Tuesday, 2020-03-24

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mariosmassive irc lag for anyone else today?07:00
chandankumarmarios, nope07:01
marioschandankumar: thanks07:01
marioschandankumar: might be my connection07:01
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chandankumarmarios, please have a look when free https://review.opendev.org/#/c/714104/07:44
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marioschandankumar: ack but please add pointer if you have one ? (commented) thanks07:57
marioschandankumar: thanks ... and the other ceph jobs?08:08
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chandankumarmarios, commented back08:09
apetricharxcruz|rover, morning! you really rover today?08:12
marioschandankumar: thanks :D08:12
chandankumarmarios, :-)08:28
arxcruz|roverapetrich: yes, is it holiday?08:32
apetricharxcruz|rover, your nick might be an artefact of the older more troubling times08:33
apetricharxcruz|rover, weshay|ruck was talking to cloudnull yesterday about something something mistral.actions.openstack not found. Do you know anything about that? Is there anything that I can help with?08:33
arxcruz|roverapetrich: need to check, he didn't put on our notes08:35
ykarelapetrich, https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1868632 is the issue08:36
openstackLaunchpad bug 1868632 in tripleo "overcloud-deploy fails w/ The Workflow errored and no messages were received. " [Critical,Triaged]08:36
ykarelapetrich, i am posting the reason for that failure now, u can check then08:36
apetrichCheers ykarel08:37
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ykarelapetrich, commented, please check08:43
ykarelapetrich, i also added to tripleo-common-distgit review08:43
ykarelso please check that also08:43
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zbrsshnaidm: let me know when you have few minutes to talk related to ansible-lint09:00
dpawliksshnaidm, hi. Let me know if you are ready to switch repo09:03
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sshnaidmhi all09:07
sshnaidmdpawlik, which repo do we switch?09:07
sshnaidmzbr, what's about ansible-lint?09:07
dpawliksshnaidm, I mean the registry host09:07
zbrlets switch to private09:07
dpawlikbefore we start migrating rest services09:07
sshnaidmdpawlik, ok, what is the plan?09:08
sshnaidmdpawlik, can both registries point to a new registry IP?09:08
sshnaidmdpawlik, so we can switch in code and have time this is merged09:09
dpawliksshnaidm, yes09:09
sshnaidmdpawlik, cool09:10
dpawliksshnaidm, I will talk with jpena to do the same: both domains set to the new registry, old will be renamed09:10
dpawliksshnaidm, but for now, just grab coffee :P09:10
sshnaidmdpawlik, going on a second cup now :)09:10
* dpawlik too09:11
* dpawlik me too09:11
mariosintravenous caffeine is the way to go folks09:12
mariosspresso drip09:12
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dpawlikmarios, are you used to better adrenaline :D ?09:15
arxcruz|rovermarios: Symfonó mazí sas fíli mou09:17
mariosdpawlik: ;)09:18
mariosarxcruz|rover: história legal cara09:18
arxcruz|roverwithout context, I have no idea what you're talking about :P09:19
mariosarxcruz|rover: yeah but you got it right? ;)09:19
* marios stop reading f****g news 09:20
arxcruz|roverI was happy yesterday, we got only 52 new cases in Berlin09:20
dpawlikarxcruz|rover, we are considering if coffee is better than drop database on the beginning of the day09:20
arxcruz|roverand today jump to 190 cases in one day09:20
dpawlikarxcruz|rover,  which will make you stronger09:21
arxcruz|roverdpawlik: I did a update without where clause in production09:21
* dpawlik scary09:21
panda|offstop reading the number unless you're able to cure people with the power of your mind09:21
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arxcruz|roverluckly sql server had the rollback automatic09:22
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chandankumararxcruz|rover, Hello10:01
chandankumararxcruz|rover, https://logserver.rdoproject.org/35/26035/5/check/periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-full-tempest-scenario-master/ac2456c/logs/undercloud/var/log/tempest/tempest_run.log.txt.gz10:01
chandankumararxcruz|rover, {2} tempest.scenario.test_security_groups_basic_ops.TestSecurityGroupsBasicOps.test_port_security_disable_security_group [295.721693s] ... FAILED10:01
