Thursday, 2020-01-02

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arxcruzhappy new year guys!!! :D09:16
bogdandoarxcruz: +109:16
surpatilhappy new year09:19
marioso/ happy new year09:26
akahatHappy New year everyone :D09:41
zbrhappy new year!09:51
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ykarelHappy new year all \o/10:00
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ykarelkopecmartin, hi10:47
ykarelkopecmartin, u see my message from Monday?10:47
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kopecmartinykarel: hi, what message? sorry if i missed something, i'm trying to catch up things after 10 day holidays11:31
ykarelkopecmartin, ohh welcome back11:32
ykarelkopecmartin, i was referring to
kopecmartinoh, ok, i'm afraid my irc bot got rebooted during the holiday, so i haven't got all messages .. anyway, i'm checking the bug now11:35
kopecmartinykarel: ^^11:35
ykarelkopecmartin, ack11:36
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zbrwho can give me some insights regarding the rrcockpic docker-compose file? mainly around sidecars purpose12:10
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weshay|ruckykarel, did fix rhel 8?12:31
weshay|rucklooks like it12:31
ykarelweshay|ruck, yes12:32
weshay|ruckykarel, do we have any nodes held on the retry_limit issue?12:33
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ykarelweshay|ruck, u mean rhel8 retry_limit or something else?12:35
ykarelif it's rhel8 ^^ the fix, if some thing else, /,me not aware12:35
weshay|ruckykarel, something is up w/ rhel8 still in periodic .. 2020-01-02 04:34:12.730006 | POST-RUN START: [trusted :]12:37
weshay|rucklooks like the we're loosing the connection in post12:37
weshay|ruckand nodepool is reporting it as retry_limit12:38
ykarelweshay|ruck, yes will fix ^^ issue12:39
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ykareli tried to explain why it's have issue wrt to connection12:39
weshay|ruckok.. /me reads the patch and bug12:39
ykarellet me know if it's not clear12:39
weshay|ruckk.. thank you12:39
arxcruzweshay|ruck: will we have meeting today ?12:42
arxcruzweshay|ruck: happy new year :)12:42
weshay|ruckarxcruz, :) hello good sir12:42
weshay|ruckarxcruz, no meetings today but we should catch up for a few12:43
arxcruzweshay|ruck: ack, whenever you want12:43
weshay|ruckarxcruz, k.. give me a few min please.. need to figure out one more job12:43
arxcruzi'll lunch and brb12:46
weshay|ruckykarel, marios so featureset020 has an issue but I think it's worth promoting  to update master12:52
weshay|ruckany objections?12:52
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ykarelweshay|ruck, yes i think we can promote, saying because i ran today fs020 with current-tripleo and it too timed out12:52
ykarelso promoting it would not hurt12:52
weshay|ruckykarel, aye.. saw ur job..12:52
weshay|ruckok.. thanks all12:53
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mariosweshay|ruck: lets talk on scrum in few mins?12:57
mariosweshay|ruck: wasn't ruck|roving today12:57
zbrweshay|ruck: o/ happy new year12:57
weshay|ruckzbr, happy new year :)12:57
weshay|ruckmarios, aye.. and please don't12:57
weshay|ruckarxcruz, ok.. if the three or four of us want to chat.. for a few.. let's join the scrum meeting12:59
weshay|ruckzbr, join us for a hot sec13:02
weshay|ruckif you can13:02
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rfolcozbr, hi o/13:13
rfolcozbr, can you comment on please??13:14
rfolcozbr, I am not quite sure what you want me to change13:14
zbrrfolco: i would like to a new molecule scenario that runs the modified file as part of the change, so we see it running. we already run module so it should be easy. makes sense?13:15
zbrrfolco: if you don't know how to add it I could help adding the main files and you can add your mocks.13:16
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zbrrfolco:  i know that adding test for the entire role could be too much work, but nothing stops us from testing only that file13:17
zbris like testing only one part, that tasks file13:17
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rfolcozbr, ok, let me add checks in that file13:20
zbrrfolco: i am in meeting now but if you want we can have a 5min chat after, just to be sure we are talking about the same thing13:21
rfolcozbr, that would be good, it can be here, just point me to the exact thing13:22
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zbrrfolco: i updated the review, check it and build on top of it.13:27
rfolcozbr, thx13:28
zbrrfolco: is bit hackish but should allow us to test that file easily.13:28
