Monday, 2018-12-03

hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, stable/ocata: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001 @
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-standalone, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, stable/ocata: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001 @
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, stable/ocata: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001 @
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ykarelmarios_|ruck, ssbarnea|rover is this ovb issue known: RuntimeError: Found different numbers of baremetal and bmc ports. seeing in 3 environments:
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marios_|ruckykarel: doesn't sound familiar and i haven't seen  it mysefl let me check the etherpad for any updates from weekend06:57
ykarelmarios_|ruck, ack07:00
marios_|ruckykarel: looks like a new one tho looking in it doesn't show those fails yet07:01
marios_|ruckykarel: i'll file the bug in a bit thanks for ping07:01
ykarelmarios_|ruck, ack07:01
marios_|ruckykarel: looks like it had one green run yesterday for that so it is new07:02
marios_|ruckykarel: is this blocking you?07:02
ykarelmarios_|ruck, not yet,07:02
ykarelbut if it affects most of the ovb job then it's critical07:03
marios_|ruckykarel: ack07:03
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quiquellmarios_|ruck, ykarel: o/07:10
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quiquellykarel, marios_|ruck: scenario002 for standalone, env file
quiquellykarel:, marios_|ruck: Onlythis one is missing the others are already merged07:20
marios_|ruckquiquell: ack07:20
marios_|ruckquiquell: in a sec07:20
quiquellmarios_|ruck: We have to find someone else to the other +207:20
marios_|ruckquiquell: k go pimp it in tripleo07:20
ykarelquiquell, ack07:21
quiquellmarios_|ruck: I am super bad selling shit07:21
quiquellmarios_|ruck: le'ts merge non votings jobs too07:22
quiquellremoving Depends-On07:22
quiquellAhhh no tempest stuff we  have to get tempest stuff right first07:23
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, stable/ocata: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001 @
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marios_|ruckykarel|lunch: fyi but from a quick survey just now i couldn't find more examples, did you say you had 3?08:30
openstackLaunchpad bug 1806346 in tripleo "periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-queens job failed to retrieve environment - testenv-client - ERROR - Couldn't retrieve env" [Undecided,Triaged] - Assigned to Marios Andreou (marios-b)08:30
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arxcruzrascasoft: i'm very angry with you :(08:37
ykarel|lunchmarios_|ruck, yes 3, look for error i shared in
rascasoftarxcruz, be kind man, Christmas is near :)08:39
arxcruzrascasoft: and which gift you gave me? a good bye08:39
rascasoftarxcruz, LOL there are goodbyes and goodbyes ;)08:40
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ssbarnea|rovermarios: morning!08:47
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marioso/ ssbarnea|rover08:48
ssbarnea|roverquiquell: we need workflow on -- as this is part of the timeout fix on upgrades.08:50
quiquellssbarnea|rover: ack, looking08:53
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quiquellssbarnea|rover: done08:56
ssbarnea|rovermarios: which meetings do we need to attend?08:57
marios_|ruckssbarnea|rover: quick sync call now?08:58
marios_|ruck(or in bit if you want coffee first:)08:59
ssbarnea|rovermarios_|ruck: - already have the coffee.08:59
marios_|ruckssbarnea|rover: joining08:59
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ssbarnea|rovermarios_|ruck: those errors were from periodic jobs and are visible logs.rdo... not loaded to logstash.  i wonder if we can start feeding logstash logs from periodic as it would very useful.09:31
ssbarnea|roveri wonder if this is because we didn't had time to do it or because that is not desired09:32
ssbarnea|roverquiquell: you were the primary contact for grafana?09:35
quiquellssbarnea|rover: dashboard-ci yep09:36
ssbarnea|roverquiquell: have you considered spliting the cockpit into multiple boards? it grew too much and is confusing to load it. my personal view is that we could split it in 3-4 ones, each targeted for one specific area of investigation.09:39
quiquellssbarnea|rover: more than dashboard we have do collapsable ones so they are in the same dashboard09:41
quiquellssbarnea|rover: right now most of the cockpit is in main09:41