chandankumarit is failing continously10:02
marioschandankumar: fyi posting a fix for (cinder component) scen4 standalone now * https://logserver.rdoproject.org/openstack-component-cinder/opendev.org/openstack/tripleo-ci/master/periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-scenario004-standalone-cinder-master/6eeb8cc/job-output.txt10:04
chandankumarmarios, ack10:08
dpawliksshnaidm, there will be small problem with two domains: only registry-vexxhost will work normally, because openshift and the certs are done just for that domain10:18
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sshnaidmdpawlik, mm.. iirc the idea was to configure all to work with "registry" and remove "registry-vexxhost" anywhere10:20
dpawliksshnaidm, right, but.. today we are moving to the new control plane and adding registry hostname change/ssls etc is like giving oil into the fire10:22
dpawlikI need to perform a test how openshift ansible will work on changing the hostname, certs etc10:23
sshnaidmdpawlik, ok, but then we need to postpone it while "registry" will work fine. TBH I need only it, "registry-vexxhost" can be taken down when we are done with configs10:25
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dpawliksshnaidm, ack10:36
chandankumarmarios, https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/26076/2/zuul.d/standalone-jobs.yaml we need the same for all standalone jobs where temepstconf overrides are used10:37
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chandankumarmarios, fs052 is taken care https://opendev.org/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/src/branch/master/config/general_config/featureset052.yml#L6710:39
chandankumarso plain standalone jobs will work10:39
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sshnaidmdpawlik, so when do you think will be possible to switch then?10:44
marioschandankumar: no https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1867807/comments/510:46
openstackLaunchpad bug 1867807 in tripleo "periodic- centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-baremetal-master fails to download tempest cirros image" [Critical,Fix released]10:46
marioschandankumar: that job IS using fs52, however it looks like when we have tempest_tempest_conf_overrides in both job definition AND featureset, the job definition works10:46
chandankumarlet's see10:47
marioschandankumar: so for any job using tempest_tempest_conf_overrides in the featureset_overrides we need to ensure the featureset does not have the same and if it does we need to move it to the job. makes sense?10:47
chandankumarmarios, yes make sense now10:48
marioschandankumar: i only found that today (but vaguely remember someone else bringing this same problem for another override, maybe it was sagi not sure) ... but it looks like the stuff in the job definitions wins (see the comment 5 i hav pointer to10:49
marioshttps://logserver.rdoproject.org/openstack-component-cinder/opendev.org/openstack/tripleo-ci/master/periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-scenario004-standalone-cinder-master/6eeb8cc/logs/undercloud/home/zuul/tempest/etc/profile.yaml.txt.gz for example)10:49
dpawliksshnaidm, checking right now what will be the result of that combination. If all is fine, maybe tomorrow it there will be not more important thing to solve10:49
chandankumarmarios, I think I know a better fix, give me a min10:50
marioschandankumar: sure, i have a test going there so np/just waiting on that https://review.rdoproject.org/r/2607810:52
sshnaidmdpawlik, if it's easier to do I'm fine to remove hostname "registry-vexxhost" completely and point "registry" to a new registry IP in vexxhost10:52
sshnaidmdpawlik, a few jobs will fail maybe, not a biggie10:53
dpawliksshnaidm, you pointed a good thing. Vexxhost in the hostname should be removed, so it is better to do it right now instead in the future10:54
dpawlikbecause if I will not change it now, it will never be a better time to do that10:54
sshnaidmdpawlik, oook, so what's the plan?10:59
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chandankumarmarios, https://review.opendev.org/71460111:01
marioschandankumar: ack will check11:03
dpawliksshnaidm, checking right now if changing name and replacing ssls will work. If yes, we can schedule migration for tomorrow (if there will be no more important things to do after migration)11:04
