Thursday, 2018-06-21

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quiquell|roverykarel: Do you know if someone has change the promoter ?05:54
ykarelquiquell|rover, no05:54
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quiquell|roverarxcruz: Good morning06:00
quiquell|roverarxcruz, ykarel: Thre is something to fix here ?
quiquell|roverUse healthcheck api to determine swift service06:01
ykarelquiquell|rover, i think the patch is not stable as it's failing consistently,06:02
ykareli mean in CI06:02
quiquell|roverykarel: I see, will try to reproduce06:02
ykarelwe need to make it work multiple times before considering it merge, otherwise it may lead to merge failures in subsequent patches06:02
ykarellooks like enabling swift tests are causing the issue06:03
quiquell|roverykarel: So it's a race condition problem ?06:03
ykarelmay be performance06:03
ykarelor race, but not sure,06:03
quiquell|roverykarel: Maybe there are some timemouts than can be adjusted06:03
ykarelyes, but those should be considered before merging the patch06:04
ykarelwe need to see what's are the requirement for swift tests06:05
ykareland consider those in jobs06:05
ykarelfor packstack one, we can try:
ykarelthis should improve little06:10
quiquell|roverykarel: we didn't have a master promotion because of this ?06:12
ykarelquiquell|rover, only one job failed yesterday with the temp patch, i havent' looked into detail but it didn't look real issue06:13
ykarelso currently we are blocked because of tempestconf patch06:13
quiquell|roverykarel: Will look06:13
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arxcruzquiquell|rover: ykarel|afk hello, too morning in the morning for me :)06:26
quiquell|roverarxcruz: We can wait until coffe kicks in at your body (or beer)06:28
arxcruzcome on, beer now? are you crazy?06:28
arxcruzmy wife would kill me :D06:28
arxcruzykarel|afk: what's the difference between scenario000 and 002 for example? do you know? before I dig into it06:30
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ykarelarxcruz, just the deployment configuration, like scenario 002 has no ceilometer, etc06:48
ykarelsome services are disable in scenario002 and service-workers is configured=206:49
ykarelarxcruz, but we are seeing failures in devstack too, so need to consider there as well06:50
arxcruzykarel: i think the problem is in
arxcruzykarel: as you can see, it's generating 10 accounts06:50
arxcruzand the quota is 12 so, if we get a concurrency where two tests are creating accounts... for example06:51
arxcruznot sure if the quota is 12 though06:51
ykarelarxcruz, so good to check quota06:52
quiquell|roverarxcruz: Can we group some test to run sequencially ?06:52
quiquell|roverarxcruz: Or maybe we miss some teardown that cleans the accounts ?06:53
arxcruzykarel: i set concurrency for 1, should create half of the accounts06:53
arxcruzlet's see how it will behave06:53
ykarelarxcruz, i think in packstack it's not configurable yet06:54
ykarelbut why we are only seeing in tempestconf job, are accounts not used at other places in devstack swift jobs06:55
ykarelok let's see  how your patch goes06:57
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ykarelarxcruz, isn't it required tempest_conscurrency to be same when running tempest and when creating accounts file06:59
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arxcruzykarel: no idea06:59
ykarelarxcruz, ack07:00
ykarelok let's see07:00
* ykarel looks07:01
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ykarelhmm looks like this will help07:04
arxcruzafter this patch, i think the best is disable swift, and add a tripleo job running swift07:04
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ykarelarxcruz, but tempestconf used only in tripleo?07:06
arxcruzykarel: no07:06
arxcruzykarel: nevermind, just realize swift was always enabled, we just disable the tests07:07
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ykarellooks like we need to increase accounts, instead of decreasing07:24
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ykarelarxcruz, tosky it failed again07:56