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ssbarnea|roveralso scrolling through page is awful on mac because of the iframes but i doubt this is somethign you can do, that being a design issue of grafana lists.09:42
quiquellssbarnea|rover: we have Main, Zuul Jobs, Promotions, Issues, RDO cloud performance09:42
quiquellssbarnea|rover: maybe 8  first ones have to be main, and create more collapsable sections for the other stuff09:42
quiquellssbarnea|rover: Having multiple dashboard means multiple URLs means people forget about them09:43
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quiquellssbarnea|rover: Did you try to collapse stuff so you only see Main ?09:43
quiquellssbarnea|rover: Main is not that big09:43
ssbarnea|roveri *want* mulltiple URLs so I can share a link that points to the a meaningful page, not one with 100 sub-windows where I can write instruction on how to find the right window.09:47
quiquellssbarnea|rover: grafana have the share option09:48
quiquellFor example09:48
ssbarnea|roverquiquell: is not big, is *huge*: is ~12 screens long on my 5K screen. A dashboard is supposed to not even have a scrollbar as their primary use was to have them on TV screens.09:49
quiquellssbarnea|rover: but maybe you are right, let's comment today with the rest of the team, about what they prefer09:49
ssbarnea|roveri see a "promotions" section but there is no page that contains only promotions, no way to send a link to someone to look at promotions, only.09:50
ssbarnea|roverthe only option I see is to colapse promotions, nothing else.09:50
ssbarnea|roverquiquell: just to be clear, don't get my remarks in a negative way, I LOVE what you did09:51
quiquellssbarnea|rover: I see there is something call Folders, at grafana09:51
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, I don't understand - what's your issue with grafana?09:51
ssbarnea|rovernot sure how these are defined by I wonder if we can have both: split dashboards and still having a "kitchensink" one09:51
quiquellssbarnea|rover: Maybe organizing with the we have separate URLs but the same entry point too09:52
quiquellssbarnea|rover: that would be perfect09:52
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, what are you trying to do09:52
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, do you use laptop screen to look at grafana?09:55
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, stable/ocata: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001 @
ssbarnea|rovermy problem: too much information in a single page, if I want to send an url to one graph to someone and ask him take a look at... i cannot do it. i cannot have one browser tab focused on promotions and another one focus on rdo cloud performance. At this moment all this information is in a single page/url.  --- I do think  we need to be able split it few focused areas. (clearly not one per graph)09:56
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, give you some time as ruck and rover, you'll see that you don't need to focus on rdo cloud performance, all you need is in Main.09:57
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sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, this config is based on experience of generations of rucks and rovers, just give it a chance09:58
ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: that's what I was trying to say, lots of info i dont need added to default, provably also adding extra load on server client. and no way to pin sections to different browser tabs.09:59
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, you can share graphs, just click "share"09:59
ssbarnea|roverbecause is a ... one page web application.09:59
ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: a single graph, not a section09:59
ssbarnea|roverthe idea is to be able to have one web page (url) per section.10:00
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, you'd be surprised that you DO need this info later10:00
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, just before changing something try to use it in your r&r weeks, and then let's talk about it in retrospection10:01
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, all this is done not randomly, you can believe me10:01
quiquellssbarnea|rover: Yep agree with sshnaidm is the way to do it10:02
ssbarnea|roversshnaidm:  i don't ask about doing any change now, i just wanted to give some feedback and see what others think abotu ti.10:02
ssbarnea|roveryep, i will make a note for retro.10:02
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, we'd like to have your feedback after heavy trying it, in introspection10:02
