Tuesday, 2019-02-05

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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades @ https://review.openstack.org/604298, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003 (2 more messages)00:51
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades @ https://review.openstack.org/604298, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003 (2 more messages)02:51
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades @ https://review.openstack.org/604298, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003 (2 more messages)04:51
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chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover, \o/06:42
chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover, f28 standalone job is passing now06:43
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades @ https://review.openstack.org/604298, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003 (2 more messages)06:51
quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: hello tehere06:57
quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: Yep I saw it06:57
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chkumar|ruckquiquell|brb, periodic jobs are in queue state from last 2 hours https://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/status07:49
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quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: looks like centos are stuck again08:05
quiquell|roverLet me check08:05
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quiquell|roverpanda|ko: ?08:10
quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: Looks like all upstream-centos-7 noddes are in building state08:11
chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover, around 9 nodes goes in deleting state now08:14
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panda|koquiquell|rover: I have one eye out of order08:29
panda|koblurry vision and double image on the left. Today will be a challenging day, reading is a struggle08:31
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quiquell|roverpanda|ko: I see :-P08:34
quiquell|roverpanda|ko: Joking, take care of it man08:34
chkumar|rucksshnaidm, Hello08:43
chkumar|rucksshnaidm, I have tested the script it works as expected08:43
chkumar|rucksshnaidm, I have pasted the stdout https://review.rdoproject.org/r/1866608:44
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades @ https://review.openstack.org/604298, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003 (2 more messages)08:51
quiquell|roverDamn something is bad at RDO gerrit09:00
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sshnaidmchkumar|ruck, +w09:02
quiquell|roversshnaidm: I think we are having issues with reproducer and RDO gerrit ssh09:04
quiquell|roversshnaidm: Now it does not authenticate09:04
quiquell|roversshnaidm: 200~http://logs.rdoproject.org/58/18558/33/gate/tripleo-ci-reproducer-fedora-28-host/78bcc71/tripleo-ci-reproducer/scheduler.log09:05
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sshnaidmchkumar|ruck, is test_white_regex overriding tempest_skip_master.yaml?09:06
quiquelldamn https://softwarefactory-project.io/r/gitweb?p=software-factory%2Fsf-config.git;a=commit;h=27110c9477b34785850723ba7fcd064a0b60401209:06
sshnaidmquiquell, and rdo works fine? they were in outage09:07
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sshnaidmquiquell, heh09:07
quiquellsshnaidm: not related to outage09:07
quiquellsshnaidm: we have to do RDO optinal at reproducer09:08
quiquellsshnaidm: I am trying to run upstream job I don't care RDO09:08
quiquellWill put a review for that09:08
sshnaidmquiquell, so this users key is not ssh-rsa?09:08
quiquellsshnaidm: I think is the host key not the user key09:08
quiquellsshnaidm: as stated at TristanC fix09:08
chkumar|rucksshnaidm, sorry where, if test_white_regex is in skip list it will not run09:18
sshnaidmchkumar|ruck, thanks09:18
sshnaidmquiquell, but Tristans code is about ansible role for sf09:19
sshnaidmquiquell, we don't use it09:20
chkumar|ruckquiquell, I am taking a look at this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1813546 from https://tree.taiga.io/project/tripleo-ci-board/us/70209:25
openstackLaunchpad bug 1813546 in tripleo "ansible-role-modify-image is not py3 and fedora 28+ ready" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)09:25
quiquellchkumar|ruck: ack good one09:27
quiquellsshnaidm: could be same issues09:32
quiquellsshnaidm: keys are RDO09:32
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quiquellYep is with the host key09:35
quiquellHostKey agreed: ssh-ed2551909:35
quiquellsshnaidm: another parsing error from telegraf and rdocloud09:39
quiquellcomma missing now :-/09:40
quiquelltoday change was not enough09:40
quiquellsshnaidm: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/18719/09:54
quiquellfultonj: ping09:57
quiquellpanda|ko: do you have a minute ?09:59
chkumar|ruckpanda|ko, hello10:01
chkumar|ruckpanda|ko, is this bug f28 https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1813913 planned for this sprint?10:01
openstackLaunchpad bug 1813913 in tripleo "periodic-tripleo-fedora-28-master-containers-build failing with unauthorized access to rdo registry" [Wishlist,Triaged] - Assigned to Gabriele Cerami (gcerami)10:01
chkumar|ruckpanda|ko, f28 container build is still hitting the same problem10:02
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zbr|ssbarneasshnaidm: hi! please let me know if you have any questions about molecule, it would be better if i would have time to investigate before the meeting.  i also made a brief presentation at https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1qjJsz8zcV88R4LFsxD5syobUeitki8yFX7_jzgCxJ1w/edit?ts=5c584679#slide=id.p10:19
quiquellPuff RDO down10:19
chkumar|ruckquiquell, working for me10:20
quiquellchkumar|ruck: it's working now10:20
sshnaidmzbr|ssbarnea, I don't have questions about molecule, iirc we didn't agree on how to use it in CI10:21
sshnaidmzbr|ssbarnea, I don't need jobs that tests quickstart install deps in molecule and other useless things10:21
zbr|ssbarneasshnaidm: so is not so much about the tools, is more about when/where to use it?10:21
sshnaidmzbr|ssbarnea, maybe it's worth to re-read comments in the patch to refresh10:22
panda|koquiquell: yes10:25
panda|kochkumar|ruck: yes, but it's not on ruck and rover10:25
quiquellpanda|ko: when we do a branch_override10:26
zbr|ssbarneasshnaidm: i will. so answer your concern: the proposed patch covered some areas where I has to make and test changes, molecule helped me do that. And I think this is the right approach: when you have to touch a specific area/role, you also add some testing code for it to validate your change.  is more of add it where you need it, when you need it.10:26
quiquellpanda|ko: we still are using "master" branch for thinks like tripleo-upgrade ?10:26
arxcruzpanda|ko: what's wrong here?10:26
arxcruzImageNotFoundException: Not found image: docker://docker.io/tripleomaster/centos-binary-cron:bf97151ce15feccd98be3b43c06656939841eb9b_8fb6131310:27
panda|koquiquell: tripleo-upgrade is branches, so no, we shouln't10:27
