Monday, 2018-07-23

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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-multinode-oooq-container, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci- (1 more message)00:35
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-multinode-oooq-container, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to- (1 more message)02:35
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master @
ykarelchkumar|ruck, hooks like tempest container failing post, can you check04:55
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bogdandofolks, where do we have ansible vars dumps in CI jobs?06:23
bogdandoneed to check values for undercloud_templates_* in
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ykarelbogdando, have u checked undercloud/var/log/extra/dump* ?06:35
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bogdandoykarel: thanks, found it06:38
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quiquellsshnaidm|afk, chkumar|ruck: Found the issue with duplicated entries at rrockpit06:55
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quiquellsshnaidm|afk, chkumar|ruck: I have to do a cleanup06:56
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bogdandoykarel: is it only me, or the jobs time in look shorter than normally? prolly tempest execution times cut down?07:08
bogdandowould be interesting to know from logstash data :)07:08
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quiquellmarios: Good morning07:17
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quiquellmarios: Let's sync on QE
quiquellmarios: And try to merge it today or tomorrow07:21
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ykarelbogdando, yes it's good to know, but i haven't looked at it07:26
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mariosquiquell|bbl: o/07:50
mariosquiquell|bbl: ack07:50
quiquell|bblmarios: Do you know what we mean by a test review ?07:52
quiquell|bblmarios: Like this
mariosquiquell|bbl: sure like against tht with depends-on07:52
mariosquiquell|bbl: i used your  test review to qe the card07:52
quiquell|bblmarios: nice07:52
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quiquellmarios: Added test revies to the card07:53
mariosquiquell|bbl: i mean
quiquellmarios: Is there a way to rebase the change without losing +1 ¿07:53
mariosquiquell: not that i know of but that isn't a problem07:54
mariosjust ask folks07:54
mariosquiquell: s/ask/harrass ;)07:54
quiquellmarios: Going to rebase it and recheck the test review of the common.yaml change07:54
mariosquiquell: ack07:55
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @
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sshnaidm|roverchkumar|ruck, hi09:56
chkumar|rucksshnaidm|rover: Hello09:58
chkumar|rucksshnaidm|rover: my own patch broke the promotion chain pipeline
openstackLaunchpad bug 1783055 in tripleo "[master]multinode periodic promotion jobs are failing where tempest is runned from container" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)09:59
sshnaidm|roverchkumar|ruck, wanna switch to rover this week?09:59
chkumar|rucksshnaidm|rover: you mean for two days ?09:59
chkumar|rucksshnaidm|rover: yes, sure10:00
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sshnaidm|ruckchkumar|rover, anything except tempest issue?10:01
chkumar|roversshnaidm|ruck: currently no10:01
chkumar|roversshnaidm|ruck: one test fail but in next run it passed10:03
chkumar|roverso no worry here in periodic10:03
chkumar|roversshnaidm|ruck: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-ocata-branch job has given too much node_failure today 5-6 hours back10:04
sshnaidm|ruckchkumar|rover, yeah, so it's still the problem..10:04
chkumar|roversshnaidm|ruck: i asked kforde , he is looking into that10:05
chkumar|roversshnaidm|ruck: is it possible to gate kolla with tripleo UC CI?10:07
sshnaidm|ruckchkumar|rover, not sure about gate, but possible to suggest jobs10:08
sshnaidm|ruckchkumar|rover, it they run stable some time, then we can ask to make them gating10:08
chkumar|roversshnaidm|ruck: I will speak with mandre about that10:11
sshnaidm|ruckchkumar|rover, ok, I think he'll be fine with that10:11
chkumar|roversshnaidm|ruck: so this card is automatically crreated10:13
chkumar|roverso i am moving it to prod chain outage10:13
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: Good morning10:14
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, morning10:14
sshnaidm|ruckchkumar|rover, ack10:15
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: Has fix all the pending issues with rrcockpit also aded a pep8 job10:23
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, great!10:24
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: I have some ideas for new jobs to test it at zuul10:24
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: But we can try to merge this, deploy at infra and continue10:24
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, ok, will test it later on my tennt10:24
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: Ok, thanks, let me know of everything you see10:25
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: Not going to add any more changes except for possible fixes10:25
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quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: btw do you need help with the ara-report thing ?10:28
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ssbarneamarios: what should reproducer do if one of ZUUL_CHANGES reviews was already merged.10:30
