Thursday, 2020-04-23

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zbrmarios or panda: i need +W on  --- is spin-off from already reviewed one, so should be very easy.08:15
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ykarel|lunchTengu, panda debug logs available
ykarel|lunch msg: Destination directory /etc/pki/tls/private does not exist08:40
Tenguwhaaaatttt ?!08:42
Tenguhow is it even possible ?!08:42
Tenguthat directory is system managed08:43
Tengu... need to take a break else I'll throw things to my computer (unrelatd to this issue)08:43
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mariosreviews please jump bump timeout for fs39
ykarel|lunchTengu, that's likely same issue which is going on with pcsd things missing08:50
Tenguykarel|lunch: maybe? that's really weird. as said this location should exist by default on the nodes. The error stating it doesn't exist seems to exclude SELinux or permission.08:51
Tenguykarel|lunch: care to update the LP? I'll ping Ade once his up08:52
ykarel|lunchTengu, same issue is with pcsd, missing directories are part of rpm so should exist by default08:52
TenguI'm speechless08:52
* Tengu wonders who's playing with voodoo dolls08:53
pandamarios: ^08:54
* marios pokerface08:54
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mariospanda: o/ fyi going to file a new bug for that keep seeing it for fs39 but don't think it is the same root as that one09:40
openstackLaunchpad bug 1818060 in tripleo "Nodes periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master fail to get usable IPs though os-net-config with Error, some other host (BE:E5:4F:B9:21:B0) already uses address" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Gabriele Cerami (gcerami)09:40
mariospanda: (you're welcome)09:41
ysandeeppanda, hello o/ , do you have some time today to sync for
pandaysandeep: in 15 minutes ok ?09:45
ysandeeppanda, yes okay with me :)09:45
pandamarios: your bugginess, you taking the extra mile gives me such pleasure09:46
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pandaysandeep: link ?10:03
ysandeeppanda, creating10:03
pandaysandeep: really ?10:06
pandaysandeep: I mean REALLY ?10:07
pandaysandeep: sevr kox ?10:07
pandaysandeep: ARE YOU KIDDING ME ???10:07
pandaysandeep: :D10:07
ysandeeppanda, hahaha yeah!10:07
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mariospanda: ysandeep: fyi
openstackLaunchpad bug 1874418 in tripleo "periodic centos8 fs39 fails often with Error, some other host (FA:16:3E:B5:60:2A) already uses address" [High,Triaged]10:19
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weshay|ruckpanda, it's no longer an issue but did you see line 65
pandaweshay|ruck: I think it may have soemthing to do with triggering component pipeline while the promotion was running10:54
pandaweshay|ruck: what that means is that we asked dlrn api to promote an aggregate hash, which broght commit and distro hash from the ui component, and it's sam that that aggregate hash was bound to common component instead10:55
pandaweshay|ruck: but the promotion in fact succeeded.10:55
weshay|ruckpanda, k thanks panda10:56
weshay|ruckpanda, I may have a new networking mission for you10:57
weshay|ruckwe'll chat about it later10:57
chandankumararxcruz: tempest meeting11:03
arxcruzchandankumar: outch, i was in another meeting :/11:06
arxcruzalready joined11:06
ykarelpanda, Tengu commented
openstackLaunchpad bug 1873770 in tripleo "OVB fs001 in centos8 master fails to push certificates contents to controllers" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Gabriele Cerami (gcerami)11:28
ykarelwith some findings11:28
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rf0lc0chandankumar, pojadhav bhagyashris ysandeep akahat|ruck soniya29 please join 2-3 min earlier so we start the demo on time11:56
rf0lc0today's show:
ysandeeprf0lc0, ack11:57
bhagyashrisrf0lc0, ack11:58
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rlandymarios: hey - just to give you a heads up  re: conversation we had with lon yesterday.12:11
rlandymarios: iiuc, we wont need those cix and bz - we need to use the candidate trunk12:11
mariosrlandy: ack yah i saw the update but it looks like something is missing still?12:12
rlandywhich is empty atm12:12
mariosrlandy: i.e. that.. right ^12:12
rlandymarios: yep - waiting for reldel to fix that repo today12:12
mariosrlandy: so do we know what we need to get .. ack ok cool ^12:12
rlandywill explain at scrum12:12
mariosrlandy: ok12:12
