Wednesday, 2020-08-26

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arxcruz|ruckakahat|rover: we got the same error again today
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akahat|roverarxcruz|ruck, let's wait for next green run. :P07:53
ysandeepo/ Guys, this parameter -  standalone_container_prep_update_repo  update containers before deployment?08:05
chandankumarysandeep: during deployment while tripleo container during deployment time08:09
chandankumarysandeep: during deployment08:10
ysandeepchandankumar, thanks!08:11
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ysandeepso - standalone_container_prep_update_repo gives the list of repos, which can be used for container update08:12
chandankumarysandeep: yes08:16
chandankumarysandeep: for example if there is no gating repo
chandankumarand if gating repo
chandankumarupdate_repo: gating-repo,delorean-current,quickstart-centos-ceph-nautilus08:17
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ysandeepchandankumar, thanks, sry one more query - what we mean by gating-repo here?08:21
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chandankumarysandeep: repo generated by build test packages role08:22
ysandeepchandankumar, ohh make sense now, thank you so much :)08:22
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zbrchandankumar: just to let you know, i feel you pain with lint fix backporting.09:18
chandankumarzbr: yes, totally agree09:18
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chandankumarzbr: thank you for all the help on this
chandankumarall jobs are working now09:45
ysandeepchandankumar, ykarel fyi.. to get ceph repo in container build job09:58
ysandeeptest run is green09:59
ysandeepWill try container push job and then retry my standalone job09:59
ykarelysandeep, ack10:02
ykarelysandeep, commented10:05
ysandeepykarel, thanks!10:12
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ysandeepchandankumar, ykarel fixed as per review10:22
ysandeepykarel, chandankumar i was also able to workaround via - , i think standalone_container_prep_update_repo also need to be fixed here10:25
ysandeepcould you please review ^^ as well10:25
ysandeep17 already have these ceph repos enabled10:26
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ykarelysandeep, i think we need to cleanup upstream too, those ceph repo were added upstream while transition to nautilus10:29
ykarelbut never got removed.10:29
ysandeepykarel, ohh okay , I was comparing things with upstream10:30
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ysandeepchecking what is nautilus and history behind it , will update
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arxcruz|ruckweshay: already around ?11:33
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weshayarxcruz|ruck, I am11:38
arxcruz|ruckweshay: there's the interview in a few minutes and there's also the openstack status meeting11:39
weshayarxcruz|ruck, yes.. amol can go11:39
arxcruz|ruckweshay: ok, i already update the doc, it's status on train only right ?11:40
weshayakahat|rover, periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-multinode-1ctlr-featureset037-updates-master', 'periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-updates-master']11:53
weshayakahat|rover, #rhos-upgrades11:55
weshayrlandy, chandankumar sshnaidm|afk you guys ready?11:56
chandankumarweshay: yes11:56
sshnaidm|afkweshay, we're there11:56
rlandyweshay: we'r e on the call11:56
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rlandycandidate is here11:56
rlandyweshay: ^^11:56
chandankumararxcruz|ruck: we are waiting for you11:57
weshayarxcruz|ruck, we're all here11:57
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weshaychandankumar, sshnaidm|mtg chandankumar rlandy did you folks see
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weshayysandeep|afk, are we close to building out the other standalone scenario deployments in the component pipeline for 16.2?12:20
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ysandeepweshay, 01/02 blocked on , 07/10 will hopefully merged today12:26
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ysandeepweshay, sry 04/10 will hopefully merged today , 07 is already merged12:26
weshayk.. thanks12:26
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weshayrlandy|mtg, I had a pdb statement in the telegraf container... on the internal cockpit12:45
weshayrlandy|mtg, removed the container and restarted the compose..
