Tuesday, 2019-04-02

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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @ https://review.openstack.org/604298, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039 @  (2 more messages)00:30
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @ https://review.openstack.org/604298, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039 @  (2 more messages)02:30
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @ https://review.openstack.org/604298, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039 @  (2 more messages)04:30
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quiquellrfolco: stein promoter log path is wrong, that's why we cannot see the log, will change it05:49
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: o/05:50
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Looks like /dev/log disappear in the middle of standalone deployment05:50
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quiquellsshnaidm|rover: in the reproducer05:51
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quiquellmarios_|ruck: first step for promoter for stein https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19335/ <- parameterize stuff06:19
marios_|ruckquiquell: ack will check06:22
quiquellmarios_|ruck: is not a big refactor on promoter should be safe06:23
quiquellmarios_|ruck: workflow it if you see it's ok06:23
marios_|ruckquiquell: i dont have core there06:26
marios_|ruckquiquell: so can't06:26
quiquellmarios_|ruck: ack06:27
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @ https://review.openstack.org/604298, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039 @ https://review.openstack.org/602248, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7 (1 more message)06:30
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quiquellsshnaidm|rover: promoter config for fedora/stein06:50
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19888/06:50
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marios_|ruckarxcruz: chandankumar kopecmartin folks can you check here when you have a minute please - is that right? comment #9 https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/182169007:48
openstackLaunchpad bug 1821690 in tripleo "periodic-ovb-1ctlr_1comp-featureset020-master fails tempest test_auto_allocate_network tempest.api.compute.images.test_images" [High,Triaged] - Assigned to Arx Cruz (arxcruz)07:48
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chandankumarmarios_|ruck: sure will take a look in sometime07:58
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marios_|ruckchandankumar: thank07:59
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marios_|rucksshnaidm|rover: looks like new queens undercloud-upgrade issue gonna file the bug in a sec added note on etherpad for now07:59
chandankumarsshnaidm|rover: i have changed fs039 tempest format to pkg08:00
chandankumarsshnaidm|rover: is there a way to reproduce it locally?08:00
quiquellmarios_|ruck: fixed https://review.openstack.org/64890208:00
marios_|ruckquiquell: undercloud upgrade?08:02
marios_|ruckquiquell: looking08:02
quiquellmarios_|ruck: nop tripleo-repos role fix for stein08:02
marios_|ruckquiquell: k08:03
quiquellmarios_|ruck: replacing release with ci_branch08:03
sshnaidm|rovermarios_|ruck, o/08:03
sshnaidm|roverchandankumar, not currently :(08:03
marios_|rucksshnaidm|rover: never mind, its that we have bug alread https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/182208008:04
openstackLaunchpad bug 1822080 in tripleo "periodic centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp-featureset020-queens failing tempest "Endpoint not found"" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Martin Kopec (mkopec)08:04
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, /dev/log doesn't disappear in libvirt case, right?08:04
marios_|rucksshnaidm|rover: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1822120 that one sorry :D08:05
openstackLaunchpad bug 1822120 in tripleo "[CI][Queens] undercloud-upgrade task fails due to rabbitmq" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Cédric Jeanneret (cjeanner)08:05
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: have just tested RDO case08:06
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: it disappear in the middle of the run08:06
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: at the beginning is all ok08:07
quiquellmaybe standalone job restart the node and cloud-init prevent a proper setup ?08:07
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: so to remove cloud init just package remove cloud-init is enough ?08:08
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arxcruzmarios_|ruck: sorry, i'll take a look, it's been a busy week :/08:11
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, let's try it:  https://review.rdoproject.org/r/1989308:13
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: I was doing it at pre.yaml08:14
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: But let's just try  at cloud_config we will have to fix too for dnf if it works though08:14
marios_|ruckarxcruz: np thanks when you have time. just trying to understand if we're done there. it will come up again in tomorrow escalation call (related https://trello.com/c/im5WRPw4/926-cixlp1821690tripleo-ci-tempest-testautoallocatenetwork-tempestapicomputeimagestestimages#comment-5ca208dadf5d3508f45a22b6 )08:16
arxcruzmarios_|ruck: we are not yet08:16
marios_|ruckarxcruz: don't tell me. tell launchpad when you get a minute please thanks ;D08:16
arxcruzi didn't have success to create an environment to test what's going on08:16
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: can we merge this ? https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19335/08:17
arxcruzmarios_|ruck: done08:18
marios_|ruckack  thank you arxcruz08:18
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, done08:19
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, I'll try to reboot it after also, will see how zuul will handle it08:21
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, maybe there is some timeout to wait for host and we can use it..08:22