sshnaidmzbr|ssbarnea, I've already told, will continue on mtg10:27
arxcruzI mean, is that correct url to get the image?10:27
chkumar|ruckpanda|ko, just asked as it is failing in promotion job and f28 is not a part of it so asked10:27
panda|koarxcruz: where do you see it ?10:29
arxcruzpanda|ko: in my reproducer10:29
panda|kochkumar|ruck: working on the promotion pipeline for fedora is a topic for this sprint, hope we can get that partially sorted before the end10:30
chkumar|ruckpanda|ko, thanks :-)10:30
quiquellpanda|ko: I need this for ruck rovering https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/18720/10:30
panda|koarxcruz: there is not such tag in thata container10:30
quiquellpanda|ko: TL;DR skip rdo at reproducer10:30
quiquellpanda|ko: also there is some issues with RDO host keys and reproducer now10:31
arxcruzpanda|ko: where can i see the tag ?10:31
panda|koarxcruz: in the registry ?10:31
arxcruzi'm trying to reproduce featureset02110:31
arxcruzbut i can't because of this10:31
panda|koarxcruz: https://hub.docker.com/r/tripleomaster/centos-binary-cron/tags/10:31
arxcruzi try to use a different tag10:31
quiquellzbr|ssbarnea: I don't have the molecule event at my calendar10:35
quiquellzbr|ssbarnea: when it is ?10:35
zbr|ssbarneaquiquell: there is no event, is during/after our community meeting, as Sagi recommended. I added it to the agenda.10:36
quiquellzbr|ssbarnea: ack10:36
panda|koquiquell: can I get a skip_upstream option too ? :)10:37
quiquellpanda|ko: Then we are screw10:37
quiquellpanda|ko: noop reproducer10:37
quiquellpanda|ko: always pass and make you happy is like puppy therapy10:37
panda|koquiquell: so if I already set up my reproducer to use rdo, and rdo breaks and I want to continue testing with upstream only, I have to rebuild the containers and the configuration ?10:38
quiquellpanda|ko: just call the playbook again10:38
quiquellIs what I did10:39
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panda|koquiquell: ok10:39
quiquellit restart the reproducer10:39
quiquellrunning job just now10:39
panda|koarxcruz: were you able to find a working tag ?10:40
arxcruzpanda|ko: it's running now10:40
sshnaidmzbr|ssbarnea, you added it to wrong agenda, please remove it from there10:40
arxcruzpanda|ko: it seems so, already pass the task10:40
arxcruzpanda|ko: thanks10:40
hubbot1arxcruz: panda|ko's karma is now 110:40
sshnaidmzbr|ssbarnea, this agenda is for tripleo-all mtg in IRC, and we're going to discuss it in tripleo-ci bluejeans mtg10:41
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zbr|ssbarneasshnaidm: i copied agenda from the tripleo meeting to the CI one.10:47
panda|koquiquell: two doubts about the review10:48
panda|koquiquell: 1) how where you passing the jobs.yaml previously 2) we don't need base-minimal anymore ?10:49
quiquellpanda|ko: jobs.yaml was just at "files" at role copied into same place as template10:50
quiquellpanda|ko: base-minimal I can remove it from the review10:50
quiquellpanda|ko: was just some cleanup we are not using it we use just base10:50
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades @ https://review.openstack.org/604298, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003 (2 more messages)10:51
zbr|ssbarneasshnaidm: re jjb question from last week on https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/18649/ -- yes we still need jjb because of the jobs that do run on ci.centos.org which are defined there.10:51
sshnaidmzbr|ssbarnea, yeah, they're defined and we didn't touch their jjb for years10:51
chkumar|rucksshnaidm, please join internal prodchain-infra dfg channel10:52
zbr|ssbarneasshnaidm: and hopefully we will not need to touch it. that chance is only moving jjb testing from tox-linters to tox-jjb (explained there).10:53
chkumar|rucksshnaidm, we have more than 2000 down ports on openstack-nodepool tenant10:53
quiquellchkumar|ruck: what was the channel ?10:53
chkumar|ruckquiquell, #prodchain-infra-dfg10:53
quiquellchkumar|ruck: confirmed we are not cloning correct branch at tripleo-upgrade with branch-override :-/10:54
quiquelljfrancoa: ^10:54
panda|koquiquell: ok10:54
quiquellpanda|ko: ^10:54
panda|koquiquell: how do you see it ?10:54
quiquellpanda|ko: well I am in the machine right now10:55
zbr|ssbarneachkumar|ruck: are you sure that the change made by quiquell regarding deleting of ports really runs?10:55
panda|koquiquell:  and what do you see ?10:56
jfrancoaquiquell: so what are we cloning then? a different branch?10:56
quiquellwhat change did I do ?10:56
zbr|ssbarneaquiquell: ahh, sorry it was made by chkumar|ruck : that one https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/18666/10:56
zbr|ssbarneai am curious if this code really runs on te-broker host10:57
quiquellpanda|ko, jfrancoa: Now we have tripleo-upgrade as required project https://github.com/openstack-infra/tripleo-ci/blob/master/zuul.d/base.yaml#L3010:58
quiquellSo it's always cloned10:58
panda|koquiquell: what job are you testing ?10:58
quiquellpanda|ko: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/181453110:58
openstackLaunchpad bug 1814531 in tripleo "pike: Running tripleo-upgrade at normal job" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Quique Llorente (quiquell)10:58
jfrancoaquiquell: but shouldn't zuul recognize that if the patch is for stable/pike, then it must download stable/pike branch for that project? or isn't it that clever?10:59
quiquelljfrancoa: at _pike jobs the "patch" is for master10:59
quiquelljfrancoa: we override that10:59
quiquelljfrancoa: but need to confirm stuff11:00
jfrancoaquiquell: ups...in that case that upgrade will never work..the process is quite different from pike to master11:00
quiquelljfrancoa: I don't know if we do much of upgrade jobs with branch_override11:00
quiquelljfrancoa: That's why is was not so obvious11:01
quiquellpanda|ko: you can see at _pike here http://logs.openstack.org/45/560445/239/check/tripleo-ci-centos-7-containers-multinode-pike/cedc2ec/job-output.txt.gz#_2019-02-05_00_22_50_41195811:01
quiquellpanda|ko: this is pointing to master11:01
quiquellpanda|ko: tripleo-upgrade is a required_project11:02
quiquellBut want to confirm first11:02
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quiquellYep, master11:03
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quiquellWe have this at requirements generated file:///home/zuul/src/git.openstack.org/openstack/tripleo-upgrade/#egg=tripleo-upgrade11:04
quiquellAnd this is master11:04
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quiquellI think I have a fix11:04
quiquellIf we don't have a change for tripleo-upgrade just use as before ZUUL_BRANCH with is changed with override11:05
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quiquellThe other projects we don't care we use build-test-packages and DLRN11:06
quiquellAnd they work alright11:06
zbr|ssbarneachkumar|ruck: i think that the cleanup logic for ports is faulty because I see ~1900 ports down and ~all of those were updated in the last 3h hours.11:08
zbr|ssbarneaopenstack port list --long -c id -c updated_at -c status --sort-column updated_at | grep DOWN | wc -l11:08
