Thursday, 2021-01-14

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pojadhavchandankumar, 0/06:24
pojadhavas per , frenzy_friday also interested in the promoter work. I think she is missing in invite. Idk about her time zone.06:25
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chandankumarpojadhav: ah my bad, we can sync once again in evening if ok06:27
pojadhavchandankumar, its totally fine :)06:27
akahat|roverykarel, o/06:51
akahat|roverykarel,  i need to hold one node for testing purpose.06:51
akahat|roverthis is review link: and job is: tripleo-ci-promotion-staging-single-pipeline-centos-806:51
ykarelakahat|rover, hi06:52
ykarelok putting up hold request06:52
akahat|roverykarel, thank you :)06:52
ykarelakahat|rover, your pub key06:55
ykarel ?06:55
ykareladded these, try ssh zuul@
akahat|roverykarel, yes.. add any one.07:03
akahat|roverykarel, ok07:03
akahat|roverykarel, i'm in thanks :D07:04
akahat|roverchandankumar, directory location is /home/zuul/src/
akahat|roverandi t's there.07:06
chandankumarakahat|rover: not this path07:16
chandankumarakahat|rover:  look for /home/promoter07:16
akahat|roverchandankumar, yes. this is also there.07:17
chandankumarakahat|rover: then why it is not able to access it07:18
chandankumarakahat|rover: can you try running the playbook locally itself there07:18
akahat|roverchandankumar, ok07:18
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mariosarxcruz: chandankumar: what is the status on
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mariosarxcruz: chandankumar: it was merging yesterday and it still blocks ussuri (i also saw it onvictoria today )07:37
mariosarxcruz: chandankumar: was it fixed some other way?07:37
chandankumarmarios: arxcruz was working on some other fixes instead of revert07:37
marioschandankumar: why workflow -1/07:37
marioschandankumar: arxcruz: but those can come after the revert? it was basically in the gate?!07:38
marioschandankumar: thanks07:38
mariosarxcruz: any update on that please07:38
mariosarxcruz: do you need reviews on the other fixes?07:38
mariosarxcruz: can you please put the other fixes on the bug and add some words about them
openstackLaunchpad bug 1911020 in tripleo "Ugrades ussuri jobs fail in CI" [Critical,Triaged]07:39
chandankumarmarios: was one of the fix07:39
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marioschandankumar: thanks07:49
marioschandankumar: arxcruz: but that one is from alex, were there others arxcruz ?07:50
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marioschandankumar: thanks07:52
mariosarxcruz: add if there are more than those07:54
openstackLaunchpad bug 1911020 in tripleo "Ugrades ussuri jobs fail in CI" [Critical,Triaged]07:54
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zbrgood read: -- Command Line Interface Guidelines08:35
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mariosarxcruz: are you around today?09:01
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arxcruzmarios: yes i am09:25
mariosarxcruz: hi can you please update the bug 09:54 < marios> arxcruz:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1911020 in tripleo "Ugrades ussuri jobs fail in CI" [Critical,Triaged]09:26
openstackbug 9 in Launchpad itself "Rosetta's po parser is too strict" [Medium,Fix released] - Assigned to Carlos Perelló Marín (carlos)09:26
mariosarxcruz: and comment 709:26
mariosarxcruz: in particular what else are we waiting for please that is blocking ussuri patches09:26
mariosarxcruz: are there more patches that need workflow09:26
arxcruzmarios: sure, tive me a second09:27
arxcruzmarios: i hope i made myself clear09:31
openstackLaunchpad bug 1911020 in tripleo "Ugrades ussuri jobs fail in CI" [Critical,Triaged]09:31
mariosarxcruz: did you test that fixed the upgrade job?09:34
mariosarxcruz: is there a testproject somewhere09:34
arxcruzmarios: the upgrade job is passing on the patch09:35
arxcruzis there a reason to do a testproject ?09:35
mariosarxcruz: 11:34 < marios> arxcruz: did you test that fixed the upgrade job?09:35
mariosarxcruz: for that reason ^09:35
mariosarxcruz: ?09:36
arxcruzmarios: tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-upgrade : SUCCESS in 2h 33m 33s (non-voting)09:36
mariosarxcruz: the failure is on undercloud-upgrade-ussuri09:36
arxcruztripleo-ci-centos-8-undercloud-upgrade : SUCCESS in 1h 49m 27s (non-voting)09:36
mariosarxcruz: it blocks ussuri gate09:37
mariosarxcruz: for a few days now09:37
mariosarxcruz: master upgrade jobs are non voting anyway09:37
