Thursday, 2018-09-20

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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-queens, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-queens, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004 (2 more messages)01:47
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vinayknsanyone around..?02:23
vinaykns I need a quick help...I'm trying to deploy tripleo quickstart but it is getting failed as it couldn't start virtual bmc, as the configured resource limit was exceeded...any workaround..?02:23
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sshnaidm|ptoweshay_pto, let's start merge this please
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-queens, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-queens, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004 (2 more messages)03:47
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quique|rover|offsshnaidm|pto: Yep, let's merge it, my comments can be addressed later, we need that.05:40
quique|rover|offykarel: Puff still the fix fo fs019 is not merge :-( all the night in the gates like a drunk guy05:41
ykarelhow far is it in gate05:42
chkumar|offpour him more wine, it will get merged05:42
ykarelhmm still too far in gate05:43
ykarel19th in queue05:44
quique|rover|offDon't know man, I am going to go to the hills and do farming, this is insane05:44
ykarelso seems rare chance it will merge today,05:44
ykarelunless and until gate is too happy05:44
quique|rover|offWe are giving away like 3 days of master/roick/queens promotions for a little merge of a version pufff05:45
* chkumar|off needs to dig fs020 neutron tempest issue unexpected error on rocky05:45
quique|rover|offchkumar|off: Did it fail again ?05:45
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chkumar|offquiquell|rover: yes
chkumar|offone way if i skip neutorn tests for fs020 we migth get a promotion provides fs019 passes05:46
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-queens, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-queens, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004 (2 more messages)05:47
quiquell|roverchkumar|off:  if we merge the stuf we will force run periodics, at least to discover the next issues05:47
quiquell|roverchkumar|off: Do you agree ?05:47
chkumar|offquiquell|rover: yes05:48
chkumar|offquiquell|rover: ykarel
chkumar|off2018-09-19 23:11:16 | 2018-09-19 23:11:16,151 ERROR: ERROR running yum update in container
chkumar|offit is from noop master job failure05:48
chkumar|offrest story is same05:49
chkumar|offquiquell|rover: I think I also got the soltuin for scenario 004 timed out05:51
quiquell|roverchkumar|off: It's not related to need of promotions ?05:52
chkumar|offquiquell|rover: nope05:52
chkumar|offquiquell|rover: it is also avoiding merging patches in gates05:53
quiquell|roverchkumar|off: DIdn't have time to even check CI05:53
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chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover: let's we can focus on rocky05:53
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-queens, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-queens, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004 (2 more messages)07:47
bogdandoo/ PTAL
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quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: why removed promotion-blocker from ?08:12
openstackLaunchpad bug 1793452 in tripleo "[master] fs002 periodic job showing connection closed during overcloud prep image step" [Critical,Triaged]08:12
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chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover: as per discussion we are going to include in connection closed bug and mark it as duplicate so08:25
chkumar|rucklet me add it back08:26
quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: ack08:26
chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover: oh you filed the yum update bug good08:27
quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: It's not that bad, no so ofthen08:27
quiquell|rovernot so often08:27
quiquell|roverfeels infra08:27
chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover: regarding rocky tempest failure i am getting no clue I am opening a bug08:28
quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: Will look into it too, four eyes better than two08:28
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-queens, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-queens, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004 (2 more messages)09:47
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mariosquiquell|rover: o/ was just checking out the gatechecks see if somethng i can help with10:00
mariosquiquell|rover: do you want to abandon ?10:00
mariosquiquell|rover: i see you posted new one for pike?10:00
quiquell|rovermarios: We have to create new one, since the Change-Id was mixed with new rocky10:00
quiquell|roverso we created new for rocky and new for pike10:01
mariosquiquell|rover: oh wow you mean clash?10:01
quiquell|roverthe good ones are configured at hubbot110:01
mariosno way something else? someone manually created it with wrong id or soemthing?10:01
quiquell|roverhubbot1: config10:01
hubbot1quiquell|rover: (config <name> [<value>]) -- If <value> is given, sets the value of <name> to <value>. Otherwise, returns the current value of <name>. You may omit the leading "supybot." in the name if you so choose.10:01
quiquell|roverhubbot1 config plugin.GateStatus.changeIds10:01