weshayrlandy|mtg, looks better now12:45
rlandy|mtgweshay: checking - thanks ...12:45
rlandy|mtgweshay: ovb git as far as deploying12:46
weshayrlandy|mtg, ah.. what was missing?12:48
weshayfor the provisioning?12:48
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ysandeeprlandy|mtg, thank you for merging
ysandeepdo you want to merge ? I was doing a similar hack via pre-run playbook to get past the issue
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ysandeepsry forgot u r in intvw, you can reply once you get free from interview :)13:07
weshayrlandy|mtg, chandankumar sshnaidm|mtg arxcruz|ruck hang on for a sec after Ananya logs off the meeting13:08
rlandy|mtgweshay: we have production chain meeting afterwards13:09
rlandy|mtgI need to join that meeting for 16.2 status13:09
arxcruz|ruckakahat|rover: ack13:10
rlandy|mtgunless this ends early13:10
weshayshould just take a minute13:11
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weshayrlandy|mtg, so we're all set on running this daily
weshayor... sorry13:57
weshay3 times a week13:57
rlandy|mtgweshay: tues, sat, sun13:57
rlandy|mtgit ran yesterday13:57
weshayrlandy|mtg, this mtg will end early... let's chat for 513:57
rlandy|mtgweshay: ack13:57
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rlandy|mtgweshay: meet now?14:18
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bogdandoplease merge
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bogdandochandankumar: thanks14:36
weshayarxcruz|ruck, thanks for joining.. all good?14:48
arxcruz|ruckweshay: yes14:48
weshayarxcruz|ruck, akahat|rover is going to focus on master prmotion jobs fyi14:48
arxcruz|ruckweshay: ok14:48
arxcruz|ruckweshay: happened today again14:48
openstackLaunchpad bug 1892837 in tripleo "empest.api.compute.servers.test_servers_negative fails in periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-full-tempest-api-master" [Critical,Triaged]14:48
arxcruz|ruckI think we should add it to skiplist14:49
rlandy|mtgysandeep|afk: so sorry - just got out of meetings now14:50
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weshayarxcruz|ruck, I was kind of waiting for that to happen15:00
ysandeeprlandy, no worries..15:00
weshayok.. well now I know what I'll be doing.. arxcruz|ruck pleaes don't create a card.. I'll get that tool up again15:00
weshayand get in known place15:00
weshayarxcruz|ruck, thanks!15:01
ysandeeprlandy, just want to check if you are planning to merge , otherwise i am  doing another hack to update libcrypt - , unless we get 8.3 nodepool image we need to update libgcrypt15:04
rlandyysandeep: I tried the pre-rhos option15:05
rlandythis issue is that we need repo-setup to run before15:05
ysandeeprlandy, agree15:06
rlandyin a multinode/ovb/baremetal deployment15:06
rlandyso that is why I placed it in the relesae file15:06
rlandyysandeep: I need to do an update on that change15:06
ysandeepI am okay with placing that in release file15:06
rlandyI don;t think I need to specify the package from beta15:06
rlandyso I want to take that out15:07
rlandyand add the same change to rhos-16.2 release file15:07
rlandyand then will merge15:07
ysandeeprlandy, yes make sense.. we just need latest rpm not necessarily from beta15:07
rlandyysandeep: yeah - I was just trying to be specific to start with so we knew we had one good repo to draw from15:08
* rlandy updates15:08
arxcruz|ruckchandankumar: kopecmartin weshay
arxcruz|ruckakahat|rover: ^15:21
weshayarxcruz|ruck, wf15:28
weshayarxcruz|ruck, meh
weshayarxcruz|ruck, script is still running... some where15:29
weshayarxcruz|ruck, Arx Cruz (arxcruz) 34 minutes ago15:30
weshayChanged in tripleo:15:30
weshaymilestone:none → victoria-315:30
weshayis why it wasn't escalated15:30
arxcruz|ruckI though it was only the promote-blocker label that trigger the script15:30
rlandyysandeep: Emilien's change hit python-tripleoclient.git/tree/tripleoclient/v1/
rlandyI will need to update the container build command for 16.215:32
rlandyweshay: ^^ fyi15:32
ysandeeprlandy, ack o/15:33
ysandeeprlandy, do we really need this job in downstream check(is it valuable for us):-15:34
ysandeep        - periodic-tripleo-rhel-8-buildimage-overcloud-full-rhos-17:15:34
ysandeep            files: &image_files15:34
ysandeep              - playbooks/build-image/.*.yaml15:34
ysandeep              - zuul.d/build-image.yaml15:34
ysandeepi mean 17 standalone/build image jobs15:35
rlandyprobably  - since that follows master15:35
ysandeepthat's okay then, I just don't like 17 job triggered when i add 16.2 job15:36
ysandeeprlandy, weshay hurrah sc04 all green - please review (after ~1 hour - 17 check job running )and merge sc04 job , 16.2 Test runs all green(url in last comment)15:41