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, thanks, need to fix mistral part for now.. and need to talk with slagle about parameter type, he's not fine with having it as path10:31
ssbarneaat this moment I get a failure to cherry picky10:31
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: Let me know if you need another code monkey10:31
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, sure10:31
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ssbarneai also found that the reproducer does not use bash strict mode, in fact not even "set -e", which is not quite the best practice as it would hide errors. Any special reasons for not using -e mode on it?10:35
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mariosssbarnea: o/ ack right, hadn't thought of that ... in my comment i was thinking about the cherrypick being in the right order when i said messy but indeed if something merged you may get conflicts10:39
mariosssbarnea: so then add a comment and keep using review sounds like. its just that with git review, the first two invocations will be redundant, you will just get all of them with the inner most/child review10:39
mariosssbarnea: i.e. i think it brings in the parents too/branch10:40
ssbarneanot sure, we will see. for the moment I want to fix the total lack of cherry picking.10:41
ssbarneaif we discover that it fails in 1/50 cases is it still be 49x better than now10:41
ssbarneai found other more problematic issues in reproducer, like the fact it does not fail on errors by default.10:42
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ssbarneamarios: should I take this line our of this review? or keep it?10:45
ssbarneathey are not really related.10:46
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chkumar|roversshnaidm|ruck: how to fix this type of issue ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host ?10:51
sshnaidm|ruckchkumar|rover, where?10:51
chkumar|roversshnaidm|ruck: so i was creating a setup using TQ, it deployed the undercloud, then i have to run some script on the undercloud then i entered in to the UC, runned from there10:51
chkumar|roverafter it lost the ssh connection, when I tried to do ssh into undercloud mahcine, each time it is giving this error10:52
chkumar|roverit is one of my box in france10:52
chkumar|roverand the bad thing is that all the virt instance went into paused state10:53
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quiquell|bblmarios, panda: common.yaml is good to merge
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quiquellreproducer works fine too11:03
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chkumar|roversshnaidm|ruck: quiquell does it looks ok ?11:17
chkumar|roverI will add for queens and pike also11:17
sshnaidm|ruckchkumar|rover, yep11:19
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quiquellchkumar|rover: yep11:20
quiquellssbarnea: Looking at your change to honor zuul_changes at reproducer11:25
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sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, commented on review, I'm afraid we can't replace $EXTRA_VARS currently11:25
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sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, this is calculated depending on various scenarios, it's not a constant11:25
quiquellssbarnea: Have an idea, maybe we can just change the template at make those repos point to the refspec they are pointing at zuul11:26
quiquellssbarnea: What do you think ?11:26
ssbarneathanks, i had to update it as wes asked to avoid using git-review, but current form worked on my test.11:26
ssbarneaquiquell: not really because we have a list of changes, is possible to have more than one review per repository.11:27
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: quickstart reproducer is th eonly one adding stuff11:27
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, also when you run reproducer, there are additional $EXTRA_VARS that are added with dlrn hashes, need to check that it really takes these hashes for example11:27
ssbarneaso the only way to do it would be to do sequential cherry picking, which is not bad.11:27
quiquellssbarnea: Reviews from the same repo, have to be parented, I think11:28
quiquellssbarnea: but maybe I am wrong11:28
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: Reproducer will pass the correct extra_vars, when we change it11:29
ssbarnearegarding parents, i am afraid nobody can be sure there because you can have conflicts. The only thing that we can work is to cherry pick these changes on tip of master, withoyut parents.11:31
ssbarneait may sound bad but think twice: now we don't cherry pick anything, we run with master,....11:32
chkumar|roverquiquell: sshnaidm|ruck another batch
quiquellssbarnea: Let me ask at #zuul, I think that it's mandatory that changes are parented11:32
quiquellssbarnea: I mean, if they are not parented how is zuul going to see them ?11:33
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quiquellssbarnea: Either you have a Depends-On other project or a parent11:33
quiquellssbarnea: No other way zuul can figure out what to test11:33
quiquellssbarnea: So, just taking the refspec is good11:33
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ssbarneai think at the point where the script is created, zuul already decided how to compose the changes (ZULL_CHANGES) and thus is why i was able to cherry pick them without any problems (so far). But is a good idea to ask them.11:35