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Running your review now08:22
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Let's see08:22
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zbrhi i am back, who needs help?08:25
quiquellzbr: hello there08:26
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @ https://review.openstack.org/604298, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039 @ https://review.openstack.org/602248, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7 (1 more message)08:30
zbrquiquell: i started to look at tasks part of 837 epic like https://tree.taiga.io/project/tripleo-ci-board/task/871 -- but i am not sure what needs to be done on it. both CR are merged and last comment from wes seems addressed.08:33
zbrrfolco: ^ ?08:34
quiquellzbr: There is stuff to review08:38
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zbrout of curiosity, when is likely for ocata to reach EOL?08:49
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zbrquiquell: i added few comments on https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19846/'08:52
quiquellzbr: looking thanks !08:57
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: same error with removing cloud-init :-/09:07
zbrquiquell: small nit on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/648902/3 -- if you want I can fix it myself.09:08
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, try to add "reboot" after "yum remove" command09:08
quiquellzbr: try not to add patchsets to reviews09:13
quiquellzbr: can be problematic09:13
quiquellzbr: will fix give me a sec09:13
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zbrquiquell: sure, just let me know if you want me to update one. today I am focused on reviews.09:14
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zbrquiquell: any reason why https://review.openstack.org/#/c/648950/2 has a WIP ?09:25
quiquellzbr: It's going to be bigger than this like really documenting stuff and refactoring09:32
quiquellzbr: maybe next sprint09:32
zbrquiquell: limit scope, the original remark on the current sprint asked about this minor fix. lets merge it before, and let other refactorings for planning.09:33
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zbrif bigger work is needed, it deserves a card. but this is minor and I would have included in the original change (nothing wrong to do it outside).09:34
chandankumarzbr: Hello09:41
chandankumarzbr: http://logs.openstack.org/80/648680/5/check/tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-os-tempest/2fc7e12/logs/ara_oooq/ara-report/result/4125c788-594e-44c4-80e9-fb64ef3b6af0/09:41
chandankumarzbr: I am hitting template error https://review.openstack.org/#/c/648678/4/playbooks/tempest.yml09:42
chandankumarplease have a look when free!09:42
zbrlooking now...09:42
zbrchandankumar: wondering if this a bug in older ansible, testing now.09:44
zbrchandankumar: first error: item in allowed_services -- no quotes09:46
zbryou must avoid using{{ }}09:46
zbrchandankumar: i fixed it, lets see how it runs now.09:49
chandankumarzbr: yes, cool, got it09:49
chandankumarlook for var in var_list09:50
chandankumarnormal syntex09:50
zbri use ansible 2.7 locally so there is a risk of finding surprises on older versions.09:50
quiquellzbr: fixed https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19846/09:55
quiquellzbr: about https://review.openstack.org/#/c/648950/2 is already commented that we will doo the stein part at this sprint and that in the next, but I did start it09:55
zbrquiquell: ok. now lets get help to review/merge it,. marios_|ruck sshnaidm|rover please help on https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19846/09:58
zbrquiquell: can I please fix https://review.openstack.org/#/c/648950/1 so we can merge it?09:58
marios_|ruckzbr: ack will check in bit but am not core there anyway09:59
quiquellzbr: ahh I forgot09:59
quiquellzbr: let me address that09:59
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quiquellzbr: fixed https://review.openstack.org/64895010:01
zbrquiquell: now one trick that you could do is to rebase your 647419 change on top of ^ -- so they will both merge quickly, otherwise you will have to rework it later.10:03
quiquellzbr: we don't want to merge that10:04
quiquellzbr: more refactor on emit releases will be done10:04
quiquellzbr: only the stein part is going to be merged (if possible)10:04
quiquellzbr: This is what I understood from yesterday10:04
chandankumararxcruz: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/648110/ please rebase it so that we can start adding os_tempest periodic scenario jobs10:17
zbrquiquell: i think you need to rework https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/18892/ a little bit10:24
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @ https://review.openstack.org/604298, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039 @ https://review.openstack.org/602248, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7 (1 more message)10:30
quiquellzbr: let rebase10:30
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arxcruzchandankumar: done10:44
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zbrmarios_|ruck or quiquell : simple https://review.openstack.org/#/c/645166/11:03
chandankumaroh no a small typo11:07
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chandankumarzbr: by the way http://logs.openstack.org/80/648680/5/check/tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-os-tempest/caf7638/logs/ara_oooq/ara-report/result/42dd0d18-f3ad-4e0b-9377-18b91fd44939/ is working11:12
chandankumarzbr: but due to typo in var it does not installed anything in job11:12
chandankumarfixed it right now, waiting for next run11:12
chandankumarthanks for the help :-)11:12
quiquellzbr: arrived late at https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/tripleo-common/plain/tripleo_common/image/builder/buildah.py?h=refs/changes/50/649250/311:15
quiquellzbr: I mean https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/tripleo-common/plain/tripleo_common/image/builder/buildah.py?h=refs/changes/50/649250/311:15
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: standalone + repro + cloud-init fix working :-)11:20
