Wednesday, 2019-09-04

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zbrmorning. anyone around?07:11
zbrchandankumar: panda|rover : need help with
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* marios pokerface08:06
zbri guess that soon we could start counting build costs in MW, maybe we can get our own nuclear-power plant? see -- and multiply by number of rechecks.08:08
panda|roverzbr: just the regular 28 jobs per recheck08:15
* panda|rover trollface08:15
marioscounterproposal zbr ruck and rover should have a bicycle connected to the zuul power supply08:15
marioswe will all be super fit by end of year08:15
marios(or dead)08:15
mariosworth a try no?08:15
panda|roverzbr: commented your patch08:20
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panda|roverwhy is irclogbot_0 hailing from a host called "" ?08:23
panda|roverirclogbot_0: are you real ?08:24
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mariosexception ?! ^08:26
panda|rovermarios: did you see my comments to your comments ?08:28
panda|rovermarios: do you have any comments to the comments to your comments ?08:29
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chandankumarpanda|rover: Morning08:42
chandankumarpanda|rover: I have added this patch in tripleo-ansible for podman login and it leads to this error
chandankumarI am going to update the patch
chandankumarone more question How can I taste these jobs locally?08:44
panda|roverthey added a wonderful option in zuul, if you modify a parent configuration, a child add itself to the tests.08:44
panda|roverchandankumar: the integration jobs ?08:45
chandankumarpanda|rover: yes08:45
panda|roverchandankumar: they are integration job, and they are testing the integration between login roles and rdo nodes08:46
panda|roverchandankumar: by their nature, you can't test them locally, because you need rdo nodes. The only option would be the reproducer08:47
panda|roverchandankumar: fortunately they take only a few minutes to run08:48
panda|roverchandankumar: you may want to make that explicit in a comment to the job configuration. They integrate the login role with the zuul flow for rdo job in rdo nodes.08:51
chandankumarpanda|rover: sure will add the same in tripleo-ansible08:52
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chandankumarkopecmartin: Hello09:01
chandankumarkopecmartin: left some comment on spec review09:01
kopecmartinchandankumar: hi, i see, i'm looking at it .. you mentioned that the release should be bumped, but what about the version? shouldn't it be changed from 2.2.1 to 2.3.0? Also i noticed we didn't add a changelog nad didn't change a release in the patch from master and stein
kopecmartinis that wrong?09:03
chandankumarkopecmartin: version will be bumped only when new tempestconf version will come09:04
chandankumardoes new version bump is merged in rdoinfo for all release?09:04
kopecmartinchandankumar: except of queens yes, here are all the reviews related
chandankumarok checking09:06
mariospanda|rover: zbr chandankumar sshnaidm|afk * please try review that when you next have time thanks (turek patch for tagging we need it)09:07
chandankumarkopecmartin: stein we need a release bump and changelog09:07
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chandankumarwhere 2.3.0 is landed there update the release and changelog09:08
chandankumarand leave other review as it is09:08
panda|rovermarios: I reviewed that yesterday, but I got confused.09:10
mariospanda|rover: ack maybe revisit if you get chance and ask about the confusion09:11
marioscomment there09:11
mariospanda|rover: as you see in comments i had a discussion with rfolco about the tags wasn't clear for me09:11
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panda|rovermarios: triied to talk with rfolco yesterday, the doubts remain.09:12
panda|rovermarios: but I'll add the comments09:12
mariospanda|rover: ok we have a call today not sure you can make it but if you do you can also discuss there thanks otherwise i'll point to your comments09:12
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kopecmartinchandankumar: ok, so if i get it correctly, the version is changed automatically when whatever somewhere happens .. good and regarding the spec change for rocky and queens - i just need to bump the release and add a changelog, correct?09:17
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chandankumarkopecmartin: for rokcy and stein version bump is merged09:18
