Friday, 2020-08-07

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chkumar|roverykarel: is it ok to do recheck so that ussuri updates job passes?05:29
ykarelchkumar|rover, hmm ok can do05:31
ykareli see that jobs is green, so good to get in patch too05:31
ykarelin last recheck it passed05:32
ykarelso i didn't do it this time, but ok to re run05:32
ykareljust posted recheck05:32
chkumar|roverykarel: thanks!05:34
chkumar|rovermarios: Good morning! and please have a look, when free05:34
mariosack chkumar|rover morning will do05:45
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chkumar|rovermarios: I was going through the ussuri jobs, added the failed jobs in the hackmd06:11
marioschkumar|rover: thanks, btw don't have core @
chkumar|rovermarios: no problem, jpena|off will merge that06:16
chkumar|rovermarios: thanks for looking into that :-)06:16
marioschkumar|rover: :)06:16
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chkumar|rovermarios: - periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-multinode-1ctlr-featureset030-ussuri SUCCESS in 1h 36m 22s pased07:33
chkumar|rovermarios: let's see how the upgrade job behaves07:34
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marioschkumar|rover: ack ... but which upgrade job?07:39
marioschkumar|rover: ah you mean update
mariosthanks chkumar|rover07:39
chkumar|rovermarios: periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-updates-ussuri this job07:40
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chkumar|roverakahat: svyas arxcruz kopecmartin|pto agenda for today's tempest meeting feel free to update or remove it07:58
mariosykarel: didn't get to the first 2 chkumar|rover beat me to it left minor comments on the other 2 will check again thanks08:00
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ykarelmarios, Thanks, will check those08:22
* ykarel going for lunch for now08:23
marioschkumar|rover: any idea if weshay|ruck disabled train8 promotion? last run is from 06th
marioschkumar|rover: looking at logs08:25
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marioschkumar|rover: nm... i think *just* reported its there now
chkumar|rovermarios: the promoter runs once a day so i think we are good there, and the job finished right now08:35
chkumar|rovermarios: Do we want to re-trigger the promoter08:35
chkumar|roverso that it will promote train & ussuri also?08:36
marioscan it really me true that train will promote08:37
marioschkumar|rover: :D08:37
marioschkumar|rover: yeah sec though double checking criteria08:37
chkumar|rovermarios: sure08:37
chkumar|roverall possible jobs have passed08:37
marioschkumar|rover: \o/ i think so :)08:37
marioschkumar|rover: ok let's go then ... want to google meet & tmate?08:38
chkumar|rovermarios: yes google meet08:38
marioschkumar|rover: logging in08:38
marioschkumar|rover: can i have 15 mins sorry... quick errand is a bit urgent08:39
chkumar|rovermarios: sure08:39
marioschkumar|rover: is it ok for you at the top of the hour?08:39
marioschkumar|rover: in 20?08:39
chkumar|rovermarios: yes will work for me08:39
marioschkumar|rover: great thanks08:39
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chkumar|rovermarios: it just started
marioschkumar|rover: yah 2020-08-07 09:10:34,158 25357 INFO     promoter Containers promote 'aggregate: 22e3f3c7337045d5a5f3ef6b6c8914a3, commit: 15e74046c12ea80c30f8874028a5d39d55031c71, distro: 33c7425dbbfaa5f3adeac4ed017b1b032e55c02d, component: validation, timestamp: 1596773121' to current-tripleo: Attempting promotion09:11
* marios crosses eyes/fingers/hands/legs/toes09:11