ysandeepboth component and integration in same patch ^^15:41
ysandeepi am out now o/15:42
ysandeepsc10 is green but awaiting depends-on merge15:42
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weshayysandeep|away, +215:46
rlandy I guess not yet - when this merges15:48
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rlandyysandeep|away: weshay: these are the reviews for OVB to pick up (first two should be mergeable) ...,,
rlandyonce ovb runs17:44
weshayrlandy, what needs libgcrypt?17:45
rlandyweshay: image build17:46
rlandythat was the failure yesterday17:46
weshayok.. so this looks to me.. like things that need to change in spec files and config17:46
rlandyweshay: there is an open bug ...17:47
rlandy bug 1828681 in qemu-kvm "Unable to initialize gcrypt will prevent qemu related commands from running" [Urgent,Verified] - Assigned to ddepaula17:47
weshayrlandy, commit-msg update17:47
rlandyanother rhel 8.3 fun17:47
rlandyadding comment to code itself17:47
weshayrlandy, so.. no17:47
weshaywe don't want to carry that17:47
weshaythat needs a CIX17:48
weshayfor the rpm and the dib params17:48
weshayrlandy, I'll merge once there is a CIX17:48
rlandyweshay: we'll get the update once we have a rhel 8.3 nodepool node17:48
rlandythis is temp until that exists17:48
rlandythe package is correct in rhos-release repos17:49
rlandyjust old on the node17:49
weshayok... so if it's temp.. it needs CIX17:49
weshayto track the temp17:49
rlandyjust going to let OVB run17:49
rlandyit's already started17:49
rlandywill update the review after it runs17:50
weshaythank you17:50
rlandyysandeep|away: ^^ handing off to you for tomorrow :)17:50
weshayrfolco, FYI
rfolco weshay ack thx17:59
rfolcoso this makes more sense17:59
rfolcochandankumar, you confused me with that backport thing17:59
rfolcoits master (victoria) onwards17:59
rfolcoweshay, I don't understand why tripleo_containers.yaml has openstack- prefix for ussuri for example18:01
rfolcoweshay, given that default parameters file has centos-binary-* prefix >>
weshayrfolco, ask in #tripleo18:03
rfolcoweshay, k18:03
weshayI'm not sure I have the answer to that question18:03
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rlandyidk why I thought it depended on your change - should work as is18:37
rlandy test job anyways18:41
rlandyto confirm18:41
rlandy2020-08-26 18:40:36.965874 | primary | TASK [tripleo.operator.tripleo_container_image_build : Run tripleo container image build] ***18:42
rlandy^^ works18:42
weshayrlandy, ya.. looks like it's working :)19:02
weshay26 18:40:36.222169 | primary |     "_build_cmd": "openstack tripleo container image build     --debug    --namespace tripleomaster  --push --registry  --tag f31fc1ea72ab1f45eb1b56d06e3a1640 --volume /etc/yum.repos.d:/etc/yum.repos.d:z --volume /etc/pki/rpm-gpg:/etc/pki/rpm-gpg:z --work-dir /home/zuul/container-builds >/home/zuul/container_image_build.log 2>&1"19:02
weshayperhaps I don't complicate things.. and just let it be a zuul config19:02
rlandyweshay: I figure you had a reason19:04
rlandyI don't know why I conflated the two19:04
rlandyprobably my mistake19:04
rlandyw+'ed that change19:05
rlandyon the ansible line now19:05
rlandy2020-08-26 19:05:27.069514 | fa163e5d-909e-591d-c243-000000000ccf |      FATAL | Pull /tripleomaster/openstack-cinder-volume:f31fc1ea72ab1f45eb1b56d06e3a1640 image | standalone | error={"changed": true, "cmd": "podman pull /tripleomaster/openstack-cinder-volume:f31fc1ea72ab1f45eb1b56d06e3a1640", "delta": "0:00:00.190498", "end": "2020-08-26 19:05:27.032553", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 125,19:14
rlandy"start": "2020-08-26 19:05:26.842055", "stderr": "Error: too many arguments. Requires exactly 1", "stderr_lines": ["Error: too many arguments. Requires exactly 1"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}19:14
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rlandyweshay: looks good19:26
rlandyweshay: do we want to record the repo we are testing?19:26
weshaywe have it in the logs right?19:27
* weshay looks19:27
weshayrlandy, not sure how to identify it19:27
rlandy2020-08-25 18:35:48.280292 | TASK [get repoquery list]19:27
rlandy2020-08-25 18:35:49.847420 | primary | ok: Runtime: 0:00:00.73284919:27
weshayvia monitoring19:27
rlandystupid me - doesn't print out19:28
rlandylet ms fix that19:28
rlandyweshay: ^^ does ... nvm19:28
rlandyall good19:28
rlandyI forgot we collected that19:28
rlandyinteresting that the build image job failed with nothing in the CR repo19:29
rlandywill debug that later19:30
weshayrlandy, this one?