ssbarnea|roveralso multiple dashboards is not in conflict with keeping the current one as it is. one will all and few others which are subsets. i bet we can doing without duplicating code.10:03
quiquellwe can investigate Directories10:03
quiquellssbarnea|rover: Good news, linting merged !!!10:04
ssbarnea|roverlets go back to current issues: testenv-client - ERROR - Couldn't retrieve env on
ssbarnea|roverlooks like infra to me but I don't know what needs to be done, who to ping.10:05
quiquellssbarnea|rover: That could be that we have problems with RDO nodepool10:06
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, it's SINGLE point of information and it's intentionally, and it should be like single point, not a thousand pages like it was before you got to the team, you're lucky now10:06
quiquellssbarnea|rover: best contack is kforde10:06
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sshnaidmquiquell, ssbarnea|rover before contacting kforde need to check what's wrong in te-broker10:07
quiquellsshnaidm: ack10:07
quiquellssbarnea|rover: have fix stuff, re-run tox -e linters and it's not taking changes10:08
quiquellssbarnea|rover: Do I have to git review it ?10:08
ssbarnea|roverquiquell: you need to commit change before running the linting task, that's the only trick.10:16
ssbarnea|roverjust commit, not git-review10:16
ssbarnea|roverbecause by default it does not include local unmerged changes10:16
quiquellssbarnea|rover: ack10:17
quiquellssbarnea|rover: thanks10:17
quiquellssbarnea|rover: make sense, maybe we can even for git review so you don't forget about adding changes10:17
quiquellmarios_|ruck, sshnaidm: for the zuul repro we need this
quiquellhumm wait have to fix it10:37
marios_|ruckquiquell: ack will check in a bit added to reviews queue10:41
sshnaidmquiquell, omg10:42
sshnaidmquiquell, seems like having this files in job config wasn't the best idea10:42
quiquellsshnaidm: ctx ?10:43
sshnaidmquiquell, what's that?10:44
quiquellsshnaidm: I mean I need context about last stuff you wrote10:44
quiquellsshnaidm: You mean the review ?10:44
sshnaidmquiquell, yeah10:44
quiquellsshnaidm: What did you found  ?10:45
quiquellsshnaidm: You mean that do standalone_custom_env_files is problematic somehow ?10:45
sshnaidmquiquell, I mean this logic there brings complexity10:46
sshnaidmand -10 to maintainability10:46
quiquellsshnaidm: Yep :-(10:46
quiquellsshnaidm: It's just adding a prefix to a list10:46
quiquellansible way10:46
quiquellthe review just "simplify" it :-) replacing ^10:47
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quiquellsshnaidm, marios_|ruck: now it's reviewable
quiquellssbarnea|rover: fixed the regex stuff ^10:49
sshnaidmquiquell, I think you need a jinja there10:53
sshnaidmquiquell, otherwise it'll be just text multiline variable10:53
sshnaidmquiquell, try to test it locally10:53
quiquellsshnaidm: I have just test something similar in other review, let me test exactly this10:54
marios_|ruckssbarnea|rover: : did you get a chance to look into that tempest issue. about to do so10:56
marios_|ruckssbarnea|rover: otherwise i'll check the other one10:56
marios_|ruckquiquell: ack thanks in bit10:56
ssbarnea|rovermarios_|ruck: look at tempest10:57
sshnaidmquiquell, just add {{ }} and will be fine10:59
marios_|ruckssbarnea|rover: ack11:00
quiquellsshnaidm: yep, fixing11:06
quiquellsshnaidm: thanks11:06
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arxcruzmarios_|ruck: correct me if i'm wrong, but in does it need the featureset? Since in vars.featureset is already set to 052 ?11:17
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marios_|ruckarxcruz: ack thanks please add to review?11:26
arxcruzmarios_|ruck: sure, i didn't on review because i might be wrong that's why i wanted to check with you first :)11:26
marios_|ruckarxcruz: i didn't check to be honest but will do you could be right11:28
arxcruzpanda: do you have the url to featureset number reservation ?11:34
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arxcruzpanda: thanks11:50
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mariosssbarnea|rover: for the tempest i didn't file it because i can only find one case of it on the 2nd. i prepared the text here if we see it again12:07
mariosssbarnea|rover: just back from food, did you check the container prep issue ? or should i look there12:08
ssbarnea|rovermarios: does "failed to reach SAVING state" reproduce? always/often ?12:10
mariosssbarnea|rover: where is that one? not following12:11
