Thursday, 2020-05-07

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chemmarios: hey, good morning :)08:20
marioschem: o/ morning08:21
chemmarios: so every downstream update jobs are going to fail because cannot merged because cannot merge because podman_container role doesn't exist in train (certainly ?)08:22
chemmarios: what can we do ?08:22
openstackLaunchpad bug 1876893 in tripleo "Error: error removing container - device or resource busy" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Sagi (Sergey) Shnaidman (sshnaidm)08:22
marioschem: looking08:22
chemmarios: thanks08:26
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marioschem|afk: i mean i see it in train
marioschem|afk: hmmm i wonder if this is another case of - vs _08:37
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chemmarios: hum ... - vs _ doesn't seem to apply here09:02
marioschem: commented at we could try to unblock by reverting just that part of the review into a separate patch and fix it there09:03
marioschem: yeah the - _ was a red herring i was looking at the job definition and thought it was related09:03
marioschem: those jobs only exist on train branch so its even more confusing09:03
chemmarios: I've replied, but basically that patch is supposed to be a fix for an error that happens without it, so "revert" is not a option09:09
marioschem: if we can't do that i.e. revert just that part cos of the bug (theres a lot of context and i haven't been part of it looks like weshay|ruck sshnaidm|afk were mostly looking there so far and today is new ruck|rover day) then we will just have to consider making the job non voting and working out the module issue as another bug09:09
marioschem: yeaeh this is what i was worried about so... ^09:09
chemmarios: but I'm really surprised that we're using ansible module instead of paunch in train ci.09:10
chemmarios: downstream default is paunch09:10
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marioschem: well you mean podman_container module? its part of tripleo-ansible so in general they want to move away from pauch and have that instead09:10
marioschem: i guess ?09:11
chemmarios: I'm not familiar enough with jobs definition, but I believe we're including disable-paunch.yaml environment file somewhere here09:11
chemmarios: that stuff
marioschem: job definition is in zuul.d/molecule on train tripleo-ansible09:11
marioschem: ack so that's good right i mean they don't want to use paunch09:12
chemmarios: why ? it's the default downstream09:12
chemmarios: for train09:13
marioschem: but that's upstream09:13
chemmarios: hehehe, oki.  It's just that testing somethnig that isn't used downstream by default isn't that useful to *me* but then, who am I to complain about my poor fate :)09:14
marioschem: if you're saying it's missing backports i can't see something obvious missing comparign train/master tripleo-ansible09:14
chemmarios: I really don't know because ... I mainly downstream so my entire world is paunch :)09:15
marioschem: in this particular case its about testing tripleo-ansible which i don't if it's used downstream09:18
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chemmarios: it is, for sure.09:18
chemmarios: all over the place09:18
marioschem: yeah :/09:19
marioschem: sorry09:19
marioschem: like invoked via tht in most places now09:19
chemmarios: right09:19
marioschem: then where is it defaulting to paunch still?09:19
marioschem: like via tht or via client or what?09:19
chemmarios: I think the  upstream ci must include the env file I mentionned earlier at some point of the job definition09:20
marioschem: don't see it in the job definition or the parent
chemmarios: what is zuul.d/playbooks/run.yml ?09:27
chemmarios: basically where do we build the "" command ?09:27
marioschem: that's a molecule test the run is there
marioschem: the tripleo-ansible team wrote and manages these tests so i'm not too familiar with them, but what are you looking for ? i don't think there will be a deployment in the traditional sense not for that job09:29
chemmarios: hum this is undercloud upgrade, so the only way to include that file would be to use an custom_env_file in undercloud.conf and it's not the case, so maybe I'm just saying non-sense here09:30
marioschem: i'm referring to the failing tripleo-ansible-centos-7-molecule-tripleo-container-rm09:30
chemmarios: yeah, but that's the same job09:31
marioschem: those jobs are not deploying anything i mean look at the run times 8/12 mins09:31
chemmarios: oki, I'm mixing things up here, sorry, right those jobs are something else entirely09:33
marioschem: the converge etc is defined in there for those if you want to dig more
chemmarios: I've never did any molecule testing ... I'll just be patient here :)09:35
chemmarios: I'll raise another issue for discussion about diff in deployment for paunch/ansible in upstream-stein/osp16 testing, because it's kinda unrelated09:36
chemmarios: and maybe it's the default for the undercloud, need to double check now ...09:37
chemnope downstream has paunch all over the place09:38
chemI'll ask EmilienM|afk what is the expected "default" for the product09:39
chemmaybe it's the downstream which is wrong :)09:39