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chkumar|ruckzbr|ssbarnea, yes I need to change the time to 2 hours11:11
chkumar|ruckzbr|ssbarnea, https://github.com/rdo-infra/ci-config/blob/master/ci-scripts/infra-cleanup/ovb-tenant-cleanup.sh#L16311:12
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panda|koquiquell: if what you're saying is right, than we've never get the branch right since we switched to zuulv311:12
chkumar|ruckzbr|ssbarnea, it will delete the ports which are not updated after 5 hours11:12
panda|koquiquell: https://github.com/openstack-infra/tripleo-ci/blob/master/roles/run-test/templates/toci_gate_test.sh.j2#L15511:15
panda|koquiquell: if there's an error in the logic, it's here11:16
panda|koquiquell: we're always taking what zuul offers us here11:16
quiquellpanda|ko: since we added tripleo-upgrade to required-projects at least11:16
quiquellpanda|ko: before that the dir was present if we have a change on it only11:16
quiquellpanda|ko: now the directory is always there11:16
quiquellpanda|ko: but we don't run much upgrade with override_branch I think11:16
quiquellpanda|ko: the other projects are alrigth we take them from DLRN11:16
quiquellpanda|ko: is just stuff that we can only clone11:17
quiquellpanda|ko: well... not sure11:17
panda|koquiquell: when we were using devstack and zuulv2, setting OVERRIDE_ZUUL_BRANCH was enough to get all the projects with the overrid branch11:17
panda|koquiquell: now we would need to set checkout_override for the branchful jobs11:18
quiquellpanda|ko: yep was reading about it11:18
quiquellpanda|ko: problem with that if that maybe it override the change ?11:19
quiquellpanda|ko: Going to try11:19
quiquellpanda|ko: if it works we can remove the else there11:20
quiquellis not execise11:20
panda|koquiquell: if we are running on a tripleo-upgrade change, our good should be good, because the repo in the TRIPLEO_ROOT directory is already checked out with the right ref11:22
quiquellpanda|ko: yep11:22
quiquellpanda|ko: For example a change at tq with Depends-On on tripleo-upgrade master11:23
quiquellpanda|ko: the stable branch will test with the correct one11:23
quiquellpanda|ko: maybe even backporting that change will also work11:24
quiquellpanda|ko: like multiple Depends-On per stable branch backporting11:24
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amoralejhi, two oooq jobs have failed in rdoinfo gate in tripleo-container-image-prepare with same error11:27
amoralej  - 'http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/storage/x86_64/ceph-luminous/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] curl#6 - "Could not resolve host: mirror.centos.org; Unknown error"'11:27
amoralejis this somehow known issue?11:28
amoralejquiquell, ^11:28
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amoralejykarel, ^11:28
quiquellamoralej: let me look I am rovering11:28
amoraleja third job in the same review seems to be passing11:28
amoralejstill running11:28
quiquellpanda|ko: this ? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/63491711:29
panda|kommmhh DNS again ...11:29
quiquellpanda|ko: Do we have issues with DNSs ?11:29
panda|koquiquell: less recently, but is rate limited for us now.11:31
quiquelljfrancoa: To try to fix branchfull, pike job has to fail there https://review.openstack.org/#/c/634917/11:32
quiquellamoralej: btw do you know if RDO gerrit has change host key or something ?11:34
amoralejnot afaik11:34
quiquellOr regenerate it ?11:34
amoraleji didn't notice anything strange11:35
panda|koquiquell: this patch should work: 1) it sets the starting ref, but still honours the change ref, if it's releate to the overridden branch, 2) even the previous version, if an overridden branch did not exist then mster was used as default11:37
quiquellpanda|ko: so it has all the proper fallbacks11:38
quiquellpanda|ko: At least is better than what we have now11:38
mariosanyone else seen issues with chrony doing a standalone deploy? like this http://pastebin.test.redhat.com/707687 (am using a f28 virt host )11:38
quiquellpanda|ko: will also simplify toci11:38
panda|koquiquell: it may, but we need to study how to replace the old mechanism. We're still partially tied to zuulv2 behaviour ...11:40
quiquellpanda|ko: ok will just add the override thing11:41
quiquellpanda|ko: It's working I see at "use-cached-repos : Find locally cached git repos"11:43
quiquellpike for tripleo-upgrade11:43
quiquellIf -pike job fails we are good11:43
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quiquellpanda|ko: also in the reproduce is cloned pike11:45
quiquellso is good11:45
quiquellpanda|ko: do we need to do similar at RDO '11:46
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panda|koquiquell: I don't remember if we have bnranchful jobs there11:52
panda|koquiquell: but if we have, yes11:52
panda|kobut it's delicate, I hope we're not breaking anything else, stuyff like browbeat and such11:53
quiquellpanda|ko: we have http://dashboard-ci.tripleo.org/d/FEdraO0ik/jobs-exploration?orgId=1&var-influxdb_filter=job_name%7C%3D~%7C%2F.*pike$%2F&var-influxdb_filter=type%7C%3D%7Crdo11:54
quiquellwe have like a lot https://codesearch.rdoproject.org/?q=branch_override&i=nope&files=&repos=11:55
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ykarelquiquell, where pike is not cloned by zuul? patches in stable/pike?11:57
quiquellykarel: at branchful jobs nope11:57
quiquellykarel: we have found a bug at toci11:57
quiquellPossible fix https://review.openstack.org/#/c/634917/11:58
ykarel[1] is missing in commit message11:58
ykarelissue description?11:58
ykarelsince when issue is there?11:58
quiquellexactly this since we have branchful projects at "required-projects"11:59
quiquellThey are always cloned11:59
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ykarelquiquell, job link with issue?12:00
ykarellogs i mean12:00
quiquellykarel: [1] https://github.com/openstack-infra/tripleo-ci/blob/master/zuul.d/base.yaml#L27-L3712:01
quiquellAll thos projects if they are branchfull we are geting them wrong at branch_override jobs12:01
quiquellykarel: This is the noop changet at as stable/branch change http://logs.openstack.org/48/602248/23/check/tripleo-ci-centos-7-containers-multinode/141c28f/job-output.txt.gz#_2019-02-04_09_51_50_88339812:02
quiquellykarel: It fails and it's legit12:02
quiquellykarel: we discover the issue at -pike jobs not failing at the same place12:02
quiquellykarel: Have reproduce it and se use master12:03
quiquellykarel: the toci was expected the clone not to be there12:03
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ykarelquique|rover|eat, but here i see stable/pike for tripleo-upgrade:- http://logs.openstack.org/48/602248/23/check/tripleo-ci-centos-7-containers-multinode/141c28f/zuul-info/inventory.yaml12:04
ykareldo you want to checkout master tripleo-upgrade when running in stable/pike branch?12:06
ykarelpanda|ko, ^^12:06
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quiquell|roverykarel: as expected12:06
quiquell|roverykarel: that one comes from a pike change12:06
quiquell|roverykarel: problem is master change with branch_override12:06
quiquell|roverykarel: toci was expecting zuul not to clone tripleo-upgrade12:06
