Monday, 2019-08-26

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sshnaidmchkumar|rover, commented on
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sshnaidmchkumar|rover, well, it's not enough.. I'll start from reverting this07:34
chkumar|roversshnaidm: it should be venvpath/share /usr/local/share/tripleo-quickstart/roles na ?07:36
chkumar|roversshnaidm: ok07:38
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chkumar|roversshnaidm: will I also +w it?08:02
sshnaidmchkumar|rover, feel free :)08:02
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chkumar|roversshnaidm: fs039 tempest runs using os_tempest but it got failed08:35
chkumar|roverno logs so we cannot do anything08:36
sshnaidmipalib.errors.NotFound: host not found08:40
sshnaidmseems like ipa dns didn't work08:40
chkumar|roversshnaidm: where ctrlplane network is used?08:41
chkumar|roveris it related to undercloud08:42
sshnaidmchkumar|rover, it's related to IPA setup. On supplemental node we have IPA server which serves as DNS for all nodes - undercloud, overcloud.08:43
sshnaidmchkumar|rover, maybe worth to see how they run tempest downstream, maybe need some additional settings08:44
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chkumar|roversshnaidm: sure09:21
chkumar|roversshnaidm: putting a bug and then take it from there09:21
sshnaidmchkumar|rover, ?09:35
chkumar|roversshnaidm: let's merge the revert09:35
sshnaidmchkumar|rover, aah, ok09:35
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chkumar|roverarxcruz: will fix the undefined tempest_install_method undefined10:04
arxcruzchkumar|rover: okay, for now i'm adding all the variables on fs001, then i'll move to baremetal-full-overcloud-validate.yml10:05
arxcruzbecause there are a lot of vars, every run i got a different error10:05
arxcruzand i don't want to keep adding depends on, that ill increase the time of checking10:05
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sshnaidmarxcruz, chkumar|rover, do you know why is that happening? No package pytho3n-barbican-tests-tempest available.
chkumar|roversshnaidm: chekcing11:02
chkumar|roversshnaidm: fxing it11:02
arxcruzsshnaidm: chkumar|rover pytho3n11:04
arxcruzsshnaidm: chkumar|rover
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sshnaidmarxcruz, cool :)11:04
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rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: hi12:00
rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: just two more days :)12:01
rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: ok if I move to done?12:01
weshay_MODykarel chkumar|rover you guys looking at scen003 packstack in master?12:05
weshay_MODError while evaluating a Resource Statement, Could not find declared class ::ceilometer::agent::central12:05
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weshay_MODykarel thank you.. please open a lp in case it doesn't promote in time12:07
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ykarelweshay, ack, will open against packstack12:08
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rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: sshnaidm: does the revert close out or is there still more work required here?12:11
openstackLaunchpad bug 1841405 in tripleo "role 'dump_vars' not found leading to logs not getting collect in post" [Critical,Confirmed]12:11
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: revert worked12:12
rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: k - thank - closing that bug12:12
arxcruzchkumar|rover: woot, tempest run, it fails, but it runs12:13
chkumar|roverarxcruz: error log?12:13
chkumar|roverarxcruz: please try with config_drive fix12:14
rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: from ^^ ...  ok if I move to done?12:15
rlandy|ruckthere was a failure in the last run but it didn't get to tempest12:15
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: yes, move it to done12:16
arxcruzchkumar|rover: i believe it's related to the ip address for tempest_cidr12:16
chkumar|roverarxcruz: might be or might not be as we have no logs12:17
rlandy|ruckweshay: still want to keep on the escalation board?12:19
weshayrlandy|ruck let's explain it today and close it today12:20
pandarfolco: ping me whenever12:21
rfolcopanda, ping12:21
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: does not looks good12:21
rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: better than it was :) - adding on etherpad to investigate12:22
rfolcopanda, do you have a task for me ?12:24
pandarfolco: wanna sync ?12:24
rfolcopanda, sure12:25
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rfolcopanda, my bj or yours?12:26
chkumar|roverarxcruz: please try fs01 with compute_feature_enabled.config_drive': 'True' and let see if it works or not, then we need to dig what is wrong12:28
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pandarfolco: I'm in yours12:32
rfolcok k12:33
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weshayrlandy|ruck chkumar|rover let's look at
rlandy|ruckweshay: k - your bj?12:45
weshayrlandy|ruck looks like ssh is failing.. is that the consistent issue?12:46
* rlandy|ruck will confirm with latest failure - sec12:46
chkumar|roverweshay: that ssh issue is consistent failure12:47
weshaychkumar|rover rlandy|ruck ok.. any chance we can setup a reproducer and ask jose luis or other upgrade folks to take a look?12:48