chkumar|rovermarios: we need to fix the config source_namespace': 'tripleotrain', 'target_namespace': 'tripleotrain'09:13
marioschkumar|rover: where in logs?09:14
marioschkumar|rover: looking09:14
chkumar|roverpromoter Passing extra vars to playbook: {'release': 'train', 'script_root': '/home/centos/ci-config', 'distro_name': 'centos', 'distro_version': '8', 'manifest_push': False, 'target_registries_push': True, 'candidate_label': 'tripleo-ci-testing', 'named_label': 'current-tripleo', 'commit_hash': '15e74046c12ea80c30f8874028a5d39d55031c71', 'distro_hash': '33c7425dbbfaa5f3adeac4ed017b1b032e55c02d',09:14
chkumar|rover'full_hash': '22e3f3c7337045d5a5f3ef6b6c8914a3', 'containers_list': ['aodh-api', 'aodh-evaluator', 'aodh-listener', 'aodh-notifier', 'barbican-api', 'barbican-keystone-listener', 'barbican-worker', 'ceilometer-central', 'ceilometer-compute', 'ceilometer-notification', 'ceilometer-ipmi', 'cinder-api', 'cinder-backup', 'cinder-scheduler', 'cinder-volume', 'collectd', 'cron', 'designate-api',09:14
chkumar|rover'designate-backend-bind9', 'designate-central', 'designate-mdns', 'designate-producer', 'designate-sink', 'designate-worker', 'ec2-api', 'etcd', 'glance-api', 'gnocchi-api', 'gnocchi-metricd', 'gnocchi-statsd', 'haproxy', 'heat-all', 'heat-api-cfn', 'heat-api', 'heat-engine', 'horizon', 'ironic-api', 'ironic-conductor', 'ironic-inspector', 'ironic-pxe', 'ironic-neutron-agent', 'iscsid', 'keepalived',09:14
chkumar|rover'keystone', 'manila-api', 'manila-scheduler', 'manila-share', 'mariadb', 'memcached', 'mistral-api', 'mistral-engine', 'mistral-executor', 'mistral-event-engine', 'multipathd', 'neutron-dhcp-agent', 'neutron-l3-agent', 'neutron-metadata-agent', 'neutron-openvswitch-agent', 'neutron-sriov-agent', 'neutron-server-ovn', 'neutron-metadata-agent-ovn', 'nova-api', 'nova-compute-ironic', 'nova-compute',09:14
chkumar|rover'nova-conductor', 'nova-libvirt', 'nova-novncproxy', 'nova-scheduler', 'nova-serialproxy', 'novajoin-notifier', 'novajoin-server', 'octavia-api', 'octavia-health-manager', 'octavia-housekeeping', 'octavia-worker', 'ovn-controller', 'ovn-nb-db-server', 'ovn-northd', 'ovn-sb-db-server', 'panko-api', 'placement-api', 'qdrouterd', 'rabbitmq', 'redis', 'sahara-api', 'sahara-engine', 'swift-account',09:14
chkumar|rover'swift-container', 'swift-object', 'swift-proxy-server', 'tripleoclient', 'zaqar-wsgi', 'tempest', 'rsyslog'], 'source_namespace': 'tripleotrain', 'target_namespace': 'tripleotrain'}09:14
marioschkumar|rover: yeah np i see it though09:14
marioschkumar|rover: on tmux?09:16
mariosget back on we can do it now?09:16
chkumar|roverlet join back09:16
marioschkumar|rover: also joining meet again09:17
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marioschkumar|rover: yes :) ++09:25
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chkumar|rovermarios: arxcruz starting today if interested09:46
chkumar|roverit is free09:46
mariosthanks chkumar|rover will check09:46
marios luckily is not gate blocker09:52
openstackLaunchpad bug 1890798 in tripleo "periodic centos8 Ussuri multinode minor update job fails: tderr": "Error: resource 'ip-' is not running on any node" [Critical,Triaged]09:52
chkumar|rovermarios: thanks!09:54
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chkumar|rovermarios: train promoted \0/10:28
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marioschkumar|rover: \o/10:33
marioschkumar|rover: let's go pub10:33
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chkumar|rovermarios: hehe, I am living in a dry state10:35
marioschkumar|rover: :)10:36
arxcruzneed your help, since you know these configs10:38
