Friday, 2019-04-05

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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035, tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp- (2 more messages)00:32
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035, tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp- (2 more messages)02:32
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode- (2 more messages)04:32
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode- (2 more messages)06:32
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quiquell|roverweshay|ruck: cockpit-ci split promotions between centos7 and fedora28
quiquell|roverykarel|lunch, zbr, marios, chandankumar: ^08:09
chandankumarone white space rest looks ok08:10
quiquell|rovera tox08:11
quiquell|roverok let me fix08:11
mariosquiquell|rover: ack +1604 -1318  :/08:12
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quiquell|rovermarios: what do we miss here to workflow ?
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mariosquiquell|rover: ah just my comment about the message so I +1 if you agree but no pushback08:29
marios"wondering if we want a better/more info here for the developer... might not be clear what it means that 'unable to build'... like 'you have depends-on which we can't find/build etc please remove it and try again"08:30
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quiquell|rovermarios: so you waittin to test review ?08:30
quiquell|rovermarios: I see standalone not working quite well at RDO08:30
mariosquiquell|rover: no not waiting for anything08:31
mariosquiquell|rover: my comment is you will output there this message "Unable to build {{ artg_change.project }}. No pkg found check artg_skipped_projects -> {{ artg_skipped_projects }}"08:31
mariosquiquell|rover: my point is it might not be clear what this means ^^^ . should be more like "we were unable to find the depends-on... remove it bla"08:32
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode- (2 more messages)08:32
quiquell|rovermarios: Can I do it at follow up ?08:32
quiquell|rovermarios: So I don't lose the +2s ?08:32
mariosquiquell|rover: yeah of course i +1 it08:32
mariosquiquell|rover: np08:32
quiquell|rovermarios: can you workflow it ?08:32
quiquell|roverCI is ok now08:32
mariosquiquell|rover: ok08:33
quiquell|roverrr is slow this days I need something to fix if you merge it and breaks everything :-)08:33
zbrpanda: hi! time to sync?08:34
pandait's always time to sync08:34
* panda starts a typical dyseny song about the time sync08:34
mariospanda: then surely you're already synced08:35
zbrouch, not disney08:35
mariosif you're always syncing08:35
mariosno need to sync08:35
marioszbr: that was a short call08:35
quiquell|roverzbr: btw I think you mention something yesterday that maybe fix this
openstackLaunchpad bug 1823173 in tripleo " images are missing" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Quique Llorente (quiquell)08:35
zbr"disney song" was the key to short meetings08:35
panda"with a spoonful of sync and the patch goes down"08:36
mariosohgawd help us08:36
quiquell|roverA yep08:36
quiquell|roveradding distro there08:36
zbrjoin promoter changes08:40
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chandankumararxcruz: Hello08:41
chandankumararxcruz: please have a look at this user story , when free, thanks!08:42
zbr@oooq also welcomed, if you can help me identify the reported issues with our relese config files, see 9 errors from -- i need some help to figure out what needs to be done.08:43
pandazbr: I've been shouting for the last 5 minutes, can't hear me ?08:44
pandazbr: now I can't hear you08:45
quiquell|roverzbr, marios, panda: I know we are going on discussions about release files and all, but we need this to unblock promotions
pandaquiquell|rover: where' ditro_ver defined ?08:55
pandaquiquell|rover: promotions are halted right now08:55
quiquell|roverpanda: fixed recheck08:55
quiquell|roverpanda: because of this08:55
pandaquiquell|rover: also because promotion for fedora breaks links in centos08:55
quiquell|roverpanda: is related to this too08:56
quiquell|roverpanda: url was the same for both fedora and centos08:56
quiquell|roverpanda: this have to fix it08:56
pandaquiquell|rover: agreed, but don't expect promotions to run in the next day, until we fix the script08:58
quiquell|roverpanda: Ahh wait issue is elsewhere08:58
quiquell|roverzbr, panda: this will fix it ?08:59
quiquell|roverpanda: ack08:59
pandaquiquell|rover: that's the review, but the patch set needs changes08:59
quiquell|roverpanda: ack09:00
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quiquell|roverpanda: So we are going to  add distro_ver concept to the script that right ?09:02
mariosquiquell|rover: ack getting some food and will check09:02
quiquell|roverpanda: maybe the script has to use the stuff from release files ?09:02
quiquell|roverpanda: since fedora28 is just running standalone, maybe we can just skil this part there09:03
quiquell|roverpanda: for fedora2809:04
quiquell|roverpanda: or do we run ovb for fedora28 ?09:04
quiquell|roverzbr, marios: ^ what do you think ? to unblock promotions09:04
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pandaquiquell|rover: yes, we are adding distro_ver, it's needed for RHEL too. We are trying to understand if we should skip or not. THere is no OVB job in fedora and the images are not there anyway09:06
quiquell|roverpanda: let me punt the review to skip09:06
quiquell|roverpanda: and we decide09:06
mariosquiquell|rover: whats the questino skip what for fedora09:07
pandamarios: overcloud images promotion09:08