quiquell|roverykarel: and it was using branch_override infor to clone correct branch12:07
quiquell|roverykarel: https://github.com/openstack-infra/tripleo-ci/blob/master/roles/run-test/templates/toci_gate_test.sh.j2#L155-L16112:07
quiquell|roverykarel: just for tripleo-upgrade12:07
zbr|ssbarneachkumar|ruck: i am afraid that 2h is not safe as deployment can take 3h. I would setup the value to 200m which is bit over 3h (as we still have collection). we do not want to recycle stuff that may be still in use. sounds ok?12:09
zbr|ssbarneachkumar|ruck: also when doing this, move the timer variable a top of the file and make it overridable, like the rest of them.12:10
quiquell|roverpanda|ko: I think we have to remove the phase2 from promoter  ini files12:10
chkumar|ruckzbr|ssbarnea, I have not changed the timing, the script is still running12:10
chkumar|ruckzbr|ssbarnea, I will update the patch12:11
quiquell|roversshnaidm: we need this https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/18719/12:13
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sshnaidmquique|rover|eat, commented12:17
ykarelquiquell|rover, but issue seems is why at all upgrade running in non-upgrade jobs12:19
ykarel-pike jobs running correctly12:19
chkumar|rucksshnaidm, https://review.rdoproject.org/r/18725 ssh key updated12:25
fultonjquique: you pinged me a few hours ago. i'm here now.12:26
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quiquell|roverfultonj: o/12:28
quiquell|roverfultonj: gfidente is doing the ceph upgrade stuff12:28
quiquell|roverykarel: -pike jobs should fail similar to noop review for pike branch12:29
quiquell|roverykarel: but they are not12:29
quiquell|roverykarel: triple-upgrade role is not runing but is being expanded by ansible12:29
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quiquell|roverykarel: but the expansion is ok at master branch from tripleo-upgrade12:30
quiquell|roverykarel: that's why -pike jobs are working because branch is wrong12:30
ykarelquiquell|rover, yup this makes sense12:30
fultonjquiquell|rover: ok12:31
quiquell|roversshnaidm: Going to add some pytest there12:31
zbr|ssbarneai just realized the rdo gerrit was updated to 2.14, cool :D12:31
quiquell|roverzbr|ssbarnea: when ?12:31
quiquell|roverzbr|ssbarnea: that can be the issue with the reproducer12:31
zbr|ssbarneaprobably today or yesterday12:32
quiquell|roverzbr|ssbarnea: so possibly they have update the host key12:32
quiquell|roverand now we are screw12:32
zbr|ssbarneai don't know exactly, but I realised few moments ago when I seen the "assignee" field.12:32
quiquell|roverI think zuul is geting the non RSA host key and that's why is failing12:32
zbr|ssbarneaquiquell|rover: my gerrit-review didn't complain about it, so I doubt the key was changed.12:33
zbr|ssbarneaquiquell|rover: we are not screwed, we just have the opportunity to improve the reproducer code ;)12:33
ykarelzbr|ssbarnea, quiquell|rover it's updated today12:34
quiquell|roverzbr|ssbarnea: is paramiko issue12:34
quiquell|roverwe will see12:34
ykarelthere was a mail regarding it12:34
quiquell|roverykarel: sure there was and sure I didn't check it :-/12:34
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ykarelquiquell|rover, chkumar|ruck seeing No more IP addresses available on network 1f6dd7c9-1c87-4310-a1c3-bd7c0346d6ad. in some jobs, is the issue known12:46
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @ https://review.openstack.org/604298, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003 (2 more messages)12:51
quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: is this related to the ports issue ?12:51
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chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover, yes12:59
chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover, we have seen this issue last week12:59
chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover, ykarel we still have 1421 ports in down state from ovb script13:01
weshaychkumar|ruck, quiquell|rover you guys on top of the post build error in https://logs.rdoproject.org/openstack-periodic/git.openstack.org/openstack-infra/tripleo-ci/master/periodic-tripleo-centos-7-master-containers-build/4d33e53/job-output.txt.gz13:01
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weshaychkumar|ruck, quiquell|rover I beleive the error is the same as the check job atm13:03
weshayquiquell|rover, did rdo go offline again w/ problematic stacks?13:03
quiquell|roverweshay: yep, centos nodes were broken13:04
chkumar|ruckweshay, so last night they have cleaned up the stack till afternoon centos nodes were broken13:04
chkumar|ruckweshay, now we have 2000 ports are in down state13:04
chkumar|ruckweshay, clean up in progress13:04
weshayquiquell|rover, chkumar|ruck so the containers build job..13:04
weshay"ERROR:kolla.common.utils:rabbitmq Failed with status: error13:04
weshayand the check build job are failing13:04
weshayno promotion blockers?13:04
weshayno alerts?13:05
quiquell|roverweshay: RDO was so broken I didn't really check too much13:05
weshayI need bugs13:05
weshayupstream is working13:05
quiquell|roverweshay: Ok let me iterate it13:05
quiquell|roverweshay: we have something interesting with branch_override13:05
chkumar|ruckweshay, we have dns issue also http://logs.rdoproject.org/92/18692/5/check/rdoinfo-tripleo-master-centos-7-scenario001-standalone/ea13990/logs/undercloud/var/log/tripleo-container-image-prepare.log.txt.gz13:06
chkumar|ruckfew hours back13:06
weshaychkumar|ruck, quiquell|rover actually this may be fixed now13:06
weshayso the next promotion job that runs.. may work13:07
weshayso quiquell|rover you can hold on that bug13:07
quiquell|roverweshay: ack13:07
quiquell|roverweshay: looks we have being broken with branchful jobs for long13:08
weshaychkumar|ruck, hrm.. why is that not using the upstream mirror?13:08
quiquell|roverweshay: branch_override was not working as expected13:08
rascasoftI love when weshay writes he need bugs :D13:08
weshayrascasoft, hey hey folks :)13:08
weshaywe have a guest tonight... I'd like to welcome back rascasoft!!!13:09
weshayyou might remember rascasoft from such films as... get buggy and squash it!13:09
rascasoftweshay, yo man, I missed you all too much, need to pass and say bye13:09
weshayrascasoft, tell what life is like on the outside13:09
chkumar|ruckweshay, checking on that13:10
weshaychkumar|ruck, the image prep should be using 2019-02-05 10:35:23.352802 | primary | + echo '    baseurl: http://mirror.regionone.rdo-cloud.rdoproject.org/centos/7/os/x86_64/'13:10
weshaynot   - 'http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/storage/x86_64/ceph-luminous/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] curl#6 - "Could not resolve host: mirror.centos.org; Unknown error"'13:11
rascasoftweshay, busy, sleepless, poorer but what is important is that it is... Satisfactory13:11
weshaylolz... sleepless??? you should be sleeping like baby man.. we're all about to do performance reviews13:11
rascasoftweshay, ah ah you win!13:12
quiquell|roverweshay: That's DNS13:12
quiquell|roverweshay: panda|ko you say there were some DNS issue before ?13:13
weshayrascasoft, :)13:13