chkumar|roverarxcruz: let me check10:38
chkumar|roverarxcruz: tempest_private_net_seg_id: '' should be empty10:55
chkumar|roverotherwise it will not work10:55
arxcruzare you sure?10:55
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mariosweshay|ruck: o/ source_namespace: tripleotraincentos811:22
mariostarget_namespace: tripleotraincentos811:22
mariosweshay|ruck: sorry wrong paste initially see ^^11:22
weshay|ruckchkumar|rover, oh.. I thought we'd get a free google nest when we register our fedora workstation lolz11:23
weshay|ruckur right11:23
* weshay|ruck sends a high five to marios 11:23
* marios rebounds a "ha faaaiv" to chkumar|rover 11:24
* chkumar|rover sends back11:24
* weshay|ruck cross over dribbles... and dunks a red hat reward across the team... BAM11:24
marios# cool. story. BRO!11:25
weshay|rucklol.. who are you emilien11:25
weshay|ruckthat's his catch phrase11:25
mariosweshay|ruck: hey that was mine i started it in upgrades11:25
weshay|ruckcool city brno11:25
mariosweshay|ruck: :D i will fight emilien for it11:25
weshay|ruckmarios++ is the OG11:25
mariosweshay|ruck: it was somthing like ' so instead we're gonna do this things to fast forward 3 versions'11:26
mariosand i was like11:26
marioscool story bro11:26
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mariosweshay|ruck: chkumar|rover: any idea off hand why some components didn't run yesterday? e.g. source_namespace: tripleotraincentos811:44
mariostarget_namespace: tripleotraincentos811:44
mariosweshay|ruck: chkumar|rover: ^^^ that also
weshay|ruckmarios, chkumar|rover fyi
chkumar|rovermarios: may be got stuck due to network issue11:45
marioschkumar|rover: yeah maybe... i was thinking that too but i would expect some node_fails or _something_11:45
chkumar|rovermarios: zuul executor is itself on vexxhost11:45
chkumar|roverso no result11:46
marioschkumar|rover: ack makes sense thanks let's hope we get it today11:46
chkumar|roverweshay|ruck: checking11:46
marioschkumar|rover: i was looking at security we have bug there but it has little progress11:46
marioschkumar|rover: source_namespace: tripleotraincentos811:46
mariostarget_namespace: tripleotraincentos811:46
mariosoh for god's sake this paste !11:46
openstackLaunchpad bug 1890266 in tripleo "centos 8 security component + integration pipeline master - Failed container(s): ['nova_wait_for_api_service" [Critical,Triaged]11:46
chkumar|roverit was coming in fs039 na?11:47
* chkumar|rover checks again11:47
chkumar|rovermarios: yes security component as well as fs03911:48
marioschkumar|rover: yeah11:49
weshay|ruckchkumar|rover, so is the vexhost registry back?11:53
* weshay|ruck looks11:53
chkumar|roverweshay|ruck: yes sir11:53
chkumar|roverweshay|ruck: all is working normal11:53
weshay|ruckchkumar|rover, well..except for vex11:54
weshay|ruckoh I lie.. master is running on rdo11:55
chkumar|roverussuri was good today except upgrade job11:55
weshay|ruckchkumar|rover, marios anyone want to tmate w/ me as a fix
weshay|ruckwill probably fix
chkumar|roverweshay|ruck: yes11:56
weshay|ruckk.. starting here11:58
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mariosweshay|ruck: joining promoter sync for few mins? wana do after?12:00
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arxcruzProblem: package docker-ce-3:19.03.12-3.el7.x86_64 requires >= 1.2.2-3, but none of the providers can be installed12:17
arxcruzmarios: rfolco ^12:18
chkumar|roverarxcruz: check my notes on promoter doc12:18
arxcruzchkumar|rover: yeah, we are just discussing about it :)12:19
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chkumar|roverarxcruz: akahat svyas weshay|ruck tempest meeting time12:30
