Thursday, 2020-02-06

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chkumar|rovermarios, arxcruz please have a look
chkumar|roverwe need to unblock the gates08:39
chkumar|roverpermanent solution will take time08:39
chkumar|roveron osa side, it is runned from source, there will be no issue08:40
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arxcruzchkumar|rover: I though we were using from osa08:43
marioschkumar|rover: ack08:48
chkumar|roverarxcruz, in osa it is enabled by default08:48
chkumar|roverbut for currently we need to disable it08:49
chkumar|rovertill we move to centos8 or i fix the packaging part08:49
arxcruzfine by me08:49
chkumar|roverarxcruz, you have tripleo channel access?08:51
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arxcruzchkumar|rover: no08:54
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arxcruzzbr: chkumar|rover marios sshnaidm
mariosarxcruz: ack will do but not immediately added to next reviews run09:02
arxcruzmarios: do it NOW!09:03
mariosarxcruz: i'm pretty sure that's an HR violation09:03
arxcruzomg, i got a +2 from zbr without complains09:10
arxcruzachievement complete09:10
zbrchkumar|rover, marios, sshnaidm: can you help me understand why we rsync to instead of directly to local collection dir? on
zbrI see arie is trying to overcome a bug in the task, but that specific task makes no sense to me.09:13
zbrit uses hardcoded /tmp to collect stuff, instead of collecting directly to final destination.09:14
zbrin fact that is on managed, host.. so his change makes no sense.09:16
sshnaidmzbr, usually we copied all to /tmp/{{ hostname }}09:17
sshnaidmzbr, a long time ago we could gzip this directories and publish them as is: undercloud.tar.gz, overcloud-compute.tar.gz09:18
sshnaidmzbr, so you could download all undercloud logs at once, for example09:18
zbrso arie extra logic makes no sense.09:18
zbri know, common downstream09:18
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sshnaidmzbr, but not it's not the case09:18
sshnaidmwe've got problems from infra about logs sizes and duplications, and couldn't browse logs, so..09:19
sshnaidmzbr, in this file he tries to switch "become" because molecule can't run sudo09:20
zbrmolecule may be unable to sudo on localhost, but on managed hosts it does work.09:20
zbrif it does not work, there is not much collection to perform at all.09:20
sshnaidmzbr, I think openstack molecule jobs don't allow sudo09:21
zbreven the first task has a become.09:21
sshnaidmzbr, there is special job we did in tripleo_ansible with sudo09:21
zbris zuul, also i have the same local, good protection09:21
zbrthat is why we use docker container with this job, so we collect from container,  where we have sudo. but there is no need to have sudo locally.09:22
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sshnaidmzbr, anyway, seem like it didn't work for him - if you have better solution for sudo and molecule, you can suggest09:22
zbrif it did not work, it was for a reald issue which we should fix.09:23
sshnaidmzbr, if people make patch, most likely they had a problem09:23
zbri wonder if we can/should quit fast if we cannot sudo at the start of collec.yml09:23
sshnaidmzbr, and no sudo in molecule job is a known problem09:23
zbri see it as a feature, not a bug.09:24
sshnaidmzbr, for review you need to understand what problem Arie trying to solve, you can't just -1 because you don't think it's needed09:25
zbrbuild worker does not have sudo in most ci systems.09:25
zbri did include clear explanation why.09:25
sshnaidmzbr, you didn't, actually09:25
sshnaidmzbr, you didn't explain anything and didn't provide better solution for the problem09:26
sshnaidmzbr, if you're not sure from the patch what is the problem, then talk to submitter to make it clear09:27
sshnaidmzbr, but you wrote actually  "I do not understand the logic here" "Adding extra logic here is not needed."09:28
sshnaidmzbr, if you don't understand, how do you know it's not needed??09:28
zbrplease be careful here, i am considering stop engaging with you on irc. that use of "you" starts to look at something else.09:30