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: it's at tempest now11:20
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, \o/11:20
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: we have to fix it for fedora aka dnf11:20
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, yeah, will do11:22
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, what's good - with update we don't need to update images anymore11:23
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, that's fine just to run dnf/yum update and restart11:23
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, and we can use the same images, making them public11:23
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: well updates takes time...11:24
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, not much though11:24
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: I would still prefer to use upstream images11:24
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: we don't know what else could be there11:24
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: but at least it has less priority since ours are updated now11:24
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, it worked that way with old reproducer always11:24
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: then let's forbout about updte images for now11:25
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: and if we find issues let's do that11:25
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, if we find way to make image cloud-wide public I'm only for using upstream images11:25
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quiquellsshnaidm|rover: we are already using cloud-wide public images11:26
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, what do you mean?11:27
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quiquellupstream-cloudinit-centos-7 image are public11:29
quiquellthey make that public11:29
quiquellBut don't know if we can make that automatic11:29
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, we need ask kforde every time to do it11:47
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, and I'm not sure these images are cloud public yet..11:48
quiquellnah let's just forget for now11:49
weshayquiquell sshnaidm|rover you guys solve the issue w/ the repro?11:59
quiquellweshay: look like https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19893/12:00
quiquellweshay: sshnaidm|rover put a patch to cleanup cloud-init and update images12:01
quiquellweshay: I have test it and it has pass standalone deploy12:01
quiquellYep  I have a SUCCESS here so it's working12:02
weshaywtf.. how does cloud-init fuck that up12:05
weshaythat was crazy12:05
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sshnaidm|roverweshay, it could be update also..12:06
sshnaidm|rovertesting with OVB now, it may require additional fixes for it12:06
rfolcoquiquell, promoter path, where is the patch ?12:11
quiquellrfolco: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19888/12:11
quiquellrfolco: now we can do QE at promoter it should beok now12:12
quiquellrfolco: also containers at fedora/stein are ther e12:12
rfolcoquiquell, how did you verify?12:13
quiquellrfolco: well it's expecting that path12:14
quiquellrfolco: but didn't run a private promoter though :-/12:14
quiquellweshay: what do we do whit stein emiter ? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/64741912:14
rfolcoquiquell, trunk.registry.rdoproject.org/...12:15
weshayya.. I'm so locked down w/ bs meetings atm12:15
weshayhaving trouble getting to that12:15
quiquellrfolco: added my comment back to https://review.openstack.org/#/c/648485/12:15
quiquellrfolco: maybe I am wrong and that is testing elsewhere ?12:15
quiquellrfolco: you mean verify containers12:16
quiquellrfolco: use skope, give me a sec will give you command12:16
rfolcoquiquell, yes, there is no web like docker has12:16
rfolcodockerhub I mean12:17
quiquellrfolco: so first we go to the review https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19819/12:17
quiquellrfolco: then in the job we take one of the pushed images http://logs.rdoproject.org/19/19819/9/check/periodic-tripleo-fedora-28-stein-containers-build-push/cbeb6ad/12:17
quiquellrfolco: for example trunk.registry.rdoproject.org/tripleostein/fedora-binary-base:a3a7c66ff3e578384135f7adccdf0ca18ea09d34_d70f8b2912:18
quiquellrfolco: skopeo inspect docker://trunk.registry.rdoproject.org/tripleostein/fedora-binary-base:a3a7c66ff3e578384135f7adccdf0ca18ea09d34_d70f8b2912:19
quiquellrfolco: that's working fine12:19
quiquellrfolco: and now same thing ro dockerhub12:19
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quiquellrfolco: skopeo inspect docker://docker.io/tripleostein/fedora-binary-base:a3a7c66ff3e578384135f7adccdf0ca18ea09d34_d70f8b2912:20
quiquellrfolco: they are there12:20
quiquellrfolco: so I think the behaviour is changed here and something is missing, but maybe I am wrong https://review.openstack.org/#/c/648485/12:20
quiquellrfolco: let's clarify to merge this12:21
rfolcoquiquell, ok thanks12:21
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chandankumararxcruz: now we can install tempest plugins also in os_temepst easily http://logs.openstack.org/80/648680/5/check/tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-os-tempest/a218fe6/logs/ara_oooq/ara-report/result/7e6ec142-a6a6-4e54-a4d1-97ddc7c0d151/12:26
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rfolcoquiquell, why you want to handle f29 case now?12:27
rfolcoquiquell, the code is handling f28 and centos712:28
quiquellrfolco: This was just an example, previous version was going to fail with something like that current one is not12:28
quiquellrfolco: but also stuff different from fedora28 and centos7 is going to pass and it was not the case before12:28
weshayrfolco f29 for which bit?12:28
rfolcoquiquell, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/648485/1/tripleo_repos/main.py12:28
quiquellrfolco: I mean fedora28 and centos7 with != master12:28
rfolcoweshay, ^12:28
quiquellrfolco: more than f28 is about passing something that is not fedora28 or centos7 stuff12:29
rfolcook so if any other distro, only master is ok12:29