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ssbarnea|roveryou posted it two lines above, anyway same problem: rdo errors which we don't know how spread are because we don't have log stash enabled. i will try to get the ok from infra to allow them to upload logs.12:13
ykarelssbarnea|rover, for logstash, rdo jobs(third party, periodic etc) have logstash enabled
ssbarnea|roverykarel: thanks!12:14
ykarelssbarnea|rover, and to debug such tempest issue i think we need to get logs from overcloud12:15
ykarelcan u have look at clearing those12:15
ykarelssbarnea|rover, we need for overcloud logs12:15
ykarelpanda, can we get ^^12:16
mariosssbarnea|rover: ah you mean the new issue from ykarel today12:16
mariosssbarnea|rover: apparently three times in
mariosssbarnea|rover: so i'm gonna poke at the container prep thing (added note on the etherpad about the tempest for now fyi)12:17
ykarelmarios, ssbarnea|rover seems to be talking about fs020 tempest issue u posted:
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mariosthanks ykarel|afk  ssbarnea|rover i could only find one, that is why i didn't file the bug12:21
ssbarnea|roverykarel|afk: marios : i tried to search for text from at but nothing found, so is useless to me. now the question is why is not there.12:22
ykarel|afkssbarnea|rover, /me leaving for a while, will check later, u can ask jpena on #rdo, it should work12:23
ssbarnea|roverthanks, i will do.12:23
sshnaidmHow to debug environment failure of OVB job -
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, marios ^^12:27
quiquellsshnaidm: Who install roles here ? workspace/.quickstart//usr/local/share/ansible/roles/12:28
quiquellsshnaidm: I think they not in sync with ZUUL_CHANGES :-/12:28
sshnaidmquiquell, or just pip12:28
mariosssbarnea|rover: thanks12:28
mariosssbarnea|rover: nice12:28
marioser sshnaidm ^12:28
sshnaidmquiquell, need to check if they're installed from cloned directory12:29
sshnaidmquiquell, and if cloned directory has these changes12:30
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quiquellsshnaidm: I think the requirements.txt from tq is broken12:30
sshnaidmquiquell, you mean quickstart-extras-requirement.txt?12:31
sshnaidmquiquell, requirement is just for python modules12:31
quiquellsshnaidm: yep git+
sshnaidmquiquell, where do you see it?12:31
quiquellsshnaidm: Well at the new tripleo-ci-reproducer12:31
sshnaidmquiquell, need to check what's problem with reproducer..12:32
quiquellsshnaidm: We are suppose to replace that with the home/zuul/src ... whatever12:32
sshnaidmquiquell, yep12:32
quiquellsshnaidm: I think it's general issue12:32
sshnaidmquiquell, ?12:33
quiquellsshnaidm: Cannot be problem would be too big, like fixes not executing12:33
quiquellsshnaidm: Don't we need this ?
sshnaidmquiquell, nope, it worked without that12:40
sshnaidmquiquell, which job do you reproduce12:42
quiquellsshnaidm: But this is wrong
quiquellsshnaidm: well I see this later on
sshnaidmquiquell, this should work:
quiquellsshnaidm: I think I am missing some role12:48
quiquellsshnaidm: at the tripleo-ci-reproducer12:48
quiquellsshnaidm: I don't see the orkspace path set to: /home/zuul/src/git.openstack.or...12:48
sshnaidmquiquell, I think it's in one of legacy playbooks, isn't it?12:49
quiquellsshnaidm: is the zuul cloner12:49
quiquellsshnaidm: If we fix the requirements we don't need this12:49
sshnaidmquiquell, well, it has some history..12:50
quiquellsshnaidm: I didn't add it to our base job for it, do we need it ?12:50
sshnaidmquiquell, do we need what?12:51
quiquellsshnaidm: execute "fetch-zuul-cloner" at tripleo-ci-reproducer base job12:51
quiquellsshnaidm: I excluded it in purpose12:51
quiquellsshnaidm: If we fix the tqe requirements maybe it's not needed to add to base job12:51
sshnaidmquiquell, maybe we need to discuss it.. hacking reqs is not really a fix, it could affect a lot of things around12:53
sshnaidmquiquell, would be great to find a better way to handle changes in requirements12:54
quiquellsshnaidm: ack, but I think the review is legit12:54
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quiquellsshnaidm: or it could be problematic ?12:54
quiquellrlandy: o/12:54
rlandyquiquell: hello12:55
quiquellrlandy: So you have a working zuul repro ?12:55
rlandyquiquell: I do indeed12:56
rlandyquiquell: I have a libvirt working situation as well12:56
quiquellrlandy: btw found issue with fetch-zuul-cloner12:56
quiquellrlandy: no kidding12:56
rlandyquiquell: left notes on that now scary etherpad12:57
quiquellrlandy: ack12:57
rlandyquiquell: what was wrong with zuul-cloner?12:57
rlandyquiquell: after meeting we should chat about how to go forward12:57
quiquellrlandy: I was not adding it at base job12:57
quiquellrlandy: I can, no problem, excluded that in purpose12:57
