Wednesday, 2018-08-15

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chandankumarweshay: panda|ruck: kopecmartin updated skip list09:32
panda|ruckchandankumar: the test value is a regular expression ?09:39
chandankumarpanda|ruck: yes, tempest will handle that09:39
panda|ruckchandankumar: thanks09:40
chandankumarpanda|ruck: I am on holiday today09:41
chandankumarso less available here09:42
panda|ruckchandankumar: get out of here!09:42
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weshaypanda|ruck, you can drop if you want12:11
weshaythanks for joining12:11
panda|ruckweshay: ok12:14
weshaymyoung, is there a tempest squad sprint planning mtg today12:16
weshayI see the retro nvrmind12:16
panda|ruckweshay: arxcruz and chandankumar are also on holiday today12:17
weshaypanda|ruck, need review on
weshaysshnaidm, ^12:21
sshnaidmweshay, how do I run standalone job in libvirt?12:24
weshaysshnaidm, here's my invocation for f28 and standalone12:26
weshayexport WD=/var/tmp/standalone; ./ --release tripleo-ci/master_fedora28 -c config/general_config/featureset052.yml -E config/environments/baseos_fedora_libvirt.yml  --tags all -p quickstart-extras-standalone.yml --no-clone  --teardown all -w $WD --clean  whayutin-testbox212:26
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sshnaidmweshay, worth to add in readme..12:27
sshnaidmweshay, about second patch, where do we have job type "Standalone"?
weshaysshnaidm, ya.. I want to get a check job in ci.centos12:28
sshnaidmweshay, I suppose it'll fail here
weshayand I'll fill out the doc etc... but want a job running too12:28
weshayheh.. ur right12:29
* weshay fixes12:29
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rlandypanda|ruck: can I close this out?
openstackLaunchpad bug 1739639 in tripleo "ci.centos gate are failing with THT default change" [High,Triaged] - Assigned to Gabriele Cerami (gcerami)12:34
myoungweshay: no, that's on friday12:37
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weshaythanks for catching that12:38
panda|ruckrlandy: close out you mean fixing >12:38
rlandysshnaidm: panda|ruck: could we get a review on
rlandypanda|ruck: that bug has been sitting without action for 8 months12:39
weshaysshnaidm, any idea why is still showing 1000+ gate failures?12:39
rlandyeither we work on it or close it out12:39
sshnaidmweshay, seems like data collection is stuck there, need to check why12:40
sshnaidmrlandy, I don't understand use case for it12:40
panda|ruckrlandy: that job taht failed doesn't even exist anymore, I think we can close it12:42
rlandypanda|ruck: ack - doing that12:42
weshaysshnaidm, see the commit message linnk
rlandysshnaidm: it's meed as that is a zuul var now and we want to switch case on fs12:45
weshaysshnaidm, it's so we can make the same choices w/ playbooks outside of upstream and zuul..12:45
weshayso we can have some consistency and fidelity in the way choices are made12:46
sshnaidmrlandy, weshay sorry, still confused -why to define it twice?12:48
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rfolco|roversshnaidm, you mean the if/else blocks ?12:50
sshnaidmweshay, well, grafana seems collect data well, so it's last changes that broke it12:51
myoungo/  retro board is live, see yall in a few -->
rlandymyoung: to do a technical retrospective on the on the zuul v3 design - what column would that go into?12:53
myoungrlandy: we've not done one of those, I was planning to have the discussion apart from specific cards, and track in the etherpad.  I'll create a place holder card...12:54
myoungor perhaps we just brainstorm in cards for the first few minutes.  I was planning to give a brief recap of our discussion over the past few days, including our chat with paul yesterday12:55
weshaymyoung, ya.. let's add it to the etherpad agenda12:55
myoungwhat do you think?  rlandy, weshay?12:55
weshayafter the retro12:55
weshaycan you post the agenda12:56
myoungit's there12:57
weshayarxcruz, retro13:02
weshaykopecmartin, arxcruz can you guys please get this fixed
weshayarxcruz, don't listen to me.. ur PTO13:04
weshaykopecmartin, can you take a look?13:04
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weshaysshnaidm, panda|ruck
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kopecmartinweshay, regarding this,  according to the last chandankumar's comment there is a different review which does the same but with a different approach14:13
kopecmartinweshay, so if i understand it correctly, that review is no longer needed14:13
weshaykopecmartin, ah k14:32
* weshay will look14:33
weshaysshnaidm, ?14:37
sshnaidmweshay, !14:37
weshaysshnaidm, can we get your ara patches through?14:40
sshnaidmweshay, yeah14:40
sshnaidmweshay, but it didn't work last time I looked14:41
weshaysshnaidm, k.. we need function14:49
weshaywe need that function/feature in ci14:49
weshaysshnaidm, have another job timing out14:49
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sshnaidmmyoung, can you mute please?15:19
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panda|rucksshnaidm: zuul variable precedence
sshnaidmpanda|ruck, thanks15:48
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sshnaidmpanda|ruck, weshay rlandy just a thought about "include vars" issue and featureset overrides - please tell what you think16:22
rlandysshnaidm: rfolco had a similar thought16:25