quiquellssbarnea:  The input for zuul job is just one refspec11:37
quiquellssbarnea: To calculate dependencies either they are parent not yet merged or have Depends-On11:37
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quiquellssbarnea: So the only stuff needed if checkout the tip of the required-projects at zuul jobs11:38
quiquellssbarnea: But let's wait for zuul guys11:38
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: Commented on EXTRA_VARS11:38
quiquellssbarnea: confirmed11:38
quiquellssbarnea: Going to comment on the review11:39
ssbarneai seen the comment but I am not sure i understand the answer.11:40
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: Added the places where we use EXTRA_VARS to t he review
quiquellssbarnea: is generated after the job has finish11:52
quiquellssbarnea: At this point the required repos have beign already correctly set by zuul11:52
quiquellssbarnea: We can get the refspec of them before the calculation of jinja template for
quiquellssbarnea: And then just do checkout of them in the template11:53
quiquellssbarnea: That's it, so we donÂ't have to parse zuul_changes11:53
ssbarneai know, still the moment when you run the reproducer is different, meaning that the master tip can be different, and that some of the CRs from the list may already have being merged.11:53
quiquellssbarnea: I mean just point to the sample place that the zuul job is pointing after finish11:53
quiquellssbarnea: They are not merged, they are already parented11:54
quiquellssbarnea: You have to manually parent them at gerrit if you want them to be tested11:54
ssbarneawhat I am trying to say is that a user my run reproducer two weeks after the job run... and at this point I am sure repository status would be different.11:55
quiquellssbarnea: Also afther that, parenting of a respec cannot change, that would be different refspec11:57
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quiquell|lunchssbarnea: We can do a bj after lunch, I am very new too sure I am missing something12:00
ssbarneaquiquell: can you please show me what needs to be done in the template to clone the repositories?12:00
ssbarneasure, i will go to eat too12:00
quiquell|lunchssbarnea: Let's meet with a full stomach12:00
ssbarneaalways a good idea12:00
chkumar|roverssbarnea: quiquell|lunch all patches up
sshnaidm|ruckchkumar|rover, I think you can combine all patches..12:04
quiquell|lunchssbarnea, sshnaidm|ruck: The two 's' is starting to be an issue :-Ã-P12:05
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sshnaidm|ruckquiquell|lunch, I told to ssbarnea *sigh12:23
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell|lunch, +w on patch, thanks for explanations12:24
quiquell|lunchsshnaidm|ruck: Thanks to you man12:24
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quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: what version of ansible we are suppose to use with reproducer ?12:28
chkumar|roversshnaidm|ruck: doing that,12:29
chkumar|rovertime to abandon most of the patches12:29
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sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, we can't limit user to use it, but if using virtualenv option with reproducer - that from quickstart requirements (2.5.5. now)12:30
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mariosack quiquell looks like it is merging now sorry i was looking at something else but already verified via logs as per my last comment at v 2512:34
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master @ https://review.open12:35
quiquellssbarnea: Thinking about it at lunch, the only beneficts from what I say it's just few noop cherry-picks12:36
quiquellssbarnea: It's better to leave ZUUL_CHANGES as they are so we can copy paste in case of changes12:36
quiquellmarios: ack, will add it to the card12:37
mariosquiquell: i already did12:38
mariosquiquell: sec12:38
ssbarneayep, so far worst case was some noop picks, but in rest it did the picking well12:38
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rlandyrook: hello12:40
rlandyI've got the browbeat test triggering12:41
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rlandybut it fails at a bunch of steps that are hardcoded for an expected user/env12:41
rlandyI've made some changed but I've been digging through where the files get placed and it's not simple12:42
rlandyI think - at this point, either you guy scan use the reproducer to address these errors or I'd need someone to work with me here12:43
rlandysince the work is all in the browbeat repo now12:43
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rookrlandy: one sec12:48
rookrlandy what is the user running the script12:49
rooksomething other than stack?12:49
rlandyrook: in this case, zuul12:50
rlandyand I have been hacking with that name12:50
rookok, so that is the issue - whatever is cloning browbeat is using /home/stack it should be using /home/zuul12:50
rlandybut really it should use ansible_user12:50
rookthen in the browbeat install/group_vars/all we just need to update the browbeat path12:51
rlandyand other matter12:51
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rlandylike lockin the version of virtualenv12:51
rlandywe can switch case everything but I think it's better to generalize it12:51
rlandyie: I think the fixes I have put in place should not stay as they are12:52
rookso you recommend we switch how we install browbeat, to use ansible_user.
