Friday, 2020-07-24

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akahatysandeep|ruck, o/06:44
akahatysandeep|ruck, do you have any updates on fs39 train job?06:45
ysandeep|ruckakahat, hello o/06:46
ysandeep|ruckakahat, ovb fs39 master job ran successfull today -
ysandeep|ruckakahat, can you recheck and see the current status06:47
akahatysandeep|ruck, i didn't ran it recently.. let me recheck.06:47
ysandeep|ruckakahat, ack06:47
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chandankumarmarios: yes please+w07:44
chandankumarmarios: thanks :-)07:46
* chandankumar offers milk tea to marios :-)07:46
* marios sips massala chai07:47
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chandankumarbhagyashris: pojadhav|lunch ysandeep|ruck akahat when free, thanks!08:44
ysandeep|ruckchandankumar, ack08:48
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pojadhavchandankumar, ack09:11
arxcruzchandankumar: kopecmartin
chandankumararxcruz: will take a look09:22
mariospanda: did you see the invite for the call this afternoon?09:25
mariospanda: i just noticed you didn't ack/nack yet09:25
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zbr|ruckif anyone needs my help let me know09:26
zbr|rucki am happy that I no longer see the confusing image related errors from yesterday on the promoter09:27
marioszbr|ruck: my fence needs painting please09:27
zbr|ruckmarios: i do a poor job with the brush, but no problem with power tool. warning, I do not clean after myself.09:28
chandankumarzbr|ruck: please review my j2 removal promoter patch09:31
marioszbr|ruck: ;)09:32
zbr|ruckchandankumar: if only you could post a link, i was not able to find it in ci-config09:37
chandankumarit is on rlandy name09:37
chandankumari have taken over it09:37
zbr|ruckmarios, abandon
zbr|ruckwe really need to fix permissions on rdo gerrit to allow us to abandon others reviews, helps w/ cleanups09:38
zbr|ruckon upstream we can09:38
marioszbr|ruck: ack very old one :D09:39
zbr|ruckmarios: chandankumar : approve
akahatchandankumar, ysandeep|ruck
marioszbr|ruck: added to next reviews queue09:41
zbr|ruckthat is permissions fix, not need to "study" it09:41
zbr|ruckso i can abandon your reviews! ;)09:42
chandankumarzbr|ruck: commented09:42
ysandeep|ruckakahat, that's because periodic-tripleo-centos-8-train-containers-build-push failed today with node failure09:42
marioszbr|ruck: ack09:42
chandankumarjpena: please have a look at this
akahatysandeep|ruck, ack.09:43
mariospanda: o/ hello please confirm when you get a chance, if the time doesn't work we can change it09:43
jpenachandankumar: I think that's not the right way to change that, let me find it and comment in the review09:44
chandankumarzbr|ruck: ^6 jpena thanks :-)09:44
ysandeep|ruckakahat, can you try something like this -
zbr|ruckjpena: thanks for the update, i have no clue about how to navigate that "encrypted" file09:52
zbr|ruckfilenames + keys with guids,...09:52
zbr|ruckbut i am happy to help on fixing the issue, i only need bit of guidance09:54
zbr|ruckthe idea is that cores should be able to abandon reviews, in general09:54
zbr|ruckafaik on upstream gerrit this is implicit and makes sense, as cores should be allowed to cleanup the review queue09:55
jpenazbr|ruck: let me create a review to extract the config from that messy file, we can take over from there09:55
* zbr|ruck preparing to abandon all panda's changes, muhaha, muhaha...09:57
chandankumarakahat: arxcruz kopecmartin svyas agenda for today's tempest meeting please add, update or remove09:59
zbr|ruckchandankumar: i am afraid you still need to work on it to make it green10:01
chandankumarzbr|ruck: comment, please comment10:01
chandankumarstaging promoter code need some fixes10:01
jpenazbr|ruck:, let's refine it10:03
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zbr|ruckjpena: i did few edits. i think i started to realise what we need to do.10:21
zbr|ruckideally we should endup cleaning the missing resources files10:22
zbr|ruckand i also discoverd how dms appeared all over on reviews10:23
chandankumarakahat: ping10:32
chandankumarakahat: any comment on this before merging10:33
* akahat looking10:33
akahatchandankumar, no comments. looks good.10:35
chandankumarakahat: thanks!10:42
pandamarios:sorry, it's a ack10:44
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ysandeep|ruckmarios, quick query on naming convention of upgrades job - tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade-stein --->  means rocky to stein upgrade , right?11:01
mariosysandeep|ruck: yes11:09