quiquellrfolco: before we were failing12:29
quiquellrfolco: yep12:29
quiquellthat's it12:29
rfolcoquiquell, arriba muchacho12:29
rfolcoquiquell, :)12:30
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @ https://review.openstack.org/604298, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039 @ https://review.openstack.org/602248, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7 (1 more message)12:30
marios_|ruckweshay: call?12:31
weshaymarios_|ruck I sent an email update about that meeting12:31
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marios_|ruckweshay: ok we me emilien jaosorior and jpena were on the call12:33
marios_|ruckweshay: we just dropped12:34
weshayk.. man12:34
weshayI scheduled that meeting months ago12:34
marios_|rucki went and washed my face for nothing man12:34
weshaymarios_|ruck bathing is so overrated12:35
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rlandyrfolco; branching meeting?12:42
rfolcorlandy, :O12:43
rfolco1 min12:43
rlandyI joined and nobody was there so left12:43
rfolcorlandy, I forgot about this one... ok so no show?12:45
rlandyrfolco: it was no show from what I could tell12:46
rlandyrfolco: sshnaidm|rover: could we get the final word on https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19580/? ditch the review or not?12:47
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, I left comments there12:48
rlandysshnaidm|rover: iiuc, you think we need nothing of that review12:48
rfolcorlandy, the task seems to be a no-op change. I'd just comment in the task what are the jobs in 3rd party that will run for stein. Make sense?12:50
jdennisI'm trying to do a oooq deployment with a supplemental node but the network service on the supplementation is failing with this error: "Device eth1 does not seem to be present", the undercloud node seems to have deployed OK and has eth0 and eth1, any idea of what went wrong on the supplemental node and how to fix it?12:50
rlandysshnaidm|rover: rfolco: the vexxhost job is legit12:51
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rlandyI will confirm with weshay12:52
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sshnaidm|roverrlandy, it's already there12:52
rfolcoif not blocking stein in branches regex, we're covered12:53
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sshnaidm|roverrlandy, https://github.com/rdo-infra//rdo-jobs/blob/master/zuul.d/ovb-jobs.yaml#L23312:54
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rfolcoquiquell, there is no need to add a else or elif12:55
rfolcoquiquell, other distros won't be considered12:55
quiquellrfolco: nope ? were is the check  ?12:55
rfolcoquiquell, there is a check ...12:55
rfolco    if distro not in SUPPORTED_DISTROS:12:55
rfolcoso only f28 and centos7 are accepted12:56
rfolcocentos7 works for non master12:56
rfolcof28 I added the condition, only stein12:56
rfolcoquiquell, it looks good to me12:58
quiquellrfolco: then we are all good12:59
quiquellrfolco: will remove my -1 do  you have a pointer to SUPPORTED_DISTROS ?12:59
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quiquell|lunchrfolco++ unit test was the propert thing13:03
hubbot1quiquell|lunch: rfolco's karma is now 413:03
quiquell|lunchrfolco: +w it13:03
rfolcoquiquell|lunch, thank you for your patience :)13:03
quiquell|lunchrfolco: what pieces do we miss for the stein enchilada ?13:04
quiquell|lunchrfolco: don't know what to do with stein emit releases13:04
quiquell|lunchrfolco: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/64741913:04
quiquell|lunchrfolco: apart from adding a proper commit message13:04
quiquell|lunchjaosorior: +A to be able to bypass push at buildah builder https://review.openstack.org/#/c/649250/ ?13:06
rfolcorlandy, https://tree.taiga.io/project/tripleo-ci-board/task/871 --> promoter path, quiquell|lunch fixed it, pls double check and close it13:11
zbrre emit releases, i would merge https://review.openstack.org/#/c/648950/ first <-- rlandy marios_|ruck13:13
quiquell|lunchzbr: that's was only part my idea is to do the sme at all unit tests13:15
rfolcorlandy, sshnaidm|rover marios_|ruck weshay zbr: review this quick one pls: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/648485/13:17
marios_|ruckrfolco: quique beat you to it 15 mins ago apparently13:18
marios_|ruckor wrong link13:18
rfolcomarios_|ruck, ah +w already13:19
quiquell|lunchmarios_|ruck, rfolco: I am brainless merger13:21
rfolcoquiquell|lunch, +1 on your emit_releases patches... if you have one more update, please add some code comments so next update (train) this will be easier13:22
rlandyrfolco: looking13:23
quiquell|lunchrlandy: idea is to refactor this after stein so it's easier to modify13:24
quiquell|lunchThis was for rfolco13:24
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marios_|rucksshnaidm|rover: almost there .... https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20190403T18&p0=680&font=cursive&csz=113:25
marios_|ruckalso end sprint 7 ! ^ merge merge merge13:26
marios_|ruck(but please don't break any jobs thanks)13:26
rlandyrfolco: k - looking13:26
sshnaidm|rovermarios_|ruck, lol13:27
rfolcorlandy, I just received invitation for branching sync mtg, but the time is in the past....13:29
sshnaidm|rovermarios_|ruck, are you drawing lines on your room wall?13:29
rlandyrfolco: don't worry about it - I think everyone thought it was a no show13:30
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marios_|rucksshnaidm|rover: of course ;)13:30
marios_|rucksshnaidm|rover: man i was really hoping to end with queens promotion but not sure now... maybe13:31
marios_|rucksshnaidm|rover: the queens bugs are now blocking each other. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/649084/ will fix the promotion blocker but is blocked on that bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/182212013:31
openstackLaunchpad bug 1822120 in tripleo "[CI][Queens] undercloud-upgrade task fails due to rabbitmq" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Cédric Jeanneret (cjeanner)13:31
sshnaidm|rovermarios_|ruck, yeah, we need to figure out how was it possible to break it in so many ways..13:32