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rlandyrook: I tried that  in the current patch12:53
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rlandyrook: the bigger issue is that I can't make sense of
agopimorning rlandy, rook12:53
rlandyrook: I have a reproducer env I am working from12:54
rlandybut I can't decipher what files go where12:54
rlandyI am trying to debug and run locally12:54
rlandyso we don;t have to wait for the CI12:54
rlandyI am running just that playbook12:54
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sshnaidm|ruckarxcruz|off, chkumar|rover can you please check what is about
chkumar|roversshnaidm|ruck: will do that12:56
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rlandyrook: agopi: didnt help but I can't tell what does then12:57
rlandyrook: agopi: currently my reproducer hangs on: TASK [browbeat/browbeat : Generate hosts and ssh-config on Browbeat Machine]12:58
rookwhat does verbose output show?12:58
rookwhere is it hanging12:58
rookbecause that will drop ssh_configs in ~/browbeat/ansible12:59
rookwhich, with oooq do we really need to run that?12:59
* rlandy will rerun with verbose12:59
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, wrong meeting :)13:00
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: That's me in general :-)13:00
agopiumm rlandy, we are still running browbeat from undercloud, so browbeat_user should still be stack13:00
rlandyrook: agopi: have to go to scrum- will be back13:00
agopiwe will have to change local_remote_user afaik13:00
rlandyagopi: negative13:01
agopiokay rlandy.13:02
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ssbarneapanda: marios if you can revote on it would be great, i had to implement a change asked by wes13:32
pandamarios: your change should work also on the other workflow, I don't see any test for this change in the static bash toci_gate_test.sh13:33
mariosssbarnea: will check it out on next reviews run13:43
mariospanda: ack i will check comments13:44
mariospanda: do you mean, add some bash in to create dev/loop3 ?13:44
mariospanda: and remove the --bootstrap-subnodes13:44
pandamarios: I mean create the pre.yaml playbook and add it to the old job configuration parents13:48
pandamarios: then remove --bootstrap-subnodes13:49
mariospanda: ack i see so we can use in both ok will do13:49
mariospanda: yeah i saw your comment on the review13:49
mariospanda: about moving the tasks13:49
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pandamarios: also, it's in the definition of done, this should work with all workflow13:49
pandamaybe it wasn't clear13:49
myoungpanda: sshnaidm|ruck: don't have responses for triage (in an hour) - we still on?13:50
mariospanda: ack my bad and no problem since this doesn't mean any extra/more work anyway13:50
sshnaidm|ruckmyoung, up to you13:50
mariospanda: thanks for review13:50
pandamarios: it may mean some more testing to do13:50
mariospanda: have another call starting in few minutes so may not update till the morning depdening13:50
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mariospanda: and lets see what other comments there are too13:50
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pandamarios: any call that can be taken from ruck/rover ?13:51
mariospanda: no it is for the bootcamp prep13:51
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pandamarios: ok13:51
rlandyrook: agopi: to get back to  you ... the hang is happening in
rlandyI think we need to understand which team is responsible for what work13:59
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rlandyrook; agopi: is it in CI's bucket or perf term's bucket to get the test running in CI?14:00
rlandyfor example:14:00
rlandyI took a shot with
rlandybut that didn;t work14:00
rlandywhere is that really set?14:00
rlandysetting zuul user is not ideal  etc.14:00
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rookso, the zuul user - is this running from the UC?14:02
