Thursday, 2019-02-28

hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039 @  (2 more messages)00:10
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039 @  (2 more messages)02:10
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hubbot1rlandy: weshay's karma is now 1603:03
rlandyjob got past the undercloud_key03:03
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weshayrlandy the job running here?
rlandyweshay: ack03:08
rlandymade another change03:08
weshayah k03:08
rlandyadded non_root_user03:09
rlandyprevious error permissions on volumes03:09
rlandywill see what this does03:09
rlandyprevious error:
rlandyoh this one I can fix03:11
rlandyit's the path to instackenv.json03:11
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* rlandy thinks where to put this file 03:15
weshayrlandy anything permission denied makes me think we don't have the users lined up03:15
rlandyweshay: the missing file error is legit03:15
weshaywhere to put the env file03:15
rlandyundercloud_instackenv_template: "{{ local_working_dir }}/tripleo-environments/hardware_environments/hp_dl360_envD/instackenv.json"03:16
rlandy^^ current path03:16
weshaywe used to put that in ~ right?03:16
rlandyyep we still need to03:16
rlandythe path is actually on the localhosr03:16
weshaydon't we still use.. the prep role for that?03:16
weshaylocal wha?03:16
rlandywe need it to deploy03:16
weshayya.. on the undercloud vm03:16
weshayso on the virthost03:17
weshayshould be the same as any other virthost03:17
rlandyI have this role to copy stiff around where toci expects it ...03:17
weshayrlandy toci interacts w/ the instackenv.json?03:18
rlandywell no, but playbooks toci kicks03:18
weshayit is on the undercloud03:18
weshaynot virthost03:18
* weshay is tired03:18
rlandylet me try the definition of where it really is03:19
weshayso where was that error?03:19
weshayre: instackenv.json?03:19
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rlandy{{ zuul.executor.work_root }}/{{ zuul.projects[''].src_dir }}/...03:19
weshayoh.. because it's checked out on the nodepool node03:19
weshayand then you have to copy it03:20
rlandyyeah idk if it will work03:20
weshaythis doesn't make sense yet to me03:20
rlandybut we'll see03:20
weshaywhere do we clone code.eng on the old jobs?03:20
rlandythis one makes sense to me  - I was expecting it03:20
weshaynot on the undercloud03:20
weshayk k03:20
rlandywe do03:21
rlandyyou'll see it here03:21
rlandy- when: undercloud_type == "baremetal"03:22
rlandythis is virt undercloud03:22
rlandysrc: "{{ network_environment_file }}"03:22
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rlandyugh not that03:23
weshayand then we have more03:23
weshayrlandy so if you drop it in ~ on the virthost03:24
weshaythat will pick it up03:24
weshayand the undercloud will just get it03:25
weshaymaybe not03:25
weshaythat is full virt only03:25
weshayI'm tired03:25
rlandylooking for it {{ local_working_dir }}/tripleo-environments/hardware_environments/hp_dl360_envD/instackenv.json03:25
rlandyso I'd have to copy there03:25
rlandyor change the path03:25
* rlandy tries to change the path03:26
weshayrlandy is tripleo-env checked out in {{ local_working_dir }} ?03:26
weshayas a required project?03:26
rlandynot any more03:26
rlandyoh yes03:27
rlandybut the dir is diff03:27
weshayis code.eng still a required project?03:27
rlandyit is03:27
weshay\/usr/share or something?03:27
* rlandy puts in review03:27
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rlandyweshay: Adjust path to instackenv.json when in ci03:36
rlandylet's see what that does03:38
rlandyok - we're going03:46
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @,  (3 more messages)04:10
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @,  (3 more messages)06:10
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quiquellchandankumar: commented06:46
chandankumarquiquell: thanks!, commented back :-)06:53
quiquellchandankumar: are you sure about the flag issue?07:02
quiquellHave to be a problem of os_tempest not comparing with bool but with string07:02
chandankumarquiquell: yes let me find that review07:02
quiquellchandankumar: do you have the rr etherpad at ✋07:03
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quiquellchandankumar: commented in the review about the include_role and become07:09
chandankumarquiquell: not seen, may be forgot to submit07:11
quiquellNo is very small comment07:11
quiquellMove ansible become to vars section under include_role07:12
quiquellNo problem I mean07:12
chandankumarquiquell: ok will do that07:12
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chandankumarquiquell: thanks :-)07:12
quiquellSeting it as fact can be dangerous07:13
quiquellMaybe the debug flag too07:13
quiquellTo reduce variables scope07:14
quiquellI would use set fact only for conditionals07:14
quiquellEverything else under vars section at include role07:14
chandankumarquiquell: we have catogarize it in section so that enduser can understand what is needed for what purpose.07:18
chandankumarI avoided use of comments so went for set facts07:18
chandankumarthat allows me to add more conditionals07:18
chandankumarupdating it in new patchset07:19
quiquellchandankumar: ack, but if possible move "Âdebug" since is very generic name07:24
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sshnaidmquiquell, need to put some Change-Id07:32
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @,  (3 more messages)08:10
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quiquellsshnaidm: hook will do08:15
quiquellHumm with -m maybe not?08:16
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chandankumarkopecmartin: arxcruz Hello08:48
chandankumarkopecmartin: arxcruz there is something wrong with python-tempestconf on os_tempest job
chandankumarkopecmartin: arxcruz it is setting cinder to false08:48