sshnaidmrlandy, oh, so did you discuss it?16:26
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rlandysshnaidm: yeah - I am fine with that idea as long as we ca place a new playbook anywhere and it's not just an append situation16:28
rlandysshnaidm: his idea was just an append - will look at your review more closely16:29
sshnaidmrlandy, the latest vars will override, if you mean that16:30
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rlandyweshay: RDO cloud is DOWN (20180813)- ^^ that still true? can we update?17:04
weshayrlandy, where do you see that17:05
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weshayit's up17:05
rlandyour channel status17:05
weshayoh.. weird.. I don't see that. .but yes please17:05
weshayI probably removed it and I'm not a channel operatior17:05
rlandyok - I think I removed it17:06
rlandy^^ same error - dlrn?17:07
rlandyguess so17:09
rlandyweshay: ^^ correct? same error17:09
rlandylooking at rdo errors17:09
weshaydiff err17:10
weshayrlandy, url should be
weshayI think17:11
weshayrlandy, where do you see that?17:11
weshayovb jobs looking mostly good through sova17:11
weshayrlandy, passing at 69%17:12
rlandyweshay: ignore me - it's failing on the change17:12
rlandyjobs ar ok17:12
rlandylegit failure17:12
weshaywe do have something going on17:15
* weshay looks at rdo zuul17:15
weshayya.. we're 100% down17:16
rlandyweshay: see #tripleo17:16
rlandyrdocloud failing on alex's change17:16
rlandyyep - all imapcted17:17
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rlandyrf0lc0 is doing the happy dance that he is no longer ruck/rover17:31
rf0lc0rlandy, what did break?17:33
rlandynot out fault17:33
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rlandyweshay: what still runs in ci.centos that we care about?18:33
weshayrlandy, check jobs18:33
weshayrdo promotion jobs18:33
weshayrlandy, as long as we have supported18:34
weshaywe need ci.centos18:34
rlandybesides weirdo18:34
rlandyneed to deprecate asap18:35
rlandyguess it's a good day to take a look again at internal ovb18:35
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weshaythe quick basic jobs are important until we deprecate18:35
weshayrlandy, I'm all for what you are saying18:37
weshayI just want to be thoughtful about it..18:37
weshayrlandy, my perference.. would be to execute on the standalone first18:38
rlandywe can't cut and run as much as we would like  to18:38
weshaywhich should lower our footprint18:38
rlandyok - going to try internal ovb again18:39
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myoungquestion about depracation, and openstack. Do we have a # of cycles where something (once needs to remain supported ?19:03
myoungor can we hollow it out and just have just be a pass thru to $ourSolution?19:03
myoungor can we just remove it with reasonable notice?19:03
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weshaymyoung, 2 cycles19:05
weshaybut ya.. a better solution would be to reuse / improve quickstart.sh19:06
weshayto send users in the upgraded workflow19:06
myoungweshay: ack, so if we deprecate by end of this cycle, we only need to carry for S & T19:20
* myoung fiddles with thermal paste in an attempt to figure out why his TR4 is > 70C19:20
weshaymyoung, I think the right way to do this.. is to have trigger a libvirt recreate19:22
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weshaymyoung, doubt we'll have time for it though19:22
weshaynot sure yet19:22
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rlandymyoung: weshay: trying rhos-13 gate again ... do you see any updates that this file needs? ... running iwth fs00120:11
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rlandy2018-08-15 20:09:26.614699 | tripleo-ovb-centos-7 | 2018-08-15 20:09:26,614 - testenv-client - ERROR - Couldn't retrieve env20:16
* weshay looks20:24
weshayrlandy, seem right to me20:25
myoungrlandy: looks right, is there an error from that gate?20:54
* myoung looks20:54
rlandyno - just checking as it's been a while since I used it20:54
myoungrlandy: the tq gate is hitting: stack_status_reason   | Resource CREATE failed: OverQuotaClient: resources.provision_network: Quota exceeded for resources: ['network'].20:56
myoungrlandy: ahh ok20:56
rlandyrunning ok so far20:58
rlandywas failing before with same error that required this
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rlandyweshay: know about these timeouts? something to investigate?21:03
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weshayrlandy, ya. we have some patches that enable ara on the overcloud from sshnaidm21:40
weshaywe need to get them working and fixed21:40
openstackLaunchpad bug 1787226 in tripleo "tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-updates is timing out" [Critical,Triaged]21:40
openstackLaunchpad bug 1786764 in tripleo "tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-updates times out on prepare" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Gabriele Cerami (gcerami)21:40
rlandyI see21:47
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weshayrlandy, you still online?23:10
weshayI need to talk something through23:10
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rlandyweshay: yeah - but I need to go out now23:52
rlandyI will be back later23:52
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