rlandy|ruck2019-08-26 06:15:10 |     "msg": "SSH Error: data could not be sent to remote host \"\". Make sure this host can be reached over ssh",12:48
rlandy|ruckweshay: yep - same one12:48
chkumar|roverweshay: that we call do12:48
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rlandy|ruckweshay: ack - we can try a reproducer - just want to check if we have similar failures on other upgrade12:50
weshayk.. thanks12:50
rlandy|ruckweshay: chkumar|rover:
rlandy|ruck^^ stein is all green12:51
weshayrockin.. that is still the important one :)12:52
rlandy|ruckas a comparison12:52
weshayah.. thought you meant the status.. ignore me12:52
rlandy|ruckweshay: no the same upgrade in stein12:52
rfolcoscrum time13:00
* chkumar|rover headed home, will connect from there13:00
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jfrancoaweshay: rlandy|ruck hey, I'm having a look at the very same issue. Just for my understanding, is this something that has been happening for long time?13:10
jfrancoaweshay: rlandy|ruck or did it start recently?13:10
rlandy|ruckjfrancoa: it's been going a while13:10
rlandy|ruckjfrancoa: here is the history ...13:11
rlandy|ruck^^ so pretty much as long as we are keeping history13:12
jfrancoarlandy|ruck: oh's been already a while. Ok, I think I'll give a try to the reproducer to debug the issue, but I'm considering it could be the missing overcloud-ssh-user in "overcloud update prepare"13:12
rlandy|ruckjfrancoa: as a comparison, the stein and rocky jobs are green ...
jfrancoarlandy|ruck: if you check any job in rocky or stein, we pass the user zuul during overcloud deploy and during prepare too13:13
rlandy|ruckjfrancoa: this job runs in periodic ... so no check13:13
rlandy|ruckjfrancoa: but yes, the rocky and stein equivalent jobs pass13:14
rlandy|ruckper links above13:14
rlandy|ruckjfrancoa: I was just starting to set up a reproducer ...13:14
jfrancoarlandy|ruck: could you give me access once it finishes, please? or are you running it locally?13:14
rlandy|ruckjfrancoa: but if you have a fix you suspect might work, we can spin on that13:15
rlandy|ruckjfrancoa: ack - it will be on my rdocloud tenant - pls pm send me your key13:15
jfrancoarlandy|ruck: if not, I'll try one in my rdo cloud account. So far it's a hint...that's why I would like to have an environment to confirm it13:15
rlandy|ruckjfrancoa: ack - will ping you with env13:15
jfrancoarlandy|ruck: thanks. I'll investigate meanwhile why do we pass the zuul user in rocky and stein, but nothing for queens..13:16
rlandy|ruckso that might really be it13:18
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weshaychkumar|rover you are coming to the pre-planning mtg right?13:21
arxcruzchkumar|rover: that option is already in the fs00113:22
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chkumar|roverweshay: yes13:30
chkumar|roverarxcruz: the syntax is different13:31
arxcruzchkumar|rover: what you mean ?13:31
chkumar|rover  compute_feature_enabled.config_drive: 'True'13:32
chkumar|roverarxcruz: ^^13:32
arxcruzchkumar|rover: oh, yeah, because it's os_tempest, shit...13:38
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rlandy|rucksshnaidm: hi - reproducer keeps failing on ansible-role-tripleo-ci-reproducer : Wait for zuul tenant error copied in any suggestions?14:00
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rlandy|ruckI can see the :9000 auul14:01
rlandy|ruckno jobs is launched14:01
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, need to see logs, could be anything.. take a look at scheduler logs, it's most critical service14:02
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chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: time to remove pike job from where we will start?14:03
rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: not sure I understand question 'from where we will start'?14:04
rlandy|ruckie: which jobs to remove first?14:04
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: yes which jobs to remove first?14:05
chkumar|roverfirst remove from promotion criteria14:05
rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: just fighting with reproducer now - will look in a bit14:05
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: ack14:05
rlandy|ruckbasically job definitions go last14:05
rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: everywhere they are called can be removed14:05
rlandy|ruckpipeline etc.14:06
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: ok, I will take a look and propose the patches14:06
rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: go to review.rdoproject.org14:06
rlandy|ruckremove pipeline14:06
rlandy|ruckthen other check inclusions14:07
ykarel|awayrlandy|ruck, chkumar|rover fyi ocata-eol tag job failed14:11
ykarel|awayi see tags are created, but stable/ocata not removed14:11
ykarel|awaywill followup with openstack/releases14:11
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chkumar|roverykarel|away: checking14:13
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: k - - scheduler not starting properly14:13
rlandy|ruckdid we qualify against python 3.7?14:14
chkumar|roverykarel|away: openstack/os-cloud-config.git this one failed14:15
rlandy|ruckpanda: web search shows you hit this error with reproducer ... - remember how you got out of it?14:16
ykarel|awaychkumar|rover, hmm i see tag not exist for it, neither ocata-em nor ocata-eol14:16