ykarelDetails: Insufficient number of users provided. SecGroupIPv6Test have allocated all the credentials for this allocation request07:56
toskyykarel: I was reading that07:57
ykarelarxcruz, tosky also was there any reason not changing in the current patch?07:58
ykarelit should be reseller_admin_role07:58
toskyforgotten? There is another patch floating around to remove default-overrides.conf, so it may have been forgotten07:59
ykarellooks like it's required atleast if other patch is not merged08:01
ykarelso good to consider before merging this08:01
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arxcruzi'm out of options08:02
ykarel|lunchhmm someone from tempest need to look at it08:04
ykarel|lunchme too don't know much there08:04
arxcruzjust found this
openstackLaunchpad bug 1455561 in tempest "Tempest leaking account credentials" [Medium,Fix released] - Assigned to Matthew Treinish (treinish)08:05
toskyarxcruz: does it make sense to change that value in default-overrides, in the meantime?08:05
arxcruzlatest comment08:05
arxcruztosky: no, the defaut is being used, and non used config, doesn't matter08:05
ykarel|lunchneed to change here as well config_tempest/tests/services/test_object_storage.py08:07
arxcruzykarel|lunch: change what ?08:07
ykarel|lunchtempest.conf contains reseller_admin while tempest is looking for reseller_admin_role, arxcruz isn't this wrong?08:07
toskycould it be related to what kopecmartin mentioned few days ago, not many users in accounts.yaml?08:08
ykarel|lunchtosky, yes currently this is the issue08:08
ykarel|lunchin accounts.yaml there are 4 Member roles, 2 ResellerAdmin, and 4 others, so increasing would help08:09
ykarel|luncharxcruz, after reducing tempest_conscurrency in PS38 the users reduced to half, so should try by increasing concurrency08:10
* ykarel|lunch going for lunch08:10
arxcruzykarel|lunch: you mean, up concurrency to 3 for example ?08:11
toskyarxcruz: I don't get why we can't set reseller_admin_role: the code in the patch is indeed checking it's value, and creating the role08:13
arxcruztosky: we can08:13
arxcruzno problem08:13
toskyif the point is "it won't change anything", well, maybe, but...08:14
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arxcruztosky: updating concurrency to 3 to see if will pass08:20
arxcruzand changint to reseller_admin_role08:20
arxcruzokay, from what I saw, yes, we must increase concurrency08:26
arxcruzwhat's happening is, it checks the accounts.yaml file08:26
arxcruzand get one user from the accounts.yaml matching the role08:27
arxcruzand write a file with hash08:27
arxcruzif the hash already exists, means it's being used08:27
arxcruzso it trows the error08:27
arxcruzso increasing the number of users in accounts.yaml it will be able to get another role08:28
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toskyarxcruz: oh, right, because the generated users depends on the concurrency08:31
toskybut not in the demo case, iirc08:32
arxcruztosky: the problem is exactly in the demo case, because we use the accounts.yaml08:36
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toskyarxcruz: so more users, and reduce the concurrency so that it matches that number of users08:38
toskyor simply reduce the concurrency to 1 as you did originally, not just increase it08:38
arxcruztosky: reduce concurrency means 108:38
arxcruztosky: there are two concurrencies08:38
arxcruzone, from tempest tests to run in parallel08:38
arxcruzand the concurrency in accounts.yaml08:38
arxcruzi reduce the one in accounts.yaml08:38
toskyand I was talking about tempest execution concurrency08:39
arxcruztosky: reduce to 1 will increase the time of the job08:39
toskysure, but at least it can show if the problem is fixed by working in that direction (concurrency matching the number of accounts)08:40
arxcruztosky: gotcha08:40
arxcruztosky: can we wait this run first?08:40
arxcruzthen we can decrease the concurrency only for demo08:40
kopecmartinwait concurrency of tempest run has to be equal to concurrency the account.yaml is generated with, doesn't it?08:41
toskythat's probably the point08:42