arxcruzchkumar|rover: sec, me and weshay|ruck are in another meeting12:30
weshay|ruckchkumar|rover, marios ok.. fixed
mariosthanks weshay|ruck12:36
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rlandychkumar|rover: fyi ...  Buildah package upgrade from 1.14.9 ->1.15.x for rhos-16.2-rhel-8-trunk-build12:52 bug 1867132 in distribution "Buildah package upgrade from 1.14.9 ->1.15.x for rhos-16.2-rhel-8-trunk-build" [Unspecified,New] - Assigned to lhh12:52
rlandychkumar|rover: due to config, the depends-on changes didn't take12:53
rlandybut we got one passing job12:53
rlandywith container push and dockerfile upload12:53
chkumar|roverrlandy: yup12:54
rlandyweshay|ruck: where did you and sshnaidm|off leave the conversation on toci and the usptream repo installs?12:55
rlandychkumar|rover: thanks12:56
weshay|ruckchkumar|rover, marios yatin is probably the best reviewer here: but FYI
weshay|ruckrlandy, k.. help me remember the context please13:25
rfolcochkumar|rover, weshay|ruck rlandy arxcruz any good soul could please review/merge this small one ?
rfolcoarxcruz, I could be stealing, killing, kidnapping... but I am just asking your review13:30
rfolcothanks chkumar|rover arxcruz13:31
rfolcoarxcruz, perhaps you don't know what is that famous argument for asking money on semaphores anymore, now that you are living in europe13:32
chkumar|rovermarios: I am logging out now13:32
chkumar|roversee ya on monday13:32
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rfolcoand thx rlandy :)13:33
arxcruzrfolco: yeah, i had to read twice to remember lol13:33
rlandyweshay|ruck: when running tests that run toci - standalone for example, if we remove the upstream repos, toci fails - expecting t install those repos13:33
* rlandy gets line13:33
rfolcoarxcruz, you are now a gringo, if you return to brazil, you are an easy target to robbers on copacabana beach13:34
arxcruzrfolco: I'm from Salvador, I know where to not go13:35
arxcruzbesides, i hate rio and sao paulo with all my strength13:35
arxcruzi would never go there :)13:35
arxcruzI hated when we had to travel to tutoia for those boring meetings13:36
rfolcoarxcruz, oxi13:36
arxcruzrfolco: clap hands meetings13:36
rlandy ( need to change path here)13:36
marioso/ raukadah have a good one!13:38
weshay|ruckrlandy, ah right.. we talked about it.. but didn't get much. let me look at that today13:43
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rlandyweshay|ruck: just testing out buildah packages - will look into ^^ afterwards14:03
weshay|ruckmarios, fyi
weshay|ruckrlandy, I'm running some local tests w/ the role and collection setupo14:10
rlandyweshay|ruck: great - thanks14:11
mariosweshay|ruck: looking14:21
mariosweshay|ruck: ack ok for c*7*14:21
weshay|ruckrlandy, ok.. so on the local install side of things...14:23
weshay|ruckrlandy, that code in makes no diff whether it's there or not14:24
weshay|ruckoperator-ansible and collections wind up on the same path14:24
rlandyso we can just ditch it14:24
weshay|ruckrlandy, well14:24
weshay|rucknot 100% sure yet14:24
weshay|ruckif [ -x "$ZUUL_CLONER" ] && [ ! -z "$ZUUL_BRANCH" ]; then14:24
weshay|ruckso just to confirm14:24
weshay|ruckwhat we're saying here14:24
weshay|ruckif ZUUL_CLONER is defined and ZUUL_BRANCH is not null?14:26
weshay|ruckrlandy, just proceeding carefully for a use case I'm not familiar w/14:30
rlandyweshay|ruck: ok - I won't force merge that14:34
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rlandyysandeep: hi - thought you were out today?14:53
ysandeeprlandy, Hey o/ I was, Just logged in to see what's going with our 16.2 work so that I can pick it up on monday14:54