quiquellrlandy: but fi we don't have fetch-zuul-cloner tqe is not correctly installed12:58
rlandyquiquell: hmm ... I would like to use the same jobs upstream is using12:58
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, who is a ruck?12:58
quiquellrlandy: Going to add it12:58
rlandyquiquell: the less we deviate the better12:58
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, any known problem with ovb jobs? Seems like all fail12:58
rlandyeven if it runs unnecessary things12:58
rlandyquiquell: ^^ we should change upstream then rather than just the reproducer workflow12:59
rlandyquiquell: anyways, let's chat after meeting - it's looking good I think12:59
rlandysshnaidm: marios_|ruck13:00
sshnaidmmarios, can you please add "|ruck"?13:01
sshnaidmmarios, also better to join #rhos-ops in internal irc13:07
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hubbot1weshay: rlandy's karma is now 3913:09
hubbot1weshay: quiquell's karma is now 1513:09
weshaysshnaidm, they are failing again?13:09
weshaythey were all passing last night13:09
sshnaidmweshay, yeah, talking with kforde13:10
weshaysshnaidm, failing at the testenv_broker13:10
weshaywe even had two promotions over the weekend13:10
sshnaidmweshay, fail in various points13:10
sshnaidmweshay, yeah, we know it works good in weekends13:11
sshnaidmweshay, maybe let's run promotions in weekends only :)13:11
weshaymaybe let's only work weekends13:11
sshnaidmweshay, I'm kinda doing it :D13:11
marios_|rucksshnaidm: am here13:12
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sshnaidmweshay, what did you use to create a screencast?13:13
ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: ovb jobs should work now after router reboot.13:16
weshaymarios_|ruck, ssbarnea|rover so.. sounds like rdo-cloud buckled and is now failing.. keep status on that w/ kforde. thanks sshnaidm.  rdo phase 1.. failed deploy w/ "no hosts" could be infra.. rekicking
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mariosweshay: ack added this one this morning from yatin ping  (ovb) in the etherpad fyi13:18
openstackLaunchpad bug 1806346 in tripleo "periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-queens job failed to retrieve environment - testenv-client - ERROR - Couldn't retrieve env" [Undecided,Triaged] - Assigned to Marios Andreou (marios-b)13:18
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ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: is again outdated? failed with timeout (the one you did recheck) but that's not visible on cistatus.13:26
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, not so fast.. it takes time13:27
rlandysshnaidm: can we talk a few minutes about ovb?13:28
sshnaidmrlandy, sure13:28
rlandyquiquell: ^^ you can join13:28
quiquellrlandy: I will want to also ask you guys about fetch-zuul-cloner13:28
rlandysshnaidm: quiquell; ^^13:29
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, stable/ocata: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001 @
quiquellrlandy: Nah forget about te extra_vars at jobs, that was another reeview I cannot find, the one that is present is "extra_tags" :-)13:57
rlandyquiquell: k - I'll hack around a bit13:58
rlandyand see what we can do13:58
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marios_|ruckssbarnea|rover: i found 2 of those container prep for same image filed it and added to pad14:02
openstackLaunchpad bug 1806403 in tripleo "periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-7-multinode-1ctlr-featureset037-updates-queens fails during container image prepare with missing image tripleoqueens/centos-binary-rabbitmq" [Undecided,Triaged] - Assigned to Marios Andreou (marios-b)14:02
marios_|ruckrfolco: quiquell|lunch wana tlk? about the linting?14:02
marios_|ruckrfolco: quiquell|lunch am gonna look there now14:02
marios_|ruckmaybe when quiquell|lunch is back rfolco14:03
quiquell|lunchmarios_|ruck: the "environment: " solution has to work14:03
marios_|rucki'll reply to your comment agree if we don't find better way14:03
quiquell|lunchmarios_|ruck: Maybe it's missing son {%- stuff14:03
marios_|ruckack lets check14:03
rfolcoquiquell|lunch, marios_|ruck I left my comment there.... why not just an export in the shell14:04
quiquell|lunchmarios_|ruck: Do some local runs of partial code, is the fastest way14:04
quiquell|lunchrfolco: we don't want ":/usr..."14:04
marios_|ruckrfolco: ack it was like that on v3 as we discussed on the call earlier14:04
marios_|ruckrfolco: replying with pointer14:04
rfolcoquiquell|lunch, marios_|ruck I'll look at the tempest configs after my doctor appt this afternoon14:06