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zbrrfolco: please block https://review.openstack.org/#/c/648485/1 before it merges.13:33
zbrwe still need to be able to run fedora28 on master till we have centos813:34
rfolcozbr, re-read if statement13:35
rfolcoit does NOT block master for f2813:35
rfolcoit just blocks stable branches BEFORE stein13:35
zbrrfolco: aaah..13:35
zbrok. mea culpa13:36
rfolcozbr, thanks anyway for reviewing it. More eyes, more chances to be doing the right thing.13:37
sshnaidm|roverzbr, do you where is the ansible-lint rule about "Variables should have spaces before and after:" ?13:39
sshnaidm|roverzbr, it should be fixed..13:39
zbrsshnaidm|rover: what do youmean by it? you want to disable this rule?13:40
sshnaidm|roverzbr, I want to fix it13:41
zbrsshnaidm|rover: which repo, i can check. probably is not enabled everywhere.13:41
sshnaidm|roverzbr, http://logs.rdoproject.org/93/19893/3/check/tox-linters/aad9a4f/job-output.txt.gz13:42
zbr(me looking)13:44
rlandyquiquell: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/648950/ ready to go?13:46
marios_|rucksshnaidm|rover: that should help at least https://review.openstack.org/64903513:46
zbrsshnaidm|rover: that one is interesting, i am unable to reproduce that error locally. likely that it comes from code that is not in that change.13:46
quiquellrlandy: This is a WIP want to do the same for all the unit tests13:47
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quiquellrlandy: the important one for this sprint is this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/647419/13:49
quiquellrlandy: but don't know if weshay want to -2 this one and continue with fixing the script in the other13:49
rlandyquiquell; ack - was going to ask about that13:50
rlandy-2 from weshay is unusual13:50
quiquellrlandy: another important one is this https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19846/13:50
zbrrlandy: indeed. my guess was timing on that one.13:50
quiquellrlandy: yep he wanto to improve the script so it's easier to introduce changes13:50
quiquellrlandy: it has grow very badly13:50
quiquellhave to fix stein there too13:51
rlandyquiquell: k - merging https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19846/ - lgtm13:52
rlandymarios_|ruck: ^^ sorry in advance of possible breakage13:52
quiquellrlandy: wait I am fixing stein there13:52
quiquellrlandy: ok fixed look at it now13:53
rlandyquiquell: k - going now13:53
quiquelldo I activate fedora stein too ?13:53
quiquellin the dlrn-promoter.sh13:53
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marios_|ruckrlandy: ack (noooooooo) thanks13:54
rlandymarios_|ruck: from tomorrow it won't be your problem anymore :)13:54
quiquellrlandy: can you re-vote ? https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19846/13:55
quiquellrlandy: I have activate fedora-stein too13:55
rlandyyep - after zuul votes - you done now with changes :)?13:56
quiquellrlandy: no more sorry, all yours now13:56
rlandyok - here we go13:58
quiquellyey !13:58
rlandyquiquell: damage is done13:58
* rlandy QE's 871 now13:59
* quiquell prepares the helmet13:59
quiquellLet's ensure tha promoter take the changes13:59
quiquellstein logs should be there already13:59
rlandyright I need to see stein promote before confirming task done14:00
quiquellrlandy: not all jobs are passing14:00
quiquellrlandy: we need the emit releases fix14:00
rlandyquiquell: which one?14:01
quiquellrlandy: previews one with -2 from wes14:01
rfolcohttps://review.openstack.org/648950 and https://review.openstack.org/64895014:01
rfolcorlandy, ^14:01
marios_|rucktripleo weekly go wave14:02
quiquellrfolco, rlandy: this one https://review.openstack.org/#/c/647419/14:02
rlandyquiquell: rfolco: not sure we can override another core's -214:03
rfolcoits just weshay ignore him :)14:03
rfolcoI think his point was to get upgrade folks involved and write some comments / doc for better maintainability14:04
rfolcorlandy, quiquell ^14:04
rlandyrfolco: think he wanted quiquell to add doc, no?14:04
quiquellrlandy, rfolco: jfrancoa has already verify it, the failing standalone upgrade is legit now14:05
rlandyquiquell: I +2'ed it fwiw14:05
quiquellrlandy: don't know if I have to add it here or in the refacotring review14:05
rfolcoyes a small readme or code comments would help14:05
zbrsshnaidm|rover: try to rebase  https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19893/ on top of 56323067a946d83e6246c5058bbe4f494c7d8820 -- somehow rdo project does not allow me to do this, even if this is enabled for anyone on upstream.14:05
sshnaidm|roverzbr I have variable {{ var -}} and this rule sure detects "-" and requires a space to be before }}14:05
rlandyquiquell: rfolco: other reviews to vote on/merge?14:05
zbrsshnaidm|rover: is likely an already fixed bug in linter, bumping should about it but double check with ^'14:06
quiquellrfolco: going to move to done the #871 taiga task14:07
quiquellrlandy: promoter config14:07
rlandyrfolco: quiquell: no stein logs yet on
quiquellrlandy: I don't have any14:07
quiquellrlandy: that's bad14:07
quiquellrlandy: moved https://tree.taiga.io/project/tripleo-ci-board/task/871?kanban-status=1538166 to QE14:07
quiquellrlandy: Until we see logs there14:07
quiquellHave to drop in a few though14:08
rlandyquiquell: ack - I will wait for logs to confirm14:08
sshnaidm|roverzbr, ok, trying14:09
quiquellrlandy: promoter is at master14:09
rlandyk, waiting on stein14:10
zbrsshnaidm|rover: on the funny side, i encountered the same bug myself few weeks back, i remember a bump worked. still what I fail to understand is why I cannot reproduce it locally.14:10
quiquellrlandy: stein is the last one it will take some time14:10
quiquellhave to drop14:10
quiquellread you tomorrow guys14:10
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zbrsshnaidm|rover: i guess this PR is fixing the bug you found https://github.com/ansible/ansible-lint/pull/500#pullrequestreview-221687641 right?14:17
sshnaidm|roverzbr, yeah, but it's not merged yet, right?14:24
zbryep, in this case solution is to temporary add exclude for it, with comment pointing to the bug.14:24
zbrsshnaidm|rover: i will update your change and add the exclude. ok?14:24
zbror you can do it, just add # - '206'  ## temporary until https://github.com/ansible/ansible-lint/pull/500 is released.14:25