kopecmartinchandankumar, i have a fix for that08:49
chandankumarkopecmartin: in standalone also
chandankumarkopecmartin: thanks!08:51
kopecmartinchandankumar, but there are 4 other reviews which need to be merged first starting by this manila change
zbrquiquell: marios: simple review on bindep
quiquellzbr: ansible question08:53
quiquellzbr: do you know if calling "add_host" to override ansible_host is not working ?08:53
zbrquiquell: likely will not, there is a reason why is called "add"08:54
quiquellzbr: host was already there08:54
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mariosack zbr08:55
quiquellzbr: humm better pin fedora versions there as they do with fedora08:55
quiquellwith centos08:55
zbrthis is what i am telling, you likely to be problematic. but you can remove it if it does not work.08:55
quiquellzbr: humm kudos on removing will try08:56
quiquellzbr: thanks mate08:56
zbrquiquell: we are lucky that we were allowed to pin it for our jobs, i was asked explicitly to use latest.08:56
quiquellzbr: ok, so latest it is08:56
quiquellzbr: we don't have to do nothing for this to use python3 instead of python2 ?08:57
zbrnot sure why we are not using dynamic inventories, ansible can load any number of inventories from a folder.08:57
zbri have more changes coming to bindep related to f28 but I need to prepare the testing ground first08:57
zbrif anyone is curious, this is the feature i am trying to land in bindep:
quiquellzbr: +1 on bindep09:00
zbri think i don't need to explain you why we need it, in many places.09:01
quiquellzbr: inequalities for version that's cool09:01
quiquellA nooo that's a comment09:01
zbri have no time to implement version comparison in bindep, but the yum/dnf approach is more than safe to use09:02
quiquellIt will help us a lot09:02
quiquellzbr: thanks09:02
quiquell+1 there too09:02
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marioszbr: please remove -1 @
marioszbr: i don't want to scare away the crows09:31
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chandankumarfso35 is timing out at prepare overcloud image is it a known issue
chandankumaror it is just coming for me09:36
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mariosrfolco|rover: panda|ruck|off weshay quiquell zbr chandankumar sshnaidm arxcruz  o/ folks please consider for your next review time. Info about them in & some evidence of it working ;) thank you!09:51
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marioszbr: please remove your -1 @ (or justify it please)09:51
panda|ruckmarios: reviewing now09:52
mariospanda|ruck: thanks09:52
quiquellmarios: I always forgot, playbooks + defaults works or not ?09:54
mariosquiquell: no its why i have the set_facts s/i/we like we use set_fact for the other things there in the build job09:54
mariosfor that reason09:54
mariosquiquell: really we shoul just make it a role and be don09:54
ykarelchandankumar, yes fs035 issue in known, will go away after master promotion, master is promoting currently09:54
mariosbut not here09:54
marioss/here/onthis story09:54
chandankumarykarel: cool, thanks!09:54
panda|ruckykarel: hwat ?? again ??09:55
ykarelchandankumar, fyi:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1817859 in tripleo "[fs035][master][promotion] Introspection Fails with TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, bool found" [Critical,Triaged]09:55
ykarelpanda|ruck, so master was promoted yesterday with broken python-hardware skipping fs035 from criteria09:55
panda|ruckykarel: yes09:55
panda|ruckykarel: and fs20 too09:56
panda|ruckykarel: because the test in tempest should have been skipped09:56
ykarelpanda|ruck, fs020 is not running in upstream check, so promoting without it has no issue09:56
panda|ruckykarel: yes but it's good to make it pass09:56
ykarelbut fs035 is running upstream, so ignoring it can make upstream jobs fail09:56
ykarelso since promotion, fs035 is down:-
panda|ruckykarel: is it gating ?09:58
quiquellmarios: 200~ +2 with small nit (you can ignore it)09:58
ykarelpanda|ruck, nope09:58
panda|ruckykarel: and I thought the fix was there09:58
mariosquiquell: thanks its still super early so thanks looking for comments will update later lets see if others have more09:58
quiquellI am super bad at reviews so for sure they have09:59
ykarelpanda|ruck, fix was there but needed promotion09:59
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ykarelpanda|ruck, i commented on
mariosquiquell: just starting the selling it. i mean we've seen it run so it seems to work ok but maybe i miss something. that is why we do reviews ;)09:59
mariosquiquell: so i will spam this channel every day09:59
mariosyou're welcome09:59
quiquellmarios: hehe, harassing bot you need10:00
mariosquiquell: no its too much fun to leave it to the bot10:00
mariosi like to do it personally10:00
marioszbr: around?10:00
marioszbr: kindly remove -1 @ or justify it please. thanks10:01
mariossee quiquell ^.10:01
quiquellOhhh I se the f28 containers builds at the review :-)10:02
quiquellzbr: RDO results are there waiting for you, please remove -1
mariosquiquell: yeah :D it fails realyly early thoguh10:03
panda|ruckmarios: so you gonna merge or fix quiquell's suggestions ?10:03
mariosquiquell: but i didn't touch it there. i *am* passing the tripleo-ci-testing for the f28 but in the
quiquellpanda|ruck: if you are going to workflow it we can forget about that little nit to progress10:04
mariospanda|ruck: let me check them then ;)10:04
panda|ruckquiquell: no, your comments make sense10:04
panda|ruckI also have a bigger solution for all this overrides. But first I have to find time to put up the configuration Doc of the existing10:05
mariospanda|ruck: (doing but anyway why you ask me. if you agre with quiquell then say so and maybe -1. then i have a motivation to get your _+" )10:06