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: yes14:18
pandarlandy|ruck: does the web search show you if I ever did ? Seems you need to add some host to the /etc/hosts, but as I said, I had to give up on testing the reproducer because it was not working for me, maybe that's one of the errors that I could not get out of.14:20
jfrancoarlandy|ruck:  I believe this could fix the job , let's try it out once the reproducer is ready14:20
rlandy|ruckjfrancoa: I'm having some reproducer troubles - I will set up a testproject job to run your fix with fs037 queens14:21
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: I am taking care of above upgrade test14:21
chkumar|rovertesting in testproject14:21
rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: k - pls add jfrancoa to the review14:22
jfrancoachkumar|rover: rlandy|ruck awesome, thanks. let's see if at least we can progress from that step (it might appear some different issue though)14:23
rlandy|ruckok - will watch progress14:23
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: jfrancoa
rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: thanks14:26
rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: why there - rather than testproject?14:27
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: it also works there14:27
rlandy|ruckyeah - just interested14:27
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: I left using testproject, we can do the same thing with rdo-jobs so14:28
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rlandy|ruckgo something going npw14:38
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rlandy|ruckjfrancoa: pls try ssh zuul@
rlandy|ruckthat is your reproducer env14:45
jfrancoarlandy|ruck: I'm in, did the job already fail? Is it supposed to be the undercloud that host?14:46
jfrancoarlandy|ruck: I can't locate the stackrc14:47
rlandy|ruckjfrancoa: you're on the undercloud14:47
rlandy|ruckit's just started running14:47
rlandy|rucksending you zuul info14:47
jfrancoarlandy|ruck: ahh ok. I'll wait then14:47
rlandy|ruckjfrancoa: will ping you when the test stops14:49
jfrancoarlandy|ruck: ack, thank you14:49
rlandy|ruckweshay: ping re: - hitting that error14:54
openstackLaunchpad bug 1833465 in tripleo "tripleo reproducer fails w/ "waiting on logger"" [Critical,Incomplete]14:54
rlandy|ruckattached patch was never merged14:54
rlandy|ruckwhat did you do to fix?14:54
rlandy|ruckupstream-cloudinit-centos-7 image14:56
rlandy|ruckUpdated At14:56
rlandy|ruck    2019-05-10T11:31:44Z14:56
rlandy|rucknvm - it carried on14:58
rlandy|ruckoh no- it's going again14:58
rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: how's it going with the pike job removals? need any help there?15:00
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: working on reviews15:00
chkumar|roverweshay: rfolco meeting time15:01
rfolcoyeah I am there15:01
rfolcoweshay, ping15:03
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chkumar|roverrfolco: ping, we are waiting on bj15:11
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sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, Name or service not known - need to check dns config15:23
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: got by that error15:24
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: now dealing with 'waiting on logger' as in
openstackLaunchpad bug 183346 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "requestsync files a bug with the wrong version in the title, not in the changelog" [Low,Fix released] - Assigned to Michael Bienia (geser)15:24
openstackLaunchpad bug 1833465 in tripleo "tripleo reproducer fails w/ "waiting on logger"" [Critical,Incomplete]15:24
rlandy|ruck^^ that one15:24
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: possible my tenant has old images?15:25
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, wait, it's not from scheduler?15:25
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: the initial error was - fixed that one15:25
rlandy|ruckon to another error completely15:26
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, and what is the error now?15:26
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: "waiting on logger" as shown in
openstackLaunchpad bug 1833465 in tripleo "tripleo reproducer fails w/ "waiting on logger"" [Critical,Incomplete]15:26
rlandy|ruckthere is a review attached15:26
rlandy|rucknever merged15:26
sshnaidmmm.. haven't seen this a long time15:27
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, on which task did it start?15:27
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: 2019-08-26 15:22:43.524755 | TASK [persistent-firewall : List current ipv4 rules]15:28
rlandy|ruck^^ starts on that tasks15:28
rlandy|ruckhappens on a few on them15:28
rlandy|ruckuntil jobs dies15:28
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, can I log in to this machine?15:28
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: the machine running zuul or the instance?15:29
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, where containers are15:29
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, it was suspect that it's related to bad performance of rdo cloud host15:29
sshnaidmand poor network connection15:30
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: it's running from  my minidell - instances on my rdocloud tenant15:30