chandankumarmarios, arxcruz|rover https://review.opendev.org/#/q/topic:tripleocirros+(status:open+OR+status:merged) please review when free11:12
arxcruz|roverchandankumar: done11:16
chandankumararxcruz|rover, thanks!11:16
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marioschandankumar: will check11:18
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rlandychandankumar; marios: zbr: panda: hi - canceling today's sync meeting - unless anyone has something to dicuss11:42
chandankumarrlandy, Yes i have one topic to discuss11:42
chandankumarand full tempest patches11:42
rlandychandankumar: k - it stays then11:42
mariosrlandy: k yeah lets keep something new came up today eg https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1867807/comments/511:45
openstackLaunchpad bug 1867807 in tripleo "periodic- centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-baremetal-master fails to download tempest cirros image" [Critical,Fix released]11:45
mariosrlandy: did you make it then? (flight?011:45
rlandymarios: ack - out of new york now11:46
mariosrlandy: glad to hear you got where you wanted to be during this weird time11:46
zbrhappy to skip11:53
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rlandysshnaidm: hi - we need to rebuild the centos8 image used by the reproducer. doesn't have the consistent (ethX) nics atm11:59
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rlandycan yo tell us how you built that image?11:59
rlandyzbr: looks like we are keeping the sync meeting - feel free to join or not - hope you feel better12:00
weshay|ruckchandankumar, sprint planning https://meet.google.com/wfr-imnb-gph?authuser=112:01
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rfolcoweshay|ruck, chandankumar sorry I am late12:03
rfolcoweshay|ruck, I forgot to set a gmeet :(12:03
chandankumarweshay|ruck, https://review.opendev.org/#/c/683126/12:04
rfolcoweshay|ruck, chandankumar https://meet.google.com/jht-tgrs-oyf?authuser=112:05
rlandyjpena|lunch: hi (when you get back) how is this possible ...12:05
rlandyhttps://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos8-master/component/tripleo/current-tripleo/delorean.repo has hash 4a55e5b9c2ce97143998b8010daeca590080e9c2_c9a5c82d12:06
rlandy( sane as tripleo-ci-testing)12:06
rlandyhttps://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos8-master/current-tripleo/delorean.repo has12:06
rlandyjpena|lunch: so the component current-tripleo hash does not match what's in the top-level current-tripleo delorean.repo?12:07
chandankumarrfolco, https://meet.google.com/wfr-imnb-gph?authuser=112:08
chandankumarrfolco, ^12:10
weshay|ruckrfolco, did you join?12:10
rfolcohere https://meet.google.com/jht-tgrs-oyf?authuser=112:10
sshnaidmrlandy, I see.. the problem is that in upstream there is no such change in centos8 image. But I think we can take the 3party one as main, should be fine12:13
rlandysshnaidm: yeah - we made that edit in nodepool12:14
rlandysshnaidm: how do you build that image?12:14
rlandythe node pool image doesn't have cloud-init12:14
sshnaidmrlandy, I don't build, I change the existing12:15
rlandysshnaidm: you virt-customize?12:15
sshnaidmrlandy, wget --no-check-certificate nb02.openstack.org/images/fedora-28-0000000086.qcow2 --output-file=fedora-28.qcow212:17
sshnaidmvirt-customize -vx --smp 2 -m 2048 -a fedora-28.qcow2 --run-command 'dnf install -y cloud-init; systemctl enable cloud-init' --selinux-relabel12:17
sshnaidmopenstack image create --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --min-disk 8 --file fedora-28.qcow2 openstack-infra-fedora-2812:17
sshnaidmrlandy, just replace fedora by centos812:17
rlandyah ok12:18
sshnaidmrlandy, because we already have one upstream-centos8 image, maybe better to rename it12:20
sshnaidmrlandy, we can configure name in reproducer, that's fine.12:20
sshnaidmrlandy, and btw, need to think how we publish these images in upshift12:21
rlandysshnaidm: we're going to talk about that in the prod chain meeting tomorrow12:21
sshnaidmrlandy, great, I'd listen too12:21
rlandysshnaidm: https://bluejeans.com/1196265346 1:30 pm UTC wednesday12:22
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rlandyhttps://nb02.openstack.org/images/ - no centos-8 image here12:24
rlandysshnaidm: "third-party" - you mean the current nodepool image? I have upstream-centos-8-1584907370 downloaded already12:28
sshnaidmrlandy, fro where?12:30