marios_|ruckrfolco: ack don't worry we'll sort out today14:06
marios_|ruckquiquell|lunch: let me know when you're back we can sync maybe quick call14:06
quiquell|lunchmarios_|ruck: ack14:06
marios_|ruckquiquell|lunch: no rush is still early14:06
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marios_|ruckquiquell|lunch: so actually the only one with a log to point to is v1 where i had environment but no {% j2
marios_|ruckquiquell|lunch: (passing i mean)14:17
quiquell|lunchrlandy: Has a crazy idea about libvirt images lifecycle, have added a point to Test Req14:23
rlandyquiquell|lunch: sure - bring on the crazy idea14:24
rlandyUse docker images to start/stop libvirt images?14:24
rlandyquiquell|lunch: ^^??14:24
quiquell|lunchrlandy: meaning, a docker node, that also runs the nodepool playboks to startup libvirt node :-)14:25
quiquell|lunchrlandy: so everyting can be start stop with docke compose or even scale it up14:25
rlandyquiquell|lunch: sshnaidm: have you guys looked at
rlandyquiquell|lunch: sshnaidm: was in tristan's comment in our card14:28
quiquell|lunchrlandy: Same stuff but software factory + rdo config14:32
rlandyquiquell|lunch: wdyt?14:32
rlandyquiquell|lunch: will help us? duplicate?14:32
quiquell|lunchrlandy: We have to take into acount libvirt + upstream14:33
quiquell|lunchrlandy: For the rdo config I think14:33
quiquell|lunchrlandy: I mean OVB jobs and all14:33
sshnaidmrfolco, interesting..14:34
rlandyquiquell|lunch: yep - wanted to see if it helped sshnaidm's issues14:34
rlandyrfolco? or me?14:34
rfolcosshnaidm, what?14:34
sshnaidmrfolco, oops, to rlandy14:34
quiquell|lunchrlandy: we can dockerize sf X-D14:34
sshnaidmquiquell|lunch, isn't it still? :)14:35
sshnaidmquiquell|lunch, but with podman and buildah!14:35
rlandysshnaidm: does that review help you at all?14:35
quiquell|lunchsshnaidm: yey !!! :-)14:35
sshnaidmrlandy, yeah, might be helpful, will check it deeper14:35
rlandymarios_|ruck: have any time? would stil like to do something towards scenarios work14:36
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quiquellmarios_|ruck: I am back14:40
rlandyquiquell was never really away :)14:41
quiquellrlandy: I have also being doing the beds14:42
rlandyquiquell: anyways ... when you talk to marios_|ruck, I wanted to do some work on the scenarios - so maybe I'll take one of yours14:44
quiquellrlandy: totally, I am leaving scenario00214:44
* rlandy was not involved at all last sprint14:44
quiquellrlandy: what's missing is the linting14:44
quiquellrlandy: and adapt tempest from multinode to them14:45
rlandyquiquell: k - will talk with marios_|ruck when he has time14:45
quiquellrlandy: ack14:45
rlandywhatever task seems the most appropriate14:45
rlandyotherwise I'll take the doc14:45
rlandypanda: you around??14:45
rlandypanda: need to chat with you about card separation for
rlandyquiquell,  sshnaidm  and I all have numerous tasks on that card14:46
rlandycan that card become the user story?14:47
rlandyrfolco: ^^ pls advise as well14:47
* rlandy needs cards there by wednesday14:47
sshnaidmquiquell, can we please keep the current structure of the reproducer role patch? Because it changes every patchset and have headache when rebasing it :)14:50
quiquellsshnaidm: Did I change it ?14:50
sshnaidmquiquell, oh yes! :D14:51
sshnaidmquiquell, it moves to various paths each time14:51
quiquellsshnaidm: last ps is adding fetch-zuul-cloner14:51
quiquellsshnaidm: but same structure as "#14" ps14:51
quiquellsshnaidm: the one at the etherpad14:51
sshnaidmquiquell, I mean the general path to the role14:51
quiquellsshnaidm: Not going to more stuff14:51
quiquellsshnaidm: what ps do you use ?14:52
rfolcorlandy, I agree in promoting that task to user story14:52
sshnaidmquiquell, it was in infra-setup, then in playbooks/.., now in tripleo-ci-reproducer14:52
quiquellsshnaidm: tripleo-ci-reproducer is the final stuff14:53
sshnaidmquiquell, great14:53
quiquellsshnaidm: is teh patchset at etherpad14:53
quiquellsshnaidm: sorry :-(14:53
rlandystuff moved?14:53
rlandysince 14?14:53
sshnaidmquiquell, np14:53
quiquellrlandy: same as etherpad14:53
* rlandy reads again14:53
quiquellrlandy: we are ok14:53
rlandyquiquell: ok - same as friday14:54
quiquellsshnaidm: moved everything to a dir to isolated from the repo and used pipenv so we don't do tox stuff but put python at requirements together14:54
marios_|ruckquiquell: ack wana catch up in 5 mins?14:54
quiquellsure, give a min14:54
rlandyquiquell: ok - probably will only rerun once figure out dlrn_hash stuff14:55
quiquellmarios_|ruck: ready14:55