myoungrlandy, rook, agopi: would it make sense to schedule a brief meeting/call in the next 1-2 days to (briefly) discuss remaining work and set expectations all round w.r.t. who's doing what, and in what timeframe?  As we're nearing the end of Sprint 16 (Weds), and Planning Sprint 17 (Thurs) I would prefer to have some clarity.14:02
myoungpanda: ^^14:03
rlandyrook; yes14:03
rlandyyou can follow the job logs14:03
pandamyoung: I'd also like to understand if we need to crate cards for the general topics14:04
rlandyrook; your playbook run starts here:
rlandyrook: if I made the wrong change, what is the right change?14:05
pandarfolco: in  where are we not defining featuresets ?14:07
rfolcopanda, looking14:07
myoungpanda: I think generally we should track work with cards, browbeat integration is no exception.14:07
agopirook, rlandy i still think browbeat_user needs to be stack as we are running from UC.14:07
agopilocal_remote_user can be zuul and i think that'll work14:08
agopiack myoung, i'll create a meeting then.14:08
rlandyagopi: when you run in CI, there is no stack user14:09
myoungrook, panda, rlandy, agopi: following feedback from scrum (just a few mins ago) - I want to ensure that we're not engaged in open ended work with ambiguity around expectations w.r.t. timeframe, scope, etc.  I (personaly) think what we're doing makes sense and I'm thrilled that we're bringing browbeat into upstream.14:09
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myoungrook, agopi: context -->
rfolcopanda, these variables have been defined in previous patch...
rlandymyoung: I am not sure there is enough knowledge transfer yet14:10
pandarfolco:I'll rephrase:  I see you put if "feaatureset is not defined". ins which job we don't define featureset ?14:11
rookrlandy what is the user running the script14:12
rookhit up... ignore above.14:12
rookthat is why that line is faling14:12
rookstack doesn't exist, and we need to update the browbeat_user to zuul14:12
myoungrlandy: ack, I think what we discussed in scrum (merge support needed from our repos == DoD for sprint 16, continue to work/collab with rook+agpopi in s17 timeframe14:12
myoungpanda: ^^ does that scan?14:12
rfolcopanda, I am not changing functionality, this is how it worked with bash14:13
radezrlandy: if I try and deploy my quickstart with --release master-tripleo-ci would that "work"14:13
rlandyrook: ok - where if this is not the right place?14:13
radezit's trying to pull the images from and can't reach the host14:13
rookwell that is gather rlandy14:14
rookthat set of playbooks needs to be udpated too but14:14
rlandyrook: pls update the review then14:14
rookyou don;t need to run that since we are not indexing the values.14:14
pandarfolco: we never checked for existence of featureset part in toci_gate_test, we assumed it was there.14:14
pandarfolco: wanna chat ?14:14
rfolcopanda, sure14:14
agopibrb rlandy in a meeting14:14
rfolcoyour room?14:14
pandamyoung: ack from me. not sure how to address out of sprint topics tough14:15
rlandyradez: pls rebase your repo:
pandarfolco: yep14:15
radezrlandy: oh, heh, that would make sense, thx14:16
myoungpanda: ack, we can talk in retro or whenver.  I'm fine with us doing out of sprint work if it's the right thing to do, just want to be clear and intentional about it.14:16
pandaquiquell|off: I'm watching you14:17
rlandyrook: also, while you are updating that commit, can you see what is happening with this hang?
rlandyrook: it's not clear to me where these changes need to be made14:19
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rookthis output makes no sense to me.14:19
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rlandyme neither14:22
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rlandythe failure is somewhere in browbeat/ansible/generate_tripleo_hostfile.sh14:23
rlandybut there is no logging out out14:23
rookrlandy i wonder...14:24
rookrlandy: can i get onto the system?14:24
rookcurious if there is something assuming stack14:24
rooki think that might be it14:25
rlandyrook: yes ...
