Monday, 2020-11-30

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pojadhavysandeep, working myside04:53
ysandeeppojadhav, thanks! its working for me now04:54
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chandankumarbrb for 2 hours08:31
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mariosarxcruz|rover: o/ hey are you still rucking? who is this week09:19
mariosarxcruz|rover: looks like a nit in ceph ? blocking that (i just commented with pointers )
arxcruz|rovermarios: I'm supposed to be on vacation until next year, but i'm waiting to sync with the next one09:20
mariosack arxcruz|rover just pinged gfidente on tripleo09:21
arxcruz|roverneed this patch09:21
pojadhav|ruckmarios, arxcruz|rover : I am next one.. Will do RR with weshay|ruck this week.. Once He will be online will have sync up.09:25
arxcruz|roverpojadhav|ruck: ack09:28
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arxcruz|2021pojadhav|ruck: i'll stick around until we can sync :)09:29
arxcruz|2021just ping me09:29
pojadhav|ruckarxcruz|2021, sure :)09:31
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rlandyjpena|lunch: hi - saw you reviews about removing rhel-8 images. will bring it up to the team at our scrum shorty and then vote12:50
weshay|ruckpojadhav|ruck, 0/12:51
* weshay|ruck takes a look around12:51
pojadhav|ruckweshay|ruck, \012:59
weshay|ruckpojadhav|ruck, k..  notes are here and new addition.. so you don't have duplicate bugs in hackmd..
weshay|ruckjust updated the ss13:02
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rlandymarios: - appreciate your input13:14
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ysandeeprlandy, my patch to test -
rlandyysandeep: thanks - will look after meeting13:26
chandankumarrlandy: ysandeep
chandankumarmay be due to this?13:28
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rlandychandankumar: ack - possibly13:29
ysandeepchandankumar, rlandy -
ysandeep2020-11-27 14:16:17.483512 | LOOP [build-containers : Install deps from requirements]13:29
ysandeep2020-11-27 14:16:23.346937 | primary | ERROR: Item: kolla13:29
pojadhav|ruckweshay|ruck, ack13:29
rlandyysandeep: chandankumar:
rlandy^^ need sto be c7 only13:30
chandankumarrlandy: yes13:30
rlandythat should do it13:30
chandankumarrlandy: may be making it in two vars13:30
chandankumarone with kolla and without kolla13:31
weshay|ruckpojadhav|ruck, you should join the cix13:31
weshay|ruckwill help give context to issues we're tracking13:31
rlandyI think we can just {% if c7%} kolla{% endif %} type thing13:31
rlandychandankumar: ysandeep: ^^13:31
rlandyin that line13:32
pojadhav|ruckweshay|ruck, yup13:32
chandankumarrlandy: not sure it will work, but need to try13:32
rlandychandankumar: yep - going to experiment after meeting13:32
rlandychandankumar: ysandeep: we will hit the same problem later in the file13:32
rlandychandankumar: ysandeep: going to try that switching on c7 ... will rerun test patch13:47
ysandeeprlandy, ack thanks! o/13:47
chandankumarrlandy: sure13:47
rlandymarios: ^^ will look at the upgrades stuff after this ... few minutes13:48
weshay|ruckthanks arxcruz|2021 rfolco for the nice work last week and joining today :))13:50
arxcruz|2021weshay|ruck: sadly, we are red...13:51
mariosrlandy: no rush, i will post something in a while and add you to reviews thanks13:51
rlandyarxcruz|2021: enjoy your time off - happy new year to you!13:52
arxcruz|2021rlandy: thanks! for all of you too13:53
arxcruz|2021i'll be around, it's not as i have much to do lol, we are in lockdown anyway :)13:53
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ysandeepweshay|ruck, pojadhav|ruck i noticed "ERROR: No matching distribution found for cmd2==0.8.5" in some rdo third party jobs(openstack-check pipeline)14:05
ysandeep looks like issue started today only14:06
pojadhav|ruck ysandeep : hmm.. looks like failing on multiple releases with same issue14:09
weshay|ruckysandeep, rlandy, marios is this the hang you observed
weshay|ruck2020-11-30 12:57:53.485787 | primary | TASK [tripleo-inventory : Ensure gather_facts has been run against localhost] ***14:22
ysandeepweshay|ruck, yes14:22
rlandyweshay|ruck: yep14:23
rlandyweird place14:24
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rlandy2020-11-30 12:57:53.433459 | primary | PLAY [Inventory the overcloud] *************************************************14:25
weshay|ruckperhaps.. delegate14:25
rlandyweshay|ruck: yeah - I thought about that14:26
weshay|ruckand filter.. may be an issue14:26
rlandythat the facts were set on the wrong box14:26
rlandybut it's not consistent14:26
rlandyso we may be leaking?14:26
weshay|ruckrlandy, for inventory.. it should be localhost14:26
rlandyif one playbook solves the problem, ...14:27
rlandythe difference is what get passed between playbooks14:27
weshay|ruck  when: hostvars['localhost'].ansible_user_dir is not defined14:27
rlandycacheable: true?14:27
rlandy^^ only diff I know when passing fact between playbooks14:27
rlandyusing one playbook does not change host var definitions14:28
rlandyonly data passed around14:28
rlandyweshay|ruck: what do you think of see [Ansible cannot quickly gather facts] answer14:31
rlandyeither that or auth14:32
weshay|ruckthank you14:35
sshnaidmweshay|ruck, yw14:36
sshnaidmweshay|ruck, checked now, it's in 16.1 too14:36
weshay|rucksshnaidm, perfect14:36
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weshay|ruckpojadhav|ruck, once this merges
weshay|ruckshould pass14:53
weshay|ruckrlandy, so sounds like we can remove ipa from train here?