rlandysshnaidm: downloaded it from glance openstack-nodepool12:31
sshnaidmrlandy, it's in https://nb01.openstack.org/images/, but this is upstream12:31
sshnaidmrlandy, which image exactly?12:31
rlandysshnaidm: you mean https://images.rdoproject.org/CentOS-8-x86_64-GenericCloud.qcow2.md5?12:32
sshnaidmrlandy, no, I mean upstream-centos-8-158490737012:32
sshnaidmrlandy, ok, so need just to run these scripts on it, and upload back to the tenant12:33
sshnaidmrlandy, with different name12:33
sshnaidmlike upstream-cloudinit-centos-8-rdo12:33
rlandysshnaidm: ack -12:33
sshnaidmrlandy, and upload will take a time.. :)12:34
rlandyyeah - the download took forever12:34
sshnaidmrlandy, what's your bandwidth?12:34
rlandysshnaidm: not as good as the what I have at home but ok12:35
rlandyno emergency12:35
chandankumarweshay|ruck, we lost you12:48
rfolcoweshay|ruck, we lost you12:48
rfolcodammn chandankumar12:48
rfolcoyou beat me12:48
chandankumararxcruz|rover, https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/186871412:49
openstackLaunchpad bug 1868714 in tripleo "tripleo-ceph-integration-rhel-8-scenario001-and-scenario004-standalone RETRY_LIMIT on nodeset centos-7" [Undecided,New]12:49
weshay|ruckchandankumar, rfolco sorry network dropped.. rejoining12:53
weshay|ruckchandankumar, rfolco in https://meet.google.com/jht-tgrs-oyf?authuser=112:53
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arxcruz|roverchandankumar: i was talking with bhagyashris about this, it seems to be an issue in a zuul role12:54
arxcruz|roverneed to check if that's a known issue12:54
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rlandysshnaidm: k, https://phx2.cloud.rdoproject.org/dashboard/project/images upstream-cloudinit-centos-8-rdo got uploaded as visibility shared13:01
rlandywill get that made public13:01
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chandankumararxcruz|rover, ah ok thanks!13:01
chandankumarrlandy, https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/25769/ is good to go13:02
sshnaidmrlandy, cool13:03
sshnaidmrlandy, can you run a test job on your tenant with this image to check it's ok?13:03
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arxcruz|roverpanda: marios for you guys who have kids at home, disney+ save my day :D13:07
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jpenarlandy: we're in the middle of the final migration to vexxhost (including dlrn db), so I'll have a look at it once we're done13:07
jpenarlandy: currently it looks like both have the same hash, btw13:08
rlandyjoena: looks like it's sync'ed now13:08
mariosarxcruz|rover: yeah we have nflix kids but unfortunately yes they spend lots of time in front of screens :/13:08
chandankumarrlandy, marios https://review.opendev.org/#/q/topic:tripleocirros+(status:open+OR+status:merged)13:08
marios        * https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1867807/comments/513:09
openstackLaunchpad bug 1867807 in tripleo "periodic- centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-baremetal-master fails to download tempest cirros image" [Critical,Fix released]13:09
arxcruz|rovermarios: not much we can do these days... I was walking by bike with my daughter before, but now we are forbidden unless you have a good reason13:10
pandaarxcruz|rover: oh, somebody kpt disney+ after the pandalorian has ended ?13:11
arxcruz|roverpanda: second season13:14
arxcruz|roverpanda: it started in germany today13:14
marios                         https://review.rdoproject.org/r/2607613:14
pandaarxcruz|rover: shut up!13:15
sshnaidmfyi, rdo is down due to transition13:15
* sshnaidm takes popcorn and sits back13:18
* arxcruz|rover run away13:18
* panda continues to work thanks to the local unit and functional tests.13:19
chandankumarrlandy, https://storage.bhs.cloud.ovh.net/v1/AUTH_dcaab5e32b234d56b626f72581e3644c/zuul_opendev_logs_6d6/683126/35/check/tobiko-tripleo-multinode-containers/6d69a07/logs/undercloud/home/zuul/containers-prepare-parameter.yaml13:19
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rfolcoweshay|ruck, rlandy marios panda zbr arxcruz|rover community call13:31
weshay|ruck0/ I have to skip13:31
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mariossoniya29: want to join us? https://meet.google.com/bqx-xwht-wky13:32
mariosbhagyashris: ^^13:32
soniya29marios: yeah13:32
pandaand when the community calls, we respond.13:33
