Wednesday, 2018-08-29

dtrainor_I'm trying to deploy using --release rhos-14 with an appropriate release file.  the deployment keeps failing on account of not being able to find a suitable ntp server.  i'm specifying an 'undercloud_ntp_servers' properly in my config/release/rhos-14.yml file.  though i can confirm that the release file seems to be working properly, the undercloud_ntp_servers setting is not taking effect00:06
dtrainor_the failure is using pool.ntp.org00:06
dtrainor_is there a more appropriate place to configure 'undercloud_ntp_servers'?00:06
rlandy2018-08-29 00:05:23.353909 | primary | fatal: [undercloud]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "AnsibleUndefinedVariable: \"hostvars['primary']\" is undefined"}00:33
rlandywill be back later to fix ...00:33
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ykarelcool, rocky being promoted: 2018-08-29 05:16:39,897 30524 INFO     promoter Promoting the container images for dlrn hash 3771eb0202782879a780df444f0b5e32446f4712 on rocky to current-tripleo05:53
ykarelmaster still not moved, as rdo repo is not consistent due to glance FTBFS:-
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rascasoftwow finding two reviews merged during the night is a good feeling :)07:21
ssbarneawe need wes fix reviewed and merged asap to unblock queens jobs:
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rascasoftssbarnea, I still wonder why this  is not merged, it has everything it needs08:34
ssbarnearascasoft: if you refer to the one i posted, it just got the +W so it should merge in ~2h from now, hopefully.08:35
rascasoftssbarnea, yeah you're right08:36
rascasoftssbarnea, I was thinking about the other one we were talking yesterday08:36
ssbarnearascasoft: if I remember well it was affected by this one.08:38
rascasoftssbarnea, I think so, yes. In any case I just discovered a very very funny thing about introspection, which is not working anymore in master08:38
rascasoftssbarnea, we still rely on the ironic command and now it is deprecated08:39
ssbarnearascasoft: i am afraid i do not know the details.08:40
rascasoftssbarnea, no worries I was just saying :) I'm preparing a review08:40
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rascasoftssbarnea, this is what I was talking about
rascasoftsshnaidm, this ^^^ is really relevant for baremetal09:27
rascasoftI'm testing it right now09:27
sshnaidmrascasoft, yeah, seems reasonable. Just need to replace tabs by spaces09:30
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ssbarneasshnaidm: is "openstack baremetal" command available for all supported openstack older versions?09:33
sshnaidmssbarnea, we support from newton I think, and imho newton and ocata will be EOLed soon (if not already)09:34
sshnaidmssbarnea, so yes09:34
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ssbarneasshnaidm: ok, had to ask because I still remember when tripleo changes broke downstream jobs as those do usually have to support some ancient versions.09:36
sshnaidmssbarnea, yeah, but you're not in downstream anymore, so you can start ignoring such things :D09:37
ssbarneahaha :D09:37
ssbarneasshnaidm: it seems that my rdo cloud account does not have a baremetal endpoint. do you know one test cloud that does?09:41
sshnaidmssbarnea, what is baremetal endpoint?09:42
ssbarneai just wanted to play with baremetal sub-command and discovered that i don't have something to play with.09:42
ssbarneapublic endpoint for baremetal service in regionOne region not found09:42
sshnaidmssbarnea, you can't play with baremetals of rdo cloud, it's only for admins09:42
sshnaidmssbarnea, you need to install OVB for that09:43
sshnaidmssbarnea, for example some OVB job09:43
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sshnaidmand play wit baremetal on ovb09:43
ssbarneasshnaidm: ok. so only via my own deployment.09:44
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rascasoftssbarnea, sshnaidm, newton is already EOL, but in any case it supports the openstack command, so we're good09:58
rascasoftsshnaidm, that joke about downstream was not good man :D :D09:58
sshnaidmrascasoft, it's worse - not a joke :D10:06
sshnaidmrascasoft, I'm kidding, of course we care about downstream10:07
sshnaidmonce a half year10:07