hubbot1quiquell|rover: Error: 'supybot.plugin.GateStatus.changeIds' is not a valid configuration variable.10:01
quiquell|roverhubbot1 config plugin.GateStatus.changeIDs10:01
hubbot1quiquell|rover: Error: 'supybot.plugin.GateStatus.changeIDs' is not a valid configuration variable.10:01
quiquell|roverargg don't remember the command10:02
mariosquiquell|rover: ack so abandoning old one then (the the rcky one was abandoned at least so i update my bkmark)10:02
chkumar|ruckmarios: need +2 and +w on thus10:03
quiquell|roverjfrancoa: unblock gates10:03
jfrancoaquiquell|rover: I can +2 it, but I don't have context enough to merge it forward. Maybe marios can?10:06
quiquell|roverjfrancoa: fair enough10:06
mariosjfrancoa: heh the strategy is to talk to me in tripleo and you in oooq10:07
mariosjfrancoa: so we both +2 it10:07
marioswaiting for zuul anyway10:07
mariosquiquell|rover: chkumar|ruck ;)10:07
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mariosjfrancoa: so the context is this bug was filed a couple weeks ago for the queens gate but looks like the same issue affects o and p too10:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1790857 in tripleo "Queens tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004-multinode-oooq-container failing tempest manila_tempest_tests.tests.api.test_shares.SharesCephFSTest " [Critical,Fix released] - Assigned to Goutham Pacha Ravi (gouthamr)10:10
jfrancoamarios: aha, right. I saw this error some time ago, Thanks for the info, I wasn't sure what was it about10:11
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quiquell|rovermarios: What do we miss to merge  ?10:30
mariosquiquell|rover: well it doesn't have any reviews yet, and was filed unler 10 mins ago?10:32
mariosbut otherwise not sure :)10:32
mariosoh is that jistr one?10:32
marios did you mean this quiquell|rover ?10:32
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quiquell|rovermarios: nope10:34
quiquell|rovermarios: tempest one10:34
marios13:30 < quiquell|rover> marios: What do we miss to merge  ?10:34
quiquell|rovermarios: Puff my fault, I mean this
mariosquiquell|rover: oh well there was no zuul result when i voted10:34
mariosquiquell|rover: still isn't10:35
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quiquell|rovermarios: all passed except upgrades10:36
quiquell|rovermarios: do you have the greasy monky plugin to view reviews ? is super cool10:36
quiquell|rovermarios: show you the current state before finished10:36
mariosquiquell|rover: no, is it reading from zuul :)10:36
mariosquiquell|rover: cool10:36
ssbarneaquiquell|rover: seen your last comment, i was considering writing a recheck bot over a weekend.10:37
ssbarneaprobably i will create my own "PA" bot to deal with nagging tasks.10:38
quiquell|rovermarios: install tampermonkey at chrome and open this url
quiquell|rovermarios: then open a running review10:40
mariosquiquell|rover: nice thanks will check it out (I checked you're not lying but would still rather see the results on the review first should be few more mins?10:42
mariosquiquell|rover: ok done :!10:43
quiquell|rovermarios: Yep, let's just wait10:43
ssbarneaquiquell|rover: i think that this one will not merge until it gets an additional CR+2, right?
mariosquiquell|rover: I +w it just now10:43
mariosand zuul JUST reported o_O10:43
ssbarneasame with
quiquell|roverbogdando: ssbarnea has some reviews with +w but missing +210:45
ssbarneaquiquell|rover: i think wes is right on -- can I fix it? is your change.10:48
ssbarneasubstracting seconds from minutes10:48
quiquell|roverssbarnea: This is not the right review, we are removing tiemouts all together10:48
ssbarneaone reason why is recommented to include UM in variable name :D10:48
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ssbarneaso, that one should be abandoned, right?10:49
quiquell|roverssbarnea: We are reviving this ?10:50
quiquell|roverssbarnea: But the comments are new10:50
ssbarneai am trying to review all CRs where I was added.10:50
quiquell|roverssbarnea: ahh wait, take a look is a comment on old stuff10:51
quiquell|roverssbarnea: totally uncontextual comment10:51
quiquell|roverssbarnea: Commented code does not exists anymore10:51
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ssbarneayeah, not sure how I ended up looking at patch 2 when current version was 2710:52
ssbarneaquiquell|rover: btw, is this normal? "16h" nothing happening.10:56
quiquell|roverssbarnea: gate queue is pretty big right now10:57
quiquell|roverssbarnea: we are all screw there10:57
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chkumar|ruckwho is the openstack CI god?10:58
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ssbarneachkumar|ruck: have you tried typing iddqd in zuul, maybe it works? ;)11:08
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chkumar|ruckssbarnea: as per current design it only works with same branch11:18
chkumar|ruckonce current run finisshes i will try that11:18
chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover: for rocky promotion we need to disable neutron tests in fs020 because of this bz bug 1631335 in openstack-neutron "WSGI workers not started again after SIGHUP signal" [Unspecified,New] - Assigned to amuller11:21
quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: Can you add it to the launchpad ?11:21
quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: Why we have a bz for this ? lp is not enough ?11:22
chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover: it might eb downstream also so11:22
quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: tthis ?