zbrif needed we could switch to docker instead of delegated13:28
zbrbut what matters is that now we should see zuul running that file as part of rdo-tox-molecule jobs13:29
rfolcook let me see if i can add some checks to molecule playbooks13:32
zbrrfolco: now it fails as workspace is not defined, so define one, run again locally, see what else you need to mock.13:32
zbrrfolco: mainly re-do in playbook.yml what your showed me a couple of days ago.13:33
rfolcozbr, ok thanks. Will try adding tests to playbook.yml13:34
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rlandyweshay|ruck: please post the link to internal cockpit. the infra doc has the internal backup only14:37
weshay|ruckrlandy, it's on the infra doc14:37
weshay|ruckunder cockpit14:37
rlandyweshay|ruck: ok - so I see two links - both show only upstream jobs - so the downtream jobs are not reporting yet14:40
rlandyit's juts a downstream copy of upstream14:41
weshay|ruckrlandy, aye.. for now14:47
weshay|ruckI would like to add the internal sf zuul14:47
rlandyweshay|ruck: hmm - ok I though downstream was for downstream jobs14:47
weshay|ruckrlandy, so I think it should be a combined view14:47
weshay|ruckrlandy, haven't figured out the best way to make that happen yet14:51
rlandyweshay|ruck: k - can chat about that later when you have time14:52
weshay|ruckrlandy, I think I have time now14:53
rlandyweshay|ruck: ok14:53
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weshay|ruckrfolco, howdy15:26
rfolcoo/ weshay|ruck15:26
weshay|ruckhappy new year15:26
rfolcohappy 2020 :)15:27
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rlandymarios: thanks for posting all the visa info. just got mine approved15:41
mariosrlandy: ack yeah i think once you choose the right type its been pretty fast in my experience couple days15:42
mariosrlandy: also \o/ see you in india :D15:42
weshay|ruckmarios, rlandy thanks for keeping the lights on w/ CI promotions :)15:46
weshay|ruckwe're in pretty good shape.. :)15:46
mariosweshay|ruck: was disapointed looking at master this morning but wanted to focus on something else today (!)15:46
mariosweshay|ruck: maybe tomorrow i do a round of ruck|rover in the morning15:46
weshay|ruckmarios, it was only fs02015:47
weshay|ruckmarios, I think we're good15:47
weshay|ruckI'm promoting master, rocky15:47
rlandyweshay|ruck: yeah - we promoted frequently except rhel15:47
mariosweshay|ruck: hmm well this afternoon i started digging there Split featureset020
weshay|ruckmarios, ah.. ya15:47
mariosweshay|ruck: but will continue tomorrow/try to get something posted15:47
mariosweshay|ruck: trying to work out the test timings right now15:47
mariosweshay|ruck: like where to cut the tempest.api.15:48
rlandywe had problems with both train and master rhel15:48
rlandythere are cards on the CIX board15:48
weshay|ruckrlandy, ya.. I think yatin fixed it15:48
rlandybless you yatin15:48
mariosweshay|ruck: rlandy: i think we should get that on a t-shirt "I think yatin fixed it"15:49
rlandyweshay|ruck: marios: we owe yatin dinner when we get to pune15:50
weshay|ruckrlandy, btw.. I got my visa following marios instructions.. pretty easy only $10015:51
rlandyweshay|ruck: yep - just got mine this morning15:51
weshay|ruckmarios, would you be offended if we moved the agenda meeting to later next week15:52
weshay|ruckI need to spend a little more time planning w/ rfolco and chandan15:52
mariosweshay|ruck: np... in fact. in that case i may take monday off since that is a public holiday here15:53
mariosweshay|ruck: i was going to work mainly because i set that meeting15:54
mariosweshay|ruck: when are you thinking ?15:56
mariosweshay|ruck: i can re-send it with updated time15:57
weshay|ruckmarios, any day other than mon or tues15:57
weshay|ruckmarios, and friday because sagi is off15:57
mariosweshay|ruck: lets try wed15:57
weshay|ruckrfolco, can you make the pre-planning mtg on monday an hour by starting 1/2 hour earlier16:03
rfolcoweshay|ruck, sure16:06
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weshay|ruckarxcruz, it helps when I can review tiaga and look at code16:43
weshay|ruckarxcruz, you find that bug?16:43
arxcruzweshay|ruck: just checked, and there's no bugzilla or launchpad, i have an email from francesco with a report, i'll fwd for you16:44
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weshay|ruckzbr, arxcruz fyi.. I think I'm leaning towards a separate page in the cockpit for 3rd party dep jobs16:47
weshay|ruckfor now16:47
weshay|ruckkeep it all together16:48
zbrweshay|ruck: glad to hear that16:48