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ykarelquiquell|rover, marios was just looking at the patch just W+109:09
ykarelquiquell|rover, marios will it take care for depends-on like rdo-jobs etc?09:09
mariosykarel: which patch?09:09
ykarelas most of the time we use that depends on or similar09:09
ykareldlrn-build force fail09:09
quiquell|roverpanda, ykarel, marios: bypass qcows tag for fedora
quiquell|roverykarel: Yep09:10
ykarelquiquell|rover, ? it will fail with depends-on on rdo-jobs or ignore?09:10
quiquell|roverykarel: it will be able to map rdo-jobs I think09:11
ykareli didn't checked the review in detail09:11
quiquell|roverykarel: we can try though09:11
quiquell|roverOk have to leave for some time be back later09:11
ykarelquiquell|rover, rdo-jobs is one example there can be other such projects09:11
ykareli just don't want to break stuffs09:12
quiquell|roverykarel: it all depends if we can map stuff with rdopkg09:12
ykarelif it's already handled it's good09:12
ykarelelse bad09:12
quiquell|roverykarel: we can remove +w09:12
quiquell|roverand check09:12
quiquell|rovermarios: can you remove +w ?09:12
ykarelquiquell|rover, yes please if you are not sure09:12
quiquell|roverwill do m yself09:12
ykarelokk i will also review later today09:12
ykarelto see if i can find more gaps09:13
quiquell|rovermarios: removed +w09:13
quiquell|roverykarel: thanks09:13
quiquell|roverok have to drop09:13
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quique|rover|bblykarel: add comments there if you find anything09:13
ykarelquique|rover|bbl, okk sure, this was not urgent patch, right?09:13
quique|rover|bblgood to have though09:13
quique|rover|bblWe don't want false positives09:14
ykarelokk will look then09:14
ykarelwill check the background also,09:14
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ykarelquique|rover|bbl, now stein phase 1 fails for missing release files:- Could not find or access '/home/jenkins/workspace/tripleo-quickstart-promote-stein-current-tripleo-delorean-minimal/config/release/centosci/stein-current-tripleo.yml'09:19
ykarelgood to add to branching doc so ^^ also not missed when create release files09:20
zbrpanda: marios : can we merge this before i do the other work on promoter?
pandazbr: I think you should do the opposite, fix the distro, then add the check09:28
pandazbr: the path in the mkdir is wrong, whould not be used09:28
zbrpanda: what is wrong with it? current version of the script fails each time we have a new release because folders are missing. I had to manually use the ftp client to create the folders last week.09:30
pandazbr: the correct folder is distro/release/rdo_trunk. THe current release/rdo_trunk is a symlink to distro/release/rdotrunk for centos.09:34
mariospanda: rfolco we need to add a stable/rocky standalone story in sprint 8?09:34
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zbrpanda: you are talking about different issues. this patch is fixing some bugs, it does not add new ones. the new layout is a different aspect, unrelated to the patch.09:35
zbrand due to symlinks, the old/current script still works.09:36
pandazbr: "mkdir /var/www/html/images/$RELEASE"09:38
pandazbr: /var/www/html/images/pike is currently a symlink to /var/www/html/images/CentOS/pike09:39
pandazbr: so creating the directory there is not what we want to do, becaus it's creating a obsolete hierarchy09:39
zbrpanda: nope. is the other way around, check it yourself!09:39
zbrlook: /var/www/html/images/centos7/<foo> contains symlinks to  ../<foo>09:41
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pandazbr: it's not what we want to do anyway, because you're creating the dir, you're not linking it to cento7, and you're creting it for a single distribution09:44
pandamarios: why ? you think maybe it can help in moving rhos-14 standalone forward ?09:46
pandamarios: I missed most of the preplanning for this sprint, so I might be wrong, but rocky standalone may be added only if we are struggling with rhos-1409:47
zbragain, you are referring to an issue that is outside the scope of the patch. and FYI, it does work with multiple distros anyway if you pass them to the script. "fedora28/stein" instead of "stein".09:47
pandazbr: mkdir /var/www/html/images/$RELEASE is creating a directory that is not referenced anywhere, because all the job are now trying to use /var/www/html/images/$DISTRO/$RELEASE09:48
pandazbr: so unless you add a symlink centos7/$release to /$release, the mkdir will have not effect on the jobs.09:49
zbrpanda: not so sure....check -- I have plenty of other examples. in fact more paths are using old location than the new one.09:50
pandazbr: but queens dir alrady exist and it's already linked.09:51
pandazbr: so mkdir is not needed there.09:52
zbras far as the script is concerned, it fails to upload the files at the target destination, it should create the path if it does not exist.09:52
pandazbr: yes, but that path is not what the requirements from last sprint are dictating, so this patch is trying to fix a problem with what we already know is a deprecated solution. From now on, we know the creation of a new release will have to take into consideration multiple distributions09:57
zbrmmm.... i knew I should have refused to make the folder manually last week. i was sure this would happen. you are invoking a bug that is not there. let me put it in a different perspective, maybe it helps: what issues is introduced by this patch that didn't exist there in the first place?10:00
zbri see reason for not fixing a bug if the new code adds some kind of regression, i fail to identify this regression.10:01
ykarelmkdir is not idempotent10:02
ykarelzbr, ^^10:02