zbrto .ansible-lint file, there is another one there already.14:25
zbralways add link to bug when you do, so we would know when we can undo them14:26
zbri am now trying to wake the maintainer to merge it and make a release, usually he is very quick on stuff like this.14:26
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @ https://review.openstack.org/604298, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039 @ https://review.openstack.org/602248, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7 (1 more message)14:30
sshnaidm|roverzbr, better you'd do it14:34
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sshnaidm|roverquiquell|off, it's fine for ovb also: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19893/14:37
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marios_|ruckscenario 7 ready for review please https://review.openstack.org/631496 (env file) https://review.openstack.org/631497 (job definition)  https://tree.taiga.io/project/tripleo-ci-board/us/34114:41
marios_|ruckthank you14:41
rfolcomarios_|ruck, will review in a bit14:41
marios_|ruckrfolco: thx14:42
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sshnaidm|roverweshay, with that reproducer is great again: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/1989314:50
rlandycommunity meeting?14:51
weshayplease review https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/19893/14:53
weshaymarios_|ruck anything I can do to help you guys unblock queens?14:54
marios_|ruckweshay: well we're waiting on that fix for undercloud-upgrades at the moment14:55
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marios_|ruckweshay: otherwise not much we can do14:55
weshayk.. thanks14:55
marios_|ruckweshay: folks are on that afaics (dciabrin etc)14:55
weshayk k14:56
weshaymarios_|ruck everything else looks good to me.. :)14:57
rlandyweshay; pls see if you agree  that this card is now a no-op ... https://tree.taiga.io/project/tripleo-ci-board/task/885?kanban-status=144727614:57
rlandysee sshnaidm|rover and rfolco's comments14:57
marios_|ruckweshay: let's not dwell on that ! (master/rocky/pike promote again today)14:58
weshayya man :)14:58
weshayrlandy ya.. I think you are correct14:59
weshayat the same time.. diff task is ensuring tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-stein-branch14:59
rlandyweshay: k - abandoning review - moving card to done15:00
weshayrfolco rlandy is there a change that creates that job.. I think there is15:00
weshayrecalls seeing it last night15:00
rlandythis work was ignored and done elsewhere15:00
weshayrfolco I started the us-8 board15:00
weshaywhayutin•RDO-CI/TRIPLEO-QUICKSTART/review.rdoproject.org-config ᐅ  egrep -rn tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-stein-branch                                             master✔ thinkdoe ⌚ 9:01:5815:02
weshaywhayutin•RDO-CI/TRIPLEO-QUICKSTART/review.rdoproject.org-config ᐅ  cd ../rdo-jobs                                                                                                       master✔ thinkdoe ⌚ 9:02:0315:02
weshaywhayutin•RDO-CI/TRIPLEO-QUICKSTART/rdo-jobs ᐅ  egrep -rn tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-stein-branch                                                                 master✔ thinkdoe ⌚ 9:02:0615:02
weshaywhayutin•RDO-CI/TRIPLEO-QUICKSTART/rdo-jobs ᐅ15:02
weshayrfolco rlandy is there a patch up for that job?15:02
rlandythe branchful jobs were another task15:03
jdennisany thoughts on how to fix the "Device eth1 does not seem to be present" error I posted above ^^^15:03
weshayrlandy right.. but just want to confirm we have it.. no matter what task / epic it's in15:04
weshayjdennis can you please paste it, done't see it15:04
rlandyweshay: getting15:07
weshaysshnaidm|rover so the task I was reffering to was #670 run specific tempest tests on fs039  novajoin I think15:08
rlandyweshay: https://github.com/rdo-infra/rdo-jobs/blob/master/zuul.d/ovb-jobs.yaml#L20215:08
weshayappropriate for sprint 8 or still blocked15:08
weshayrlandy++ thanks15:09
hubbot1weshay: rlandy's karma is now 5115:09
jdennisweshay: oooq deploy with supplemental node, undercloud deploy was successful but on the supplemental node networking won't come up, journalctl on supplemental shows this error: "Device eth1 does not seem to be present", "Failed to start LSB: Bring up/down networking.". Note, the undercloud has both eth0 and eth1, but the supplemental seems to only have eth015:11
weshaysshnaidm|rover ^ is that image related? perhaps ovb has networking setup on the supp node and not sure how jdennis is trying it atm15:12
zbrrlandy or weshay: one liner https://review.openstack.org/#/c/648902/15:12
weshaysshnaidm|rover perhaps the virt config is off for the supp node in config?15:12
jdennisweshay: I did capture the full output of quickstart.sh at -vvvv log level if you want me to search for something15:13
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weshayjdennis if you can post it.. that would be helpful.. also make sure we have the quickstart.sh command used15:13
rlandyzbr: w+1ed https://review.openstack.org/#/c/648902/15:14
zbrrlandy: thanks.15:14
jdennisweshay: where would you like me to post it, it's too big for pastbin15:14
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zbrwas this expected? i do not see visible signs of the 10 retries at http://logs.openstack.org/26/645626/16/check/tripleo-ci-centos-7-containers-multinode-queens/1aca86a/job-output.txt.gz#_2019-04-02_12_10_13_87953115:22
weshayjdennis I guess any where you can :)15:23
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chandankumarsshnaidm|rover: zbr commented back on this review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/648678/815:36
weshaychandankumar arxcruz how we doing on the branching goal.. need anything from me?15:38
chandankumarweshay: branching is created for all tempest plugins15:39
chandankumarweshay: we have pinned most of the tempest plugins in rdoinfo15:39
chandankumarweshay: just waiting for new taggs to come up then we are done with pinning also15:39
weshaychandankumar arxcruz rock on w/ your bad selves :)15:42