mariosysandeep|ruck: always upgrade to11:09
mariospanda: praise be11:10
mariospanda: thanks11:10
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ysandeep|ruckmarios, thanks, just wondering why we have R-> S upgrade job in tht train branch tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade-stein , Not sure how useful it will be here.11:13
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mariosysandeep|ruck: well it wouldn't run on train ... looks like maybe left over from when the train branch was made11:14
mariosysandeep|ruck: i wouldn't run cos of
ysandeep|ruckmarios, yes, seems like left over to me as well, thanks for confirming11:15
ysandeep|ruckbhagyashris, pojadhav feel free to remove tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade-stein from train branches layouts.. its seems leftover11:17
chandankumarakahat:  regarding os_tempest ironic issue is testing here11:17
chandankumarwith all the patches11:17
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chandankumarakahat: let me use the ironic tempest plugin patch also11:17
pojadhavysandeep|ruck, ack11:17
akahatchandankumar, oh.. you put everything there. :P11:19
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chandankumarakahat: I was talking about this error
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akahatchandankumar, in recent ran i didn't seen this issue:
mariosack ysandeep|ruck11:22
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chandankumarakahat: not there11:22
chandankumarakahat: it is getting tested11:23
chandankumarakahat: os_tempest ironic changes are not getting executed there11:23
akahatchandankumar, okay. let's wait for it.11:23
chandankumarakahat: one more thing, which patch is not working11:26
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chandankumarysandeep|ruck: pojadhav|brb bhagyashris added comments for missing jobs here let us know if any queries11:43
ysandeep|ruckchandankumar, ack, thank you!11:46
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weshay|ruckmarios, re: packages..
openstackLaunchpad bug 1888821 in tripleo "Some tasks are still using yum instead of dnf making the command always fail." [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Sofer Athlan-Guyot (sofer-athlan-guyot)11:54
mariosweshay|ruck: o/ packages? looking11:54
weshay|ruckmarios, it looks like ur job installs the dlrn built packages after upgrade.. in ussuri
mariosweshay|ruck: we had a similar one
openstackLaunchpad bug 1886837 in tripleo "centos8 master undercloud upgrade failing - yum instead of dnf" [High,Fix released] - Assigned to Marios Andreou (marios-b)11:55
mariosweshay|ruck: didn't come across the one Sofer filed though11:55
mariosweshay|ruck: well, i haven't been paying too much attention to master11:55
mariosweshay|ruck: maybe that's why11:55
mariosweshay|ruck: oh you mean
openstackLaunchpad bug 1887159 in tripleo "centos8 standalone-upgrade ussuri fails Error: cluster is not configured " [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Marios Andreou (marios-b)11:56
* weshay|ruck just guessing but wanted to make sure you saw it11:56
mariosweshay|ruck: ack noting11:56
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weshay|ruckarxcruz, you still working on 2020-07-24 07:30:34.195 |  TASK [install_skiplist : Install tempest-skiplist] *****************************11:58
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arxcruzweshay|ruck: yes11:59
weshay|ruckarxcruz, k... and just to close the loop.. you know the zuul repo is n/a in this case12:00
weshay|ruckjust a standard invocation12:00
bhagyashrischandankumar, ack thank you :)12:00
arxcruzweshay|ruck: yes12:00
arxcruzI'm thinking download from git if zuul is not defined12:01
arxcruzand install it12:01
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weshay|ruckarxcruz, k.. you have a box for the recreate ya?12:09
arxcruzweshay|ruck: yup12:09
arxcruzweshay|ruck: but i don't think it will be required12:10
chandankumarrfolco: thanks for looking into my patch, I need to fix few stuff, may be a new version come on monday12:14
rfolcochandankumar, np12:14
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rlandychandankumar: hey ...
chandankumarrlandy: Hello12:19
rlandycan you explain more about what we need to do with the md5?12:19
rlandychandankumar: that job doesn;t report to dlrn ... so wanted to ask you about tracking versions12:20
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rlandyhow can we know what repo we tested?12:20
rlandychandankumar: test result ...