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chandankumarkopecmartin: for rocky update the release and changelog09:18
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kopecmartinok, i get it09:19
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chandankumarkopecmartin: for queens, first update the tempestconf patch09:19
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chandankumarwith openstacksdk09:20
chandankumarthen rebase the rdoinfo patch09:20
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chandankumarkopecmartin: got it?09:20
kopecmartinchandankumar: yes09:20
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chandankumarzbr: Hello09:29
chandankumarzbr: need some help here
chandankumaris there a way to include to two tasks file?09:30
zbri do not understand the question09:30
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zbrtbh, i never used "tasks_from" as I found it very weird option.09:32
chandankumarzbr: How Can i pass two playbooks while using tasks_from when including a role?09:32
zbrroles were designed to be included only once, when you include a role the 2nd time, ansible will (likely) skipping running the code again.09:33
zbrbut the final behavior depends on multiple factors.09:33
panda|roverzbr: I think that option was disabled by default09:33
zbr1st: do not confuse tasks with playbooks. you pass tasks, not playbooks,09:34
zbri need to google able role inclusion in ansible and if there is a way to enforce running role again all tiime.09:34
zbrmainly what you do is you add two include_role tasks one after another09:34
panda|roverzbr: and the roles don't make much sense anymore. Roles were intended as "this server acts a a httpd server"09:34
panda|roverchandankumar: why don't you just call install first and then login, without the loop ?09:36
chandankumarpanda|rover: that is also doable, let me do that09:37
zbryeah, avoid loop with includes at all costs!09:37
panda|roverzbr: why ?09:38
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zbrrunning loop with groups of tasks was always problematic in ansible, regardless if they were implemented via includes or blocks.09:43
zbrremember that ansible is not a programming language, even if the way we use it it makes use believe is very close to one.09:43
panda|roverwhy ?09:43
zbrsearch ansible issue tracker about bugs related to them, opened and closed.09:44
zbrit will keep you busy till the end of the week.09:44
zbrif you can avoid a loop, do it.09:44
zbrloop on a single task is perfectly ok, but includes are *not* tasks.09:45
zbr... even if they are listed under "tasks" :D09:45
zbrthat is why I always used variable to tell role what to do, and avoided tasks_from construct.09:46
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zbrto make a comparision with non coding, is like not calling a function by its entry point,... ;)09:46
zbrif you do a jump at at specific address, expect a bumpy road ahead.09:47
panda|roverzbr: I see it more as calling a specific function in a file, because you just need that function in that file and nothing else09:48
zbrdoes this role have allow_duplicates: true in meta?09:49
panda|roverzbr: I think it's enabled by default.09:49
zbrunless someone is adding it to the config, but ansible default is *not*.09:50
zbrpanda|rover: read -- especially the last note on allow_duplicates09:51
zbri did not test but I am ready to bet the without allow_duplicates, importing role twice with different params will not run the same code twice.09:54
zbrbut you are welcomed to try with multiple ansible versions, multiple ansible.cfg files, ... and so on.09:55
chandankumarkopecmartin: commented on queens09:56
panda|roverzbr: allow_duplicates: yes is the default for include_role09:56
kopecmartinchandankumar: oh, ok, thanks09:57
chandankumarchicken egg problem09:58
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zbrpanda|rover: ok. how about import_role? or role: construct? or role: construct from zuul? i am curious as I got mixed messages digging online.09:59
mariospanda|rover: gonna start with linters working @
panda|roverzbr: roles is the classic way, and there's no way to specify a allow_duplicated if not on meta.yaml09:59
panda|rovermarios: ok10:00
zbrpanda|rover: and that is what zuul is doing, right?10:00
panda|roverzbr: weren't we talking about the test chandankumar is trying to run ?10:00