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beagleskeep getting "Failed to download metadata for repo 'AppStream'" when deploying overcloud multinode/master branch locally - must be something stupid and obvious. Anybody know off hand what the likely cause is?12:15
beagles(current-tripleo-dev repos as of yesterday)12:15
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rf0lc0ping scrum arxcruz, rfolco, zbr, panda, sshnaidm, rlandy, marios, ysandeep, bhagyashris, soniya29, pojadhav, akahat, weshay, chandankumar13:02
pandarf0lc0: pass13:02
pojadhavrlandy, Grzegorz Grasza  replied on the issue : "pojadhav, oh, but also points to as the nameserver"13:03
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rlandypojadhav: ok - we can purge the resolve.conf if needed13:09
rlandydidn't think that made any difference13:09
pojadhavrlandy, okay13:09
rlandypojadhav: the difference in this deploy is that the undercloud is the overcloud13:09
rlandyso we get more cruft than a pure overcloud deploy13:09
pojadhavrlandy, I also asked is there any other issues other than nameserver, he said no.13:10
rlandypojadhav: you ok to report status on the scrum meeting for tls?13:10
rlandyok - I'll purge the /etc/resolv.conf13:10
pojadhavrlandy, i think you worked more on the things,13:11
pojadhavrlandy, I will try to report, cover up me If I missed anything.13:13
rlandypojadhav: it's ok - I can report today - you can report on monday13:14
pojadhavrlandy, sure13:14
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zbrrlandy: if you can tell me what folders or files we need to be sure to collect for multi-node, i can easily try to add a test for them.13:20
rlandyzbr: we're adding a few with the ipa job13:22
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mariosreviews please jump bump timeout for fs39
chandankumarsshnaidm: I need help regarding tripleo-common-elements13:26
sshnaidmchandankumar, do you want to append?13:27
chandankumarfrom train, ipa needs to be appended13:27
chandankumarsshnaidm: I tried to append, but not working13:27
sshnaidmchandankumar, you can use "combine" of jinja, or just {{ list + list2 +.. }}13:27
chandankumarsshnaidm:  tripleo_elements_path: "{{ tripleo_elements_path + /usr/share/ironic-python-agent-builder/dib }}"13:28
sshnaidmkind of {{ tripleo_elements_path|combine([ "/usr/share/tripleo-puppet-elements", "/usr/share/tripleo-image-elements"]) }}13:28
sshnaidmchandankumar, or {{ tripleo_elements_path + [ "/usr/share/tripleo-puppet-elements", "/usr/share/tripleo-image-elements"] }}13:29
sshnaidmcheck if it works13:29
chandankumarsshnaidm: yes , let me try that13:29
marios rlandy13:34
mariosrlandy: but i need to check that tox-linters will ping you again later about it thanks13:36
rlandymarios: ack13:38
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akahat|ruckmarios, rlandy, ping. need some help with C8-ovb-fs39 job.13:38
akahat|ruckI have one job which is failing because /etc/pki/tls/private/ directory is missing in overcloud-controller-113:39
rf0lc0marios, 1)
akahat|rucklog link:
rlandyakahat|ruck: is that a consistent failure or only happened once?13:40
mariosakahat|ruck: in call still will check in bit?13:40
rf0lc0marios, 2) dedup:
akahat|ruckrf0lc0, not consistent.. it failed today.13:42
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rlandyakahat|ruck: if you only see it once - testproject it to see if it fails again13:43
panda|babysitaway for ~1h13:43
rlandyakahat|ruck: do you need help with creating a testproject patch?13:43
rf0lc0marios, is panda's patch13:43
akahat|ruckrlandy, yeah sure.13:44
rlandyakahat|ruck: k - let me add that job ... sec13:44
ykarelrlandy, akahat|ruck that is known issue
openstackLaunchpad bug 1873770 in tripleo "OVB fs001 in centos8 master fails to push certificates contents to controllers" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Gabriele Cerami (gcerami)13:45
ykarelit's not specific to 001, other ovb jobs are also affected13:46
rlandyykarel: thanks13:46
chandankumarsshnaidm: there is a question during training ovb nodepool nodes are assigned in multinode when node config are passed?13:46
sshnaidmchandankumar, not sure I understand..13:47
sshnaidmsshnaidm, we got 1 node only in ovb that we use for undercloud13:47
chandankumarsshnaidm: for overcloud deployment how nodes are getting assigned when we have multiple controller and compute nodes in ovb?13:49
akahat|ruckykarel, thank you.13:50
rf0lc0chandankumar, can you rejoin scrum ?13:50
rf0lc0chandankumar, re: branching work13:50