chandankumarrlandy: sorry12:21
chandankumarrlandy: i havenot seen the test patch
chandankumarrlandy: we donot need md5 now12:22
rlandychandankumar: this is just POC12:22
rlandychandankumar: I think you are right though12:22
chandankumarrlandy: but we also wanted to put to track it as a part of promotion criteria12:22
chandankumarso that none misses it12:22
chandankumarif it fails lets; block the pipeline12:22
rlandychandankumar: ok- so that will work if we have a version to block on12:23
rlandyhow do I tell what version of that CR repo I am working with?12:23
rlandythey don't keep an md512:24
rlandywe can take one12:24
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chandankumarrlandy: regarding version hard to find out12:25
chandankumaras they get populate few weeks before a new release comes up12:26
weshay|ruckya.. it's not versioned12:26
weshay|ruckrlandy, chandankumar what would we block when it fails?12:27
chandankumarweshay|ruck: in ideal case, new component pipeline will be promoting always12:27
weshay|ruckmay the force be with you, always12:27
chandankumarsorry component comes from dlrn12:28
chandankumarsorry component repo provided by dlrn12:28
weshay|ruckright. which is not the case here.. w/ cr12:28
rlandywe have no way then to determine block/unblock12:28
rlandybased on what repo we actually tested12:29
chandankumarso here, we can need add few jobs in each component which will be part of promotion12:29
rlandyunless we played dlrn ourselves ...12:29
weshay|ruckimho... open to suggestions..12:29
chandankumarif fails then block the promotion12:29
rlandywe took the md5 of th repo we tested12:29
weshay|ruckstandalone w/ ceph, so 001,00412:29
rlandyand ublocked cr if it was the same md512:29
rlandyweshay|ruck: chandankumar: chat for a few? or ideas on hackmd?12:30
chandankumarrlandy: going in tempest meeting12:30
weshay|ruckchandankumar, if these jobs fail.. I'd think about auto creating a bug.. w/ cix12:30
chandankumarmay be chat after an hour?12:30
rlandychandankumar: ack12:30
rlandythen I can finish this for you all12:30
rlandymarios: looking into your comment on - maybe it's only multinode where the logs exploded.12:33
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mariosrlandy: ack i wasn't sure if i was looking at the right place/if the problem was general/specific etc12:35
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mariosrlandy: wana join?13:03
arxcruzweshay|ruck: yup, the command is there13:05
arxcruzassuming .quickstart/bin/activate is being called and it's on path13:06
weshay|ruckarxcruz, see... and install-deps.sh13:07
weshay|ruckin tq13:07
weshay|ruckzbr|ruck, dear lord sotp13:08
weshay|ruckzoom out13:08
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arxcruzweshay|ruck: 1-1?13:32
weshay|ruckarxcruz, aye.. coming13:32
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chandankumarrlandy: weshay|ruck want to talk now?13:44
rfolcomarios, added link to test hackmd at the top of the page13:44
mariosrfolco: ack13:44
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rlandychandankumar: ack13:45
mariosakahat: bhagyashris: chandankumar: panda: rfolco: rlandy: ysandeep|away: zbr|ruck: weshay|ruck: as just discussed I sent an invite for wednesday 29 promoter sync fyi check inboxes13:47
pojadhavmarios, add me also :)13:49
mariosrecheck awoo here we go it's been a while its the recheck roullette - never know what'cha gonna get!13:49
mariospojadhav: ack added check inbox13:50
chandankumarweshay|ruck: please +w ot14:07
chandankumarrlandy: I am testing new container build here and namespace does not get populated14:07
chandankumaronce it's up, we will have a standalone run then we will move it to prod14:08
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chandankumarmarios: weshay|ruck rlandy please have a look when free14:13
weshay|ruckrlandy, chandankumar fyi
rlandychandankumar: ok - thanks - I14:16
rlandy'll use it to test14:16
chandankumarrlandy: containers are build successully14:17
chandankumarrlandy: and
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rlandyweshay|ruck: re: - when we see it in dlrn, I'll add the line for it14:19
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rlandychandankumar: should I abandon
chandankumarrlandy: nope14:39
chandankumarrlandy: we will merge it on monday14:39
arxcruzchandankumar: need your help here