arxcruzmarios: the issue was tempest running on upgrade jobs, which we don't do09:37
arxcruzupdating the featureset to not run tempest, it will fix it09:38
mariosarxcruz: we do run tempest on upgrade jobs09:38
arxcruzbut i can of course create a testproject09:38
mariosarxcruz: e.g. on standalone-upgrade09:38
mariosarxcruz: never mind man... my objection is that you blocked the revert after it was already in the gate. so i was hoping you had tested the thing you proposed instead of the revert.09:38
mariosarxcruz: lets hope if all merges today09:39
mariosarxcruz: no point doing a testproject now09:39
arxcruzmarios: come on man, i got the wrong information, if you check my conversation with alex, he told we don't run tempest on upgrade09:39
mariosarxcruz: k thanks09:40
arxcruzhe asked for revert, and i said, let's not revert, let's set the variable to false, since the issue is with tempest09:40
mariosarxcruz: ack ok it's ok i am grumpy cos it's always my fault when upgrade jobs are borked and i am blocked on ussuri there ussuri
mariosarxcruz: i mainly objecting to blocking the revert after it hit the gates. i think you could have just let it go through, take off any pressure from yourself and then fix it in your own peace after09:42
arxcruzmarios: the latest passing ussuri upgrade doesn't run tempest09:42
arxcruz2021-01-09 08:02:50.549224 | primary | TASK [Run os_tempest role] *****************************************************09:42
arxcruz2021-01-09 08:02:50.549282 | primary | Saturday 09 January 2021  08:02:50 +0000 (0:00:00.206)       0:00:43.723 ******09:42
arxcruz2021-01-09 08:02:50.585544 | primary | skipping: [undercloud]09:42
mariosarxcruz: cos you removed it09:42
arxcruzmarios: no, i haven't09:42
arxcruzthis is from a few days ago09:43
arxcruzon january 909:43
arxcruzbefore my os_tempest everywhere patch09:43
mariosarxcruz: you posted a patch to remove the tempest execution from fs50 didn't you?09:43
arxcruzmarios: can we chat?09:43
mariosarxcruz: ah you abandoned that
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chandankumarstepping out for a bit09:55
openstackLaunchpad bug 1911020 in tripleo "duplicate for #1911194 Ugrades ussuri jobs fail in CI" [Critical,Triaged]09:59
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mariosarxcruz: ack10:07
mariosarxcruz: thanks for chatting ... hopefully it gets resolved today10:07
zbrthat day started just right: my lenovo (f33) failed to boot, grub stuff related to the 5.10 kernel.10:30
marioszbr: oh really? is it a known issue? I'm on 5.9.16 right now10:34
bhagyashrispojadhav, sshnaidm|afk zbr hi, could you please help me to complete the sprint report. please reply to an email 'sprint report'10:38
bhagyashristhank you :)10:38
bhagyashrischandankumar, ^^10:39
pojadhavbhagyashris, ack10:39
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bhagyashrispojadhav, thanks!10:54
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zbrmarios: that was the one still working.... this is how I manager to boot again.10:59
zbranyway i am going to do a full reinstall with formatting, i have nothing valuable on it.11:00
marioszbr: ouch thanks for the heads up11:02
zbrlast time i got a surprise like this was with fedora 6/7, and switching to something else. Now I cannot afford that luxury.11:08
zbrusually i would have tried to fix dig more but i observed that the installation was made using classic BIOS, and this prevented fwupdate from running, and there is no way to convert to UEFI. Full reinstall needed.11:10
zbrmarios: if you have "quiet" or "rhgb" on grub conf, i would worry. bug 1903332 in kernel "Can't boot with kernel-5.9.10-200.fc33.x86_64 on Asus UX305CA/UX305CA" [Urgent,New] - Assigned to kernel-maint11:13
marioszbr: thx11:16
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marioszbr: looks like i do (must be a default i haven't touched that or changed anything here from vanilla 33 install)11:18
marioszbr: both quiet and rhgb11:18
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ykarelis it just me seeing errors in or it's a known issue?12:04
bhagyashrisarxcruz, hi, Bugs related to os_tempest that is affecting upgrade jobs -> do you have bug link ? it would be great if you share the bug link with me . thank you :)12:05
arxcruzbhagyashris: sorry my lack of information
openstackLaunchpad bug 1911020 in tripleo "Ugrades ussuri jobs fail in CI" [Critical,Triaged]12:06
bhagyashrisarxcruz, np thank you :)12:06
arxcruzbhagyashris: would you like me to send a followup email with this info, or is it fine?12:06
