with a name or ID of '377e70df-b528-4cff-94ce-ee97b8e0dcc9' exists.15:17
rlandy|roverERROR (CommandError): Unable to reset the state for the specified server(s)15:17
rlandy|roverunable to reset the resource to active to delete15:17
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: hey - looking of review you mentioned on how to create queries15:19
rlandy|rover^^ that card?15:19
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover, this card
anbanerj|ruck2 changes - and, then run the er and sova .pys15:21
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weshay|ruckysandeep, so just heads up.. ovb jobs have never been used w/ a content provider15:22
weshay|ruckmay be something we haven't seen there15:23
ysandeepweshay|ruck, aye o/ I am able to build 16.2 content-provider parent job, trying child job.. will see how ovb goes15:25
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weshay|ruckysandeep, nothing comes to my mind why ovb would be an issue w/ content-provider..15:26
weshay|ruckbut this will be the first I know about15:26
jpodivinweshay|ruck: About the tests. to reiterate whay I said to zbr: A. we explicitly support 3.6=<py<=3.8. That's what we have in setup. That's why we never had py39 env. B. Everything that works in 3.6 works in 3.9. Looking at the whatsnew for the 3.9. There are new features, and some marginal removals, but none without long running Deprecation warning15:26
weshay|ruckjpodivin, ya.. so EL9 is py3915:27
weshay|ruckso you'll need to get on that15:27
jpodivinweshay|ruck: We can bump the version in setup. np on that front. I just question the need of putting another environment in.15:28
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weshay|ruckjpodivin, this is tripleo-validations repo right?15:29
* weshay|ruck looks at tox15:29
jpodivinnot only that.15:29
jpodivinwe have the same setup in other repos.15:29
weshay|ruckk.. I think train / 16.2 is 3.615:30
weshay|ruckso.. I think you would just replace your py38 w/ py3915:30
weshay|ruckand not need yet another job15:30
weshay|ruckjpodivin, getting unit tests on 3.9 is part of the prep for moving to CentOS-Stream-9 and RHEL 915:31
weshay|ruckjpodivin, make sense?15:31
jpodivinweshay|ruck: as I said I have no problem with bumping max version, the issue was simply in getting another job in.15:32
jpodivinbecause, right now, we have zuul running only the lowest one
weshay|ruckk.. sure.. I would say 3.6 and 3.9 would be required and smart to have15:33
weshay|ruckjpodivin, so basically you can choose not to support 3.9 but validations wont work on el915:37
jpodivinweshay|ruck: I'm not certain about that, for the aformentioned reasons. I see it as bit of an overkill. There are relatively few backward incompatible changes between 3.6 and 3.915:38
weshay|ruckI'm not going to take up anymore time on this :) 0/15:39
jpodivinweshay|ruck: yep.15:39
weshay|ruckzbr, ignore validations15:40
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jpodivinzbr, weshay|ruck: the complimentary patches are submitted to the validations-libs and validations-common. Support is now explicit.15:52
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zbrjpodivin: inside tox envlist it should be only "py"15:59
zbrwe have some openstack guidelines regarding using generic py which points to current version instead of listing various versions there.16:00
zbraka less maintenance16:00
zbryou still can call "tox -e pyXY" if you want, in fact what zuul does at least.16:00
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: joining the tripleo health meeting?16:01
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jpodivinzbr: ok16:15
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arxcruzrlandy|rover: 1-1?16:31
rlandy|roverarxcruz:sure  one sec16:31
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rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: pls vote to clear tripleo component promotion - wallaby16:31
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ysandeep|awayrlandy|rover, hey fyi.. i have cleaned those failed stacks16:59
rlandy|roverysandeep|away: thank you16:59
rlandy|roveris there a fix for the stacks16:59
rlandy|roverie: will they delete going forward?17:00
ysandeep|awayrlandy|rover, There is a fix for cleanup script .. going forward.. will post tomorrow17:00
rlandy|roverysandeep|away++ awesome thanks17:01
ysandeep|awaybasically.. we cannot delete router without clearing gateway/ deattaching interface.. will add this functionality tomorrow17:02
* ysandeep|away out now17:02
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rlandy|roverlunch ... brb17:07
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weshay|ruckanbanerj|ruck, you still there?  seems like if we do add a bug to query it will HAVE to be unique17:31
weshay|ruckanbanerj|ruck, also.. hitting..17:33
weshay|ruckERROR: Git reported dirty status. Git should never report dirty status at the end of testing, regardless if status is passed, failed or aborted.17:33
weshay|ruckwhen I run tox17:33
weshay|ruckwhat's ur tox invocation17:33
weshay|rucknvrmind... tox -re linters or tox -re py17:34
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, can we get 17 to run twice a day /me doesn't see a review17:37
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: ack - sorry - review coming up17:38