openstackLaunchpad bug 1793482 in tripleo "[Rocky] fs020 periodic job neutron tempest tests are failing by giving 503 Service Unavailable" [Critical,Triaged]11:24
ssbarneado we have a codestyle guide for tripleo somewhere, or for ansible in general? I google a little bit and I found that tripleo-docs doesn't mention anything about style and found something called tripleo-incubator which seems to be a stlyeguide that covers only bash.11:24
chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover: yes11:24
chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover: I have added the comment there11:25
quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: ups ok11:25
chkumar|ruckit needs investigation11:25
quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: We want to do a promotion without fixing it ?11:26
quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: Feels like it's not tempest only related11:26
chkumar|ruckquiquell|rover: I have no idea what to do, something serious might be happening there11:27
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quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: Didn't have time to look at it...11:30
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/queens: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-queens, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-queens @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @  (1 more message)11:47
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agopigood mornin weshay rlandy, can you please do a jjb push? To see if jobs are reconfigured with gerrit stuff?12:40
agopithe job I manually triggered didn't vote on the commit12:41
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pandamy bluejeans interface is completely messed up12:52
pandaIt's like I'm running bluejeans on lynx.12:52
weshaypanda, rlandy mtg13:02
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-queens, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-queens, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004-multinode-oooq-container @  (1 more message)13:47
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chkumar|ruckquique|rover|lch: weshay arxcruz I am going to drop now, once will merge, I hope we will back in bussinees13:55
* chkumar|ruck tired13:55
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quiquell|roverchkumar|ruck: rest13:57
chkumar|offI might skip the tempest call13:57
quiquell|roverchkumar|off: thank for the review13:57
rlandyagopi: still need help? shows a push today13:59
agopioh thank you rlandy14:00
agopiit looks like reset everything fine14:00
hubbot1agopi: weshay's karma is now 914:00
hubbot1agopi: rlandy's karma is now 2214:00
arxcruzchkumar|off: weshay will we have scrum today ?14:05
weshayarxcruz, no.. you guys are in the ether until the sprint review and planning14:05
weshayenjoy no mtgs14:05
mariosrfolco: o/ around? i just voted at buthave a question about the please where is it invoked? (sorry for stupid, bu don't want to +2 if i don't at least (almost) understand it ;) )14:28
rfolcomarios, looking14:29
rfolcomarios, fair, will respond there, thanks14:31
rfolcohere is the answer :)14:32
mariosrfolco: thanks, so the fact this is post has nothing to do with your review?14:33
mariosrfolco: because it looks like it was currently being called there (but you're revmoing it)14:33
mariosrfolco: i mean the "bash $LOGS_DIR/"14:34
mariosrfolco: thanks i'll check your comment if you also write one14:34
mariosrfolco: cool thanks (grep tells me about zuul.d/post-run: post.yaml14:35
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rlandywhat's the diff between primary and centos-714:36
pandarlandy: centos-7 is probably wrong, it's the node label, not the inventory name14:37
rlandypanda: so, it should be primary only?14:37
pandarlandy: I didn't remove it after realizing i could not specify just centos-7 for the playbook to run in it14:38
rlandyfine - I need to add upstream-centos-714:38
rlandyfor ovb14:38
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rlandypanda: ^^14:38
rlandywill that break anything?14:39
pandarlandy: I think you can just remove centos-7 from the run-v3.yaml. as long as the host is called primary, the playbook will run on it14:40
rlandypanda: I need it to run on  upstream-centos-714:41
rlandyI'll try that first14:41
pandarlandy: if the job definiton is using the nodeset called: upstream-centos-7-2-nodes, then zuul will create a node using upstream-centos-7 definition, and calling it "primary" in the inventory. That's al lthe the playbook needs14:42
rlandy^^ debugging that14:43
rlandynote how the playbook just stops14:43
rlandyit's actually before the nodeset definition14:43
rlandy^^ note no primary14:44
pandawe probably need to change the node definition then14:45
pandarlandy: in name should be "primary" not upstream-centos-714:46
pandarlandy: in all other definition, name is always "primary" or "secondary" not the label14:47
rlandy^^ I think we should use that nodeset14:47
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rlandyI don;t want to mess with upstream14:47
rlandyit's used elsewhere14:47
rlandypanda: ^^14:48