pandazbr: sorin what's the reason to fix somethign that you will have to rewrite again with your next patch ?10:02
pandaykarel: yeah, wanted to try that , will it give an error ?10:03
ykarelso that script should fail i think, also should use consistent approach which is distro one, for backward compatibility use non distro path as a link10:03
ykarelpanda, yes10:03
ykareliirc upload images use distro path, same should be promote script10:04
zbri think that the plan is to remove old links once we migrate all release configs, it does not make sense to keep them indefinetly.10:05
pandamarios: are you working on design of some card ? I'm really not sure what to move forward in the board, seems it's saturated already :)10:05
mariospanda: yeh for the osp14 work (and maybe also the rhel7 standalone) but you think we can have just d/stream for that10:05
pandazbr: did you get the plan from prodinfra folks ?10:06
mariospanda: i am trying to pick something up trying to get up to date on rlandy work on osp14 for now10:06
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pandamarios: ok, I will try to approach RDO RHEL7 containers build then10:07
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chandankumararxcruz: periodic scenario 001 on os_tempest is working
pandamarios: do you know what's the equivalent of config in internal sf ?10:29
pandamarios: trying to find where the nodesets are defined10:29
pandamarios: maybe I'll ask in internal channels.10:30
mariospanda: i do not know but i see rlandy has a nodeset defined there
arxcruzchandankumar: great, question, are these the same tests that was running before ?10:31
mariospanda: so there is a zuul.d nodesets in that project10:31
chandankumararxcruz: yes10:31
pandamarios: ah perfect, exactly hat i was looking for, the rhel node definition, thanks.10:31
chandankumararxcruz: one is in skip list volume boot pattern10:31
chandankumararxcruz: i donot know what is the best way to remove from skip list as it is quite flaky10:31
arxcruzhmmmm it shoulnd't be there anymore iirc10:32
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode- (2 more messages)10:32
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quiquell|roverOk I am back10:35
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quiquell|roverzbr, panda: So we skip qcow taging at fedora or do we fix the script ?10:36
quiquell|roverzbr, panda: talking about
zbrpanda: what is the correct promotion hash for centos7? the current link is broken.10:37
zbri have the script almost ready for review, i only want to run it once more to fix current link.10:37
quiquell|roverzbr: let me find10:37
quiquell|roverzbr: you wont current-tripleo hash ?10:37
quiquell|rovermaster ?10:38
pandaquiquell|rover: zbr is handling that, the thin is since we are not uploading any image for fedora, the script will always fail, so I'd say to skip, but zbr wants to run some tests for multidistribution first, because the modification will be needed anyway for the other distributions.10:40
quiquell|roverpanda: ack10:41
quiquell|roverzbr: centos7 mater
quiquell|roverpanda: ^ is that right ?10:42
zbrnot really. I see only 3 values there:
quiquell|roverzbr: that's stain10:44
panda3 values ?10:45
zbras nobody is using stein, I will use the last one.10:45
quiquell|roverstein hash is
quiquell|roverpanda, zbr: So let's merge the skip and unblock promotions
quiquell|rovermarios, ykarel: ^10:45
zbri just made a promotion.... on stein... :P10:46
zbrpanda: do you want me to fix sh/py parts in the same change or separated?10:47
ykarelquiquell|rover, looks like distro_name is not defined in that method, can u cross check again10:49
quiquell|roverykarel: ups you are right10:50
ykarelquiquell|rover, ack10:50
ykarelquiquell|rover, also check <ykarel> quique|rover|bbl, now stein phase 1 fails for missing release files:- Could not find or access '/home/jenkins/workspace/tripleo-quickstart-promote-stein-current-tripleo-delorean-minimal/config/release/centosci/stein-current-tripleo.yml'10:50
ykarel<ykarel> good to add to branching doc so ^^ also not missed when create release files10:50
quiquell|roverykarel: fixed
quiquell|roverykarel: I am doing a review with the centosci release file10:54
ykarelquiquell|rover, ack10:54
quiquell|roverykarel: do we use all this three at centosci ? master-consistent.yml  master-current-tripleo.yml  master.yml10:55
ykarelquiquell|rover, good to check if those files are linked with trunk ones, i can't recall but i remember there was some discussion regarding merging centosci and trunk ones10:55
quiquell|rovermaster.yaml yes10:56
quiquell|roverthe other two not10:56
ykarelyou can check git history, that would help10:56
quiquell|roverykarel: for rocky theres is only rocky-current-tripleo.yml10:57
quiquell|roverykarel: mayeb we jsut need that for stein ?10:57
ykarelyes we need similar to rocky to get stein working, but good to get rid of extra files if possible10:57
quiquell|roverykarel: can you give me the link to the logs to open the LP ?10:59
quiquell|roverykarel, panda, zbr, marios: centosci fix for stein
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mariosquiquell|rover: ack will check in bit11:05
arxcruzweshay|ruck: kopecmartin|off chandankumar can we start the meeting earlier?11:05
chandankumararxcruz: I am ok with that11:06
chandankumararxcruz: kopecmartin|off is on pto today!11:06
zbrquiquell|rover: replied, multiple problems/questions.11:08
zbrone thing for sure, no new release file would be allowed without distro-ver prefix on images.11:09
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quiquell|roverzbr: o/ make sense, and about skiping qcow tag at fedora ?11:23