panda|roverzbr: I'm not sure what zuul is using10:01
zbrsure, diverged a little bit.10:01
panda|roverzbr: but once you specify include_role, you're in control, not zuul.10:01
zbri wish that would be true.... not sure who is in control, maybe the buy behind the curtain10:02
chandankumarkopecmartin: rebase this one
zbrchandankumar is going to hate me, added comments. luckly very easy to fix.10:10
chandankumarzbr: hehe10:11
chandankumarzbr: let precommit handle this stuff10:12
zbrchandankumar: not all are checked, putting when just after name is not checked for example but is a very good practice10:15
zbrespecially with blocks10:16
panda|roverzbr: how do I decrease your verbosity ?10:16
panda|roverzbr -v 010:16
panda|roverzbr-ctrl verbosity-level ERROR10:17
zbrpanda|rover: can you access ?10:23
panda|roverzbr: is that your api endpoint ?10:24
panda|roverzbr-ctrl --host verbosity-level ERROR10:25
zbrnot yet, soon.10:25
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chandankumarpanda|rover: here is container_registry_login is used but in podman tripleo_container_registry_logins is used10:35
chandankumar :-(10:35
* chandankumar updates the patch10:36
panda|roverchandankumar: oh, ok10:36
panda|roverchandankumar: remove also line 210:37
panda|roverchandankumar: was used only to block the change to merge10:37
chandankumarpanda|rover: - big mess10:41
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chandankumarpanda|rover: on renaming the var it will break the tht10:42
panda|roverchandankumar: change the vars we are passing ...10:44
chandankumarpanda|rover: yes making change in rdo-jobs aptch10:45
panda|roverchandankumar: ok. I have one question10:45
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panda|roverchandankumar: has having the integration job helped you taking over the task ? Set the expectation maybe on what should be done ?10:46
panda|roverok, that's two questions10:47
chandankumarpanda|rover: yes, it helped and it also helps in understanding the stuff getting added in the role10:50
panda|roverchandankumar: that's partialy what TDD is, setting the expectations fo your task upfront10:52
sshnaidm|ruckzbr, check it again please
sshnaidm|ruckzbr, and
zbrsshnaidm|ruck: yep, i know just fixed few seconds ago.10:52
sshnaidm|ruckzbr, comment about tee doesn't make sense there10:53
zbr`curl -s --fail --show-error` should do the trick.10:53
zbrsshnaidm|ruck: right, but I cannot remove the comment.10:53
sshnaidm|ruckzbr, you don't need show-error for showing error10:53
sshnaidm|ruckzbr, just need to save it to file before it's eaten by pipe10:54
zbrhere we have disagree, i am against create another file for each script, there is no end-to to that. error should be visible on stderr, and that is what show-error does.10:54
zbrwe always have two stream, we should not forget about stderr -- and lucky for us curl can respect it10:55
zbrwith these 3 params curl should send data to grep only if the request is sucessful.10:56
zbrdid some tests: invalid server, no response, invalid url (404),... valid url.10:56
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panda|roverzbr: I tested unresolvable host and 40410:58
panda|roverone is in stderr, the other is in stout10:58
panda|rover404 is not considered an erro10:59
zbrsince when?10:59
zbrhttp spec is clear, 2xx are success.11:00
zbralso that ansible code does not say a thing about considering a 404 a non error.11:00
panda|roverzbr-ctrl set argumentative-level BASIC11:01
panda|roverzbr: 404 is not an error for curl, culr completed the request, and the result is a 40411:01
panda|roverbut it's not considered an error for curl11:01
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zbrpanda|rover: have you read the doc of  --fail option on curl?11:02
panda|roverzbr: ---fail is an hack, exactly to address this dicotomy between curl errors and http errors11:04
panda|roverhas the get_url module been rewritten ?11:05
zbrpanda|rover: in this case, you are welcomed to reimplement the dlrn parsing in pure ansible (or even writing a module for that)11:05
panda|roverI remember it was worse than curl back in 2.4 maybe now it's more usable11:05
zbrpanda|rover: it is better but not amazing afaik.11:06
panda|roverzbr: whatever you do, you need to reimplement something. using --fail fails silently for 404, and you have to interpret the exit code of curl11:06
panda|roverif $? == 22 then "we have a 4040"11:07
