Monday, 2019-11-18

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bogdandohi folks. Care to place +2
bogdandothat should speedup all standalone and UC CI jobs somewhat...10:13
bogdandoweshay|ruck: ^^10:13
bogdandomarios: ^^10:14
mariosbogdando: ack i was planning to do so on my next visit but was also hoping for some more (better ;)) reviews there first but sure its on my reviews list.10:16
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sshnaidm|ruckbogdando, a dummy question, why don't we use podman to pull/push images?10:21
bogdandosshnaidm|ruck: it cannot be an image serve registry10:22
bogdandoit would only pull for its local cache10:22
sshnaidm|ruckbogdando, why don't we use quay then for image registry?10:23
bogdandothere is a skopeo uploader alternative, but it is slow, not ready for use yet, and will be removed AFAIK...10:23
bogdandosshnaidm|ruck: python uploader uses buildah though10:23
bogdandowhen running with modify_image10:23
bogdandosshnaidm|ruck: that was not a thing historically by the time we developed that custom image-server server10:24
bogdando(meaning Quay)10:24
sshnaidm|ruckbogdando, I see10:24
bogdandoand AFAIK it has not standalone deployment option10:24
bogdandobut, there is a scenario that illustrate pull & re-push, which technically allows using another target10:25
bogdandolike quay or local image-serve10:25
bogdandoI composed scenarios to represent all possible use cases, and improvement is shown for all10:25
sshnaidm|ruckbogdando, there is also docker registry container available10:25
bogdandoas it does not  repeat processing of cross-used layers10:26
bogdandosshnaidm|ruck: right, but we cannot use that in product10:27
bogdandoI was using it only to show an alternative target registry10:27
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bogdandoeven if we switch it for quauy in future releases, there is LTS'es and that image-serve will stay with us now for years10:28
bogdandoI'm not really asking you folks to go deep into that, just see the numbers in benchmarks and think of real aspects in CI jobs10:29
sshnaidm|ruckbogdando, yeah, I think we can try10:30
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mariospanda: o/11:51
pandait's-a him, marios !11:51
mariospanda: are you around? can you please see that comment
mariospanda: i am having some issues as that isn't 'normal' unit tests (mocking the mock kind of thing? i.e. not calling directly into the tested class but it uses a proxy class?)11:52
mariospanda: i am just looking to test that one function in isolation but that isn't what any of the other tests in are doing11:52
mariospanda: any ideas or suggestions are welcome, either here or on the review whenyou have some time thanks11:54
mariospanda: going to ask rlandy too once she is in as i know she wrote the test_promoter_test.py11:54
pandamarios: test_promoter_test contains unit tests for the promoter test. You should not modify that, you can add a new test file using test_get_latest_hashes as inspiration11:54
pandamarios: or e can rename test_get_latest_hashes to a more general test and add all them there11:55
mariospanda: hmmm didn't spot that one looks promising/more what i want to do like 5 dlrnapi_promoter = pytest.importorskip('dlrnapi_promoter')11:56
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chandankumararxcruz: can we merge this ?12:02
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rfolcomarios, o/12:07
rfolcomarios, did anything change in the component standalone job ?12:07
rfolcoor same plans12:07
rfolcopanda, ^12:08
mariosrfolco: o/ we need to sync today12:08
rfolcoyes we do12:09
arxcruzchandankumar: i don't see why not, i already put +1 there12:09
mariosrfolco: i don't think panda is working with us anymore there. basically we don't want to even build containers anymore12:09
rfolcomarios, upgrade ok12:09
mariosrfolco: and instead use mofify_vars12:09
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mariosrfolco: but i have mainly been catching up there and waiting for you  as you said you were working there already12:10
mariosrfolco: after scrum we can sync?12:10
rfolcomarios, deal, the upgrade idea is new, I haven't started it12:10
rfolcomarios, thx12:11
mariosrfolco: ok, i got the impression it was your idea ;) (we discussed it on friday with weshay/chandan/mpryc a bit)12:11
weshay|rucksec.. in interview12:11
rfolcomarios, wes' idea12:11
mariosrfolco: ack12:11
mariosweshay|ruck: don't need something12:12
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sshnaidm|ruckchandankumar, did you look at fs039 tempest failure? Do you know what is status of it?