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zbrquiquell|rover: add lower() before comparison and i am ok.11:24
zbrrelease could be 'Fedora' instead of 'fedora', avoid that bug.11:24
quiquell|roverzbr: ack, give me a sec11:24
ykarel|afkbut we set release in conf11:24
ykarel|afkand there it's fedora, yes it's possible in future it can be changed, but /me seeing fedora part as temporary11:25
quiquell|roverzbr, ykarel|afk: done
quiquell|roverlet's unblock promotions11:26
quiquell|roverso we can test zbr script there11:26
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zbrquiquell|rover: why not doing distro_name[1].lower()?11:28
zbr(without _name)11:28
quiquell|roveryep that's better11:29
quiquell|roverlet me fix11:29
quiquell|roveryou can even do it at python arg parser I think11:29
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quiquell|roverzbr: done
quiquell|roverzbr: is good now ?11:32
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quiquell|roverpanda: now that we don't have mixed centos/fedora stuff maybe we need a new consistent-to-tripleo-ci-testing job11:40
quiquell|roverpanda: for fedora2811:40
pandaquiquell|rover: why new ?11:41
pandaoh to not use the same centos hash11:41
quiquell|roverpanda: We have created one for centos7 stein but not for fedora11:41
pandawell, I'm missing some context and decisions there, what was the decision on the promotons ?11:42
pandaquiquell|rover: are we promoting all hashes indepentently ?11:42
pandalast information I had was we didn't want to promote indepentenly11:43
quiquell|roverpanda: yep, there is two new promoter runs with fedora28/master and fedora28/stein11:43
quiquell|roverpanda: But I think we missed the consistent-to-tripleo-ci-testing11:43
pandaquiquell|rover: not talkign about separated branch promotion, talking about separated distribution promotions11:44
quiquell|roverpanda: but now fedora28 jobs does not depent on centos7 containers11:44
quiquell|roverpanda: it's same promoter11:44
quiquell|roverpanda: running with two new .ini files11:44
quiquell|roverpanda: and they have also distro_name and distro_version11:45
quiquell|roverpanda: is that right ?11:45
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quiquell|roverpanda: what I mean is if we need this now
quiquell|roverpanda: and instead we have to create new job for fedora28 now that is not using centos containers11:52
quiquell|rovermarios, zbr: What do you think ?11:52
pandaquiquell|rover: the problem is not about the containers, the problem is what hash do we want to test with each promotion11:53
quiquell|roverpanda: humm I am lost... can you do some blue ?11:53
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pandaquique|rover|eat: when you finish lunch we can blue11:56
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quiquell|roverrlandy: o/ to unblock promotions
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quiquell|roverrlandy: it disable qcow taging at fedora12:08
quiquell|roverrlandy: after this we can re-activate them12:08
zbrquiquell|rover: panda|lunch : i will be out for ~1h but my take on fedora28 is that is best-effort attempt to have a 2nd distro and what we use inside can change based on what we can afford. it should be as indempedent as (resonable) possible from centos7.12:08
quiquell|roverzbr: ack12:09
zbrinitially we did not had containers, but now we have, but we still not having images, maybe at some point we would have them.12:09
zbrquiquell|rover: that is how I see it, but I am not the boss ;)12:09
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quiquell|roverzbr: let's fix promotions then refactor12:10
quiquell|roverzbr: so we can exercise your refactoring12:10
quiquell|roverzbr: rigth now promoter is commented out so it's not running it12:10
rlandy|ruckquiquell|rover: lol - I suggested yesterday to weshay|ruck that I make thsi change and he sadi no12:10
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: friday happiness :-)12:11
zbrrlandy|ruck: things change :D12:11
rlandy|ruckzbr: what changed?12:11
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: what was the reason to say no ?12:11
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: workflow it before he changes his mind :-P12:12
weshay|ruckquiquell|rover there was an associated fix yesterday that was suspect12:12
weshay|ruckquiquell|rover if it works :)12:12
rlandy|ruckquiquell|rover: he said that we should disable promotions until completely fixed12:12
zbrtalk, wes seen the proposed code and decided that offline-promoter would give us time to fix it correctly.12:12
weshay|ruckquiquell|rover right.. if you break the line  w/ that change..12:12
weshay|ruckwe're shutting it back down12:12
* rlandy|ruck won't stop this12:12
quiquell|roverweshay|ruck: ack, let' give a try12:13
rlandy|ruckas I thought of doing the same thing yesterday12:13
* rlandy|ruck just ignores weshay|ruck next time12:13
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck, weshay|ruck: cockpit split f28 and c7 promotions
rlandy|ruckquiquell|rover: are you going to try a manual promotion or uncomment the script?12:14
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: uncomment to check that it works12:14
rlandy|ruckquiquell|rover: sec - we can revert my review12:15
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: ack12:15
rlandy|ruckrevert submitted:
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: let's merge the skip first
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: then the revert12:16
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rlandy|ruckquiquell|rover: w+112:17
rlandy|ruckweshay|ruck: did you get any notification about the hw? I heard nothing - asking Phil if not12:18