rlandyweshay: yeah - I put back you review to check if we did actually rely on it19:30
rlandywill see if this one still fails19:31
rlandyweshay: these jobs are reporting to dlrn19:37
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weshayrlandy, they report to dlrn w/ the hash from current-tripleo19:51
weshayit's safe to assume the build is always known good19:51
weshayand or current-tripleo19:51
rlandyyep - review ocming up19:51
weshayI lost the data to the the 16.2 integration line in influx.. not sure how.. ysandeep|away fyi19:52
rlandyweshay: WIP: Add latest-ansible dependency jobs20:00
rlandyweshay: no worries on the 16.2 data - nothing much there atm20:00
weshayrlandy, that looks good20:04
rlandyweshay: running testproject to check20:04
rlandyweshay: getting node failure - will try again later20:17
weshayPSI heard you needed it20:18
rlandyback to CR and rdocloud20:18
rlandygotta love variety20:18
rlandy20-08-26 19:55:22.011953 | fa163e9d-712f-91f6-9214-000000000ccf |      FATAL | Pull /tripleomaster/openstack-cinder-volume:f31fc1ea72ab1f45eb1b56d06e3a1640 image | standalone | error={"changed": true, "cmd": "podman pull /tripleomaster/openstack-cinder-volume:f31fc1ea72ab1f45eb1b56d06e3a1640", "delta": "0:00:00.235012", "end": "2020-08-26 19:55:21.984779", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 125,20:20
rlandy"start": "2020-08-26 19:55:21.749767", "stderr": "Error: too many arguments. Requires exactly 1", "stderr_lines": ["Error: too many arguments. Requires exactly 1"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}20:20
rlandyprobably legit20:20
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owalshweshay, rlandy: hey, hit an issue with  CI where puppet-heat is newer than the puppet-oslo that it requires - do we need to do something to pull in the new puppet-oslo?21:59
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rlandyowalsh: what release are you working with?23:32
owalshrlandy: master23:33
owalshlook like it got but not the depends-on23:34
rlandyso that review merged23:34
rlandyI don;t see a depends on here ...
rlandyoh ... this
rlandymay be stuck in the component line23:36
rlandythis is the version of tripleo you would pick up ...23:37
rlandyso puppet-oslo-17.2.1-0.20200817171340.064edac.el8.noarch.rpm2020-08-17 17:14 42K23:38
owalshrlandy: does the update job use a different repo?23:38
rlandypuppet-oslo-17.2.1-0.20200826150400.5f1e481.el8.noarch.rpm2020-08-26 15:04 42K23:38
rlandy^^ you probably want that23:39
rlandylet me check release file ... sec23:39
owalshrlandy: for current-tripleo I see puppet-heat-17.2.1-0.20200810174623.312998a.el8.noarch.rpm2020-08-10 17:4665K23:40
rlandyUpdated 9 hours ago23:40
rlandyyour review23:40
rlandyso it won't be there yet23:40
rlandyowalsh: I'm going to put in a DNM review to test adding puppet-oslo from delorean-current23:41
rlandyif that works, you will review will pass when we promote ... one sec23:42
rlandyowalsh: DNM - Add puppet-oslo to dlrn-current includepkgs23:47
rlandycan you try depends-on ^^23:47
rlandyif that gets you the right version, the next promotion should fix this ...23:47
rlandystill stuck going through
owalshrlandy:  ack, I'll try a depends-on23:49
rlandyif the team is ok with adding puppet-oslo to dlrn-current - may merge that tomorrow23:50
owalshrlandy: ack, thanks! depends on in
rlandyowalsh: ok - let's watch what version of puppet-oslo you get - it should also update containers23:54

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