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rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: hi - is the ovn issue fixed now?12:59
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, yep12:59
rlandy|rovernice ok12:59
rlandy|roverso it was just fs020 that failed12:59
rlandy|roveron master12:59
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, yeah, rerunning it12:59
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, but we have a problem with train qcow2 images13:02
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: a problem on the server or with the job13:02
rlandy|roverit's happened before that the images were not there13:02
chandankumarsshnaidm|ruck: looking13:02
rlandy|roverdid you try rerunning the job?13:02
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, that's what need to figure out, but no images on the server13:02
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, which job?13:02
rlandy|roverfor centos images (not rhel images) fs00213:03
rlandy|roveralso stein phase 1 hasn't passed in ages13:03
rlandy|roverwe keep rerunnig13:04
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, it passed13:04
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, but built image for different hash13:04
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: when you reran it?13:05
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, it uploaded to 4cb493fe4f79e736ae4fd7874b02d1d5ceed02c1_90d3ca61 while running for 267df13deb5eb15dcd31d42db8ae98132158cda8_6e9ed51713:05
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, I didn't rerun anything13:05
chandankumarsshnaidm|ruck: rlandy|rover please it is good to go ahead13:07
rlandy|roverchandankumar: zbr has a -2 on that13:08
chandankumarrlandy|rover: It was got fixed13:08
sshnaidm|ruckchandankumar, do we have our jobs on this role or we're cores there?13:08
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: is this a once off or happened more than once?13:08
sshnaidm|ruckchandankumar, I don't think we're good to go before that13:08
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, idk, saw just last one, will look now..13:09
chandankumarsshnaidm|ruck: there is no jobs added there, we can add it there13:09
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: if it just happened once, I would wait for the next run13:09
chandankumarsshnaidm|ruck: Do we need a standalone job or a job which will execise the rpm build?13:09
sshnaidm|ruckchandankumar, I'm strongly opposite using roles that 1) we don't gate them 2) we can't fix there quickly by ourselves only13:09
chandankumarusing dlrn13:10
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, in previous job was correct, ran and built for 4cb493fe4f79e736ae4fd7874b02d1d5ceed02c1_90d3ca6113:11
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, seems like in last job today it built images for previous hash..? ^^13:11
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: could be a glitch13:12
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: how far out is the next build?13:12
rlandy|roverwe can try rerun13:12
rlandy|roverthere are no check jobs waiting on this13:12
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, train is running atm13:13
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: ok - so there is a job running now13:14
rlandy|roverthat one uploaded the wrong hash? or the one before?13:14
rlandy|rovernvm  it's on that13:15
rlandy|rover2019-11-18 13:14:46.285801 | primary | TASK [modify-image : Run virt-customize on the provided image] *****************13:15
rlandy|rover2019-11-18 13:14:46.285916 | primary | task path: /home/zuul/workspace/.quickstart/usr/local/share/ansible/roles/modify-image/tasks/libguestfs.yml:4113:15
sshnaidm|ruckrsync --verbose --archive --delay-updates --relative 4cb493fe4f79e736ae4fd7874b02d1d5ceed02c1_90d3ca61
sshnaidm|ruck"--relative" is for previous hash13:16
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, also  "container_build_id": "4cb493fe4f79e736ae4fd7874b02d1d5ceed02c1_90d3ca61"13:17
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, damn..