rlandy|ruckI can add your key to my minidell15:30
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sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, try to rerun the job, just curios if it's reproducible15:32
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: this is my second run15:32
rlandy|rucksame deal15:32
rlandy|rucknot sure how weshay got rid of his errors15:32
rlandy|ruckalso, the images should be upstream-cloudinit-centos-715:33
rlandy|ruckmaintained centrally15:33
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, started job on my tenant, let's see if it has same error15:33
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, yeah15:33
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: thanks15:33
rlandy|ruckI'm running mutinode15:33
weshayrfolco chkumar|rover
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rlandy|rucksshnaidm: second job - died15:53
rlandy|ruckweshay: chat about fs021?16:02
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rlandy|ruckwhy is tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master-vexxhost running in periodic???16:05
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chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: I was added temprory with check pipeline16:07
rlandy|rucknot sure I would agree16:07
rlandy|ruckmore failures16:07
chkumar|roverrlandy|ruck: it will help to test the stuff for vexhost16:08
chkumar|roversshnaidm: ^^16:08
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rlandy|ruckchkumar|rover: every 4 hours?16:09
rlandy|ruckI have no problem with a periodic vexxhost job16:09
rlandy|ruckthat pipeline is for promotions16:09
rlandy|ruckbut it16:09
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, why not?16:09
rlandy|ruck's there now16:09
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, the pipeline is just time trigger based16:10
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, it shouldn't affect promotions16:10
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: it is - but I don't get why we need to debug that failing job every four hours16:10
rlandy|ruckit wont16:10
sshnaidmI need to run it periodically as frequent as possible16:10
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, why do you need to debug it?16:10
rlandy|ruckimho there are better places to run that job16:11
rlandy|ruckI am not going to remove it or anything16:11
rlandy|ruckjust my personal opinion16:11
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, where for example?16:12
rlandy|rucksshnaidm; any other temp periodic pipeline16:12
rlandy|ruckor at least call the job periodic16:12
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, we run promotions in all periodic pipelines16:12
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, and to define same zuul pipeline for one job is an overhead16:13
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: question is - is your intention to check vexxhost job with the latest hash - or just to run a check job 4 times a day?16:14
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, I didn't call it periodic just for that reason, not to confuse it with periodic promotion jobs16:14
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, just to run a job as much as possible16:14
rlandy|ruckhonestly not our biggest problem right now16:14
rlandy|ruckjust surprised to see it show up16:14
rlandy|ruckand I assume we agree that the expection is not on ruck/rover to keep debugging this16:15
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, yeah, no need atm, I'm working on this16:15
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rlandy|rucksshnaidm: back to reproducer - do you see the logger issue?16:29
rlandy|ruckI might be better off going the libvirt option16:29
rlandy|ruckif it's an rdocloud network issue16:29
weshayrlandy|ruck I was wrong about 21..  7.7 rpms are not there yet.. sorry16:43
weshaychkumar|rover set me straight16:43
* chkumar|rover is working on bring a bot soon16:45
rlandy|ruckugh reproducer16:46
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sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, for me job worked in reproducer17:01
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, do you use this image? | 6a6d23d7-65e7-43ea-9307-71b2e17d2ead | upstream-cloudinit-centos-7               | active |17:03
sshnaidmrlandy|ruck, maybe try "docker-compose down -v; docker-compose up -d"17:04
rlandy|rucksshnaidm: trying that17:18
rlandy|rucksame image17:18
chkumar|roversee ya tomorrow, Good night, Bye!17:21
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raukadahmore breakage is coming17:31
raukadahrlandy|ruck: and we need change in tripleo-ansible spec file17:31
rlandy|ruckraukadah: over and above
rlandy|ruckI see discussion on #tripleo17:33
raukadahrlandy|ruck: :-)17:37
rlandy|ruck2019-08-26 12:06:13.362741 | primary | TASK [os_tempest : Execute tempest tests] **************************************17:41
rlandy|ruck2019-08-26 12:06:13.847162 | primary | Monday 26 August 2019  12:06:13 -0400 (0:00:00.750)       2:02:29.520 *********17:41
rlandy|ruck2019-08-26 16:27:29.380476 | RUN END RESULT_TIMED_OUT: [untrusted :]17:41
rlandy|ruck2019-08-26 16:27:29.380779 | POST-RUN START: [trusted :]17:41
rlandy|ruck2019-08-26 16:27:31.116683 |17:41
raukadahrlandy|ruck: which job?17:41
rlandy|ruckraukadah: looking at master promotion ...