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chemmarios++ thanks for the support in any case :)09:41
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sshnaidm|afkbtw we have
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marioschem: :/ didn't do much but its a very convulted issue... we don't own those jobs, they are only on train, and the actual blocker is a different job alltogether... as i said, cos its molecule we will likely end up skipping that09:45
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mariossshnaidm: ack... chem did you see weshay|ruck posted but surely it should be the other way around sshnaidm ?09:46
chemmarios: whatever works as would say Woody Allen :)09:46
mariossshnaidm: like lets make the molecule one non voting in order to fix the undercloud upgrade job09:46
mariosnot the other way around...09:46
sshnaidmI'm looking now into molecule failure09:47
chemmarios: sshnaidm if we are able to unlock without merging the nv all the better :)09:48
* chem goes back into his downstream rabbit hole09:49
sshnaidmyeah, it passed in master, but surprisingly doesn't find module on train, checking..09:50
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mariossshnaidm: jobs are only defined for train09:53
mariossshnaidm: it was really confusing to dig into09:53
mariossshnaidm: i mean that failing molecule job09:53
sshnaidmmarios, tripleo-ansible-centos-8-molecule-tripleo_container_rm ?09:55
sshnaidmin train it's tripleo-ansible-centos-7-molecule-tripleo-container-rm09:55
mariossshnaidm: yeah i can't find it at master09:56
mariossshnaidm: oh i see :) centos8 for master ack09:56
mariossshnaidm: well it's a different job so that still holds ;) 12:53 < marios> sshnaidm: jobs are only defined for train09:56
sshnaidmok, found the problem..09:59
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sshnaidmarxcruz, chandankumar ptal
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chandankumarsshnaidm, please have a look when free
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sshnaidmchandankumar, what is the purpose of fs02 in master?10:39
chandankumarsshnaidm, the goal was to build the image with in the job and test it10:40
chandankumarso that we donot get any corrupted images on the image server where some directories got missing10:40
sshnaidmchandankumar, but it's not going to upload this image?10:40
chandankumarsshnaidm, yes, it is going to upload the image, the image will be built and tested10:41
chandankumarwith in the job10:41
sshnaidmchandankumar, I mean uploading to images server10:41
sshnaidmchandankumar, you have it "false":
chandankumarsshnaidm, it is not going to upload the image10:42
sshnaidmchandankumar, we could use 035 for that tbh10:42
chandankumarsshnaidm, ok, then, let me take a look at fs03510:43
sshnaidmnevermind, we can do this too10:43
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weshay|ruckakahat, give me 3 min :)11:30
akahatweshay|ruck, okay.11:31
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rfolco|roverarxcruz, rfolco, zbr, panda, sshnaidm, rlandy, marios, ysandeep, bhagyashris, soniya29, pojadhav, akahat, weshay, chandankumar11:52
rfolco|roverping virtual training starting in 7 min11:52
rfolco|roverpls join early11:52
rfolco|roverarxcruz, rfolco, zbr, panda, sshnaidm, rlandy, marios, ysandeep, bhagyashris, soniya29, pojadhav, akahat, weshay, chandankumar11:59
rfolco|roverping we are starting now11:59
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rfolco|roverpanda, remind me to stop recording and start a new one on your presentation12:05
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rfolco|rovermarios, 15 min passed (half)12:16
pandarfolco|rover: sure12:18
pandarfolco|rover: remember to stop recording.12:34
pandarfolco|rover: remember to stop recording.12:34
pandarfolco|rover: remember to stop recording.12:34
pandarfolco|rover: remember to stop recording.12:35
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rfolco|roverpanda, we are on top of hour, maybe you can wrap up the introduction, we can resume this next week if you still have slides to cover..... or extend more 10 min (steal from planning mtg) if weshay|ruck agrees13:02
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weshay|ruckrfolco|rover, we can let him go.. planning should be shorter than usual imho13:03
rfolco|roverthx weshay|ruck13:03
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rfolco|roverarxcruz, rfolco, zbr, panda, sshnaidm, rlandy, marios, ysandeep, bhagyashris, soniya29, pojadhav, akahat, weshay, chandankumar13:12
rfolco|roverping planning mtg13:12
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pandarfolco|rover: U sure usssuri is pronounced Usurey ?14:09
rfolco|roverpanda, my bad, its uzuri ?14:09
pandarfolco|rover: oo-soo-ree14:10
rfolco|roverpanda, ok so the diff is soo14:10
pandasoo the difference is14:10
rfolco|roversoo diffrent14:11
rfolco|roverarxcruz, muted you, siren is there?14:12
arxcruzrfolco|rover: i live in a place full of old people, there are sirens all day along sorry14:13
rfolco|rover...says the "young guy"14:14
arxcruzrfolco|rover: there are two seniorenhaus here (builds where only retired people lives)14:15
rfolco|rovermarios, panda: my reaction to your presentations...