zbrpanda|rover: please TEST before saying stuff11:07
panda|roveriptables -s zbr -j DROP11:07
panda|rover/ignore --all zbr11:07
zbrpanda|rover: the entire trinity is needed: -s --fail --show-error11:08
zbrwith this you will get usable output on stderr11:08
zbrthere is only one use case which is not covered yet, 401 at least based on docs but others are.11:09
panda|roverzbr: -w writes on stdout11:09
zbrcurl -s --fail --show-error > /dev/null11:10
zbrthis combination works for all cases.11:10
zbrtry other values and let me know if you spot something that returns success on a failure11:10
zbrignore the -w -- i used it for debug.11:10
panda|roverzbr: too many digressions. What was the original issue again ?11:11
panda|rover-w can be used to write to stdout11:11
zbrforgetting the digressions I am pleased I learned two useful things today: how to use curl correctly, and how allow-duplicates works.11:11
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chandankumarpanda|rover: I reached here but assert is not working11:13
chandankumarthe task itself got failed11:13
chandankumarDo I need to add a resume mode there?11:13
chandankumar*rescue mode in podman itself11:14
panda|roverchandankumar: you can use the rescue in the playbook in rdo-jobs11:14
panda|roverchandankumar: in particular we are interested to see it if fails for invalid credentials. if it's failing for any other error, we fail the playbook11:15
zbri even include test commands on
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chandankumarmarios: please have a look thanks!11:52
panda|rover chandankumar added I comment to the patch. When you have the integration playbook ready, copy it to the config patch12:00
panda|roverchandankumar: I will not +2 unless the playbook is the same, at least for the invocation part, not for the tests12:00
panda|roverchandankumar: that's the only way to guarantee we are not merging broken stuff12:01
chandankumarpanda|rover: sure12:01
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sshnaidm|ruckwhere do new packages arrive first - in rhel or centos?12:07
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chandankumarsshnaidm|ruck: It comes in Both, we have parallel delorean builders12:09
sshnaidm|ruckchandankumar, also for non-openstack packages?12:10
sshnaidm|ruckjpena|lunch, ^^12:11
chandankumarsshnaidm|ruck: nope, it depends both are managed independently12:11
chandankumarIn RHEL, it comes from RHUI, totally depends on RHEL schedule12:13
chandankumarIn centos land, the packages needs to be available in Fedora if it is python and then comes to centos otherwise different centos-sig takes care of the packages12:13
weshaysshnaidm|ruck fyi
weshaymaybe dlrn is not quite  back onlinew12:21
panda|roverweshay: consequence of the outage, should be fixed now12:21
weshaypanda|rover that was from today..12:21
sshnaidm|ruckweshay, which timezone? I saw it working12:21
weshayunless  I'm missing something.. or another outtage12:22
sshnaidm|ruckweshay, when exactly?12:22
weshay2019-09-04 04:02:16.25784212:22
panda|roverweshay: sshnaidm|ruck reported here and comments from jpena|lunch12:22
openstackLaunchpad bug 1842448 in tripleo "Outage on is causing all the CI jobs to fail" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Gabriele Cerami (gcerami)12:22
sshnaidm|ruckweshay, tz?12:23
weshaysshnaidm|ruck it's an rdo queens periodic.. so I'm guessing utc12:23
sshnaidm|ruckweshay, let's not focus on old errors12:23
panda|roverweshay: sshnaidm|ruck it was an error in dlrn api fixed by jpena this morning.12:25
sshnaidm|ruckpanda|rover, yeah, saw this in etherpad, periodic jobs run and report now, no any problem12:26
sshnaidm|ruckweshay, why does nobody ask about oooci? :(12:28
panda|roverwe are green12:28
panda|roverlike hulk12:29
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weshaysshnaidm|ruck I'm not trying to focus on old errors, just looking at the latest runs in periodic12:35
weshayif it's old.. that's fine.. I'll recheck tomorrow12:35
sshnaidm|ruckweshay, we have it covered in
sshnaidm|ruckpanda|rover, can you please add lp to etherpad? ^12:36
weshaycool thanks sshnaidm|ruck12:36
sshnaidm|ruckweshay, did you see my mail about reducing ovb jobs?12:38
chandankumarsshnaidm|ruck: please have  alook12:40
sshnaidm|ruckchandankumar, hmm.. shouldn't it have no_log?12:41
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chandankumarsshnaidm|ruck: yes correct12:42