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, what's going on there13:18
rlandy|rover^^ does that dir look different to you now?13:20
rlandy|rover[DIR]tripleo-ci-testing/2019-11-18 07:2713:20
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rlandy|rovershoudl pick up that13:21
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, so maybe proxy delay?13:23
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rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: weird this is right -
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rlandy|rover019-11-18 10:27:54.948494 | primary | ++ shyaml get-value commits.0.commit_hash13:25
rlandy|rover2019-11-18 10:27:54.990628 | primary | + COMMIT_HASH=7948344c88a6c73794bce813994028f69c4cd15b13:25
rlandy|rover2019-11-18 10:27:54.990973 | primary | ++ shyaml get-value commits.0.distro_hash13:25
rlandy|rover2019-11-18 10:27:55.031399 | primary | + DISTRO_HASH=6b2205004895998033175849344d2f5c3d5c803913:25
rlandy|rover2019-11-18 10:27:55.031475 | primary | + FULL_HASH=7948344c88a6c73794bce813994028f69c4cd15b_6b22050013:25
rlandy|rover2019-11-18 10:27:55.031508 | primary | + cat13:25
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: ^^ that's the current fs002 run13:26
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, this looks correct13:26
rlandy|rover2019-11-18 10:34:32.026923 | primary | TASK [container-prep : echo container_build_id] ********************************13:29
rlandy|rover2019-11-18 10:34:32.042615 | primary | Monday 18 November 2019  10:34:32 +0000 (0:00:00.071)       0:00:00.715 *******13:29
rlandy|rover2019-11-18 10:34:32.064282 | primary | ok: [undercloud] => {13:29
rlandy|rover2019-11-18 10:34:32.064416 | primary |     "container_build_id": "7948344c88a6c73794bce813994028f69c4cd15b_6b220500"13:29
rlandy|rover2019-11-18 10:34:32.064445 | primary | }13:29
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: ^^ ok maybe it will correct itself in this run13:29
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, yep, rerunning rhel8-sc001 there, it failed13:30
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: you can change your nick back13:34
rlandy|roverweshay|ruck: what's with the two cards you added in failing jobs?13:34
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: ^^ there are two bugs added there13:36
rlandy|rovernot on our ruck rover entherpad13:36
rlandy|rover - says stein but the log linked is master13:36
openstackLaunchpad bug 1852771 in tripleo "stein: tempest.api.compute.images.test_images.ImagesTestJSON fails w/ ailed to reach SAVING state (current state ACTIVE) within the required time (500 s)." [High,Triaged]13:36
rlandy|roveroh nvm - it is master13:37
rlandy|roverit is stein13:37
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, why do we do " copy overcloud-full.qcow2 to undercloud.qcow2]" still?13:39
rlandy|roverwe need to get rid of fs002 altogether13:39
rlandy|roverand replace with image build/push13:39
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rlandy|roverweshay: I'm closing - pls see comments - unless you object13:41
openstackLaunchpad bug 1852771 in tripleo "stein: tempest.api.compute.images.test_images.ImagesTestJSON fails w/ ailed to reach SAVING state (current state ACTIVE) within the required time (500 s)." [High,Triaged]13:41
weshayhas it run consistently?13:41
rlandy|roverweshay: passed the last four runs13:42
rlandy|rover15, 16, 17, 1813:42
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mjturekwe're getting this error during [build-containers: include_tasks] since about Friday. Anyone seen anything like this: "12:23:38 ERROR! Unexpected Exception, this is probably a bug: 'StrategyModule' object has no attribute '_cond_not_supported_warn'"13:59
mjturekdo I need to use a newer ansible?14:02
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mjturekrfolco: any ideas?14:34
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rfolcomjturek, let me see14:36
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sshnaidm|ruckmjturek, 2.5.8 is pretty old14:39
mjtureksshnaidm|ruck which do you guys use?14:40
sshnaidm|ruckmjturek, 2.814:40
mjtureksshnaidm|ruck do you pin to 2.8 or just grab whatever yum provides?14:40
sshnaidm|ruckmjturek, we pin with pip, and it's also what yum provides now14:41
mjturekcool cool, think it could fix what we're seeing?14:41
sshnaidm|ruckmjturek, or discover another error :)14:42
mjturekthanks sshnaidm|ruck, I'll submit a patdh now14:42
rfolcomjturek, backport to 2.6 exists14:43
rfolcomjturek, better to bump to 2.814:43
mjturekahhh nice, thanks rfolco14:43
mjturekdoing so now!14:43
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rfolcoweshay, chandankumar pre planning has old bj only15:01
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rfolcowhats the gmeet for it15:01
chandankumarrfolco: we can create one?15:02
chandankumarrfolco: created15:02
rfolcoor can use tripleo ci community call15:02
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: train images should be ok now15:02
rfolcochandankumar, gimme15:02
chandankumarrfolco: weshay
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, master 020 timed out..15:04
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: we have a real problem there then15:04
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: do you have time to debug it or you want to look through the run times15:05