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pandarlandy: yeah, I see, yes, that's the right nodeset. But also, if it's a single node, we probably don't need to add it to group "switch", that's used to call the multi-node-bridge14:50
rlandypanda: ^^ same as14:50
rlandytrying that14:51
pandammhh, yeah I remember we needed to add peers group empty because otherwise the playbook was topping with an error14:52
pandaI'm not sure if adding primary to switch is really nedded, and we could make that group empty as well, but at this point let's leave it like this14:52
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chkumar|offquique|rover|off: weshay patches are in progress for fs020 but as a wrokaround15:13
openstackLaunchpad bug 1793482 in tripleo "[Rocky][master]fs020 periodic job neutron tempest tests are failing by giving 503 Service Unavailable" [Critical,Triaged]15:13
weshaychkumar|off, thank you sir.. I'm watching them all :)15:13
chkumar|offweshay: I think we need to come up with a beeter way to handle skip list and keep monitoring through toold15:14
weshaychkumar|off, k.. interested in hearing your thoughts15:16
weshaychkumar|off, tell me tomorrow15:16
weshaygo to sleep15:16
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rlandypanda: any idea why the playbook would just stop in the middle like that?15:19
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pandarlandy: which log ?15:20
rlandymaybe a sf thing15:21
rlandyRUN START: [untrusted :]15:22
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rlandyI am asking on #sf-dfg15:22
pandathe weirdest thing is that it's acutally saying the the run playbook ended normally15:30
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-queens, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-queens, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004-multinode-oooq-container @  (2 more messages)15:47
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weshayssbarnea, did you want to go through that patch any more?16:21
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weshaymarios, you still around?16:26
weshaymarios, if not that is fine16:26
* weshay reviewing
weshaywondering if that is doing both the workflow and the upgrade16:27
weshaypanda, fyi. this is interesting
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pandaweshay: not clear to me what this option is preventing to run16:37
pandachem: what is the noop option actually preventing ?16:38
weshaypanda, don't understand what you are saying16:38
weshaypanda, that is a check option for ansible16:38
weshayhave you not run that?16:38
chempanda: as weshay say, but more precisely it runs --check --diff ansible-playbook options16:39
chempanda: weshay: as I commented this has been drop to very low in the priority list and maybe something more useful for the user than for ci16:40
weshaychem, what does --diff do? /me looking16:40
pandachem: weshay
chemweshay: show diff for files it would change16:41
panda"Check mode is just a simulation, and if you have steps that use conditionals that depend on the results of prior commands, it may be less useful for you. However it is great for one-node-at-time basic configuration management use cases."16:41
weshaythat is cool16:41
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pandaalso, if we have custom modules, and they don't implement the check, thwy will not show the diff16:42
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pandachem: how you imagine to check if the workflow is working correctly ? would be a manual debugging of the tasks ?16:44
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rlandy2018-09-20 16:49:32.621419 | primary | +(/home/zuul/src/ source /etc/ci/mirror_info.sh16:52
rlandy2018-09-20 16:49:32.621585 | primary | /home/zuul/src/ line 20: /etc/ci/ No such file or directory16:52
rlandywhere is that ...16:52
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rlandypanda: ^^16:53
pandarlandy: dang. it's created by the mirror-info role I just mentioned. Maybe it's included by default in openstack upstream16:54
* rlandy looks16:55
rlandywe need to call that explicitly16:55
pandawhy we don't need it in tripleo-ci upstream ? I'm trying to find where it is implicitly called16:58
pandamaybe it's in the node itself, already baked in the image16:59
rlandypanda: we could just include the role in
rlandyif the file is not found17:00
pandachem: so the idea is to actually make tripleo run ansible --check for all the mistral playbooks ? So it will not install anything, finish earlier so we can continue with the next phase of the upgrade ?17:01
pandarlandy: let's try, I just want this to be idempotent with what we have in upstream ci, that's why I'd like to understand where, when and host it's created there17:02
rlandypanda: try call it in run-v3?17:03
chempanda: the idea was to just "display" what would be run and then get the log back and check that all the expected hooks in the upgrade workflow were run ... a mouthful17:03
chempanda: currently the plan is to go with N->N upgrade for CI17:03
chempanda: so no yum upgrade, no container pulling, just run the upgrade from N to N17:04
chempanda: maybe we add some dummy role/resource that doesn't do much as well to speed even more the deployment, but first just try to do a N->N17:05
