Wednesday, 2018-11-07

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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035 @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci- (4 more messages)00:44
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035 @, stable/pike: tripleo-ci- (3 more messages)02:44
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-master-delorean-full- (2 more messages)04:44
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-master-delorean-full- (2 more messages)06:44
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quiquellmarios: you there ?07:44
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marioso/ sorry quiquell i am/as didn't see irc08:18
quiquellmarios: want to show you something08:18
quiquellmarios: Do you have time for redjeans ?08:18
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-quickstart-extras-gate-master-delorean-full- (2 more messages)08:44
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ssbarneahi! if there is any sprint item where I can help with, please let me know.09:41
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ssbarneaquiquell: can you please abandon ?09:46
pandaquiquell: ssbarnea what's missing ?09:48
quiquellpanda: I would say just the fix for build-test-packages09:48
quiquellpanda: and the release file09:48
quiquellpanda: from CI perspective09:48
quiquellpanda: the other patches ar non CI related09:48
quiquellssbarnea: You can do some QE on those09:54
quiquellpanda, ssbarnea, marios: jobs are broken09:56
pandaof course09:57
pandaquiquell: which ones ?09:57
quiquellpanda: noop of master
quiquellpanda: I think it's not a CI stuff09:58
quiquellpanda: We merged some stuff at puppet yesterday mybe this is it09:58
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1802083 in tripleo "Undercloud install fails at Unknown function: 'normalize_ip_for_uri'" [Critical,Confirmed] - Assigned to Sagi (Sergey) Shnaidman (sshnaidm)10:05
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pandaquiquell: do we have graphs with the memory usage of standalone tests somewhere ?10:31
quiquellpanda: Not that I am aware, sshnaidm|rover ?10:33
quiquellpanda: but maybe it's not difficult to get from job artifacts I think it has some measurements there10:33
quiquellpanda: meminfo is useful here ?
quiquellpanda: we can collect those at dashboard-ci10:36
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quiquellpanda: Don't know if final memory is what we want10:37
pandaquiquell: found the dstat data10:40
pandaalsmost forgot about it10:40
sshnaidm|roverpanda, if you merged this we would have it:
quiquellpanda: where it is dstat ?10:42
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: cool the atop thingy10:43
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo- (3 more messages)10:44
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, I think in /var/log/extra should be nice chart of dstat10:45
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, at least it was there before10:45
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Damn I was near :-)10:46
quiquellhumm it's not there, panda where did you found it ?10:46
quiquellhumm standalone does not have it :-(10:47
quiquellThat could be a bug10:47
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marios ready for reviews please if you have time at and
mariospanda: ^ you are co-author of that second one btw please vote :)10:48
mariosrfolco|ruck: will we move the call today? is the program call at same time?10:48
rfolco|ruckmarios, good question. I moved tomorrow's call per wes' request10:50
rfolco|ruckwe can decide and change today's call time if needed10:50
mariosrfolco|ruck: right i spent 3 mins staring at calendar before realising it was the 8th i was looking at (i.e. the time move made sense for today...  but it is for tmorrow)10:51
mariosrfolco|ruck: doesn't makes sense to have retro if half team is missing10:51
pandahalf team ?10:51
mariospanda: well usually ruck/rover and wes go to that call?10:52
pandaanyway, these are the two weeks with the daylight savings mixup10:52
pandamarios: only ruck, or only wes.10:52
mariospanda: well in thory things go back to normal now the us has also moved time10:52
pandait makes sens to postpone10:52
pandanow when ?10:52
mariospanda: well not postpone but maybe start at half passed like tomorrow10:52
mariospanda: + half hour10:52
mariospanda: the program call status for ci is usuall done at the half hour ;)10:53
pandamarios: postpone the start10:53
mariospanda: yes10:53
pandamarios: marios marios marios marios marios marios10:53
mariospanda: yes yes yes yes yes yes ?10:53
quiquellpanda: I don't see dstatnd at standalone jobs, I found it at the others10:55
rfolco|ruckpanda, so move 30 min later10:55
rfolco|ruckpanda, panda panda panda panda10:55
rfolco|ruck(following the trend)10:56
mariosrfolco|ruck: panda i feel this mode of communication doesn't scale very well ^10:56
pandarfolco|ruck: doens't the program call starts with general sumamry, then eam status is in the second half ?10:56
rfolco|ruckpanda, If it did not change, we report at the first 30 min... but not sure10:56
rfolco|ruckok, will wait for weshay to confirm10:57
rfolco|ruckmarios, marios marios marios marios agreed :)10:57
mariosrfolco|ruck rfolco|ruck rfolco|ruck rfolco|ruck rfolco|ruck rfolco|ruck ack10:58
pandasshnaidm|rover: does the atop command there work ? is is set setuid root ?11:04
sshnaidm|roverpanda, actually the standalone file:
ssbarneai need some clarifications about - like its purpose, docs says is deprecated but indicates using reproducer which is not an option if you do not already have a job...11:28
pandassbarnea: welcome to the CI team.11:29
ssbarneathe only certain thing on CI: confusion.11:29
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rfolco|rucksshnaidm|rover, you know the story behind ?11:41
openstackLaunchpad bug 1800737 in tripleo "relabel failed /var/lib/config-data: no such file or directory" [Critical,Fix released] - Assigned to Emilien Macchi (emilienm)11:41
rfolco|rucksshnaidm|rover, the podman disable was reverted and the big is still happening afaik11:43
sshnaidm|roverrfolco|ruck, nope, didn't see it before11:46
rfolco|rucksshnaidm|rover, you are in the libpod bug at least ...