toskyoh, this is confusing for me08:43
toskyI'm still convinced that, in case of demo, we manually create accounts.yaml, but it's not true08:43
toskyI'm only convinced that it should be the thing to do, but no, that's not the case08:43
toskyso the demo case is exactly when tempest account-generator is called, which means that increasing the users generated in accounts.yaml, but without changing the users needed to run tempest tests, may fix it08:44
toskyobvious as it can sound, I'm writing it down so that I won't forget it again08:45
arxcruzshit, i didn't change the test08:47
arxcruztox fail, but i'll let it finishes so we can see if it will work08:47
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quiquell|roversshnaidm: Last changes from RR Cockpit
arxcruztosky: one demo pass08:55
arxcruzlet's see the other one08:55
toskyif it passes, when you change the job to fix the unit test, please also add a BIG comment when the concurrency is set for tempest account-generator08:56
toskyand add yourself as Co-Authored-By in that patch08:57
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sshnaidmquiquell|rover, you need to configure your editor to remove trailing spaces automatically09:25
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arxcruztosky: it passes09:27
quiquell|roversshnaidm|lnch: This is not edited with an editor09:27
quiquell|roversshnaidm|lnch: generated from grafana09:27
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toskyarxcruz: remember to add yourself as co-author!09:29
toskyI wonder why the tripleo test failed this time in DLRN09:29
sshnaidm|lnchquiquell|rover, ack09:30
arxcruztosky: what should I put ?09:31
arxcruzname, nick, or email ?09:32
ykarelarxcruz, yes i meant concurrency to be greater than 209:33
arxcruzykarel: yup, now is working :)09:33
arxcruznow we can finally merge this code09:33
arxcruzykarel: how long for the next periodic?09:33
ykarel3.5 hours09:33
ykarelsorry 2.5 hours09:34
ykarel12:10 UTC09:34
arxcruzykarel: don't think will be able to get the patch09:34
arxcruzykarel: may ask admins to kill the run ?09:34
arxcruzsince it will be a waste of resources anyway09:34
ykarelarxcruz, yup we can do that09:34
ykarelarxcruz, yes, also they would be resuming zuulv3 migration today09:34
ykarelso we might be affected09:35
toskyarxcruz: Co-Authored-By: Name Surname <email>09:37
arxcruztosky: done09:40
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arxcruzthat's interesting
arxcruzimagine one backdoor like that in a cirros image :P09:46
pandawhat was the image ?09:57
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arxcruzfor god sake, fails again10:31
arxcruzwell, now a different error10:32
arxcruztosky: i'll abandon and restore just to kill the run10:32
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panda wow [Errno 5] [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory11:03
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quique|rover|lchPuff some scenarios jobs are failing now :-(11:05
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arxcruzokay, now we need to wait the tripleo job11:50
arxcruztosky: ^11:50
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toskyarxcruz: oh, interesting move11:51
tosky(abandon and restore to kill the jobs)11:51
pandaError: Package: qpid-dispatch-router-0.8.0-1.el7.x86_64 (@delorean-master-testing)", \n        "           Requires:",11:53
pandaquiquell|rover: is this a known problem ? Seeing it just on a test job11:53
arxcruztosky: learn from EmilienM_PTO :)11:53
openstackLaunchpad bug 1778040 in tripleo "Error at overcloud_prep_containers Package: qpid-dispatch-router-0.8.0-1.el7.x86_64 (@delorean-master-testing)", " Requires:" [Critical,New] - Assigned to Quique Llorente (quiquell)11:53
pandaquiquell|rover: ok, thanks11:54
quiquell|roverpanda: Looks like they are changing the version of qpid in rdo11:54
pandaquiquell|rover: ok , ok , so my test job is at par with how the others are failing11:54
pandagood news11:54
quiquell|roverpanda: You are totally right the worng results :-)11:55
quiquell|roverpanda: Can you give some love here ?