mariosthats how it works people !10:06
panda|ruckmarios: if I agree with quiquell I have to put +2 :)10:06
zbrmarios: removed but keep in mind that you should merge the f28 first and test that bld cnt works with this change. this was the reason why I added the -1 (had a comment too)10:06
zbrthis is why we added to job, to look at its results10:07
quiquellzbr: I see the f28 containers builds already there10:07
marioszbr: thanks but this change is not touching build containers just the repo setup role. i don't think we can block one for the other. there might be rebase needed10:07
quiquellat third party10:08
marioszbr: and yeah it runs there but failed10:08
marioszbr: if you find sometihng point to it in the review and i'll fix. otherwise, if you want to block on some other change be clear, say -1 until foo happens in review http://xyz10:08
zbrdamn, merge conflict on --10:09
zbryou should add a depends-on on
marioszbr: cos fantom -1 without explanation always scares away the crows10:09
zbrmarios: there is a comment, check history, it was not just a -1.10:09
zbrsadly the generic comments are not so visible like the code-comments10:10
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @,  (3 more messages)10:10
marioszbr: ack thanks and sorry to miss the info. yeah when its something like that i ususally add in the commit message as a comment/somewhere obvious10:12
mariosquiquell: 1/2 for the comments updated thanks
mariospanda|ruck: ^10:13
zbrmarios: sad that gerrit does not allow to select text in commit message and put comment there, i would have found this really useful. likely already fixed in newer one.10:15
quiquellmarios: you have my cheap +210:15
zbri was amazed to see how much gerrit UI evolved in the last year by looking at gerritforge which is always updated.10:15
mariosthanks quiquell not cheap :!10:15
panda|ruckzbr: you can10:16
sshnaidmmarios, commented
mariosthanks sshnaidm will check and update thanks for reviews10:17
mariossshnaidm: thanks can you see
mariossshnaidm: its cos it isn't a role10:18
zbrpanda|ruck: right, i was looking in the wrong place to comment.10:20
sshnaidmmarios, replied10:20
mariossshnaidm: ack doing yeah we can avoid the set_fact i think ..10:22
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zbrevery time i hear someone asking to refresh my browser cache i roll my eyes... writing web apps correctly should never require user to do that.10:46
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panda|ruckif you want to check at a glance what important fields are missing on your user story see last table in
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zbrpanda|ruck: out of curiosity: what is the meaning of "QE" column? what is different than "ready for review" on it?10:56
marioszbr: merged not done/accepted yet10:57
zbrwho moves from qe to done?10:57
marioszbr: qe10:58
panda|ruckzbr: marios and even if merged, a story is not done until the QE checks that the implementation adhere to the Definition of DOne10:58
zbri am taking about tasks here, but ok, shortly the owner/driver should never move a task to done, always someone else (qe).10:59
zbrbtw, I need a qe for -- it already has two reviews ready for review. should be easy.11:00
marioszbr: maybe it is the owner, if we don't have qe. but owner has to justify it imo like "I tested see foo" or whatever11:00
panda|ruckzbr: yes, the cook cannot understand if the soup is good enough :)11:01
panda|ruckmarios: zbr the owner of thye user story right now is there nly to ensure that the important fields are filled11:01
zbrpanda|ruck: panda|ruck : i subsribe to the idea of using a 3rd party to decide the quality of the soup11:01
zbrnot always convenient but good practice11:02
panda|ruckzbr: yes it's not about how good you are, the eye untrained to your patch spots problems immediately11:03
zbri am trying to cleanup a little bit the storyless section but I have no idea what to do with a very old task which is not a prio, but also not done. how to remove it from sprint board as it does not make sense to spam it and carry from one sprint to another. parked does not hide it.11:05
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zbrthe more i use taiga the more I miss jira-agile, it was so easy to manage the tasks there.11:08
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mariosrfolco|rover: panda|ruck no scrum today? seems like there is conflictin the calendar11:08
mariosrfolco|rover: panda|ruck do you want to reschedule to 1 hour earlier?11:08
mariosrfolco|rover: panda|ruck or 1 hour later probably11:08
panda|ruckmarios: I see the scrum11:09
mariospanda|ruck: pvt11:09
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mariossorry for noise panda|ruck rfolco|rover seems no change needed ;)11:13
mariosthank sp11:13
mariosthanks panda|ruck11:13
panda|ruckyeah thanks sp, you're always the best.11:14
mariossp rocks11:16
panda|ruckykarel: is this know ?
panda|ruckykarel: I don't see any bugs on it11:16
panda|ruckykarel: 019-02-28 01:33:46 | [2019/02/28 01:30:38 AM] [WARNING] Error in 'ip route add via dev br-ex', restarting br-ex:11:17
panda|ruck2019-02-28 01:33:46 | Unexpected error while running command.11:17
panda|ruck2019-02-28 01:33:46 | Command: /sbin/ip route add via dev br-ex11:17
panda|ruck2019-02-28 01:33:46 | Exit code: 111:17
panda|ruck2019-02-28 01:33:46 | Stdout: u''11:17
panda|ruck2019-02-28 01:33:46 | Stderr: u'Object "route add via dev br-ex" is unknown, try "ip help".\n11:17
ykarelpanda|ruck, i think there is a bug for it11:17
ykarelit used to happen some time11:17
panda|ruckykarel: ok, not recent though11:17
ykarelso some sort of race, iirc Tengu quiquell worked on it ^^11:18
quiquellykarel: yep... I fix stuff but not the race condition, they say they know about it11:19