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amoralejchkumar|rover, what's the status of containers builds for centos8?10:20
amoralejceph is still the blocker?10:20
amoraleji see kolla has unblocked using copr repo created by ktdreyer + ceph-lab-extras10:21
amoralejit could be a good option until packages are published by Storage SIG10:22
chkumar|roveramoralej, let me check the status10:23
chkumar|roveramoralej, currently blocked at rhel-base itself, dpawlik provided a patch, once current run finishes we have proper data10:26
chkumar|roverarxcruz, sshnaidm marios
sshnaidmchkumar|rover, do standalone jobs use skip_list?10:28
amoralejerror building at STEP "COPY repos/CentOS-OpsTools.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/": no files found matching "/tmp/base-build/repos/CentOS-OpsTools.repo"10:28
chkumar|roversshnaidm, yes10:28
chkumar|roversshnaidm, it is based on validate tempest for stein only10:29
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chkumar|roversshnaidm, for standalone skip list
sshnaidmchkumar|rover,  when: tempest_cloud_name != 'undercloud' ?10:30
chkumar|roversshnaidm, yes10:30
sshnaidmchkumar|rover, and what's tempest_cloud_name in standalone case?10:30
chkumar|roversshnaidm, standalone10:30
sshnaidmah, ok10:30
chkumar|roverfor overcloud it is overcloud10:30
dpawlikchkumar|rover, but tests fails, so one moment, fixing...10:34
chkumar|roverdpawlik, feel free to update the patch, thanks :-)10:34
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chkumar|roverweshay|ruck, we need to start abandoning the patches, gate queue is 13 hours11:33
weshay|ruckchkumar|rover, you doing ok?11:54
weshay|ruckchkumar|rover, wait wait11:54
weshay|rucklet me look11:54
chkumar|roverweshay|ruck, the world is on fire11:54
chkumar|roverall jobs using os_tempest are broken11:55
chkumar|roverweshay|ruck, stable/stein gates are also broken11:55
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weshay|ruckbhagyashris, will be chatting today12:07
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weshay|ruckakahat, will be chatting12:08
bhagyashrisweshay|ruck, sure12:08
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weshay|ruckakahat, ping12:37
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weshay|ruckchkumar|rover, is Soniya around?12:38
weshay|ruckysandeep, hey.. need to speak w/ you today12:38
ysandeepweshay|ruck, sure.. I am free to talk now12:38
weshay|ruckysandeep, join
chkumar|roverweshay|ruck, yes12:39
ysandeepweshay|ruck, please give me just 2 mins12:39
weshay|ruckchkumar|rover, thanks.. I'll schedule a 1-1 w/ her tomorrow12:39
ysandeepto go to a meeting room12:39
chkumar|roverweshay|ruck, ok12:39
weshay|ruckakahat, you there?12:47
chkumar|roverweshay|ruck, he went outside12:48
chkumar|roverweshay|ruck, stackviz fix worked12:57
chkumar|roveronce tempest run finishes12:57
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chkumar|roverweshay|ruck, the fix is done by pavel13:00
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rfolcoweshay|ruck, zbr chkumar|rover sshnaidm panda marios arxcruz scrum now at
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chkumar|roverI will be out for a bit13:04
soniya29weshay|ruck, ping. I had certain issues while connecting to freenode.13:06
weshay|rucksoniya29, np.. I setup a 1-1 for tomorrow13:07
weshay|ruckI have a box for you btw.. just trying to make sure it's running properly13:08
rlandychkumar|rover: I think I know what is wrong with the key on rhel8 downstream13:09
rlandythe key is copied to tripleo-ci so the path is right13:09
rlandychkumar|rover: I think it's a primary vs localhost issue13:10
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soniya29weshay|ruck, Okay. Can you pass me the link of the box?13:12
weshay|rucksoniya29, I will tomorrow13:14
soniya29weshay|ruck, Okay13:15
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akahatweshay|ruck, pong13:23
akahatweshay|ruck, sorry. I was away!!13:23
weshay|ruckakahat, will chat tomorrow.. sorry for the scare :)13:23
chkumar|roversoniya29, ok13:23
akahatweshay|ruck, okay. Np13:24