chandankumarsshnaidm|ruck: done12:45
zbri need to ask again: can't we switch to a permalink for ruckrover etherpad instead of creating another one each sprint? making CR to update urls,... how about having only one.12:45
sshnaidm|ruckchandankumar, why do you register it? How should it help?12:47
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chandankumarsshnaidm|ruck: in order to do the integration testing in RDO-jobs and test the podman functionality we are doing it
chandankumarthe main goal is to reuse the same tripleo-podman role in rdo config repo for authenication12:49
chandankumarhaving testing in place helps it12:49
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sshnaidm|ruckchandankumar, I see, it looks like no_log is not necessary because it prints output like that: and env vars are not populated12:56
sshnaidm|ruckchandankumar, sorry for noise12:56
panda|roveralso, we don't rely on the single roles12:57
panda|roverin config there's a big no_log:true at the start of the playbook12:57
panda|roverso we don't accidentally leak passwords even if roles are12:57
mariosrfolco: panda|rover want to sync in couple mins as per calendar invite12:58
mariospanda|rover: don't worry if you're busy with rucking12:58
panda|rovermarios: in the worst case I'll ignore everything you say12:59
chandankumarsshnaidm|ruck: no problem, removed12:59
mariospanda|rover: thanks ! as usual then :D12:59
* chandankumar is feeling lonely, marios please also add me to meetings13:00
panda|roverchandankumar: no you no.13:00
mariospanda|rover: rfolco can you hear me13:02
panda|rovermarios: we can't hear you13:02
mariosi think no?13:02
mariospanda|rover: k13:02
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panda|roverthe optional invitee is the only one in the meeting now :)13:03
weshaysshnaidm|ruck qq..  is there any patern to the deployment failures for fs001 on vexx?13:05
weshaytimeserver? chrony13:06
weshayrfolco can you please update the owners in
rfolcoweshay, yes, fixing. Sorry, updated tasks only. Will reflect on user stories.13:15
chandankumarsshnaidm|ruck: tested here and logs here
sshnaidm|ruckchandankumar, ack13:24
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panda|roverchandankumar: added comment to
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zbrmarios: do you have a minute?13:51
marioso/ zbr13:51
zbrmarios: look at -- and click the fist job results, you will see filename in task name. before that it was impossible to see the filename in the output due to default verbosity.13:52
zbrmainly it does improve the user experience, otherwise you are forcing the log-reader to go to the source code to figure out what is the filename/13:53
zbrwe have this problem in many places because we assumed that stdout/stderror are allways visible, guess what they are not always.13:53
marioszbr: will see filename in task name. - where please point so i can follow13:54
marioszbr: looking there for example
sshnaidm|ruckweshay, what we'll do with
sshnaidm|ruckweshay, is it still relevant?13:56
weshaysshnaidm|ruck that patch is in the gate I think13:56
weshayto switch to rsyslog13:56
sshnaidm|ruckweshay, ok, so this card is solved, we don't need fluentd and its deps13:57
marioszbr: ack so you just want it on the task name that is the whole point13:57
weshaysshnaidm|ruck correct13:57
marioszbr: it doesn't change anything else13:57
weshaysshnaidm|ruck ack to close13:57
zbrmarios: exactly, like the task after it which already does this.13:57
marioszbr: k thanks for ping revoting and pasting some of this there13:57
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weshaysshnaidm|ruck so we'll need to see how the packagers want to handle that..   I'll raise it in the meeting I'm in14:01
weshaysshnaidm|ruck will let you know14:01
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panda|roverchandankumar: are there many jobs taht are still using validate_tempest out there ?14:07
chandankumarpanda|rover: all multinode jobs using validate-tempest14:07
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chandankumarexcept fs01014:09
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chandankumarsshnaidm|ruck: moved your code at correct place
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sshnaidm|ruckchandankumar, ok, I wonder if we can just detect default python interpreter, but it's for followup maybe14:17
weshaysshnaidm|ruck marios vs..