rascasoftsshnaidm, lol one day or another I'll stop living in this middlearth between the two worlds and start being fine again :D10:07
sshnaidmrascasoft, join us in upstream as ssbarnea did, he knows :)10:08
rascasoftsshnaidm, you have cookies?10:08
sshnaidmrascasoft, only in firefox10:09
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rfolcosshnaidm, panda: looks good, needs a final pass/review10:48
sshnaidmrfolco, will review today10:50
rfolcosshnaidm, thank you10:51
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rascasoftwe need to do something about the pip cache not cleaning11:06
ykarelrascasoft, is that jenkins issue, i remember one in the past which was workaround some how11:07
sshnaidmssbarnea, are you ruck?11:07
sshnaidmwho is ruck/rover today?11:08
ykarelhmm good to set in topic, if not in nick, othewise by default i ping sshnaidm :)11:09
rascasoftykarel, yep it is the jenkins issue, I can't count how much time I lost for this problem11:09
pandaI offered to help, not sure I am the official ruck / rover today11:09
rascasoftLOL sshnaidm is your best friend11:09
rascasoftwho you gonna call?!11:10
sshnaidmarxcruz, seems like you're only channel op here :)11:12
sshnaidmarxcruz, need to remove "rdo cloud is down" from topic..11:12
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ykarelrascasoft, so is it solved now ? would u like me to look for that earlier bug11:13
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pandassbarnea: are you going to attend the program meeting ?11:14
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ssbarneapanda: yes, but i have a clash with 1:1 with wes, but based on his pto status, i would assume that I will attend the platform program meeting.11:16
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pandassbarnea: wes is out until Tuesday11:19
ssbarneapanda: it seems that i have lots of timeouts on ocata, i need to look now on them....11:20
ssbarneaout of curiosity, do any of you have some secret tool for pointing the failure point in zuul log, i feel that i waste too much time scrolling to find the error line.11:21
rascasoftykarel, no it isn't solved, I need to remember to remove .cache dir on jenkins slave before launching each job11:32
ssbarneapanda: can you help me with the error about missing bm-deploy-kernel ?
ykarelrascasoft, so possibly u can try the workaround mentioned here:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1772460 in tripleo "rdo2: BM jobs failing b/c concurrent pip installs are failing due to sharing pip cache" [Critical,Fix released] - Assigned to Matt Young (halcyondude)11:34
sshnaidmrfolco, the only difference I found: in changed version the file featureset-multinode-common.yml is taken from sources - /home/zuul/src/ and in original it's taken from workspace: /home/zuul/workspace/.quickstart11:36
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sshnaidmrfolco, but I think it doesn't matter11:36
rfolcosshnaidm, exactly what I commented out in the card :)11:37
sshnaidmrfolco, cool, afaik we don't change it..11:37
sshnaidmrfolco, so +211:37
rfolcosshnaidm, I don't understand why still using local_working_dir for some configs... master.yml for example....11:38
sshnaidmrfolco, seems like we need to decide where to take them from - one place11:38
sshnaidmrfolco, imho sources are better, it makes us less dependent on localhost and we shouldn't change these configs..11:39
rfolcosshnaidm, zuulv3 resolves cross dependencies among repos... we don't need to rely on reuqirements for gating projects IMHO11:40
rfolcobut this is a separate work11:40
rfolcotech debt11:40
sshnaidmpanda, he said tech debt ^^11:40
* rfolco hides11:41
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arxcruzsshnaidm: now you got the power :)11:47
ssbarneapanda: sshnaidm : if building  openstack-tripleo-heat-templates fails with DLRN complaining about missing  python-d2to1 -- where should I file a bug?11:47
sshnaidmssbarnea, I think we talked about it yesterday in tripleo meeting11:48
sshnaidmykarel, do you remember what is the problem? ^^11:48
ssbarneai remember something about it but i missed to see any action items11:49
sshnaidmssbarnea, I think jpena frm #rdo was on it, worth to ask him11:49
ykarelsshnaidm, probably missing build-deps11:50