rlandyysandeep: we have good news and bad news ....14:57
rlandywe have a set of containers uploaded14:57
rlandyso you can continue14:57
rlandybut we need to switch to rhel 8.314:57
rlandyso that may cause issues14:57
rlandyI am testing14:58
ysandeeprlandy, rhel 8.3, Because of that buildah package version?14:58
rlandybecause 16.2 is based off rhel 8.3 now - eventually 8.414:59
ysandeeprlandy, okay, we will even not using rhel 815:01
ysandeep8.3 with rhos1715:01
rlandyysandeep: 17 will probably be another version15:01
weshay|ruckrlandy, are packages not updating to the latest base?15:08
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rlandyweshay|ruck: in reference to which packages?15:14
weshay|ruckrlandy, rhel 8.1 -> 8.215:15
rlandyweshay|ruck: I don't think that is an issue - idk15:15
rlandywe're talking 8.315:15
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ysandeeprlandy, minor comment here -
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rlandyweshay|ruck: your patch is under test in internal17:48
rlandywell so far life if just fine without those tripleo quickstart installs17:58
weshay|ruckya.. standalone thinks it's ok thus far17:59
weshay|ruckrlandy, /me wonders about ci.centos17:59
weshay|ruckI'll try a local run I suppose17:59
rlandyweshay|ruck: that code must be there for a reason18:09
rlandybut it's only centos, we can switch case it18:09
rlandyjust fine so far18:09
rlandymaybe upgrades needs it18:09
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rlandyweshay|ruck: anything ruck/rover -wise for next week?18:30
rlandywho has access to promoter?18:30
weshay|ruckrlandy, both marios and chandan18:32
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weshay|ruckrlandy, fyi.. build_id artifact as file in the logs
weshay|ruckthinking about pulling that for monitoring and adding a column to each job w/ the build id18:51
weshay|ruckrlandy, let me know if you have any thoughts around that18:51
rlandyweshay|ruck: commented18:56
rlandynot sure what extra value this gives18:57
rlandyif we are not capturing the hash, that should be added to get_hash18:57
rlandyis that just missing for check jobs?18:58
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weshay|ruckrlandy, so.. we have a promotion problem19:01
weshay|ruckcentos-8 train promoted chandan and marios told me so... ykarel is reporting missing containers19:01
weshay|ruckI'm seeing the right container for
rlandyweshay|ruck: which containers are missing then?19:02
weshay|ruckbut vwala19:02
weshay|ruckneutron-server is missing19:02
weshay|ruck| requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url:
rlandyhmmm .. did we fall into that jijna condition?19:03
weshay|ruckwhich I think is a overcloud_containers.j2 vs.yaml issue19:03
rlandyI think chandan had a change in there to set neutron to something19:03
rlandywe fixed this once before19:04
weshay|ruckrlandy, anyhoo19:04
rlandywe switched to the non-j219:04
weshay|ruckya... I suspect I'll have to manually promote the missing containers19:04
rlandyin the ini file19:04
rlandywhat's there now?19:04
* weshay|ruck looks19:05
rlandyweshay|ruck: ok - so we need to fix the ini and run manual promoter19:06
rlandylike in hackmd19:07
* rlandy gets onto promoter server19:07
weshay|ruckrlandy, luckily it's here
rlandyweshay|ruck: ok - do you have tmate open on promoter?19:08
weshay|ruckrlandy, going to pull and push some containers here19:10
rlandyweshay|ruck: rather than running manual promotion?19:10
rlandywe need to fix the ini anyways19:10