quiquellrlandy, rfolco: do you want to join so I do also handover of scenario002 ?14:56
marios_|ruckrlandy: did you want to catch up about scenarios?14:57
quiquellmarios_|ruck: Connected14:59
marios_|ruckis it me?15:01
marios_|ruckrlandy:  quiquell ? ^15:01
rlandyi think so15:01
sshnaidmrlandy, quiquell we need to talk with Tristan about his patch.. I think it can be a part of solution for our future ovb jobs15:04
sshnaidmrlandy, quiquell because if no running te-broker we'll have to use secrets, and we can't decrypt them in running zuul locally15:05
rlandysshnaidm: sec - just chatting with marios15:05
sshnaidmrlandy, quiquell so currently no any job that uses secrets.yaml can be reproduced for now15:06
quiquellsshnaidm: but to repro OVB we don't use tebroker we emulate it15:12
quiquellsshnaidm: we can generate or own secrets and config project15:12
sshnaidmquiquell, that's what Tristan does in his patch15:12
sshnaidmquiquell, seems like I need to do it too.. maybe just copy config repo and remove all secrets15:14
quiquellsshnaidm: you can exclude stuff15:14
quiquellsshnaidm: from main.yaml15:14
quiquellsshnaidm: "secrets" is one of the element15:14
ssbarnea|rovermarios_|ruck: sshnaidm : alex fix related to yum updates for upgrade job failed the 2nd time in the gate with timeout on the same job: tripleo-ci-centos-7-containers-multinode what can we do?15:15
marios_|ruckssbarnea|rover: in call re scenarios right now will check in a sec15:24
rlandysshnaidm: k - ready to talk with Tristan when you are15:28
rlandyquiquell: ^^ you still have time today?15:29
quiquellrlandy: like half hour now15:29
rlandysshnaidm: k - up to you15:29
quiquellrlandy, sshnaidm: but you can talk with tristan about ovb and repro I will catch up with you guys tomorrow15:32
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mariosrlandy: quiquell as discussed
mariostrying recheck on scen 115:44
quiquellmarios: ack if working, we can simplify it a little removing the fact15:45
marios_|ruckquiquell: i updated15:46
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, stable/ocata: tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001 @
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sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, you'd better to give links, I don't know what are you talking about15:58
sshnaidmrlandy, ready to talk if relevant15:59
rlandysshnaidm: only if you want to chat15:59
rlandyreally it's between you and tristan15:59
ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: sure, -- twice in a raw timeout in the same place during the gate16:00
rlandyarxcruz: ping re:
rlandyarxcruz: have you tried it out at all?16:01
* rlandy looks at it to get dlrn_hash16:01
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, which place?? links, please16:03
ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: tripleo-ci-centos-7-containers-multinode job : timeout tempest16:04
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, I see only one.. do you know to copy/paste URL (links)? :)16:05
ssbarnea|rover -- but apparently is not tempest fault.16:05
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, yeah, it's timeout, too few time for tempest16:07
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, need to check which part of it took too much time16:07
ssbarnea|roveryep, but we cannot afford to "press recheck"...16:07
* ssbarnea|rover is no longer accidental, it kinda become the rule.16:08
ssbarnea|roverthis is why i am asking you: what can we do?16:09
ssbarnea|roverwe have especially as this directly affects the gate16:09
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, sshnaidm> ssbarnea|rover, need to check which part of it took too much time16:09
ssbarnea|roveri am trying to do the same now,... lets see what we find.16:10
ssbarnea|roverara report is useless in this case as longest runtime is 17min, clearly does not add up to 3h 20m time.16:11
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, did it happen twice or more?16:11
ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: twice in a raw and exactly in the same place (tempest run) which takes only a couple of minutes, but I assume is only chance that made it happen now, probably it was going to fail in a different place.16:13
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, you can try this: docker run --net=host sshnaidm/jcomparison16:13
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, in "Good job" paste a link to some good same job, take one from sova16:14
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, in "bad job" use one of failed16:14
ssbarnea|rovertrying now....16:14