chkumar|roverrlandy, checking13:24
chkumar|roversshnaidm, rlandy, please +w13:26
chkumar|roverit will unblock gate13:26
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chkumar|roverarxcruz, weshay|ruck kopecmartin do we want to cancel tomorrow's tempest meeting?13:31
chkumar|roverI have no any topic to discuss13:31
arxcruzchkumar|rover: up to you13:31
chkumar|roverbut I have lots of os_tempest related to tasks13:32
chkumar|roverto discuss13:32
chkumar|roverrlandy, do we need to change the .pem file permission also?13:33
rlandychkumar|rover: I don;t think so ... see
rlandywe have to ssh from primary to hardware13:35
rlandywill try fix it after meeting13:35
kopecmartinchkumar|rover: up to you .. i'm fine with cancelling, if weshay|ruck wants i'm available at that time and can discuss collect-logs, but i don't have any tempest urgencies to discuss13:35
weshay|ruckkopecmartin, k.. I'll catch w/ you tomorrow13:38
chkumar|roverkopecmartin, ok keeping it for collect0logs13:40
chkumar|roverweshay|ruck, let me know when free, we can finish 1:1 early13:41
weshay|ruckchkumar|rover, aye.. catching up w/ you right after scrum13:46
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chkumar|roversshnaidm, seen this
chkumar|roverEnsure system is NTP time synced is failing with weird error14:02
sshnaidmchkumar|rover, nope14:03
chkumar|roversshnaidm, got this bug bug 1698135 in openstack-tripleo-common "Overcloud deployment ansible failed on TASK [Ensure system is NTP time synced]" [Urgent,Closed: notabug] - Assigned to apetrich14:04
chkumar|roverweshay|ruck, 1:1 time14:05
sshnaidmchkumar|rover, seems similar, is it reproducing or just one time?14:06
chkumar|roversshnaidm, seeing currently14:06
sshnaidmchkumar|rover, maybe some network glitch with ntp..14:06
chkumar|roverneed to take a look at previous jobs aslo14:06
weshay|ruckchkumar|rover, aye.. 2 secs for bio and then joining14:07
chkumar|roverweshay|ruck, o14:09
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mariosarxcruz: sorry. am just sick of that fs20 it is dragging on for too long14:14
mariosarxcruz: i was unnecessarily grumpy14:14
mariosarxcruz: please accept my apology14:14
arxcruzmarios: will you come to berlin in the summit? if so, you need to pay me one wheinstephaner so i can apologize you14:18
zbrmarios: i hope that the non-random logic explanation made sense. pick any rule you want as long is predictable, sort, pick first, second and last.14:18
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marioszbr: let me post it and we can discuss specifically on the review14:25
marioszbr: will be there
zbrmarios: sure. i was worried that random will make people recheck blindly and not even look at it.14:26
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raukadahsshnaidm, and
ykarelweshay|ruck can u review
weshay|ruckykarel,  please add Depends-On:
ykarelweshay|ruck, ack doing14:59
raukadahweshay|ruck, rfolco regarding ceph
raukadahsshnaidm, what is the different between normal and lite ovb jobs? it is just a difference between controllers na or something else?15:05
raukadahI want to create the same for rhel815:05
rfolcoraukadah, please elaborate15:06
raukadahrfolco, kolla people used above repo to get ceph related packages15:07
raukadahwe can use the same of c8 container build15:07
raukadah*same in15:07
sshnaidmraukadah, 1ctrl and 3ctrl15:07
sshnaidmraukadah, all the rest is the same15:08
raukadahsshnaidm, ok, I will get one up tomorrow15:08
sshnaidmraukadah, weshay|ruck just fyi, this may overload rdo-cloud:
weshay|ruckraukadah, sshnaidm imho we should replace centos-7 fs001 w/ rhel15:11
weshay|ruckso we avoid overloading rdo15:11
raukadahsshnaidm, weshay|ruck do we want to switch to lighter version then?15:11
weshay|ruckraukadah, no.. just switch to rhel8 when it's stable15:12
raukadahweshay|ruck, ok15:12
sshnaidmraukadah, we can try to run something in lite mode, either c7 or r815:12
sshnaidmraukadah, because together it will start overload and fail15:13
raukadahsshnaidm, yes make sense15:13
sshnaidmraukadah, but.. I'm running now 035 job on vexxhost, maybe we can replace it with 001 on vexxhost and on rdo-cloud to run only rhel8 ovb15:13