rlandy|ruck4 hours on tempest17:42
rlandy|ruckexcessive, no?17:42
raukadahrlandy|ruck: too much excessive and expensive17:42
rlandy|ruckraukadah: too many tests running?17:43
rlandy|ruckraukadah: not commonly ...
rlandy|ruckraukadah: ^^ rerunning to check17:44
rlandy|ruckfirst timeout we've seen17:44
rlandy|ruckpossibly a htch17:44
raukadahrlandy|ruck: ok, I am adding to my morning checklist17:44
rlandy|ruckraukadah: let's see if it reproducer first17:44
rlandy|ruckoh no17:45
rlandy|rucklog failures again17:45
rlandy|ruckweshay: when was the last time you ran a libvirt reproducer?18:38
rlandy|ruckweshay: did it pass?18:38
weshayrlandy|ruck w/ the new repro?18:38
weshayit's been quite some time18:38
rlandy|ruckweshay: wow - no easy getting the reproducer functional18:39
rlandy|ruckThe error was: libvirtError: Cannot get interface MTU on 'virbr0': No such device18:39
rlandy|ruckfailed: [localhost] (item={u'flavor': u'control', u'name': u'subnode-1'}) => {"changed": false, "item": {"flavor": "control", "name": "subnode-1"}, "msg": "Cannot get interface MTU on 'virbr0': No such device"}18:39
rlandy|ruck^^ seen that one?18:39
rlandy|rucktrying libvirt as using tenant gave me the log error18:40
weshayrlandy|ruck ur trying on an rdo box?18:40
rlandy|ruck./ -l -e libvirt_volume_path=/home/temp/images18:40
rlandy|ruck^^ no on my minidell18:40
rlandy|ruckworked a while back18:40
weshayrlandy|ruck I have no insight.. other than the ci jobs running daily18:49
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rlandy|ruckweshay: can you vote on pls19:50
weshayrlandy|ruck have you seen:20:00
weshayTransaction check error:20:00
weshay2019-08-26 16:05:31 |   file /usr/share/ansible/roles/tripleo-hieradata/tasks/hieradata_vars.yaml conflicts between attempted installs of openstack-tripleo-common-11.1.1-0.20190826025903.29b7c8a.el7.noarch and tripleo-ansible-0.2.1-0.20190826144854.bf61a6f.el7.noarch20:00
rlandy|ruckweshay: ack20:00
rlandy|ruckwas supposed to be fixed by kevin's patches20:00
rlandy|ruckdiscussion on #tripleo20:00
rlandy|ruckweshay: merged about 1 hr ago20:01
rlandy|ruckif you are still seeing it20:01
rlandy|ruckwe have a problem20:01
* weshay just catching up20:02
rlandy|ruckgate jobs are clearer now20:02
rlandy|ruckwe had mass failures a while back20:02
rlandy|ruckcheck jobs may need to be rebased20:02
rlandy|ruck2019-08-26 19:37:28,050 29646 INFO     promoter Promoting the container images for dlrn hash 2485770cdc7f29d75b79dc9b6c7c1d099e926c86 on master to current-tripleo20:04
rlandy|ruckweshay: redhat8 is promoting now20:04
rlandy|ruckwas stalled for a bit20:04
rlandy|ruckstein should also - if fs020 passes20:05
rlandy|ruckqueens promoted as well20:05
rlandy|rucklog server keeps clogging though20:05
rlandy|ruckwe are runing at 95%20:05
rlandy|ruckand each time the prune script runs, we go over the top20:06
rlandy|ruckother than getting reproducer to work, other stuff is ok20:06
rlandy|ruckreproducer is killing me20:28
weshayrlandy|ruck ya..  if I could squeeze out time, I'd be working on that20:29
weshaymy own pet project... maybe in november20:30
rlandy|ruckI am giving up on rdocloud20:31
rlandy|ruckneed to get libvirt working then20:31
rlandy|ruckI am the only one with this logger issue?20:31
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rlandy|ruckweshay: can you tell me how virbr0 is configured on the box where you run libvirt?23:03

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