arxcruzrlandy: no, didn't have chance yet :)16:16
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sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, from graphs seems like containers prepare took too much time, worth to check what are they doing:
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, seems like all tasks take more time than usual, maybe cloud - need to check if it's the same one, grafana may help16:21
rlandyarxcruz: k, looking at it now16:24
arxcruzrlandy: sorry, i should do that for you :(16:24
arxcruzi was too lazy on that :(16:25
ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: i cannot use jcompare now, i will go manual and see later. it reports as starting but it does not respond on port 5000 and it has no docs, but i will look into it later.16:27
rlandyarxcruz: no worries - I am just trying to see if the dlrn_hash is accessible anyways16:29
rlandythe api won't help if it's not16:29
arxcruzrlandy: i'll try to work on an env i'm also interested on this, and i want to contribute on zuul16:29
ssbarnea|roversshnaidm: Configure Ironic pxe_ssh driver took 1h 27m ! -- this does not seem right to me.16:30
sshnaidmssbarnea|rover, where is it?16:31
ssbarnea|roversorry, wrong line, this was deploy time16:31
ssbarnea|roverso  install-undercloud and deploy-overcloud take each ~1h 30m -- so no wonder that the job fails reaching the 3h timeout.16:32
ssbarnea|roverduring install under-cloud the slowest tasks appear to be starting the containers ones, especially "step 3" once which took over 14m.16:38
ssbarnea|roveranother weird delay can be seen at -- not sure what took ~23m  there.16:39
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ssbarnea|roverso tripleo-container-image-prepare is the expensive part.16:43
marios_|ruckssbarnea|rover: /me almost off for the day soren. did you find out more about the gate issue on
marios_|ruckssbarnea|rover: otherwise i'll check in the morning16:51
marios_|ruckssbarnea|rover: anything else please add to etherpad before you go?16:52
ssbarnea|rovermarios_|ruck: yeah, apparently timeouts cause by more or less natural long duration....17:02
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rfolcosshnaidm, rlandy marios_|ruck panda: I have already one +2... would you review please
marios_|ruckssbarnea|rover: so timout not error/? will check in the morning17:11
marios_|ruckrfolco: really have to go now but if it is still around will check it in morning17:11
rfolcomarios_|ruck, np man, have a good one17:12
ssbarnea|roversure. nothing you can do right now.17:12
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rlandysshnaidm: still around?20:44
sshnaidmrlandy, yep20:44
rlandysshnaidm: I am getting an error trying to schedule a job on my rdocloud tenant20:44
rlandythe job never schedules20:46
sshnaidmrlandy, where is the error though?20:47
rlandyyou seen that before?20:47
rlandyhmm ... wonder of it is the job def20:47
sshnaidmthere are no errors in this log20:48
sshnaidmrlandy, look at scheduler logs, usually there is something if job isn't scheduled20:48
rlandysshnaidm: just see a whole bunch of lines like:20:52
rlandyscheduler_1     | 0046dc4b6d68c7ea387f5aa0822bc8dd47fd7118ba04 refs/changes/88/584088/320:52
sshnaidmrlandy, that's config part, it's ok, tail logs right after you submit a patch20:53
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rlandysshnaidm: no error that I can see - how long does it usually take to see the job running with rdocloud?20:59
sshnaidmrlandy, could take minutes20:59
rlandysshnaidm: so you see instances created?21:00
sshnaidmrlandy, look at launcher logs also21:00
sshnaidmrlandy, usually yes21:00
rlandylauncher logs are red21:02
rlandyno quota21:04
rlandyI have only one instance21:05
rlandymust be all of rdocloud21:05
rlandylauncher_1      | 2018-12-03 20:56:19,540 DEBUG nodepool.driver.openstack.OpenStackProvider: Provider quota for rdo-cloud: {'compute': {'cores': 32, 'instances': 10, 'ram': 65536}}21:05
rlandysshnaidm: some node failures in CI as well21:09
sshnaidmrlandy, need more logs to see21:10
sshnaidmrlandy, do you have in your tenant network and router?21:10
rlandysshnaidm: yes21:13
rlandyit doesnt say no network connection21:14
rlandylauncher_1      |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nodepool/driver/openstack/", line 201, in unmanagedQuotaUsed21:14
rlandylauncher_1      |     flavor = flavors.get(
rlandyflavors are standard21:14
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rlandysshnaidm: it finally scheduled21:26
rlandynow I can try passing dlrn_hash_tag21:27
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