sshnaidmweshay|ruck, ^15:13
sshnaidmso we'll cover both15:14
zbrweshay|ruck: so the gates of... are now open to receive rechecks?15:14
raukadahzbr, still nope15:15
weshay|ruckzbr, if you have the right depends on15:15
weshay|ruckfix hasn't merged15:15
weshay|ruckbut it's in the gate15:15
raukadahzbr, to land first15:15
raukadahweshay|ruck, can we update the topic to avoid recheck also15:15
zbrlet me grab the popcorn and watch zuul dashboard15:15
weshay|ruckraukadah, I did15:15
weshay|ruckin #tripleo15:16
weshay|rucknot that people read it15:16
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raukadahsshnaidm, in longer run, we will start moving c8 jobs also to vexxhost? since we will start adding them?15:19
sshnaidmraukadah, everything will move from rdo cloud to vexx in some point15:19
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raukadahweshay|ruck, arxcruz ykarel|away and I am working to finding permanent solution for stackviz15:35
raukadahall stuff via package15:35
weshay|ruckraukadah, not sure how to reconcile w/ the stein promotion15:35
raukadahit is kind of complicated bist15:35
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weshay|ruck2020-02-06 12:26:00.151181 | primary | TASK [validate-tempest : Generate XML results file] ****************************15:36
weshay|ruck2020-02-06 12:26:00.172354 | primary | Thursday 06 February 2020  12:26:00 +0000 (0:00:01.272)       1:40:56.431 *****15:36
weshay|ruck2020-02-06 12:26:01.372423 | primary | fatal: [undercloud]: FAILED! => {15:36
weshay|ruck2020-02-06 12:26:01.372567 | primary |     "changed": true,15:36
weshay|ruck2020-02-06 12:26:01.379881 | primary |     "cmd": "set -o pipefail &&subunit2junitxml /home/zuul/tempest/testrepository.subunit --output-to /home/zuul/tempest/tempest.xml 2>&1 >> tempest.log\n",15:36
weshay|ruck2020-02-06 12:26:01.380889 | primary |     "delta": "0:00:00.662401",15:36
weshay|ruck2020-02-06 12:26:01.381016 | primary |     "end": "2020-02-06 12:26:01.348974",15:36
weshay|ruckraukadah, this is the fixed by the patch from you and pavel ^15:36
raukadahweshay|ruck, nope15:36
* weshay|ruck doesn't see tempest logs
raukadahweshay|ruck, wait15:37
weshay|ruckgot it
weshay|ruckah skip list 2020-02-06 12:25:53 | tempest.scenario.test_volume_boot_pattern.TestVolumeBootPattern.test_boot_server_from_encrypted_volume_luks[compute,id-cb78919a-e553-4bab-b73b-10cf4d2eb125,volume]15:37
raukadahweshay|ruck, few days back, we got nasty bug related to ansible and openstackclient15:38
raukadahweshay|ruck, pavel and i fixed this
openstackLaunchpad bug 1862134 in tripleo "upstream tripleo jobs using os_tempest failing with ERROR: No matching distribution found for oslo.db===7.0.0 " [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)15:38
raukadahweshay|ruck, is the stein issue so we switch back to validate tempest15:39
openstackLaunchpad bug 1860810 in tripleo "os_ansible_tempest fails w/ create_network() got an unexpected keyword argument 'dns_domain'" [High,Triaged]15:39
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raukadahweshay|ruck, needed this but it will not fix the problem15:39
weshay|ruckraukadah, ah you got it
openstackLaunchpad bug 1862142 in tripleo "test_boot_server_from_encrypted_volume_luks failing with u'Key manager error on stable/stein scenario 2" [Critical,Confirmed]15:39
raukadahweshay|ruck, we need to request rdo friends to get latest openstacksdk which is dependent on upstream uc which is not gona happen15:40
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raukadahwe are now finding issues using tripleo in ansible15:41
raukadahreleased one15:41
raukadahweshay|ruck, I would we can start gating ansible also as a third party gating, what do you say?15:42
weshay|ruckraukadah, I say we have enough on our plate.. you can write it up, but not approved for working on it15:44
raukadahweshay|ruck, yes I will do that15:45
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rlandyzbr: you worked on scneario000?16:00
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weshay|ruckraukadah, thanks!