weshay|ruckgot an email12:18
weshay|ruckwill forward12:18
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: to fix centosci stein
quiquell|roverweshay|ruck: ^12:19
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: merging revert12:20
quiquell|roverOk real lunch time n ow12:21
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weshay|ruckok.. rlandy|ruck quiquell|lunch revert the revert if we have incoming shrapnel12:22
rlandy|ruckzbr: release file guru ... why? - we have no queens, rocky?12:24
rlandy|ruckand we do have
weshay|ruckrlandy|ruck quiquell|lunch afaict.. the queens blockers were merged.. looking for a promotion there12:25
rlandy|ruck merged12:26
chandankumarzbr: please have a look when you are free!12:29
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp- (2 more messages)12:32
rfolcoplease review this one if you can -->
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rlandy|ruckweshay|ruck: hw email? is it baaaacckkk?12:41
weshay|ruckjust a sec12:42
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quiquell|roverweshay|ruck: yep uc upgrade queens is working now (If this is what you mean)12:45
rfolcoquiquell|rover, did you test buildah-push=false fix works ?12:46
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: about centosci have just do same as rocky, looks like only stein-current-tripleo is needed12:46
quiquell|roverykarel: ^ ?12:46
rlandy|ruckqueens also missing12:47
quiquell|roverrfolco: Yep, well jbadiapa for me12:47
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: he was missing it12:47
quiquell|roverwas for rfolco12:47
rfolcook, I'll assume I can use push=false ata 1st moment and then turn it on for pushing when job is green12:48
rfolcothx quiquell|rover12:48
quiquell|roverrfolco: but we need the fix at python-tripleoclient12:49
quiquell|roverrfolco: only tripleo-common part is merged and releases12:49
ykarelquiquell|rover, u pinged?12:58
quiquell|roverrfolco: commented for r in "${CENTOS7_RELEASES[@]}"; do12:58
quiquell|rover    /usr/bin/timeout --preserve-status -k $KILLTIME $TIMEOUT \12:58
quiquell|rover        python ~/ci-config/ci-scripts/dlrnapi_promoter/ \12:58
quiquell|rover            ~/ci-config/ci-scripts/dlrnapi_promoter/config/CentOS-7/${r}.ini12:58
quiquell|roverrfolco: commented
rfolcoquiquell|rover, true13:00
rfolcoquiquell|rover, ok will change after my call13:00
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quiquell|roverrfolco: Just if you think the refactoring is ok13:01
quiquell|roverrfolco: i have +2 it13:01
chandankumarweshay|ruck: meeting time13:02
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quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: Have change the playbook generated for reproducer at jobs to work at review from branches
rlandy|ruckthis ci gate is killing me - will have to fix13:14
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: what do you mean  ?13:14
quiquell|roverykarel: we have a phase1 promotion for stein ?13:20
ykarelquiquell|rover, no13:20
ykarelquiquell|rover, u only pushed the fix :)13:20
ykarelrelease file13:20
rfolcomarios, thanks for the walk-through, really informative.13:20
quiquell|roverykarel: Humm I see one :-/13:21
mariosrfolco: thanks for your time glad useful. review when you have time (srsly no rush ;) )
ykarelquiquell|rover, yes u created that in morning ^^, or it changed hash?13:22
quiquell|roverAhh we creatd that13:22
quiquell|roverok ok13:22
ykarellooks like friday fever :)13:22
quiquell|roverJust forgot13:22
quiquell|rovertotally man13:22
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quiquell|roverykarel: only stein-current-tripleo.yaml is needed ?13:23
quiquell|roverykarel: no stein.yaml ? rocky does not have one13:23
ykarelquiquell|rover, need to check, as i said earlier u need to check git history, afair those files were synched with trunk files13:24
ykarelbut yes current-tripleo should be sufficient for stein phase 113:25
ykarelokk let me quickly check13:25
quiquell|roverykarel: this is the only thing we have for rocky f7b206c5b9570ced9c749e652ff8a42e0f6dcfdc13:25
quiquell|roverykarel: and just add that file13:26
ykarelquiquell|rover, see patch for rocky:
quiquell|roverykarel: then we can cleanup the other files ?13:26
ykarelbut let me quickly check trunk vs centosci13:26
quiquell|roverykarel: like queens.yaml and the like ?13:26
ykarelquiquell|rover, let me check13:26
quiquell|roverykarel: ack thanks13:26
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chandankumarweshay|ruck: quiquell|rover this one also13:37
rlandy|ruckquiquell|rover: creating bug for failing fs021 in stein13:38
quiquell|roverchandankumar: workflowed13:38
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: I think arxcruz has one for this13:38
rlandy|ruckquiquell|rover: deployment failure?13:39
arxcruzrlandy|ruck: it's fs02113:39
arxcruzwhy you guys caring about fs021 ?13:39
quiquell|roverarxcruz: do you have the LP around ?13:39
rlandy|ruckarxcruz: ack - not tempest failure13:39
rlandy|ruckit's a deploy failure13:39
quiquell|roverarxcruz: and about fs020 ?13:39
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: then it's different ack13:39
arxcruzquiquell|rover: fs020 we have a problem :D13:39
arxcruzwhere's failing in fs020 ?13:39
rlandy|ruckarxcruz: can you post bug13:39
quiquell|roverarxcruz: do you have the LP ?13:39
rlandy|rucklet's all attack arxcruz13:39
mariosrlandy|ruck: o/ hi ... when you have some time can we catch up a bit on ...13:39
mariosrlandy|ruck: brief 10/15 mins sync .. am around for a while longer so doesn' have to be now13:40
mariosrlandy|ruck: in an hour/?13:40
quiquell|roverthis ?