rlandyweshay|ruck: ack - afaik, it's never passed14:58
rlandywe are missing some THT backports or the like14:58
* rlandy checks status of master/victoria/ussuri tests14:59
ysandeepweshay|ruck, pojadhav|ruck hitting in upstream now15:02
openstackLaunchpad bug 1906265 in tripleo "ERROR: No matching distribution found for cmd2==0.8.5" [Undecided,Triaged]15:02
weshay|ruckpojadhav|ruck, reminder to mark the importance to bugs.. we self triage..
openstackLaunchpad bug 1906265 in tripleo "ERROR: No matching distribution found for cmd2==0.8.5" [Critical,Triaged]15:04
weshay|ruckalso marked this promotion blocker15:04
weshay|ruckysandeep, any particular branch?15:05
rlandy getting better15:05
rlandyweshay|ruck: ^^15:05
weshay|ruckrlandy, nice15:05
pojadhav|ruckweshay|ruck, yup...15:06
ysandeepweshay|ruck, i hit this for master but looking at looks like multiple branches are effected15:06
weshay|rucksee it15:07
weshay|ruck2020-11-30 14:57:39.141771 | primary | ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement cmd2==0.8.515:07
weshay|ruck2020-11-30 14:57:39.141884 | primary | ERROR: No matching distribution found for cmd2==0.8.515:07
weshay|ruckzbr, any input on that?15:07
weshay|ruckk.. that's a requirement of tq15:08
* weshay|ruck checks pypy15:08
zbrit exists15:08
zbrbut probably is in conflict with some constraints file?15:08
zbri would personally do not use == in reqs, especially for a module like this.15:09
weshay|ruckzbr, pretty old.. should we unpin?15:09
zbrpinning is good when you already know that something will break.15:10
weshay|ruckf33 default to nano???15:11
zbryeah, i am happy about that15:11
zbrat least i know how to quit nano15:11
zbrif you upgrade, it should keep old preference. just define EDITOR=foo, and live long and prosper.15:12
weshay|rucksudo dnf install vim-default-editor --allowerasing15:12
weshay|ruckzbr, do we need to resetup local gerrit repos?15:16
weshay|ruckafter the gerrit change?15:16
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weshay|ruckanyone else hit that?15:17
weshay|ruckrlandy, ^15:19
* rlandy looks15:20
rlandyweshay|ruck: happened to me once15:21
rlandybut not since the gerrit change15:22
weshay|ruckdid the port change?15:22
rlandygit remote rename origin gerrit15:22
rlandyget your git-review settings15:22
zbrweshay|ruck: there are some problems with gerrit, including a reported nova repository error.15:25
weshay|ruckwho can patch tq atm?15:25
weshay|ruckbecause I cannot15:26
zbri suspect that, i did not had to change anything in git-review with newer gerrit.15:26
zbrbut you could want to upgrade it, maybe yours is very old.15:26
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zbri run from master,... because yolo15:26
weshay|ruckneed to change requirements.txt to cmd2==0.8.515:26
weshay|ruck  ---> cmd2>=0.8.515:26
weshay|ruckshould close bug
openstackLaunchpad bug 1906265 in tripleo "ERROR: No matching distribution found for cmd2==0.8.5" [Critical,Triaged]15:26
zbrweshay|ruck: or maybe you have a very old ssh key? run with --dry, copy the ssh command and add -vvv to it to see what happens.15:28
zbreach git-review command is just a ssh command, so easy to extract it and run run directly with debug.15:28
weshay|ruck(python3) [whayutin@localhost tripleo-quickstart]$ ssh
weshay|ruckssh: Could not resolve hostname Name or service not known15:28
weshay|ruck(python3) [whayutin@localhost tripleo-quickstart]$ ssh -p 29418 gerrit15:28
weshay| Permission denied (publickey).15:28
weshay|ruckmy keys are fine.. dang it15:31
weshay|ruckmaybe something w/ fedora 3315:33
zbrweshay|ruck: real the email, it is known and documented.15:33
weshay|ruckthank you!15:34
zbrbut is bit weird because the upgrade was supposed to fix the fedora 33 issue.15:35
zbrthere is workaround for fedora 33 anyway, so you can start with it, just to eliminate a possible source of issue.15:36
zbr2nd I would double check that username matches, and that you account on gerrit has the right pubkey registered there.15:36
weshay|ruckya.. username and key should be fine, I don't see the workaround15:37
weshay|rucklooking at
weshay|ruckya.. k.. thank you15:39