rook cat ~stack/.ssh/ >> ~stack/.ssh/authorized_keys14:25
rlandythere are a bunch of updates to be done14:25
rookwhere ~stack should/could be more generic14:25
rlandyrook: pls send your keys14:25
rookwe could switch to the boostrap.py14:25
rlandyrook; or update to get rid of stack hardcoding14:26
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rlandyrook: ssh zuul@
rookyup :/14:28
rlandyrook; I have been running with
rookok - so there is a issue here14:30
rookmuch of our code is assuming stack14:30
rookone sec14:30
rookok, i have a fix for bootstrap.py14:34
rooklet me get that in14:34
rlandyrook; cool14:35
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master @ https://review.open14:35
agopisent invites rook rlandy myoung14:42
pandarfolco: quiquell|off next time you do a sandwich like this, I swear I'll put tobasco on it.14:44
* Tengu loves tabasco in his sandwiches14:45
rfolcopanda, our tasks were so tied... tabasco makes me cry, you are evil14:49
pandaTengu: when your turn comes, I'll make sure I use something stronger14:50
Tengupanda: try... already tried a lot of spicy things, like harissa, tabasco (red/green), curry, jalapeño... ;)14:51
pandarfolco: sorry, need to break the sandwich, in what happens if dryruyn is defined as dryrun: false14:51
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pandaTengu: have you ever been in Brno HQ yet ?14:56
Tengupanda: not yet, unfortunately. Do they have some nice spicy things?14:57
rookagopi rlandy one more patch15:00
pandaTengu: last time I was there, thre was this I think turkish burger peddler. For onw of our team his food was not spicy enough (I requested a NO SPICE burger and my mouth was on fire). So he covere himself with a space suit, and took a small bottle with a jolly roger flag on it. Then dipped a toothpick on it, and while it was dissolving he asked our colleague to taste it. I think he's still running, and that was15:01
panda3 years ago.15:01
mariospanda: is the place opposite the office next to the tram stop?15:03
mariospanda: jistr from the office there calls it mystery meat15:03
Tengupanda: well, I had tasted some really strong things in the carabbeans. not really affraid in fact. But not trying to get real burns ;).15:03
pandamarios: I remember a pedestrian bridge next to it.15:04
pandalucasagomes: do you have time for a question regarding neutron dhcp agent ?15:06
lucasagomespanda, sure, we don't use that in OVN so I'm not super familar with its code but if I don't know the answer I can find someone that does15:07
pandalucasagomes: you can just point me to it. I need to filter the hosts that are allowed a DHCPOFFER. in dnsmasq I can set dhcp-range=x.x.x.x/y, static, so no lease will be offered unless there is a specific host definition. Do you know where if there's a place in configuration to add this optioon, or add arbitrary otpions to dnsmasq ? Do you know where I can specify this host definitions ?15:10
chkumar|roverpanda: I am hitting this error
pandalucasagomes: point me to HIM/HER15:10
chkumar|roverwhile using libvirt reproducer15:11
chkumar|roverbash -x --libvirt --workspace /home/stack/tripleo/ --create-virtualenv true15:11
chkumar|roverthis is the command i have invoked15:11
chkumar|roverI am running it on a clean cenots box15:11
myoungpanda, sshnaidm|ruck, wes isn't here, and we're all busy. happy to postpone triage unless there's hot issues to responses to invite so unless you want to have it let's cancel15:12
pandachkumar|rover: is the pool definition file present ?15:14
pandamyoung: ack15:15
chkumar|roverpanda: nope full playbook run
pandachkumar|rover: something's wrong, line 15215:16
lucasagomespanda, oh I think you can do that... If I'm not mistaken we used something similar in Ironic where we overwrote some of the default config options for dnsmasq15:16
myoungchkumar|rover: thanks, was going to ask what happens here:
lucasagomespanda, give me a minute I will try to find it15:16
pandachkumar|rover: what happens if you try to run that command manually ?15:17
pandalucasagomes: thanks.15:18
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lucasagomespanda, here
myoungchkumar|rover, panda 152 is fine, it's a check with ignored error for existence of pool.  what's going on after 156, is the xml file present?15:19
lucasagomespanda, tl;dr in the  /etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini configuration you can set an option called "dnsmasq_config_file" which takes a path to a file with custom configuration for dnsmasq15:19