raukadahweshay|ruck, i have done nothing thanks to jpena and zbr for the help16:05
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marioszbr: panda: sshnaidm|afk: weshay|ruck: (and anyone else with reviews time) updated ... its the patch we discussed in scrum with the ppc manifests. let me know what you think on patch when you have time thank you16:27
* weshay|ruck looks16:27
weshay|ruckmarios, btw... so thanks for doing this16:28
weshay|ruckmarios, the promoter appeared to be working, but never promoted master16:28
mariosweshay|ruck: some of that is molecule $stuff so it looks like a big review, but mainly:  to add a switch for ppc manifests. and then16:28
mariosweshay|ruck:  this one is the 'check N random containers and flip the switch' :
mariosweshay|ruck: once ci reports, you can see the molecule-container-push job for evidence of this working16:29
mariosreviews needed please & Depends-On: featurset 20 split thanks16:36
mariosrfolco: rlandy: weshay|ruck: panda: sshnaidm|afk: zbr: arxcruz: please when you next have time thank you ^^^16:39
weshay|ruckmarios, rfolco I think the diff between what I'm seeing in ci vs. local is due to already having a built base container16:40
* weshay|ruck cleaning up and retrying16:40
mariosweshay|ruck: the ppc stuff took way longer to do (seemingly simple task... etc ;)) so i will revisit that tomorrow16:40
weshay|ruckmarios, aye.. story of our lives.. $too_many_things16:41
mariosweshay|ruck: hopefully that is now mostly done but i think there might be some molecule to fix plus any discussion around the  random but we'll see hopefully i don't have to spend too much more on that16:41
mariosweshay|ruck: well not really in this case i think that is a bit harsh. i get the issue with the 'randomness' but i have dealt with it in that bit ... the tests are now always deterministic via conditional when16:43
zbrmarios: that jinja construct made me dizzy :D16:44
marioszbr: which one16:44
raukadahzbr, you can find similar patterns in os_tempest and validate_tempest where used16:45
zbri have some doubts it would render to what you want16:45
marioszbr: ah, cross topic. yeah but that is used in more places it isn't my invention, {% if ('periodic' in zuul.pipeline and not job.force_non_periodic|default(false)|bool) or (job.force_periodic|default(false)|bool) -%}16:45
raukadahit all started back when we replaced pingtest with tempest arxcruz knows the feelong16:45
marioszbr: it renders fine see the link there16:45
raukadahmarios, it is rlandy and sshnaidm|afk creation16:45
zbrmarios: +W both, YOLO16:46
raukadahzbr, I am just an user16:46
marioszbr: ;) thanks for checking16:46
marioszbr: err, both/16:47
marioszbr: i'd rather we follow the  2 +2 rule to be honest16:47
marioszbr: for
raukadahzbr, you +w it, ? it is going to fail in upstream16:47
mariosand in general16:47
marioszbr: unless there is an emergency which it is not in this case16:47
* rlandy reads back16:47
raukadahsorry it's rdo16:47
zbris rdo, it does not block.16:48
* marios almost out16:48
raukadahthanks to our epel hack and experiment16:48
raukadahweshay|ruck, post faolure on upstream jobs16:49
zbri need some feedback on readme work, example result
raukadahfetch-output : Collect log output16:50
raukadah"msg": "ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer\r\nrsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [Receiver]\nrsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(226)16:50
raukadahsomething got broken usptream16:50
mariosraukadah: you mean the fs20 patch?  18:47 < raukadah> zbr, you +w it, ? it is going to fail in upstream16:51
mariosraukadah: or something else16:51
weshay|ruckraukadah, probably the same issue w/ the containers blocking collect logs16:52
raukadahmarios, i thought you are taking about upstream patches16:52
weshay|ruckraukadah, go away16:52
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raukadahmarios, but it was rdo patches, upstream job in bad shape16:52
mariosraukadah: k well one of them is upstream
mariosraukadah: so i guess it won't merge16:53
raukadahmarios, yes, sorry for that16:54
mariosraukadah: ack thanks16:54
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raukadahmarios, but you can put depends on and +w and make life happy16:55
mariosraukadah: tomrrow16:55
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raukadahmarios|out, aye, see ya :-)16:56
rlandyweshay: so ... running standalone on a multinode nodeset is a go ...
rfolcoraukadah, can you please elaborate on this link you sent me ?