chandankumaror better switch to ansible_python_interpreter14:17
sshnaidm|ruckchandankumar, yeah, maybe..14:17
weshaymarios zbr can you guys please make sure the rhel8 master.yml release file is up to date w/ centos-7 master.. we're missing ceph-ansible install at least14:18
sshnaidm|ruckweshay, ok, so it even doesn't try14:18
sshnaidm|ruckweshay, let's give it a chance14:18
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weshaysshnaidm|ruck you got me covered for the cix call? I have a conflict14:21
sshnaidm|ruckweshay, yep14:21
chandankumarswitched to ansible python interprter14:22
chandankumarit will work14:22
chandankumarwith venv14:22
chandankumarsshnaidm|ruck: needs +w on this
chandankumar patches are ready to get merged in order14:24
marios weshay: ack sshnaidm|ruck are you doing it?14:24
mariosor zbr or should i add ?14:24
marios17:18 < weshay> marios zbr can you guys please make sure the rhel8 master.yml release file is up to date w/ centos-7 master.. we're missing ceph-ansible install at least14:24
weshaynot i14:24
mariossshnaidm|ruck: is doing it /testing with
chandankumarDoes ceph-ansible is available in RHUI?14:29
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weshaychandankumar sshnaidm|ruck I heard it should be thee, but I haven't been able to verify yet14:31
weshayprobably is there14:31
sshnaidm|ruckchandankumar, we'll see in
zbrweshay: marios : please have a look at f28 removal on tq14:32
marioszbr: k in few mins tho14:33
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chandankumarsshnaidm|ruck: reusing the existing patch
chandankumarjpena: Hello14:39
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chandankumarjpena: In RHEL-8 ceph-ansible comes from RHUI as in centos it comes from different repo?14:39
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jpenachandankumar: I think so, in centos it should come from the ceph repo14:40
chandankumarjpena: /me checks in the RHUI repo14:41
sshnaidm|ruckchandankumar, ansible_python_interpreter' is undefined14:43
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sshnaidm|ruckchandankumar, seems like need to gather facts14:44
chandankumaryes might be14:45
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chandankumarweshay: jpena  ceph-ansible                       noarch               4.0.0-0.1.rc9.el8cp                                  rhui-custom-deps                                         189 k14:47
chandankumarit is available in RHUI14:47
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chandankumartime to log out now, see ya tomorrow15:02
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panda|roverraukadah: I don't believe you15:02
panda|roverraukadah: I'll start kckbanning you so you don't work on the evening.15:03
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holserGood morning folks15:22
holserCan we retrigger only failed jobs such as tripleo-ci-centos-7-containers-multinode15:22
weshayholser for a gerrit change15:24
weshaythat would be nice wouldn't it15:24
holserlike "recheck <name>"15:25
weshayafraid not15:25
holserWhy should we waste CI resources?15:25
weshaynot our policy, that opendev policy15:25
weshaythat is15:25
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mariosholser: i mean, for development you can run just the job you want by updating the zuul layout but for recheck i don't know never seen that15:25
holserweshay, thank you very much for explanation15:25
mariosholser: and weshay is confirming15:25
* marios almost out15:26
weshayholser if you are only interested  in iterating on a particular job until it works.. there are ways to do that15:26
weshayholser but to get zuul to +1 all the jobs need to run at the same time15:26
holserI see15:26
holserotherwise it looses the state15:26
holserall or nothing15:27
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zbrsshnaidm|ruck: can we wf ? (curl)16:23
zbrweshay: wf -- i cannot.16:25
sshnaidm|ruckzbr, done16:32
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rfolcoraukadah, sshnaidm|bbl weshay panda|rover zbr: staging promoter provisioning in zuul and molecule tests are ready, and green. Please review and and16:38