rfolco|roverarxcruz, got it14:16
pandarfolco|rover: and I wasn't even naked.14:16
rfolco|rovermarios, please add the slides to, or give me the link pls14:16
rlandyjpena: hi ... got a failure reporting to dlrn downstream for one test but works fine for another - can you see what I am missing (will post links in pvt)14:19
jpenarlandy: sure, let me check14:20
pandapojadhav: akahat soniya29 ysandeep: when I'm back on monday I'm expecting to see at least 2000 question from each of you on the introduction to testing. Thanks.14:26
ysandeeppanda, :) o/ sure .. will try for 2001 Q14:27
pojadhavpanda, sure :)14:28
pandaysandeep: yeah! already surpass the expectations.14:28
ysandeeprlandy marios please invite me too for internal component sync, whenever you schedule , thank you! :)14:29
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rlandyysandeep: sure14:29
ysandeep:) thanks14:32
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rlandymarios: k - so I can get by the install if I use the candidate only repo14:34
rlandylooking at standalone failure now14:34
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mariosrlandy: (ack in pvt)14:42
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ykarelrlandy, i have seen similar error as the above deploy.log15:01
ykarelthat happens when old python six is used with some newver version of urllib315:02
rlandyykarel: really? i suspected it was a urllib3 issue15:02
rlandyykarel: so python six needs an update?15:02
ykarelrlandy, yeap15:02
rlandyykarel: thanks - checking versions15:02
ykarelpython six should be available in osp 1715:02
ykarelso just update should work15:03
rlandyykarel: deps in osp is a whole story unto itself :(15:03
ykarelrlandy, fyi we also hit similar issue in one of our job and fixed with update
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rlandyk - let me try that15:05
rlandythank you15:05
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ykarelack, we have 1.14 in RDO that worked, 1.12.0 should also work but not tried15:11
rlandyykarel++ - that seemed to work15:34
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ykarelrlandy, ack15:47
weshay|ruckrlandy, where is the change that was made to tempest to increase the network timeout on ssl calls?15:53
rlandyweshay|ruck: line 86715:57
weshay|ruck          service-clients.http_timeout: '120'15:58
weshay|ruckI think 039 may be failing due to that15:58
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rfolco|roverweshay|ruck, I am probably confusing bugs16:33
rfolco|roverweshay|ruck, whats tempest bug ?16:33
chandankumarrfolco|rover, weshay|ruck gates are clear now except podman issue i think16:34
rfolco|roverarxcruz, what is the tempest bug ?16:35
chandankumarrfolco|rover, you are looking at
openstackLaunchpad bug 1877230 in tripleo " doesn't exist (anymore?)" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)16:36
rfolco|roverchandankumar, yes, it failed last time, so looking at the logs16:37
chandankumarrfolco|rover, now it is gone, from last run16:37
chandankumarrfolco|rover, you need a bug for this one16:38
rfolco|roverfailed, worked, failed again16:38
rfolco|roveryep chandankumar16:39
chandankumarFailed to download metadata for repo 'advanced-virtualization'16:39
chandankumarmay be mirror issue16:39
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1877416 in tripleo "periodic-tripleo-centos-8-buildimage-overcloud-full-master failed to build 3 containers" [Critical,Triaged]16:48
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chandankumarrfolco|rover, it is container build not image build, title needs to be corrected16:56
rfolco|roverchandankumar, oops copy/paste :(16:57
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rlandyweshay|ruck: fixing the standalone error - will rerun17:20
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rfolco|roverweshay|ruck, arxcruz hope this is the right job to reproduce/look at17:25
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weshay|ruckrfolco|rover, ya.. looking for queens too.. but that should be fine for now17:55
rfolco|roverweshay|ruck, ok fs010 is what arxcruz used I assume17:56
weshay|ruckrfolco|rover, aye17:57
rfolco|roverweshay|ruck, I started w/ wrong job, asked jpena to hold vm, now he is off and I am trying to ping nhicher to fix it, hold the new one17:57
rlandywalk ... biab18:07
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chandankumarweshay|ruck, quick merge
weshay|ruckchandankumar, done18:30
chandankumarweshay|ruck, thanks, I will work on cleaning up rhel8 based from third party jobs tomorrow18:31
chandankumarand put some readme there18:31
weshay|ruckchandankumar, the fix for undercloud-upgrades merged.. waiting to see if it's truly fixed18:31
weshay|ruckchandankumar, did I put this in the right place?