openstackLaunchpad bug 1821690 in tripleo "periodic-ovb-1ctlr_1comp-featureset020-master fails tempest test_auto_allocate_network tempest.api.compute.images.test_images" [High,Triaged] - Assigned to Arx Cruz (arxcruz)13:40
rlandy|ruckmarios: ack - hours is fine13:40
mariosrlandy|ruck: if you're free i can setup a call13:40
rlandy|ruckmarios: sure13:40
mariosrlandy|ruck: k i'll send invite call in an hour half past k? thanks13:40
rlandy|ruckquiquell|rover; arxcruz: must be different if you got to tempest13:41
* rlandy|ruck creates13:41
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: ack13:41
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: last piece to have stein at cockpit
rlandy|ruckquiquell|rover: +2'ed - hoping no damage13:44
arxcruzrlandy|ruck: quiquell|rover yeah  is already on the right place13:45
openstackLaunchpad bug 1821690 in tripleo "periodic-ovb-1ctlr_1comp-featureset020-master fails tempest test_auto_allocate_network tempest.api.compute.images.test_images" [High,Triaged] - Assigned to Arx Cruz (arxcruz)13:45
rlandy|ruckarxcruz: diff problem - this failure doesn't even reach tempest - you're off the hook for this one ")13:46
ykarelquiquell|rover, so centoci/stein.yml not needed, only centosci/stein-current-tripleo needed13:47
ykarelquiquell|rover, for background you can check comments in
chandankumarweshay|ruck: fedora taiga board
quiquell|roverykarel: can you add a comment to the review ?13:47
quiquell|roverykarel: well I do13:48
arxcruzrlandy|ruck: ack13:48
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quiquell|roverykarel: added comments to the centosci stein
quiquell|roverykarel: let's merge that13:49
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: another promoter for fedora fix
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: looks like is failing trying to get the phase1 promotion name13:50
weshay|ruckpanda give me a few min13:53
rlandy|ruckquiquell|rover: is that correct? we truly don;t want phase 1 Fedora?13:53
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: then we put an empty section13:53
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: whatever we prefer13:53
rlandy|ruckreading bug13:55
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: ack13:55
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: I see exception at fedora promoter log13:55
rlandy|ruckfor sure getting rid of current-tripleo-rdo-internal: current-tripleo-rdo is correct13:55
rlandy|ruckI am sure you see a failure13:55
rlandy|ruckbut checking if commenting out is the right fix13:56
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: one thing we can do13:56
rlandy|ruckworked before?13:56
quiquell|roveris add a [current-tripleo-rdo] section with commented job or empty13:56
quiquell|roverso it does not fail if current-tripleo-rdo: current-tripleo is present13:56
quiquell|roverwhatever you see it's better13:56
rlandy|ruckquiquell|rover: ok because #periodic-tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone-master was commented out before13:57
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: hummm13:57
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: now that I think of13:57
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: we have to really comment phase1 we don't want a DLRN promotion to phase113:57
* rlandy|ruck makes quiquell|rover crazy asking questions13:57
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: if we add an empty phase1 section it will do a promotion13:57
rlandy|ruckquiquell|rover: something is not quite right13:58
rlandy|ruckeither we ditch the whole section or not13:58
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: if we don't13:58
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: we will do a promotion to phase1 too13:58
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: but we have no fedora jobs there13:58
rlandy|ruckquiquell|rover: k - so kill it13:58
rlandy|ruckmore legit13:58
rlandy|ruckthan pretending we do13:59
quiquell|roverthen let's merge it how it is right no w13:59
rlandy|ruckor we need phase 1 jobs13:59
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: phase1 is centosci13:59
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: we can run fedora there ?13:59
rlandy|ruckyeah -13:59
quiquell|roverI mean [centos]ci13:59
quiquell|roveror it's just naming ?13:59
rlandy|ruckidk - depends on the nodes they provide13:59
rlandy|ruckit's run by centos13:59
rlandy|ruckquiquell|rover: let's discuss at monday's meeting14:00
rlandy|ruckwill approve for the moment14:00
rlandy|ruckquiquell|rover: my job for this afternoon is getting rid of all and any phase 2 mess in those files14:01
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zbri am back....14:09
ykarelquiquell|rover, ack14:10
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weshay|ruckpanda please join14:12
pandaweshay|ruck: I was there for 10 minutes, then the connection went down14:14
pandaweshay|ruck: I'm there again14:14
weshay|ruckpanda ha.. sorry I was in another blue14:15
zbrdoes anyone know why see 403 instead of 200 on some rdo images? cannot reproduce locally.14:16
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quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: we have more of it ?14:21
quiquell|roverpanda: you around ?14:22
rlandy|ruckykarel: re: looks to have been recently fixed in master - still failing in stein14:22
openstackLaunchpad bug 1823347 in tripleo "periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp-featureset021-stein is failing overcloud deploy - ERROR configuring ovn_controller" [Critical,Triaged]14:22
rlandy|ruckany thoughts14:22
pandaquiquell|rover: in a meeting, talking aslo about the hash promotion14:22
quiquell|roverpanda: ack14:22
ykarelrlandy|ruck, looking14:23
rlandy|ruckwas looking at this
rlandy|ruckthere is no stable/stein branch on tht yet14:23
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pandaquiquell|rover: we'll probably keep the single point of promotion to tripleo-ci-testing for all the distributions14:26
quiquell|roverpanda: ack, that was my question14:26
rlandy|ruckykarel: no worries to investigate if you don't know off hand - just asking of this is known to you14:26
quiquell|roverpanda: Still don't really get we cannot separate them14:26