zbrbtw, grafana-sidecar already had code to deal with the key and run well on another attempt, not sure why it did fail in my initial attempts.16:49
zbri still have some problems with docker networks, I used a user-defined bridge network for containers which allow them to be isolated and to communicate with each other well.16:51
zbrthe only problem is that this setup does not allow me to access graface main http port from outside, i need to expose only one port.16:51
zbrmy impression is that this is not possible with user defined networks and that I will need a second network, probably one using macvlan16:52
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weshay|ruckrlandy, moving to done right?17:13
weshay|ruckwe're all caught up minus osp-1717:13
weshay|ruckrlandy, also moved to complete17:17
rlandyweshay|ruck: yep17:26
rlandyall except cockpit stuff which is kind of separate17:26
weshay|ruckrlandy, aye17:27
weshay|rucklatest run17:52
weshay|ruck- The value False (type bool) in a string field was converted to ''False'' (type string). If this does not look like what you expect, quote the entire value to ensure it does not change.'17:52
weshay|ruck "\e[Ke30=\e[4D\e[K\e[KeyJ1dWlkIjogIjJkNjIyNDVjLTNjMzktNDJjYi04NjA0LWNkOTEyZDk1ZmY3YyJ9\e[64D\e[Kfatal: [standalone]: FAILED! => "17:53
weshay|ruck2020-01-02 17:37:57 |   - '  msg: ''The conditional check ''''(wait_for_all_osds_up.stdout | from_json)["osdmap"]["num_osds"] | int > 0'''' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional ((wait_for_all_osds_up.stdout | from_json)["osdmap"]["num_osds"] | int > 0): ''''dict object'''' has no attribute ''''num_osds'''''''17:53
weshay|ruckmaybe that is part of what I see in the email17:53
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chandan_kumarweshay_ weshay|ruck arxcruz rlandy rfolco zbr kopecmartin Happy New Year 2020 :-)18:06
weshay|ruckchandan_kumar, :)18:06
* chandan_kumar is not back, trying to back on Monday! I missed you all :-)18:07
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raukadahrfolco weshay|ruck How was the holidays ?18:10
weshay|ruckraukadah, pretty chill :) how about yours?18:10
weshay|ruckdid you get any sleep at least?18:10
rfolcopretty hot here, swetting w/ AC18:12
raukadahweshay|ruck I experienced 2 degree celsius chilling winter at home town, and completed visiting some archeological places from my home state which I read in history book during school time, opening laptop today18:12
raukadahrfolco summer in month of Jan?18:12
rfolcoyes yes opposed to europe and us18:13
rfolcosummer time18:13
rlandyraukadah: hey - welcome back18:13
raukadahrfolco Ah, great, Need to add to my list to visit sometime there :-)18:14
raukadahrlandy :-)18:14
raukadahHow is the CI?18:16
weshay|ruckraukadah, rockin awesome18:16
raukadahrfolco By the way, I slept a lot due to chilling winter18:17
raukadahrfolco weshay|ruck rlandy I visited this place during vacation18:19
rfolcoraukadah, you should have a better balance for sleeping/working. Hibernating 5 days won't give you the missing sleeping hours now.18:19
rfolcovery cool raukadah18:20
raukadahrfolco :-)18:20
raukadahrfolco waiting for the day I get married, everything will fall in order :P18:21
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raukadahmarriage seems to be scary, but parents needs to perform that18:22
raukadahsee ya on Monday, Have a nice weekend ahead :-)18:33
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weshay|ruckrlandy, I think the builds url for rdo is wrong19:34
weshay|ruckin production19:34
rlandyweshay|ruck: in cockpit?19:34
rlandyweshay|ruck: didn;t touch production yet - working on my local19:35
weshay|ruckI think it should be
weshay|ruckand not
rlandyweshay|ruck: yeah - I would think19:35
rlandymy local is up and running now19:36
rlandywas this changed locally?19:37
rlandyI mean recently?19:38
weshay|ruckya.. it works via the cockpit.. but I'm not seeing the latest queues19:38
rlandyhow come it's logging stuff?19:38
weshay|ruckbut they are in the output19:38
weshay|rucklike github-check19:38
rlandyweshay|ruck: also - I need to assign a 'type' for the downstream jobs19:39
rlandyweshay|ruck: type = 'internal'?19:40
* rlandy likes internal19:40
weshay|ruckhopefully we'll only ever have one internal zuul19:42
rlandyok - well I added the line to internal19:49
rlandybu I don;t see any data yet19:49
weshay|ruckrlandy, ok.. I got my working20:28
weshay|ruckwant eyes20:28
rlandyfor internal?20:28
rlandyI still don;t see any data20:29
rlandyplease do share20:29
weshay|ruckrlandy, let's jump on meet20:30
rlandyweshay|ruck: url?20:32
weshay|ruckrlandy, ^20:32
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