ykarelone recently resolved11:50
ykarelsshnaidm, ssbarnea
ykarelis it still failing? where?11:51
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ykarelsshnaidm, so the failure is from 27th, fix merged today morning11:55
ykarelssbarnea, ^^11:55
ykarelsshnaidm, so if u see the current run, job moved ahead
ykarelmeant for ssbarnea ^^11:57
ssbarneaok, so I will just want for the check to finish.11:58
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rascasoftykarel, the workaround is operative, but it does not prevent the problem to happen12:04
ykarelhmm no idea about that12:06
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rlandypanda: hello12:38
rlandypanda: wrt - there is one more change need to vxlan networking that I wanted to run by you12:38
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pandarlandy: shoot12:43
rlandypanda: vxlan networking is only used by legacy12:45
rlandythat is why ovb passes and multinode fails legacy12:45
rlandythe issue is simple though12:45
rlandywe nee to define primary node12:45
rlandypanda: I wanted to add it to the /tmp/subnodes file12:46
ssbarneapanda: rlandy please have a look at -- is related to timeouts on updates. i had to add an extra feature based on yuri feedback.12:46
rlandyadd a switch section to subnodes12:46
rlandyit would be one value though12:47
rlandypanda: then - we would have access to switch ip like the subnodes12:49
rlandyI'd like to use the same file so we are not passing more extra-vars12:49
rlandypanda:^^ thoughts?12:49
rlandyssbarnea: openstack/tripleo-upgrade should be approved by upgrades team12:51
rlandyis marios back?12:52
pandarlandy: ok, maybe we can rename the file to deployed_nodes.yaml. THen use a dict with two lists. primaery:  and subnodes:12:52
rlandypanda: yes - my thought exactly12:53
rlandypanda: what I was not sure about is ...12:53
rlandyis it safe to assume that there will always only be one primary node?12:53
rlandyconsidering hrybacki's work12:53
rlandylike setting switch  string or list12:54
pandarlandy: uhm , not sure what changes with harry's work, they are adding a node to the mix. The primary for us is the undercloud, if there is not undercloud, we are not testing anything12:55
rlandypanda: when we working with OVB we consider it an extra undercloud node ... but for the moment, let's ignore that12:56
rlandyeither way ...12:56
rlandy"THen use a dict with two lists. primary:  and subnodes:" is fine12:57
rlandywe will need to make the change in
rlandyand in
pandarlandy: ok, I can change the 42212:57
ssbarneapanda: i know that upgrades should approve in the end, but I would also appreciate your input, to get an idea if the approach looks ok or not.12:57
rlandypanda: ok - when you have done that, I will update and and recheck to test12:58
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pandarlandy: ps uploaded13:02
pandarlandy: mmhh forgot the legacy scripts13:03
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pandaok, fixed legacy scripts13:05
pandassbarnea: taking a look13:10
pandassbarnea: I think we should do the same thing on every place we are currently using a "ignore_errors"13:15
rlandypanda: k - updating other reviews13:16
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rlandypanda: for vxlan networking ... now we just set ...13:20
rlandyprimary_node="{{ primary }}"13:20
rlandyoh and one more ...13:22
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rlandypanda: pls check and
rlandybefore I recheck13:34
pandarlandy: mhh, I'm not sure you need to add the primary node to the inventory13:42
pandarlandy: it's the undercloud, should already be on the inventory in some way13:42
pandarlandy: we didn't add it before13:42
pandarlandy: or you want to add the alias "primary" to the inventory13:42
pandarlandy: also, now that I see it "primary" is really generic name for a variable, maybe we should rename it to primary_node13:43
rlandypanda: idk - just seemed more consistent to add it13:44
rlandyok if you want to change the name13:44
rlandyswitch to alias13:44
pandarlandy: renamed13:48
rlandypanda: ok - need to update the other reviews13:50
rlandywhat's the decision on the inventory?13:50
rlandytake it out?13:50
rlandypanda: and it I remove it - what to use here?