zbrapparenty you can also try: update-crypto-policies --set LEGACY15:40
weshay|ruckhave to reboot15:41
chandankumarweshay|ruck: try this it will work in f3315:43
weshay|ruckthank you..15:44
weshay|ruckupdate-crypto-policies --set LEGACY worked for me15:44
weshay|ruckjebus.. that was like taking away my right hand15:45
weshay|ruckzbr++ chandankumar++15:45
chandankumarzbr: weshay|ruck does new pip 20.3 is going to break us?15:46
zbrchandankumar: yeah, but not in huge way.15:46
chandankumarif it breaks in toci side, it will block all jobs15:47
chandankumarhope it does not happen this time15:47
zbrlikely that we will see more dependency conflicts, which until 20.3 went silent, unless we run "pip check" manually, which we did in very few places.15:47
weshay|rucktake away my vim, take away my gerrit.. jebus15:48
zbrweshay|ruck: also your pip.15:48
* zbr thinks that he wanted to raise a RFE for switching default shell from bash to zsh in fedora but never got time to write it.15:49
chandankumarzbr: please donot, introduction of nano i do not liked that15:50
chandankumarzbr: people also like fish15:50
chandankumarand some have their own custom bash profile and customization15:51
zbrchandankumar: I doubt you have any chance to succeed with fish15:51
weshay|rucknano sucks15:51
* chandankumar sticks with plain bash15:52
weshay|ruckthey should only make those changes in new installs.. not upgrades15:52
chandankumarzbr: I tried zsh long time back not liked back due to so many themes15:54
chandankumarand not remember other reasons15:54
chandankumarzbr: do you face any issue while debugging prod servers where zsh is not there?15:57
zbrnot major, auto-complete not working, lack of colored interface15:58
weshay|ruckchandankumar, zbr can you check please15:59
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chandankumarweshay|ruck: I am not sure if it will break for c7 jobs16:01
weshay|ruckwatching one now16:01
weshay|ruckchandankumar, probably fine
weshay|rucknot a huge leap16:02
chandankumarweshay|ruck: what  about caping it <=0.8.9 ?16:03
weshay|ruckchandankumar, upper constraints will do htat16:03
rlandychandankumar: ysandeep|away: - running w/o kolla16:03
chandankumarfor a safer side16:03
weshay|ruckchandankumar, right?16:03
rlandywill see if that completes16:03
chandankumarweshay|ruck: not sure uc is in play there16:05
weshay|ruckit is16:05
weshay|ruckor it was the last time I checked16:05
weshay|ruckalmost done w/ setup16:06
weshay|ruckah.. set to queens16:06
weshay|rucknot train16:06
weshay|ruckchandankumar, I think we're good16:08
weshay|ruckwell.. today is going to be useless16:09
weshay|ruck2020-11-30 16:09:36.175341 | primary | ERROR: No matching distribution found for pyrsistent>=0.17.016:09
weshay|ruckthat was browbeat16:10
chandankumarweshay|ruck: Do we still run browbeat using toci?16:10
weshay|ruckno.. but /me confirming the source16:11
weshay|ruckya.. time to nuke browbeat16:11
* weshay|ruck on it16:11
chandankumarweshay|ruck: on py27 cmd2 0.8.9 version will be picked up, so we are good, are you using same patch to fix browbeat issue?16:15
weshay|ruckk.. updated review16:15
weshay|ruckya.. going to use the same one16:15
chandankumarweshay|ruck: cool let me know when done16:15
weshay|ruckit's up16:15
weshay|ruckwatching now16:16
chandankumarweshay|ruck: need a patch in toci side to remove browbeat16:17
weshay|ruckthat can happen later16:17
* weshay|ruck looks16:17
weshay|ruckchandankumar, ya.. it will work w/o a change to toci.. but yes16:18
weshay|ruckchandankumar, you are talking about external_repos?16:18
chandankumarweshay|ruck: yes16:18
chandankumarlet me see how it goes this time16:19
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on is being restarted quickly to troubleshoot high load and poor query caching performance, downtime should be less than 5 minutes16:19
weshay|ruckI hate life sometimes16:20
weshay|ruckssh: connect to host port 29418: Connection refused16:20
weshay|ruckchandankumar, thanks.. I have a patch16:21
weshay|ruckgood call16:21
weshay|ruckchandankumar, note.. I remarked out browbeat16:21
weshay|ruckso the sed will just change a remarked out line16:21