pandarlandy: yes17:05
chempanda: it's seem easier to implement and has a good chance of working under the timeout17:05
rlandylet's try it17:07
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pandarlandy: we should be good, in upstream ci, that role is included by the base base base job configuration, so al long as we're calling that same role, we'll end up in the same spot.17:18
rlandylet's hope17:19
pandarlandy: so it's essential for rdo, it's harmless for openstack17:19
pandarlandy: we har inheriting from multinode base job, multinode base job is not inheriting from anything, but it's implicit that it's inheriting from the base base base job configured in project-config17:20
* panda facepalm17:26
pandarlandy: that's where we are calling mirror-info in upstream17:27
rlandywell if it's no harm. ok17:27
pandarlandy: one objection may be that the role should be added in our pre playbooks17:28
pandait shouldn't really be "run" time17:28
pandarlandy: but don't bother for now moving it, it's actually taking 2 seconds to run17:29
rlandypnda; ok - I'll change that as soon as we see the run17:29
pandarlandy: but we may need to add configure-mirrors too17:29
rlandywe may need to change something else17:30
rlandylet's see17:30
pandarlandy: I see it running right after mirror-info in upstream17:30
* rlandy makes that change - to commit afterwards17:30
pandarlandy: let's see if it's needed, I'm not sure17:31
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rlandymirror_fqdn is undefine17:44
rlandypanda: ^^17:44
rlandyneed to fix that so can move roles17:44
pandarlandy: logs ?17:45
pandarlandy: I see most of the time it takes the same value as zuul_site_mirror_fqdn17:46
pandatrying to find when this is defined upstream17:46
rlandypanda: we have two options to move the role ...17:46
hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-queens, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-queens, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004-multinode-oooq-container @  (2 more messages)17:47
rlandypanda: which one is your pick?17:47
pandarlandy: in project-config zuul/site-variables.yaml:zuul_site_mirror_fqdn: "mirror.{{ nodepool.region | lower }}.{{ | lower }}"17:47
pandarlandy: we need to change the value to contain rdo mirrors17:48
pandarlandy: I wouldn't use openstack-zuul-jobs/legacy/pre.yaml  if we plan to remove it completely17:48
pandanot we had much success .. but the general idea is to remove it ..17:49
rlandyconfigure-mirrors is run17:49
pandarlandy: ok17:49
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rlandy2018-09-20 17:42:16.091004 | primary | ok: "/tmp/tmpl1av7z79/6367f0afa552436bb29da6b0663aa2cb/untrusted/project_2/"17:51
pandarlandy: continuin the discussion in sf-org17:53
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agopi rlandy can you please review+merge when you get time18:51
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rlandyagopi: done19:41
agopithanks rlandy :)19:42
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pandarlandy: assuming the job will work, what are the next steps ?20:33
pandarlandy: moving the legacy jobs ?20:34
rlandy panda: we put back the review to add the browbeat job to actually trigger20:34
rlandythen we add a multinode job and base and try that20:35
rlandyand then we mass add v3 jobs20:35
rlandywatch them run20:35
rlandyand then delete legacy20:35
pandai like the mass add part :)20:40
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agopirlandy, since we're on the mass add part :P can you please look at
agopinot sure why its failing20:42
agopii just added a change to fs53 file20:43
agopiit says update_containers_append_tag is undefined20:43
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-queens, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-queens, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004-multinode-oooq-container @  (2 more messages)21:47
rlandyweshay: when you reviewed, did you try the reproducer?21:55
* rlandy is thinking about what happens to the logs dir there21:55
weshaydo we want / need that for the repo?21:56
* rlandy will have to try I guess21:56
weshayor just ensure the zuul_changes is set21:56
rlandywell if there are no zuul changes defined?21:56
* rlandy tries21:57
weshayany of the zuul variables need to set in the script for sure21:57
weshaymeh.. short answer no21:57
weshayI did not try21:57
weshayI've been focused on the gate and f2821:57
rlandyIm trying with libvirt reproducer21:57
weshayoh what fun21:57
pandathat's it! I can't take this manual running for the reproducer anymore, I'm adding a reproducer job in openstack infra RIGHT NOW!21:59
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rlandypanda: need to step out - will be back later22:37
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pandarlandy|bbl: ok22:37
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hubbot1FAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/pike: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-queens, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-queens, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario004-multinode-oooq-container @  (2 more messages)23:47

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