quiquell|roverpanda: The are unit tests for the promoter11:56
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rlandypanda: trown: quiquell|rover: requesting review: (reproducer fix for periodic)12:18
marioso/ # Q where is ?? not here
mariosi am looking at
mariosrlandy: panda trown * please thanks if you have a sec ^12:23
trownmarios: hmm I think toci_vxlan_networking_multinode is false everywhere... some old cold that can probably just get removed12:25
mariostrown: i see, so the last two tasks using the are the ones we use/need (curentlY)12:26
quiquell|roverrlandy: ack12:26
mariostrown: thanks12:26
trownmarios: yep12:26
pandamarios: it was removed in d4c4290355d12ebab2869d0b02d26a9590ee762112:27
mariosthank you panda12:30
quiquell|roverrlandy: Comment12:31
rlandyquiquell|rover: I am happy to make a change, question is do you want to accept this review and make the change on top (periodic reproducer is broken now) or make the change in this review go through another round of ci?12:35
weshay|ruckquiquell|rover, thanks for getting this open
openstackLaunchpad bug 1778040 in tripleo "Error at overcloud_prep_containers Package: qpid-dispatch-router-0.8.0-1.el7.x86_64 (@delorean-master-testing)", " Requires:" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Quique Llorente (quiquell)12:36
quiquell|roverweshay|ruck: Will have a review in a moment12:36
quiquell|roverweshay|ruck: We are deactivating opstool wrongly12:37
trownrlandy: quiquell|rover: I think we should go with the change as is since it is a bug fix, where as the suggestion is more of a refactor/optimization12:42
trownquiquell|rover: can always put your refactor on top12:42
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quiquell|rovertrown: Ok, ItÂ's also more future proof12:43
rlandyquiquell|rover; I'll put in a patch on top of that one with your suggested refactor12:44
trownquiquell|rover: ya it is a good suggestion, I just prefer merging bug fixes ASAP, and improvements as a secondary priority12:44
pandaquiquell|rover: rlandy jinjia does not support the any function12:45
weshay|ruckpanda, when you have 5min, I need your assistance12:45
quiquell|roverrlandy, trown: Agree, also panda has the last word on it.12:46
weshay|ruckpanda, context is
quiquell|roverI went to pythonic :-/12:46
rlandyyeah - panda's suggestion seems reasonable12:46
rlandyI just fixed the obvious bug and moved on12:46
pandarlandy: approved12:46
rlandythanks - will refactor in new patch12:47
pandaweshay|ruck: I have now12:47
quiquell|roverrlandy: Let me know if 'any' works,12:47
pandaquiquell|rover: tested it, it doesn't12:48
quiquell|roverpanda: ack12:48
weshay|ruckpanda, k.. hit my blue12:48
pandaquiquell|rover: UndefinedError: 'any' is undefined12:48
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rlandymyoung|off: when you are back, I want to ff pike ... safe to do so?12:50
rlandyqueens and master are green12:50
quiquell|roverrlandy: Talking about phase2, how do we update ansible in the jenkins jobs ?12:50
quiquell|roverrlandy: we may be hitting an ansible issue12:51
rlandyon the slave?12:51
rlandyquiquell|rover: which job and which error?12:51
quiquell|roverrlandy: I think...
openstackLaunchpad bug 1773569 in tripleo "TQE: ovb-create-stack.yml role overrides are not working as expected" [High,New] - Assigned to Quique Llorente (quiquell)12:51
quiquell|roverrlandy: Have tested locally just the -e part of the ansible execution and it's working fine12:52
quiquell|roverrlandy: Just to discard ansible versioning12:52
rlandyquiquell|rover: so there is probably a version of ansible installed on the slave, you can update that12:54
quiquell|roverrlandy: Loging and update ?12:54
rlandyquiquell|rover: is this still happening?12:54
rlandyI would guess there was a stale workspace or something but I'll send you the slav ekeys12:55
quiquell|roverrlandy: Yep that could be too, but looks like is persistent.12:55
rlandythere are two possible slaves - checking12:57
rlandyquiquell|rover: sending in pvt12:57
quiquell|roverrlandy: there is a execution from yesterday with the same issue12:57
rlandycheck both slaves13:00
ykareltosky, +1 From zuul
ykarelkopecmartin, arxcruz ^^13:01
arxcruztosky: kopecmartin please +2+w this patch13:02
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pandaweshay|ruck: sorry, rabbitmq implements AMQP, so it's entirely possible it's rabbitmq like you said, but I've seen qpid packages flying too.13:06