arxcruzis it possible we have openstacksdk >= 12 on queens ?14:49
chandankumararxcruz: need to check the version in rdo14:50
chandankumarand upstream requirements14:51
arxcruzchandankumar: this is what we need to make it work, the stein is passing with os_tempest14:52
chandankumararxcruz: answer is no14:52
chandankumararxcruz: we need to bump in upstream requirments14:52
arxcruzchandankumar: maybe we check os_tempest side...14:53
arxcruzchandankumar: is that possible ?14:53
chandankumarthen it will get worked14:53
chandankumarthese are not conditonal14:54
arxcruzstein passes with os_tempest14:54
chandankumararxcruz:       source-branch: 0.27.014:55
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chandankumarbecuase of higher openstacksdk version14:55
arxcruzchandankumar: yup, i'm aware14:55
arxcruzso, i'm checking the ansible module os_14:55
chandankumararxcruz: may be we ask release team to update bump openstasksk version14:55
arxcruzchandankumar: how we do that? mail, submit review?14:56
arxcruznever did that before :)14:56
chandankumararxcruz: yes14:56
chandankumararxcruz: submit review14:56
rlandymarios: so I looked into the overcloud-deploy logging issue14:56
rlandythe explosion of the logs is only on multinode14:57
rlandybut all releases14:57
rlandyso I will change that patch to be only multinode featuresets14:57
chandankumararxcruz: propose the patch add sagi and odyssey4me they can help on pitching in14:58
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arxcruzchandankumar: sshnaidm|off odyssey4me:
chandankumararxcruz: you need to fix the commit msg15:06
chandankumararxcruz: on train jobs. -> queens job15:07
weshay|ruckarxcruz, isn't that a rocky tag?15:08
rlandyzbr|ruck: did we stop gzipping our logs?15:11
rlandyor is that only an rdocloud thing?15:11
chandankumarweshay|ruck: do we still care about rocky?15:11
zbr|ruckrlandy: no idea, i did not touch anything around.15:11
zbr|ruckas you probably know, I am against gzipping15:12
rlandyzbr|ruck: I didn't know - but I don't want to turn off verbose logs if the issue is gzip15:12
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rlandyzbr|ruck: why are you against gzip?15:18
* rlandy just asking15:18
weshay|ruckchandankumar, for now yes15:18
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zbr|ruckbecause they prevent browsing the files. all modern storage backends can take care of compressing files at rest and for transport in a transparent way.15:19
weshay|ruckzbr|ruck, I would like our logs to work the way they used to15:19
zbr|ruckonly exception is when we have a huge number of files, ones that nobody expects to browse.15:19
weshay|ruckour logs need to 100% browsable15:20
zbr|ruckweshay|ruck: as I said, i did not make any change myself.15:20
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zbr|ruckprobably you remember my round with infra around .sh files, still not sorted.15:20
weshay|ruckright.. I was going to say.. the work was never completed15:21
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: We are renaming projects in Gerrit and will experience a short outage. Thank you for your patience.15:21
zbr|ruckit takes only one smart... to say he prefers download instead of browse to block anything15:21
weshay|ruckand they may never approve it15:21
weshay|ruckat what point do we take ownership of it.. and do what we can to return to 100% browsable15:21
mariosrlandy: reading back15:22
zbr|ruckit will eventually happen, i started to go deepen in zuul changes, but i need time, time to learn more Reac for example15:22
mariosrlandy: ack ok i will revisit on next reviews then noting15:22
rlandymarios: actually, after more investigation, we zip the ovb logs15:23
rlandywe don't zip upstream15:23
rlandystill following this one up15:23
zbr|ruckwhere are the files that are not browsable but there were few days ago? gime me bit more context, maybe we discover the issue15:23
mariosrlandy: ack thanks for update np i would have revisited anyway on next reviews15:23
arxcruzweshay|ruck: yeah, now i have no idea how to manage that15:24
weshay|ruckarxcruz, we can bump the release in openstacksdk for queens.. but I need more context of what the issue is15:24
arxcruzweshay|ruck: os_tempest15:25
arxcruzweshay|ruck: in order to move queens to use os_tempest15:25
arxcruzit requires openstacksdk >= 1.1215:25
arxcruzops, 0.1215:25
rlandyzbr|ruck: so this all started because the multinode deploy logs were running ~6M15:25