anbanerj|rucklemme check, do you have a patch?17:42
anbanerj|ruckrlandy|rover, you mean the id has to be unique, or the bug number? Or the pattern/string?17:44
rlandy|roverthe branch existed ... guess I just never commited the change17:44
weshay|ruckavailable when ever17:45
rlandy|roverjust checking on review merges17:46
rlandy|rovercouple minites17:46
weshay|ruckanbanerj|ruck, zbr fyi
anbanerj|ruckweshay|ruck, hm, check jobs are passing without an entry to the err file - thats bad. There should always be an entry in this file along with the query . Checking why the jobs did not complain17:50
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: k .. time to meet now?17:54
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, sure17:57
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rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: just FYI ... we got a bunch of tempest failure son train api ... - rerunning - possible hitch19:26
rlandy|roverthe rest passed enough to promote train-c719:27
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weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, ya.. go ahead and remove it from criteria, promote and put it back19:29
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: ack - if rerun fails19:29
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, centos-7 train is another line we can probably start reducing19:29
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: you created I thought we were creating one bug to log against?19:34
openstackLaunchpad bug 1926187 in tripleo "tripleo-ci-health: Ironic node register FAIL: timeout for node." [Medium,Triaged]19:34
rlandy|rovernvm - I'll create a bug19:35
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, ya.. so I was wrong.. each query is bug_id.yml19:35
weshay|ruckand we can't get around that afaik19:35
rlandy|roveryeah - creating bug19:35
rlandy|roverconfused about msg/pattern/regex19:42
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: ^^ what goes where?19:42
rlandy|roverERROR: Git reported dirty status. Git should never report dirty status at the end of testing, regardless if status is passed, failed or aborted.19:45
rlandy|roverOn branch GATE_RETVAL_13719:45
rlandy|roverERROR:   py: failed19:45
rlandy|roverERROR:   linters: failed19:45
rlandy|roveranbanerj|ruck: Add query for sova pattern 11 [NEW]19:50
rlandy|roverthe pattern and the regex may be confused there19:50
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: ^^ got the same passing tests19:51
rlandy|roverbut I think I am missing something here19:51
rlandy|rovernote query 12 and 1319:51
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weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, k.. can you start an email thread.. re: the .err file20:00
weshay|ruckw/ my patch and yours20:01
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weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, where is the dns server setting for internal ovb?20:12
weshay|rucksee it20:12
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, so w/ 16.2 and ovb20:25
weshay|rucklooks like 17 is not getting all the overcloud networks setup, do we know anything about 16.2?20:26
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: "do we know anything about 16.2?"20:27
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, re: ovb fs00120:27
rlandy|roverfailed today node issue20:27
rlandy|roverstack were not being deleted20:27
rlandy|roverysandeep|away fixed that20:27
rlandy|roverwaiting on the nct run20:28
rlandy|roverthere was one run in the network line on  16.220:28
rlandy|roverwhen I last checked it20:28
rlandy|roverover the weekend20:28
rlandy|roverwe git some runs20:28
rlandy|roverfailed tempest as expected due to compute bug20:28
rlandy|roverbut overcloud deployed20:28
weshay|ruckk.. overcloud fails to install rhosp packages.. because
weshay|ruckno networks.. w/ ips20:29
weshay|ruckshould look more like..
* rlandy|rover checks20:29
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, chat w/ ysandeep|away tomorrow if we have a sec20:29
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: I don;t think we have cracked the network issue yet20:30
rlandy|roverworkaround maybe needs more20:31
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rlandy|rovermaybe that is stuck20:32
rlandy|roverwas running earlier20:32
rlandy|roverthat was the job I was watching20:32
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rlandy|roverto see if we had gotten through the issues20:32
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: ugh - we have node failures again20:33
rlandy|roveraround 5pm est is always a disaster for nodes20:33
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: will try rekick in a bit20:38
rlandy|roverneed to get this untsuck
rlandy|rover,mmaybe it will timeout20:50
rlandy|roverok - I see introspection is broken in 1720:56
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weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, well.. it was for sure21:08
weshay|ruckbut worked over the weekend21:08
weshay|ruckmaybe it's back21:08
weshay|ruckrlandy|rover, this is working
weshay|ruckso it aint the code21:10
weshay|ruckinfra infra infra21:10
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