chkumar|ruckweshay, http://codesearch.openstack.org/?q=%27http%3A%2F%2Fmirror.centos.org%2Fcentos&i=nope&files=&repos=13:13
chkumar|ruckweshay, at each place it will look for nodepool mirror but if it is not there i think then it moves to mirrors.centos.org13:13
hubbot1weshay: chkumar|ruck's karma is now 413:14
weshayit needs to be using the mirror... it may be a tripleo bug13:14
chkumar|ruckopening a bug and looking into it13:15
weshaychkumar|ruck, do we have a bug on infra?13:15
weshaychkumar|ruck, maybe we can ask alan why they block mirror.regionone.rdo-cloud.rdoproject.org13:15
weshayfrom port 8013:15
hubbot1weshay: chkumar|ruck's karma is now 513:16
weshayI reread your comment13:16
ykarelweshay, chkumar|ruck seems issue with rdoinfo tripleo jobs as using custom release files13:16
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quiquell|roverpanda|ko, jfrancoa: -pike has failed as expected https://zuul.openstack.org/stream/13d56e3e1e9b4477b5b5610806e46667?logfile=console.log13:17
weshayykarel, sorry?13:17
quiquell|roverykarel: ^13:17
weshayykarel, more detail there please13:17
jfrancoaquiquell: something I don't really get is what's the difference between both executions (the master one and the stable/pike) if underneath they're calling both to the same tripleo-upgrade role branch (master), and from the very same playbook file (multinode-ovecloud-upgrade.yml)..why does one start running tripleo-upgrade while the other just skips it as expected..13:19
ykarelweshay, the logs you guys were discussion against mirror.centos is from the job which uses custom release files to inject rdo repos:- https://github.com/rdo-infra/rdo-jobs/blob/master/playbooks/run-rdoinfo.yaml#L84-L19713:19
ykarelso might have some missing related to mirror13:20
quiquell|roverjfrancoa: the noop changes is at stable/pike13:20
quiquell|roverjfrancoa: the -pike is running master everywhere13:20
quiquell|roverjfrancoa: master branch of tripleo-upgrade does not have the issue13:20
quiquell|roverjfrancoa: only stable/pike branch13:20
quiquell|roverjfrancoa: blue ?13:20
ykarelweshay, specifically https://github.com/rdo-infra/rdo-jobs/blob/master/playbooks/run-rdoinfo.yaml#L117 seems issue13:20
jfrancoaquiquell|rover: ok13:21
ykarelweshay, makes sense?13:21
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quiquell|roverjfrancoa: your blue I am13:22
ykarelamoralej, ^^13:22
weshayykarel, I wanted to -2 all of that13:22
weshaybut refrained13:23
weshayykarel, do you think we can create a regular release file for rdo-info?13:23
weshayamoralej, ^13:23
weshayI know we just carried that release info but we should get it more in line for maint13:24
weshaysshnaidm, you ready in 5?13:24
amoralejwe'd need to parametrize the regular release files to add arbitrary repos13:24
sshnaidmweshay, yep13:25
ykarelyup we inject custom things in release files13:25
rfolcoarxcruz, https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-ci-squad-meeting @L45 - added for you, feel free to change13:25
amoraleji think that's the only that we need13:25
weshaylooking for a merge https://review.openstack.org/#/c/634301/13:25
amoralejand have for rdo trunk and cloudsig released and testing13:26
amoralejbut yes, it's possible13:26
weshaymarios, thanks for pointing out f2813:27
weshaywill look in a bit13:27
chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover, weshay rabbitmq one https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/181476313:27
openstackLaunchpad bug 1814763 in tripleo "[Master][periodic] container build job got failed with No package rabbitmq-server-3.7.10 available" [Critical,Triaged]13:27
mariosweshay: ?13:27
mariosweshay: which bit13:27
weshayamoralej, cool.. thanks13:27
amoralejis it possible to override parameters in release files with otheeeeeer yaml?13:27
mariosweshay: (some review maybe?)13:27
weshaymarios, libselinux on my patch13:27
mariosweshay: ah ack13:27
amoraleji.e. gating_repo_name13:27
ykarelartg_skipped_project also13:28
quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: thanks sorry I didn't get that13:28
chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover, in current promotion pipeline job https://logs.rdoproject.org/openstack-periodic/git.openstack.org/openstack-infra/tripleo-ci/master/periodic-tripleo-centos-7-master-containers-build/4d33e53/logs/kolla/logs/000_FAILED_rabbitmq.log goes to post_failure while doing kolla build13:32
chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover, rabbitmq-server-3.7.10 available. is not available, the promotion pipeline jobs are still running.13:34
chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover, it is the bug for the same https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/181476313:34
openstackLaunchpad bug 1814763 in tripleo "[Master][periodic] container build job got failed with No package rabbitmq-server-3.7.10 available" [Critical,Triaged]13:34
quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: ^ this is not related to the DNS issue ?13:36
chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover, nope13:36
chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover, rdoinfo was dns issue13:36
quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: then looks like we have a bad dependency somewhere13:37
quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: so the kolla container depends on a RDO package that we don't have build yet ?13:37
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quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: but can be indirectly related to DNSs13:39
chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover, it comes from deps13:39
quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: If we cannot get new version of rabbitmq-server at rdoinfo13:39
quiquell|roverkolla is going to fail13:39
quiquell|roverdidn't they have an issue with DNS at rdoinfo regarding rabbitmq ?13:39
quiquell|roverOr I am totally lost ?13:39
quiquell|roveramoralej: what was the issue with rabbitmq ?13:39
chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover, yes13:40
chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover, last package built is https://cbs.centos.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=39813:40
quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: so rdoinfo is not able to create the new one13:40
quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: and they cannot do it because the DNS13:40
quiquell|roveris that it ?13:40
quiquell|roveror the release file ?13:41
quiquell|roverrlandy: There are issues with reproducer and RDO new gerrit13:41
quiquell|roverrlandy: did have to bypass RDO to use it13:41
quiquell|roversshnaidm: ^13:41
amoralejquiquell|rover, no idea about rabbitmq problem13:43
chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover, I got the culprit http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/kolla/tree/docker/rabbitmq/Dockerfile.j2#n1713:44
ykarelamoralej, chkumar|ruck, quiquell|rover you nead https://review.openstack.org/#/c/634405/ for rabbitmq issue, this will be available with next promotion issue, master repo will be consistent soon: https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-master/queue.html13:44