quiquell|roverykarel: so centoci stein release file is good to merge ?14:27
pandaquiquell|rover: we are trying as much as possibile to keep al the distro at the same hash, for developers's sake14:27
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pandaquiquell|rover: even if they don't end up promoteing all the same hash14:27
quiquell|roverpanda: ack fair enoough14:27
zbrweshay|ruck: let me know when you have some time to help me understand some stuff about release configs.14:29
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: let's keep to see if images disappear or not after skiping qcow_tag14:29
openstackLaunchpad bug 1823173 in tripleo " images are missing" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Quique Llorente (quiquell)14:29
ykarelrlandy|ruck, okk , is it happening only to stein, and multiple times?14:30
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rlandy|ruckquiquell|rover: ack14:30
ykareltripleo should be same for both master and stein14:30
rlandy|ruckykarel: it was happening at master until two days ago14:30
ykarelquiquell|rover, +1 for me for stein release14:30
rlandy|ruckit should be14:30
rlandy|ruckquiquell|rover; I will watch images this afternoon14:31
rlandy|ruckykarel: in fact fs021 has never passed in stein14:31
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* rlandy|ruck has meeting - will follow up later14:31
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quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: stein fs002 upload is failing at tempest14:31
rlandy|ruckquiquell|rover; k - will create bug/investigate after meeting14:32
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quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck: could be same thing14:32
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp- (2 more messages)14:32
ykarelquiquell|rover, this test is same which was skipped in master ^^ and has a bug14:33
quiquell|roverykarel: so we have to backport the skip ?14:33
ykarelquiquell|rover, you need to check where is the fix for master14:34
quiquell|roverykarel: do you happen to have the review with fix ?14:34
ykarelquiquell|rover, nope14:34
ykarelyou can check the bug14:34
ykareliirc arxcruz was working on it14:34
quiquell|roverarxcruz: do you have a bug for master version of this error ?   ±z14:35
arxcruzykarel: quiquell|rover this test should be skipped14:35
quiquell|roverarxcruz: there is no fix at master ?14:35
arxcruzquiquell|rover: tl;dr let me check14:36
quiquell|roverarxcruz: ack thanks14:36
arxcruzohhhh this is stein, yeah, we fix only in master14:36
arxcruzsorry, didn't knew stein also have this problem14:36
arxcruzi'll submit a patch14:36
quiquell|roverarxcruz: no one knows ye t14:37
quiquell|roverarxcruz: this is new promotion pipeline14:37
quiquell|roverarxcruz: I am going to open the LP14:37
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arxcruzquiquell|rover: you can duplicate no ?14:37
arxcruzand mark as stein14:37
quiquell|roverarxcruz: do you have the LP for master issue ?14:37
quiquell|roverarxcruz: I think so14:37
openstackLaunchpad bug 1821690 in tripleo "periodic-ovb-1ctlr_1comp-featureset020-master fails tempest test_auto_allocate_network tempest.api.compute.images.test_images" [High,Triaged] - Assigned to Arx Cruz (arxcruz)14:38
quiquell|roverarxcruz: is not closed let's just use the same bug14:38
arxcruzquiquell|rover: okay14:38
arxcruzit will not be closed soon tbh14:39
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arxcruzquiquell|rover: is this happening in the other releases?14:39
arxcruzjust wondering if i need to add the test on other skip lists too14:39
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quiquell|roverarxcruz: featureset002 working fine at rocky and queens14:40
arxcruzquiquell|rover: ok14:40
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quiquell|roverarxcruz: stein release works with this skip list or we have to test it ?14:45
arxcruzquiquell|rover: yes, stein works with stein14:45
quiquell|roverarxcruz: ack merging14:46
arxcruzquiquell|rover: ok14:46
quiquell|roverrlandy|ruck|mtg: ^ looks like for fs002 stein we just have to skip the test, we have same issue, is all in the ether14:46
quiquell|rovergoing to drop now14:47
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weshay|ruckrlandy|ruck|mtg one of the things ruck/rover should accomplish this sprint is getting the standalone ci job for the reproducer to run in full15:15
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weshay|rucklibvirt standalone is not working :(15:15
rlandy|ruckweshay|ruck: k - was just chatting with marios- will look15:15
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mariosthanks for your time rlandy|ruck15:21
rlandy|ruckmarios: sure - good to get this finally sorted out15:22
zbrweshay|ruck: go much better, only 3 tests failing now at
weshay|ruckk cool15:31
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marioshave a good w/e folks /me starts shutdown15:44
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weshay|ruckarxcruz you have some doc failure
weshay|ruck2019-04-05 13:44:51.096952 | ubuntu-bionic | sphinx.errors.ExtensionError: Could not import extension yasfb (exception: cannot import name 'logging')15:57
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rlandy|ruckweshay|ruck: easy review
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weshay|ruckrlandy|ruck|brb hit me when ur back16:32
* weshay|ruck has a zuul question16:32
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp- (2 more messages)16:32
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* rlandy|ruck hits weshay|ruck 16:52
weshay|ruckhowdy.. may I show you what I'm up to16:53
* weshay|ruck needs advice16:53
rlandy|ruckweshay|ruck: sure16:53
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zbrweshay|ruck: ping17:06
weshay|ruckhey.. zbr debugging something w/ rlandy|ruck whta's up17:09
zbrping me after17:09
zbri wonder if there is a programatic way to detect if a release happened or not, for example I would like check if stein is an unreleased release or already released. (if via curl, even better).17:11
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zbrweshay|ruck: what can you tell me about these two invalid urls?