sshnaidmpojadhav, akahat ^^13:34
marios        * https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1867807/comments/513:35
openstackLaunchpad bug 1867807 in tripleo "periodic- centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-baremetal-master fails to download tempest cirros image" [Critical,Fix released]13:35
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rlandyEmilienM: your change should be in current-tripleo now14:00
ysandeeprfolco, Hi, can you please add me in tripleo community call calendar invite. my email is sandyada@redhat.com14:01
rfolcoysandeep, this is a RHOS Team Meetings, do you have it in you calendar filter ? I'm adding you as a guest so you should receive the invite anyway. Let me know otherwise.14:03
EmilienMrlandy: ok, let me recheck14:03
pandarlandy: 583d439542401c6a357d4704ec619ac3 promotion failed14:04
pandarlandy: rdo is down ....14:04
rlandypanda: ack - expected14:04
rlandypanda: do you need us to manually kick it when rdo comes back to life?14:05
rfolcoysandeep, you have been added to the invite list. Ping me if you still don't see it.14:05
pandarlandy: nope, it will spin until everything is reachable again.14:05
ysandeeprfolco, yes i got your invite for TripleO CI Scrum and found tripleo community call in RHOS Team Meetings calendar.. Thank you :)14:07
chandankumarrlandy, marios filed the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/186873114:08
openstackLaunchpad bug 1868731 in tripleo "ceph_ansible_skip_tags is getting ignored during multinode overcloud deploy" [Critical,Triaged]14:08
chandankumararxcruz|rover, fyi https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/186873114:08
rfolcoysandeep, :)14:08
rlandychandankumar: marios: k - thanks14:08
mariosthanks chandankumar will check14:08
arxcruz|roverchandankumar: is tobiko part of promotion criteria ?14:08
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chandankumararxcruz|rover, nope14:09
arxcruz|roverchandankumar: then why promotion-blocker?14:09
arxcruz|roverunless it's showing up in other jobs as well14:09
arxcruz|roverbut per the comment seems to be in tobiko14:09
chandankumararxcruz|rover, removed, to get fix faster14:09
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rfolcoweshay|ruck, fs matrix doc w/ instructions on how to update it https://review.opendev.org/#/c/714460/ --> please review14:57
rfolconeed some eyes on https://review.opendev.org/#/c/714460/, its a doc patch and updates the fs matrix14:58
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weshay|rucksshnaidm, you have a sec?15:15
sshnaidmweshay|ruck, on mtg15:15
rlandyweshay|ruck: have the modified image for the reproducer - it's uploaded to the openstack-nodepool tenant15:19
rlandyjust need to get visibility changed wen rdo comes back to life15:20
weshay|rucksshnaidm, ping me when you have a second.. looking for your input on where to move https://github.com/redhat-openstack/ansible-pacemaker15:21
weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, did you see this more than once by chance? https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/186774415:27
openstackLaunchpad bug 1867744 in tripleo "Pacemaker cluster fails to start in CI jobs" [Critical,Triaged]15:27
arxcruz|roverweshay|ruck: no15:28
mariosrlandy: chandankumar: weshay|ruck: another fs39 fix https://review.opendev.org/714627  adding to the hackmd have a look when you get a chance thanks, will add to test https://review.rdoproject.org/r/25796 once rdo returns15:29
weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, k.. thanks.. will leave it in "alert" queue for now.. if we see it again let's add promotion-blocker15:29
arxcruz|roverweshay|ruck: ack, already added on rr hacmkd btw15:29
arxcruz|roverweshay|ruck: apetrich was asking about some bug you were asking yesterday regarding mistral15:30
arxcruz|roverdo you remember ?15:30
apetrichthanks arxcruz|rover talked to weshay|ruck  already15:31
arxcruz|roverapetrich: ack15:31
apetrichweshay|ruck, ykarel|away I also talked to d0ugal and we agree with ykarel|away that it is probably fixed by the promotion. If not I have no idea how can that happen15:31
rlandysshnaidm: cleaning up the upshift tenant - there are some ovb stacks from 4 weeks ago  - anything you want to keep?15:35
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sshnaidmrlandy, I didn't use upshift tenant, so it's not mine I think15:36