quiquellykarel, panda|ruck: They never check if the bridge is up before adding routes11:19
mariosfolks panda|ruck will be right back with us he is having an existential crisis needs a minute11:20
panda|ruck ... it  .. it cannot be ...11:21
panda|ruckba ba ba11:21
panda|ruckba ba ba ba ba11:21
mariospanda|ruck: you're a progam11:21
mariosprogram even :/11:21
mariosbut also a progam!11:21
panda|ruckI'm always in favour of gam11:21
mariosyah don't be gamist folks not cool11:22
ykarelquiquell, ack, panda|ruck so for reference:-
openstackLaunchpad bug 1814250 in tripleo "races condition at os-net-config in overcloud deploy OVB" [High,Triaged] - Assigned to Quique Llorente (quiquell)11:22
ykarelquiquell, but as per Dan's comment it should be fixed by your patch11:22
mariospanda|ruck: so wdyt about the call then? we need to move? it does say 'all hands' i'm guessing weshay might be there at least?11:23
TenguI work on things?11:23
panda|ruckmarios: as far as I remember, most of the time weshay remembers us that the call is recorded, and we can skip the conflicting meeting11:24
panda|ruckTengu: no you don't11:24
panda|ruckTengu: you don't exist11:24
panda|ruckTengu: you're a bot11:24
Tengupanda|ruck: of course I don't, I'm forked in the background :D11:24
marioswe should have irc captcha11:25
mariosthat won't be annoying at all11:25
panda|ruckmarios: ok for me only if you need to do it for every line you write11:28
panda|ruckso pasting 10 lines will require 10 captcha11:28
marioshaha imagine the tripleo weekly11:28
marios"how to destroy your laptop in 1 irc meeting or less"11:29
bogdandopanda|ruck: illustrated the pipelines proposal with real examples
bogdandoweshay: ^^11:30
bogdandomarios: ^^11:30
mariosthanks bogdando i saw the reviews but saw you were updating them this morning will start checking them11:31
mariospanda|ruck: wondering if we want to track as storyless task11:31
bogdandomarios: yes, it's ready for testing/reviewing. thanks11:31
panda|ruckykarel: quiquell's fix is only for the rules part, not for the "object unknown" error11:32
quiquellpanda|ruck: what fix ? at os-net-config ?11:33
ykarelpanda|ruck, yup, as per Dan's comment in the bug, quiquell patch is the fix, so looks like there was some confusion, good to update the bug with new logs11:34
bogdandothat's interesting, it gives even a more prominent feedback for the base level checks, than it normally does11:34
bogdandosee, a 1h after the last update I have some results already11:35
panda|ruckykarel: quiquell describes two problems in that bug. He proposed the fix for one but not for the other. Dan says the patch fixes one of the problem, not the general problem11:35
quiquellykarel: panda|ruck my fix is only to correctly adding the rules but the race condition is still there11:36
panda|ruckquiquell: yes11:36
panda|ruckhundred times yes.11:36
quiquellyep discover the rules one so I fixed it11:36
quiquellbut race condition involves big refactor of that part11:36
quiquellis like thousand of code lines there11:36
panda|ruckalso, I don't think it's a problem with the br-ex11:38
panda|ruckif br-ex is not there, the error message is "Cannot find device"11:38
panda|ruckhere it's like the command is not recognized11:38
quiquellpanda|ruck: well they confirmed that checking bridge was not there11:39
panda|ruckquiquell: ykarel yeah, it seems like we are passing the rest of the argument as a single block11:39
panda|ruckip 'route add x via y dev z'11:39
quiquellpanda|ruck: could be so silly too :-)11:39
panda|ruckwith quotes11:39
panda|ruckquiquell: I can reproduce that error11:40
panda|ruckquiquell: with that command line11:40
quiquellpanda|ruck: but then why is not failing always man ?11:40
quiquellpanda|ruck: if you are right if have to fail always11:40
panda|ruckquiquell: when was the last time an error made sense ?11:41
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quiquellpanda|ruck: well, when it's a feature :-)11:43
mariosquiquell: o/ can you check do you mean, i shouldn't even bother for py3 there?11:53
mariosquiquell: but then we have a problem ?11:53
mariosquiquell: or i misunderstand what you meant11:53
mariosquiquell: updated with the base job as you suggested just now11:54
quiquellmarios: they harcode ansible_python_interpreter before running the playbooks11:54
quiquellmarios: so everything that runs directly from zuul-executor is python211:54
mariosquiquell: but that also applies to the playbooks?11:55
quiquellmarios: if we want to use python3 we need run nested ansible-playbook11:55
quiquellmarios: as we doo at toci_gate P11:55
mariosquiquell: so we have a problem with 63616011:55
quiquellmarios: but this is out of toci_gate11:55
mariosquiquell: i mean11:56
quiquellmarios: it's using virtualenv_python11:58
quiquellmarios: so it override to virtualenv3 that is python3 so we are good11:58
quiquellmarios: problem is using ansible modules11:58
mariosquiquell: ah right it sets up venv11:58
quiquellmarios: you cannot specify python version at docker login11:58
mariosquiquell: ok gonna update its simpler just python-docker...11:58
quiquellmarios: but let's test that11:59
quiquellmarios: let's see if it fails at fedora28 with python311:59
quiquellmaybe I am missing something11:59
panda|ruckquiquell: AH! it is indeed happpening everytime12:04
panda|ruckquiquell: but since it's not fatal, the job passes anyway12:04
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quiquellpanda|ruck: cool so we did have like three bug there12:06
quiquellpanda|ruck: the real one the one you discover, the rules and the race condition :-)12:06
panda|ruckquiquell: yes, currenlty the job I'm investigating fails to get IPs, so it's probably RD O cloud failure12:07