chandankumarrlandy: looking16:23
rlandychandankumar: ysandeep|away: weshay|ruck: ok - that worked downstream16:35
rlandychanging patch from wip16:35
weshay|ruck| Processing /home/zuul/src/
weshay|ruck2020-11-30 16:35:29.397096 | primary | Processing /home/zuul/src/
weshay|ruck2020-11-30 16:35:30.016515 | primary | Processing /home/zuul/src/
weshay|ruck2020-11-30 16:35:30.825505 | primary | Processing /home/zuul/src/
weshay|ruck2020-11-30 16:35:31.464157 | primary | Processing /home/zuul/src/
weshay|ruck2020-11-30 16:35:32.114792 | primary | Processing /home/zuul/src/
weshay|ruck2020-11-30 16:35:32.952099 | primary | Processing /home/zuul/src/
weshay|ruck2020-11-30 16:35:33.813814 | primary | Processing /home/zuul/src/
weshay|ruck2020-11-30 16:35:35.389704 | primary | Processing /home/zuul/src/
weshay|ruck2020-11-30 16:35:36.534685 | primary | Processing /home/zuul/src/
weshay|ruckchandankumar, we should be good .. unless there is another new thing16:36
weshay|ruckbyebye browbeat16:36
weshay|ruckcmd2 worked16:37
chandankumarrlandy: do we have a bug for kolla?16:39
rlandychandankumar: I don;t think it's  a bug16:41
rlandymore like downstream is no longer building that16:42
chandankumarrlandy: thanks, done16:42
rlandychandankumar: waiting for upstream to vote16:42
rlandyto see if I didn't mess anything else up16:42
chandankumarrlandy: only worry is c7 content proviuder16:43
chandankumarrest is good  there16:43
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rlandychandankumar: ack - need to ensure that is still working in all cases16:47
rlandychandankumar: the c7 content providers are running upstream now so we will see what shakes out16:48
weshay|ruckmarios, are we up for killing rocky this week or push?16:53
mariosweshay|ruck: yeah, let's talk about that tomorrow? and we can start doing it... i think first step is some emails out about it17:03
mariosweshay|ruck: i collected some info towards that, like last commits@
mariosweshay|ruck: we declare it unmaintained via announcement basically (there is no tag, like for extended maintenance, or EOL)17:05
mariosweshay|ruck: it stays that way for 6months and if nothing changes, then we post the patch to make it EOL17:05
* marios gets ready to leave17:06
* weshay|ruck reads17:06
weshay|ruckmarios++ 0/17:06
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weshay|ruckha ha18:09
weshay|ruckarx 202118:09
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rlandyweshay|ruck: so we are all set with the triggering?18:26
weshay|ruckdon't know18:26
weshay|ruckhard to tell18:26
rlandyhmm - ok18:27
weshay|ruckrlandy, asking attila18:29
weshay|ruckbut he's not answering18:29
weshay|ruckwell.. giving me straight answers18:29
weshay|ruckrlandy, have you seen nothing is running internally?18:30
weshay|rucksomething going on?18:30
weshay|ruckor just jobs dying on the requirements issue18:30
rlandyweshay|ruck: one question - do we want to move to the once a day triggering on the 16.2 integration line?18:33
rlandyI think theta will make life easier18:33
rlandyif you are ok with that, I will commit that change18:33
weshay|ruckrlandy, we've talked about this18:35
weshay|ruckmy answer is still no18:35
weshay|ruckakahat, let me know if you've started to pick up work w/ the promoter18:37
weshay|ruckrlandy, let's go w/ it the way it is.. and hope the promoter comes online soon18:37
weshay|ruckhave you heard anything about the vast nothingness? is it just running / failing18:39
* weshay|ruck tries18:39
rlandyno -  can look into it18:39
* weshay|ruck triggering a job18:39
rlandy2020-11-30 07:54:23.109715 | primary | ERROR: No matching distribution found for cmd2==0.8.518:40
rlandysame failure18:40
rlandyjobs are running, they are just failing18:40
rlandyweshay|ruck: we qualified the kolla change this morning here18:41
rlandyseemed fine18:41
rlandywe need the pip change in downstream as well18:41
rlandyand things should clear up18:41
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weshay|ruckrlandy, may get lucky here
weshay|ruckclose to moving to the gate19:25
* rlandy looks19:26
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