pandaweshay|ruck: in the package list for the log you pointed me at, I see puppet-rabbitmq, but no rabbitmq package, and I see qpid-proton package instead13:07
pandaso maybe they're switching back once again.13:08
weshay|ruckpanda, why would it work on the other jobs though?13:08
arxcruztosky: please, could you +2 +w ?13:08
quiquell|roverweshay|ruck: Addind some reviews to the bug, but still the dependencies are wrong13:08
weshay|ruckquiquell|rover, which one?13:08
rlandytrown: - not sure if I did the right thing  for the review on this card. Pls comment and I'll correct it13:09
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quiquell|roverweshay|ruck: qpid-dispatch-router-0.8.0-1.el7.x86_64 depends on
weshay|ruckquiquell|rover, we need to spend a few minutes today working on the ara config for the undercloud13:10
quiquell|roverweshay|ruck: but is installed13:10
weshay|ruckright k13:10
quiquell|roverweshay|ruck: Yep, timeout is getting more present13:10
weshay|ruckquiquell|rover, amoralej|lunch is helping?13:10
quiquell|roverweshay|ruck: yep also number80 at #rdo13:11
myoungrlandy: haven't parsed scrollback/context yet, but it's always 'safe' to rebase stable branches, can rebase them back.  If want a preview of what will happen can look at sbtest-* jobs defined.  (aside: IMO it would make sense to revisit these to remove jobs that are no longer safe enough to vote there)13:11
trownrlandy: ya I commented in the review13:11
quiquell|roverweshay|ruck: About the bug, we were installing opstools always13:11
myoungrlandy: ...but if we want to pick up TQ changes to config for BM we should just rebase them methinks13:12
trownrlandy: its right in the way I have tested on libvirt... I am going to test with an inventory that looks like CI now that we know what CI will look like13:12
rlandytrown: apologies, I just checked the card and not the review for comments - looking13:12
rlandytrown: ok - agreed - it should look more that the CI inventory if possible13:13
rlandyif that works with your test run13:14
weshay|ruckquiquell|rover, fyi.. /me is trying to fix the master fs002 upload issue13:14
trownrlandy: yep, testing that now13:14
trownrlandy: but the way you did it is how I was thinking to do it13:15
weshay|ruckpanda, lolz it's ovb we can't update zuul :)13:15
quiquell|roverweshay|ruck: ack, let me finish this other13:15
rlandymyoung: ok - I'll ff pike - let's see what shakes out - bm is broken without latest change on pike13:15
weshay|ruckquiquell|rover, aye13:15
quiquell|roverweshay|ruck: I still don't know why opstools breaks ups13:16
pandaweshay|ruck: /me facepalm13:17
quiquell|roverweshay|ruck: btw, did you change the promoter yesterday ?13:20
quiquell|roverNeed some reviews for a blocker
quiquell|rovermyoung: Do you have a brain cycle for me ?13:32
sshnaidmweshay|ruck, what's problem with ovb?13:34
weshay|rucksshnaidm, atm fs002 is failing in image prep13:34
pandaquiquell|rover: FYI some featuresets will remain broken, because they explicitly enable opstools13:35
quiquell|roverpanda: Yep, I am already talking with RDO guys, nothing we can do about it.13:36
quiquell|roverpanda: But the ones that don't will be fixed13:36
quiquell|roverpanda: What is opstools used for ?13:37
pandaquiquell|rover: approved. Frankly I have not idea :)13:37
pandaquiquell|rover: first mention of opstools is in d389e35ea4835fac1296cf04d552fb5d2b006032, and it served as alternative for packages like collectd13:38
myoungquiquell|rover: i do!  but i'm prepping for CI squad scrum in this about the LP i updated yesterday?13:39
sshnaidmweshay|ruck, hmm.. AMQPLAIN login refused: user 'guest' - invalid credentials13:39
quiquell|rovermyoung: Damn the scrum, Do I have to assist ?13:39
sshnaidmweshay|ruck, maybe still leftovers after this big puppet change where were removed rabbitmq configs13:41
weshay|ruckya.. odd thing is that other jobs in the same hash work13:42
* weshay|ruck looking at it w/ bogdan13:42
sshnaidmwhen we'll remove this puppet already..13:43
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sshnaidmand glance has the password:
myoungquiquell|rover: if you want to hop into my BJ I'll be there in a minute...context?13:46
quiquell|rovermyoung: All the notes are in the bug, want to update ansible in the slaves13:46
quiquell|rovermyoung: Has just try manually and default gets overrided correctly13:46
quiquell|rovermyoung: that's all, I am trying to update ansible in the slaves now13:46
quiquell|roverweshay|ruck: I am going to start with the ansible.cfg we need to dig into the timout thing13:48