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rfolcomarios_|ruck, rlandy sorry connection issues16:03
rlandyrfolco: marios_|ruck and I dropped16:04
marios_|ruckrfolco: ack we dropeed16:04
rlandynobody else there16:04
marios_|ruckrfolco: i thought maybe i have the power to rant people off bluejeans thanks for spoiling it16:04
rfolcomarios_|ruck, in my defense, we adjusted community mtg due to several conflicts, not my decision16:04
marios_|ruckrfolco: ack16:04
rfolcomarios_|ruck, I'll add a retro card to vote for a time that everyone is happy with and no more confusion16:05
marios_|ruckrfolco: already have one16:05
marios_|ruckrfolco: ;)16:05
marios_|ruckrfolco: https://trello.com/c/mT1yMZnq/838-improve-our-community-call16:05
rfolcothanks marios_|ruck16:06
rfolcohow your countdown16:07
marios_|ruck22 52 4116:07
rfolcoalmost there! be strong!16:07
rfolcobrb lunch16:07
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @ https://review.openstack.org/604298, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039 @ https://review.openstack.org/602248, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7 (1 more message)16:31
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rfolcoweshay, do you want me to create sprint 8 board or we need to chat first ?16:55
rfolcoweshay, def set_expectation(sprint_board):16:55
weshayrfolco I have16:55
weshaystart taking a look16:56
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rfolcoweshay, do you get free cycles to qe https://tree.taiga.io/project/tripleo-ci-board/task/877 or you need me to assign someone else?17:02
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rfolcoweshay, we need https://review.openstack.org/#/c/647419/ merged to get stein work done... some of the cards (branchful jobs) depend on this emit_releases to work17:14
rfolcoweshay, if a more formal doc is required we can work in a follow-up patch.17:15
weshayrfolco we just need to comb through it and code comment17:16
rfolcoweshay, ok, will talk to quiquell|off tomorrow morning about it. Please leave your requirements in comments there.17:18
rfolcoweshay, don't forget 877 depends-on emit_releases :)17:19
weshayrfolco I removed my -2, perhaps we make it a task in next sprint.. also verified stein branchful17:19
rfolcook cool17:19
rfolcosshnaidm|rover, if still around, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/647419/17:26
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @ https://review.openstack.org/604298, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001 @  (2 more messages)18:31
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rlandyhmmm ... still no stein jobs on
rlandyrfolco: ^^18:42
rfolcorlandy, did stein jobs ran after quiquell|off patch ?18:42
rlandyI think he kicked them18:43
weshayrfolco did you see my comments on stein promotion config18:43
rfolcoweshay, rlandy ok let me understand whats going on there18:44
rfolcoweshay, quiquell|off patch addressed that... rlandy I am trying to understand why logs are empty18:47
rfolcoweshay, ^18:47
rlandy^^ not merged yet18:47
rlandyrfolco: ^^ going to w+ that18:48
rfolcorlandy, thx18:48
rfolcorlandy, but this is unrelated, right?18:49
rlandywee need it anyways18:49
rfolcoyeah, I am looking into logs issue now18:49
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weshayis gerrit slow for you guys?18:58
rlandywhich gerrit?18:59
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sshnaidm|roverrlandy, do you have problems with resolving internal boxes names?19:34
rlandysshnaidm|rover: no - which boxes?19:38
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, see private19:38
rlandysshnaidm|rover: that hardware is down this week19:39
rlandydue to the lab move19:39
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, so its dns records is wiped out?19:39
rlandythe name will change19:39
rlandyas will the ip19:39
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, I see, and how do I know the new name?19:40
rlandyatm those boxes are physically disconnected19:40
rlandythe name should be the same - just with rdu2 - afaik19:40
rlandywe only expect access back on Friday19:41
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, ack19:41
rlandysshnaidm|rover: I will update the spreadsheet as soon as I get info from the lab move team19:41
sshnaidm|roverrlandy, great, thansk19:42
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rfolcorlandy, how do I know if dlrn script is being called ? I see now dlrn promoter running for master.... with ps ax |grep promoter19:52
rlandylook in the stein periodic jobs19:53
rlandyare we reporting  - step one19:53
rlandythen to see if the promoter is running, get on the server19:53
rlandycheck the cron19:53
rfolcoI am there19:54
rlandyis the stein section active?19:54
rlandyany errors you can see?19:54
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rlandymust be a reason for no logs19:54
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rfolcorlandy, is promoter sh script killed and reloaded with new version ? it runs in a loop with sleeps looks like.20:05
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rfolcorlandy, we need to manually kill it and reload ?20:06
rlandysubmitting change20:06
rfolcok np20:06
rlandyyou can run manual20:07
rlandyjust the stein part20:07
rlandyanf see what happens20:07
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rfolcobut I think the script is in memory did not get updated with the current contents of /home/centos/ci-config/ci-scripts/dlrnapi_promoter/dlrn-promoter.sh20:09
rfolcoso thats why it does not run20:09
rfolcorlandy, makes sense ?20:09
rlandypossibly - kill and restart20:09
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rfolcorlandy, ok, running manually -
rfolcoweshay, fyi ^20:17
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rfolcowe need to improve this bash promoter very badly20:18
weshayit's not bash20:18
rfolcohaving to kill the current process isn't right20:18
weshayrfolco isn't it a system service?20:19
rfolcothe bash that call all the python ones20:19
weshayrfolco ya.. but that's not what runs I think20:19
* weshay double checks20:19
rfolcops ax |grep promoter20:19
rfolcothis is not a cron20:19
rfolcoits a bash in loop sleeping for 10 min20:20