ykarels/promotion issue/promotion run13:44
chkumar|ruckykarel, promotion jobs were in queue state for very long time today so13:45
ykarelchkumar|ruck, tripleo-common patch was not there13:45
amoralejepel should not be enabled with rdo13:46
quiquell|roverykarel: Thanks13:47
chkumar|ruckykarel, thanks!13:47
quiquell|roverHumm last run from periodic-tripleo-centos-7-master-containers-build13:48
chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover, we need to wait for next run may be tomorroew13:53
quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: I see almost all the jobs finished or skipped13:53
quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: Yep let's wait for tomorrow13:53
quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: At least now jobs are running again13:54
chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover, if container-builds passes, other promotion jobs kicks off13:54
chkumar|ruckif fails, others got skipped13:54
quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: has already fail13:57
quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: we have to wait next run13:57
chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover, sshnaidm down ports still left 114913:57
chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover, sshnaidm does the port cleanup script will be running on te-broker server?13:58
arxcruzpanda|ko: well, ImageNotFoundException: Not found image: docker://docker.io/tripleomaster/centos-binary-cron:bf97151ce15feccd98be3b43c06656939841eb9b_8fb6131313:58
chkumar|ruckor do we need there to kick it manually?13:58
panda|koarxcruz: ? again ?13:58
quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: te-broker is gone, toolbox I think is the palce13:58
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quiquell|roversshnaidm: ?13:58
arxcruzpanda|ko: wait, althoug i change the hash still getting the old one13:59
chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover, new repo?13:59
panda|koarxcruz: yep, and that one doesn't exist13:59
arxcruzpanda|ko: yeah, wondering where I'm missing ...14:00
chkumar|ruckarxcruz, feel free to update the notes on os_tempest on tripleo meeting14:00
chkumar|rucki need to leave in some time14:00
panda|koarxcruz: which is weird, we never remove tags, so taht tag actually never existed14:00
chkumar|ruckarxcruz, thanks :-)14:00
sshnaidmquiquell|rover, what is the question?14:01
panda|koarxcruz: since containters creation, it has never been there14:01
arxcruzchkumar|ruck: don't know why, but you're welcome :D14:01
chkumar|ruckweshay, sshnaidm quiquell|rover I am logging out, will take a look at down ports tomorrow if stills stays there14:03
chkumar|rucksee ya!14:03
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sshnaidmchkumar|ruck, is script is still running?14:03
quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: bye14:04
chkumar|rucksshnaidm, I am terminating the script from my side once my laptop goes to sleep14:04
sshnaidmchkumar|ruck, ok, I'll continue to run it then14:05
chkumar|ruckstill left 112314:05
chkumar|rucksee ya14:05
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sshnaidmchkumar|ruck, thanks, see you14:05
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sshnaidmquiquell|rover, this patch made impossible to send patches in test1 project: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/18279/14:12
sshnaidmquiquell|rover, this first commit is stuck somehow.. it's not submitted, but in origin/master anyhow14:12
sshnaidmquiquell|rover, all further commits are rejected14:13
sshnaidmquiquell|rover, oh, sorry, seems like I had this repo from previous run.. deleted and cloned again, it worked14:14
quiquell|roversshnaidm: ack14:14
sshnaidmquiquell|rover, false alarm :D14:14
quiquell|roversshnaidm: do you have issues git RDO gerrit ?14:14
sshnaidmquiquell|rover, when I ran reproducer script I had14:14
sshnaidmquiquell|rover, but my setup is working fine so far14:15
quiquell|roversshnaidm: ack14:15
quiquell|roverIn case you have problem test this https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/18720/14:15
sshnaidmbut I think any new one will have this problem14:15
quiquell|roverHave work for me14:15
quiquell|roverbut we have issues with RDO new gerrit :-/14:15
quiquell|roverjfrancoa: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/634917/14:16
quiquell|roverjfrancoa: Let's see if it works now14:16
jfrancoaquiquell|rover: great, thanks for preparing it14:16
sshnaidmquiquell|rover, I work with ovb jobs, so I need it :(14:23
quiquell|roversshnaidm: then we are screw14:26
quiquell|roversshnaidm: after gerrit upgrade at RDO host key is not RSA or zuul is not asking for RSA one and paramiko fails :-/14:26
sshnaidmquiquell|rover, did you talk with Tristan?14:27
sshnaidmquiquell|rover, maybe it's possible to revert14:27
sshnaidmquiquell|rover, for me it still works, I think it remembers my host14:27
quiquell|roverhell of a day14:27
sshnaidmquiquell|rover, np, let's catch with him tomorrow14:27
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sshnaidmquiquell|rover, damn.. my setup is also screwed: Signature verification (ssh-ed25519) failed14:33
quiquell|roverYep that's it14:33
quiquell|roverTristan have found similar issue with paramiko14:33
quiquell|roverDon't know if we can force zuul to ask for RSA host key14:34
rlandymarios: I hit the selinux vpn issue yesterday - did you do anything to correct it - or you just live with changing to permissive?14:35
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rlandyquiquell|rover: been more concentrated on the users setup but I'll retry your patch14:42
rlandyneed to get these things through ... https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/18665/14:42
quiquell|roverrlandy: Well, we cannot connect with RDO gerrit with reproducer14:43
quiquell|roverrlandy: this has more priority than nothing I think ?14:43
quiquell|roverrlandy: they have update gerrit at RDO14:44
rlandyquiquell|rover; who are you talking with in RDO?14:49
quiquell|roverrlandy: Tried tristan14:49
rlandyquiquell|rover: Tristan is on a diff timezone, I think14:50
rlandydid you reach him?14:51
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @ https://review.openstack.org/604298, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003 (2 more messages)14:51
quiquell|roverrlandy: :-(14:51
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rlandyquiquell|rover: nhicher maybe?14:55
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quiquell|roversshnaidm: added pytest to rdocloud.py https://review.rdoproject.org/r/1871914:56
quiquell|roversshnaidm: Now is tested14:56
quiquell|roverrlandy: CI is screw there14:57
quiquell|roverrlandy: you can bypass while we fix it with the skip_rdo14:57
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rlandyquiquell|rover: no worries about that CI - can wait14:59
weshaymarios, I may need to take that back.. or most of the role defined in tripleo.. ansible-role-tripleo* just shell's and filled in w/ jinja?15:00
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quiquell|roverweshay, sshnaidm: to fix cockpit stack panel https://review.rdoproject.org/r/1871915:31