sshnaidm|roverrfolco|ruck, oh, right11:47
sshnaidm|roverrfolco|ruck, need to ask Emilien, he disabled podman, but not sure what is now11:47
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rfolco|ruckweshay, panda so move today's retro 30 min later ?12:09
pandarfolco|ruck: weshay otherwise someone will have to skip the first 30 minutes to attend the program call. I mean , I'm ok with it and I don't want rfolco|ruck feedback anyway.12:10
pandarfolco|ruck: rfolco|ruck rfolco|ruck rfolco|ruck rfolco|ruck12:11
rfolco|ruckpanda, hater!12:11
pandait's acceptable if it is lesser than 312:17
quiquellweshay: Do we have 1-1 today or Friday ?12:20
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mariosall the jobs are failing for ?12:30
openstackLaunchpad bug 1800737 in tripleo "relabel failed /var/lib/config-data: no such file or directory" [Critical,Fix released] - Assigned to Emilien Macchi (emilienm)12:30
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rfolco|ruckmarios, I opened a new one just in case
openstackLaunchpad bug 1802096 in tripleo "(containers) panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Sagi (Sergey) Shnaidman (sshnaidm)12:36
rfolco|ruckas the relabel error is gone, and the previous bug was fix_release12:36
sshnaidm|roverpanda, "-a" will count all processes including non-active, do we need this?12:41
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo- (3 more messages)12:44
quiquellpanda, rfolco|ruck: Do we have the retro 30 m later ?12:47
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rfolco|ruckquiquell, remain same time afaik12:47
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weshaypanda, rfolco|ruck I can attend the program call12:51
rfolco|ruckweshay, thanks, I just updated the doc, feel free to edit12:52
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kopecmartinweshay, panda I'm sorry, I'll be one hour late for the retro, I'll join in 1 hour from now12:55
weshayquiquell, sshnaidm|afk well done re:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1802083 in tripleo "Undercloud install fails at Unknown function: 'normalize_ip_for_uri'" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Sagi (Sergey) Shnaidman (sshnaidm)12:59
hubbot1weshay: quiquell's karma is now 1012:59
mariospanda: rfolco|ruck so retro?13:01
quiquelllow haging fruit the coverage thing13:02
rfolco|ruckssbarnea, ping call13:04
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mariosquiquell: (simple diagram about tags)14:05
quiquellmarios: Let me change brains and will look at it14:07
mariosquiquell: ack not important just cos i mentioned this morning14:07
weshayssbarnea, quiquell
weshaybut it looks like the deployment passed14:09
quiquellweshay: hummm fix at tht is missing14:10
weshayquiquell, looks like it passed14:10
quiquellweshay: Not sure we have some "No module named requests"14:11
weshayoh right14:11
quiquellweshay: the failure in the last line is fix using the review of the release file14:11
weshay2018-11-06 11:37:50 | Deployment successful!14:11
quiquellBut we are on track14:11
hubbot1weshay: quiquell's karma is now 1114:11
quiquellweshay: Now running with tht fix too
weshayquiquell, k.. to fix the return code?14:13
quiquellweshay: this was fixed with the old python-tripleoclient fix, to fix the No module named paunch14:13
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agopirlandy: ping15:19
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rlandyagopi: what's up?15:27
agopihey rlandy, i've noticed that queens jobs in perfci and browbeatci now have 2 parameters in overcloud deploy stage15:35
agopidocker.yaml and containers-default-parameters.yaml15:36
agopithe issue arises as containers-default-parameters.yaml doesn't exist but it's actually the containers-prepare-parameter.yaml15:37
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rlandyagopi: we're in meeting  - I'll ping you in a bit to discuss. pls post links so I can review15:44
agopisure thing thanks rlandy :)15:46
agopiopenstack overcloud deploy part, the extra parameters can be seen15:46
agopiI was just curious what parameter I need to add to point it to containers-prepare-parameter.yaml if it's something that needs to be done in our env15:47
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rlandymarios: can we touch base before you check out for the day?15:56