lucasagomespanda, (the link with the Ironic example)15:19
lucasagomesthat's not needed anymore, but was something that we used n the past15:19
pandalucasagomes: do you have the same doc updated for queens ?15:20
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chkumar|roverpanda: virsh command not found15:20
chkumar|roverpanda: that's why it is failing15:21
lucasagomespanda, that doc is just an example of how we used that in Ironic. But we no longer need to set a custom dnsmasq for Ironic anymore (we create the ipxe tag in Neutron now)15:21
pandamyoung: line 152 is not ok15:21
lucasagomespanda, you that configuration in the DHCP agent still exist (I just checked)15:21
lucasagomesso you can use for your use case there15:21
chkumar|roverpanda: earlier when used to run script that time it used to install the required dependencies15:21
pandalucasagomes: and that can contain both range specification and host definition ...15:22
pandalucasagomes: I'll give it a try, thanks!15:22
lucasagomespanda, that file will overwrite the default options, so it will take precedent15:22
lucasagomesshould work for you15:22
lucasagomeslemme know15:22
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myoungpanda: i.c., i just meant that we check if pool exists and ignore the failure, so that task failing is expected if pool doesn't exist.  it failing for missing virsh command however is diff.  /me hates this "ignore_error" idiom.15:23
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rookagopi rlandy can you try the latest15:31
rookneed to add to the ansible-playbook to use --user zuul15:31
rlandyrook: I'll test with ansible_user15:32
rlandypathc 8?15:32
rookgenerate will need --user15:32
chkumar|rovermyoung: panda
rookthe generate_host script15:32
rookagopi: can you amend that15:32
agopigot it15:32
rlandyrook; running now15:33
rlandyTASK [browbeat/rally : Install rally into rally-venv]15:33
myoungchkumar|rover: can you run the virt-resize by hand?15:33
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pandachkumar|rover: do you have /usr/bin/supermin ?15:33
chkumar|roverpanda: myoung
rlandyrook: agopi: got this far
rookrlandy: ssl cloud?15:37
rlandyrook: line 815:39
rlandywe can disable that15:39
rlandyif need be15:39
pandachkumar|rover: permission denies15:40
chkumar|roverpanda: myoung I am running as a non root user with passwordless sudo access15:41
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myoungchkumar|rover: do you have a tmate?15:42
pandachkumar|rover: what's ls -ld /home/stack/tripleo ?15:42
chkumar|roverpanda: drwxrwxr-x 5 stack stack 4096 Jul 23 17:31 /home/stack/tripleo15:43
myoungchkumar|rover: also LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND: direct is set in the task, not saying it's root cause but add that as well to manual run15:43
chkumar|rovermyoung: pub key15:44
myoung'chkumar|rover @194 "export LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct"15:44
arxcruz|offsshnaidm|ruck: rlandy trown
pandachkumar|rover: then it's selinux fault15:45
chkumar|roverpanda: selinux is disabled15:45
rlandyrook: can rally work with ssl overcloud, otherwise will set that to false15:45
chkumar|roverpanda: if I enabled it, the box does not boot15:46
myoungchkumar|rover: does that issue repro with LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct when run manually?15:49
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chkumar|rovermyoung: i donot know what happened15:57
chkumar|rovermyoung: but it has wored15:57
chkumar|roverwhen i do eport LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct15:57
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rfolcomyoung, rlandy sshnaidm|ruck marios: perhaps we can +w these 3 patches and I work on the comments in follow-up changes to not block the chain. If there is a strong -1, I'll be happy to fix though:, and
* myoung looks16:17
myoungrfolco: the first 2 already have +116:17
myoungfrom me...looking at the 3rd16:17
rlandyjust checking the failure16:18
myoungrfolco: thanks for answering my question16:18
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rfolcomyoung, quiquell|off and I made a "chaindwich" with these patches16:20
rfolcothis made panda so mad16:21
pandatobasco! tobasco!16:23
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @ https://review.open16:35