bhagyashrisit's fine12:06
bhagyashrisjust one more thing : Add the add test command on tempest-skiplist and documentation -> is there any WIP review link ?12:07
arxcruzbhagyashris: yes
arxcruzi'll update in a few, just finishing writing the documentation12:10
bhagyashrisok . thank you arxcruz :)12:10
mariossshnaidm|ruck: thanks for comments but i don't understand can you check my reply at when you have time thank you12:21
sshnaidm|ruckmarios, solution you pointed is not the best also, if we fix it - ovb can return to use multiple playbooks. The point was to have playbooks so independent, so one can run one of them and it works12:24
sshnaidm|ruckmarios, mostly for devs that need to rerun various parts of deploy12:25
sshnaidm|ruckI'm not sure it's the case now, but it shouldn't be removed just so12:25
mariossshnaidm|ruck: maybe easier to discuss in scrum but, i don't see what the difference is from the ovb case 14:24 < sshnaidm|ruck> marios, solution you pointed is not the best also, if we fix it - ovb can return to use12:26
mariossshnaidm|ruck: we can also do the same here...12:26
mariossshnaidm|ruck: return to use the multiple if we fix it? i don't see the difference12:26
sshnaidm|ruckmarios, difference where? between multiple playbooks and single?12:26
mariossshnaidm|ruck: no you're saying in the ovb case "ovb can return to use multiple playbooks"12:27
mariossshnaidm|ruck: so what's the difference between ovb case and this one12:27
sshnaidm|ruckmarios, yes, ovb patch is not the solution, it's a workaround and should be reverted when we fix the bug12:27
sshnaidm|ruckI don't see a point to make another workaround12:27
mariossshnaidm|ruck: k, well if we don't have a fix now then what do we do, besides apply the workaround?12:27
sshnaidm|ruckmarios, we can make it conditional and not use in CI as we discussed before12:28
mariossshnaidm|ruck: for the record, i am not sure it is OK yet, i have workflow -1 it until i test with the testproject reviews as i commented there12:28
mariossshnaidm|ruck: for the train update for victoria upgrade12:28
sshnaidm|ruckthis part is mostly for runs from devs hosts, we don't need it in ci12:28
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bhagyashrishi all,  do we need to keep the scrum today as we just finished the planning meeting two days before ? needs vote accordingly will decide12:51
bhagyashrisakahat|rover, frenzy_friday arxcruz chandankumar marios pojadhav sshnaidm|ruck zbr soniya29 ^^12:52
bhagyashrisysandeep|afk, ^12:52
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soniya29bhagyashris, i think we don't need scrum today since planning meeting has happened just two days before12:53
ysandeepbhagyashris, I am okay to skip it, if everyone agrees..12:55
akahat|roverbhagyashris, i'm with soniya29 ysandeep !!12:56
bhagyashrisysandeep, soniya29 ok , others plz let me know ...12:56
zbrysandeep: "if nobody comments" ;) sure.12:56
pojadhavbhagyashris, we can skip the scrum for today :)12:57
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mariosbhagyashris: seems a bit late to be asking the question though, e.g. US folks are just waking up now12:58
bhagyashrisrlandy,  do we need to keep the scrum today as we just finished the planning meeting two days before ? needs vote accordingly will decide12:58
mariosbhagyashris: imo we should have it since scrum != planning meeting12:59
rlandybhagyashris: marios: I'd say yes12:59
bhagyashrismarios, ok12:59
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rlandylet's look at the boards12:59
rlandywhich I don't think I can access12:59
rlandyif cards are available12:59
mariosrlandy: right and figure out who/what is doing what with who ;)12:59
rlandywhat's listed12:59
rlandymarios: ack12:59
bhagyashrisrlandy, marios ok np :)12:59
rlandyso from tomorrow/monday people can get going13:00
ysandeepfolks, could i please get some eyes on whenever time permits.13:00
mariosrfolco: are you around?13:03
rfolcomarios, o/13:03
mariosrfolco: we need someone to start the sprint for us (apparently we don't have permissions to do that)13:03
mariosrfolco: never mind bhagyashris just told me she already asked you13:04
rfolcomarios, something happened in jira, I can't do it anymopre, I don't have permissions either13:04
mariosrfolco: thanks13:04
rfolcomarios, she has the ticket number that weshay|ruck opened13:05
mariosrfolco: ack thx13:05
chandankumarsshnaidm|ruck: hello13:08
chandankumarsshnaidm|ruck: need some help here