rfolcoraukadah, chandan-api --verbose get-explanation
raukadahrfolco, amoralej was asking about c8 container status, then i looked into centos8 base image failure then we get this kolla hack for ceph 8 and i thought we can add these repo to our conatiner build and go ahead17:02
amoralejrfolco, those are repos with el8 ceph packages that can be used to unblock containers for centos8 until final builds are shipped in centos repos17:04
raukadahrfolco, amoralej has suggested some change on re opstools and may be we can add those repo or resue that17:04
weshay Problem: package python3-paramiko-2.6.0-5.el8.noarch requires python3-cryptography >= 2.5, but none of the providers can be installed17:07
weshay  - package python3-paramiko-2.6.0-5.el8.noarch requires python3.6dist(cryptography) >= 2.5, but none of the providers can be installed17:07
weshay  - python3-cryptography-2.8-1.el8.x86_64 does not belong to a distupgrade repository17:07
weshay  - problem with installed package python3-paramiko-2.6.0-5.el8.noarch17:07
weshay(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use not only best candidate packages)17:07
weshayhave you seen this?17:07
weshayamoralej, since ur here17:07
amoralejweshay, where is that?17:08
weshayit's local17:08
rfolcoweshay, haven't seen this17:08
amoralejweshay, you used
amoralejmay be missing module_hotfixes=117:10
* weshay looks17:10
rfolcoraukadah, amoralej: I thought this would be enough17:11
amoralejrfolco, doesn't we override repos on tripleo-common?17:12
amoraleji mean, if we are reusing that, it'd be fine17:12
rfolcoamoralej, k17:13
amoralejrfolco, as per
amoralejcurrent blocker is the OpsTools repo file17:13
amoralejweshay, what command are you using for that error?17:14
amoralej"does not belong to a distupgrade repository"17:15
weshayamoralej, think that fixed it17:18
weshaythanks man17:18
weshayamoralej, btw.. we can't work around the opstools stuff atm17:18
amoralejweshay, i think opstools has two issues17:18
weshayit's never used.. only disabled in kolla for centos-817:18
amoralejone is the package installation17:18
amoraleji think that can be fine17:19
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amoralejbut about the CentOS-OpsTools.repo file17:19
amoralejcan't that copy just being removed?17:19
amoraleji mean
amoralejlinke 517:19
amoraleji'd say removing that may be just be fine17:20
rfolcokolla expects opstools repo17:21
rfolcoand if we are going to have opstools in centos8, there is no point in patching kolla17:21
amoralejbut kolla is passing with c817:21
rfolcoI mean, what you mean by passing?17:22
amoralejlet me look for it17:22
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amoraleji.e - kolla-build-centos8-binary passed and i see containers there17:23
amoralejare there missing ones there?17:23
rfolcoI assume it does not build 129 containers like in overcloud container build job for tripleo17:25
amoralejrfolco, it'd still be useful to know what packages are needed from opstools that are not available yet, we may be able to workaround in rdo deps repo17:26
amoralejas we've done with collectd17:26
amoralejif it's simple enough17:26
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rfolcoamoralej, what you see here is just a fake opstools repo file17:27
amoralejrfolco, maybe i'm checking the wrong review to track17:28
amoraleji'm checking
amoralejjobs there are failing because repos/CentOS-OpsTools.repo does not exist17:29
amoralejthat's why i suggested that17:29
amoralejis there a fake file in other job that i can check?17:29
rfolcoamoralej, yeah the non-existing file is weshay fault17:32
rfolcohe realized that yesterday and was going to add task to create it17:33
weshayI have17:33
amoralejrfolco, what i'm trying is to track what exact packages are still missing for tripleo jobs so that we can look for workarounds to unblock17:34
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amoralejso far, it seems ceph from the copr still needs some additional dep that is taken from epel in kolla17:34