chandankumarweshay|ruck, you need to use this one tempest_tempest_conf_overrides18:37
weshay|ruckah k18:38
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chandankumarweshay|ruck,,1ce221295082f22abd97eb0999d4f7b256b9e7f0 now it looks good18:39
chandankumarrlandy, weshay|ruck few more reviews18:42
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weshay|ruckchandankumar, which job uploads the image?18:45
weshay|rucksee my comment18:45
chandankumarweshay|ruck, will turn off the image upload to toci testing repo18:47
chandankumar*toci testing18:47
chandankumarweshay|ruck, then I need to rename the job18:48
chandankumarweshay|ruck, I will rename it18:48
weshay|ruckchandankumar, sorry18:48
weshay|ruckrfolco|rover, you good? need anything18:50
rfolco|roverweshay|ruck, good18:50
chandankumarweshay|ruck, removed -upload from job name18:51
weshay|ruckthanks done18:53
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chandankumarweshay|ruck, can you take a look at marios comment on this review ?19:01
weshay|ruckchandankumar, ya.. I think marios's comment afaict.. is reaffirming using release rather than distro19:02
weshay|ruckto determine using a md5sum agg or dlrn_hash19:02
weshay|ruckchandankumar, just manually tested the failing molecule.. I think it should pass now19:02
chandankumarweshay|ruck, aye thanks!19:03
weshay|ruckchandankumar, we can clean up the commit message on the parent I think19:03
weshay|rucklots of stuff merged19:03
chandankumarthat would be good19:03
weshay|ruckthat could be breaking the dlrn build19:04
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weshay|ruckrlandy, when you have a sec19:13
weshay|ruckrfolco|rover, can you put my and bhagyarhi's keys on nodes19:17
weshay|ruckmeh.. empty here
chandankumarweshay|ruck, but still empty19:19
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weshay|ruckrlandy, you sure about rm osptrunk-deps.repo?19:26
weshay|ruck  rhos-release {{ rhos_release_args }}19:26
weshay|ruck  sudo rm -rf /etc/yum.repos.d/rhos-release-17.repo19:26
weshay|ruck  sudo rm -rf /etc/yum.repos.d/osptrunk-deps.repo19:26
rlandyweshay|ruck: there are old deps in there19:26
weshay|ruckso we get it from dlrn and rhos-release19:26
rfolco|roverwill add yours19:26
rlandycandidate has newer ones19:27
rlandyweshay|ruck: no - not rho-release19:27
rlandylike build-deps19:27
weshay|ruckroger that19:27
rlandywhich may be wrong19:27
rlandybut it's the only option that works atm19:27
rlandyI tried combinations of them all19:27
weshay|ruckrlandy, so .. you've confirmed.. is not good for the standalone?19:29
rfolco|roverweshay|ruck, container push failure is mirror issue looks like, works19:29
rfolco|roverchandankumar, ^19:29
chandankumarrfolco|rover, aye thanks for confirming19:30
rlandyweshay|ruck: it didn't work for me - it should though19:30
weshay|ruckrlandy, which build?