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rlandyrook: agopi:
rlandymissing a commit in the review?16:46
agopirlandy, this should work i guess.16:48
agopii'll also need to ake changes here
agopiwanted to make sure the hosts gen script im using is right.16:49
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rlandyagopi; ok - when you have those changes in, we can rebase the current patch on this one and rerun16:50
agopiokay rlandy.16:50
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agopi along with should work i hope?17:25
agopirlandy, ^ rook ^17:25
rlandyagopi: any reason can't be included in
agopican do that rlandy, btw do you have the updated ? that rook made changes on your reproducer?17:29
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rlandyagopi: yes - I'll copy17:34
rlandyagopi: adding a depends -on for the same repo is not correct17:37
rlandyDepends-On: I875273a21d7d3d6cb5b027dce00052693e2da04417:37
rlandyyou need to rebase or actually add that change17:38
agopimy bad rlandy, nvm rook verified my patch, i'll just add the actual change17:38
rlandyhmmm ...17:38
rlandy I don;t see changes to  generate_tripleo_hostfile.sh17:38
agopiadding a sec17:39
rlandyin home/zuul/browbeat17:39
rlandywhere they added elsewhere?17:39
rookrlandy: I added it to your patc17:39
rookone sec17:39
agopi rlandy rook17:40
rookjust look at the latest17:40
* rook just added to the --help17:40
rlandyrook: agopi: thanks - let's see what CI does with that17:41
agopioh cool forgot that17:41
rlandywill test locally as well17:41
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agopione sec17:50
agopihas been updated by rook's patch17:51
rookyeah my bad17:51
rookand that patch could of waited17:51
agopiokay done, should be runnable now17:55
agopirlandy, rook ^17:55
agopi was updated so had to correct it17:55
rookrlandy: you asked about an SSL cloud, yes we cna17:58
rookbut we need to update the browbeat install :)17:58
rlandyrook; the choice is yours - ssl or not17:59
rlandyit's in the fs17:59
rook*not* is preferred unless the default is ssl17:59
rookthen we can bend17:59
rookwe used to have support of ssl18:00
rlandyrook: I'll update the featureset to ssl_overcloud: false18:00
rlandyit's your featureset18:00
* rlandy updates18:00
rlandyand then we can reckick testing18:00
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rookagopi rlandy how are things cookin18:53
agopi i'm guessing its here18:54
agopiamirite rlandy ? ^18:55
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rlandy - yep19:01
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rfolcotrying to concatenate tags + upgrade_tags here
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rfolcorlandy, how do I concatenate var + str on a yaml above ^? tags: "bla"{{ upgrade_tags }} or +20:20
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rlandyrfolco: just like you have "bla{{ upgrade_tags }}"20:32
rfolcorlandy, great thank you. Is there a live ansible test for this that you use ?20:34
rlandylive ansible?20:35
rlandyI usually keep a reproducer env going20:35
rlandytest there20:35
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master,  (1 more message)20:36
rfolcorlandy, I see. For simple syntax, etc... web live test20:36
rlandyI don't20:39
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rookso agopi rlandy there is a task that does genereates a hosts file for the overcloud... i wonder if we could just use that20:44
rookinstead of having browbeat generate it, yet again20:44
rookjust copy it to the browbeat directory20:44
rookthe ssh_config and hosts file20:44
rlandyyou can20:44
* rook will have to look at what gets generated20:44
rooki just saw a task scroll by20:44
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rookbrowbeat is rolling20:50
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rlandyrook: failure on TASK [browbeat/images : Remove image from dictionary of images if image exists]20:58
rlandywe're getting there20:58
rookyou guys ship with some preinstalled images20:58
rookwe need to disable that IMHO20:58
rookagopi: ^20:58
agopiokay rook i'll get it done21:40
agopigoing afk now, heading home21:40
agopi^ rlandy brb21:42
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rlandyagopi|brb: rook: ok  you can edit the review and retest as needed21:43
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