rlandyweshay|ruck: ok - whatever works but we will hit this issue on next promotion19:13
weshay|ruckrlandy, ya.. can you work on the config please while I pull and push containers19:14
rlandyweshay|ruck: standalone on 17 just passed19:14
rlandywith your patch19:14
rlandyweshay|ruck: sure - let we can manually promote if you get tired19:15
rlandyone line :)19:15
rlandyweshay|ruck: see my change on tmux? ok?19:19
rlandyI saved it - fee free to change it back19:21
weshay|ruckrlandy, k.. /me looks.. neutorn-server is uploading now19:21
weshay|ruckrlandy, from that jinja are we missing any others?19:21
* weshay|ruck looks19:21
rlandyweshay|ruck: if we are I'd like to manually promote so we can test the change19:22
rlandyforce promote that hash19:22
weshay|ruckrlandy, ah.. that is an idea too19:22
weshay|ruckrlandy, one sec though this is almost done19:23
rlandyweshay|ruck: in the mean time, what should we about
rlandybring it to scrum on monday?19:24
* rlandy know you are out19:24
rlandydoes spring downstream free19:24
weshay|ruckrlandy, I think that's it right?19:24
rlandythat is the condition that excludes the containers, right19:25
rlandynice - it's there19:25
weshay|ruckor it's all of those19:25
rlandywe need them all uploaded19:26
rlandyeach one is used in a different scenario19:26
weshay|ruckrlandy, so manual push is best bet then19:31
rlandyok - let's do this thing19:31
rlandyweshay|ruck: I'm on tmux19:32
weshay|ruckrlandy, aye19:32
rlandyweshay|ruck: we need ag hash, commit hash, distro hash19:33
weshay|ruck  commit_hash: 15e74046c12ea80c30f8874028a5d39d55031c7119:34
weshay|ruck  distro_hash: 33c7425dbbfaa5f3adeac4ed017b1b032e55c02d19:34
weshay|ruckfrom validations?19:35
weshay|ruckas it's last?19:35
weshay|ruckrlandy, ^19:35
rlandyk .. pasting command ...19:35
rlandylet me confirm distro hash - one sec19:37
weshay|ruckrlandy, promoter Dlrn promote 'aggregate: 22e3f3c7337045d5a5f3ef6b6c8914a3, commit: 15e74046c12ea80c30f8874028a5d39d55031c71, distro: 33c7425dbbfaa5f3adeac4ed017b1b032e55c02d, component: validation, timestamp: 1596773121' from tripleo-ci-testing to current-tripleo: (subhash aggregate: b1c8141f555f2423cc246d9c020fc60f, commit: cb24eb9d0d38d16195b8cdd6c04ded892de4fb3a, distro: 4acaff5b0437c615562fa2860fdd48abd11117d6, component: network,19:37
weshay|rucktimestamp: None) Successfully promoted19:37
weshay|ruckrlandy, ya.. promoter confirms it19:37
weshay|ruckthose are the right values19:37
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weshay|ruckthis logging sucks19:38
rlandyweshay|ruck: ok - see command on tmux?19:38
* weshay|ruck looks19:38
rlandyok to run?19:38
* weshay|ruck double checks19:38
rlandyini is changed19:39
rlandyso we could see trouble19:39
weshay|ruckrlandy, all values are correct19:39
rlandyweshay|ruck: k - let' try this19:39
rlandyhere we go19:40
weshay|ruckthank you19:40
rlandyweshay|ruck: let's see if it works first19:40
weshay|ruckrlandy, cheating.. / using yatins job to test that tq patch :)
weshay|ruckthanks yatin19:55
rlandyweshay|ruck: did you know that  module_hotfixes=1 take preference in repos? I did not /o\20:00
arxcruzraukadah: weshay|ruck
arxcruzos_tempest running on queens!!!20:01
* arxcruz opens a beer20:01
weshay|ruckrlandy, I'm not very familiar w/ yum modules20:02
weshay|ruckarxcruz, nice work dude20:02
weshay|ruckrlandy, centos-8 train repromoted successfully20:38
rlandyweshay|ruck: yay20:39
rlandythat's a handy tool panda built20:39
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rlandyweshay|ruck: guess I'll do something about trying to promote networking on 17 next week20:53
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