ssbarnearlandy: panda : wes raised this two days ago and now it passed, about timeouts collecting,... worth merging.13:53
ssbarneasshnaidm: ^^13:53
pandarlandy: I think we can take it out. It wasn't there before, and you dont' even need an alias, I think you're using just the ip. Indeed, I think the vxlan role couls use the existing inventory, but let's not change too many things ...13:53
sshnaidmssbarnea, ??13:54
rlandypanda: so for, just remove line 175?13:54
pandarlandy: no, use {{ primary_node }} there. I *think* we could just use hostvars["undercloud"]['ip'] or something similar. I just suggested there is no need to add the primary node to the inventory, since that part is only for the subnodes specifically13:56
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rlandypanda; I removed primary from the inventory. wrt vxlan networking, I did this ...
rlandyper your suggestion13:59
rlandybut hostvars["undercloud"]['ip' would have made more sense14:00
rlandyanyways, I think we are talking at cross purposes, pls comment on the reviews or edit them14:00
pandarlandy: ok14:03
ssbarnearlandy: oops, missed to paste the link
rlandypanda: pls let me know when we are good to go on the those reviews and we can recheck/watch14:07
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pandarlandy: 1 comment in
pandarlandy: 1 comment  in
pandarlandy: the other seems good14:13
rlandyk - looking14:13
rlandyah good catch14:13
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ssbarneapanda: i found few duplicate keys in feature sets which definetly are causing bugs, can you help me distinguish the correct keys? look at
ssbarneawhich tempest_format is the correct one, first or second?14:20
rascasoftrlandy, hey good morning!14:23
pandassbarnea: arxcruz is in the tempest squad. I think they are both valid, but they should be merged. One controls the format according to branch, the other according to feature14:23
* arxcruz checking14:23
pandassbarnea: arxcruz it is indeed confusing14:23
rascasoftrlandy, I'm testing and I think you are the one most interested in it14:24
arxcruzssbarnea: we should merge it14:25
arxcruzbecause containers are only on rocky and onwards14:25
arxcruzactually, checking for undercloud containerized is enough right now14:26
arxcruzpanda: undercloud containerized is from rocky and onwards or queens ?14:26
rlandypanda: something like ...14:26
rlandy{% if subnodes.1 is defined %}14:26
rlandy{% set sub_nodes = sub_nodes + '' + "{{ subnodes.1 }}" %}14:26
ssbarneaarxcruz: fixing it now, a will cc you on review.14:27
arxcruzssbarnea: but now i'm in doubt when we started to have undercloud containerized14:27
arxcruzbecause if was from rocky we can keep only the last one14:27
arxcruzif not, we need to merge it14:27
pandaarxcruz: I think it's rocky14:28
arxcruzif it's rocky, we can keep only the last one14:28
pandaarxcruz: it's difficult to remember, I think we introduced them right before queens was released14:29
rlandyrascasoft: is ocata officially dead?14:30
pandarlandy: that subnodes variable in vxlan_networking is bash. I think you can just use sub_nodes+=" {{ subnodes.1}}"14:30
* rlandy is concerned about long term support14:30
rascasoftrlandy, no I'm not aware of it14:30
rascasoftrlandy, but it should not cound14:31
rascasoftI mean, openstack commands are good also in ocata... or not?14:31
rlandyconfiminf gate runs14:31
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rlandyrascasoft: we still run legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-ocata-branch gate - let's see what shakes out14:35
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dtrainoris there a more appropriate place to configure 'undercloud_ntp_servers' that in a config/releases/ file?14:39
dtrainor*than in14:39
dtrainordoesn't look like that takes effect, the deploy times out on account of still trying to use the default ntp server of pool.ntp.org14:40
rlandydtrainor: pls see
rlandyyou can set {{ undercloud_undercloud_ntp_servers }} in a config file14:42
dtrainorright, that's what I'm doing, including it in my release file of config/releases/rhos-14.yml.  Is that not one of the parameters that the role file should supply?14:44
rlandyit should be included in some sort of env setting type of file14:53
rlandybut there is no technical reason why including it in a  config/releases/rhos-14.yml should not work14:54
rlandydepending on how that is passed14:54
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rlandyis it passed as --extra-var @file14:54
rlandyor --release14:54
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rlandyit is not supplied by a featureset as it is env specific14:55
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dtrainorI see, thanks.14:58
dtrainorSo what's the *right* way to do this?  The proper, intended, proposed way of doing it correctly.14:58
rlandycan you paste your current command?15:01
rlandyhere is an example of where we use it ..