chandankumarsshnaidm|ruck: this part tries to copy the file to the zuul execute then and try to load the vars, but message": "Could not find or access '/home/promoter/ci-config/ci-scripts/dlrnapi_promoter/config_environments/staging/defaults.yaml' on the Ansible Controller.\nIf you are using a module and13:12
chandankumarexpect the file to exist on the remote, see the remote_src option"13:12
sshnaidm|ruckchandankumar, I'm not familiar with it, do you have a playbook that fails there?13:18
akahat|roversshnaidm|ruck, this is the playbook:
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rlandyzbr: you around?13:27
ysandeeprlandy, If you don't get better slot, I am okay to join the mtg for first half an hour and then i will drop for another mtg13:27
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bhagyashrischandankumar, akahat|rover frenzy_friday pojadhav can we continue the promoter sync?13:37
zbrrlandy: now i am13:44
rlandyzbr: no worries ... we just wanted to go through the elastic recheck epic at sync13:45
rlandyand you're the main contact on that epic13:45
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rlandycan do it on monday's call13:45
akahat|roverbhagyashris, yes13:46
zbrrlandy: link to the epic?13:47
zbrsomehow jira board seams empty
rlandyzbr: ack - none of us can get to the board - jira issue13:49
rlandyyou can view the epics from backlog13:49
rlandybhagyashris: ^^ can you point zbr to the elastc recheck epic - where you accessed it?13:49
bhagyashrisrlandy, sure13:57
zbrso our sprint didnt even started because we have no issues in it, and is ending tomrorow.13:59
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rlandyysandeep: attila has passing job on the current 16.s hash14:06
rlandywe have a failure on scenario01014:06
rlandyrerunning scenario01014:07
rlandyysandeep: ^^ timeout14:07
rlandyalso fs001 timeout14:07
rlandyfs035 passed14:08
ysandeepyes timedout on tempest , but i don't see any failures in tempest
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rlandymarios: did we stop queens promotions?14:19
rlandysshnaidm|ruck: akahat|rover: re we still watching/trying to promote queens?
rlandywe start the 13z15 import on the 25th14:25
rlandy^^ per rel del14:25
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy, hmm.. looks bad14:26
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy, will look into14:26
rlandysshnaidm|ruck: yeah - also looking into it14:26
rlandylast promotion was 11/1814:26
rlandy2021-01-13 12:50:18.853913 | primary | TASK [Create clouds.yaml if it doesn't exist] **********************************14:27
mariosrlandy: not that am aware of14:29
mariosrlandy: we do still need them (osp import)14:29
mariosrlandy: afaik14:29
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy, related to last tempest changes14:33
rlandymarios: apparently so14:33
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy, when we set os_tempest to run14:33
rlandysorry - half listening on osp meeting14:33
rlandysshnaidm|ruck: you working on the fix there?14:40
rlandygoing to create a job to rekick the line14:40
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy, yeah, found where it is14:40
rlandycool thanks14:40
rlandyysandeep|session: k - so if scenario010 passes rerun, we promote14:50
ysandeep|sessionrlandy, yes o/14:51
openstackLaunchpad bug 1911696 in tripleo "Tempest tries to run on undercloud containers queens job" [Critical,Triaged]14:51
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy, probably should be solved by patches in gates14:52
sshnaidm|ruckarxcruz, can you please take a look, promotion blocker: if it will be solved by current patches?14:52
sshnaidm|ruckakahat|rover, fyi ^14:52
rlandysshnaidm|ruck: arxcruz: akahat|rover: adding a a testproject with those jobs14:53
rlandylet's see if it works14:53
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy, cool14:53
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rlandysshnaidm|ruck: akahat|rover: ^^ k- let's see what this does14:56
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arxcruzrlandy: sshnaidm|ruck fix the problem since it set featureset023 to not run tempest15:03
zbrteam: i need some comments on -- naming challenge, do not lose the chance! ;)15:06
rlandyarxcruz: ^^ to confirm - it will fix the problem?15:06
mariosrlandy: sshnaidm|ruck: need a vote on that when you have a sec (rebased weshay|ruck patch for merge conflict)15:09
mjturekmarios: Could you take a look here? We're hitting this error in our container build job. Have you seen anything like it? Maybe we simply need to touch the file?