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weshayrfolco, that was your meeting right?15:43
weshayin bluejeans?15:43
rfolcono, its yours15:43
weshayok.. ha15:43
hubbot1sshnaidm: quiquell|rover's karma is now 415:48
sshnaidmquiquell|rover, great tests on rdocloud.py15:48
quiquell|roversshnaidm: We need more of this at all telegraf stuff15:48
quiquell|roversshnaidm: but its costly15:48
sshnaidmquiquell|rover, yeah, totally15:48
panda|koarxcruz: ping15:54
arxcruzpanda|ko: pong15:54
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panda|koarxcruz: any particular objection in merging https://review.openstack.org/509728 ? I need it to move on on my task. Without a working multinode scenario012, I have nothing to compere the failures that I'm seeing in standalone15:55
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panda|koarxcruz: I don't know how would we test this on fs20, but unless tha flag "ironic" is there, nothing should change15:59
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arxcruzpanda|ko: checking15:59
panda|koarxcruz: thanks16:00
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arxcruzpanda|ko: done, i believe it's okay16:00
panda|koarxcruz: thanks16:03
rlandyweshay: ping re: failing f28 on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/634329/ ... http://logs.openstack.org/29/634329/12/check/tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone/38ce3a4/job-output.txt.gz#_2019-02-04_22_45_57_456883\16:03
weshayrlandy, ok.. rdo has some nodes now16:03
weshayit looks like16:03
weshaymaybe we'll get a thing merged16:03
rlandyweshay: ack - jobs were still failing for me - but point aside16:03
rlandyweshay: reproducer ci is failing16:03
* weshay looks at ur review16:04
rlandydue to rdo gerrit change16:04
weshayya.. I'm looking at that now16:04
weshayrlandy, you are referring to marios's comment16:04
weshayrlandy, oh wait16:05
weshayrlandy, quique|rover|off dang it16:05
weshaydo we know why https://logs.rdoproject.org/65/18665/4/check/tripleo-ci-reproducer-fedora-28-host/16bb2fc/job-output.txt.gz#_2019-02-05_03_04_26_43611516:05
weshayis failing?16:06
rlandyweshay: see rdo dicussion16:06
rlandy<nhicher> quiquell|rover: we've got this issue on sf, if the ssh-ed25519 is defined before the rsa one it fails, we fixed that with https://softwarefactory-project.io/cgit/software-factory/sf-config/tree/ansible/roles/sf-base/tasks/upgrade.yml#n8416:07
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panda|kosorry folks, working with only one eye is giving me the headache, leaving early today.16:22
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weshayrlandy, ok.. I think I fixed the f28 issue marios found.. anything else I can do atm?16:50
weshayor we just waiting on rdo to come back to life16:50
rlandyweshay: I am reinstalling on my test box16:50
rlandywe should be able to get by the ssh issue there16:50
rlandyby clearing known_hosts16:50
rlandyweshay: wrt more to do- don;t think so16:50
rlandyuntil we know how ci reacts16:51
weshayrfolco, did you get my pm's?16:51
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @ https://review.openstack.org/604298, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003 (2 more messages)16:51
rlandyweshay: that one thing I did not do is the self extracting tar file16:51
rlandydidn;t think it added much16:51
rlandybut I can be wrong16:51
rlandywould rather merge what we have atm16:51
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weshayrlandy, not including a self extracting tar is fine by me16:52
rlandyI think our users can tar -xvf16:53
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rlandyweshay: install_package_deps_via_bindep does nothing on my system17:22
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rlandytask path: /tmp/reproduce-tmp.VLpLx/roles/ansible-role-tripleo-ci-reproducer/tasks/openstack/main.yaml:217:22
rlandyfailed: [localhost] (item=19885) => {"changed": false, "item": 19885, "msg": "openstacksdk is required for this module"}17:22
rlandyfailed: [localhost] (item=22) => {"changed": false, "item": 22, "msg": "openstacksdk is required for this module"}17:22
rlandy^^ get that error17:22
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weshayrlandy, can I get the script you are using17:24
rlandyI pulled the other files from http://logs.openstack.org/67/631067/50/check/tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone/b341b8c/logs/17:24
rlandyedited then to avoid errors due to files not merged17:25
weshayare you sourcing it and then calling the function?17:25
weshayor running ./install-deps.sh17:25
* rlandy updates per ... sec17:26
rlandyThe task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: 'playbooks_dir' is undefined17:33
rlandymy mistake - fixing17:34
weshayrlandy, I thought that was a ansible internal var17:34
weshayThe path to the directory of the playbook that was passed to the ansible-playbook command line.17:35
weshayrlandy, it's playbook_dir17:35
rlandyweshay: ack17:36
rlandyyou have to spell it right for it to work :)17:36
rlandy{"msg": "An unhandled exception occurred while running the lookup plugin 'file'. Error was a <class 'ansible.errors.AnsibleError'>, original message: could not locate file in lookup: /tmp/reproduce-tmp.VLpLx/playbooks/bindep_python2.txt"}17:36
rlandyit's one back17:36
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gouthamr o/ has anyone hit an issue with executing "chronyc waitsync 20" on a compute node during oooq deployment? (from: https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-heat-templates/blob/1282bc/deployment/timesync/chrony-baremetal-ansible.yaml#L125)17:53
weshayrlandy, it's not merged17:54
weshayrlandy, hrm.. that is the wrong dir too17:55
rlandyyep - testing fix17:55
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weshayrlandy, I have a bug too on systems w/o python18:05
weshay+ python2 -c 'from __future__ import print_function; import setuptools; print('\''setuptools:%s '\'' % setuptools.__version__, end='\'''\'')'18:05
weshaybreaks me18:05
rlandyweshay: checking packages with check_mode also requires become18:05
rlandyso that's not a good check18:06
rlandyfor the sudo issue18:06
weshayrlandy, that's too bad18:06
weshayso you have to hand craft..18:06
weshaythat would be a nice fix for ansible18:06
rlandyweshay: yep - reworking18:06
weshayzbr|ssbarnea, can we chat for a hot second?18:07
weshayor is it too late?18:07
zbr|ssbarneasure. joining now.18:08
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weshayrlandy, found this helpful18:29
weshay$ PS4='Line ${LINENO}: ' bash -x18:29
weshay$ PS4='Line ${LINENO}: ' bash -x reproducer-foo.sh18:29
weshayprints the line numbers as it executes18:29
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @ https://review.openstack.org/604298, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003 (3 more messages)18:51
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rlandyweshay: updated ... https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/18664/15..1619:26
* weshay looks19:26
weshayI updated too19:26
rlandyfailed: [localhost] (item=19885) => {"changed": false, "item": 19885, "msg": "openstacksdk is required for this module"}19:29