panda|ruckykarel: have you seen this error ? 2019-02-28 01:33:47 | [2019/02/28 01:31:01 AM] [ERROR] stdout: ERROR     : [/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-eth] Error, some other host (BE:E5:4F:B9:21:B0) already uses address
panda|ruckykarel: you're my personal "advanced search"12:09
panda|ruck(I never find anything there ... )12:09
ykarelpanda|ruck, yes :)12:10
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp- (2 more messages)12:10
ykarelpanda|ruck, so sshnaidm weshay too faced that too12:12
ykarelthat ip already used12:12
panda|ruckthe job also fails in determining ip on all interfaces12:13
panda|rucknot sure if it's a consequence12:13
panda|rucksshnaidm: is there a bug for the ip duplication ?12:18
panda|rucksshnaidm: like in
panda|ruck(look for "already uses")12:19
sshnaidmpanda|ruck, I didn't open such one12:21
panda|rucksshnaidm: ok I'll open it then12:21
chandankumarkopecmartin: can we move it to done ?12:22
openstackLaunchpad bug 1818060 in tripleo "Nodes periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master fail to get usable IPs though os-net-config with Error, some other host (BE:E5:4F:B9:21:B0) already uses address" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Gabriele Cerami (gcerami)12:25
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quiquellsshnaidm: Do you happend to know where is the moment where we generate keys for the libvirt node ?12:30
quiquellsshnaidm: I don't see the moment where we inject undercloud_key12:33
chandankumararxcruz: thanks for updating design on cards :-)12:33
quiquellpanda|ruck: maybe you know where12:33
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panda|ruckquiquell: not off-hand12:41
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weshayrfolco|rover panda|ruck|lunch sshnaidm is sova capturing introspection errors?12:44
quiquellweshay: o/ do you know where do we inject undercloud_key at libvirt ?12:50
weshaywhat are you seeing?12:50
weshayquiquell you looking at the bm jobs12:51
quiquellweshay: Yep, can ssh to the undercloud hardware but not to the libvirt there12:51
quiquellweshay: Looking at roles I don't see where do we inject id_rsa_undercloud key to the libvirt node ( I think we don't)12:52
weshayquiquell to the undercloud guest12:52
weshayquiquell you have not given me context yet12:52
weshayis something failing?12:52
quiquellWas looking at it to try to debug and understand it12:53
weshayquiquell 10 bucks says it's a user problem :)12:53
weshaymeaning we're using the wrong users12:54
quiquellweshay: user or key12:54
weshayquiquell ya.. rlandy put in some changes12:54
quiquellweshay: i don't see key injected in the image12:54
weshaythat added the right user to the virthost inventory12:54
weshayhowever.. when going to the undercloud12:54
quiquellweshay: I have try manually
weshaythose settings are lost12:54
weshayquiquell the additions she made.. needs to be made in a environment file12:54
weshayfor bm12:54
weshaythis is not a key issue12:55
weshayyou need the equiv for your job12:56
weshayquiquell I'll bet that ssh connection that fails is attempted w/ stack12:56
quiquellweshay: le me try with stack12:57
weshayquiquell no..12:57
weshaystack is not correct12:57
quiquellweshay: do my manual test make any sense ?12:57
quiquellweshay: I am in the read hardware trying12:58
weshaytmate me bro12:58
weshaytase me bro12:58
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quiquellweshay: you in ?12:59
kopecmartinchandankumar, done13:03
chandankumarkopecmartin: thanks!13:03
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rfolco|roverweshay, will look at the signature in a bit13:09
zbrmarios: added comment on -- if you bother to redo it. i didn't downvote.13:19
marioszbr: replied thanks. i mean agree but not on that review13:21
marioszbr: there is existing block of bash. i'm adding one line into it13:21
sshnaidmquiquell, did you find?13:24
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quiquellsshnaidm: yep13:34
quiquellsshnaidm: thanks anyways13:34
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quiquellrlandy: o/ have being debugging a little the current issue at BM13:37
quiquellrlandy: going for lunch now though13:37
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rlandyquiquell: hey - which current issue?BM has no shortage :)13:38
rlandyenoy lunch13:38
quiquell|lunchrlandy: looks like it cannot ssh from from host to guest13:38
quiquell|lunchrlandy: but user zuul and authorized_key are ok inside the libvirt13:38
rlandyquiquell|lunch: ack - that is where I fell asleep last night and gave up13:39
quiquell|lunchrlandy: so maybe permissions of that13:39
rlandyquiquell|lunch: let's talk after your lunch13:39
* rlandy wants quiquell|lunch to eat before long meeting13:39
mariosquiquell|lunch: on my rdo tenant is that centos-7-rdo-cloud-0000000000 from reproducer ... looks like (upstream cloudinit centos 7 image)13:40
mariosquiquell|lunch: cos i just launched a centos instance and that also appeared (running reproducer in a nother box in background) so was super confusing but must be from the reproducer13:40
weshaywhayutin•RDO-CI/TRIPLEO-QUICKSTART/ ᐅ  openstack server list | grep -i error | wc -l                                         review/ronelle_landy/dlrn-role-modify✔ thinkdoe ⌚ 6:07:0013:41
weshaypanda|ruck rfolco|rover ^13:41
mariosrlandy: you seen issue with bindep before? also i think we have chicken/egg with openstack client cc weshay  added note on issues 4 and 513:42
rfolco|roverweshay, not sure what you mean13:43
mariosotherwise \o/ looks like it passed i mean literally just now localhost                  : ok=52   changed=11   unreachable=0    failed=013:43
mariosweshay: rlandy ^13:43
marioson an rdo cloud vm wget reproducer, sthing sthing, profit ! ^13:43
* weshay looks13:43
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rfolco|roverpanda|ruck, is this patch so unlucky for rdo-jobs ?