dtrainorit's pretty darn basic, wasn't even including a --config, just letting the role specification do its thing15:04
dtrainori guess my point is, this isn't in the docs either15:04
dtrainori just wanted to make sure i was doing it the right way15:04
dtrainorso one should stuff whatever custom configuration parameters they wish, inside of a config/environment/?  is there any functional difference between a config file and an environment file or do they just happen to be in different directories?15:05
ykarelso time to add fs037 back to rocky promotion criteria, as we have two promotions and previous-current-tripleo exists15:15
ykarelssbarnea, ^^15:15
rlandypretty much15:19
rlandyugh - we have an error15:20
rlandyThe error was: 'subnodes' is undefined15:20
dtrainori'm going to stuff a bunch of things inside of a config/environment/ file, call it with -E, and maybe that will work15:24
dtrainorcan i include multiple environment files?15:24
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rlandypanda: review updated15:26
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dtrainorevery time i use this i feel like a new user :) i'll open some doc bugs, maybe they'll help the next person.15:28
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rfolcorlandy, I know you are super busy with high priority legacy work.... whats the plan on
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rfolcoI think this needs to merge first -->
rfolcopanda, marios rlandy can you have a look at this one please ? we get +2 from sshnaidm already, I also verified as qe, looks sane15:42
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rlandyrfolco: wrt
rlandyidk - nothing moves without the reparent reconfigure going through15:49
rlandyit's blocking everything right now15:50
rlandyfeel free to move that patch forward15:50
rlandypanda: we will have a merge issue if goes in first15:51
rlandyjuts checking multinode failure if related15:51
rfolcorlandy, I thought needs to merge first15:52
rfolcowill take a closer look at those15:53
rfolcorlandy, do you mind if I take over if needed today ?15:53
rlandydtrainor: the grand plan id for us to consolidate/simplify all the CI workflow and reproducers to work through one method - and make that clearly supported. sorry you are caught in our transition time15:54
rlandyrfolco: sure - take over what you wish to to move on - I am watching 596422/ and allies15:55
rlandystill checking your review though - sec15:55
dtrainorall good, i understand it's transition time and what that all might entail.  there's a great wealth of information in our docs about what you can do and what's available, but very little in the way of how to actually do it15:56
ssbarneaarxcruz: panda rlandy : i removed linting from -- you should be able to review it, so zuul will merge before tomorrow.16:10
rlandyrfolco: - left comments16:10
rlandypanda: ^^ note if this merges  - impact on our changes16:11
rlandyssbarnea: voted on 59754716:12
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arxcruzssbarnea: it was my opnion, i'm not core, and i +1 :)16:16
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ssbarneaarxcruz: no problem, just pointed why I attempted a single commit. Now we have two, and depends on the fix. I know that most people see linting as futile, but this was a clear case where it would have saved a lot of time. i don't expect many people to check for duplicate keys in a file with >50 lines of code :)16:27
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ykarel|awayssbarnea, i remember u mentioned timeout in collect logs, seen that here too:
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ssbarneaykarel|away: yep, the same as mine, killed after exactly 30m when timeout is configured to 40m....but what seems to be missing is that looking up on the console I see
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ssbarneacan someone explain me the ^^ line, and how the REMAINING_TIME really works, i find the concept bit weid.16:42
ssbarneai don't really see why we should kill a task faster if the previous ones were slower, feels counter intuitive and gives the impression that is somethign wrong with that task. I would rather fast-fail the build instead of starting something that is likely not ever going to suceed.16:44
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rascasoftok rlandy so, ocata passed -> which means that with this and the three in codeng: I'll finally have master GREEN again :)16:51