rlandyfailed: [localhost] (item=22) => {"changed": false, "item": 22, "msg": "openstacksdk is required for this module"}19:29
rlandy^^ still failing with19:29
weshayone comment19:30
weshayoh.. did that make in bindep?19:30
rlandyweshay: see quique|rover|off comment - he told me to take that out19:30
weshayit's here though https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/18665/4/requirements.txt19:30
rlandyanother conflicting review19:30
rlandyI know its' there19:30
rlandyFĂ©lix Enrique Llorente Pastora19:31
rlandy2:36 AM19:31
rlandyPatch Set 14:19:31
rlandy(1 comment)19:31
rlandyLine 124:19:31
rlandyNot needed if it's started it's ok, previous one is the one needed for idempotency.19:31
rlandyweshay: ^^19:31
weshaywhich line is19:31
weshay<rlandy> failed: [localhost] (item=22) => {"changed": false, "item": 22, "msg": "openstacksdk is required for this module"}19:31
weshay<rlandy> ^^ still failing with19:31
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rlandyweshay: I really don;t know - must be my python installs19:32
weshaycan you tmate?19:32
rlandyuninstalling and running again19:32
weshayrlandy, module os_security_group_rule:19:36
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rlandyweshay: need 10 minutes - quick lunch - feel free to work on tmate19:38
weshayrlandy, I think that's the error19:40
weshayrlandy, add --force19:42
weshayrlandy, :)19:45
rlandyweshay: sorry - back19:48
rlandyweshay: where did you add force?19:48
rlandygot to update review anyways for tox linters19:50
weshayrlandy, right next to --user19:50
weshayso.. extra-args: --user --force19:51
rlandygot it19:54
rlandycan I kill this to try out the syntax changes?19:55
rlandyugh - that's waht tox required19:56
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rlandy2019-02-05 19:28:15.841349 | rdo-centos-7 | [0;34mplaybooks/tripleo-ci-reproducer/pre.yaml[0m:[0;36m46[0m: [[1;31mE104[0m] [0;31mFound a bare variable 'cat '{{ playbook_dir }}/../requirements.txt'' used in a 'with_lines' loop. You should use the full variable syntax ('{{cat '{{ playbook_dir }}/../requirements.txt'}}')[0m20:01
rlandy2019-02-05 19:28:15.841461 | rdo-centos-7 | Examining files/projects/test1/playbooks/run.yaml of type playbook20:01
weshayrlandy, what ever you want/need to do20:03
weshayfine by me20:03
rlandyweshay: of I don;t change that, the tox text fails20:04
rlandyif I do, the actual test fails20:04
rlandyANSIBLE0015: Using bare variables is deprecated20:04
rlandy  Using bare variables is deprecated. Update your playbooks so that the environment value uses the full variable syntax ("{{your_variable}}").20:04
weshayrlandy, wait what?20:04
* weshay looks20:04
weshayif you do what tox fails?20:05
rlandyobjects to with_lines: cat '{{ playbook_dir }}/../bindep_python2.txt' }}20:05
weshayrlandy, why are you not using the requirements option?20:06
weshaydid you try that20:06
weshayrlandy, why cat a file? https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/pip_module.html20:07
rlandywhich requirements option?20:07
weshayoh.. I see you have the same message on bindeps and pip20:07
rlandy`bindep -b -f bindep_$(python_cmd).txt`20:08
rlandy^^ does not work20:08
weshayrlandy, you pointed me at20:08
weshay0;34mplaybooks/tripleo-ci-reproducer/pre.yaml[0m:[0;36m46[0m: [[1;31mE104[0m] [0;31mFound a bare variable 'cat '{{ playbook_dir }}/../requirements.txt'' used in a 'with_lines' loop. You should use the full variable syntax ('{{cat '{{ playbook_dir }}/../requirements.txt'}}')[0m20:08
weshayk.. maybe we do use the bindep module20:08
* weshay looks20:08
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weshayrlandy, let's uninstall a package20:14
weshaysee if it works :)20:14
rlandyok - go4it20:14
rlandyuninstall something20:14
weshaybrb 2 secs20:24
weshayrlandy, k.. back20:26
weshaycommunication over tmate is hard20:26
weshayrlandy, what's up?20:31
rlandyok: [localhost] => (item=docker) => {"changed": false, "item": "docker", "msg": "Nothing to do", "rc": 0, "results": []}20:32
rlandyweshay: sorry exited out20:32
rlandywill restart20:32
rlandyfatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Could not find the requested service docker: host"}20:32
rlandythinks docker is installed20:33
weshayvia rpm?20:33
rlandybut dnf says not20:33
weshayrlandy, hrm.. and rpm?20:34
weshayrpm -q docker20:34
weshayansible I think is just using the python-rpm package20:34
rlandyok: [localhost] => (item=docker) => {"changed": false, "item": "docker", "msg": "Nothing to do", "rc": 0, "results": []}20:46
rlandyskipping: [localhost] => (item=gcc)  => {"changed": false, "item": "gcc", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}20:46
rlandyskipping: [localhost] => (item=git)  => {"changed": false, "item": "git", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}20:46
rlandyskipping: [localhost] => (item=python2-libselinux)  => {"changed": false, "item": "python2-libselinux", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}20:46
rlandyskipping: [localhost] => (item=python2-netaddr)  => {"changed": false, "item": "python2-netaddr", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}20:46
rlandyskipping: [localhost] => (item=python2-setuptools)  => {"changed": false, "item": "python2-setuptools", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}20:46
rlandyskipping: [localhost] => (item=python2-virtualenv)  => {"changed": false, "item": "python2-virtualenv", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}20:47
rlandyskipping: [localhost] => (item=python2-pip)  => {"changed": false, "item": "python2-pip", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}20:47
rlandyskipping: [localhost] => (item=rsync)  => {"changed": false, "item": "rsync", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}20:47
weshayah nice20:48
weshaywhat was the trick?20:48
rlandynot nice20:48
weshaythose are not installed?20:48
rlandyok: [localhost] => (item=docker) => {"changed": false, "item": "docker", "msg": "Nothing to do", "rc": 0, "results": []}20:48
rlandyit picks up the right item20:48
rlandybut Nothing to do20:48
weshaycan we blue?20:48
rlandy^^ it should do something20:48
weshayunderstood now20:49
rlandyyeah - joining your blue20:49
weshayrlandy, let's fire up tmate too again20:50
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @ https://review.openstack.org/604298, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003 (3 more messages)20:51
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rlandyfor i in `bindep -b -f bindep_$(python_cmd).txt`; do21:37
rlandy        sudo $(package_manager) -y install $i;21:37
rlandy    done21:37
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rlandyweshay: ^^21:54
rlandyweshay: do you hear me?22:07
rlandyweshay: woohoo green linters ... https://logs.rdoproject.org/64/18664/19/check/tox-linters/465f4e7/job-output.txt.gz22:26
rlandyci on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/631067/ running again22:27
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario010-multinode-oooq-container @ https://review.openstack.org/604298, stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003 (3 more messages)22:51
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