mariosmjturek: looking15:21
mjturekif looking for context, see here
sshnaidm|ruckakahat|rover, rerunning train c8 job that failed:
mariosmjturek: don't think the missing file is the root cause trying to find what it is (that is just the log file of the build/error)15:24
sshnaidm|ruckakahat|rover, only 1 test failed ther last time: TestVolumeBootPattern.test_volume_boot_pattern15:24
mariosmjturek: possibly "root" vs "jenkins" user is the problem15:24
sshnaidm|ruckakahat|rover, if it fails again in  need to look for a fix..15:25
mariosmjturek: can we access any more files on this or only the console?15:28
mjturekmarios: let me grab the link for the collected logs15:29
mariosmjturek: thx15:30
rlandymarios: looking15:32
mariosmjturek: so i suspect it is because jenkins user can't access /root/workspace/build.log15:32
rlandyarxcruz: still have a failure on the testproject job ...
mariosmjturek: the tasks aren't executed with become there ... not sure why it is running as root user in
mjturekmarios: is that a recent change??15:34
mjturekbecause this used to work15:35
rlandy2021-01-14 15:02:06.829348 | primary | + export TOCI_JOBTYPE=singlenode-featureset02315:35
rlandy2021-01-14 15:02:06.829441 | primary | + TOCI_JOBTYPE=singlenode-featureset02315:35
mariosmjturek: alternatively, you could try using root (see the next task below the one i pointed to)15:35
mariosmjturek: i mean by adding a become there
mariosmjturek: compare those two ^^15:35
rlandyuse_os_tempest: false15:35
rlandyis that correct?15:35
akahat|roversshnaidm|ruck, TestVolumeBootPattern.. i've seen it earlier today.. it shows ssh issue for cirros. I've checked history of job.. found it is very unpredictable.. :|15:36
mariosmjturek: don't think it is a new change git blame doesn't think so at least
mjturekmarios: so that would require us to force ansible distribution to redhat, which is inaccurate15:37
mjturekwe always used the root user as the ansible user15:38
mjturekmaybe something changed in centos-ci then15:38
mariosmjturek: no i meant rather, if you have to run this as root, then you might add become on the
mariosmjturek: but this is just a guess i don't have much to go on here. but it would explain the 'no such file' thing15:38
mjturekthat's fair marios - definitely on the right track, I'm going to ask if something changes in centos-ci15:39
mariosmjturek: in our jobs th ansible user is zuul and we have all the things in /home/zuul/...15:39
mjturekthat's fair15:39
mjturekthanks marios!15:41
mariosmjturek: ack hope it helps anyway15:41
ykarelmjturek, marios seems caused the issue in ci.centos jobs15:43
ykarellikely we create the logs directory in zuul at some place so working there and in ci.centos jobs it missing15:43
mariosykarel: yeah could be15:44
mariosykarel: but it didn't get to that point yet i mean the build report15:45
ykarelmarios, that patch changed log path {{ workspace }}/build.log --> {{ workspace }}/logs/build.log15:45
ykareland for that to work logs directory should exist15:46
mjturekykarel: think creating a /root/logs/ dir is an appropriate fix?15:46
ykarelmjturek, i think it should be fixed upstream as it's regression as part of that patch, but for now you can create /root/workspace/logs15:47
ykarelin ci.centos job15:48
ykareli think u must be creating /root/workspace somewhere already15:48
mjturekykarel: yeah I believe so15:48
rlandysshnaidm|ruck: arxcruz: k - so will not fix the problem ...15:50
rlandythe featureset passed to the tempest run is different15:50
rlandyactually scratch that15:50
mjturekykarel: I'll also take a quick look and see if I can find where that dir is created upstream, it might be as simple as removing a hardcoded "zuul"15:51
mjturekthanks ykarel and marios for the help15:51
rlandy --extra-vars @/home/zuul/src/
rlandyit is passed15:51
ykarelmjturek, where u see zuul is hardcoded?15:52
mjturekykarel nowhere, sorry just saying it could be something like that15:53
ykarelack that task depend on workspace var so hardcoding shouldn't be there but good to check15:53
mariosnp mjturek15:54
sshnaidm|ruckarxcruz, something is wrong there with tempest_cloud_name maybe:
sshnaidm|ruckarxcruz, it shouldn't be overcloud..15:54