weshay|ruckquiquell|rover, thanks13:48
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quiquell|rovermyoung, rlandy: slaves of updates with ansible 2.5.513:56
rlandycool - let's see what shakes out13:57
sshnaidmmyoung, I think is good to go13:57
quiquell|roverrlandy:  is safe to click on "REebuild Last" ?13:58
rlandyor just click on the job you want to rebuild13:58
quiquell|roverDamn: ansible-playbook
quiquell|roverok, is the tq requirements.txt14:01
myoungquiquell|rover: this woudl not be the first time a point release of ansible has caused issues :)14:01
quiquell|rovermyoung: going to update the requirements.txt14:01
myoungci squad scrum14:01
weshay|ruckI'm triple booked :(14:02
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mariostrown: can you hear me guessing not?14:10
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mariospanda: what is jjb in please14:15
mariosjenkins job builder14:16
mariosjolly jiving buffalo?14:16
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pandamarios: jenkins job builder14:20
pandamarios: jokers junk bash14:20
mariospanda: thanks14:20
weshay|ruckjolly jiving buffalo14:21
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mariosmyoung: thnks14:54
myoungmarios: dated, but might be useful...
myoungmarios: increasingly we don't care about JJB :)  but for internal stuff running on internal jenkins (and ci.centos jobs running on jenkins today) it's still relevant.  Here's where our internal jobs are defined, if curious and/or want a working example:
mariosmyoung: ack thanks14:57
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sshnaidmpanda, rfolco_ which channel?15:06
myoungweshay|ruck: arxcruz tempest standup?  or should martin and I do this quickly ?15:06
pandarfolco_: sshnaidm bj/gcerami15:06
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myoungarxcruz, weshay|ruck, going once..going twice...15:08
arxcruzmyoung: logging15:09
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rascasshnaidm, hey, I was looking at do you think you can wait me to try to run this patch on a baremetal env? Just to be a reasonable +115:17
sshnaidmrasca, of course15:17
sshnaidmrasca, please tell me if everything works for you15:17
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rascasshnaidm, testing at once, I'll comment the review15:27
sshnaidmrasca, cool, thanks15:27
arxcruzykarel|away: merged!!!15:29
arxcruztosky: weshay|ruck ^15:29
arxcruznow just wait the rpms and master should be good to go15:29
toskyarxcruz: commented elsewhere15:30
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arxcruztosky: ?15:33
toskyarxcruz: see #refstack15:34
ykarel|awayarxcruz, Great, but RDO is not consistent, we need to wait for it to be consistent15:38
rfolco_sshnaidm, which one15:39
sshnaidmrfolco_, I meant to stay there :)15:39
sshnaidmrfolco_, ok, jump to mine :)15:40
rfolco_I reconnected now15:40
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weshay|ruckarxcruz, which patch?15:51
weshay|ruckarxcruz, chandankumar kopecmartin tosky nice work, thanks all!15:53
weshay|rucknice to see all those green jobs and tripleo job15:54
toskythe good thing is that the patch is clean enough and should not need refactoring in the future, hopefully15:55
pandaweshay|ruck: you make it sound like the two groups don't intersect15:56
pandagreen jobs on one side, tripleo jobs on the other15:56
weshay|ruckpanda, no.. tripleo jobs don't always intersect w/ non-tripleo projects15:56
weshay|ruckI'm thankful to see the tripleo jobs there15:57
weshay|ruckregardless of status15:57
myoungweshay|ruck: status on the various cards for tempest squad are all in trello15:58
weshay|ruckmyoung, thanks15:59
myoungquiquell|off: sorry missed ya.  I'm on early tomorrow if need to chat still16:03
sshnaidmrfolco_, and where is this repo where you showed me "blob" file?16:08
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rfolco_sshnaidm, config repo16:56
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hubbotadarazs: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.18:49
sshnaidmmyoung, trown 70 lines in total:  (all the rest is removing files) - do we need to split it18:54
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trownsshnaidm: 70 lines seems reasonable18:56
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rlandyquiquell|off: hmm ... stack create is no longer working :(19:23
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