mariosrlandy: sure can we take a little break first :)15:57
mariosrlandy: shall we say in 15?15:57
mariosrlandy: thanks15:58
weshayarxcruz, /me looking for emails re:openstack-ansible-tempest in openstack-dev16:05
weshaydon't see any.. I know there are a few
weshaygot link?16:05
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rlandyagopi|lunch: ugh ... just missed you16:14
rlandyI am not sure how these files don;t exist ...16:15
rlandylet's compare ...16:15
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rlandyagopi|lunch: -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/docker.yaml    -e /home/stack/containers-default-parameters.yaml    is correct16:19
rlandyand should be fine16:19
rlandy is missing those parameters16:19
rlandynot sure if that explanation helped ... pls explain more if you're still unsure16:20
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arxcruzweshay: os_tempest is part of openstack-ansible, i don’t think there is a openstack-ansible-tempest everything is threat as openstack-ansible16:35
arxcruzbut i might be wrong16:35
arxcruzI’ll check with OSA guys16:35
weshayarxcruz, hrm.. maybe I said that wrong16:41
weshayarxcruz, I'm suggesting you.. send emails to [openstack-dev][tripleo][openstack-ansible]16:42
arxcruzweshay: ok, got it, I’ll prepare email and send to you first then send to the list16:42
arxcruzsounds good ?16:42
weshayor openstack-dev and introduce the $topic [openstack-ansible-tempest] which may work.. or $something where a thread can be followed reasonably well16:43
hubbot1weshay: arxcruz's karma is now 816:43
weshaythanks man16:43
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo- (3 more messages)16:44
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weshayarxcruz, kopecmartin|off can you guys triage the bugs in "untriaged" here
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weshayquiquell|off, ssbarnea re: fed 2817:59
weshay<mwhahaha> it worked17:59
weshay<mwhahaha> actually17:59
weshay<mwhahaha> that import requests thing is ignored17:59
weshay<mwhahaha> it's an outstanding bug :D17:59
weshay<weshay> good17:59
weshay<weshay> k17:59
ssbarneacan someone point me to the the requests bug? i just want to watch it.18:04
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rlandypanda|off: ssbarnea: sshnaidm|afk: weshay: requesting another review  - thanks18:11
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agopirlandy, those parameters weren't passed to queens jobs until a couple of days. the issue being it's pointing to containers-default-parameters when it should be pointing to containers-prepare-parameter18:17
agopiI'm looking for a parameter I could pass to the bootstrap script that'll point it to the correct file.18:18
rlandyagopi: looking at an upstream queens job ...18:19
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rlandycontainers-default-parameters.yaml.txt.gz2018-11-05 15:0181318:20
rlandycontainers-prepare-parameter.yaml.txt.gz2018-11-05 15:0142318:20
rlandyhas both18:20
rlandyand ..18:21
rlandyopenstack overcloud deploy  \18:21
rlandy  -e /home/zuul/containers-default-parameters.yaml18:22
rlandyagopi,: where is your overcloud deploy command defined?18:22
rlandyare you overriding it in your config files?18:22
agopirlandy, this is the playbook that's being run
agopithe bootstrap script is
agopiI don't think anything is overriding it, I can't see it18:26
rlandy      {% if release in ['ocata', 'pike', 'queens', 'rocky'] %}18:27
rlandy      -e {{ working_dir }}/containers-default-parameters.yaml18:27
rlandy      {% else %}18:27
rlandy      -e {{ working_dir }}/containers-prepare-parameter.yaml18:27
rlandy      {% endif %}18:27
rlandyhasn't changed in a while18:27
agopiyep I checked and this commit couldn't possibly be the reason too :/
rlandyfor queens ...18:28
rlandy-e {{ working_dir }}/containers-default-parameters.yaml18:28
rlandyis correct18:28
rlandycontainers-default-parameters.yaml doesn't exist18:29
rlandy^^ agopi - are you sure?18:29
agopiyes rlandy18:29
agopiis the directory structure for UC18:30
agopiContainerImagePrepare is present in the containers-prepare-parameter18:30
agopiif we could point it to use this file18:30
agopiI am sure it'll work18:30
rlandysorry - was chatting on other channel18:34