rfolco|roverjobs ran ok in other patches, but it always get retry_limit error on this one13:45
weshaypanda|ruck rfolco|rover we clearly need to kill servers in error via the cleanupscript13:45
panda|ruckrfolco|rover: it's not about luck13:45
weshaythat tenant is clean now13:46
weshayit will probably get dirty again13:46
weshaypanda|ruck rfolco|rover please use the cockpit :)13:47
kopecmartinchandankumar, where do we want to keep tasks for running os_tempest via `ansible-playbook` command? check my comment here
weshaymarios the image check.. I tried to fix that w/ retries and failed13:48
weshaymarios but getting that working w/ retries properly should fix that13:49
weshayrerunning usually just works13:49
mariosweshay: well here the problem is there is no openstack client at all. and it isn't so much about the image check, but the image imports which are required13:49
mariosweshay: like bash: openstack: command not found13:49
chandankumarkopecmartin: let's keep it in the doc user story itself and rename it to Improve user experience for mvp with docs13:50
weshayok.. so maybe we do need to add python-openstack to requirements13:50
chandankumarkopecmartin: as all are linked with that13:50
weshayquiquell|lunch ^13:50
mariosweshay: it just completed (I think ? \o./ ? at but if you scroll to bottom there is still no openstack :D )13:51
mariosquiquell|lunch: ^13:51
weshaymarios you are using the repro bash script right?13:51
sshnaidmzbr, replied
sshnaidmweshay, ^^13:51
mariosweshay: yeah today i did wget & then ./ --workspace /home/marios/WORKSPACE --force-post-failure13:52
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mariosweshay: master gate check standalone scn 113:52
mariosweshay: well, sthin sthing (bindep & i think we need to move keys instructions too rlandy i'll post somethign ina  sec13:52
marioslike move it from footnote into the setup instructions13:53
mariosboth the -m pem bit and also the make sure you upload your keys you just generated to rdo cloud and upstream gerrit13:53
marioscos otherwise 60 retries will fail :D13:53
quiquellmarios: so job has finish succesfully and you are at your RDO tenant13:53
quiquellmarios: not having openstack there can be anything13:53
mariosquiquell: y8eah but we needs it for image import into your tenant13:54
weshaysshnaidm there is a bindep file for the repro13:54
mariosquiquell: so its a requirement for running it13:54
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mariosquiquell: like for your setup steps13:54
weshaysshnaidm is there a reason not to add it to that one?13:54
quiquellmarios: hummm what image import ?13:54
mariosopenstack --os-cloud rdo-cloud image set --accept 6a6d23d7-65e7-43ea-9307-71b2e17d2ead13:54
mariosquiquell: do we still need to do the image import13:54
quiquellmarios: we don't need that13:54
mariosquiquell: its in the instructions13:54
mariosquiquell: ok cool, then weshay openstack is not a problem13:55
mariosquiquell: if they are already available/public then fine. will include that in the update in the doc13:55
quiquellmarios: we are using public openstack now13:55
mariosquiquell: see setup steps in
mariosquiquell: that's what i'm talking about13:55
rfolco|afkfolks, will miss the scrum, out for a bit13:55
sshnaidmweshay, oh, where is it?13:55
sshnaidmweshay, I thought we have one for all13:55
quiquellmarios: would be nice to put some assert in the role to check if the keys are passwordless and done with -m PEM13:56
mariosrlandy: weshay then we don't need "openstack" in requirements. if we don't need to do the image import any more13:56
mariosquiquell: ack but in the very least lets make it visible right now is in the footnote13:56
mariosquiquell: also automate the gerrit/keys check they were uploaded correctly too13:56
mariosquiquell: so it doesnt timeout in the FAILED - RETRYING: Wait for zuul tenant (1 retries left).13:57
marioslike for me today13:57
mariosjust cos i forgot13:57
quiquellfail fast more or les13:57
quiquellor fail fast asap13:57
weshaysshnaidm ansible-role-repro13:57
sshnaidmzbr, that what I'd expect in reviews ^^13:58
quiquellmarios: yep Import the nodepool images to your tenant: not needed13:58
mariosquiquell: k will remove too13:58
rlandyquiquell: rfolco|afk needed to accept the images13:59
quiquellmarios: we can add the "finger" stuff to monitoring the launche djob13:59
rlandyI think that is why weshay put it in the instructions13:59
rlandymarios shouls have had images already13:59
quiquellrlandy: humm does not make sense14:00
quiquellrlandy: they are public14:00
quiquellor they suppose to be14:00
rlandymarios: I don't think so14:00
marios rlandy updated issue 5 there cc weshay quiquell14:00
rlandysshnaidm shared them with the team14:00
sshnaidmrlandy, shared what?14:01
zbrsshnaidm: sure, i was in bj meeting. we can discuss about what we should put or not in bindep.txt files.14:01
rlandywe had a task to make them public - laat time I looked, it was parked14:01
panda|ruckquiquell: rlandy marios meeting14:01
weshayjoin please14:01
panda|ruckzbr: ^14:01
mariosoh yeah...14:01
rlandysshnaidm: the images for reproducer14:01
zbrmarios: kick if you can ;)14:03
chandankumarweshay: kopecmartin arxcruz can we set a meeting tomororw for tempest for syncup?14:05
quiquellCannot connect to the da... meeting14:05
kopecmartinchandankumar, sure14:05
arxcruzchandankumar: sure14:05
sshnaidmhmm To watch the video, you need Adobe Flash Player 11.1 or higher14:06
kopecmartinchandankumar, pick a date, I'm more or less free the all day14:06
chandankumarsending an invite14:06
panda|ruckweshay: where do you want to add that comment for the cleanup ? as a message for the user in the output ?14:07
weshaypanda|ruck I don't want a comment... I want the script to kill any server in error14:07
panda|ruckweshay: oh.14:07
panda|ruckThen it's a completely different task. OK14:08
weshayafter the stacks are nuked, and the retries.. so line 295?14:08
weshaypanda|ruck ?14:08
zbras long we are inside the red circle we are safe :)14:10
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp- (2 more messages)14:10
quiquellrlandy, marios: so rfolco|afk did have to accept the public image ?14:12
quiquellmaybe image is no longer public after all the RDO migrations and all14:13
rlandyquiquell: yep he had to accept the image14:13
rlandyand I think it had to be shared with him14:13
quiquellrlandy: it was public kforde did it14:13
quiquellrlandy: what was the name of the image ?14:14
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quiquellaccept solution does not scale we have to make sure that they are public14:14
quiquellrlandy: want to sync ?14:14
quiquellweshay: can I use the tmate to look at it ?14:15
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rlandyagreed - it doesn't scale14:15
weshayquiquell sec.. let me get that command14:15
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* weshay want's to boot another instance of the vm14:15
quiquellrlandy: send priv with tmate14:16
rlandyquiquell; yep on the tmate14:19
panda|ruckweshay: I don't know if we need to delete port associated with the errored servers.14:27
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panda|ruckweshay: still WIP14:27
arxcruzweshay: i need to go to a lawyer in a few minutes to talk about the problem with my floor, i won't be able to be on the meeting..14:29
bogdandofew more updates for the CI PiPeLiNeS14:30
mariosquiquell: well i did it previously but i don't know if you need it if its the first time youre tying it14:31
quiquellmarios: you shouldn't if images are public14:32
quiquellrlandy: let's launch the job and test that again14:34
weshayquiquell rlandy ideally if we can trigger w/ the reproducer.. we can hold the nodepool node14:36
weshayand get the full picture on this as well14:37
quiquellweshay: there is somethig there if you have the vpn14:37
quiquellweshay: you can copy the job structure to local gerrit and try it14:38
quiquellweshay: no change at reproducer since it's just using a normal centos image14:38
quiquellor we add another connectin to private gerrit14:38
quiquellgoing to try that14:39
quiquellrlandy, weshay: after run the job there is no ".ssh" at qcow undercloud image14:47
quiquellso something is missing at image preparation or the like14:47
quiquelland only user there is zuul14:48
weshayquiquell I'm 99.9% sure the code to get the  keys on the virthost and undercloud is there man14:49
weshaythis is not an untested work flow14:49
quiquellweshay: I see key install at generated at host but not at guest looking at job, but sure I am missing stuff14:51
quiquellweshay: qcow2 should have them ?14:51
quiquellrlandy, weshay: Inject undercloud ssh public key to appliance <-- skipped14:54
quiquellcould be related to cleanup "- when: undercloud_vol_check is failed"14:56
quiquellvirt-customize inject the keys in the qcow15:00
quiquellbut is skipped at all the block, I think this is another issue of cleanup15:00
quiquellwell don't know really15:00
chandankumarweshay: quiquell arxcruz kopecmartin sshnaidm i think it is good to go now
quiquellchandankumar: looks good now15:02
mariosblujeans slow here...15:04
chandankumarquiquell: we are going to get rid of root, and few other stuff but we need to make changes such a way it will work for other distros and user preferences!15:05
panda|ruckweshay: still failing after other two attempts
weshaypanda|ruck I think there is a real issue15:13
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panda|ruckmarios: can you add a brief description here ?