sshnaidmweshay|ruck, available now15:38
weshay|rucksshnaidm, https://meet.google.com/fgi-nstu-kas?authuser=115:39
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rlandychandankumar: ok - to merge https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/26035/?16:02
weshay|ruckout of mtgs16:07
weshay|rucksshnaidm, so just double checking http://dashboard-ci.tripleo.org/d/cockpit/cockpit?orgId=1 is vexhost now?16:15
sshnaidmweshay|ruck, yes16:15
weshay|rucksshnaidm, k.. updates are not coming in16:15
weshay|rucknew patches rather16:15
weshay|ruckmjturek, https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/ci-users/2020-March/002068.html16:20
weshay|ruckarxcruz|rover, anything to hand off?16:20
mjturekweshay|ruck baha \o/16:20
mjturekthanks we've been sidetracked on some downstream stuff so good to see we have a path forward once that's settled16:21
weshay|ruckchandankumar, ok to merge? https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/26035/16:22
arxcruz|roverweshay|ruck: not really, thanks for merge my patches yesterday16:22
arxcruz|roverI'm just checking my watch to change my nick :D16:22
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chandankumarweshay|ruck, rdo review down17:24
weshay|ruckkeep forgetting17:27
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chandankumarBy the way India is going for lockdown for 21 days starting midnight.17:43
weshay|ruckchandankumar, rfolco did you guys prioritze https://hackmd.io/IhMCTNMBSF6xtqiEd9Z0Kw?both17:43
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rfolcoweshay|ruck, not together, I can add 1-3 *** stars to the topics I think are most important if you like17:45
rfolcoand chandankumar can do the same17:46
rfolcounless you have any other ideas17:46
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chandankumarrfolco, added +1 there17:47
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rfolcoweshay|ruck, chandankumar added +1 there too17:49
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rlandyrfolco: weshay|ruck: are you able to ping instances on rdocloud?18:27
rlandyI tried a test instance in my personal tenant to check the uploaded image - doesn't even ping18:27
weshay|ruckrlandy, ya.. they are probably still in maint18:28
weshay|rucknot that I see any emails about it18:29
rlandyweshay|ruck: ack - will try again later18:29
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rfolcoweshay|ruck, chandankumar improved a bit the research on get-hash duplication https://hackmd.io/06K4wRKaT42axGljoDKtjQ?both18:33
weshay|ruckrfolco, can you join on the tiaga board18:34
weshay|rucklet's get it setup for wed/thrs18:34
weshay|ruckrfolco, https://meet.google.com/yeh-fraq-rsu?authuser=118:35
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rlandyweshay|ruck: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/26092 Add fs001 back into master promotion criteria19:02
rlandywe added fs001 to the criteria in promoter server at this morning's sync19:03
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weshay|ruckrlandy, we have an osp version of fs001 right?20:08
* weshay|ruck looks20:08
rlandyweshay|ruck: old version20:19
rlandynothing osp1720:19
* rlandy gets20:19
rlandyweshay|ruck: ^^20:20
weshay|ruckack.. that's the one I found :)20:21
rlandyweshay|ruck: we will need to add one for component pipeline20:22
rlandyin next sprint20:22
weshay|ruckwe'll talk about it on thrs20:22
rlandyweshay|ruck: still fighting bm -20:22
rlandyI can get past undercloud install20:22
weshay|ruckk.. then what fails20:22
rlandyso far - it  tried to build image so added the feature_set override - but there are a few changes in the review20:23
rlandypatched the envA settings, the job definition and the interface setup20:24
weshay|ruckwell.. you are getting nmcli experience there aren't ya20:24
rlandyweshay|ruck: you can say that20:25
rlandywill have to see if introspection works20:25
rlandybecause of the down interface and the bridge20:25
* rlandy has to amend virt clean up as well20:26
rlandyweshay|ruck: fyi ... https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/26092/20:26
rlandywe added fs001 to the criteria on promoter server at this morning's sync20:26
rlandytbh, fs030 is also passing20:26
rlandyfs035 has a spotty pass rate so we can let that fly for a bit20:26
weshay|rucksounds great20:27
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