rf0lc0chandankumar, let me fix some stuff and update cards, please ping me before you leave today13:51
chandankumarrf0lc0:  I am ready13:52
akahat|ruckrlandy, thank you.13:52
chandankumarrf0lc0: ok13:53
mariosakahat|ruck: k now looking13:53
sshnaidmchandankumar, we create a heat stack for ovb, it contains all required nodes - controllers, computes, etc13:54
sshnaidmchandankumar, nodepool has no idea about them, we manage them from job13:55
akahat|ruckmarios, bug is already reported by panda|babysit :
openstackLaunchpad bug 1873770 in tripleo "OVB fs001 in centos8 master fails to push certificates contents to controllers" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Gabriele Cerami (gcerami)13:55
mariosakahat|ruck: oh k.. i was suprised as i hadn't seen that for fs39 yet and have been looking at that job lately (now i understand what you were saying in scrum about the fail)... so looks like it isn't fs39 specific13:56
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ykarelbeagles, u hit that constantly? and always with same repo Appstream?13:57
akahat|ruckmarios, yeah.. it's not specific to fs39 but i thought you might have seen it and working on it.13:57
ykarelbeagles, and how u deploy that locally13:58
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mariosrlandy: fyi the tox fail isn't related to my patch at (yuo can see it green on v1) "stderr: fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 50414:02
mariosrlandy: so i just hit recheck lets see might be new issue in that job14:02
rlandymarios: k14:03
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chandankumarsshnaidm: ok, thanks :-)14:08
sshnaidmchandankumar, np, I'll cover this in ovb session14:08
chandankumarysandeep|away: ^^14:09
chandankumarmarios: akahat|ruck
chandankumarthere is an issue with github going on14:23
marioschandankumar: ack thanks .. i think that might be the root for the tox-molecule failing [INFO] Initializing environment for
mariosAn unexpected error has occurred: CalledProcessError: command: ('/usr/bin/git', 'fetch', 'origin', '--tags')14:24
mariosstderr: error: RPC failed; HTTP 500 curl 22 The requested URL returned error: 500 Internal Server Error14:24
kopecmartinzbr: i have found the problem with the output problems:
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rlandyysandeep|away: hey - sent you a meeting invite for tomorrow to start on baremetal work14:57
rlandyweshay|ruck: ^^ added you as well - join if you wish14:57
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rf0lc0chandankumar, any reason why nobody w+ this one
zbrkopecmartin: great! i wonder if would bot be safer to use a jinja2 filter to sanitize capture_file variable15:22
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zbrrf0lc0: did +W, maybe fear of making a mistake? ;)15:38
rf0lc0zbr, thanks :)15:39
chandankumarrf0lc0: I missed that one15:40
rf0lc0ok np just asking if any concerns15:40
chandankumarrf0lc0: mergign this one also
rf0lc0this also should be safe
rf0lc0as it creates a template15:46
rf0lc0this needs more careful review:
rf0lc0chandankumar, marios rlandy thanks guys :)15:47
chandankumarrf0lc0:  just one question, it will enable ussuri jobs in compoent pipeline15:47
chandankumarit will start failing15:47
rf0lc0it will fail only when we merge
rf0lc0and will fail ussuri jobs only15:48
chandankumarmay be we comment out ussuri jobs15:49
chandankumarstandalone and fs0115:49
chandankumarand then rest is good to go15:49
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rf0lc0chandankumar, or maybe we create component-master and component-ussuri templates so we enable/disable ussuri more safely when its time15:57
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rf0lc0chandankumar, I can split into 2 templates if you like15:57
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mariosrlandy: checked a little while ago still looks like the repo wasn't updated yet... will have a look in my morning if thres an update16:07
rlandymarios: yep - no update yet16:08
rlandyI tried with container build repo16:08
rlandyjust to see16:08
mariosrlandy: i noticed they have a few (you mentioned that in your call) like rhos-17.0-rhel-8-container-build rhos-17.0-rhel-8-trunk-candidate etc16:08
rlandythere's a plethora of these16:09
mariosrlandy: i mean 'container-build' sounds like the right one ;)16:09
rlandymarios: not really - that is not updated as much as the candidate16:09
rlandyit's more like I am testing the process16:10