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, maybe to skip it for now15:05
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: idk - that's pretty fundamental15:05
chandankumarweshay: meeting time15:05
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, it's just timed out, nothing to debug..15:05
rlandy|roverwe could skip it for one promotion only15:05
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: ^^ it's running longer than it was15:06
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, periodic-tripleo-rhel-8-buildimage-overcloud-full-master just failed, so we have problem with current master run15:06
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: looking why it failed15:06
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, same as always15:06
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: just rerun15:07
rlandy|roverno new failure there15:07
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: ok - so let's skip fs020 for one promotion15:07
rlandy|roverthen we need to get it back15:07
rlandy|roverjust because we are five days out now15:07
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: ok?15:08
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, yeah, 6 days now15:08
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, yep15:08
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: fine - getting on promotion server to change criteria15:08
rlandy|roverI will change them back this afternoon15:08
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, on the server, right?15:08
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: yes - I'll do it15:08
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, ack, thanks15:08
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: also we need to rerun fs001 on rhel master after image build reruns15:09
weshaychandankumar, rfolco I need 3 min..15:12
chandankumarweshay: ok15:13
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: ok damage is done - we should see master try to promote15:16
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rlandy|roverchandankumar: rfolco: weshay: can you schedule 5 mins at the next sprint close meeting so that we can tel the team about the new cix categories?15:21
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pandawhere's marios ?15:50
mariospanda: but if we put into the ini, then remove it from the role params? but what about statements like that
rfolcorlandy|rover, I will create the agenda, but marios will drive the retro for me15:50
rfolcochandankumar, fyi ^15:51
mariospanda: or do you mean have it in both the role, and in the ini?15:51
mariospanda: (do you need something? 17:50 < panda> where's marios ?15:51
pandamarios: the variable in the role is needed for the role. In the INI will only be a flag to activate it or not in the role15:51
pandamarios: did you want to chat or it's too late ?15:52
mariospanda: rather concentrate on that please for now cos is getting late, let me post it and we can talk on gerrit or tomorrow15:52
mariospanda: or did you want to talk about something else?15:52
pandamarios: fine, does my answer clarify ?15:52
mariospanda: the py test thing ate my time today and i swore at/about you quite a lot today, fwiw :D15:52
mariospanda: (you're welcome)15:53
mariospanda: yeah so both 17:51 < marios> panda: or do you mean have it in both the role, and in the ini?15:53
pandamarios: yes, but from now on  it will take 30 seconds to verify that your functions work :)15:53
pandamarios: yeah both15:53
mariospanda: yeah its just a real royal pita trying to mock urlilb and readlines got stuck into a rabbit hole on that one (yeah yeah i know its worth it just frustrating not having somethign to show for it yet)15:54
pandamarios: as I said, the dlrnapi_promoter calls "ansible-playbook container-push" in a subshell15:54
mariospanda: but did you want me for something? 17:50 < panda> where's marios ?15:55
pandamarios: so to not enable manifests, the dlrnapi_promoter needs to call  "ansible-playbook -emanufest_push=false container-push"15:55
pandamarios: and one way to tell dlrnapi_promoter to do this is to pass a flag in the .ini file15:55
mariospanda: ack15:55
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mariospanda: 17:55 < marios> panda: but did you want me for something? 17:50 < panda> where's marios ?15:55
pandamarios: no, just wanted to see if you wanted to chat, and I did a m<tab> and didn't find your nick and I was worried something happened to you and omg what imma gonna do without you, oh gosh. (I typoed n<tab> BTW)15:56
mariospanda: aww nice to know you were thinking of me today too :D (I was mainly swearing at you but it still counts i think?)15:57
pandamarios: swearing is caring. Your father was right.15:59
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mariospanda: :D16:01
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sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, I think build images issue fits well "Prodchain degrade" column, wdyt?16:07
rfolcomarios, where is the ini file in
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mariosrfolco: updating now but i will add it to that one ./ci-scripts/dlrnapi_promoter/config/CentOS-7/staging.ini16:09
mariosrfolco: that what you mean?16:09
rfolcomarios, yes I just believe when I see it, thanks16:09
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: there is still a bug for image build?16:09