rfolcoactually only 2 patches... I combined provisioning and job definition/triggers in
rfolco is the molecule test16:39
rfolcoreview begging time!16:39
zbrrfolco: gave a +2, waiting for another one to give +W16:40
rfolcozbr, you rock!16:41
panda|roverrfolco: did you test a standalone at least once ?16:44
rfolcopanda|rover, good point. Will do that in a rdo cloud vm.16:45
rfolcopanda|rover, I did a few pses ago16:45
panda|roverrfolco: we need to be sure we don't break the current server16:46
panda|roverbecause the role will be applied immediately16:46
panda|roverrfolco: also... I'm not sure what happened here16:46
panda|roverrfolco: 21873 and 21909 conflict with each other16:47
panda|roverrfolco: you merge one and you'll have to fix conflicts on the other16:47
rfolcopanda|rover, let me check16:48
panda|roverrfolco: last note .... it will be a wonderful day when we deliver code and test on the same patch. It's still something that we really see separate.16:48
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Zuul job logs stored in OVH may fail. We have updated the base job to remove OVH from our storage location. If you have POST_FAILURES a recheck should fix them at this point.16:50
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rfolcopanda|rover, conflict fixed, needed to rebase again the top one16:55
panda|roverrfolco: why did you divide like this ? separating code and tests ?17:00
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rfolcopanda|rover, yes, to make the zuul job provisioning part work with the job definition/triggers17:00
rfolcoso we have all zuul in the top patch17:00
rfolcothen molecule ones in the 2nd one17:00
rfolcoI thought it would be more clean as well17:03
rfolcoprovisioning (zuul job green) --> molecule tests --> promoter setup17:03
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ykarel|awayweshay, fyi cr repo is populated, may be u already known
weshayykarel|away thanks /me looks17:34
raukadahykarel|away: it has python 317:47
ykarel|awayraukadah, yup17:48
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zbrweshay: just abandon
weshayzbr want me to -2 instead?18:40
weshay10 months18:40
zbrbetter bandon, so it cleans the queue18:40
zbrabandon makes it disapear, -2 does not.18:40
zbr-2 when there is still hope to get it ;)18:41
weshayya.. it's gone.. didn't see how old it was18:41
zbri started to do some clean-up on reviews, that's why i may ping few people that can press the big A button.18:41
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zbrweshay: put a +W as it will likely pass in next hour, lots it on rebase.
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weshayzbr any other ones?19:48
zbrweshay: -- either workflow it or abandon it, it does not matter.19:49
zbrfyi, is likely bot generated.19:49
zbrthere is nothing special about "2.0", likely that we already need much newer than this anyway.19:49
weshaywow.. going through some old ones19:49
zbrweshay: i will show you why: i have query that reports ones that i already reviewed.19:50
zbrmainly where effort was already invested.19:50
weshayoh that's cool19:50
zbrweshay: mainly is :D19:51
zbrgt .19:52
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zbrjust made a new released that adds listing for incoming reviews (-i param). incoming = where you are reviewer20:00
zbrthe entire listing is sorted by a score which computed based on "how closer is to get merged".20:01
zbrprobably I should have called it hotness, but to my surprise with very little tuning, it produced the desired results.20:02
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zbrweshay: to abandon:
zbrweshay: workflow
weshayoh lord.20:38
* weshay looks20:38
zbryeah, that is the same thing i said when I seen it.20:38
zbra proof that we do not do a lot of reviews on our own repos.20:38
weshayzbr lolz20:38
weshaycan you do the same for tqe?20:39
zbri don't want to bother, the --- stuff is not really a blocker.20:40
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zbr - any of you.21:05
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