rlandy'Create clouds.yaml if it doesn't exist' is executing before the switch15:56
rlandyof whether or not to run os_tempest15:56
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ykarelmjturek, so get_hash : Ensure legacy workspace directory is creating /root/workspace16:00
mjturekykarel: right and prepare_node is makes the logs dir it seems16:00
ykarelso you need to add additional task to create /root/workspace/logs16:01
sshnaidm|ruckchandankumar, do you know where is tempest_cloud_name defined before gets there:
rlandysshnaidm|ruck: arxcruz: ^^
rlandytempest_cloud_name: 'overcloud'16:04
sshnaidm|ruckok, so it should be a different condition there16:05
sshnaidm|ruckinstead of "not tempest_cloud_name in ['undercloud', 'standalone']16:06
mjturekykarel yep seems so!! Thanks a ton!16:06
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rlandyproblem is the reuse of multinode playbook16:08
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arxcruzsshnaidm|ruck: once featureset023 use_os_tempest pass on gate, this will be fixed because it will not call tempest.yml playbook16:24
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sshnaidm|ruckarxcruz, we ran job with these changes and it still failed, please read back16:26
arxcruzsshnaidm|ruck: sorry, let me check16:26
arxcruzsshnaidm|ruck: yeah, you're right, i'll submit a fix, tempest.yml should only be called when use_os_tempest is set to true16:28
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arxcruzsshnaidm|ruck: do you have the bug quickly?16:37
rlandyarxcruz: sshnaidm|ruck put in another change - under test now16:37
openstackLaunchpad bug 1911696 in tripleo "Tempest tries to run on undercloud containers queens job" [Critical,Triaged]16:37
rlandyand correct - the switch on os_tempest was after this task ran16:38
rlandyhence the issue16:38
sshnaidm|ruckarxcruz, trying now, but feel free to hijack it16:38
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arxcruzsshnaidm|ruck: it's a better approach and save more time, since all the tasks under tempest.yml only matter if we actually run tempest16:39
arxcruzrlandy: ^16:39
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sshnaidm|ruckarxcruz, thanks16:39
arxcruznp, it is my mess anyway :)16:40
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rlandyarxcruz: k - pls confirm which set of patches I shoudl test with and I will rerun  - thanks16:40
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rlandyrunning second test16:47
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arxcruzrlandy: and should do it17:18
rlandyarxcruz: already under test here: thanks17:19
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sshnaidm|ruckrlandy, running arxcruz patch now:
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rlandysshnaidm|ruck: arxcruz: just passed18:28
rlandysshnaidm|ruck: pls vote on as well18:30
rlandywe can get this through gate today if lucky18:30
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rlandychandankumar: ^^ if you are still around ... pls vote18:31
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rlandyweshay|ruck: you ok with our promoting 16.2? scenario010 juts passed20:41
rlandyfs035 passed in the run20:41
rlandyfs001 timeout out running now20:41
rlandyfs020 had one tempest failure20:42
rlandyweshay|ruck: k- will promote ... since we have a passing test from the jenkins side20:42
weshay|ruckrlandy, 020 just had one tempest error
weshay|ruckso fs001 should have passed20:43
rlandyrerunning now20:43
rlandybut soon the next hash will kick20:43
rlandyso promoting this one20:44
weshay|ruckrlandy, what about 01020:44
rlandyjust passed20:44
weshay|ruckscenaro 01020:44
weshay|ruckrlandy, k.. promote it20:44
rlandysee testproject rerun20:44
rlandyon it20:44
rlandyand we're rolling20:45
rlandyweshay|ruck: not to jinx anything but possible gate queue will clear up quite a bit20:46
weshay|ruckrlandy, ya.. things are merging20:47
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rlandyshoot - gate failure21:04
rlandyso close21:04
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sshnaidm|rucktrain c8 should be promoted soon21:41
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