rfolco|roverweshay|ruck, nodes gone, checking w/ nhicher what happened19:31
rlandyweshay|ruck: chandankumar: pls see
rlandy^^ will hose rhos-16 builds19:32
rlandybut I want to remove those19:32
rlandynobody is looking at them19:32
rlandywe need that for standalone pipeline19:32
rlandyweshay|ruck: pls also review
rlandyupdated that review for rhos-17 pipelines19:35
rlandyweshay|ruck: what should the project be?19:35
rlandyline 219:35
weshay|ruckgood question19:35
weshay|ruckrlandy, wfm.. maybe as in rhos-ops.. matches
rlandyweshay|ruck: k - we can merge that after standalone merges19:38
rlandyrestesting with your get-hash patch19:38
weshay|ruckrlandy, /me notes.. pass / fail is ok.. atm19:38
weshay|ruckespecially if we're figuring out deps19:39
rlandyweshay|ruck: so deps ... here's the thing19:39
rlandyI think candidate deps work19:39
rlandyif we're ok to use those19:39
rlandywe include build deps upstream19:39
rlandyso it's not a bigger violation19:39
rlandyit just seems more updated19:39
rlandyand openvswitch has a clash if you include noth19:40
weshay|ruckrlandy, we need to signal that back to #rdo apevec, jpena etc19:40
weshay|ruckbecause folks that are not using ci.. will hit issues if they are hosting the wrong repo in deps19:40
rlandyweshay|ruck: ok - let's get a passing standalone job and I'll chat with jpena tomorrow19:40
rlandythey are not hosting anything19:40
rlandyit's just a link to brew19:41
weshay|ruckin osp dlrn they link to brew19:41
rlandyreldel hosts both19:41
weshay|ruckya.. I know19:41
rlandyno hosting going on19:41
weshay|ruckbut dlrn should point to a working repo19:41
weshay|ruckpoor choice of words19:41
rlandyosp-deps is oisgesmuddled19:41
weshay|ruckbonus points for using yiddish in bugs19:42
rlandyspending too much time with my mom :)19:43
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chandankumarrlandy, regarding this review what about using release there? like weshay|ruck did
chandankumarinstead of multiple distro conditions19:59
rlandychandankumar: I'm abandoning that for weshay|ruck's review19:59
rlandyjust testing to see it works with downstream19:59
chandankumarrlandy, may be we can update weshay|ruck ruck to satisfy downstream needs19:59
chandankumarrlandy, aye20:00
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rlandychandankumar: I think it might works as is20:01
weshay|ruckchandankumar, release is defined on internal release config20:07
rlandyweshay|ruck: ok if I removed rhos016 jobs20:08
rlandynot passing and nobosy is looking at them20:08
weshay|ruckrlandy, ya remove :)20:08
rlandywe will have rhos-17 jobs soon20:08
weshay|ruckrlandy, need some +2 support
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weshay|ruckwill revert when the bug is fixed20:23
rfolco|roverweshay|ruck, last time tempest ssh test worked kernel was kernel-3.10.0-1062.18.1.el7.x86_6420:24
rfolco|roverweshay|ruck, after updating to kernel-3.10.0-1127.el7.x86_64, it failed20:24
rfolco|rovernot saying this is the root cause, just facts20:24
rfolco|rover1062 --> 112720:24
weshay|ruckrfolco|rover, aye.. and ping rhos-ops as to why the kernel is diff in upstream vs rdo20:25
rfolco|roverweshay|ruck, let me double check this info... the info above is rdo-rdo20:25
weshay|ruckrfolco|rover, k.. because those jobs are passing upstream.. fs010 anyway20:26
rlandyweshay|ruck: fyi ... //
rfolco|roverweshay|ruck, sorry, but i don't know what is the fs010 job upstream you refer20:38
rfolco|roverweshay|ruck, can you please point me ?20:38
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weshay|ruckrfolco|rover|off, how to fish22:00
weshay|ruck[whayutin@localhost zuul.d]$ egrep -rn 010 *22:00
weshay|ruckdeprecated-jobs.yaml:110:      featureset: '010'22:00
weshay|ruckmultinode-jobs.yaml:195:        - tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container22:00
weshay|ruckmultinode-jobs.yaml:246:      featureset: '010'22:00
weshay|ruckmultinode-jobs.yaml:273:      featureset: '010'22:00
weshay|ruckmultinode-jobs.yaml:314:      featureset: '010'22:00
weshay|ruckmultinode-jobs.yaml:328:      featureset: '010'22:00
weshay|ruck## CentOS 7 jobs22:02
weshay|ruck- job:22:02
weshay|ruck    name: tripleo-ci-centos-7-containers-multinode22:02
weshay|ruck    parent: tripleo-ci-base-multinode22:02
weshay|ruck    branches: ^(stable/(pike|queens|rocky|stein|train)).*$22:02
weshay|ruck    vars:22:02
weshay|ruck      nodes: 1ctlr22:02
weshay|ruck      featureset: '010'22:02
weshay|ruck      playbooks:22:02
weshay|ruck        - multinode.yml22:02
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rlandyweshay|ruck: still around?23:26
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