amoraleji'd like to detect those17:35
rfolcoamoralej, I am struggling with the same thing. I am spinning wheels trying to find missing requirements for the missing containers.17:36
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weshayrfolco, think I got this nailed17:53
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rfolcoweshay, God bless you, share with me pls17:54
weshayk.. rfolco submmitting latest.. and kicking ci17:54
amoralejrfolco, so far we have detected liboath package which is required to ceph-common and it's coming from epel, we may temporarily ship it in rdo deps until storage sig provides full ceph repo17:54
zbrsshnaidm|afk: now is safe to look again at
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weshayrfolco, ok.. let's sync18:04
rfolcoweshay, link18:04
weshayrfolco, podman rmi --all18:08
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weshay2020-02-06 18:18:36 | ============= SUMMARY ===============18:24
weshay2020-02-06 18:18:36 | Expected................... 12518:24
weshay2020-02-06 18:18:36 | Built...................... 11418:24
weshay2020-02-06 18:18:36 | =====================================18:24
weshayrfolco, going to repin dlrn18:24
weshaycat containers-failed-to-build.log18:24
rfolcofailed ok18:25
rfolcoso I am not crazy18:25
weshayrfolco, the issue w/ nova-libvirt is18:42
weshayError: Unable to find a match: ceph-common18:42
ykarel|awayweshay, we have added missing liboath for ceph-common temporary in RDO, rebuilding with fresh rdo repos should pass18:45
weshayykarel|away, what's the context?18:45
ykarel|awayweshay, yes18:45
weshayykarel|away, which ceph repo should we use?18:45
ykarel|awayweshay, the one shipped with kolla18:45
ykarel|awayuntil storage sig gets ready18:46
weshayykarel|away, which one is shipped w/ kolla18:46
ykarel|awayyou don't need to explicitly enable18:46
ykarel|awaythose should be auto enabled18:46
ykarel|awayin kolla18:46
ykarel|awayunless and until u are using some kolla patch to override18:47
weshayI'll have to run one and mount it18:47
weshayto check18:47
ykarel|awayok, u can run container with base image18:48
weshayykarel|away, whats up w/
ykarel|awayweshay, CHACRA_URL=
weshayykarel|away, k.. will try this now18:49
weshayykarel|away, thank you18:49
weshayykarel|away, /me notes I'm totally clueless where ceph lives..etc18:50
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ykarel|awayso with ceph-common, all should pass, except glance-api,base and rabbitmq18:50
ykarel|awayin above list18:50
ykarel|awayglance-api, base were passing in my test, so not sure why it's failing at yours18:51
ykarel|awayfor rabbitmq needs some adjustment18:51
weshayykarel|away, k.. I had nothing defined for ceph18:52
ykarel|awayweshay, how u checked18:52
weshayykarel|away, how am I building?18:52
ykarel|awayi mean u said, I had nothing defined for ceph18:53
ykarel|awayi didn't got ^^18:53
weshayykarel|away, oh.. I didn't have any yum repos defined for ceph..18:53
weshayand they don't appear to be dropping in automatically but I've seen some kolla patches around it18:54
weshaytbh, I was focused on bootstrapping the job..18:54
weshaythink I'm there18:54
ykarel|awayweshay, so if u run container from centos-binary-base image18:55
ykarel|awaykolla is running dnf config-manager  --enable ceph --enable ceph-noarch --enable ceph-el8 --enable ceph-lab-extras wherever ceph packages are needed18:55
ykarel|awayso to test, run container from base image, run ^^ command, and try installing ceph-common18:56
ykarel|awayweshay, okk locally i have 126 containers build18:57
ykarel|awayi guess that's all18:57
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weshayykarel|away, that fixed it19:09
weshaythank you19:09
weshayrfolco, ok.. nova-libvirt and others should be working soon19:12
rfolcoweshay, what is the change?19:13
weshayzbr, hey19:25
weshayzbr, why would you do this???