rfolcoweshay, at least this is what is running now there.20:20
weshay[centos@promoter ~]$20:20
weshayah it does kick the bash file20:20
weshaybut it's an installed service20:20
rfolcoright so need to restart service20:20
rfolcomy bad20:20
rfolcojust restart the service20:20
rfolcobut anyways, when we have an updated version, we need to restart service automatically20:21
rfolcoweshay, agree?20:21
weshayisn't that just a systemd option20:21
rlandycool - checking20:21
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weshayrfolco heh. it is set to restart=always20:23
weshaynot sure if that's working20:23
rfolcoweshay, restart when file is updated?20:23
rfolcoweshay, nothing crashed or failed20:23
weshayrfolco the config is updated every time the shell script is launched20:24
weshaywe do put it to sleep at the end https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.service.html20:26
weshay# Sleep 10 minutes20:26
weshay    sleep 60020:26
weshayI don't know what you found.. but everything you are saying.. I think is done20:26
rfolcothe config is updated, but the service is not reloaded20:27
rfolcoI don't see where this is happening20:27
weshayrfolco are you centos user?20:27
weshayrfolco tmux -a20:27
weshayrfolco sorry.. tmux a20:29
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @ https://review.openstack.org/604298, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001 @  (2 more messages)20:31
rfolcoweshay, reload not restart20:34
weshayor reload20:34
weshaythat's a good add20:34
weshayrfolco put up a review and we'll merge it20:34
rfolcoweshay, not sure we can reload itself20:34
rfolcoweshay, nice20:34
rfolcoweshay, thanks for your patience :)20:34
weshaynp.. it's how you get to the root of things :)20:35
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weshaysshnaidm|rover the repro is working for me.. got passed standalone deploy20:41
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rlandyrfolco: ok - moving card to done20:46
rlandy^^ failing20:47
rlandy2019-04-02 20:15:11,015 19661 ERROR    promoter u'current-tripleo-rdo'20:48
rlandyFAIL", "ERROR ========== fedora-binary-rsyslog-base IS NOT BUILT! FIX THIS ASAP! ==========", "FAIL", "ERROR =========== container list is empty THIS IS A CRITICAL BUG in the container push playbook"]}20:48
rlandyrfolco: ^^ known?20:48
weshayrlandy ah.. so something new has been added to tripleo-common20:51
weshayand it's not built yet20:51
weshaylet's see20:51
rlandyweshay: ok - so I am moving the promoter card to done20:51
rlandyas the basic promotion stuff is working20:51
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weshayrlandy rfolco https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-common/blame/master/container-images/overcloud_containers.yaml.j2#L90420:53
weshayhrm.. suspect20:53
weshaywe're missing a container20:53
* rlandy looks more20:54
weshaywhat happened here? https://console.registry.rdoproject.org/registry#/images/tripleostein20:55
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weshayrlandy ya.. so if the rdo registry is empty21:00
weshaywe'll get this problme21:01
weshaydid someone clean out the rdo registry of f28 stein?21:01
weshaythat is the issue afaict21:01
weshayrfolco ^ ?21:01
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rlandysomebody from infra?21:03
weshayrlandy I don't think we need to though21:04
weshayrlandy we should check that the f28 stein container build job is working though21:04
weshayit will update that for us21:04
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weshayrlandy https://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/builds?pipeline=openstack-periodic&job_name=periodic-tripleo-fedora-28-stein-containers-build-push21:05
weshaywhy is that happening21:05
weshaythere must be something borked w/ the fedora image or the zuul config21:06
rlandytripleo_repos.main.InvalidArguments: Branches only suppported with centos721:07
rlandyraise InvalidArguments('Branches only suppported with centos7')21:07
rlandyhttps://github.com/openstack-infra/tripleo-ci/commit/8a60923e841c080ba03f86eb8b80179b788c7b6e was supposed to fix release21:11
rlandydistro broken21:11
weshayrlandy ah I see21:12
* weshay opens a bug21:12
openstackLaunchpad bug 1822888 in tripleo "f28 container build broken by tripleo-repos InvalidArguments('Branches only suppported with centos7')" [Critical,Triaged]21:17
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rlandyweshay: wrt rhos-14 ... diff is here https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras/blob/cac8555a17cc9d48bd31a163222d62552c4615f7/roles/standalone/tasks/main.yml#L3821:38
rlandynote that only a few parameters are updated21:38
rlandyas opposed to the overcloud deploy (not standalone) where you can set multiple diff parameters21:39
weshayrlandy right.. for standalone21:40
weshaythis is what we were looking at a few weeks agao21:40
weshayyou get a template, then have to update it post creation21:40
weshaywhich is why there where all the backup files21:40
weshaythe registry was updated though in the job you sent me21:40
rlandyweshay: so ... we would need something like https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras/blob/master/roles/overcloud-prep-containers/templates/overcloud-prep-containers.sh.j2#L3421:40
rlandythe registry update is fine21:41
rlandyit's the ceph stuff21:41
weshayhow did you verify it was ceph21:41
weshayrlandy we can additional routines to update parts of the template21:41
weshayperhaps.. if ceph registry is not docker.io21:42
weshaywe update it all at once21:42
* rlandy looks into doing that21:42
rlandyadding a ceph piece21:42
rlandywe should be able to pass standalone_container_prep_options21:44
rlandybut unsure of syntax21:44
rlandydidn't like my first attempt :(21:45
rlandyand I dont see where that is actually picked up21:45
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weshayrlandy I have to take my kids to hebrew school.. I'll help tomorrow21:54
rlandyweshay: np - just experimenting21:55
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @ https://review.openstack.org/604298, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001 @  (2 more messages)22:31
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