panda|ruckmarios: so in three weeks we remember what was this about :)D15:26
mariospanda|ruck: ack but not right now15:27
panda|ruckmarios: sure, not urgent.15:27
panda|ruckmarios: what about now ?15:28
mariospanda|ruck: no in a bit15:28
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mariosrlandy: quiquell remote: Fixup zuul reproducer readme doc - move keys note remove images16:00
panda|ruckweshay: quiquell are we sure we want to proceed with ? Seems to be yet in the investigation phase, and I'm not sure we'll finish it this sprint.16:06
quiquellpanda|ruck: Maybe we can just put in place a poc of both this sprint16:08
panda|ruckquiquell: Yes we would narrow the scope on this sprint and change the DOD to "Create a POC to see which solution is better"16:09
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp- (2 more messages)16:10
quiquellpanda|ruck: will do that at least I think we discard using gerrit and store state ourself16:10
quiquellpanda|ruck: is dlrn to manual poll or URLTrigger looking a RDO zuul16:11
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panda|ruckquiquell: you tell me, if you try to bring this to completion on this US with the 8 days left, you may be forced to rush solutions, or overwork. So reducing the DOD may be an option16:14
mariosrlandy: whats the title of the email you sent plase ? me searching inbox16:14
mariosrlfor the vote16:14
mariosrlandy: ^16:14
quiquellpanda|ruck: will rewrite the uster story and let see if it's more realistic16:15
rlandymarios: 9 of 24,95216:19
rlandyProposing Gabriele Cerami (panda) and Felix Enrique Llorente Pastora (quiquell) as core on repos config and rdo-jobs16:19
mariosrlandy: i don't see the subject there but maybe i'm not in a mailing list which list please?16:19
rlandymarios; when to dev on rdolist16:20
rlandywill forward16:20
mariosthanks rlandy16:20
quiquelldropping now read you tomorrow16:20
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rlandyquiquell; wait16:21
panda|ruckI'm not sure non-core can vote for a core proposal16:21
quiquell|offyep ?16:21
rlandyquiquell: what's the last on the debug16:21
quiquell|offI am semioff16:21
quiquell|offrlandy: so undercloud.qcow has zuul user and pub key there16:21
marioshave a good one quiquell|off16:21
quiquell|offrlandy: but ssh is not possible16:21
mariosremember tomorrow is friday \o/16:21
rlandyquiquell: charming :)16:22
quiquell|offrlandy: don't know why16:22
quiquell|offrlandy: yep :-/ but after that I think work will do just continue hacking stuff16:22
quiquell|offrlandy: so that's it :-/16:22
chandankumarrlandy: kopecmartin marios when free thanks!16:22
quiquell|offrlandy: maybe authorized_keys permissions or the like16:22
rlandyquiquell|off; ok - cool - will leave you notes16:22
rlandyif I find anything16:22
rlandythanks for looking into it16:23
quiquell|offrlandy: cool will try to debug in the morning and give you insight later16:23
rlandyawesome - have a good night16:23
quiquell|offno problem team work is it16:23
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marioschandankumar: tomorrow /me off too16:30
chandankumarmarios: no problem sir, see ya tomorrow :-)16:31
marioschandankumar: have a good one sir ;)16:32
mariospretty late in pune no?16:32
chandankumarna still 10:00 P.M.16:32
mariosoh right sorry16:33
mariosrlandy: so i posted that docs thing but -2 pending discussion .. ( i mean for the images)16:34
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rlandymarios; yeah - unclear yet what is going on there16:36
rlandyrfolco|rover was unable to reach them which is why we added that16:37
rlandybut it added the other complications16:37
mariosrlandy: av16:37
mariosrlandy: ack even sorry16:37
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panda|ruckweshay: investigated gate failures on linters, it's ok, it's a patch that took some time to be +1W and now it needs some rebasing.17:26
panda|ruckweshay: at least for 4 of the 9 failures we have.17:26
weshaypanda|ruck ya..  zbr's patch should fix it.. or is this a new one?17:27
panda|ruckweshay: no they failed on
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zbrthis error seems of different nature, probably one dependency is too old or too new17:44
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rfolco|roverweshay, how do I debug jobs like this one ?