rlandyagopi; we need to see what the diff is with your jobs18:34
agopinp rlandy18:35
rlandythere should not be a change needed18:35
agopialso for upstream queens jobs, do we need to pass an extra parameter called containerized_overcloud: true or anything such?18:35
rlandyagopi: what release file and what fs are you using?18:36
rlandyexample ...18:37
rlandyagopi: ^^ let's compare with this job ...18:37
rlandyto examine the diff18:37
rlandylast ran three days ago18:37
agopiokay rlandy , i am not sure if any fs is being used18:38
rlandyagopi: so ...18:38
rlandyhere we see
rlandyboth files available18:39
rlandyovercloud using  -e /home/stack/containers-default-parameters.yaml18:39
agopiokay our automation seems way off18:40
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rlandyagopi; so first question is why you don;t have  /home/stack/containers-default-parameters.yaml18:40
rlandylet's see where that gets created18:40
agopiis being used i guess18:41
agopijust a second i'll unhook the executor18:41
agopiso we can jump on it18:41
rlandy containerized_undercloud|bool or containerized_overcloud|bool18:42
rlandycontainerized_overcloud must be set to true18:44
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-multinode-oooq-container @, master: tripleo- (3 more messages)18:44
agopiyep rlandy we're using the release file I linked above18:44
rlandyagopi: ^^ you are correct, you need that parameter set18:44
rlandyagopi; the setting is in the fs file we use ...18:45
rlandyso you have that set to true?18:45
agopiokay and how can I use the feature set file?18:45
agopiI don't think we use a fs file in this automation18:45
rlandyagopi: pls see the config of the queens job I pointed to above18:45
rlandyyou can see how we use that fs file18:46
agopiokay gotcha18:47
agopi is the bootstrap script we use :/18:48
agopiso i guess18:48
agopiwe can either take it out18:48
agopior make changes to use the fs files18:48
rlandyagopi: you can start by applying containerized_overcloud  parameter18:50
rlandyand see if that works18:50
agopiack thanks rlandy18:51
agopii'll try and let you know :)18:51
hubbot1agopi: rlandy's karma is now 3518:51
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ssbarneaweshay: rlandy : if you can have a look at it would be great, i made few small tunnings19:07
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rlandyssbarnea: patch looks ok but ci.centos jobs use bash $WORKSPACE/tripleo-quickstart/ci-scripts/ \ which is not changed19:15
rlandyssbarnea: weshay: iow - I can +2 it as I dont see anything wrong - but not platform where we actually kick this19:17
rlandywhat is the expectation?19:17
rlandyI see weshay's output from a previous version19:18
rlandyanyway +1'ed19:21
rlandywill +2 if answered above19:21
weshaygate is almost clear19:27
weshayhold off on workflow19:27
rlandyugh - just worked my other patch19:36
rlandyweshay: I set up to start comparing rhos-14 and queens runs ... few points ...20:01
rlandy1. these jobs don;t report to dlrn api20:02
rlandythey can - if it helps20:02
rlandy2. the hash on the rhos-14 side would be a build date20:02
rlandy3. lastly - question - you want the installed rpms compared?20:04
rlandyor the packages?20:06
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq- (3 more messages)20:44
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rlandymarios: panda|off: pls review Design notes added to
rlandyreproducer tasks for this sprint21:02
rlandyrfolco|off: where do we add the ideas for improvement info for tomorrow's meeting?21:03
rlandyno section on the etherpad afaict21:03
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rlandyweshay: around?21:45
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agopiyep rlandy it helped22:10
agopithanks :)22:10
rfolco|offrlandy, let me create the agenda22:25
rlandyrfolco|off: np -  can add it tomorrow22:25
rfolco|offrlandy, weshay created it :(22:26
rlandyk - thanks22:27
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-containerized-undercloud-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-fedora-28-standalone, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq- (3 more messages)22:44
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*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|bbl23:29

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