rascasoftsshnaidm, if you can have a look also on this will fix all the bm deployments16:52
sshnaidmrascasoft, sure, but we need to see OVB jobs firstly, they are only jobs that uses bm and introspections16:53
dtrainorokie dokie, i'm still getting a deployment failure on an ntpdate update.  I've dropped my info here
rascasoftsshnaidm, how can I verify that sorry? Aren't the gates enough?16:53
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dtrainorI used known working examples to create my onfig/environments/default_libvirt_custom.yml but I must be missing something.16:54
rascasoftsshnaidm, because this is quite urgent for rdophase216:54
sshnaidmrascasoft, it's not posted yet, I suppose they still run16:54
rascasoftrlandy, what do you think ^^ ?16:54
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sshnaidmrascasoft, oh, just posted results16:56
rascasoftsshnaidm, and ovb ocata failed... I HATE THIS JOB!16:57
sshnaidmrascasoft, it's failed before that, on undercloud.. because some network issue16:57
rascasoftsshnaidm, yes, I saw it16:58
rascasoftso we just start the recheck dance?16:58
sshnaidmrascasoft, isn't ocata EOLed?16:58
rascasoftsshnaidm, can't say for sure16:58
sshnaidmrascasoft, I'm fine with it, just reran ovb jobs, but not blocking from my side17:00
rascasoftsshnaidm, ok, saw it, thanks17:00
rascasoftrlandy, if I can have your support on the internal three reviews (see above) I can close this: it's been too long that this job has been red :)17:01
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rlandyyes - looking17:11
rlandyrascasoft: ocata failed on installing the undercloud - so we have no proof - but I'll let it go17:13
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rlandyrascasoft: I +2'ed but we need to be alert re: ocata17:14
rlandyif we hit an incompatibility17:14
rlandyI won't hold your review on it though17:14
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rlandyrascasoft: merged
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rlandy merged17:16
rlandyrascasoft: wrt - I think you would be a lot better off using standard templates and modifying them than keep all your own17:17
rlandybut this is your support burden and I'll accept it if you will17:18
rascasoftrlandy, yes, but the problem here is that I need a customization of the nic_configs, especially for controller and compute17:18
rlandyrascasoft: ok - all merged17:19
rascasoftrlandy, I'll try to optimize it in the future, but for now that's the way it is17:19
rascasoftrlandy, thanks a ton!17:19
rlandyjust my $.0217:19
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rlandyssbarnea: seeing this error  in other places:
ssbarnearlandy: yes, in LOTs of places but is likely a reddish herring,, thus is why I created
rlandyssbarnea: ok - at least I know it's not my patch17:25
ssbarnearlandy: that is one reason why I am keep raising CRs for eradicating false errors, making output easier to read. any review support would really be appreciated ;17:26
ssbarneasshnaidm: can you please revise your review on ? -- let me know if you need more explanations.17:27
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sshnaidmssbarnea, does it check something? trying to see in logs but I don't see files output17:37
ssbarneasshnaidm: yes, it did exact the same thing as before, see
sshnaidmssbarnea, well, I'm not sure it checked something before too..17:42
sshnaidmssbarnea, but I think for this you need to run flake8 with verbosity17:42
sshnaidmssbarnea, by default it doesn't print anything17:42
ssbarneasshnaidm: it may be a good idea as it makes debugging easier. flake8 is not very verbose even with -v to worry us.17:43
ssbarneai will enable it17:43
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sshnaidmssbarnea, just tries, it doesn't print filename even with -v17:45
ssbarneasshnaidm: but you are right , it was not running repo root so it was linting an almost empty directory. fixing it now.17:45
ssbarneaso my refactoring attempt uncovered that it was not working....17:46
sshnaidmssbarnea, iirc we needed to run it on emit* scripts only, but I could be wrong.. panda, rlandy  do you remember?17:46
ssbarneasshnaidm: let me fix it and I will ping you17:47
sshnaidmssbarnea, sure, thanks17:47
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dtrainorrlandy, any suggestions for why some of my environment configurations are not sticking?