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vinayknsweshay|ruck: I'm doing a oooq deployment with tls enabled, I'm hitting
rfolcowho's lucky here huh?!
zbrrlandy|ruck: congrats on your copy of 20k leagues under the sea ;)18:02
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp- (2 more messages)18:32
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weshay|ruckvinaykns what release is that?19:49
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vinayknsthat one isn't up to date, I've tried the deployment again with the latest upstrema master19:51
vinayknsand still I could see
vinayknspretty much the same19:51
weshay|ruckvinaykns  perhaps you can write up a launchpad and upload some logs19:56
weshay|ruckvinaykns not seeing anything like that in lp19:57
weshay|ruckrlandy|ruck fyi.. build_set_url =
rlandy|ruckweshay|ruck: dynamically set?19:58
rlandy|ruckor you define that in the job?19:59
weshay|ruckrlandy|ruck ya.. /me adding to the def for the job ya19:59
weshay|ruckfor now19:59
vinayknsokay..will do that..20:00
rlandy|ruckweshay|ruck: must be pulled from somewhere20:00
rlandy|ruckanyways - at least you can test20:00
weshay|ruckrlandy|ruck the change where the tar was taken from
weshay|ruckthis job afaict.. legacy-validate-buildsys-tags20:01
ykarel|awayrlandy|ruck, those rdoinfo jobs always run with some parent job which creates artifacts20:01
ykarel|awayyes right20:01
ykarel|awaythat is the job20:01
rlandy|ruckack - yes20:01
rlandy|ruckwe were missing the var definition20:02
weshay|ruckrlandy|ruck in theory.. we could add that to the template if the job is from rdoinfo20:02
weshay|ruckykarel|away sleep my brotha20:02
ykarel|awayweshay|ruck, yes going in some time :)20:03
ykarel|awaysaw discussion regarding rdoinfo so jumped20:03
weshay|ruckperhaps I need to add that variable to the exception list to :(20:04
weshay|ruckI should have to.. we haven't hit any tripleo-ci playbooks at that point20:07
weshay|ruck should be a role20:08
weshay|ruckoh.. this breaks beause it's pulled in as a dep20:13
weshay|ruckrlandy|ruck did you see any config diff between fs20 and 2120:20
rlandy|ruckweshay|ruck: actually just doing that comparison now20:20
rlandy|ruckthe repos are the same but the fs are diff20:20
rlandy|ruckin a few settings20:20
rlandy|ruckenable_pacemaker: false20:21
rlandy|rucknetwork_isolation: false20:21
weshay|ruckrlandy|ruck OH20:21
weshay|ruckwhich has pacemaker false?20:21
weshay|ruckthat will make it fail?20:21
rlandy|ruckas well as a bunch of other stuff20:21
rlandy|ruckweshay|ruck: but passes in master20:21
rlandy|ruckweshay|ruck: look at this ...20:21
rlandy|ruckfor master20:21
weshay|ruckrlandy|ruck there was a bug on that a few weeks ago20:21
weshay|ruckya.. fixed in master20:22
weshay|ruckbut stein is older20:22
rlandy|ruckjust got fixed20:22
weshay|ruckmay still be busted there20:22
rlandy|ruckbut stein still fails20:22
rlandy|ruckcan you paste that bug20:22
weshay|ruckbut.. pacemaker false is no longer a thing we should do20:22
rlandy|ruckthat is exactly what I was looking for20:22
rlandy|rucka missed backport20:22
weshay|ruckrlandy|ruck there are no backports20:22
weshay|ruckstein hasn't branched20:22
rlandy|ruckweshay|ruck: so change the fs?20:22
weshay|ruckwhat you are testing is just old master20:22
rlandy|ruckwhat about no net iso?20:22
weshay|rucklet's look at it20:23
rlandy|ruckweshay|ruck: k - bj?20:23
weshay|ruckrlandy|ruck imho they should be the same except for repos20:23
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp- (2 more messages)20:32
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1823347 in tripleo "periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp-featureset021-stein is failing overcloud deploy - ERROR configuring ovn_controller" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Ronelle Landy (rlandy)20:45
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp- (2 more messages)22:32
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