mariosrfolco: :D why ?16:10
mariosrfolco: i mean you have doubts?16:10
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, should be..16:10
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: we closed the last one - we will have to open a new one16:10
rfolcomarios, I am using your as base, so was reviewing yours first, just it. All good, still wip.16:11
rfolcomarios, ping me when you submit the new one, so I can review w/ the ini idea16:11
rfolcoANEYE as panda says16:12
pandarfolco: I N I16:12
marioseye en eye16:12
mariospanda: gonna get messy, either i make manifest_push a global, or we add it to all the methods. doing the 2nd way first we can discuss on review16:13
pandamarios: yeah, unfortunately, we are pushing to change a very unmaintainable code, I hope this is the last change we need to do to the legacy before starting to fully use new tests. THen we can *slowly* improve the core logic, line by line, test by test, one slow line at a time.16:14
pandamarios: I had a refactor active for that code 2 years ago, taht addressed scalability of configuration, but we didnt' have time to test it effectively16:17
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, opening..16:19
pandamarios: could be an interesting read if you have nothing else to do (LOL)16:19
* marios eye starts twitching16:19
mariospanda: sure in a bit (tomorrow)16:20
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, launchpad is broken..16:40
openstackLaunchpad bug 1853028 in tripleo "Build overcloud image for rhel8 fails sometimes on in_target.d/post-install.d/51-enable-network-service" [Critical,Triaged]16:40
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: launchpad seems to be working?16:43
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, yeah, finally..16:43
sshnaidm|rucktried 5 times to submit it16:43
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: k - thanks for opening that16:43
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rlandy|roverwe can leave some fun for the next ruck/rovers16:43
weshayrfolco, check ur email please16:44
rfolcoweshay, checking16:45
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, yeah, let them enjoy it too16:45
rfolcoweshay, I have answered16:46
rfolcocapacity form16:46
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weshayrfolco, k.. you may want to double check that stuart got it16:48
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rfolcoweshay, what is a good update job that I can base on for the component testing, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-updates ? Can I create a base standalone-scenario000 to parent my component job off it ?17:21
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weshayoh lord no17:22
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weshayrfolco, jump on a meet w/ me.. and let me explain how it works17:22
weshaymarios is gone17:23
weshayanyone else want to know how containers get updated?17:23
weshayINFO: Start(/home/zuul/DLRN/data/repos/07/80/0780b668b0439d7874455fa92050c9b2b09e824f_dev/puppet-tripleo-11.3.1-0.20191116195643.0780b66.el7.src.rpm)  Config(dlrn-centos7-x86_64-1)17:29
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sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, hmm.. I see promotion script for train didn't run in last 2 hours17:37
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: checking17:37
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: there was an issue on friday when this happened17:38
rlandy|roverthere was an error of a test added twice17:38
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, what was it?17:38
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, test of what?17:38
rlandy|roverfs050 singlenode17:38
rlandy|roveryou can usually see the error in the logs17:39
rlandy|roverthe service logs that is17:39
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rlandy|roverI am on the server now - checking17:39
sshnaidm|ruckand why is there a lot of tail processes owned by 'ssbarnea' :) zbr|ooo ?17:39
rlandy|roverno idea17:40
rlandy|roverdo you have the train.ini file open>17:40
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: it look like it's busy promoting elsewhere17:41
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, master is promoting17:41
rlandy|rover2019-11-18 15:13:32,471 19847 ERROR    promoter ERROR: The promoted hash was not found:
rlandy|roverERROR: /home/centos/ci-config/ci-scripts/ failed with 3 exit code17:42
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, where is it from?17:43
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: so its probably been busy with master ...17:43
rlandy|rover2019-11-18 14:19:35,889 19784 INFO     promoter FINISHED promotion process17:43
rlandy|rover2019-11-18 16:45:15,422 31247 INFO     promoter STARTED promotion process for release: master17:43
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, yeah, it was the problem with images17:43
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, ok, let's wait a little17:44
rlandy|roverbefore that ...17:44
sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, anyway I rerun periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_2comp-featureset020-train , it's only failed17:44
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: before that it was promoting train rhel - 817:45