rlandyI'm looking back to see if this was always the case15:25
rlandyin rdocloud, we don;t see this because we gzip the logs15:26
rlandydropping verbose may be a bad idea15:26
rlandyif it decreases our ability to debug15:26
akahatquick question: where ironic deployment logs got stored ?15:26
rlandywhich is why I w-1'ed the patch15:26
weshay|ruckarxcruz, sec.. checking something15:27
akahat /var/log/containers/ironic/deploy.. this directory is not exists.15:27
akahatso in tripleo it's path is different?15:28
weshay|ruckarxcruz, last tag was from march15:29
weshay|ruckarxcruz, so.. does queens since march have the feature you need15:29
weshay|ruckor just in rocky15:29
arxcruzjust in 0.1215:29
weshay|ruckarxcruz, forget the tag15:29
weshay|ruckbecause we can 11.515:30
weshay|ruckbut that only helps if the feature you need is in queens at all15:30
weshay|ruckarxcruz, if not.. I think it would be fine to use $any_version of openstacksdk15:30
weshay|ruckw/ tempest15:30
weshay|ruckor... wait15:30
arxcruzweshay|ruck: 2020-07-24 13:29:48.918368 | primary | To utilize this module, the installed version of the openstacksdk library MUST be >=0.12.15:30
weshay|ruckre: the setup for tempest15:30
weshay|rucknot tempest itself15:30
weshay|ruckarxcruz, which bits of os_tempest are failing15:31
weshay|ruckthe setup or the test execution15:31
arxcruzweshay|ruck: setup15:31
weshay|ruckarxcruz, for all I care.. use master for the setup15:31
weshay|ruckdoesn't matter15:31
weshay|ruckarxcruz, does that help?15:31
arxcruzweshay|ruck: i'll test15:31
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chandankumarsee ya on monday, Have a nice weekend ahead :-)16:18
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rlandyweshay|ruck: have a minute?16:33
rlandyweshay|ruck: re: deploy log size16:34
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rlandyraukadah: Sync with RDO - container login with buildah role18:32
rlandyweshay|ruck: ping re: 16-2 naming18:52
weshay|ruckrlandy, hey19:30
weshay|rucksorry.. that took longer than I thought19:30
rlandyweshay|ruck: np19:43
weshay|ruckrlandy, the deploy_log size, that Emilien was working?19:45
rlandyweshay|ruck: yeah - it seems like it's been this way for a  log time19:45
rlandyalso, I noticed we were zip'ping the logs in rdo but not upstrea,19:45
weshay|ruckre: the logs being tooo long?19:45
rlandyremoving the debug output helped somewhat19:45
rlandybut I have concerns about removing verbise output19:46
rlandymaybe it will hurt our debugging19:46
weshay|ruckrlandy, give me an example.. just so we're looking at the exact same thing19:46
rlandydeploy logs are edging upwards of 6M19:46
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weshay|ruckrlandy, I'm a little paralized in my thinking about it tbh.. because it cuts both ways19:47
weshay|ruckI'm afraid if we reduce the logging too much, our debugging will suffer19:47
weshay|ruckgenerally speaking I always feel that way19:47
rlandyweshay|ruck: merged ...19:47
EmilienMwe don't want --verbose19:47
rlandyweshay|ruck: compare:
rlandyansible.logThu Jul 23 19:20:27 2020131.4M19:50
rlandyovercloud_deploy.logThu Jul 23 19:20:30 2020105.4M19:50
rlandyansible.logThu Jul 23 04:16:50 2020841.5K19:50
weshay|ruckansible log is much smaller in the first19:50
rlandyovercloud_deploy.logThu Jul 23 04:16:50 2020843.6K19:50
rlandymaybe we shot ourselves in the foot???19:51
weshay|ruckwith regards to the logs being not verbose enough?19:52
rlandymarios also objected to the blanket change
rlandyconsidering we zip OVB logs19:53
rlandywe could leave those verbose?19:53
EmilienMwe should only enable verbose when things are broken19:53
EmilienMthis storage isn't free19:54
weshay|ruckI would also start using /var/log/extra/errors.txt19:54
rlandyEmilienM: I got some push back from the team to
rlandywhich is why I am asking19:54
EmilienMno more energy to deal with it today19:54
EmilienMgo deal with 200M+ logs then :D19:54
weshay|ruckit's not saving space19:55
* weshay|ruck goes back prior to doing so19:56
weshay|ruckit saves time in the log loading in my browser for sure19:57
EmilienMit saves storage19:57
EmilienMstoring 200M just for overcloud per job is useless19:57
EmilienMwe should have this talk on #tripleo19:57
EmilienMalex is not here19:57
weshay|rucksomething else is at play.. looking at a job from july3rd..