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zbrrfolco|rover: important question from alex
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weshaysshnaidm fyi.. ping if you disagree
rfolco|roverzbr, looking19:36
rfolco|roverzbr, replied19:42
rfolco|roverzbr, please change to pip19:43
weshayrfolco|rover did you have luck yet w/ ovb deploying?19:48
weshayrfolco|rover and how you feeling man?19:49
weshayyou can take the day if you need it19:49
rfolco|roverweshay, feeling ok now, thanks. Nah, just woke up with a terrible headache. I am ok now.19:50
rfolco|roverweshay, ok, now I am hitting this again [rfolco@rdo-ci-fx2-02-s5 ~]$ openstack --os-cloud rdo-cloud image list19:50
rfolco|roverException raised: cannot import name image_signer19:50
rfolco|rovermy reproducer stopped here
weshayin the pre.yaml of a-r-repro19:50
rfolco|roverweshay, sorry if I missed the fix for this one19:51
weshayrfolco|rover can you add that to requiements.txt and see if it fixes it19:51
weshayhrm.. not a pip package19:52
weshayrfolco|rover oh.. you may need to pin  python-openstackclient19:53
weshayto an older known good19:53
weshayrfolco|rover but python-openstackclient is not merged yet19:53
rfolco|roverweshay, a small improvement to key gen: ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa -q -N "" -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa19:58
weshayrfolco|rover what does that do?19:58
rfolco|roverno prompt19:58
rfolco|roverand if gerrit allowed me to setup keys from command line, could do this:19:59
rfolco|rovercat ~/.ssh/ | ssh -p 29418 gerrit set-account --add-ssh-key -19:59
rfolco|roverbut I got Capability modifyAccount is required to access this resource19:59
weshaywhere would you put that change?19:59
rfolco|roverweshay, well, this could be a -k option to the script to generate for you...20:01
rfolco|roveror to the docs20:01
rfolco|roverweshay, coz user may not want to generate a new key, only if -k is passed as arg.... well, this is just an idea20:04
weshayrfolco|rover are you referring to the gerrit ssh key20:05
weshayif so, ya.. just update the doc w/ a review20:05
weshayrlandy we're both tired :)
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp- (3 more messages)20:10
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rlandyweshay: hmmm .. "If no, do not retrieve new revisions from the origin repository"20:17
rlandyok - so I guess that's right20:17
weshayya.. same thing as the last patch.. just one line20:17
weshayrlandy that last patch took less time than marios took to write it up :)20:19
weshayrlandy did you guys figure out the virt key?20:20
rlandyweshay:haven't worked on it today - I am cleaning up the config errors in tripleo-ci-internal20:20
rlandythere were 170 errors20:21
weshayoh lord20:21
rlandyweshay: well there are 145 now20:22
rlandyit is from the all the upstream parenting20:22
rlandysee conversation on prodchain-infra-dfg20:22
weshayrlandy oh man.. is it worth fixing?20:22
weshaymay I see?20:23
rlandysure - join the party20:24
rlandythe current missing project work should fix a bunch20:25
rlandythe fedora ones are also under discussion20:25
rlandyweshay: ^^20:25
rlandyalready fixed centos nodesets20:25
rlandyonce we clear missing projects - will be better20:25
weshayrlandy ok.. all I need to know is .. is that 1-2 day project or more20:27
weshayand does that solve upstream parenting for everyone I suppose20:28
rlandyweshay: it's a pain - you fix one - reveals another missing repo20:28
rlandyeveryone and his dog the way we are going20:28
rlandyalso - there are some complaints about base jobs20:29
weshaywell.. at least the dogs will have a working zuul20:29
rlandywe can move the base tripleo-ci job to config when it's working20:29
rlandydog were always my greatest concern20:29
weshayso 1-2 days?20:29
rlandyin dog years20:29
weshayah come on20:29
weshaydon't mess w/ me :)))20:30
rlandyweshay: k - this is confusing ...
rlandyyou rename the <a href='stackviz/#/testrepository.subunit'20:33
rlandystackviz vs stackwiz20:33
rlandybut leave text20:33
weshayrlandy the href is right.. and it just needs stackwiz presented to the user20:34
weshaywhat would you put?20:35
rlandyweshay: the spelling is right? stackviz vs stackwiz20:35
rlandynot just the addition of the subdir20:35
weshaythat was before my review20:36
weshaybut will fix20:36
rlandyweshay; lol - it's in your review20:36
rlandylet's talk for 2 mins20:36
rlandywe both need a drink20:37
rlandyjoining your blue20:37
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rlandyweshay: k - job has run21:41
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weshayrlandy don't see the job21:45
rlandyweshay: ran and failed21:45
rlandypassword is not woorking21:45
rlandyoh - I wonder if teardown is working21:46
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rlandyweshay: I don't see it clean up21:47
rlandyit should tear down old vm21:47
rlandy--skip-tags tripleo-validations,teardown-all21:48
rlandyit's the oldvm21:48
rlandyweshay: ^^21:49
rlandybad, bad21:49
rlandywe never clean up as we did in jenkins runs21:49
weshayrlandy ?21:49
* weshay gets role21:50
weshaywhat is left?21:50
rlandyweshay: we need to run the teardown piece21:50
rlandythe old vm21:50
rlandyand networks21:50
rlandyand everything21:50
weshayrlandy oh.. run w/ --tear-down all21:50
weshaythat's all you need21:50
rlandybut toci skips that21:50
rlandythat's the problem21:51
weshayrlandy define new DEFAULT_ARGS21:51
rlandywell a problem21:51
weshaythat's a jinja file21:52
rlandyweshay: you mean like {% if baremetal%} new default args ...21:53
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rlandyok - putting in review21:55
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rlandyweshay: Add a blank baremetal_hosts file and skip_tags options22:09
rlandylet's try this22:09
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone-upgrade, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp-featureset039, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario012-standalone, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp_1supp- (3 more messages)22:10
weshayrlandy ya.. good idea22:10
rlandyk - running again22:10
rlandyweshay: node failures22:28
rlandylike yesterday at this time :(22:28
rlandywill try again later22:28
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