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rlandysshnaidm: yes - that was our decision at the time18:05
ssbarneasshnaidm: i updated and obviously that now it required few fixes, I hope we would not need to split it. and again thanks for spotting it, missing to run on all files was clearly a hidden issue.18:06
rlandydtrainor: the setting is undercloud_undercloud_ntp_servers  (two underclouds) your paste has undercloud_ntp_servers as the setting18:07
sshnaidmssbarnea, yeah, that's expected, fine with me18:08
rlandypanda: :(18:08
rlandyRun the TripleO-CI VXLAN networking script failing out18:08
rlandy2018-08-29 17:13:58 | [ERROR] /opt/stack/new/devstack/functions-common:Detected fatal18:10
rlandypanda: actually - not failing any worse than other jobs18:19
rlandysshnaidm: so you know the status of the vxlan failures?18:19
rlandydo you18:19
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dtrainorI see, I see.  Ok.  Is the use of the additional undercloud_ to avoid ambiguity with the undercloud.conf parameter that shares a similar name?18:43
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rlandythat is the undercloud.conf parameter19:01
rlandyundercloud_undercloud is that parameter19:01
rlandyssbarnea: - still has the vxlan failure19:04
rlandyI would +2 if that showed a fix19:04
rfolcorlandy, I worked on to rebase that on top of your patch so we don't have conflicts19:34
rlandyrfolco: thanks - I am worried about the conflicts here:
rlandyjust going through the zuul errors atm19:35
rlandywhich I think are unrelated19:35
rlandybut I won't get this through19:35
rlandyand there is potential fallout19:36
rlandyand rdo zuul is still queued19:36
rlandythat is my bigger concern19:36
rlandywe are not in a good position here19:36
rlandywe can go nowhere w/o this19:37
rlandywhat on earth is a POST failure??19:38
rfolco something wrong with the ansible playbook/role perhaps ?19:40
rfolcorlandy, yes, conflicts very much19:40
rfolcomany things were already changed in the 2 patches I mentioned19:41
rfolcothis is the main conflicting change
dtrainorrlandy, does this ring a bell related to the rhos-14.yml release work?  "Repository name cannot contain a scheme"
rlandyand all the environment files19:52
rlandyrfolco: this is a mess :(19:52
* rlandy runs aways19:52
rlandydtrainor: I wish I knew19:53
rlandyI haven't had a chance to get our rhos-14 gates going19:53
rlandyas you can from the chatter above we're having a hard time with zuul migration19:53
rlandysucking the life blood out of other activities19:53
rlandyrhos-14 is on my to-do list for one day - I promise19:54
rlandyrfolco: who let weshay|pto go on PTO anyways???19:54
rfolcorlandy, lol19:55
dtrainorhaha.  i've been monitoring how busy it's been, which is why I'm trying to keep my questions to a minimum as best I can :)19:56
sshnaidmrlandy, I'm not aware of vxlan failures19:57
rlandydtrainor: you're fine - also jschlueter is on pto as well19:58
rlandysshnaidm: in which context?19:58
rlandywe had some that were our fault19:58
sshnaidmrlandy, to your question..19:58
rlandyoh - ssbarnea answered19:59
rlandyhe has seen those errors elsewhere19:59
rlandywhich makes it hard to prove we are ok with getting rid of legacy19:59
dtrainorrlandy, noted, thanks20:03
dtrainori'm going to switch over to another task for a bit then.  thanks again for the help, learned a lot.20:03
rlandydtrainor: sure - I hope have bandwidth soon to work through rhos-1420:07
dtrainorif you ever need help testing or anything please let me know, i think that's an effort i can contribute to20:13
rlandycareful what you put in public chat - we could hold you to that :)20:14
rlandyrfolco: ping - we have another problem20:29
rlandy^^ of we merge those before we will break stuff20:30
rlandywe can't remove legacy and add new together20:31
rfolcorlandy, will check when I return, will get my son at school, brb20:48
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