weshayzbr, why would you workflow that w/o the depends-on?19:25
zbrboth where +W19:26
weshayzbr, you know how this works man19:26
weshayzbr, you just reset the entire gate19:26
zbrmaybe i missed something, meet?19:28
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rfolcoweshay, apparently kolla silently skips/ignores containers that fail to install deps, it only fails if repo is missing20:10
weshayrfolco, so are they showing up in the passed list?20:10
rfolcoweshay, well, I am not quite sure, but for me its like it was failing on ceph-common, and not giving an error, just moving forward20:13
rfolcoweshay, I fixed ceph repo as ykarel|away suggested, now building again. The image-list command reports now 134 containers to build20:13
rfolcolet's see20:13
rfolcoweshay, perhaps there is a way to make kolla report a more verbose error when something bad inside the container happens20:15
weshayrfolco, k.. /me keeping up2date20:15
weshayrfolco, would be nice eh20:15
rfolcook, updating mine too20:16
weshayrfolco, rabbit fails on No match for argument: rabbitmq-server-3.7.*20:16
rfolcoweshay, unpin 3.7 and you'll be passing this one20:17
weshayrfolco, where?20:17
rfolcolet me get the patch20:17
weshayrfolco, let's fix the conflict k/20:21
rfolcoyeah you have to rebase or apply it manually20:22
rfolcolets rebase on master and fix qrouterd then20:22
rfolcodoing that20:22
rfolcoweshay, let me double check first.. Tried to install now and it has conflicts.20:28
rfolcoweshay, but I was pretty sure I built it previously20:29
rfolcoweshay, updated, but w/ a WIP to test20:34
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rlandy|afkgoing to get the last of vaccinations set21:00
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weshayAND "branch" = 'train'21:14
weshay2020-02-06 21:12:00 | ============= SUMMARY ===============21:14
weshay2020-02-06 21:12:00 | Expected................... 12621:14
weshay2020-02-06 21:12:00 | Built...................... 12621:14
weshay2020-02-06 21:12:00 | =====================================21:14
weshay2020-02-06 21:12:00 |21:14
weshay2020-02-06 21:12:00 |21:14
weshay2020-02-06 21:12:00 | Return code: [ 0 ]21:14
weshay2020-02-06 21:12:00 |21:14
weshay2020-02-06 21:12:00 |21:14
weshay2020-02-06 21:12:00 | SUCCESS: Congratulations! All containers have been built :)21:14
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rfolcoweshay, SystemError: nova-libvirt raised Unexpected error while running command.21:18
rfolcoweshay, how to fix this21:18
rfolco$ sudo podman images -a | grep tripleomaster | wc -l21:20
weshayrfolco, ur never going to get the real error w/o21:20
weshaysudo buildah bud --tls-verify=False --logfile /var/local/tmp/nova-libvirt-build.log -t
weshaysudo buildah bud --tls-verify=False --logfile /var/local/tmp/nova-libvirt-build.log -t nova/nova-libvirt21:21
rfolcono cinder :(21:21
rfolcoweshay, cinder is in list-images but didn't built it21:23
weshay2020-02-06 21:12:00 |                     abcdef   17b632fd1af5   12 minutes ago       987 MB21:24
weshay2020-02-06 21:12:00 |                      abcdef   ab5bf4192203   9 minutes ago        1.07 GB21:24
weshay2020-02-06 21:12:00 |                   abcdef   6309239d3e99   9 minutes ago        1.12 GB21:24
weshay2020-02-06 21:12:00 |                abcdef   86be1c96e4e7   10 minutes ago       987 MB21:24
weshay2020-02-06 21:12:00 |                   abcdef   09328c4d9949   9 minutes ago        1.13 G21:24
weshaythink I got it21:24
rfolcogotta go21:25
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rlandyweshay: can we recheck patches now?22:35
weshayrlandy, aye22:52
rlandyweshay: hi - I rechecked22:52
rlandyexecutive decision22:52
weshayrlandy, good job executive rlandy22:53
rlandyare we short of nodes in rdcloud?23:04
zbrweshay: what molecule failure? clearly zuul failed to post any link23:05
weshayzbr, did you see inside my mind?23:06
weshayzbr, are you monitoring the ruck/rover etherpad?23:06
weshaymy GOD are you GOD23:06
zbrweshay: that is weird, is someone installing molecule with --pre or directly from git?23:07
weshayno idea23:07
zbrthat error is caused by newer schema in v3, i made a new pre-release (3.0a6) an hour ago23:08
zbryep, that is molecule==3.0a623:09
zbranyway, easy fix it remove any lint sections from molecule.yml file.23:09
zbrlook for
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weshayzbr, is this done?
zbrweshay: going to suspend mode, i bet i will see many issues related to that new  pre-release. i did not expect to see our jobs picking it without modification.23:22
zbrporting looks like mov3 tag above23:23
weshaygive me more context tomorrow23:23
weshayI'm fried23:23
weshayand you should not be working23:23
zbrme too,23:23
rlandyweshay: are you using the instance we created on the downstream tenant? if not, can I re-purpose it for 16-branch conatiner builds?23:26
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