rlandy|rover2019-11-18 16:35:13,800 26120 INFO     promoter SUCCESS \0/ promoting (u'rhel', u'8') tripleo-ci-testing as current-tripleo ({'timestamp': 1574068331, 'distro_hash': '6b2205004895998033175849344d2f5c3d5c8039', 'promote_name': 'tripleo-ci-testing', 'user': 'review_rdoproject_org', 'repo_url': '', 'full_hash':17:45
rlandy|roverperiodic-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_2comp-featureset020-train - ok we need to look into that17:46
rlandy|roverjust updating the nodes in downstream - will get to it17:46
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sshnaidm|ruckrlandy|rover, out for today18:03
rlandy|roversshnaidm|ruck: k - see you tomorrow18:05
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chandankumarrfolco: rlandy|rover no problem :-)18:15
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rlandy|roverlunch - brb18:30
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rlandy|roverwe have an image problem18:56
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weshaygetting better at this znc bouncer thang19:02
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rlandy|roverweshay: shows rocky and queens are three days out ... afaict from the logs,, and the build, all test passed so does that mean that has just not been a new build to promote?19:56
weshayrfolco, I thought there was going to be a release file per component per branch19:57
weshayrlandy|rover, looking19:57
weshayrlandy|rover, we should adjust how often those go red now imho19:57
weshaythey only run every 3 days or so right?19:58
rfolcoweshay, I think we can use same base one, customize per component job19:58
weshayrlandy|rover, so three days in the board, and the last run was green can be true at the same time19:58
weshayrfolco,  k.. cool19:58
rlandy|roverweshay: k - thanks - just confirming19:59
weshayrfolco, and the base url will be overwritten as well?19:59
weshayrfolco, may want to include some code comments :)19:59
weshayrfolco, that just returns a hash20:01
rlandy|rover"" is passing now - yay20:02
weshayrlandy|rover, so the dep error was just our image being 8.0 eh?20:03
rlandy|roverweshay: indeterminate20:04
rlandy|rovernow AlistairT reported the same issue20:04
rlandy|roverI may have closed that bug prematurely20:05
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mjturekrfolco: so for some reason our job is suddenly trying to build with kolla instead of buildah20:32
mjturekany idea  what might have changed that caused this?20:32
mjturekwe set here
rfolcothere is no kolla vs buildah20:37
rfolcoits docker vs buildah20:38
rfolcoalways kolla20:38
mjturekanyways found it20:39
mjturekswitched from common.yaml to main.yaml20:39
mjturek should fix it20:48
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rlandy|roverwoohoo master promoted21:06
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weshayso crisp and so green green21:09
rlandy|roverand train is promoting21:10
rlandy|roverweshay: going to move days to red on rocky and queens to longer21:10
rlandy|rover6 days21:10
rlandy|rovermeans missed two promotions?21:10
weshayrlandy|rover, I think we get on the code.eng repo21:10
rlandy|roveror days to yellow rather21:10
weshayand change red to 14 days21:10
rlandy|roverweshay: ack21:10
rlandy|roverand yellow - 6?21:11
rlandy|roverno rush - still working with downstream rhel 8 nodes21:14
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weshayrlandy|rover, so that defines the when, then we'd have to replace isTooHighRDOCI w/ isTooHighOLDBRANCH_RDOCI on the branches that only run every three days21:31
rlandy|roverweshay: ack - in the same review or a different review?21:31
weshayrlandy|rover, want to see if they buy it first21:31
rlandy|roverweshay: why are we even tracking centos as critical path of rhel is closer to what run in osp?21:32
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weshayrlandy|rover, actually for queens and rocky.. centos7 = rhel7 and tracks it just fine21:33
weshayare you referring to train / master?21:33
rlandy|roverok - I mean for newer releases21:33
rlandy|roverclearly rocky rhel 8 never existed21:33
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weshayrlandy|rover, my experiment w/ scenarios I think worked pretty well.. got ovb to step 4 ceph deployment21:43
weshayso needs more work.. but I think it will work out in the end21:43
rlandy|roverweshay: that's a big step forward21:44
rlandy|roverto streamlining testing21:44
rlandy|roverand having a consistent tracking of features21:44
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rlandy|roverhmmm - why were we running 39 there anyways?21:52
weshayrlandy|rover, because tht can break tls easily21:52
weshaybut that job sucks21:52
rlandy|roverweshay: it's not so unstable in master21:52
rlandy|roverwhy not both?21:52
weshayhopefully we'll be ditching 039 when ade has a new singlenode tls job up21:53
rlandy|roverreally it's all semantics21:53
rlandy|rovernobody watches those failures anyways21:54
weshayya.. how long have we been waiting for vex.. a little  over a year now I think21:54
weshayrhel8 went beta in dec.. 201821:54
weshayso almost 1year for centos-8, and a little over a year for vex21:55
rlandy|roverconsidering the world is only going to last another 220-odd years ... how much progress can we make at this pace?21:58
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rlandy|rovernice - we got rhos-16 back23:49
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