EmilienMweshay|ruck: you remember when you said "pick your battles"20:01
EmilienMi'm putting that in action right now20:01
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rlandyconsider standalone ...20:01
weshay|ruckEmilien .. such a drama boy20:02
rlandystandalone_deploy.logWed Jul 22 21:04:57 2020730.4K20:02
rlandyweshay|ruck: idk - we can do through it more  ... but the logs have been large for a while20:04
rlandydon;t know why it attracted attention all of a sudden20:05
weshay|ruckrlandy, so you are concerned we can't get what we need from the logs eh?20:05
weshay|ruckbecause you haven't said that yet20:06
* rlandy doesn't expect weshay|ruck to read between the lines ...20:07
rlandy"<rlandy> maybe it will hurt our debugging"20:07
weshay|ruckya.. I would let it run like this for a bit.. and see how it goes20:07
rlandyweshay|ruck: run like how?20:08
weshay|ruckthe deploy log doesn't often point at the root cause of any failure20:08
weshay|ruckrlandy, leave the less verbose logging on for a bit20:08
rlandyweshay|ruck: so put the patch in for merge?20:08
rlandydebug removal is merged20:08
rlandyquestion is around verbose patch20:09
rlandynvm merged - /me will recheck20:09
rlandyweshay|ruck: ^^ ok - then we can decide on20:10
rlandyweshay|ruck: so second ping was about 16.2 renaming ...20:11
rlandywell naming20:11
rlandygot a couple patches in the works like ^^20:12
rlandythe dlrn repo is 16-220:12
rlandyin code-eng the repos are 16.220:12
rlandymostly I went with 16.220:12
rlandypls comment on the review if any issues20:12
weshay|ruckya.. I have it up .. couple side conversations atm.. might be slow20:24
weshay|ruckrlandy, I think the internal review looks fine20:36
weshay|ruckthere may be an issue w/ 16.2 vs something like 16_2 etc20:36
rlandyadding more jobs20:36
rlandyweshay|ruck: yeah - that's exactly waht I was asking20:36
weshay|ruckbut until we KNOW of a problem w/ a "." I'm fine w/ it20:36
rlandywe'll find out20:36
rlandybut juts adding the jobs so we have something to start with20:37
rlandyweshay|ruck: we need a new namespace in the registry20:38
rlandywill discuss the 16.2 vs 16-2 in monday's meeting20:39
rlandyand we can have a final decision20:39
rlandyno big deal either way20:39
weshay|ruckis the registry link in the infra doc?20:39
weshay|ruckfor 17?20:39
rlandyshould be - checking20:40
rlandyInternal upshift container registry20:41
rlandyweshay|ruck: ^^20:41
rlandyand new release files20:43
weshay|ruckrlandy, anything else I can help w/?20:52
rlandyweshay|ruck: I don't think so - thanks20:57
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rlandyweshay|ruck: and in the shocker of the week, OVB downsteam baremetal component is running well :)21:21
weshay|ruckrlandy, NICE21:24
* weshay|ruck looks21:24
* weshay|ruck see's two passes in bm21:25
rlandythat's as long as it's been in the component21:28
rlandyjust merged that change21:28
weshay|rucksigns of success21:30
* weshay|ruck checks the other jobs.. maybe we have failing copoment21:30
* weshay|ruck thinks we need a promotion of rhos-17 still21:31
weshay|ruckya.. it's the components21:32
weshay|ruckrlandy, let's look monday.. it's getting late for you21:32
rlandyweshay|ruck: we are still waiting for a change from brew ...21:32
rlandygetti g21:32
weshay|ruckya.. I recall.. so that's going to suck if we have to do that a lot21:33
rlandyit's in backlog21:33
rlandyuntil that - we won't get a promotion21:33
rlandyand all those components will be broken21:33
* weshay|ruck cix's it21:34
weshay|ruckthat's what burns wanted :)21:37
rlandyweshay|ruck: - I am stopping there - until we geta  16.2 61-2 decision on monday21:37
rlandyand the train container backports21:37
weshay|ruckI would _21:37
weshay|rucknot -21:37
weshay|ruckbut good to rollcall it21:37
rlandylet's get a final decision21:37
* rlandy has CR work to do now21:38
weshay|ruckunderscores are usually a safe bet21:38
weshay|ruckrlandy,  :)21:38
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