mariosrlandy: ah ok ... so they weren't clear on which one we needed to use? like 'one of those ones'16:10
rlandymarios: lon was clear we need the candidate one16:10
mariosrlandy: anyway i guess we'll find out once we can run it16:10
mariosrlandy: ack16:10
rlandybest guess is that reldel uses the container one16:10
chandankumarrf0lc0: soudn good to me for splitting16:10
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zbrweshay|ruck: panda|ruck: any idea when I should see the upstream queue goring down? 10h16:27
weshay|ruckzbr, infra16:27
weshay|ruckzbr, scroll back in #tripleo look at my comments16:27
zbris that related to the temporary glitch with github (504 msgs)16:29
weshay|ruckpart of it16:29
zbrweshay|ruck: put a +2 on -- and order a beer for kopecmartin16:33
zbrwhile using pipe with yaml allows nice identation, is a common bug to forget about the extra newline at the end.16:34
weshay|ruckzbr, did you just wf that?16:35
zbrweshay|ruck: thanks.16:47
zbrrlandy: can you please give me 1-2 examples of files specific to multinode? sample collection:
rlandyreally - those changes could be on all jobs - makes no diff16:48
rlandyzbr: in general I agree with you  - that testing collect logs on multinode is probably not needed16:48
rlandyabove is just an example of where ipa logs needs to be collected16:49
zbrif we do not have anything specific, we could just disable them, and add them only when we need.16:49
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rlandyzbr: whatever works16:49
rlandyas long as we carry them in one place16:49
rlandyand not in a million locations16:50
rlandyweshay|ruck: just for kicks I ran the osp contaimer build jobs with container-build repos (candidate is not populated yet).Not bad - we built 82 containers - that repo was missing the v 8.2 stuff16:51
rlandycandidate is more up-to-date and may have them16:52
weshay|ruckrlandy, k.. let's put it on the shelf until the new repo is populated16:52
weshay|ruckour mtg today went well re: internal component pipeline16:52
rlandyweshay|ruck: nice16:52
rlandyweshay|ruck: any changes come out of the meeting?16:52
weshay|ruckrlandy, I think that will be added to the trunk-deps repo file16:52
weshay|ruckrlandy, we'll have to remind them for sure though16:53
rlandyeither way16:53
weshay|ruckrlandy, I get on the board and make sure it's listed there16:53
rlandywe  can carry the additional repo if needed16:53
rlandyugh - why is zuul so busy today?16:54
rlandyboth of them16:54
weshay|ruckrlandy, infra issues16:54
zbrrlandy: weshay|ruck: added -- now the funny story is... do we need 9 standalone jobs too?16:56
rlandyzbr: that's a whole other can of worms  - but yes16:57
zbrmy impression is that cherry picking a subset would give a good enough level of trust too.16:57
rlandyof for collect logs testing?16:58
weshay|ruckthere are two templates for standalone afaik tripleo-standalone-scenarios-full16:58
zbrnobody is forcing us to use a template, i can put specific jobs there.16:59
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rlandyweshay|ruck: are the infra issues mirror related?   Failed to download packages: Cannot download Packages/libini_config-1.3.1-39.el8.x86_64.rpm: All mirrors were tried18:11
weshay|ruckthere are a few diff issues today.. /me ignores them for now18:12
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zbrrlandy: on which standalone should be kept out of the 9 present?19:15
rlandyzbr: so comparing the times ...19:16
rlandythe longest running job is actually the most common job tripleo-ci-centos-8-scenario001-standaloneSUCCESS in 2h 03m 57s19:17
rlandyI would keep scenario 001 and 4 at a minimum - but you're not really saving time19:18
rlandyconsidering most jobs kick concurrently19:18
zbrrlandy: that is not about time, is about load.19:18
zbrrlandy: but by not wasting resources, other jobs will run faster.19:18
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zbri will keep 1+4, and we can adapt later if needed. i am inclined to include ovn one because marting was adding a change to collect something about it.19:19
rlandyzbr: so I'd stay by my fist vote, tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone plus 1 and 419:20
zbreven if is failing now.19:20
rlandyrisk is not very high19:20
rlandyzbr: I'd also run it by chandankumar19:20
rlandysee if he agrees19:20
zbri added him, pasted the irc log, and I will check with him tomorrow. time to shutdown for me.19:22
zbragain thanks and see you, tomorrow.19:22
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